/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/io/irp.c * PURPOSE: Handle IRPs * PROGRAMMER: David Welch (welch@mcmail.com) * UPDATE HISTORY: * 24/05/98: Created */ /* NOTES ******************************************************************* * * Layout of an IRP * * ################ * # Headers # * ################ * # # * # Variable # * # length list # * # of io stack # * # locations # * # # * ################ * * * */ /* INCLUDES ****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /* GLOBALS *******************************************************************/ #define TAG_IRP TAG('I', 'R', 'P', ' ') /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ VOID STDCALL IoFreeIrp(PIRP Irp) /* * FUNCTION: Releases a caller allocated irp * ARGUMENTS: * Irp = Irp to free */ { ExFreePool(Irp); } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE PIRP STDCALL IoMakeAssociatedIrp(PIRP Irp, CCHAR StackSize) /* * FUNCTION: Allocates and initializes an irp to associated with a master irp * ARGUMENTS: * Irp = Master irp * StackSize = Number of stack locations to be allocated in the irp * RETURNS: The irp allocated */ { PIRP AssocIrp; AssocIrp = IoAllocateIrp(StackSize,FALSE); UNIMPLEMENTED; } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ VOID STDCALL IoInitializeIrp(PIRP Irp, USHORT PacketSize, CCHAR StackSize) /* * FUNCTION: Initalizes an irp allocated by the caller * ARGUMENTS: * Irp = IRP to initalize * PacketSize = Size in bytes of the IRP * StackSize = Number of stack locations in the IRP */ { assert(Irp != NULL); memset(Irp, 0, PacketSize); Irp->Type = IO_TYPE_IRP; Irp->Size = PacketSize; Irp->StackCount = StackSize; Irp->CurrentLocation = StackSize; Irp->Tail.Overlay.CurrentStackLocation = &Irp->Stack[(ULONG)StackSize]; } NTSTATUS FASTCALL IofCallDriver(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) /* * FUNCTION: Sends an IRP to the next lower driver */ { NTSTATUS Status; PDRIVER_OBJECT DriverObject; PIO_STACK_LOCATION Param; DPRINT("IofCallDriver(DeviceObject %x, Irp %x)\n",DeviceObject,Irp); assert(Irp); assert(DeviceObject); DriverObject = DeviceObject->DriverObject; assert(DriverObject); Param = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); DPRINT("IrpSp 0x%X\n", Param); Irp->Tail.Overlay.CurrentStackLocation--; Irp->CurrentLocation--; DPRINT("MajorFunction %d\n", Param->MajorFunction); DPRINT("DriverObject->MajorFunction[Param->MajorFunction] %x\n", DriverObject->MajorFunction[Param->MajorFunction]); Status = DriverObject->MajorFunction[Param->MajorFunction](DeviceObject, Irp); return(Status); } NTSTATUS STDCALL IoCallDriver (PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp) { return(IofCallDriver(DeviceObject, Irp)); } PIRP STDCALL IoAllocateIrp(CCHAR StackSize, BOOLEAN ChargeQuota) /* * FUNCTION: Allocates an IRP * ARGUMENTS: * StackSize = the size of the stack required for the irp * ChargeQuota = Charge allocation to current threads quota * RETURNS: Irp allocated */ { PIRP Irp; #if 0 DbgPrint("IoAllocateIrp(StackSize %d ChargeQuota %d)\n", StackSize, ChargeQuota); KeDumpStackFrames(0,8); #endif if (ChargeQuota) { // Irp = ExAllocatePoolWithQuota(NonPagedPool,IoSizeOfIrp(StackSize)); Irp = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, IoSizeOfIrp(StackSize), TAG_IRP); } else { Irp = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, IoSizeOfIrp(StackSize), TAG_IRP); } if (Irp==NULL) { return(NULL); } IoInitializeIrp(Irp, IoSizeOfIrp(StackSize), StackSize); // DPRINT("Irp %x Irp->StackPtr %d\n", Irp, Irp->CurrentLocation); return(Irp); } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE VOID STDCALL IopCompleteRequest(struct _KAPC* Apc, PKNORMAL_ROUTINE* NormalRoutine, PVOID* NormalContext, PVOID* SystemArgument1, PVOID* SystemArgument2) { DPRINT("IopCompleteRequest(Apc %x, SystemArgument1 %x, (*SystemArgument1) %x\n", Apc, SystemArgument1, *SystemArgument1); IoSecondStageCompletion((PIRP)(*SystemArgument1), (KPRIORITY)(*SystemArgument2)); } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ VOID FASTCALL IofCompleteRequest(PIRP Irp, CCHAR PriorityBoost) /* * FUNCTION: Indicates the caller has finished all processing for a given * I/O request and is returning the given IRP to the I/O manager * ARGUMENTS: * Irp = Irp to be cancelled * PriorityBoost = Increment by which to boost the priority of the * thread making the request */ { int i; NTSTATUS Status; DPRINT("IoCompleteRequest(Irp %x, PriorityBoost %d) Event %x THread %x\n", Irp,PriorityBoost, Irp->UserEvent, PsGetCurrentThread()); for (i=Irp->CurrentLocation;i<(int)Irp->StackCount;i++) { if (Irp->Stack[i].CompletionRoutine != NULL) { Status = Irp->Stack[i].CompletionRoutine( Irp->Stack[i].DeviceObject, Irp, Irp->Stack[i].CompletionContext); if (Status == STATUS_MORE_PROCESSING_REQUIRED) { return; } } if (Irp->Stack[i].Control & SL_PENDING_RETURNED) { Irp->PendingReturned = TRUE; } if (Irp->CurrentLocation < Irp->StackCount - 1) { IoSkipCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp); } } if (Irp->PendingReturned) { DPRINT("Dispatching APC\n"); #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE KeInitializeApc(&Irp->Tail.Apc, &Irp->Tail.Overlay.Thread->Tcb, 0, IopCompleteRequest, NULL, (PKNORMAL_ROUTINE) NULL, KernelMode, NULL); KeInsertQueueApc(&Irp->Tail.Apc, (PVOID)Irp, (PVOID)(ULONG)PriorityBoost, KernelMode); DPRINT("Finished dispatching APC\n"); #else /* !LIBCAPTIVE */ KeBugCheck(0); #endif /* !LIBCAPTIVE */ } else { DPRINT("Calling completion routine directly\n"); IoSecondStageCompletion(Irp,PriorityBoost); DPRINT("Finished completition routine\n"); } } VOID STDCALL IoCompleteRequest(PIRP Irp, CCHAR PriorityBoost) { IofCompleteRequest(Irp, PriorityBoost); } /********************************************************************** * NAME EXPORTED * IoIsOperationSynchronous@4 * * DESCRIPTION * Check if the I/O operation associated with the given IRP * is synchronous. * * ARGUMENTS * Irp Packet to check. * * RETURN VALUE * TRUE if Irp's operation is synchronous; otherwise FALSE. */ BOOLEAN STDCALL IoIsOperationSynchronous(IN PIRP Irp) { PFILE_OBJECT FileObject = NULL; ULONG Flags = 0; /* Check the FILE_OBJECT's flags first. */ FileObject = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation(Irp)->FileObject; if (!(FO_SYNCHRONOUS_IO & FileObject->Flags)) { /* Check IRP's flags. */ Flags = Irp->Flags; if (!((IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_API | IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO) & Flags)) { #ifdef LIBCAPTIVE /* libcaptive is fully single-thread/single-process synchronous model. */ KeBugCheck(0); #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ return(FALSE); } } /* Check more IRP's flags. */ Flags = Irp->Flags; if (!(IRP_PAGING_IO & Flags) || (IRP_SYNCHRONOUS_PAGING_IO & Flags)) { return(TRUE); } /* Otherwise, it is an asynchronous operation. */ #ifdef LIBCAPTIVE /* libcaptive is fully single-thread/single-process synchronous model. */ KeBugCheck(0); #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ return(FALSE); } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE VOID STDCALL IoEnqueueIrp(IN PIRP Irp) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ VOID STDCALL IoSetTopLevelIrp(IN PIRP Irp) { PETHREAD Thread; Thread = PsGetCurrentThread(); Thread->TopLevelIrp->TopLevelIrp = Irp; } PIRP STDCALL IoGetTopLevelIrp(VOID) { return(PsGetCurrentThread()->TopLevelIrp->TopLevelIrp); } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE VOID STDCALL IoQueueThreadIrp(IN PIRP Irp) { UNIMPLEMENTED; } /* NTSTATUS STDCALL IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(IN PUNICODE_STRING SymbolicLinkName, IN BOOLEAN Enable) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } NTSTATUS STDCALL IoGetDeviceProperty( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY DeviceProperty, IN ULONG BufferLength, OUT PVOID PropertyBuffer, OUT PULONG ResultLength) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } NTSTATUS STDCALL IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN ULONG DevInstKeyType, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, OUT PHANDLE DevInstRegKey) { UNIMPLEMENTED; return 0; } */ #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ /* EOF */