#ifndef _CSRSS_API_H #define _CSRSS_API_H #include #include /* Object type magic numbers */ #define CSRSS_CONSOLE_MAGIC 1 #define CSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER_MAGIC 2 typedef struct Object_tt { LONG Type; LONG ReferenceCount; } Object_t; typedef struct ConsoleInput_t { LIST_ENTRY ListEntry; INPUT_RECORD InputEvent; BOOLEAN Echoed; // already been echoed or not } ConsoleInput; /************************************************************************ * Screen buffer structure represents the win32 screen buffer object. * * Internally, the portion of the buffer being shown CAN loop past the * * bottom of the virtual buffer and wrap around to the top. Win32 does * * not do this. I decided to do this because it eliminates the need to * * do a massive memcpy() to scroll the contents of the buffer up to * * scroll the screen on output, instead I just shift down the position * * to be displayed, and let it wrap around to the top again. * * The VirtualX member keeps track of the top X coord that win32 * * clients THINK is currently being displayed, because they think that * * when the display reaches the bottom of the buffer and another line * * being printed causes another line to scroll down, that the buffer IS * * memcpy()'s up, and the bottom of the buffer is still displayed, but * * internally, I just wrap back to the top of the buffer. * ***********************************************************************/ typedef struct CSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER_t { Object_t Header; /* Object header */ BYTE *Buffer; /* pointer to screen buffer */ USHORT MaxX, MaxY; /* size of the entire scrollback buffer */ USHORT ShowX, ShowY; /* beginning offset for the actual display area */ ULONG CurrentX; /* Current X cursor position */ ULONG CurrentY; /* Current Y cursor position */ BYTE DefaultAttrib; /* default char attribute */ USHORT VirtualX; /* top row of buffer being displayed, reported to callers */ CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO CursorInfo; USHORT Mode; } CSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER, *PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER; typedef struct CSRSS_CONSOLE_t { Object_t Header; /* Object header */ struct CSRSS_CONSOLE_t *Prev, *Next; /* Next and Prev consoles in console wheel */ HANDLE ActiveEvent; LIST_ENTRY InputEvents; /* List head for input event queue */ WORD WaitingChars; WORD WaitingLines; /* number of chars and lines in input queue */ PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER ActiveBuffer; /* Pointer to currently active screen buffer */ WORD Mode; /* Console mode flags */ WORD EchoCount; /* count of chars to echo, in line buffered mode */ UNICODE_STRING Title; /* Title of console */ struct { /* active code pages */ UINT Input; UINT Output; } CodePageId; BOOL EarlyReturn; /* wake client and return data, even if we are in line buffered mode, and we don't have a complete line */ } CSRSS_CONSOLE, *PCSRSS_CONSOLE; typedef struct _CSRSS_PROCESS_DATA { PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console; ULONG HandleTableSize; Object_t ** HandleTable; ULONG ProcessId; ULONG ShutdownLevel; ULONG ShutdownFlags; HANDLE ConsoleEvent; PVOID CsrSectionViewBase; ULONG CsrSectionViewSize; struct _CSRSS_PROCESS_DATA * next; } CSRSS_PROCESS_DATA, *PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA; #define CSR_API(n) NTSTATUS n (\ PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData,\ PCSRSS_API_REQUEST Request,\ PCSRSS_API_REPLY Reply) /* api/process.c */ CSR_API(CsrConnectProcess); CSR_API(CsrCreateProcess); CSR_API(CsrTerminateProcess); /* api/conio.c */ CSR_API(CsrWriteConsole); CSR_API(CsrAllocConsole); CSR_API(CsrFreeConsole); CSR_API(CsrReadConsole); CSR_API(CsrConnectProcess); CSR_API(CsrGetScreenBufferInfo); CSR_API(CsrSetCursor); CSR_API(CsrFillOutputChar); CSR_API(CsrReadInputEvent); CSR_API(CsrWriteConsoleOutputChar); CSR_API(CsrWriteConsoleOutputAttrib); CSR_API(CsrFillOutputAttrib); CSR_API(CsrGetCursorInfo); CSR_API(CsrSetCursorInfo); CSR_API(CsrSetTextAttrib); CSR_API(CsrSetConsoleMode); CSR_API(CsrGetConsoleMode); CSR_API(CsrCreateScreenBuffer); CSR_API(CsrSetScreenBuffer); CSR_API(CsrSetTitle); CSR_API(CsrGetTitle); CSR_API(CsrWriteConsoleOutput); CSR_API(CsrFlushInputBuffer); CSR_API(CsrScrollConsoleScreenBuffer); CSR_API(CsrReadConsoleOutputChar); CSR_API(CsrReadConsoleOutputAttrib); CSR_API(CsrGetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents); CSR_API(CsrRegisterServicesProcess); CSR_API(CsrExitReactos); CSR_API(CsrGetShutdownParameters); CSR_API(CsrSetShutdownParameters); CSR_API(CsrPeekConsoleInput); CSR_API(CsrReadConsoleOutput); CSR_API(CsrWriteConsoleInput); CSR_API(CsrGetInputHandle); CSR_API(CsrGetOutputHandle); CSR_API(CsrCloseHandle); CSR_API(CsrVerifyHandle); CSR_API(CsrDuplicateHandle); /* print.c */ VOID STDCALL DisplayString(LPCWSTR lpwString); VOID STDCALL PrintString (char* fmt, ...); /* api/wapi.c */ VOID Thread_Api(PVOID PortHandle); VOID Console_Api( DWORD Ignored ); extern HANDLE CsrssApiHeap; /* api/conio.c */ NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrInitConsole(PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console); VOID STDCALL CsrDeleteConsole( PCSRSS_CONSOLE Console ); VOID STDCALL CsrDeleteScreenBuffer( PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER Buffer ); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrInitConsoleScreenBuffer( PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER Console ); VOID STDCALL CsrInitConsoleSupport(VOID); /* api/process.c */ VOID STDCALL CsrInitProcessData(VOID); PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA STDCALL CsrGetProcessData(ULONG ProcessId); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrFreeProcessData( ULONG Pid ); /* api/handle.c */ NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrInsertObject( PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, PHANDLE Handle, Object_t *Object ); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrGetObject( PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, HANDLE Handle, Object_t **Object ); BOOL STDCALL CsrServerInitialization (ULONG ArgumentCount, PWSTR *ArgumentArray); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrReleaseObject( PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, HANDLE Object ); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrVerifyObject( PCSRSS_PROCESS_DATA ProcessData, HANDLE Object ); VOID STDCALL CsrDrawConsole( PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER Console ); NTSTATUS STDCALL CsrpWriteConsole( PCSRSS_SCREEN_BUFFER Buff, CHAR *Buffer, DWORD Length, BOOL Attrib ); #endif /* ndef _CSRSS_API_H */