/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: ntoskrnl/ob/dirobj.c * PURPOSE: Interface functions to directory object * PROGRAMMER: David Welch (welch@mcmail.com) * UPDATE HISTORY: * 22/05/98: Created */ /* INCLUDES ***************************************************************/ #include #include #include #define NDEBUG #include /* FUNCTIONS **************************************************************/ #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE /********************************************************************** * NAME EXPORTED * NtOpenDirectoryObject * * DESCRIPTION * Opens a namespace directory object. * * ARGUMENTS * DirectoryHandle (OUT) * Variable which receives the directory handle. * * DesiredAccess * Desired access to the directory. * * ObjectAttributes * Structure describing the directory. * * RETURN VALUE * Status. * * NOTES * Undocumented. */ NTSTATUS STDCALL NtOpenDirectoryObject(PHANDLE DirectoryHandle, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes) { PVOID Object; NTSTATUS Status; *DirectoryHandle = 0; Status = ObReferenceObjectByName(ObjectAttributes->ObjectName, ObjectAttributes->Attributes, NULL, DesiredAccess, ObDirectoryType, UserMode, NULL, &Object); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; } Status = ObCreateHandle(PsGetCurrentProcess(), Object, DesiredAccess, FALSE, DirectoryHandle); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************** * NAME EXPORTED * NtQueryDirectoryObject * * DESCRIPTION * Reads information from a directory in the system namespace. * * ARGUMENTS * DirObjHandle * Handle, obtained with NtOpenDirectoryObject(), which * must grant DIRECTORY_QUERY access to the directory * object. * * DirObjInformation (OUT) * Buffer to hold the data read. * * BufferLength * Size of the buffer in bytes. * * ReturnSingleEntry * When TRUE, only 1 entry is written in DirObjInformation; * otherwise as many as will fit in the buffer. * * RestartScan * If TRUE start reading at index 0. * If FALSE start reading at the index specified * by object index *ObjectIndex. * * ObjectIndex * Zero based index into the directory, interpretation * depends on RestartScan. * * DataWritten (OUT) * Caller supplied storage for the number of bytes * written (or NULL). * * RETURN VALUE * Status. * * REVISIONS * 2001-05-01 (ea) * Changed 4th, and 5th parameter names after * G.Nebbett "WNT/W2k Native API Reference". * Mostly rewritten. */ NTSTATUS STDCALL NtQueryDirectoryObject (IN HANDLE DirObjHandle, OUT POBJDIR_INFORMATION DirObjInformation, IN ULONG BufferLength, IN BOOLEAN ReturnSingleEntry, IN BOOLEAN RestartScan, IN OUT PULONG ObjectIndex, OUT PULONG DataWritten OPTIONAL) { PDIRECTORY_OBJECT dir = NULL; PLIST_ENTRY current_entry = NULL; POBJECT_HEADER current = NULL; ULONG i = 0; NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; DWORD DirectoryCount = 0; DWORD DirectorySize = 0; ULONG SpaceLeft = BufferLength; ULONG SpaceRequired = 0; ULONG NameLength = 0; ULONG TypeNameLength = 0; POBJDIR_INFORMATION current_odi = DirObjInformation; PBYTE FirstFree = (PBYTE) DirObjInformation; DPRINT("NtQueryDirectoryObject(DirObjHandle %x)\n", DirObjHandle); /* FIXME: if previous mode == user, use ProbeForWrite * on user params. */ /* Reference the DIRECTORY_OBJECT */ Status = ObReferenceObjectByHandle(DirObjHandle, DIRECTORY_QUERY, ObDirectoryType, UserMode, (PVOID*)&dir, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return (Status); } /* Check ObjectIndex is not NULL */ if (NULL == ObjectIndex) { return (STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER); } /* * Compute the number of directory entries * and the size of the array (in bytes). * One more entry marks the end of the array. */ if (FALSE == ReturnSingleEntry) { for ( current_entry = dir->head.Flink; (current_entry != & dir->head); current_entry = current_entry->Flink ) { ++ DirectoryCount; } } else { DirectoryCount = 1; } // count is DirectoryCount + one null entry DirectorySize = (DirectoryCount + 1) * sizeof (OBJDIR_INFORMATION); if (DirectorySize > SpaceLeft) { return (STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } /* * Optionally, skip over some entries at the start of the directory * (use *ObjectIndex value) */ current_entry = dir->head.Flink; if (FALSE == RestartScan) { /* RestartScan == FALSE */ register ULONG EntriesToSkip = *ObjectIndex; CHECKPOINT; for ( ; ((EntriesToSkip --) && (current_entry != & dir->head)); current_entry = current_entry->Flink ); if ((EntriesToSkip) && (current_entry == & dir->head)) { return (STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES); } } /* * Initialize the array of OBJDIR_INFORMATION. */ RtlZeroMemory (FirstFree, DirectorySize); /* * Move FirstFree to point to the Unicode strings area */ FirstFree += DirectorySize; /* * Compute how much space is left after allocating the * array in the user buffer. */ SpaceLeft -= DirectorySize; /* Scan the directory */ do { /* * Check if we reached the end of the directory. */ if (current_entry == & dir->head) { /* Any data? */ if (i) break; /* DONE */ /* FIXME: better error handling here! */ return (STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES); } /* * Compute the current OBJECT_HEADER memory * object's address. */ current = CONTAINING_RECORD(current_entry, OBJECT_HEADER, Entry); /* * Compute the space required in the user buffer to copy * the data from the current object: * * Name (WCHAR) 0 TypeName (WCHAR) 0 */ NameLength = (wcslen (current->Name.Buffer) * sizeof (WCHAR)); TypeNameLength = (wcslen (current->ObjectType->TypeName.Buffer) * sizeof (WCHAR)); SpaceRequired = (NameLength + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR) + (TypeNameLength + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); /* * Check for free space in the user buffer. */ if (SpaceRequired > SpaceLeft) { return (STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } /* * Copy the current directory entry's data into the buffer * and update the OBJDIR_INFORMATION entry in the array. */ /* --- Object's name --- */ current_odi->ObjectName.Length = NameLength; current_odi->ObjectName.MaximumLength = (NameLength + sizeof (WCHAR)); current_odi->ObjectName.Buffer = (PWCHAR) FirstFree; wcscpy ((PWCHAR) FirstFree, current->Name.Buffer); FirstFree += (current_odi->ObjectName.MaximumLength); /* --- Object type's name --- */ current_odi->ObjectTypeName.Length = TypeNameLength; current_odi->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength = (TypeNameLength + sizeof (WCHAR)); current_odi->ObjectTypeName.Buffer = (PWCHAR) FirstFree; wcscpy ((PWCHAR) FirstFree, current->ObjectType->TypeName.Buffer); FirstFree += (current_odi->ObjectTypeName.MaximumLength); /* Next entry in the array */ ++ current_odi; /* Decrease the space left count */ SpaceLeft -= SpaceRequired; /* Increase the object index number */ ++ i; /* Next object in the directory */ current_entry = current_entry->Flink; } while (FALSE == ReturnSingleEntry); /* * Store current index in ObjectIndex */ *ObjectIndex += DirectoryCount; /* * Report to the caller how much bytes * we wrote in the user buffer. */ if (NULL != DataWritten) { *DataWritten = (BufferLength - SpaceLeft); } return (STATUS_SUCCESS); } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ /********************************************************************** * NAME (EXPORTED as Zw) * NtCreateDirectoryObject * * DESCRIPTION * Creates or opens a directory object (a container for other * objects). * * ARGUMENTS * DirectoryHandle (OUT) * Caller supplied storage for the handle of the * directory. * * DesiredAccess * Access desired to the directory. * * ObjectAttributes * Object attributes initialized with * InitializeObjectAttributes. * * RETURN VALUE * Status. */ NTSTATUS STDCALL NtCreateDirectoryObject(PHANDLE DirectoryHandle, ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes) { PDIRECTORY_OBJECT dir; DPRINT("NtCreateDirectoryObject(DirectoryHandle %x, " "DesiredAccess %x, ObjectAttributes %x, " "ObjectAttributes->ObjectName %S)\n", DirectoryHandle, DesiredAccess, ObjectAttributes, ObjectAttributes->ObjectName); return(ObCreateObject(DirectoryHandle, DesiredAccess, ObjectAttributes, ObDirectoryType, (PVOID*)&dir)); } /* EOF */