/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/cm/regobj.c * PURPOSE: Registry object manipulation routines. * UPDATE HISTORY: */ #ifdef WIN32_REGDBG #include "cm_win32.h" #else #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define NDEBUG #include #include "cm.h" #endif static NTSTATUS CmiGetLinkTarget(PREGISTRY_HIVE RegistryHive, PKEY_CELL KeyCell, PUNICODE_STRING TargetPath); /* FUNCTONS *****************************************************************/ NTSTATUS STDCALL CmiObjectParse(PVOID ParsedObject, PVOID *NextObject, PUNICODE_STRING FullPath, PWSTR *Path, ULONG Attributes) { BLOCK_OFFSET BlockOffset; PKEY_OBJECT FoundObject; PKEY_OBJECT ParsedKey; PKEY_CELL SubKeyCell; CHAR cPath[MAX_PATH]; NTSTATUS Status; PWSTR StartPtr; PWSTR EndPtr; ULONG Length; UNICODE_STRING LinkPath; UNICODE_STRING TargetPath; ParsedKey = ParsedObject; VERIFY_KEY_OBJECT(ParsedKey); *NextObject = NULL; if ((*Path) == NULL) { DPRINT("*Path is NULL\n"); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } DPRINT("Path '%S'\n", *Path); /* Extract relevant path name */ StartPtr = *Path; if (*StartPtr == L'\\') StartPtr++; EndPtr = wcschr(StartPtr, L'\\'); if (EndPtr != NULL) Length = ((PCHAR)EndPtr - (PCHAR)StartPtr) / sizeof(WCHAR); else Length = wcslen(StartPtr); wcstombs(cPath, StartPtr, Length); cPath[Length] = 0; FoundObject = CmiScanKeyList(ParsedKey, cPath, Attributes); if (FoundObject == NULL) { Status = CmiScanForSubKey(ParsedKey->RegistryHive, ParsedKey->KeyCell, &SubKeyCell, &BlockOffset, cPath, 0, Attributes); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || (SubKeyCell == NULL)) { return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } if ((SubKeyCell->Type == REG_LINK_KEY_CELL_TYPE) && !((Attributes & OBJ_OPENLINK) && (EndPtr == NULL) /*(end == NULL)*/)) { RtlInitUnicodeString(&LinkPath, NULL); Status = CmiGetLinkTarget(ParsedKey->RegistryHive, SubKeyCell, &LinkPath); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("LinkPath '%wZ'\n", &LinkPath); /* build new FullPath for reparsing */ TargetPath.MaximumLength = LinkPath.MaximumLength; if (EndPtr != NULL) { TargetPath.MaximumLength += (wcslen(EndPtr) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } TargetPath.Length = TargetPath.MaximumLength - sizeof(WCHAR); TargetPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, TargetPath.MaximumLength); wcscpy(TargetPath.Buffer, LinkPath.Buffer); if (EndPtr != NULL) { wcscat(TargetPath.Buffer, EndPtr); } RtlFreeUnicodeString(FullPath); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&LinkPath); FullPath->Length = TargetPath.Length; FullPath->MaximumLength = TargetPath.MaximumLength; FullPath->Buffer = TargetPath.Buffer; DPRINT("FullPath '%wZ'\n", FullPath); /* reinitialize Path for reparsing */ *Path = FullPath->Buffer; *NextObject = NULL; return(STATUS_REPARSE); } } /* Create new key object and put into linked list */ DPRINT("CmiObjectParse: %s\n", cPath); Status = ObCreateObject(NULL, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, NULL, CmiKeyType, (PVOID*)&FoundObject); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(Status); } FoundObject->Flags = 0; FoundObject->Name = SubKeyCell->Name; FoundObject->NameSize = SubKeyCell->NameSize; FoundObject->KeyCell = SubKeyCell; FoundObject->BlockOffset = BlockOffset; FoundObject->RegistryHive = ParsedKey->RegistryHive; CmiAddKeyToList(ParsedKey, FoundObject); DPRINT("Created object 0x%x\n", FoundObject); } else { if ((FoundObject->KeyCell->Type == REG_LINK_KEY_CELL_TYPE) && !((Attributes & OBJ_OPENLINK) && (EndPtr == NULL)/*(end == NULL)*/)) { DPRINT("Found link\n"); RtlInitUnicodeString(&LinkPath, NULL); Status = CmiGetLinkTarget(FoundObject->RegistryHive, FoundObject->KeyCell, &LinkPath); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT("LinkPath '%wZ'\n", &LinkPath); /* build new FullPath for reparsing */ TargetPath.MaximumLength = LinkPath.MaximumLength; if (EndPtr != NULL) { TargetPath.MaximumLength += (wcslen(EndPtr) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } TargetPath.Length = TargetPath.MaximumLength - sizeof(WCHAR); TargetPath.Buffer = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, TargetPath.MaximumLength); wcscpy(TargetPath.Buffer, LinkPath.Buffer); if (EndPtr != NULL) { wcscat(TargetPath.Buffer, EndPtr); } RtlFreeUnicodeString(FullPath); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&LinkPath); FullPath->Length = TargetPath.Length; FullPath->MaximumLength = TargetPath.MaximumLength; FullPath->Buffer = TargetPath.Buffer; DPRINT("FullPath '%wZ'\n", FullPath); /* reinitialize Path for reparsing */ *Path = FullPath->Buffer; *NextObject = NULL; return(STATUS_REPARSE); } } ObReferenceObjectByPointer(FoundObject, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, NULL, UserMode); } #ifndef WIN32_REGDBG DPRINT("CmiObjectParse: %s\n", FoundObject->Name); #else { char buffer[_BUFFER_LEN]; memset(buffer, 0, _BUFFER_LEN); strncpy(buffer, FoundObject->Name, min(FoundObject->NameSize, _BUFFER_LEN - 1)); DPRINT("CmiObjectParse: %s\n", buffer); } #endif *Path = EndPtr; VERIFY_KEY_OBJECT(FoundObject); *NextObject = FoundObject; return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } NTSTATUS STDCALL CmiObjectCreate(PVOID ObjectBody, PVOID Parent, PWSTR RemainingPath, struct _OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES* ObjectAttributes) { PKEY_OBJECT pKey = ObjectBody; pKey->ParentKey = Parent; if (RemainingPath) { if(RemainingPath[0]== L'\\') { pKey->Name = (PCHAR)(&RemainingPath[1]); pKey->NameSize = wcslen(RemainingPath) - 1; } else { pKey->Name = (PCHAR)RemainingPath; pKey->NameSize = wcslen(RemainingPath); } } else { pKey->NameSize = 0; } return STATUS_SUCCESS; } VOID STDCALL CmiObjectDelete(PVOID DeletedObject) { PKEY_OBJECT KeyObject; DPRINT("Delete object key\n"); KeyObject = (PKEY_OBJECT) DeletedObject; if (!NT_SUCCESS(CmiRemoveKeyFromList(KeyObject))) { DPRINT1("Key not found in parent list ???\n"); } if (KeyObject->Flags & KO_MARKED_FOR_DELETE) { DPRINT("delete really key\n"); CmiRemoveSubKey(KeyObject->RegistryHive, KeyObject->ParentKey, KeyObject); if (IsPermanentHive(KeyObject->RegistryHive)) CmiSyncHives(); } else { CmiReleaseBlock(KeyObject->RegistryHive, KeyObject->KeyCell); } } VOID CmiAddKeyToList(PKEY_OBJECT ParentKey, PKEY_OBJECT NewKey) { KIRQL OldIrql; DPRINT("ParentKey %.08x\n", ParentKey); KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, &OldIrql); if (ParentKey->SizeOfSubKeys <= ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys) { PKEY_OBJECT *tmpSubKeys = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, (ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys + 1) * sizeof(DWORD)); if (ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys > 0) { memcpy(tmpSubKeys, ParentKey->SubKeys, ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys * sizeof(DWORD)); } if (ParentKey->SubKeys) ExFreePool(ParentKey->SubKeys); ParentKey->SubKeys = tmpSubKeys; ParentKey->SizeOfSubKeys = ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys + 1; } /* FIXME: Please maintain the list in alphabetic order */ /* to allow a dichotomic search */ ParentKey->SubKeys[ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys++] = NewKey; DPRINT("Reference parent key: 0x%x\n", ParentKey); ObReferenceObjectByPointer(ParentKey, STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED, NULL, UserMode); NewKey->ParentKey = ParentKey; KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); } NTSTATUS CmiRemoveKeyFromList(PKEY_OBJECT KeyToRemove) { PKEY_OBJECT ParentKey; KIRQL OldIrql; DWORD Index; ParentKey = KeyToRemove->ParentKey; KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, &OldIrql); /* FIXME: If list maintained in alphabetic order, use dichotomic search */ for (Index = 0; Index < ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys; Index++) { if (ParentKey->SubKeys[Index] == KeyToRemove) { if (Index < ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys-1) RtlMoveMemory(&ParentKey->SubKeys[Index], &ParentKey->SubKeys[Index + 1], (ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys - Index - 1) * sizeof(PKEY_OBJECT)); ParentKey->NumberOfSubKeys--; KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); DPRINT("Dereference parent key: 0x%x\n", ParentKey); ObDereferenceObject(ParentKey); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } PKEY_OBJECT CmiScanKeyList(PKEY_OBJECT Parent, PCHAR KeyName, ULONG Attributes) { PKEY_OBJECT CurKey; KIRQL OldIrql; WORD NameSize; DWORD Index; #ifndef WIN32_REGDBG DPRINT("Scanning key list for: %s (Parent: %s)\n", KeyName, Parent->Name); #else { char buffer[_BUFFER_LEN]; memset(buffer, 0, _BUFFER_LEN); strncpy(buffer, Parent->Name, min(Parent->NameSize, _BUFFER_LEN - 1)); DPRINT("Scanning key list for: %s (Parent: %s)\n", KeyName, buffer); } #endif NameSize = strlen(KeyName); KeAcquireSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, &OldIrql); /* FIXME: if list maintained in alphabetic order, use dichotomic search */ for (Index=0; Index < Parent->NumberOfSubKeys; Index++) { CurKey = Parent->SubKeys[Index]; if (Attributes & OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE) { if ((NameSize == CurKey->NameSize) && (_strnicmp(KeyName, CurKey->Name, NameSize) == 0)) { KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); return CurKey; } } else { if ((NameSize == CurKey->NameSize) && (strncmp(KeyName,CurKey->Name,NameSize) == 0)) { KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); return CurKey; } } } KeReleaseSpinLock(&CmiKeyListLock, OldIrql); return NULL; } static NTSTATUS CmiGetLinkTarget(PREGISTRY_HIVE RegistryHive, PKEY_CELL KeyCell, PUNICODE_STRING TargetPath) { UNICODE_STRING LinkName = UNICODE_STRING_INITIALIZER(L"SymbolicLinkValue"); PVALUE_CELL ValueCell; PDATA_CELL DataCell; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("CmiGetLinkTarget() called\n"); /* Get Value block of interest */ Status = CmiScanKeyForValue(RegistryHive, KeyCell, &LinkName, &ValueCell, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DPRINT1("CmiScanKeyForValue() failed (Status %lx)\n", Status); return(Status); } if (ValueCell->DataType != REG_LINK) { DPRINT1("Type != REG_LINK\n!"); return(STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL); } if (TargetPath->Buffer == NULL && TargetPath->MaximumLength == 0) { TargetPath->Length = 0; TargetPath->MaximumLength = ValueCell->DataSize + sizeof(WCHAR); TargetPath->Buffer = ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, TargetPath->MaximumLength); } TargetPath->Length = min(TargetPath->MaximumLength - sizeof(WCHAR), (ULONG) ValueCell->DataSize); if (ValueCell->DataSize > 0) { DataCell = CmiGetBlock(RegistryHive, ValueCell->DataOffset, NULL); RtlCopyMemory(TargetPath->Buffer, DataCell->Data, TargetPath->Length); TargetPath->Buffer[TargetPath->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; CmiReleaseBlock(RegistryHive, DataCell); } else { RtlCopyMemory(TargetPath->Buffer, &ValueCell->DataOffset, TargetPath->Length); TargetPath->Buffer[TargetPath->Length / sizeof(WCHAR)] = 0; } DPRINT("TargetPath '%wZ'\n", TargetPath); return(STATUS_SUCCESS); } /* EOF */