#ifndef __INCLUDE_DDK_KEFUNCS_H #define __INCLUDE_DDK_KEFUNCS_H /* KERNEL FUNCTIONS ********************************************************/ #define KeFlushIoBuffers(Mdl, ReadOperation, DmaOperation) VOID STDCALL KeAttachProcess (struct _EPROCESS* Process); VOID KeDrainApcQueue(VOID); struct _KPROCESS* KeGetCurrentProcess(VOID); /* * FUNCTION: Acquires a spinlock so the caller can synchronize access to * data * ARGUMENTS: * SpinLock = Initialized spinlock * OldIrql (OUT) = Set the previous irql on return */ VOID STDCALL KeAcquireSpinLock (PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, PKIRQL OldIrql); VOID STDCALL KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel (PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock); /* * FUNCTION: Brings the system down in a controlled manner when an * inconsistency that might otherwise cause corruption has been detected * ARGUMENTS: * BugCheckCode = Specifies the reason for the bug check * RETURNS: Doesn't */ VOID STDCALL KeBugCheck (ULONG BugCheckCode); /* * FUNCTION: Brings the system down in a controlled manner when an * inconsistency that might otherwise cause corruption has been detected * ARGUMENTS: * BugCheckCode = Specifies the reason for the bug check * BugCheckParameter[1-4] = Additional information about bug * RETURNS: Doesn't */ VOID STDCALL KeBugCheckEx (ULONG BugCheckCode, ULONG BugCheckParameter1, ULONG BugCheckParameter2, ULONG BugCheckParameter3, ULONG BugCheckParameter4); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeCancelTimer (PKTIMER Timer); VOID STDCALL KeClearEvent (PKEVENT Event); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeConnectInterrupt(PKINTERRUPT InterruptObject); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeDelayExecutionThread (KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, BOOLEAN Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER Internal); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback ( PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord); VOID STDCALL KeDetachProcess (VOID); VOID STDCALL KeDisconnectInterrupt(PKINTERRUPT InterruptObject); VOID STDCALL KeEnterCriticalRegion (VOID); /* * FUNCTION: Enters the kernel debugger * ARGUMENTS: * None */ VOID STDCALL KeEnterKernelDebugger (VOID); VOID STDCALL KeFlushWriteBuffer (VOID); KIRQL STDCALL KeGetCurrentIrql (VOID); ULONG KeGetCurrentProcessorNumber(VOID); struct _KTHREAD* STDCALL KeGetCurrentThread (VOID); ULONG KeGetDcacheFillSize(VOID); ULONG STDCALL KeGetPreviousMode (VOID); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeApc (PKAPC Apc, struct _KTHREAD* Thread, UCHAR StateIndex, PKKERNEL_ROUTINE KernelRoutine, PKRUNDOWN_ROUTINE RundownRoutine, PKNORMAL_ROUTINE NormalRoutine, UCHAR Mode, PVOID Context); /* * VOID * KeInitializeCallbackRecord ( * PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord * ); */ #define KeInitializeCallbackRecord(CallbackRecord) \ (CallbackRecord)->State = BufferEmpty VOID STDCALL KeInitializeDeviceQueue (PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeDpc (PKDPC Dpc, PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE DeferredRoutine, PVOID DeferredContext); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeEvent (PKEVENT Event, EVENT_TYPE Type, BOOLEAN State); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeInitializeInterrupt(PKINTERRUPT InterruptObject, PKSERVICE_ROUTINE ServiceRoutine, PVOID ServiceContext, PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, ULONG Vector, KIRQL Irql, KIRQL SynchronizeIrql, KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode, BOOLEAN ShareVector, KAFFINITY ProcessorEnableMask, BOOLEAN FloatingSave); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeMutant(IN PKMUTANT Mutant, IN BOOLEAN InitialOwner); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeMutex (PKMUTEX Mutex, ULONG Level); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN ULONG Count); PLIST_ENTRY STDCALL KeRundownQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeSemaphore (PKSEMAPHORE Semaphore, LONG Count, LONG Limit); /* * FUNCTION: Initializes a spinlock * ARGUMENTS: * SpinLock = Spinlock to initialize */ VOID STDCALL KeInitializeSpinLock (PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeTimer (PKTIMER Timer); VOID STDCALL KeInitializeTimerEx (PKTIMER Timer, TIMER_TYPE Type); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue (PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue, PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY QueueEntry, ULONG SortKey); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeInsertDeviceQueue (PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue, PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY DeviceQueueEntry); LONG STDCALL KeInsertHeadQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry); LONG STDCALL KeInsertQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN PLIST_ENTRY Entry); VOID STDCALL KeInsertQueueApc (PKAPC Apc, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2, UCHAR Mode); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeInsertQueueDpc (PKDPC Dpc, PVOID SystemArgument1, PVOID SystemArgument2); VOID STDCALL KeLeaveCriticalRegion (VOID); VOID STDCALL KeLowerIrql (KIRQL NewIrql); NTSTATUS STDCALL KePulseEvent (PKEVENT Event, KPRIORITY Increment, BOOLEAN Wait); LARGE_INTEGER STDCALL KeQueryPerformanceCounter ( PLARGE_INTEGER PerformanceFrequency ); VOID STDCALL KeQuerySystemTime ( PLARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime ); VOID STDCALL KeQueryTickCount ( PLARGE_INTEGER TickCount ); ULONG STDCALL KeQueryTimeIncrement ( VOID ); VOID STDCALL KeRaiseIrql ( KIRQL NewIrql, PKIRQL OldIrql ); KIRQL STDCALL KeRaiseIrqlToDpcLevel ( VOID ); KIRQL STDCALL KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel ( VOID ); /* * FUNCTION: Raises a user mode exception * ARGUMENTS: * ExceptionCode = Status code of the exception */ VOID STDCALL KeRaiseUserException ( IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode ); LONG STDCALL KeReadStateEvent ( PKEVENT Event ); LONG STDCALL KeReadStateMutant(IN PKMUTANT Mutant); LONG STDCALL KeReadStateMutex(IN PKMUTEX Mutex); LONG STDCALL KeReadStateQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue); LONG STDCALL KeReadStateSemaphore(IN PKSEMAPHORE Semaphore); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeReadStateTimer(IN PKTIMER Timer); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeRegisterBugCheckCallback ( PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD CallbackRecord, PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_ROUTINE CallbackRoutine, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, PUCHAR Component ); LONG STDCALL KeReleaseMutant( IN PKMUTANT Mutant, IN KPRIORITY Increment, IN BOOLEAN Abandon, IN BOOLEAN Wait ); LONG STDCALL KeReleaseMutex ( PKMUTEX Mutex, BOOLEAN Wait ); LONG STDCALL KeReleaseSemaphore ( PKSEMAPHORE Semaphore, KPRIORITY Increment, LONG Adjustment, BOOLEAN Wait ); VOID STDCALL KeReleaseSpinLock ( PKSPIN_LOCK Spinlock, KIRQL NewIrql ); VOID STDCALL KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel ( PKSPIN_LOCK Spinlock ); PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY STDCALL KeRemoveByKeyDeviceQueue ( PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue, ULONG SortKey ); PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY STDCALL KeRemoveDeviceQueue ( PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue ); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeRemoveEntryDeviceQueue(PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue, PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY DeviceQueueEntry); PLIST_ENTRY STDCALL KeRemoveQueue(IN PKQUEUE Queue, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, IN PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout OPTIONAL); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeRemoveQueueDpc(IN PKDPC Dpc); LONG STDCALL KeResetEvent(IN PKEVENT Event); LONG STDCALL KeSetBasePriorityThread(struct _KTHREAD* Thread, LONG Increment); LONG STDCALL KeSetEvent ( PKEVENT Event, KPRIORITY Increment, BOOLEAN Wait ); KPRIORITY STDCALL KeSetPriorityThread (struct _KTHREAD* Thread, KPRIORITY Priority); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeSetTimer (PKTIMER Timer, LARGE_INTEGER DueTime, PKDPC Dpc); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeSetTimerEx (PKTIMER Timer, LARGE_INTEGER DueTime, LONG Period, PKDPC Dpc); VOID STDCALL KeStallExecutionProcessor (ULONG MicroSeconds); BOOLEAN STDCALL KeSynchronizeExecution (PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, PKSYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE SynchronizeRoutine, PVOID SynchronizeContext); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeWaitForMultipleObjects (ULONG Count, PVOID Object[], WAIT_TYPE WaitType, KWAIT_REASON WaitReason, KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, BOOLEAN Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout, PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlockArray); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeWaitForMutexObject ( PKMUTEX Mutex, KWAIT_REASON WaitReason, KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, BOOLEAN Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout ); NTSTATUS STDCALL KeWaitForSingleObject ( PVOID Object, KWAIT_REASON WaitReason, KPROCESSOR_MODE WaitMode, BOOLEAN Alertable, PLARGE_INTEGER Timeout ); // io permission map has a 8k size // Each bit in the IOPM corresponds to an io port byte address. The bitmap // is initialized to allow IO at any port. [ all bits set ]. typedef struct _IOPM { UCHAR Bitmap[8192]; } IOPM, *PIOPM; /* * FUNCTION: Provides the kernel with a new access map for a driver * ARGUMENTS: * NewMap: = If FALSE the kernel's map is set to all disabled. If TRUE * the kernel disables access to a particular port. * IoPortMap = Caller supplies storage for the io permission map. * REMARKS * Each bit in the IOPM corresponds to an io port byte address. The bitmap * is initialized to allow IO at any port. [ all bits set ]. The IOPL determines * the minium privilege level required to perform IO prior to checking the permission map. */ VOID Ke386SetIoAccessMap(ULONG NewMap, PIOPM *IoPermissionMap); /* * FUNCTION: Queries the io permission map. * ARGUMENTS: * NewMap: = If FALSE the kernel's map is set to all disabled. If TRUE * the kernel disables access to a particular port. * IoPortMap = Caller supplies storage for the io permission map. * REMARKS * Each bit in the IOPM corresponds to an io port byte address. The bitmap * is initialized to allow IO at any port. [ all bits set ]. The IOPL determines * the minium privilege level required to perform IO prior to checking the permission map. */ VOID Ke386QueryIoAccessMap(BOOLEAN NewMap, PIOPM *IoPermissionMap); /* * FUNCTION: Set the process IOPL * ARGUMENTS: * Eprocess = Pointer to a executive process object * EnableIo = Specify TRUE to enable IO and FALSE to disable */ NTSTATUS Ke386IoSetAccessProcess(struct _EPROCESS* Eprocess, BOOLEAN EnableIo); /* * FUNCTION: Releases a set of Global Descriptor Table Selectors * ARGUMENTS: * SelArray = * NumOfSelectors = */ NTSTATUS KeI386ReleaseGdtSelectors(OUT PULONG SelArray, IN ULONG NumOfSelectors); /* * FUNCTION: Allocates a set of Global Descriptor Table Selectors * ARGUMENTS: * SelArray = * NumOfSelectors = */ NTSTATUS KeI386AllocateGdtSelectors(OUT PULONG SelArray, IN ULONG NumOfSelectors); KIRQL FASTCALL KfAcquireSpinLock ( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock ); VOID FASTCALL KfLowerIrql ( IN KIRQL NewIrql ); KIRQL FASTCALL KfRaiseIrql ( IN KIRQL NewIrql ); VOID FASTCALL KfReleaseSpinLock ( IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, IN KIRQL NewIrql ); VOID STDCALL KiDeliverApc(ULONG Unknown1, ULONG Unknown2, ULONG Unknown3); VOID STDCALL KiDispatchInterrupt(VOID); #endif /* __INCLUDE_DDK_KEFUNCS_H */