/* * ReactOS kernel * Copyright (C) 2000 David Welch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: include/internal/io.h * PURPOSE: Internal io manager declarations * PROGRAMMER: David Welch (welch@mcmail.com) * UPDATE HISTORY: * 28/05/97: Created */ #ifndef __NTOSKRNL_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_IO_H #define __NTOSKRNL_INCLUDE_INTERNAL_IO_H #include #include typedef struct _DEVICE_NODE { struct _DEVICE_NODE *Parent; struct _DEVICE_NODE *PrevSibling; struct _DEVICE_NODE *NextSibling; struct _DEVICE_NODE *Child; PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject; PDEVICE_OBJECT Pdo; UNICODE_STRING InstancePath; UNICODE_STRING ServiceName; //TargetDeviceNotifyList? PDEVICE_CAPABILITIES CapabilityFlags; ULONG Flags; ULONG UserFlags; ULONG DisableableDepends; ULONG Problem; PCM_RESOURCE_LIST CmResourceList; PCM_RESOURCE_LIST BootResourcesList; PIO_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST ResourceRequirementsList; /* Not NT's */ UNICODE_STRING DeviceID; UNICODE_STRING InstanceID; UNICODE_STRING HardwareIDs; UNICODE_STRING CompatibleIDs; UNICODE_STRING DeviceText; UNICODE_STRING DeviceTextLocation; PPNP_BUS_INFORMATION BusInformation; } DEVICE_NODE, *PDEVICE_NODE; /* For Flags field */ #define DNF_PROCESSED 0x00000001 #define DNF_STARTED 0x00000002 #define DNF_START_FAILED 0x00000004 #define DNF_ENUMERATED 0x00000008 #define DNF_DELETED 0x00000010 #define DNF_MADEUP 0x00000020 #define DNF_START_REQUEST_PENDING 0x00000040 #define DNF_NO_RESOURCE_REQUIRED 0x00000080 #define DNF_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 0x00000100 #define DNF_RESOURCE_ASSIGNED 0x00000200 #define DNF_RESOURCE_REPORTED 0x00000400 #define DNF_HAL_NODE 0x00000800 // ??? #define DNF_ADDED 0x00001000 #define DNF_ADD_FAILED 0x00002000 #define DNF_LEGACY_DRIVER 0x00004000 #define DNF_STOPPED 0x00008000 #define DNF_WILL_BE_REMOVED 0x00010000 #define DNF_NEED_TO_ENUM 0x00020000 #define DNF_NOT_CONFIGURED 0x00040000 #define DNF_REINSTALL 0x00080000 #define DNF_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_NEED_FILTERED 0x00100000 // ??? #define DNF_DISABLED 0x00200000 #define DNF_RESTART_OK 0x00400000 #define DNF_NEED_RESTART 0x00800000 #define DNF_VISITED 0x01000000 #define DNF_ASSIGNING_RESOURCES 0x02000000 #define DNF_BEEING_ENUMERATED 0x04000000 #define DNF_NEED_ENUMERATION_ONLY 0x08000000 #define DNF_LOCKED 0x10000000 #define DNF_HAS_BOOT_CONFIG 0x20000000 #define DNF_BOOT_CONFIG_RESERVED 0x40000000 #define DNF_HAS_PROBLEM 0x80000000 // ??? /* For UserFlags field */ #define DNUF_DONT_SHOW_IN_UI 0x0002 #define DNUF_NOT_DISABLEABLE 0x0008 /* For Problem field */ #define CM_PROB_NOT_CONFIGURED 1 #define CM_PROB_FAILED_START 10 #define CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT 12 #define CM_PROB_NEED_RESTART 14 #define CM_PROB_REINSTALL 18 #define CM_PROB_WILL_BE_REMOVED 21 #define CM_PROB_DISABLED 22 #define CM_PROB_FAILED_INSTALL 28 #define CM_PROB_FAILED_ADD 31 /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeSetFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Flag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeSetFlag(DeviceNode, Flag)((DeviceNode)->Flags |= (Flag)) /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeClearFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Flag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeClearFlag(DeviceNode, Flag)((DeviceNode)->Flags &= ~(Flag)) /* * BOOLEAN * IopDeviceNodeHasFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Flag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeHasFlag(DeviceNode, Flag)(((DeviceNode)->Flags & (Flag)) > 0) /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeSetUserFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG UserFlag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeSetUserFlag(DeviceNode, UserFlag)((DeviceNode)->UserFlags |= (UserFlag)) /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeClearUserFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG UserFlag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeClearUserFlag(DeviceNode, UserFlag)((DeviceNode)->UserFlags &= ~(UserFlag)) /* * BOOLEAN * IopDeviceNodeHasUserFlag( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG UserFlag); */ #define IopDeviceNodeHasUserFlag(DeviceNode, UserFlag)(((DeviceNode)->UserFlags & (UserFlag)) > 0) /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeSetProblem( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Problem); */ #define IopDeviceNodeSetProblem(DeviceNode, Problem)((DeviceNode)->Problem |= (Problem)) /* * VOID * IopDeviceNodeClearProblem( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Problem); */ #define IopDeviceNodeClearProblem(DeviceNode, Problem)((DeviceNode)->Problem &= ~(Problem)) /* * BOOLEAN * IopDeviceNodeHasProblem( * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * ULONG Problem); */ #define IopDeviceNodeHasProblem(DeviceNode, Problem)(((DeviceNode)->Problem & (Problem)) > 0) /* Called on every visit of a node during a preorder-traversal of the device node tree. If the routine returns STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL the traversal will stop and STATUS_SUCCESS is returned to the caller who initiated the tree traversal. Any other returned status code will be returned to the caller. If a status code that indicates an error (other than STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL) is returned, the traversal is stopped immediately and the status code is returned to the caller. */ typedef NTSTATUS (*DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_ROUTINE)( PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, PVOID Context); /* Context information for traversing the device tree */ typedef struct _DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT { /* Current device node during a traversal */ PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode; /* Initial device node where we start the traversal */ PDEVICE_NODE FirstDeviceNode; /* Action routine to be called for every device node */ DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_ROUTINE Action; /* Context passed to the action routine */ PVOID Context; } DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT, *PDEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT; /* * VOID * IopInitDeviceTreeTraverseContext( * PDEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_CONTEXT DeviceTreeTraverseContext, * PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, * DEVICETREE_TRAVERSE_ROUTINE Action, * PVOID Context); */ #define IopInitDeviceTreeTraverseContext( \ _DeviceTreeTraverseContext, _DeviceNode, _Action, _Context) { \ (_DeviceTreeTraverseContext)->FirstDeviceNode = (_DeviceNode); \ (_DeviceTreeTraverseContext)->Action = (_Action); \ (_DeviceTreeTraverseContext)->Context = (_Context); } extern PDEVICE_NODE IopRootDeviceNode; extern POBJECT_TYPE IoSymbolicLinkType; VOID PnpInit(VOID); VOID IopInitDriverImplementation(VOID); NTSTATUS IopGetSystemPowerDeviceObject(PDEVICE_OBJECT *DeviceObject); NTSTATUS IopCreateDeviceNode(PDEVICE_NODE ParentNode, PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject, PDEVICE_NODE *DeviceNode); NTSTATUS IopFreeDeviceNode(PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode); NTSTATUS IopInterrogateBusExtender(PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, PDEVICE_OBJECT Pdo, BOOLEAN BootDriversOnly); VOID IopLoadBootStartDrivers(VOID); NTSTATUS IopCreateDriverObject(PDRIVER_OBJECT *DriverObject, PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName, BOOLEAN FileSystemDriver); NTSTATUS IopInitializeDeviceNodeService(PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode); NTSTATUS IopInitializeDriver(PDRIVER_INITIALIZE DriverEntry, PDEVICE_NODE DeviceNode, BOOLEAN FileSystemDriver); VOID IoInitCancelHandling(VOID); VOID IoInitSymbolicLinkImplementation(VOID); VOID IoInitFileSystemImplementation(VOID); VOID IoInitVpbImplementation(VOID); NTSTATUS IoMountVolume(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN BOOLEAN AllowRawMount); POBJECT IoOpenSymlink(POBJECT SymbolicLink); POBJECT IoOpenFileOnDevice(POBJECT SymbolicLink, PWCHAR Name); VOID IoSecondStageCompletion(PIRP Irp, CCHAR PriorityBoost); NTSTATUS STDCALL IopCreateFile(PVOID ObjectBody, PVOID Parent, PWSTR RemainingPath, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes); NTSTATUS STDCALL IopCreateDevice(PVOID ObjectBody, PVOID Parent, PWSTR RemainingPath, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes); NTSTATUS IoAttachVpb(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject); PIRP IoBuildSynchronousFsdRequestWithMdl(ULONG MajorFunction, PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PMDL Mdl, PLARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset, PKEVENT Event, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, ULONG PagingIo); VOID IoInitShutdownNotification(VOID); VOID IoShutdownRegisteredDevices(VOID); VOID IoShutdownRegisteredFileSystems(VOID); NTSTATUS STDCALL IoPageWrite(PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, PMDL Mdl, PLARGE_INTEGER Offset, PKEVENT Event, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK StatusBlock); NTSTATUS IoCreateArcNames(VOID); NTSTATUS IoCreateSystemRootLink(PCHAR ParameterLine); NTSTATUS IopInitiatePnpIrp( PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, ULONG MinorFunction, PIO_STACK_LOCATION Stack); BOOLEAN IopCreateUnicodeString( PUNICODE_STRING Destination, PWSTR Source, POOL_TYPE PoolType); NTSTATUS IoCreateDriverList(VOID); NTSTATUS IoDestroyDriverList(VOID); /* pnproot.c */ NTSTATUS STDCALL PnpRootDriverEntry( IN PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING RegistryPath); NTSTATUS PnpRootCreateDevice( PDEVICE_OBJECT *PhysicalDeviceObject); #endif