/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: mkernel/kernel/work.c * PURPOSE: Manage system work queues * PROGRAMMER: David Welch (welch@mcmail.com) * REVISION HISTORY: * 29/06/98: Created */ /* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/ #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /* DEFINES *******************************************************************/ #define NUMBER_OF_WORKER_THREADS (5) /* TYPES *********************************************************************/ typedef struct _WORK_QUEUE { /* * PURPOSE: Head of the list of waiting work items */ LIST_ENTRY Head; /* * PURPOSE: Sychronize access to the work queue */ KSPIN_LOCK Lock; /* * PURPOSE: Worker threads with nothing to do wait on this event */ KSEMAPHORE Sem; /* * PURPOSE: Thread associated with work queue */ HANDLE Thread[NUMBER_OF_WORKER_THREADS]; } WORK_QUEUE, *PWORK_QUEUE; /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ /* * PURPOSE: Queue of items waiting to be processed at normal priority */ WORK_QUEUE EiNormalWorkQueue; WORK_QUEUE EiCriticalWorkQueue; WORK_QUEUE EiHyperCriticalWorkQueue; /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ //static NTSTATUS STDCALL static VOID STDCALL ExWorkerThreadEntryPoint(IN PVOID context) /* * FUNCTION: Entry point for a worker thread * ARGUMENTS: * context = Parameters * RETURNS: Status * NOTE: To kill a worker thread you must queue an item whose callback * calls PsTerminateSystemThread */ { PWORK_QUEUE queue = (PWORK_QUEUE)context; PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM item; PLIST_ENTRY current; for(;;) { current = ExInterlockedRemoveHeadList(&queue->Head, &queue->Lock); if (current!=NULL) { item = CONTAINING_RECORD(current,WORK_QUEUE_ITEM,List); item->WorkerRoutine(item->Parameter); } else { KeWaitForSingleObject((PVOID)&queue->Sem, Executive, KernelMode, FALSE, NULL); DPRINT("Woke from wait\n"); } } } static VOID ExInitializeWorkQueue(PWORK_QUEUE WorkQueue, KPRIORITY Priority) { ULONG i; PETHREAD Thread; InitializeListHead(&WorkQueue->Head); KeInitializeSpinLock(&WorkQueue->Lock); KeInitializeSemaphore(&WorkQueue->Sem, 0, 256); for (i=0; iThread[i], THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NULL, NULL, ExWorkerThreadEntryPoint, WorkQueue); ObReferenceObjectByHandle(WorkQueue->Thread[i], THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, PsThreadType, KernelMode, (PVOID*)&Thread, NULL); KeSetPriorityThread(&Thread->Tcb, Priority); ObDereferenceObject(Thread); } } VOID ExInitializeWorkerThreads(VOID) { ExInitializeWorkQueue(&EiNormalWorkQueue, LOW_PRIORITY); ExInitializeWorkQueue(&EiCriticalWorkQueue, LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY); ExInitializeWorkQueue(&EiHyperCriticalWorkQueue, HIGH_PRIORITY); } /* * @implemented */ VOID STDCALL ExQueueWorkItem (PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM WorkItem, WORK_QUEUE_TYPE QueueType) /* * FUNCTION: Inserts a work item in a queue for one of the system worker * threads to process * ARGUMENTS: * WorkItem = Item to insert * QueueType = Queue to insert it in */ { assert(WorkItem!=NULL); ASSERT_IRQL(DISPATCH_LEVEL); /* * Insert the item in the appropiate queue and wake up any thread * waiting for something to do */ switch(QueueType) { case DelayedWorkQueue: ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&EiNormalWorkQueue.Head, &WorkItem->List, &EiNormalWorkQueue.Lock); KeReleaseSemaphore(&EiNormalWorkQueue.Sem, IO_NO_INCREMENT, 1, FALSE); break; case CriticalWorkQueue: ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&EiCriticalWorkQueue.Head, &WorkItem->List, &EiCriticalWorkQueue.Lock); KeReleaseSemaphore(&EiCriticalWorkQueue.Sem, IO_NO_INCREMENT, 1, FALSE); break; case HyperCriticalWorkQueue: ExInterlockedInsertTailList(&EiHyperCriticalWorkQueue.Head, &WorkItem->List, &EiHyperCriticalWorkQueue.Lock); KeReleaseSemaphore(&EiHyperCriticalWorkQueue.Sem, IO_NO_INCREMENT, 1, FALSE); break; #ifdef __USE_W32API case MaximumWorkQueue: // Unimplemented break; #endif } } /* EOF */