#define Copyright "Copyright 1999 Ed Casas" #define Version "efix v 0.3" /* Copyright (C) 1999 Ed Casas This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Please contact the author if you wish to use efax or efix in ways not covered by the GNU GPL. You may contact the author by e-mail at: edc@cce.com, by mail at: 2629 West 3rd Ave, Vancouver, BC, Canada, V6K 1M4, or by fax at: +1 604 734 5291. */ const char *Usage = "Usage:\n" " %s [ option ]... file... \n" "Options (defaults):\n" " -i f input format (auto):\n" " fax fax (\"Group3\") 1-D coded image\n" " text text\n" " pbm raw PBM (portable bit map)\n" " tiffg3 TIFF, Group 3 fax compression\n" " tiffraw TIFF, no compression\n" " pcx mono PCX\n" " dcx mono DCX\n" " -o f output format (tiffg3):\n" " fax fax (\"Group3\") 1-D coded image\n" " pbm Portable Bit Map\n" " pgm Portable Gray Map (decimated by 4)\n" " pcl HP-PCL (e.g. HP LaserJet)\n" " ps Postscript (e.g. Apple Laserwriter)\n" " tiffg3 TIFF, Group 3 fax compression\n" " tiffraw TIFF, no compression\n" " pcx mono PCX\n" " dcx mono DCX\n" " -n pat printf() pattern for output file name (ofile)\n" " -f fnt use PBM font file fnt for text (built-in)\n" " -l n lines per text page (66)\n" " -v lvl print messages of type in string lvl (ewi)\n" " -s XxY scale input by X and Y (Y optional) (1x1)\n" " -r XxY resolution of output is X by Y (dpi, Y optional) (204x196)\n" " -R XxY resolution of input is X by Y (dpi, Y optional) (204x196)\n" " -p WxH pad/truncate output to width W by height H (215x297mm)\n" " -d R,D displace output right R, down D (opposite if -ve) (0,0)\n" " -O f overlay file f (none)\n" " -M ignore other options and base64 (MIME) encode stdin to stdout\n" "\n" "Add 'in', 'cm', 'mm', or 'pt' to -p and -d arguments (default in[ches]).\n" "Default output size and resolution is same as input (if known).\n" ; #include /* ANSI C */ #include #include #include #include #include "efaxlib.h" #include "efaxmsg.h" #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX 32767 #endif /* Allowed input and output formats. *** MUST match enum *** */ char *iformatstr[] = { " 3text", " 1pbm", " 2fax", " 4tiffg3", " 4tiffraw", " 6pcx", " 6pcxraw", " 8dcx", 0 } ; char *oformatstr[] = { " 1pbm" , " 2fax", " 3pcl", " 4ps", " 5pgm", " 7tiffg3", " 8tiffraw", "11pcx", "12pcxraw", "13dcx", 0 } ; /* Look up a string in a NULL-delimited table where the first character of each string is the digit to return if the rest of the string matches. Returns the value of the digit for the matching string or -1 if no matches. */ int lookup ( char **tab, char *s ) { char **p ; for ( p=tab ; p && *p && strcmp ( *p+2, s ) ; p++ ) ; return p && *p ? atoi ( *p ) : -1 ; } /* Extract pair of values from string. If it's a `dim'ension, two values are required and they are converted to inches, else the y value is optional. Returns 0 or 2 on error. */ int getxy ( char *arg, float *x, float *y, int dim ) { int i, n, nc=0, err=0 ; char c ; static char *unitstr[] = { " 0in", " 1cm", " 2mm", " 3pt", 0 } ; static float unitval[] = { 1.0, 2.54, 25.4, 72.0, 1.0 } ; if ( ! arg ) err = msg ( "E2 missing argument" ) ; if ( !x || !y ) err = msg ( "E2 can't happen (getxy)" ) ; if ( ! err ) { n = sscanf ( arg , "%f%c%f%n", x, &c, y, &nc ) ; switch ( n ) { case 0 : err = msg ( "E2bad X value in (%s)", arg ) ; break ; case 2 : err = msg ( "E2bad Y value in (%s)", arg ) ; break ; } } if ( ! err ) { if ( dim ) { if ( n != 3 ) { err = msg ( "Emissing Y dimension in (%s)", arg ) ; } else { while ( arg [ nc ] && isspace ( arg [ nc ] ) ) nc++ ; if ( arg [ nc ] ) { if ( ( i = lookup ( unitstr, arg+nc ) ) >= 0 ) { *x /= unitval [ i ] ; *y /= unitval [ i ] ; } else { err = msg ( "E2bad units: `%s'", arg+nc ) ; } } } } else { if ( n == 1 ) *y = *x ; } } if ( ! err ) msg ( "Aconverted (%s) into %f x %f", arg, *x, *y ) ; return err ; } /* Copy stdin to stdout while applying base64 (RFC 1521) encoding. This encoding must be applied after the file is complete since some output formats (e.g. TIFF) require seeking backwards within the (binary) file. */ int base64encode ( void ) { int err=0, c ; uchar n=0, m=0, bits=0 ; static uchar chartab[65] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "0123456789+/" ; while ( ( c = fgetc ( stdin ) ) >= 0 ) { switch ( n ) { case 0: putc ( chartab [ c >> 2 ], stdout ) ; bits = c & 0x3 ; n = 1 ; break ; case 1: putc ( chartab [ (bits << 4) | ( c >> 4 ) ], stdout ) ; bits = c & 0xf ; n = 2 ; break ; case 2: putc ( chartab [ (bits << 2) | ( c >> 6 ) ], stdout ) ; putc ( chartab [ c & 0x3f ], stdout ) ; n = 0 ; if ( ++m >= 18 ) { putc ( '\n', stdout ) ; m = 0 ; } break ; } } switch ( n ) { case 0: break ; case 1: putc ( chartab [ (bits << 4) | ( 0 >> 4 ) ], stdout ) ; putc ( '=', stdout ) ; putc ( '=', stdout ) ; break ; case 2 : putc ( chartab [ (bits << 2) | ( 0 >> 6 ) ], stdout ) ; putc ( '=', stdout ) ; break ; } putc ( '\n', stdout ) ; return err ; } int main( int argc, char **argv) { int err=0, done=0, i, c ; int nr, pels, ovnr, ovpels, no ; /* run/pixel/repeat counts */ int linesout ; int page, ilines, olines ; /* page & line counts */ int xs, ys, w, h, ixsh, iysh ; /* integer scale, size & shift */ short runs [ MAXRUNS ] , ovruns [ MAXRUNS ] ; float /* defaults: */ xsc=1.0, ysc=1.0, /* scale */ xsh=0.0, ysh=0.0, /* shift */ dxres = 204.145, /* o/p res'n: 1728/215mm * 25.4 x */ dyres = 195.58, /* 7.7 * 25.4 */ dxsz = 215 / 25.4, /* o/p size: 8.5" x A4 */ dysz = 297 / 25.4 ; float /* arguments: */ axres = 0, ayres = 0, axsz = 0, aysz = 0, ainxres=0, ainyres=0 ; float /* values used: */ xres = 0, yres = 0, xsz = 0, ysz = 0 ; IFILE ifile, ovfile ; OFILE ofile ; char **ifnames, *ovfnames [ 2 ] = { 0, 0 } ; int iformat=I_AUTO, oformat=O_TIFF_FAX, pglines=0 ; char *ofname=0 ; faxfont font, *pfont=0 ; /* text font */ /* initialize */ argv0 = argv[0] ; /* process arguments */ while ( !err && (c=nextopt(argc,argv,"n:i:o:O:v:l:f:r:s:p:d:R:M") ) != -1) { switch ( c ) { case 'n': ofname = nxtoptarg ; break ; case 'i': if ( ( iformat = lookup ( iformatstr, nxtoptarg ) ) < 0 ) err = msg ( "E2invalid input type (%s)", nxtoptarg ) ; break ; case 'o': if ( ( oformat = lookup ( oformatstr, nxtoptarg ) ) < 0 ) err = msg ( "E2invalid output type (%s)", nxtoptarg ) ; break ; case 'O': ovfnames[0] = nxtoptarg ; break ; case 'v': verb[0] = nxtoptarg ; msg ( "A " Version ) ; for ( i=0 ; i 0 ) ifile.page->xres = ainxres ; if ( ainyres > 0 ) ifile.page->yres = ainyres ; if ( ifile.page->xres <= 0 ) ifile.page->xres = dxres ; if ( ifile.page->yres <= 0 ) ifile.page->yres = dyres ; xres = axres > 0 ? axres : ifile.page->xres ; yres = ayres > 0 ? ayres : ifile.page->yres ; xsz = axsz > 0 ? axsz : ( ifile.page->w > 0 ? ifile.page->w / ifile.page->xres : dxsz ) ; ysz = aysz > 0 ? aysz : ( ifile.page->h > 0 ? ifile.page->h / ifile.page->yres : dysz ) ; w = xsz * xres + 0.5 ; /* output dimensions in pixels */ h = ysz * yres + 0.5 ; ixsh = xsh * xres ; /* x/y shifts in pixels/lines */ iysh = ysh * yres ; if ( ( w & 7 ) != 0 ) /* just about everything requires... */ msg ("Iimage width rounded to %d pixels", w = ( w + 7 ) & ~7 ) ; if ( ofile.format == O_PGM && h & 3 ) /* PGM x4 decimation requires... */ msg ("I PGM image height rounded up to %d lines", h = ( h + 3 ) & ~3 ) ; if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 || xres < 0 || yres < 0 ) err = msg ( "E2negative/zero scaling/size/resolution" ) ; if ( ofile.format == O_PCL && /* check for strange PCL resolutions */ ( xres != yres || ( xres != 300 && xres != 150 && xres != 75 ) ) ) msg ( "Wstrange PCL resolution (%.0fx%.0f)", xres, yres ) ; if ( w > MAXBITS*8 ) /* make sure output will fit... */ err = msg( "E2requested output width too large (%d pixels)", w ) ; ofile.w = w ; ofile.h = h ; ofile.xres = xres ; ofile.yres = yres ; /* scale according to input file resolution */ xs = 256 * xsc * xres / ifile.page->xres + 0.5 ; ys = 256 * ysc * yres / ifile.page->yres + 0.5 ; if ( xs <= 0 || ys <= 0 ) err = msg ( "E2negative/zero scaling" ) ; if ( *ovfnames ) /* [re-]open overlay file */ if ( nextipage ( &ovfile , 0 ) ) { err=2 ; continue ; } if ( nextopage ( &ofile, page ) ) { err=2 ; continue ; } linesout=0 ; /* y-shift */ if ( iysh > 0 ) { writeline ( &ofile, ( ( *runs = w ), runs ), 1, iysh ) ; linesout += iysh ; } else { for ( i=0 ; i < -iysh ; i++ ) readline ( &ifile, runs, 0 ) ; } /* copy input to output */ olines = ilines = 0 ; while ( linesout < h ) { if ( ( nr = readline ( &ifile, runs, &pels ) ) < 0 ) break ; else ilines++ ; if ( *ovfnames ) { if ( ( ovnr = readline ( &ovfile, ovruns, &ovpels ) ) >= 0 ) nr = runor ( runs, nr, ovruns, ovnr, 0, &pels ) ; } /* x-scale, x-shift & x-pad input line */ pels = ( xs == 256 ) ? pels : xscale ( runs, nr, xs ) ; pels += ( ixsh == 0 ) ? 0 : xshift ( runs, nr, ixsh ) ; nr = ( pels == w ) ? nr : xpad ( runs, nr, w - pels ) ; /* y-scale by deleting/duplicating lines. */ no = ( ( ilines * ys ) >> 8 ) - olines ; if ( linesout + no > h ) no = h - linesout ; olines += no ; writeline ( &ofile, runs, nr, no ) ; linesout += no ; } /* y-pad */ if ( linesout < h ) writeline ( &ofile, ( ( *runs = w ), runs ), 1, h - linesout ) ; if ( ferror ( ifile.f ) ) err = msg ( "ES2input error:" ) ; } nextopage ( &ofile, EOF ) ; return err ; }