/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS kernel * FILE: kernel/rtl/time.c * PURPOSE: Conversion between Time and TimeFields * PROGRAMMER: Rex Jolliff (rex@lvcablemodem.com) * UPDATE HISTORY: * Created 22/05/98 * 08/03/98 RJJ Implemented these functions */ /* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/ #include #define NDEBUG #include #define TICKSPERMIN 600000000 #define TICKSPERSEC 10000000 #define TICKSPERMSEC 10000 #define SECSPERDAY 86400 #define SECSPERHOUR 3600 #define SECSPERMIN 60 #define MINSPERHOUR 60 #define HOURSPERDAY 24 #define EPOCHWEEKDAY 1 #define DAYSPERWEEK 7 #define EPOCHYEAR 1601 #define DAYSPERNORMALYEAR 365 #define DAYSPERLEAPYEAR 366 #define MONSPERYEAR 12 #define TICKSTO1970 0x019db1ded53e8000 #define TICKSTO1980 0x01a8e79fe1d58000 static const int YearLengths[2] = {DAYSPERNORMALYEAR, DAYSPERLEAPYEAR}; static const int MonthLengths[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }, { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } }; static __inline int IsLeapYear(int Year) { return Year % 4 == 0 && (Year % 100 != 0 || Year % 400 == 0) ? 1 : 0; } static __inline void NormalizeTimeFields(CSHORT *FieldToNormalize, CSHORT *CarryField, int Modulus) { *FieldToNormalize = (CSHORT) (*FieldToNormalize - Modulus); *CarryField = (CSHORT) (*CarryField + 1); } /* FUNCTIONS *****************************************************************/ VOID STDCALL RtlTimeToTimeFields ( PLARGE_INTEGER liTime, PTIME_FIELDS TimeFields ) { const int *Months; int LeapSecondCorrections, SecondsInDay, CurYear; int LeapYear, CurMonth, GMTOffset; long int Days; long long int Time = (long long int)liTime->QuadPart; /* Extract millisecond from time and convert time into seconds */ TimeFields->Milliseconds = (CSHORT) ((Time % TICKSPERSEC) / TICKSPERMSEC); Time = Time / TICKSPERSEC; /* FIXME: Compute the number of leap second corrections here */ LeapSecondCorrections = 0; /* FIXME: get the GMT offset here */ GMTOffset = 0; /* Split the time into days and seconds within the day */ Days = Time / SECSPERDAY; SecondsInDay = Time % SECSPERDAY; /* Adjust the values for GMT and leap seconds */ SecondsInDay += (GMTOffset - LeapSecondCorrections); while (SecondsInDay < 0) { SecondsInDay += SECSPERDAY; Days--; } while (SecondsInDay >= SECSPERDAY) { SecondsInDay -= SECSPERDAY; Days++; } /* compute time of day */ TimeFields->Hour = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay / SECSPERHOUR); SecondsInDay = SecondsInDay % SECSPERHOUR; TimeFields->Minute = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay / SECSPERMIN); TimeFields->Second = (CSHORT) (SecondsInDay % SECSPERMIN); /* FIXME: handle the possibility that we are on a leap second (i.e. Second = 60) */ /* compute day of week */ TimeFields->Weekday = (CSHORT) ((EPOCHWEEKDAY + Days) % DAYSPERWEEK); /* compute year */ CurYear = EPOCHYEAR; /* FIXME: handle calendar modifications */ CurYear += Days / DAYSPERLEAPYEAR; Days -= (CurYear - EPOCHYEAR) * DAYSPERLEAPYEAR; CurYear--; /* The next calculation needs CurYear - 1 */ Days += CurYear - CurYear / 4 + CurYear / 100 - CurYear / 400; CurYear++; Days -= EPOCHYEAR - 1 - (EPOCHYEAR -1) / 4 + (EPOCHYEAR -1) / 100 - (EPOCHYEAR - 1) / 400; while (1) { LeapYear = IsLeapYear(CurYear); if (Days < (long) YearLengths[LeapYear]) { break; } CurYear++; Days = Days - (long) YearLengths[LeapYear]; } TimeFields->Year = (CSHORT) CurYear; /* Compute month of year */ LeapYear = IsLeapYear(CurYear); Months = MonthLengths[LeapYear]; for (CurMonth = 0; Days >= (long) Months[CurMonth]; CurMonth++) Days = Days - (long) Months[CurMonth]; TimeFields->Month = (CSHORT) (CurMonth + 1); TimeFields->Day = (CSHORT) (Days + 1); } BOOLEAN STDCALL RtlTimeFieldsToTime ( PTIME_FIELDS tfTimeFields, PLARGE_INTEGER Time ) { int CurMonth; long long int rcTime; TIME_FIELDS TimeFields = *tfTimeFields; const int *Months; rcTime = 0; /* Normalize the month value, because we don't know the length for month -1, 0, 13, 14, ... */ if (TimeFields.Month < 1 || TimeFields.Month > 12) { TimeFields.Year += (TimeFields.Month - 1) / MONSPERYEAR; TimeFields.Month = ((TimeFields.Month - 1) % MONSPERYEAR) + 1; if (TimeFields.Month < 1) { TimeFields.Year--; TimeFields.Month += MONSPERYEAR; } } /* FIXME: handle calendar corrections here */ rcTime += (TimeFields.Year - EPOCHYEAR) * DAYSPERNORMALYEAR; /* Adjust leap years */ rcTime += (TimeFields.Year - 1)/ 4 - (TimeFields.Year - 1) / 100 + (TimeFields.Year - 1) / 400; rcTime -= EPOCHYEAR / 4 - EPOCHYEAR / 100 + EPOCHYEAR / 400; /* FIXME: handle calendar corrections here */ Months = MonthLengths[IsLeapYear(TimeFields.Year)]; for (CurMonth = 1; CurMonth < TimeFields.Month; CurMonth++) { rcTime += Months[CurMonth - 1]; } rcTime += TimeFields.Day - 1; rcTime *= SECSPERDAY; rcTime += TimeFields.Hour * SECSPERHOUR + TimeFields.Minute * SECSPERMIN + TimeFields.Second; rcTime *= TICKSPERSEC; rcTime += TimeFields.Milliseconds * TICKSPERMSEC; /* FIXME: handle UTC bias here */ // rcTime += UTCBias * TICKSPERMIN; *Time = *(LARGE_INTEGER *)&rcTime; return TRUE; } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE VOID STDCALL RtlSecondsSince1970ToTime ( ULONG SecondsSince1970, PLARGE_INTEGER Time ) { LONGLONG llTime; llTime = (SecondsSince1970 * TICKSPERSEC) + TICKSTO1970; *Time = *(LARGE_INTEGER *)&llTime; } VOID STDCALL RtlSecondsSince1980ToTime ( ULONG SecondsSince1980, PLARGE_INTEGER Time ) { LONGLONG llTime; llTime = (SecondsSince1980 * TICKSPERSEC) + TICKSTO1980; *Time = *(LARGE_INTEGER *)&llTime; } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ BOOLEAN STDCALL RtlTimeToSecondsSince1970 ( PLARGE_INTEGER Time, PULONG SecondsSince1970 ) { LARGE_INTEGER liTime; liTime.QuadPart = Time->QuadPart - TICKSTO1970; liTime.QuadPart = liTime.QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC; if (liTime.u.HighPart != 0) return FALSE; *SecondsSince1970 = liTime.u.LowPart; return TRUE; } #ifndef LIBCAPTIVE BOOLEAN STDCALL RtlTimeToSecondsSince1980 ( PLARGE_INTEGER Time, PULONG SecondsSince1980 ) { LARGE_INTEGER liTime; liTime.QuadPart = Time->QuadPart - TICKSTO1980; liTime.QuadPart = liTime.QuadPart / TICKSPERSEC; if (liTime.u.HighPart != 0) return FALSE; *SecondsSince1980 = liTime.u.LowPart; return TRUE; } #endif /* LIBCAPTIVE */ /* EOF */