/* $Id$ * */ #ifndef __DDK_RTLTYPES_H #define __DDK_RTLTYPES_H #define COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE 0x0000 #define COMPRESSION_FORMAT_DEFAULT 0x0001 #define COMPRESSION_FORMAT_LZNT1 0x0002 #define COMPRESSION_ENGINE_STANDARD 0x0000 #define COMPRESSION_ENGINE_MAXIMUM 0x0100 #define COMPRESSION_ENGINE_HIBER 0x0200 typedef struct _INITIAL_TEB { ULONG StackCommit; ULONG StackReserve; PVOID StackBase; PVOID StackLimit; PVOID StackAllocate; } INITIAL_TEB, *PINITIAL_TEB; typedef struct _CONTROLLER_OBJECT { CSHORT Type; CSHORT Size; PVOID ControllerExtension; KDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceWaitQueue; ULONG Spare1; LARGE_INTEGER Spare2; } CONTROLLER_OBJECT, *PCONTROLLER_OBJECT; typedef struct _STRING { /* * Length in bytes of the string stored in buffer */ USHORT Length; /* * Maximum length of the string */ USHORT MaximumLength; /* * String */ PCHAR Buffer; } STRING, *PSTRING; typedef STRING ANSI_STRING; typedef PSTRING PANSI_STRING; typedef STRING OEM_STRING; typedef PSTRING POEM_STRING; typedef struct _TIME_FIELDS { CSHORT Year; CSHORT Month; CSHORT Day; CSHORT Hour; CSHORT Minute; CSHORT Second; CSHORT Milliseconds; CSHORT Weekday; } TIME_FIELDS, *PTIME_FIELDS; typedef struct _RTL_BITMAP { ULONG SizeOfBitMap; PULONG Buffer; } RTL_BITMAP, *PRTL_BITMAP; typedef struct _RTL_HEAP_DEFINITION { ULONG Length; ULONG Unknown[11]; } RTL_HEAP_DEFINITION, *PRTL_HEAP_DEFINITION; typedef struct _RTL_ATOM_TABLE { ULONG TableSize; ULONG NumberOfAtoms; PVOID Lock; /* fast mutex (kernel mode)/ critical section (user mode) */ PVOID HandleTable; LIST_ENTRY Slot[0]; } RTL_ATOM_TABLE, *PRTL_ATOM_TABLE; typedef struct _LB_RANGE { UCHAR upper; UCHAR lower; } LB_RANGE; typedef struct _RTL_NLS_DATA { USHORT CodePage; USHORT MaxCharacterSize; // SBCS = 1, DBCS = 2 WCHAR DefaultCharacter; WCHAR char1; WCHAR char2; WCHAR char3; USHORT DbcsFlag; LB_RANGE LeadByteRange[6]; USHORT reserved; PWCHAR MultiByteToUnicode; PCHAR UnicodeToMultiByte; PWCHAR DosMultiByteToUnicode; PCHAR DbcsTags; } RTL_NLS_DATA, *PRTL_NLS_DATA; typedef struct _RTL_NLS_TABLE { RTL_NLS_DATA OemInfo; RTL_NLS_DATA AnsiInfo; PWCHAR UpcaseTable; PWCHAR DowncaseTable; } RTL_NLS_TABLE, *PRTL_NLS_TABLE; typedef struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS { struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *Parent; struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *LeftChild; struct _RTL_SPLAY_LINKS *RightChild; } RTL_SPLAY_LINKS, *PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS; typedef struct _RTL_GENERIC_TABLE { PVOID RootElement; ULONG Unknown2; ULONG Unknown3; ULONG Unknown4; ULONG Unknown5; ULONG ElementCount; PVOID CompareRoutine; PVOID AllocateRoutine; PVOID FreeRoutine; ULONG UserParameter; } RTL_GENERIC_TABLE, *PRTL_GENERIC_TABLE; typedef struct _RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY { USHORT Length; USHORT Flags; UCHAR Text[1]; } RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY, *PRTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY; typedef struct _RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK { ULONG LowId; ULONG HighId; ULONG OffsetToEntries; } RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK, *PRTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK; typedef struct _RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA { ULONG NumberOfBlocks; RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK Blocks[1]; } RTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA, *PRTL_MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA; typedef NTSTATUS STDCALL (*PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_ROUTINE)(PWSTR ValueName, ULONG ValueType, PVOID ValueData, ULONG ValueLength, PVOID Context, PVOID EntryContext); typedef struct _RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE { PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_ROUTINE QueryRoutine; ULONG Flags; PWSTR Name; PVOID EntryContext; ULONG DefaultType; PVOID DefaultData; ULONG DefaultLength; } RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE, *PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE; typedef struct _GENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT { USHORT Checksum; BOOLEAN CheckSumInserted; UCHAR NameLength; WCHAR NameBuffer[8]; ULONG ExtensionLength; WCHAR ExtensionBuffer[4]; ULONG LastIndexValue; } GENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT, *PGENERATE_NAME_CONTEXT; typedef struct _COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO { USHORT CompressionFormatAndEngine; UCHAR CompressionUnitShift; UCHAR ChunkShift; UCHAR ClusterShift; UCHAR Reserved; USHORT NumberOfChunks; ULONG CompressedChunkSizes[1]; } COMPRESSED_DATA_INFO, *PCOMPRESSED_DATA_INFO; #endif /* __DDK_RTLTYPES_H */