Q: Latest CVS? A: Access to the latest CVS development tree: cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs login Just hit ENTER (empty password) cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs -z3 checkout -d captive priv/captive cd captive cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs -z3 checkout -d reactos -r captive -kk priv/reactos The final mapping of directories to CVS repository after the step above: captive -> priv/captive captive/macros -> macros captive/reactos -> priv/reactos Current diff of captive changes against reactos (it may have backlog): cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs -z3 rdiff -u -R -r bp_captive -r captive priv/reactos Official reactos website: http://www.reactos.com/ Access to the original reactos source tree (mirrored to my "priv/reactos"): cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon@mok.lvcm.com:/CVS/ReactOS login Type the password "cvsanon" (without quotes) cvs -d :pserver:cvsanon@mok.lvcm.com:/CVS/ReactOS -z3 checkout reactos You may also like ViewCVS web access to the repository: http://cvs.jankratochvil.net/viewcvs/priv/captive/ http://cvs.jankratochvil.net/viewcvs/priv/reactos/?only_with_tag=captive http://cvs.jankratochvil.net/viewcvs/macros/ Finally you can compile the package from the "captive" directory: ./autogen.pl make The package gets preconfigured with --enable-maintainer-mode option automatically by './autogen.pl'. You can later just update the "captive" subdirectory if it is your currentdir: cvs update ./autogen.pl make Although './autogen.pl' should not be needed do not bugreport if it wan't rerun as some dependencies may not be respected by the package. Q: Why it is based on static structures, no multithreading possibility? A: reactos has also static design therefore there would be no possibility to use the whole libcaptive in multithreaded way. Another question is whether to support multithreading in the scope of one reactos machine - this would be possible but it is not yet implemented in libcaptive. All such points should be marked by "TODO:thread" Q: Prefer during libcaptive coding the GNU stylee or reactos (=W32) coding style? A: Hard decision as captive connects these two worls together. It was decided to prefer coding in GNU style in the Gnome specific way. Full function replaces apparently must use the same calling conventions. Coding of the full-replace should be done in GNU style if coded from scratch although it is permitted to leave the original function code if only minor modifications were performed (decide whether it is not better to patch reactos source files instead to keep the code unified). Any other code besides function replace should use GNU style calling conventions. All the normal (GNU) world uses 32-bit wchar_t but reactos (=W32) uses 16-bit (unsigned short) wchar_t. This would need GCC -fshort-wchar option. It has effect on L"literal-string" or L'c' character-constants. Unfortunately they expect libc-named functions such as wcsrchr(3) to also follow this broken 16-bit way. FIXME: reactos-compat-includes Q: How is the libcaptive project trustworthy? A: We have to run foreign native closed-source W32 code which is certainly NOT trust trustworthy in any way. We could close it to some separate address space and give it some safe gateways to invoce our code for the public world (read "UNIX processes") interaction. It would be too much complicated without any gain thus we choose to open our libcaptive-using process to any attacks by W32 but the whole libcaptive process MUST be closed by a sandbox. Of course all the communication with libcaptive must be taken with care by taint-aware code. Q: How to check valid input arguments? Invalid processing state assumptions? A: libcaptive uses uses various Gnome macros out of . The common final still should run safely when all theses checks are disabled as the bug-free code should never invoce them. This is the same for libcaptive with a little excuse for foreign native closed-source W32 code beign run which can never be trusted. As we glued all the libcaptive code together with the W32 code we no longer can protect all the borders to the enemy land inside the one tainted process. Therefore even fully trusted libcaptive code can never safely run with checks disabled. YMMV if your trust W32 code. Be aware that W32 code has to also handle correctly all the corrupted disk data structure to comply with such trusted relationship. I really dunno if it complies but I don't care as I don't trust anyway. Q: Is it safe to captive_cleanup() the process and captive_init() it again? A: It should be possible to fully cleanup the state of libcaptive even after failures. It is currently not implemented and it may get dropped at all in the future as libcaptive process MUST be sandboxed anyway. You are recommended (currently required) to terminate the sandboxed process and initialize the new one instead of captive_cleanup(). Q: I am missing symbol although it is already implemented by reactos. A: First look at $(top_srcdir)/src/libcaptive/ke/exports.captivesym where it may be enough to add such symbol to the list of exported symbols. If it is not compiled at all find such symbol definition in reactos. If such file or directory isn't listed in captive reactos compilation part you may need to add it to $(top_srcdir)/src/libcaptive/reactos/ according to the template files around - you will really only add the file to Makefile.am, no real file gets copied there (just symlinked automatically). Usuaully you will also like to edit the appended file and simplify it by lines #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE and #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ as too much (useless for you now) code would have dependencies on other missing code and you would get into never ending race of solving missing ones. If the feature being implemented is some feature not needed or not suitable for the emulation by libcaptive you should implement the emulation below $(top_srcdir)/src/libcaptive/ directly. The filename should conform to the reactos directory tree standard if applicable. Always rather implement emply emulation function than patching the referring code to prevent code development conflicts with the mainstream reactos. Q: Why not Wine instead of ReactOS? A: Although Wine has better development activity than ReactOS the decision is strictly technical. We need to run W32 file system driver which always lives in kernel-land in W32 system design. guest-OS host-OS implements core library correspondence Wine GNU/Linux user ntdll ReactOS i386 hardware kernel+user ntoskrnl (ReactOS is going to reuse Wine for its 'user' part.) FIXME: href in the table title: host-OS: http://www.vmware.com/support/reference/common/glossary/#hostos guest-OS: http://www.vmware.com/support/reference/common/glossary/#guestos While ReactOS is nice to provide us the wanted kernel emulation we also need to run the guest-OS in GNU/Linux. Initially I wanted to extend Wine to the kernel emulation effort but fortunately Steven Edwards pointed me to the ReactOS project which better suits the needs of captive. The host-OS problem unfortunately hits us on ReactOS but this isn't much hard task. W32 is designed to be hardware-independent using its hal.dll. Unfortunately ReactOS doesn't follow this design and thus we have to patch and replace various parts of hardware-dependent code even inside ntoskrnl.exe. Some functions are provided both by ntdll.dll and ntoskrnl.exe in W32. Suggested by Casper Hornstrup this has to be differentiated as ntdll.dll lives in the userland (low addressspace) and ntoskrnl.exe in the kernelland (high addressspace). Unfortunately these two guys are very far each other and they would have serious problems to correctly hear themselves as the addresspace differentiates at 0x80000000. For completeness it may also differentiate at 0xC0000000 address instead depending on whether /3GB was specified during startup. BTW reactos always uses 0xC0000000 point (macro KERNEL_BASE) although this address doesn't apply in any way on reactos running in host-OS GNU/Linux when compiled for libcaptive. Q: Is libcaptive limited to filesystems? What about general W32 driver support? A: Yes, libcaptive implements W32 kernel subsystem (mostly by reactos) in GNU/Linux. It should be possible to use it for any kernel-level W32 closed-source binary although you will need to extend the currently filesystem-centric supported W32 kernel API functions and you may also need to extend 'libcaptive/ps/signal.c' SIGSEGV handler to emulate possible W32 driver access to hardware (if not solved by some more straightforward access permission). Q: What is Ordinal in the W32 library symbols import/export scope? A: Each exported symbol has its Ordinal specified - this number specifies the offset in the library symbol table. During the symbol import from a different module it can specify either the full symbol name or just this number - Ordinal. I dunno why it was ever created as the symbol name string size is very tiny. Fortunately the current versions of W32 binaries no longer utilize this Ordinal feature thus captive doesn't provide them in its export. Q: Why I don't see debug info for imported binary W32 modules? Do you use W32 symbol files? Q: W32 symbol files have different debugging info structure. We would have to convert it and I am not aware Wine or ReactOS already done this task. Not yet implemented and I currently do not plan to do it. Q: Any competiting projects? A: Depending on your demands you may be interested in one of: PowerQuest PartitionMagic: proprietary; $70 Acronis OS Selector: proprietary; $45 Q: Do you differentiate cdecl/stdcall/fastcall functions? A: W32 uses three different types of function calls. captive is completely compiled with the GNU standard function calls "cdecl" - _even_ the functions from reactos source files with different design function call type (=calltype) are all compiled as GNU standard "cdecl" ones and thus the whole project uses one unified calltype. There is always one 'relaying' function generated inside libcaptive/ke/exports.c file named functionname_calltype (such as functionname_fastcall etc.). Relaying function are generated as:
No relaying function generated, just a simple #define. You won't see this function in the gdb backtrace. We cannot generate it by C code as we do not know the number of its arguments. We require the host OS GCC feature "__attribute__((__cdecl__))" although it should be the default function call.
Relaying stub generated, all arguments passed. We require the host OS GCC feature "__attribute__((__stdcall__))".
W32 puts first two arguments to ECX and EDX. GCC puts the arguments in the order EAX, EDX, ECX, ... Although GCC can change this order by "-mreg-alloc=REGS" commandline option such option is not supported by stock GNU/Linux GCC compilers. Therefore we pretend an unused first argument and swap the order of second vs. third function argument to get the right parameter pass. We require the host OS GCC feature "__attribute__((__regparm__(3)))". We require the host OS GCC feature "__attribute__((__stdcall__))".
32-bit return value in EAX is always passed back although it may be vain. Please see the documentation of "captivesym.pl" for more information. Unfortutely the situation is dense during calling from the standard calltype forced captive/reactos to the foreign binary W32 code as this code we cannot recompile in any way. All function prototypes leading to the W32 binary code are declared by CAPTIVE_CDECL or CAPTIVE_STDCALL macros from "captive/calltype_reactos.h". These macros have to be #ifdef-ed inside reactos code as they are not available during standalong reactos compilation. CAPTIVE_FASTCALL is not provided but it should not be needed as the non-core kernel code inside foreign W32 binaries usually does not provide any FASTCALL functions. There may be problem if some internal reactos code gets compiled while being called through CAPTIVE_CDECL or CAPTIVE_STDCALL declared protypes - there is currently no such case known. Q: What happens if the calltype differs than expected by caller/callee? A: If it is fastcall/non-fastcall type you will usually find it easily as the passed arguments will differ. stdcall/cdecl types is much harder as the only effect will be unexpected ESP returned which gets automatically corrected during the caller function return from EBP. We may do some sanity checking in libcaptive/ps/signal.c SIGSEGV handler but any such solution is just a perusing of expected W32 binary code stack frame handling code. It is not possible to correctly do such sanity check as it would have to be coded directly into the W32 binary code. Q: Which registers get saved during various function calltypes? A: EDI, ESI, EBX is always saved on stack. It is stored on the stack in this particular order from bottom to top addresses (therefure it is stored by 'push EBX', 'push ESI', 'push EDI'). Fortunately GNU/Linux GCC AFAIK has the same register saving behaviour. If you get some register corruption please check function calltypes. Q: Why do you call the platform "W32"? A: http://mail.gnu.org/pipermail/libtool/2000-September/000110.html Q: What captive-specific W32 registry entries do you use? A: "\captive\filesystem" as the base path for the loaded W32 filesystem Q: Why do you use reactos instead of native ntoskrnl.exe? A: Although the reactos implementation is not native and therefore it will always have has some incompatibilities with native W32 platform it is much easier to debug anything with source-available code. If there will be serious compatibility problems we may start replacing reactos implementation with native ntoskrnl.exe code but it should be considered as last resort - it is enough pain to debug closed source filesystem drivers behaviour while all the other system components are still opensourced. Not using ntoskrnl.exe has no license gain as you already need valid W32 licence to use native filesystem driver. Any known W32 license covering W32 native filesystem driver also covers ntoskrnl.exe. Q: Messages / logging reporting? A: Everything gets passed to GLib logging system with log_domain "Captive". You may register your own message handling function with g_log_set_handler(). If you run in CORBA-split mode the messages are immediately transparently transferred between both glib-message contexts through CORBA interface. Eric Kohl, reactos developer: ..." and ReactOS cannot run on Linux!" "ReactOS won't run on Linux because of direct hardware access!"