/* * fsctl.c * Copyright (C) 2002 Florin Malita * * This file is part of LUFS, a free userspace filesystem implementation. * See http://lufs.sourceforge.net/ for updates. * * LUFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LUFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef __USE_GNU #define __USE_GNU #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "list.h" #include "message.h" #include "fsctl.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "dircache.h" char sock_name[MAX_LEN]; static int usr1Handler_hit=0; static void usr1Handler(int sig){ TRACE("usr1Handler..."); usr1Handler_hit=1; } static void sig_handler(int sig){ TRACE("got a signal: %d", sig); signal(sig, sig_handler); } static void* thread_launcher(void *params){ struct thread_info *p = (struct thread_info*)params; struct file_system *fs = p->fs; int sock = p->sock; pid_t ppid = p->ppid; TRACE("thread created"); if(fs) { handle_fs(fs, sock, ppid); }else{ WARN("could not instantiate filesystem (out of mem?) !"); } if(fs->fs_ops->umount){ TRACE("unmounting filesystem..."); fs->fs_ops->umount(fs->fs_context); } TRACE("freeing filesystem..."); fs->fs_ops->free(fs->fs_context); free(fs); close(sock); TRACE("thread exiting..."); return NULL; } #define BUF_SIZE 1024 #define PASSWD "/etc/passwd" #define GROUP "/etc/group" static int load_credentials(struct fs_ctl *ctl, struct file_system *fs){ static char buf[BUF_SIZE]; char srch_str[MAX_LEN + 4]; long int uid, gid; int res, offset, chunk, readlen; char *c; TRACE("loading remote credentials for %s", ctl->cred.user); if((!ctl->fs_ops->open) || (!ctl->fs_ops->read) || (!ctl->fs_ops->release)){ WARN("unsupported operation"); return -1;; } ctl->cred.uid = ctl->cred.gid = -1; if(ctl->fs_ops->open(fs->fs_context, PASSWD, O_RDONLY) < 0){ TRACE("could not open %s", PASSWD); return -1; } sprintf(srch_str, "\n%s:", ctl->cred.user); chunk = strlen(srch_str) + 64; readlen = BUF_SIZE - chunk - 1; memset(buf, 32, chunk); offset = 0; do{ res = ctl->fs_ops->read(fs->fs_context, PASSWD, offset, readlen, (buf + chunk)); if(res > 0){ *(buf + chunk + res) = 0; if((c = strstr(buf, srch_str))){ TRACE("username found!"); if(!(c = strchr(c + strlen(srch_str), ':'))){ TRACE("separator not found!"); }else{ if(sscanf(c , ":%li:%li:", &uid, &gid) != 2){ TRACE("uid/gid not found!"); }else{ TRACE("uid: %li, gid: %li", uid, gid); ctl->cred.uid = uid; ctl->cred.gid = gid; break; } } } memcpy(buf, buf + BUF_SIZE - chunk - 1, chunk); offset += res; } }while(res == readlen); ctl->fs_ops->release(fs->fs_context, PASSWD); if(res <= 0){ TRACE("read failed"); return -1; } if(ctl->fs_ops->open(fs->fs_context, GROUP, O_RDONLY) < 0){ TRACE("could not open %s", GROUP); return -1; } sprintf(srch_str, ":%li:", (long)ctl->cred.gid); chunk = strlen(srch_str) + 64; readlen = BUF_SIZE - chunk - 1; memset(buf, 32, chunk); offset = 0; do{ res = ctl->fs_ops->read(fs->fs_context, GROUP, offset, readlen, (buf + chunk)); if(res > 0){ *(buf + chunk + res) = 0; if((c = strstr(buf, srch_str))){ TRACE("group found!"); if(!(c = (char*)memrchr(buf, '\n', (c - buf)))){ TRACE("separator not found!"); }else{ *(strchr(c, ':')) = 0; if(strlen(c + 1) >= MAX_LEN){ TRACE("groupname too long"); }else{ strcpy(ctl->cred.group, c + 1); TRACE("group: %s", ctl->cred.group); break; } } } memcpy(buf, buf + BUF_SIZE - chunk - 1, chunk); offset += res; } }while(res == readlen); ctl->fs_ops->release(fs->fs_context, GROUP); if(res <= 0){ TRACE("read failed"); return -1; } return 0; } static struct fs_operations* get_filesystem(struct fs_ctl *ctl, char *fs){ struct fs_operations *fops; char *buf; void *dlhandle; if(!(buf = (char*)malloc(strlen(fs) + 32))) return NULL; sprintf(buf, "liblufs-%s.so", fs); TRACE("trying to load %s", buf); if(!(dlhandle = dlopen(buf, RTLD_LAZY))){ ERROR(dlerror()); goto fail; } TRACE("lib opened"); if(!(fops = (struct fs_operations*)malloc(sizeof(struct fs_operations)))) goto fail_dl; memset(fops, 0, sizeof(struct fs_operations)); sprintf(buf, "%s_init", fs); if(!(fops->init = (void*(*)(struct list_head*, struct dir_cache*, struct credentials*, void**))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))){ ERROR(dlerror()); goto fail_fops; } sprintf(buf, "%s_free", fs); if(!(fops->free = (void(*)(void*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))){ ERROR(dlerror()); goto fail_fops; } sprintf(buf, "%s_mount", fs); if(!(fops->mount = (int(*)(void*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))){ ERROR(dlerror()); goto fail_fops; } sprintf(buf, "%s_umount", fs); if(!(fops->umount = (void(*)(void*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_readdir", fs); if(!(fops->readdir = (int(*)(void*, char*, struct directory*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_stat", fs); if(!(fops->stat = (int(*)(void*, char*, struct lufs_fattr*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_mkdir", fs); if(!(fops->mkdir = (int(*)(void*, char*, int))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_rmdir", fs); if(!(fops->rmdir = (int(*)(void*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_create", fs); if(!(fops->create = (int(*)(void*, char*, int))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_unlink", fs); if(!(fops->unlink = (int(*)(void*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_rename", fs); if(!(fops->rename = (int(*)(void*, char*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_open", fs); if(!(fops->open = (int(*)(void*, char*, unsigned))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_release", fs); if(!(fops->release = (int(*)(void*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_read", fs); if(!(fops->read = (int(*)(void*, char*, long long, unsigned long, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_write", fs); if(!(fops->write = (int(*)(void*, char*, long long, unsigned long, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_readlink", fs); if(!(fops->readlink = (int(*)(void*, char*, char*, int))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_link", fs); if(!(fops->link = (int(*)(void*, char*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_symlink", fs); if(!(fops->symlink = (int(*)(void*, char*, char*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_setattr", fs); if(!(fops->setattr = (int(*)(void*, char*, struct lufs_fattr*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf))) ERROR(dlerror()); sprintf(buf, "%s_statfs", fs); /* 'statfs' is optional as it is new for lufs-0.9.6-captive. */ fops->statfs = (int(*)(void*, struct lufs_sbattr*))dlsym(dlhandle, buf); TRACE("file system loaded"); ctl->dlhandle = dlhandle; free(buf); return fops; fail_fops: free(fops); fail_dl: dlclose(dlhandle); dlhandle = NULL; fail: free(buf); return NULL; } static struct file_system* new_fsinstance(struct fs_ctl *ctl){ struct file_system *fs; if(!(fs = (struct file_system*)malloc(sizeof(struct file_system)))) return NULL; memset(fs, 0, sizeof(struct file_system)); fs->fs_ops = ctl->fs_ops; fs->fs_credentials = &ctl->cred; fs->fs_cache = ctl->cache; fs->fs_config = ctl->cfg; if(!(fs->fs_context = ctl->fs_ops->init(ctl->cfg, ctl->cache, fs->fs_credentials, &ctl->global_ctx))){ ERROR("could not initialize file system!"); free(fs); return NULL; } return fs; } int lu_fsctl_mount(struct fs_ctl *ctl){ int res; struct file_system *fs; if(!ctl->fs_ops) return 0; if(!(fs = new_fsinstance(ctl))) return 0; res = ctl->fs_ops->mount(fs->fs_context); if(res){ ctl->fs_available = fs; fs->fs_mounted = 1; if(load_credentials(ctl, fs) < 0) TRACE("could not load credentials."); else TRACE("credentials loaded."); }else{ WARN("fs mount failed..."); free(fs); } return res; } void lu_fsctl_run(struct fs_ctl *ctl, int ssock, char *sn){ socklen_t len; struct sockaddr_un addr; int sock; struct thread_info *info, *info_list=NULL; struct sigaction sigaction_struct; if(strlen(sn) >= MAX_LEN){ WARN("socket name too long!"); return; } strcpy(sock_name, sn); #if 0 /* signal(2) will not abort accept(2) below. */ signal(SIGUSR1, usr1Handler); #else memset(&sigaction_struct, 0, sizeof(sigaction_struct)); sigaction_struct.sa_handler = usr1Handler; sigaction_struct.sa_flags = 0; /* !SA_RESTART */ sigaction(SIGUSR1, &sigaction_struct, NULL); #endif signal(SIGPIPE, sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); while(!usr1Handler_hit){ len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_un); if((sock = accept(ssock, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, &len)) < 0){ if(errno != EINTR){ WARN("accept failed: %d(%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); } }else{ TRACE("a client process connected."); if((info = (struct thread_info*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_info)))){ if(ctl->fs_available){ TRACE("using already mounted filesystem..."); info->fs = ctl->fs_available; ctl->fs_available = NULL; }else info->fs = new_fsinstance(ctl); info->sock = sock; info->ppid = getpid(); if(!pthread_create(&info->th_id, NULL, &thread_launcher, (void*)info)){ info->next = info_list; info_list= info; }else{ WARN("could not create thread!"); free(info); } }else{ WARN("out of memory?!"); } } } TRACE("joining threads..."); while ((info = info_list)){ info_list = info->next; if (pthread_join(info->th_id, NULL)) WARN("could not join thread!"); free(info); } if (ctl->fs_available){ struct file_system *fs = ctl->fs_available; if(fs->fs_ops->umount){ TRACE("unmounting filesystem..."); fs->fs_ops->umount(fs->fs_context); } TRACE("freeing filesystem..."); fs->fs_ops->free(fs->fs_context); free(fs); } TRACE("socket name: %s", sock_name); unlink(sock_name); } struct fs_ctl* lu_fsctl_create(struct list_head *conf){ struct fs_ctl *ctl; const char *fs_name, *user_name; TRACE("creating fs_ctl"); if(!(ctl = (struct fs_ctl*)malloc(sizeof(struct fs_ctl)))) return NULL; memset(ctl, 0, sizeof(struct fs_ctl)); ctl->cache = lu_cache_create(conf); ctl->cfg = conf; if(!(fs_name = lu_opt_getchar(conf, "MOUNT", "fs"))){ ERROR("you need to specify a file system!"); free(ctl); return NULL; } if(!(ctl->fs_ops = get_filesystem(ctl, (char*)fs_name))){ ERROR("unsupported file system: %s", fs_name); free(ctl); return NULL; } if((user_name = lu_opt_getchar(conf, "MOUNT", "username"))) strcpy(ctl->cred.user, user_name); return ctl; } void lu_fsctl_destroy(struct fs_ctl *ctl){ TRACE("destroying fs_ctl"); lu_cache_destroy(ctl->cache); if(ctl->dlhandle) dlclose(ctl->dlhandle); if(ctl->fs_available) free(ctl->fs_available); free(ctl); }