Main page


How to install it from the source ?

gnokii makes use of autoconf/automake which allows you to configure the source tree for your system by typing


You can also run configure with the --help flag to get a list of available options. There are about a dozen or so that are specific to gnokii.

Once you've run ./configure successfully, you should be able to simply do a make and make install to compile and install your binaries respectively.


make install

With this done you've built and installed your binaries, and should proceed to the configuration section below.

How to install it from binaries ?

If you downloaded gnokii as a pre-built binary you should install it in the conventional manner for the package type in question. For example if you downloaded a .rpm file you can install it by running the following as root.

rpm -i gnokii-0.3.2-i386.rpm

If you are using a Debian based system, you can use dpackage to do the installation (FIXME - is this correct ?)

How to make connection with phone ?

There are three ways to make it:

How to configure gnokii ?

You could copy the sample/gnokiirc file from the Docs/en_US/samples directory to your home directory and name it .gnokiirc or copy it into /etc directory and name .gnokiirc.

Using your favorite editor ensure that the settings are correct for your system, the sample file has details of the various options available. The most difficult problem could be discovering model of your phone - go into our firmware page and try to use codes written in column Firmware version code. If your phone will display something, see model number on the third line, look on the firmware page again (for it) and read phone model then.

Note that you will need read/write permissions on whatever serial port you specify in .gnokiirc. You can now use gnokii and xgnokii.

How to configure infrared connection ?

How to configure gnokii driver for data connection ?

After installing and configuring gnokii you should make another group and allow mgnokiidev to use it. For example (if you have installed gnokii into /usr/local):

groupadd gnokii
chown root:gnokii /usr/local/sbin/mgnokiidev
chmod 4750 /usr/local/sbin/mgnokiidev

Then connect your phone to your PC and then run gnokiid:

# gnokiid

If successful, you should see a message saying that mgnokiidev has been run to create /dev/gnokii. If you're using a 5110/6110 series phone you should hear a beep and see an "accessory connected" message on the phone. If you're using a 3810 series phone you won't see anything on the phones LCD.

[I run gnokiid as root; it will probably work for another user who is in group gnokii, as long as the serial port is accessible to that user as well. It's not recommended that you run gnokiid as root permanently however!]

Use /dev/gnokii as a modem:

e.g. ppp session
--------------- /etc/ppp/peers/demon-gnokii ---------------------
/dev/gnokii 115200
modem crtscts defaultroute
mtu 296
--------------- /etc/ppp/pap-secrets --------------------------- demon-gnokii

Then "pppd call demon-gnokii" should connect
('tail -f /var/log/messages' to see what is happening)

If a call terminates you should get 'NO CARRIER' and gnokiid should continue to work, but this is early code and you may find you have to Ctrl-C and restart gnokiid (especially if the phone says the terminal connection has been lost)