#! /usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # # Recommended aliases: # alias cvsfiles='cvsutil --files --print' # alias cvsignores='cvsutil --ignores --print' # alias cvsignoresall='cvsutil --ignores --workings --print' # alias cvsignoresrm='cvsutil --ignores --rm' # alias cvsignoresrmall='cvsutil --ignores --workings --rm' # alias cvsignoresallrm='cvsutil --ignores --workings --rm' use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Cwd qw(chdir fastgetcwd); use Errno qw(ENOENT); use Carp qw(confess cluck croak carp); BEGIN { if (!eval q{use File::Remove qw(remove);}) {{ sub main::remove { my $r=""; if ("SCALAR" eq ref $_[0]) { $r="-r" if ${$_[0]}; shift; } my $cmd="rm -f $r ".join(" ",map({s/'/'\\''/g;"'$_'";} @_)); my $err=system($cmd) and confess("$cmd: $cmd"); return @_; } }} } use constant ENTRIES =>"CVS/Entries"; use constant CVSIGNORE=>".cvsignore"; use constant ROOT =>"CVS/Root"; my($opt_files,$opt_ignores,$opt_workings,$opt_dirs); my($opt_rm,$opt_print); our($opt_root); # undefined=>no rooting, ""=>print roots or first phase for root checking, ne ""=>set roots my($opt_verbose,$opt_fatal); my($opt_force); # set roots without their checking my(@opt_ignore); $Getopt::Long::ignorecase=0; $Getopt::Long::bundling=1; die if !GetOptions_shortfilter( "f|files!" ,\$opt_files, "i|ignores!" ,\$opt_ignores, "w|workings!",\$opt_workings, "d|dirs!" ,\$opt_dirs, "r|rm!" ,\$opt_rm, "p|print!" ,\$opt_print, "root:s" ,\$opt_root, "v|verbose!" ,\$opt_verbose, "fatal!" ,\$opt_fatal, "force!" ,\$opt_force, "I|ignore=s" ,\@opt_ignore, ); die "--root possible only with (optional and ignored) -d|--dirs" if defined $opt_root && ($opt_files || $opt_ignores || $opt_workings || $opt_dirs || $opt_rm || $opt_print); die "-d|--dirs forbidden with -r|--rm" if $opt_dirs && $opt_rm; die "Nothing to do (no -r|--rm, no -p|--print)" if !$opt_rm && !$opt_print && !defined $opt_root; die "Nothing to process (no -f|--files, no -i|--ignores, no -w|--workings, no -d|--dirs)" if !defined $opt_root && (!$opt_files && !$opt_ignores && !$opt_workings && !$opt_dirs); my @all_ignore=("CVS"); for (@opt_ignore) { push @all_ignore,$_; @all_ignore=() if $_ eq "!"; } my($root_contents,@root_dirs); @ARGV=(".") if !@ARGV; our(@dir_dirs)=@ARGV; our(@dir_files,@dir_ignores,@dir_workings,@dir_victims); our($dir_dirname)=""; unless ((defined $opt_root && $opt_root ne "") && $opt_force) { local($opt_root)=$opt_root; $opt_root="" if defined $opt_root && $opt_root ne ""; localdircore(); } actionrootfinal() if defined $opt_root && $opt_root eq ""; if (defined $opt_root && $opt_root ne "") { die "Non-matching \"".ROOT."\" contents, use --force for override" if !@root_dirs && !$opt_force; localdircore(); } exit 0; sub mayfatal { my($msg,%opts)=@_; my $errstr=$!; $msg.=" in \"".fastgetcwd."\" (CVS \"$dir_dirname\")".($opts{"noerrno"} ? "" : ": $errstr"); croak $msg if $opt_fatal; carp $msg; } sub fordirs { my($func,@dirs)=@_; my $origdir=fastgetcwd; for (@dirs) { if (!chdir $_) { mayfatal "Unable to process directory \"$_\""; next; } &$func($_); chdir $origdir; } } sub localdir { my($localdirname)=@_; verbose("localdir(\"$localdirname\") entry"); local(@dir_dirs,@dir_files,@dir_ignores,@dir_workings,@dir_victims); local($dir_dirname)=$dir_dirname.$localdirname."/"; localreaddir() or return; localdircore(); verbose("localdir(\"$localdirname\") exit"); } sub localdircore { localvictims() if !defined $opt_root; localaction(); fordirs \&localdir,@dir_dirs; } sub filterout { my($from,@what)=@_; my %hash=map { $_=>1; } @$from; for (@what) { delete $hash{$_}; } return keys %hash; } sub localreaddir { local *E; if (!open E,ENTRIES) { mayfatal "File \"".ENTRIES."\" cannot be opened"; return 0; } while () { chomp; next if /^D$/; do { push @dir_dirs ,$1; next; } if m#^D/([^/]*)/#; next if m#^/[^/]*/-#; # deleted file: /filename/-1.1/dummy timestamp// next if m#^/[^/]*/0/#; # new file: /filename/0/dummy timestamp// do { push @dir_files,$1; next; } if m#^/([^/]*)/# ; mayfatal "File ".ENTRIES." contains invalid line \"$_\"",("noerrno"=>1); } close E; return 1 if defined $opt_root; local *I; if (open I,CVSIGNORE) { while () { while (/\S+/g) { for (<$&>) { push @dir_ignores,$_ if -e $_; } } } close I; @dir_ignores=filterout \@dir_ignores,@dir_dirs,@dir_files; } else { mayfatal "File \"".CVSIGNORE."\" cannot be opened" if !$!{ENOENT}; } local *D; if (!opendir D,".") { mayfatal "Cannot read directory \".\""; return 0; } @dir_workings=filterout [readdir D],@dir_dirs,@dir_files,@dir_ignores,@all_ignore,".",".."; closedir D; return 1; } sub localvictims { push @dir_victims,@dir_files if $opt_files; push @dir_victims,@dir_ignores if $opt_ignores; push @dir_victims,@dir_workings if $opt_workings; push @dir_victims,@dir_dirs if $opt_dirs; } sub localactionprint { my($filename)=@_; mayfatal "File \"$filename\" does not exist",("noerrno"=>1) if !-e $filename; print "${dir_dirname}$filename\n"; } sub localactionrm { my($filename)=@_; chmod 0600,$filename or do { mayfatal "File \"$_\" cannot be chmod(2)ed" if !$!{ENOENT}; }; # '\1' for '-r': remove \1,$filename or do { mayfatal "File \"$_\" cannot be removed" if !$!{ENOENT}; }; } sub localactionrootset { local *R; if (!open R,'+<',ROOT) { mayfatal "File \"".ROOT."\" cannot be written"; return; } print R "$opt_root\n"; truncate R,tell R; close R; } sub localactionrootprint { local *R; if (!open R,ROOT) { mayfatal "File \"".ROOT."\" cannot be opened"; return; } local $/=undef; localactionrootprintcheck(); close R; } sub localactionrootprintcheck { my($contents)=@_; if (!defined $root_contents) { push @root_dirs,$dir_dirname; $root_contents=$contents; return; } if (@root_dirs && $root_contents eq $contents) { push @root_dirs,$dir_dirname; return; } if (@root_dirs) { print map "$_: $root_contents",@root_dirs; @root_dirs=(); } print "$dir_dirname: $contents"; } sub actionrootfinal { return if !@root_dirs; print $root_contents; } sub localaction { if ("" ne $dir_dirname && defined $opt_root) { localactionrootset() if defined $opt_root && "" ne $opt_root; localactionrootprint() if defined $opt_root && "" eq $opt_root; return; } for (@dir_victims) { localactionprint $_ if $opt_print; localactionrm $_ if $opt_rm; } } sub verbose { my($msg)=@_; return if !$opt_verbose; print fastgetcwd.": $msg\n"; } sub GetOptions_shortfilter { my @r; while ($_=shift) { if (/^(\w)\|/) { my $ref=shift; push @r,$1,$ref,$',$ref; next; } push @r,$_; } return GetOptions @r; }