$Id$ Operation Captive ----------------- Existing binary Microsoft Windows file system drivers were exploited for accessing drives with possibly proprietary file system data structures. Open file system API is provided to access these file system drivers. Microsoft Windows system components required by these drivers were analyzed and successfuly emulated in the GNU/Linux operating system. The implementation allows applications running under the GNU/Linux operating system to access NTFS drives. File system driver compatibility with VFAT, ISO9660 and EXT2 is also provided. Drivers Availability -------------------- All the source packages involved in this project are GNU General Public License 2.0 (GPL-2.0) compatible (see the file "AUTHORS" for details). The purpose of this project is to run the original Microsoft Windows drivers to get the best filesystem compatibility and safety ever reachable. This is the method known most by the Wine http://www.winehq.com/ project. Required driver files: ntoskrnl.exe - Windows NT kernel; required for ANY use of this project. ntfs.sys - NTFS filesystem driver; required to access NTFS disk drives. Run captive-install-aquire(1) installer for proper guided steps. Packaged Installations ---------------------- Case #1 - All packages installed: captive-install - Acquire needed MS-Windows drivers and setup /etc/fstab. captive-lufs - Linux User File System module driver to be native filesystem. captive - Base package of this project. lufs >=0.9.6-1captive - Linux User File System engine for captive-lufs. gnome-vfs-httpcaptive - Gnome-VFS httpcaptive:// method for captive-install. ntfsprogs >=200309071734 - Readonly NTFS to get drivers by captive-install. ntfsprogs-gnomevfs - Gnome-VFS readonly NTFS access used by captive-install. Required W32 drivers were automatically found if Microsoft Windows XP is installed on any (mounted or unmounted) NTFS or (mounted) FAT partition. You may want to run captive-install-acquire(1) to check the drivers state and possibly update them. Installer uses X Windows or console automatically. Any NTFS disk partitions were automatically added to /etc/fstab. These partitions are now available for mount by mount /mnt/captive-DISK_LABEL such as (if the label is empty) mount /mnt/captive- Case #2 - Packages without installer: captive-lufs - Linux User File System module driver to be native filesystem. captive - Base package of this project. lufs >=0.9.6-1captive - Linux User File System engine for captive-lufs. You must obtain W32 drivers - at least "ntoskrnl.exe" and "ntfs.sys". They should be stored in '/var/lib/captive' directory (lowercased filenames). These driver must be from Microsoft Windows XP; Service Pack 1 Check Build U.S. preferred: http://www.microsoft.com/WindowsXP/pro/downloads/servicepacks/sp1/checkedbuild.asp NTFS disk drives can be mounted by mkdir /mnt/drive-c mount -t captive-ntfs /dev/hda1 /mnt/drive-c Case #3 - Command-line client (or Gnome-VFS) access only: captive - Base package of this project. You must obtain W32 drivers - at least "ntoskrnl.exe" and "ntfs.sys". They should be stored in '/var/lib/captive' directory (lowercased filenames). These driver must be from Microsoft Windows XP; Service Pack 1 Check Build U.S. preferred. http://www.microsoft.com/WindowsXP/pro/downloads/servicepacks/sp1/checkedbuild.asp NTFS disk drives can be accessed by: captive-cmdline --load-module=/tmp/ntoskrnl.exe --filesystem=/tmp/ntfs.sys \ --sandbox-server=/usr/sbin/captive-sandbox-server \ --bug-pathname=/tmp/captive-bug-%FT%T.captivebug.xml.gz \ --disk --rw /dev/hda1 (Backslash end-of-line characters '\' to be omitted for line continuation.) In the case of 'sandbox' invocation error you can also run directly but read/write (--rw) mode is definitely discouraged in such case: captive-cmdline --load-module=/tmp/ntoskrnl.exe --filesystem=/tmp/ntfs.sys \ --disk --rw /dev/hda1 (Backslash end-of-line characters '\' to be omitted for line continuation.) Gnome-VFS aware applications can access NTFS disk drives by: gnomevfs-info file:///dev/hda1#captive-ntfs:/config.sys gnomevfs-copy file:///dev/hda1#captive-ntfs:/config.sys /tmp/ You can replace 'captive-ntfs' by other supported methods, see: /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/captive.conf Source Installations -------------------- Case #1 - All packages installed: ./configure --enable-lufs --enable-install-pkg Case #2 - Packages without installer: ./configure --enable-lufs Case #3 - Command-line client (or Gnome-VFS) access only: ./configure 'configure' will compile 'Case #1' or 'Case #2' automatically if possible when run with no arguments. For generic instructions see the file 'INSTALL' otherwise run: ./configure --help Compile by: make Now you have './src/client/cmdline/captive-cmdline' available for testing. Later you may invoke standard: make install Bug Reporting ------------- Captive produces its bugreports automatically in '/var/lib/captive' directory named by 'bug-yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.captivebug.xml.gz' template. Microsoft Windows subsystem emulation failures should be reproducable from this snapshot file. You should attempt to minimize the number of operations from the mount operation till the expected crash to minimize the snapshot file size. !!! Be aware '.captivebug.xml.gz' will contain data from your disk drive !!! CVS Bleeding Edge ----------------- cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs login Just hit ENTER (empty password) cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs -z3 checkout -d captive priv/captive cd captive cvs -d :pserver:pserver@cvs.jankratochvil.net:/cvs -z3 checkout -d reactos -r captive -kk priv/reactos ./autogen.pl make ./src/client/cmdline/captive-cmdline --load-module=/var/lib/captive/ntoskrnl.exe --filesystem=/var/lib/captive/ntfs.sys --disk --blind /dev/hda1 Files Overview -------------- User: src/client/lufs - Linux User File System module to access NTFS as filesystem. src/client/sandbox-server - Security+safety wrapper of emulated W32 environment. Disable during debugging sessions. src/client/cmdline - Simple ftp(1)-like client. Fallback if LUFS client not usable; also useful during debugging. src/install - 'captive-install' package contents src/install/fstab - Search and add/remove 'captive-ntfs' /etc/fstab entries. src/install/acquire - Search/download needed MS Windows XP driver files. src/install/acquire/w32-mod-id.captivemodid.xml - List of supported W32 drivers. Developer: src/client/gnomevfs - gnomevfs-copy(1) file:///dev/hda1#captive-ntfs:/config.sys src/client/bug-replay - Debugging engine for files by --bug-pathname. src/libcaptive/ke/exports.captivesym - List of implemented W32 API functions. src/libcaptive/cc - Windows NT Cache Manager. src/TraceFS - TraceFS W32 Cache Manager debug tracer utilities. src/TraceFS/TraceFS-W32 - TraceFS native W32 Cache Manager debug tracer. src/libcaptive/sandbox - CORBA/ORBit security+safety sandbox-server separation. src/libcaptive/client - Code for interfacing libcaptive to its clients. src/libcaptive/halcaptive - W32 hal.dll of captive. src/libcaptive/include/captive - Include files for future 3rd party clients. src/libcaptive/include/reactos - ReactOS include wrappers for UNIX gcc(1). src/libcaptive/reactos - Build skeleton for gcc(1) compilation of ReactOS. src/libcaptive/reactos/ntoskrnl - Compatible parts of ReactOS ntoskrnl.exe. src/libcaptive/reactos/hal - Compatible parts of ReactOS hal.dll. src/libcaptive/rtl/unicode.c - Interface UNIX UCS4/UTF8 vs. W32 UCS2 unicode. src/libcaptive/storage - HDD/CD-ROM virtual block device UNIX<->W32 drivers. src/libcaptive/se - Void security manager granting everything to everyone. src/install/acquire/cabextract - Modified cabextract(1) for 'acquire'. src/w32-mod - Supplied W32 driver module files. macros - Generic AutoGen framework used by './autogen.pl' CVS bootstrapper. captive.spec.in - Red Hat Linux packaging. debian - Debian GNU/Linux packaging. Linux-NTFS Project ------------------ http://linux-ntfs.sourceforge.net/ is the most serious competitive NTFS driver implementation. It is fully GPL-2.0 licensed and it needs no proprietary drivers requirements. It should be now fully reliable for read/only operations. Read/write operations are supported only for rewriting existing data blocks of existing files - no file/directory create/delete operations possible. 'captive-install' package of this project 'ntfsprogs' package of Linux-NTFS Project. This driver is very useful to obtain the original drivers from Microsoft Windows XP already installed on existing NTFS disk partition by 'ntfsprogs' NTFS read/only access. 'ntfsprogs' are no longer used afterwards. Although Linux-NTFS Project contains a lot of valuable reverse-engineering work it is completely separated effort from Captive project, no knowledge can be shared. Linux-NTFS revere-engineers on-disk data structures while Captive reverse-engineers internal Windows NT kernel API. Drivers Availability Details ---------------------------- Microsoft Windows driver files are copyrighted by Microsoft corporation and therefore they were not supplied along with this project. It is expected you already have valid Microsoft Windows license if you need NTFS disk drive access at all. Currently this project supports only driver files of Microsoft Windows XP; other versions (such as NT-4.0, 2000 or 2003 Server) are currently not yet supported. You still may safely access your NTFS disk drive of a different MS-Windows version although depending on your country you may not have legal rights to download the needed Microsoft Windows XP drivers if not owning exactly the XP version license. These drivers have only debugging meaning as such disks are well supported: ext2fsd.sys - GNU/Linux EXT2 filesystem driver; supplied in: src/w32-mod/ fastfat.sys - FAT filesystem driver; required for (V)FAT-12/16/32 drives. cdfs.sys - CDFS/ISO-9660 filesystem driver; required for CD-ROM media. Installation ------------ See the file 'INSTALL'. Copyright --------- See the file 'COPYING' and 'AUTHORS'.