/**[txh]******************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2004 by Salvador E. Tropea. Covered by the GPL license. Module: Miscellaneous commands. Comments: GDB/MI commands for the "Miscellaneous Commands" section.@p @
gdb command:       Implemented?

-gdb-exit          Yes
-gdb-set           Yes
-gdb-show          Yes
-gdb-version       Yes
GDB Bug workaround for "-gdb-show architecture": gdb 6.1 and olders doesn't report it in "value", but they give the output of "show architecture". In 6.4 we observed that not even a clue is reported. So now we always use "show architecture". ***************************************************************************/ #include #include "mi_gdb.h" /* Low level versions. */ void mi_gdb_exit(mi_h *h) { mi_send(h,"-gdb-exit\n"); } void mi_gdb_version(mi_h *h) { mi_send(h,"-gdb-version\n"); } void mi_gdb_set(mi_h *h, const char *var, const char *val) { mi_send(h,"-gdb-set %s %s\n",var,val); } void mi_gdb_show(mi_h *h, const char *var) { if (strcmp(var,"architecture")==0) mi_send(h,"show %s\n",var); else mi_send(h,"-gdb-show %s\n",var); } /* High level versions. */ /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Exit gdb killing the child is it is running. Command: -gdb-exit ***************************************************************************/ void gmi_gdb_exit(mi_h *h) { mi_gdb_exit(h); mi_res_simple_exit(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Send the version to the console. Command: -gdb-version Return: !=0 OK ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_gdb_version(mi_h *h) { mi_gdb_version(h); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Set a gdb variable. Command: -gdb-set Return: !=0 OK ***************************************************************************/ int gmi_gdb_set(mi_h *h, const char *var, const char *val) { mi_gdb_set(h,var,val); return mi_res_simple_done(h); } /**[txh]******************************************************************** Description: Get a gdb variable. Command: -gdb-show Return: The current value of the variable or NULL on error. ***************************************************************************/ char *gmi_gdb_show(mi_h *h, const char *var) { mi_gdb_show(h,var); return mi_res_value(h); }