This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'decode'.
authorjankratochvil <>
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 02:40:36 +0000 (02:40 +0000)
committerjankratochvil <>
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 02:40:36 +0000 (02:40 +0000)
Cherrypick from uc 2002-02-18 02:07:04 UTC jankratochvil 'This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch 'uc'.':
Cherrypick from ats 2002-02-28 02:40:34 UTC short '\r\n -> \n':
Cherrypick from mygnokii 2002-02-28 02:40:35 UTC short '\r\n -> \n':

common/devices/unixserial.c [new file with mode: 0644]
common/files/cfgreader.c [new file with mode: 0644]
common/misc.c [new file with mode: 0644]
common/newmodules/n6110.c [new file with mode: 0644]
common/protocol/fbus.c [new file with mode: 0644]
gnokii/gnokii.c [new file with mode: 0644]
include/ [new file with mode: 0644]
include/protocol/fbus.h [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/common/devices/unixserial.c b/common/devices/unixserial.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bc7e37e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+  $Id$
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+#include "misc.h"
+/* Do not compile this file under Win32 systems. */
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if __unices__
+#  include <sys/file.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include "devices/unixserial.h"
+  #include <sys/ioctl_compat.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+/* If the target operating system does not have cfsetspeed, we can emulate
+   it. */
+  #if defined(HAVE_CFSETISPEED) && defined(HAVE_CFSETOSPEED)
+     #define cfsetspeed(t, speed) \
+     (cfsetispeed(t, speed) || cfsetospeed(t, speed))
+  #else
+    static int cfsetspeed(struct termios *t, int speed) {
+      t->c_ispeed = speed;
+      t->c_ospeed = speed;
+    #else
+      t->c_cflag |= speed;
+    #endif
+      return 0;
+    }
+  #endif
+#ifndef O_NONBLOCK
+  #define O_NONBLOCK  0
+/* Structure to backup the setting of the terminal. */
+struct termios serial_termios;
+/* Open the serial port and store the settings. */
+int serial_open(__const char *__file, int __oflag) {
+  int __fd;
+  int retcode;
+  __fd = open(__file, __oflag);
+  if (__fd == -1) {
+    perror("Gnokii serial_open: open");
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  retcode=tcgetattr(__fd, &serial_termios);
+  if(retcode==-1) {
+    perror("Gnokii serial_open:tcgetattr");
+    /* Don't call serial_close since serial_termios is not valid */
+    close(__fd);
+    return(-1);
+  }
+  return __fd;
+/* Close the serial port and restore old settings. */
+int serial_close(int __fd) {
+  if (__fd >= 0)
+    tcsetattr(__fd, TCSANOW, &serial_termios);
+  return (close(__fd));
+/* Open a device with standard options. */
+int serial_opendevice(__const char *__file, int __with_odd_parity, int __with_async, int __with_hw_handshake) {
+  int fd;
+  int retcode;
+  struct termios tp;
+  /* Open device */
+  fd = serial_open(__file, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK);
+  if (fd < 0) 
+    return fd;
+  /* Allow process/thread to receive SIGIO */
+#if !(__unices__)
+  retcode = fcntl(fd, F_SETOWN, getpid());
+  if (retcode == -1){
+    perror("Gnokii serial_opendevice: fnctl(F_SETOWN)");
+    serial_close(fd);
+    return(-1);
+  }
+  /* Make filedescriptor asynchronous. */
+  if (__with_async) {
+    retcode=fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FASYNC);
+    if (retcode == -1){
+      perror("Gnokii serial_opendevice: fnctl(F_SETFL)");
+      serial_close(fd);
+      return(-1);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Initialise the port settings */
+  memcpy(&tp, &serial_termios, sizeof(struct termios));
+  /* Set port settings for canonical input processing */
+  tp.c_cflag = B0 | CS8 | CLOCAL | CREAD;
+  if (__with_odd_parity) {
+    tp.c_cflag |= (PARENB | PARODD);
+    tp.c_iflag = 0;
+  }
+  else
+    tp.c_iflag = IGNPAR;
+  if (__with_hw_handshake)
+    tp.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS;
+  else
+    tp.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
+  tp.c_oflag = 0;
+  tp.c_lflag = 0;
+  tp.c_cc[VMIN] = 1;
+  tp.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;
+  retcode=tcflush(fd, TCIFLUSH);
+  if (retcode == -1) {
+    perror("Gnokii serial_opendevice: tcflush");
+    serial_close(fd);
+    return(-1);
+  }
+  retcode=tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tp);
+  if (retcode == -1){
+    perror("Gnokii serial_opendevice: tcsetattr");
+    serial_close(fd);
+    return(-1);
+  }
+  return fd;
+/* Set the DTR and RTS bit of the serial device. */
+void serial_setdtrrts(int __fd, int __dtr, int __rts) {
+  unsigned int flags;
+  flags = TIOCM_DTR;
+  if (__dtr) ioctl(__fd, TIOCMBIS, &flags);
+        else ioctl(__fd, TIOCMBIC, &flags);
+  flags = TIOCM_RTS;
+  if (__rts) ioctl(__fd, TIOCMBIS, &flags);
+        else ioctl(__fd, TIOCMBIC, &flags);
+int serial_select(int fd, struct timeval *timeout) {
+  fd_set readfds;
+  FD_ZERO(&readfds);
+  FD_SET(fd, &readfds);
+  return (select(fd + 1, &readfds, NULL, NULL, timeout));
+/* Change the speed of the serial device. */
+void serial_changespeed(int __fd, int __speed) {
+#ifndef SGTTY
+  struct termios t;
+  struct sgttyb t;
+  int speed=B9600;
+  switch (__speed) {
+    case 9600:   speed = B9600;   break;
+    case 19200:  speed = B19200;  break;
+    case 38400:  speed = B38400;  break;
+    case 57600:  speed = B57600;  break;
+    case 115200: speed = B115200; break;
+  }
+#ifndef SGTTY
+  tcgetattr(__fd, &t);
+  // This is not needed! We set up the speed via cfsetspeed
+  //  t.c_cflag &= ~CBAUD;
+  //  t.c_cflag |= speed;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  if (cfsetspeed(&t, speed) == -1)
+       fprintf(stdout,_("Serial port speed setting failed\n"));
+  cfsetspeed(&t, speed);
+  tcsetattr(__fd, TCSADRAIN, &t);
+  ioctl(__fd, TIOCGETP, &t);
+  t.sg_ispeed = speed;
+  t.sg_ospeed = speed;
+  ioctl(__fd, TIOCSETN, &t);
+/* Read from serial device. */
+size_t serial_read(int __fd, __ptr_t __buf, size_t __nbytes) {
+  return (read(__fd, __buf, __nbytes));
+/* Write to serial device. */
+size_t serial_write(int __fd, __const __ptr_t __buf, size_t __n) {
+       return (write(__fd, __buf, __n));
+#endif  /* WIN32 */
diff --git a/common/files/cfgreader.c b/common/files/cfgreader.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9908cc1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+  $Id$
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+  Config file (/etc/gnokiirc and ~/.gnokiirc) reader.
+  Modified from code by Tim Potter.
+#include "misc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#if __unices__
+#  include <strings.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "files/cfgreader.h"
+/* Read configuration information from a ".INI" style file */
+struct CFG_Header *CFG_ReadFile(char *filename)
+        FILE *handle;
+        char *line;
+        char *buf;
+        struct CFG_Header *cfg_info = NULL, *cfg_head = NULL;
+        /* Error check */
+        if (filename == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        /* Initialisation */
+        if ((buf = (char *)malloc(255)) == NULL) {
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        /* Open file */
+        if ((handle = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                fprintf( stderr, "CFG_ReadFile - open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+                return NULL;
+        }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        else
+                fprintf( stderr, "Opened configuration file %s\n", filename );
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+        /* Iterate over lines in the file */
+        while (fgets(buf, 255, handle) != NULL) {
+                line = buf;
+                /* Strip leading, trailing whitespace */
+                while(isspace((int) *line))
+                        line++;
+                while((strlen(line) > 0) && isspace((int) line[strlen(line) - 1]))
+                        line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
+                /* Ignore blank lines and comments */
+                if ((*line == '\n') || (*line == '\0') || (*line == '#'))
+                        continue;
+                /* Look for "headings" enclosed in square brackets */
+                if ((line[0] == '[') && (line[strlen(line) - 1] == ']')) {
+                        struct CFG_Header *heading;
+                        /* Allocate new heading entry */
+                        if ((heading = (struct CFG_Header *)malloc(sizeof(*heading))) == NULL) {
+                                return NULL;
+                        }
+                        /* Fill in fields */
+                        memset(heading, '\0', sizeof(*heading));
+                        line++;
+                        line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';
+                        /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */
+                        heading->section = strdup(line);
+                        /* Add to tail of list  */
+                        heading->prev = cfg_info;
+                        if (cfg_info != NULL) {
+                                cfg_info->next = heading;
+                        } else {
+                                /* Store copy of head of list for return value */
+                                cfg_head = heading;
+                        }
+                        cfg_info = heading;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                        fprintf(stderr, "Added new section %s\n", heading->section);
+                        /* Go on to next line */
+                        continue;
+                }
+                /* Process key/value line */
+                if ((strchr(line, '=') != NULL) && cfg_info != NULL) {
+                        struct CFG_Entry *entry;
+                        char *value;
+                        /* Allocate new entry */
+                        if ((entry = (struct CFG_Entry *)malloc(sizeof(*entry))) == NULL) {
+                                return NULL;
+                        }
+                        /* Fill in fields */
+                        memset(entry, '\0', sizeof(*entry));
+                        value = strchr(line, '=');
+                        *value = '\0';                /* Split string */
+                        value++;
+                        while(isspace((int) *value)) {      /* Remove leading white */
+                                value++;
+                        }
+                        entry->value = strdup(value);
+                        while((strlen(line) > 0) && isspace((int) line[strlen(line) - 1])) {
+                                line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0';  /* Remove trailing white */
+                        }
+                        /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */
+                        entry->key = strdup(line);
+                        /* Add to head of list */
+                        entry->next = cfg_info->entries;
+                        if (cfg_info->entries != NULL) {
+                                cfg_info->entries->prev = entry;
+                        }
+                        cfg_info->entries = entry;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                        fprintf(stderr, "Adding key/value %s/%s\n", entry->key, entry->value);
+                        /* Go on to next line */
+                        continue;
+                }
+                        /* Line not part of any heading */
+                fprintf(stderr, "Orphaned line: %s\n", line);
+        }
+        /* Return pointer to configuration information */
+        return cfg_head;
+/*  Write configuration information to a config file */
+int CFG_WriteFile(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *filename)
+  /* Not implemented - tricky to do and preserve comments */
+  return 0;
+ * Find the value of a key in a config file.  Return value associated
+ * with key or NULL if no such key exists. 
+ */
+char *CFG_Get(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *section, char *key)
+        struct CFG_Header *h;
+        struct CFG_Entry *e;
+        if ((cfg == NULL) || (section == NULL) || (key == NULL)) {
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        /* Search for section name */
+        for (h = cfg; h != NULL; h = h->next) {
+                if (strcmp(section, h->section) == 0) {
+                        /* Search for key within section */
+                        for (e = h->entries; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
+                                if (strcmp(key, e->key) == 0) {
+                                        /* Found! */
+                                        return e->value;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        /* Key not found in section */
+        return NULL;
+/*  Set the value of a key in a config file.  Return the new value if
+    the section/key can be found, else return NULL.  */
+char *CFG_Set(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *section, char *key, 
+                    char *value)
+        struct CFG_Header *h;
+        struct CFG_Entry *e;
+        if ((cfg == NULL) || (section == NULL) || (key == NULL) || 
+            (value == NULL)) {
+                return NULL;
+        }
+        /* Search for section name */
+        for (h = cfg; h != NULL; h = h->next) {
+                if (strcmp(section, h->section) == 0) {
+                        /* Search for key within section */
+                        for (e = h->entries; e != NULL; e = e->next) {
+                                if ((e->key != NULL) && strcmp(key, e->key) == 0) {
+                                        /* Found - set value */
+                                        free(e->key);
+                                        /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */
+                                        e->key = strdup(value);
+                                        return e->value;
+                                }
+                        }
+                }
+        }
+        /* Key not found in section */
+        return NULL;    
+struct CFG_Header *CFG_FindGnokiirc()
+       struct CFG_Header *cfg_info;
+        char *homedir;
+        char rcfile[200];
+#ifdef WIN32
+        homedir = getenv("HOMEDRIVE");
+        strncpy(rcfile, homedir ? homedir : "", 200);
+        homedir = getenv("HOMEPATH");
+        strncat(rcfile, homedir ? homedir : "", 200);
+        strncat(rcfile, "\gnokiirc", 200);
+        homedir = getenv("HOME");
+        if (homedir) strncpy(rcfile, homedir, 200);
+        strncat(rcfile, "/.gnokiirc", 200);
+        /* Try opening .gnokirc from users home directory first */
+        if ((cfg_info = CFG_ReadFile(rcfile)) == NULL) {
+#ifndef WIN32
+                /* It failed so try for /etc/gnokiirc */
+                if ((cfg_info = CFG_ReadFile("/etc/gnokiirc")) == NULL) {
+                        /* That failed too so exit */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                        fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't open %s or /etc/gnokiirc. Using defaults...\n"), rcfile);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+                        return NULL;
+                }
+#else /* WIN32 */
+                /* It failed so try for gnokiirc */
+                if ((cfg_info = CFG_ReadFile("gnokiirc")) == NULL) {
+                        /* That failed too so exit */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                        fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't open %s or gnokiirc. Using defaults...\n"), rcfile);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+                        return NULL;
+                }
+#endif /* WIN32 */
+        }
+       return cfg_info;
+int CFG_ReadConfig(char **model, char **port, char **initlength,
+               char **connection, char **bindir, char **synchronizetime,
+              bool isgnokiid)
+        struct CFG_Header *cfg_info;
+#ifdef WIN32
+        char *DefaultPort            = "com2:";
+        char *DefaultPort            = "/dev/ttyS1";
+        char *DefaultModel           = "auto";
+        char *DefaultConnection      = "fbus";
+        char *DefaultBindir          = "/usr/local/sbin/";
+       char *DefaultSynchronizeTime = "yes";
+       char *DefaultInitLength      = "30";
+       char *section = "global";
+        (char *)*model = DefaultModel;
+        (char *)*port = DefaultPort;
+        (char *)*connection = DefaultConnection;
+        (char *)*bindir = DefaultBindir;
+        (char *)*synchronizetime = DefaultSynchronizeTime;
+        (char *)*initlength = DefaultInitLength;
+       cfg_info=CFG_FindGnokiirc();
+       if (cfg_info==NULL) return 0;
+       if (isgnokiid) (char *)section = "gnokiid";
+        (char *)*model = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "model");
+        if (!*model) (char *)*model = DefaultModel;
+        (char *)*port = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "port");
+        if (!*port) (char *)*port = DefaultPort;
+        (char *)*connection = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "connection");
+        if (!*connection) (char *)*connection = DefaultConnection;
+        (char *)*bindir = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "bindir");
+        if (!*bindir) (char *)*bindir = DefaultBindir;
+        (char *)*synchronizetime = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "synchronizetime");
+        if (!*synchronizetime) (char *)*synchronizetime = DefaultSynchronizeTime;
+        (char *)*initlength = CFG_Get(cfg_info, section, "initlength");
+        if (!*initlength) (char *)*initlength = "default";
+        return 0;
diff --git a/common/misc.c b/common/misc.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b17a93e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#ifndef WIN32
+  #include <sys/types.h>
+  #include <sys/stat.h>
+  #include <stdlib.h>
+  #include <fcntl.h>
+  #include <signal.h>
+  #include <unistd.h>
+  #include <errno.h>
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "gsm-common.h"
+/* FIXME: I have timersub defined in sys/time.h :-( PJ
+   FIXME: Jano wants this function too... PJ
+int timersub(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b, struct timeval *result) {
+  do {
+    (result)->tv_sec = (a)->tv_sec - (b)->tv_sec;
+    (result)->tv_usec = (a)->tv_usec - (b)->tv_usec;
+    if ((result)->tv_usec < 0) {
+      --(result)->tv_sec;
+      (result)->tv_usec += 1000000;
+    }
+  } while (0);
+int GetLine(FILE *File, char *Line, int count) {
+  char *ptr;
+  if (fgets(Line, count, File)) {
+    ptr=Line+strlen(Line)-1;
+    while ( (*ptr == '\n' || *ptr == '\r') && ptr>=Line) *ptr--='\0';
+    return strlen(Line);
+  } else return -1;
+ * like atoi, but of a non-null-terminated string of a specified portion
+ */
+int mem_to_int(const char str[], int len)
+  char aux[81];
+  strncpy(aux, str, len);
+  aux[len]=0;
+  return( atoi(aux) );
+ * make hexdump of Message
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+void hexdump(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer)
+  int count;
+  int n=0;
+  char string1[80]="";
+  char string2[80]="";
+  char hex1[10];
+  char hex2[10];
+  for (count = 0; count < MessageLength; count ++)
+  {
+    n++;
+    switch (MessageBuffer[count]) {
+      case 0x09:
+        sprintf(hex1,"%02x  ",MessageBuffer[count]);
+        strcpy(hex2,".");
+        break;
+      default:
+        if (isprint(MessageBuffer[count]))
+          sprintf(hex1,"%02x%c ",MessageBuffer[count],MessageBuffer[count]);
+        else
+          sprintf(hex1,"%02x  ",MessageBuffer[count]);
+        if (isprint(MessageBuffer[count])) sprintf(hex2,"%c",MessageBuffer[count]);
+                                      else strcpy(hex2,".");
+        break;
+    }
+    if ( n!=15 && count != MessageLength-1 ) hex1[3]='|';
+    strcat(string1,hex1);
+    strcat(string2,hex2);
+    if ( n==15 || count == MessageLength-1 )
+    {      
+      fprintf(stdout,"%-60s%03x %s\n",string1,count+1,string2);
+      strcpy(string1,"");
+      strcpy(string2,"");
+      n=0;
+    }
+  }//for count
+  if (n!=0) fprintf (stdout,_("\n")); 
+  fflush(stdout);
+void txhexdump(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer)
+  int count;
+  int n=0;
+  for (count = 0; count < MessageLength; count ++)
+   {
+    n++;
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%02x"),MessageBuffer[count]);
+    switch (MessageBuffer[count]) {
+      case 0x09:
+        fprintf(stdout,_(" |"));
+        break;
+      default:
+        if (isprint(MessageBuffer[count])) fprintf(stdout, _("%c|"),MessageBuffer[count]);
+                                      else fprintf(stdout,_(" |"));
+        break;
+    }
+    if (n==18)
+    { 
+      fprintf (stdout,_("\n"));
+      n=0;
+    }
+   }//for count
+  if (n!=0) fprintf (stdout,_("\n")); 
+  fflush(stdout);
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define max_buf_len 128
+#define lock_path "/var/lock/LCK.."
+/* Lock the device. Return allocated string with a lock name */
+char *lock_device(const char* port)
+       char *lock_file = NULL;
+       char buffer[max_buf_len];
+       char *aux = rindex(port, '/');
+       int fd, len = strlen(aux) + strlen(lock_path);
+       memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
+       lock_file = calloc(len + 1, 1);
+       if (!lock_file) {
+               fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot lock device\n"));
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       /* I think we don't need to use strncpy, as we should have enough
+        * buffer due to strlen results
+        */
+       strcpy(lock_file, lock_path);
+       strcat(lock_file, aux);
+       /* Check for the stale lockfile.
+        * The code taken from minicom by Miquel van Smoorenburg */
+       if ((fd = open(lock_file, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) {
+               char buf[max_buf_len];
+               int pid, n = 0;
+               n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1);
+               close(fd);
+               if (n > 0) {
+                       pid = -1;
+                       if (n == 4)
+                               /* Kermit-style lockfile. */
+                               pid = *(int *)buf;
+                       else {
+                               /* Ascii lockfile. */
+                               buf[n] = 0;
+                               sscanf(buf, "%d", &pid);
+                       }
+                       if (pid > 0 && kill((pid_t)pid, 0) < 0 && errno == ESRCH) {
+                               fprintf(stderr, _("Lockfile is stale. Overriding it..\n"));
+                               sleep(1);
+                               unlink(lock_file);
+                       } else
+                               n = 0;
+               }
+               if (n == 0) {
+                       free(lock_file);
+                       fprintf(stderr, _("Device is already locked.\n"));
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       /* Try to create a new file, with 0644 mode */
+       fd = open(lock_file, O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0644);
+       if (fd == -1) {
+               free(lock_file);
+               fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot lock device\n"));
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       sprintf(buffer, "%10ld gnokii\n", (long)getpid());
+       write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer));
+       close(fd);
+       return lock_file;
+/* Removes lock and frees memory */
+bool unlock_device(char *lock_file)
+       int err;
+       if (!lock_file) {
+               fprintf(stderr, _("Cannot unlock device\n"));
+               return false;
+       }
+       err = unlink(lock_file);
+       free(lock_file);
+       return (err + 1);
+#endif /* WIN32 */
diff --git a/common/newmodules/n6110.c b/common/newmodules/n6110.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..324b401
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5645 @@
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+  This file provides an API for accessing functions on the 6110 and similar
+  phones.
+/* "Turn on" prototypes in n-6110.h */
+#define __n_6110_c 
+/* System header files */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+  #include "misc_win32.h"
+/* Various header file */
+#ifndef VC6
+  #include "config.h"
+#include "gsm-api.h"
+#include "gsm-coding.h"
+#include "newmodules/n6110.h"
+#include "newmodules/n7110.h"
+#include "protocol/fbus.h"
+#include "devices/device.h"
+/* Global variables used by code in gsm-api.c to expose the functions
+   supported by this model of phone. */
+/* Here we initialise model specific functions. */
+GSM_Functions N6110_Functions = {
+  N6110_Initialise,
+  N6110_DispatchMessage,
+  NULL_Terminate,
+  NULL_KeepAlive,
+  N6110_GetMemoryLocation,
+  N6110_WritePhonebookLocation,
+  N6110_GetSpeedDial,
+  N6110_SetSpeedDial,
+  N6110_GetMemoryStatus,
+  N6110_GetSMSStatus,
+  N6110_GetSMSCenter,
+  N6110_SetSMSCenter,
+  N6110_GetSMSMessage,
+  N6110_DeleteSMSMessage,
+  N6110_SendSMSMessage,
+  N6110_SaveSMSMessage,
+  N6110_GetRFLevel,
+  N6110_GetBatteryLevel,
+  N6110_GetPowerSource,
+  N6110_GetDisplayStatus,
+  N6110_EnterSecurityCode,
+  N6110_GetSecurityCodeStatus,
+  N6110_GetSecurityCode,
+  N6110_GetIMEI,
+  N6110_GetRevision,
+  N6110_GetModel,
+  N6110_GetDateTime,
+  N6110_SetDateTime,
+  N6110_GetAlarm,
+  N6110_SetAlarm,
+  N6110_DialVoice,
+  N6110_DialData,
+  N6110_GetIncomingCallNr,
+  N6110_GetNetworkInfo,
+  N6110_GetCalendarNote,
+  N6110_WriteCalendarNote,
+  N6110_DeleteCalendarNote,
+  N6110_NetMonitor,
+  N6110_SendDTMF,
+  N6110_GetBitmap,
+  N6110_SetBitmap,
+  N6110_SetRingTone,
+  N6110_SetBinRingTone,
+  N6110_GetBinRingTone,
+  N6110_Reset,
+  N6110_GetProfile,
+  N6110_SetProfile,
+  N6110_SendRLPFrame,
+  N6110_CancelCall,
+  N6110_PressKey,
+  N6110_EnableDisplayOutput,
+  N6110_DisableDisplayOutput,
+  N6110_EnableCellBroadcast,
+  N6110_DisableCellBroadcast,
+  N6110_ReadCellBroadcast,
+  N6110_PlayTone,
+  N6110_GetProductProfileSetting,
+  N6110_SetProductProfileSetting,
+  N6110_GetOperatorName,
+  N6110_SetOperatorName,
+  N6110_GetVoiceMailbox,  N6110_Tests,
+  N6110_SimlockInfo,
+  UNIMPLEMENTED,                 //GetCalendarNotesInfo
+  N6110_GetSMSFolders,
+  N6110_ResetPhoneSettings,
+  N7110_GetWAPBookmark,
+  N7110_SetWAPBookmark,
+  N7110_GetWAPSettings,
+  N6110_CallDivert,
+  N6110_AnswerCall,
+  N6110_GetManufacturer
+/* Mobile phone information */
+GSM_Information N6110_Information = {
+  "3210|3310|3330|5110|5130|5190|6110|6130|6150|6190|8210|8850",
+     /* Supported models in FBUS */
+  "3210|3310|3330|5110|5130|5190|6110|6130|6150|6190|8210|8850",
+     /* Supported models in MBUS */
+  "6110|6130|6150|8210|8850",
+     /* Supported models in FBUS over infrared */
+  "",
+     /* Supported models in FBUS over DLR3 */
+  "",
+     /* AT commands */
+  "8210|8850",
+     /* infrared sockets */
+  "6110|6130|6150|8210|8850",
+     /* Supported models in FBUS over infrared with Tekram device */  
+  4,                     /* Max RF Level */
+  0,                     /* Min RF Level */
+  GRF_Arbitrary,         /* RF level units */
+  4,                     /* Max Battery Level */
+  0,                     /* Min Battery Level */
+  GBU_Arbitrary,         /* Battery level units */
+  GDT_DateTime,          /* Have date/time support */
+  GDT_TimeOnly,                 /* Alarm supports time only */
+  1                      /* Only one alarm available */
+const char *N6110_MemoryType_String [] = {
+  "",  /* 0x00 */
+  "MT", /* 0x01 */
+  "ME", /* 0x02 */
+  "SM", /* 0x03 */
+  "FD", /* 0x04 */
+  "ON", /* 0x05 */
+  "EN", /* 0x06 */
+  "DC", /* 0x07 */
+  "RC", /* 0x08 */
+  "MC", /* 0x09 */
+/* Magic bytes from the phone. */
+unsigned char MagicBytes[4] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
+/* For DisplayOutput */
+char               PhoneScreen[5+1][27+1];
+int                OldX=1000,OldY=0,NewX=0,NewY=0;
+void N6110_ReplyEnableExtendedCommands(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Answer for EnableExtendedSecurityCommands frame, meaning not known :-(\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentEnableExtendedCommandsError=GE_NONE;  
+/* If you set make some things (for example,
+   change Security Code from phone's menu, disable and enable
+   phone), it won't answer for 0x40 frame - you won't be able
+   to play tones, get netmonitor, etc.
+   This function do thing called "Enabling extended security commands" -
+   it enables 0x40 frame functions.
+   This frame can also some other things - see below */
+GSM_Error N6110_EnableExtendedCommands (unsigned char status)
+  unsigned char req[4] = { 0x00,
+                           0x01,0x64, /* Enable extended commands request */
+                          0x01 };    /* 0x01 - on, 0x00 - off,
+                                        0x03 & 0x04 - soft & hard reset,
+                                         0x06 - CONTACT SERVICE */
+  /* When use 0x03 and had during session changed time & date
+     some phones (like 6150 or 6210) can ask for time & date after reset
+     or disable clock on the screen */
+  if (status!=0x06) req[3] = status;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentEnableExtendedCommandsError, 4, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyIMEI(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#if defined WIN32 || !defined HAVE_SNPRINTF
+  sprintf(Current_IMEI, "%s", MessageBuffer+4);
+  snprintf(Current_IMEI, GSM_MAX_IMEI_LENGTH, "%s", MessageBuffer+4);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: IMEI %s received\n"),Current_IMEI);
+  CurrentGetIMEIError=GE_NONE;       
+GSM_Error N6110_SendIMEIFrame()
+  unsigned char req[4] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x66, 0x00};  
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (20, &CurrentGetIMEIError, 4, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyHW(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, j;
+  if (MessageBuffer[3]==0x05) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Message: Hardware version received: "));
+    j=strlen(Current_Revision);
+    Current_Revision[j++]=',';
+    Current_Revision[j++]=' ';
+    Current_Revision[j++]='H';
+    Current_Revision[j++]='W';
+    for (i=5;i<9;i++) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("%c"), MessageBuffer[i]);
+      Current_Revision[j++]=MessageBuffer[i];
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+    CurrentGetHWError=GE_NONE;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SendHWFrame()
+  unsigned char req[4] = {0x00, 0x01, 0xc8, 0x05};  
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (20, &CurrentGetHWError, 4, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyID(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, j;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Mobile phone model identification received:\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Firmware: "));
+  strcpy(Current_Revision,"SW");
+  i=6;j=2;
+  while (MessageBuffer[i]!=0x0a) {
+    Current_Revision[j]=MessageBuffer[i];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("%c"),MessageBuffer[i]);
+    if (j==GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH-1) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stderr,_("ERROR: increase GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH!\n"));
+      break;
+    }
+    j++;
+    i++;
+  }
+  Current_Revision[j+1]=0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n   Firmware date: "));
+  i++;
+  while (MessageBuffer[i]!=0x0a) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("%c"),MessageBuffer[i]);
+    i++;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n   Model: "));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  i++;j=0;
+  while (MessageBuffer[i]!=0x0a) {
+    Current_Model[j]=MessageBuffer[i];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("%c"),MessageBuffer[i]);
+    if (j==GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH-1) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stderr,_("ERROR: increase GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH!\n"));
+      break;
+    }
+    j++;
+    i++;
+  }
+  Current_Model[j+1]=0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_SendIDFrame()
+  unsigned char req[5] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03, 0x00};  
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (50, &CurrentMagicError, 5, 0xd1, req);
+/* This function send the status request to the phone. */
+/* Seems to be ignored in N3210 */
+GSM_Error N6110_SendStatusRequest(void)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01};
+  Protocol->SendMessage(4, 0x04, req);
+  return (GE_NONE);
+void N6110_ReplyGetAuthentication(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#if defined WIN32 || !defined HAVE_SNPRINTF
+  sprintf(Current_IMEI, "%s", MessageBuffer+9);
+  sprintf(Current_Model, "%s", MessageBuffer+25);
+  sprintf(Current_Revision, "SW%s, HW%s", MessageBuffer+44, MessageBuffer+39);
+  snprintf(Current_IMEI, GSM_MAX_IMEI_LENGTH, "%s", MessageBuffer+9);
+  snprintf(Current_Model, GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH, "%s", MessageBuffer+25);
+  snprintf(Current_Revision, GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH, "SW%s, HW%s", MessageBuffer+44, MessageBuffer+39);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Mobile phone identification received:\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   IMEI: %s\n"), Current_IMEI);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Model: %s\n"), Current_Model);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Production Code: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+31);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   HW: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+39);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Firmware: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+44);
+  /* These bytes are probably the source of the "Accessory not connected"
+     messages on the phone when trying to emulate NCDS... I hope....
+     UPDATE: of course, now we have the authentication algorithm. */
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Magic bytes: %02x %02x %02x %02x\n"), MessageBuffer[50], MessageBuffer[51], MessageBuffer[52], MessageBuffer[53]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  MagicBytes[0]=MessageBuffer[50];
+  MagicBytes[1]=MessageBuffer[51];
+  MagicBytes[2]=MessageBuffer[52];
+  MagicBytes[3]=MessageBuffer[53];
+  CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+/* This function provides Nokia authentication protocol.
+   This code is written specially for gnokii project by Odinokov Serge.
+   If you have some special requests for Serge just write him to
+ or
+   Reimplemented in C by Pavel Janík ml.
+   Nokia authentication protocol is used in the communication between Nokia
+   mobile phones (e.g. Nokia 6110) and Nokia Cellular Data Suite software,
+   commercially sold by Nokia Corp.
+   The authentication scheme is based on the token send by the phone to the
+   software. The software does it's magic (see the function
+   FB61_GetNokiaAuth()) and returns the result back to the phone. If the
+   result is correct the phone responds with the message "Accessory
+   connected!" displayed on the LCD. Otherwise it will display "Accessory not
+   supported" and some functions will not be available for use.
+   The specification of the protocol is not publicly available, no comment. */
+void N6110_GetNokiaAuth(unsigned char *Imei, unsigned char *MagicBytes, unsigned char *MagicResponse)
+  int i, j, CRC=0;
+  /* This is our temporary working area. */
+  unsigned char Temp[16];
+  /* Here we put FAC (Final Assembly Code) and serial number into our area. */
+  Temp[0]  = Imei[6];
+  Temp[1]  = Imei[7];
+  Temp[2]  = Imei[8];
+  Temp[3]  = Imei[9];
+  Temp[4]  = Imei[10];
+  Temp[5]  = Imei[11];
+  Temp[6]  = Imei[12];
+  Temp[7]  = Imei[13];
+  /* And now the TAC (Type Approval Code). */
+  Temp[8]  = Imei[2];
+  Temp[9]  = Imei[3];
+  Temp[10] = Imei[4];
+  Temp[11] = Imei[5];
+  /* And now we pack magic bytes from the phone. */
+  Temp[12] = MagicBytes[0];
+  Temp[13] = MagicBytes[1];
+  Temp[14] = MagicBytes[2];
+  Temp[15] = MagicBytes[3];
+  for (i=0; i<=11; i++)
+    if (Temp[i + 1]& 1)
+      Temp[i]<<=1;
+  switch (Temp[15] & 0x03) {
+  case 1:
+  case 2:
+    j = Temp[13] & 0x07;
+    for (i=0; i<=3; i++)
+      Temp[i+j] ^= Temp[i+12];
+    break;
+  default:
+    j = Temp[14] & 0x07;
+    for (i=0; i<=3; i++)
+      Temp[i + j] |= Temp[i + 12];
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<=15; i++)
+    CRC ^= Temp[i];
+  for (i=0; i<=15; i++) {
+    switch (Temp[15 - i] & 0x06) {
+    case 0:
+      j = Temp[i] | CRC;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+    case 4:
+      j = Temp[i] ^ CRC;
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      j = Temp[i] & CRC;
+      break;
+    }
+    if (j == CRC)
+      j = 0x2c;
+    if (Temp[i] == 0)
+      j = 0;
+    MagicResponse[i] = j;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_Authentication()
+  unsigned char connect1[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02};
+  unsigned char connect2[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x20, 0x02};
+  unsigned char connect3[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02};
+  unsigned char connect4[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x10};
+  unsigned char magic_connect[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+  0x12,
+  /* The real magic goes here ... These bytes are filled in with the
+     function N6110_GetNokiaAuth(). */
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 
+  /* NOKIA&GNOKII Accessory */
+  0x4e, 0x4f, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x41, 0x26, 0x4e, 0x4f, 0x4b, 0x49, 0x41, 0x20,
+  0x61, 0x63, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x79,
+  0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Making authentication!\n"));
+  usleep(100); Protocol->SendMessage(7, 0x02, connect1);
+  usleep(100); Protocol->SendMessage(5, 0x02, connect2);
+  usleep(100); Protocol->SendMessage(7, 0x02, connect3);
+  CurrentMagicError = GE_BUSY;
+  usleep(100); Protocol->SendMessage(4, 0x64, connect4);
+  if (NULL_WaitUntil(50,&CurrentMagicError)!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;
+  N6110_GetNokiaAuth(Current_IMEI, MagicBytes, magic_connect+4);
+  Protocol->SendMessage(45, 0x64, magic_connect);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,_("End of authentication!\n"));
+  return GE_NONE;
+/* Initialise variables and state machine. */
+GSM_Error N6110_Initialise(char *port_device, char *initlength,
+                          GSM_ConnectionType connection,
+                          void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame))
+  unsigned char init_char = N6110_SYNC_BYTE;
+  unsigned char end_init_char = N6110_IR_END_SYNC_BYTE;
+  int count;
+  int InitLength;
+  if (Protocol->Initialise(port_device,initlength,connection,rlp_callback)!=GE_NONE)
+  {
+    return GE_NOTSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  switch (CurrentConnectionType) {
+    case GCT_Irda:
+    case GCT_MBUS:
+      /* We don't think about authentication in Irda, because
+         AFAIK there are no phones working over sockets
+        and having authentication. In MBUS it doesn't work */
+      usleep(100);
+      if (N6110_SendIDFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;
+      if (N6110_SendIMEIFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;    
+      if (N6110_SendHWFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;    
+      CurrentLinkOK = true;                                 
+      break;
+    case GCT_FBUS:
+    case GCT_Infrared:
+    case GCT_Tekram:
+      InitLength = atoi(initlength);
+      if ((strcmp(initlength, "default") == 0) || (InitLength == 0)) {
+        InitLength = 250;      /* This is the usual value, lower may work. */
+      }
+      if (CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Infrared ||
+          CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Tekram) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Setting infrared for FBUS communication...\n"));
+        device_changespeed(9600);
+      }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Writing init chars...."));
+      /* Initialise link with phone or what have you */
+      /* Send init string to phone, this is a bunch of 0x55 characters. Timing is
+         empirical. */
+      for (count = 0; count < InitLength; count ++) {
+        if (CurrentConnectionType!=GCT_Infrared &&
+            CurrentConnectionType!=GCT_Tekram)         usleep(100);
+        Protocol->WritePhone(1,&init_char);
+      }
+      if (CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Infrared ||
+          CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Tekram)      {
+        Protocol->WritePhone(1,&end_init_char);
+        usleep(200000);
+      }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Done\n"));  
+      if (CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Infrared ||
+          CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Tekram)      {
+        device_changespeed(115200);    
+      }
+      N6110_SendStatusRequest();
+      usleep(100);
+      if (N6110_SendIDFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;
+      /* N51xx/61xx have something called authentication.
+         After making it phone display "Accessory connected"
+         and probably give access to some function (I'm not too sure about it !)
+         Anyway, I make it now for N51xx/61xx */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_AUTHENTICATION)!=0) {
+        if (N6110_Authentication()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;
+      } else {        /* No authentication */
+        if (N6110_SendIMEIFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;    
+        if (N6110_SendHWFrame()!=GE_NONE) return GE_TIMEOUT;    
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown connection type in n6110.c!\n"));
+      break;
+  }
+  return (GE_NONE);
+/* This function translates GMT_MemoryType to N6110_MEMORY_xx */
+int N6110_GetMemoryType(GSM_MemoryType memory_type)
+  int result;
+  switch (memory_type) {
+     case GMT_MT: result = N6110_MEMORY_MT; break;
+     case GMT_ME: result = N6110_MEMORY_ME; break;
+     case GMT_SM: result = N6110_MEMORY_SM; break;
+     case GMT_FD: result = N6110_MEMORY_FD; break;
+     case GMT_ON: result = N6110_MEMORY_ON; break;
+     case GMT_EN: result = N6110_MEMORY_EN; break;
+     case GMT_DC: result = N6110_MEMORY_DC; break;
+     case GMT_RC: result = N6110_MEMORY_RC; break;
+     case GMT_MC: result = N6110_MEMORY_MC; break;
+     default    : result = N6110_MEMORY_XX;
+   }
+   return (result);
+void N6110_ReplyCallDivert(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x02:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call divert status received\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Divert type: "));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+      case 0x43: fprintf(stdout, _("when busy"));break;
+      case 0x3d: fprintf(stdout, _("when not answered"));break;
+      case 0x3e: fprintf(stdout, _("when phone off or no coverage"));break;
+      case 0x15: fprintf(stdout, _("all types of diverts"));break; //?
+      case 0x02: fprintf(stdout, _("all types of diverts"));break; //?
+      default:   fprintf(stdout, _("unknown %i"),MessageBuffer[6]);break;
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, _("\n   Calls type : "));
+    if (MessageBuffer[6]==0x02)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("voice, fax & data")); //?
+    else {
+      switch (MessageBuffer[8]) {
+        case 0x0b: fprintf(stdout, _("voice"));break;
+        case 0x0d: fprintf(stdout, _("fax"));break;
+        case 0x19: fprintf(stdout, _("data"));break;
+        default:   fprintf(stdout, _("unknown %i"),MessageBuffer[8]);break;
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));     
+    if (MessageBuffer[10]==0x01) {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Status     : active\n"));
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Timeout    : %i seconds\n"),MessageBuffer[45]);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Number     : %s\n"),GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(MessageBuffer+12,true));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Status     : deactivated\n"));     
+    }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    if (CurrentCallDivert!=NULL) { 
+      switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+        case 0x43: CurrentCallDivert->DType=GSM_CDV_Busy;break;
+        case 0x3d: CurrentCallDivert->DType=GSM_CDV_NoAnswer;break;
+        case 0x3e: CurrentCallDivert->DType=GSM_CDV_OutOfReach;break;
+        case 0x15: CurrentCallDivert->DType=GSM_CDV_AllTypes;break; //?
+        case 0x02: CurrentCallDivert->DType=GSM_CDV_AllTypes;break; //?
+      }
+      if (MessageBuffer[6]==0x02) //?
+        CurrentCallDivert->CType=GSM_CDV_AllCalls;
+      else {
+        switch (MessageBuffer[8]) {
+          case 0x0b: CurrentCallDivert->CType=GSM_CDV_VoiceCalls;break;
+          case 0x0d: CurrentCallDivert->CType=GSM_CDV_FaxCalls;  break;
+          case 0x19: CurrentCallDivert->CType=GSM_CDV_DataCalls; break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (MessageBuffer[10]==0x01) {
+        CurrentCallDivert->Enabled=true;
+        CurrentCallDivert->Timeout=MessageBuffer[45];
+        strcpy(CurrentCallDivert->Number,GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(MessageBuffer+12,true));
+      } else {
+        CurrentCallDivert->Enabled=false;
+      }
+      CurrentCallDivertError=GE_NONE;
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x03:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call divert status receiving error ?\n"));
+    CurrentCallDivertError=GE_UNKNOWN;
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_CallDivert(GSM_CallDivert *cd)
+  char req[55] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01,
+                                      0x00, /* operation */
+                                      0x00,
+                                      0x00, /* divert type */
+                                      0x00, /* call type */
+                                      0x00 };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int length = 0x09;
+  switch (cd->Operation) {
+    case GSM_CDV_Register:
+    case GSM_CDV_Enable:
+      req[4] = 0x03;
+      req[8] = 0x01;
+      req[29]= GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(cd->Number, req + 9, false);
+      req[52]= cd->Timeout;
+      length = 55;
+      break;
+    case GSM_CDV_Erasure:
+    case GSM_CDV_Disable:
+      req[4] = 0x04;
+      break;
+    case GSM_CDV_Query:
+      req[4] = 0x05;
+      break;
+    default:
+      return GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
+  }
+  switch (cd->DType) {
+    case GSM_CDV_AllTypes  : req[6] = 0x15; break;
+    case GSM_CDV_Busy      : req[6] = 0x43; break;
+    case GSM_CDV_NoAnswer  : req[6] = 0x3d; break;
+    case GSM_CDV_OutOfReach: req[6] = 0x3e; break;
+    default:                 return GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
+  }
+  if ((cd->DType == GSM_CDV_AllTypes) &&
+      (cd->CType == GSM_CDV_AllCalls))
+    req[6] = 0x02;
+  switch (cd->CType) {
+    case GSM_CDV_AllCalls  :                break;
+    case GSM_CDV_VoiceCalls: req[7] = 0x0b; break;
+    case GSM_CDV_FaxCalls  : req[7] = 0x0d; break;
+    case GSM_CDV_DataCalls : req[7] = 0x19; break;
+    default:                 return GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED;
+  }
+  CurrentCallDivert = cd;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (100, &CurrentCallDivertError, length, 0x06, req);
+  CurrentCallDivert = NULL;
+  return error;
+GSM_Error N6110_Tests()
+  unsigned char buffer[3]={0x00,0x01,0xcf};
+  unsigned char buffer3[8]={0x00,0x01,0xce,0x1d,0xfe,0x23,0x00,0x00};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  //make almost all tests
+  Protocol->SendMessage(8, 0x40, buffer3);
+  while (GSM->Initialise(PortDevice, "50", CurrentConnectionType, CurrentRLP_RXCallback)!=GE_NONE) {};
+  sleep(2);
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (200, &CurrentNetworkInfoError, 3, 0x40, buffer);  
+void N6110_DisplayTestsInfo(u8 *MessageBuffer) {
+  int i;
+  CurrentNetworkInfoError=GE_NONE;
+  for (i=0;i<MessageBuffer[3];i++) {
+    switch (i) {
+      case 0: fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown(%i)              "),i);break;
+      case 1: fprintf(stdout,_("MCU ROM checksum        "));break;
+      case 2: fprintf(stdout,_("MCU RAM interface       "));break;
+      case 3: fprintf(stdout,_("MCU RAM component       "));break;
+      case 4: fprintf(stdout,_("MCU EEPROM interface    "));break;
+      case 5: fprintf(stdout,_("MCU EEPROM component    "));break;
+      case 6: fprintf(stdout,_("Real Time Clock battery "));break;
+      case 7: fprintf(stdout,_("CCONT interface         "));break;
+      case 8: fprintf(stdout,_("AD converter            "));break;
+      case 9: fprintf(stdout,_("SW Reset                "));break;
+      case 10:fprintf(stdout,_("Power Off               "));break;
+      case 11:fprintf(stdout,_("Security Data           "));break;
+      case 12:fprintf(stdout,_("EEPROM Tune checksum    "));break;
+      case 13:fprintf(stdout,_("PPM checksum            "));break;
+      case 14:fprintf(stdout,_("MCU download DSP        "));break;
+      case 15:fprintf(stdout,_("DSP alive               "));break;
+      case 16:fprintf(stdout,_("COBBA serial            "));break;
+      case 17:fprintf(stdout,_("COBBA paraller          "));break;
+      case 18:fprintf(stdout,_("EEPROM security checksum"));break;
+      case 19:fprintf(stdout,_("PPM validity            "));break;
+      case 20:fprintf(stdout,_("Warranty state          "));break;
+      case 21:fprintf(stdout,_("Simlock check           "));break;
+      case 22:fprintf(stdout,_("IMEI check?             "));break;//from OK?
+      default:fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown(%i)             "),i);break;
+    }
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4+i]) {
+      case 0:   fprintf(stdout,_(" : done, result OK"));break;
+      case 0xff:fprintf(stdout,_(" : not done, result unknown"));break;
+      case 254: fprintf(stdout,_(" : done, result NOT OK"));break;
+      default:  fprintf(stdout,_(" : result unknown(%i)"),MessageBuffer[4+i]);break;
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+  }
+void N6110_ReplySimlockInfo(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, j;
+  char uni[100];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Simlock info received\n"));
+  j=0;
+  for (i=0; i < 12; i++)
+  {
+    if (j<24) {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("%c"), ('0' + (MessageBuffer[9+i] >> 4)));
+      j++;
+    }
+    if (j==5 || j==15) fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));
+    if (j!=15) {
+      if (j<24) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("%c"), ('0' + (MessageBuffer[9+i] & 0x0f)));
+       j++;
+      }
+    } else j++;
+    if (j==20 || j==24) fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));
+  }
+  if ((MessageBuffer[6] & 1) == 1) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 1 closed\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[6] & 2) == 2) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 2 closed\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[6] & 4) == 4) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 3 closed\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[6] & 8) == 8) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 4 closed\n"));
+  /* I'm not sure here at all */
+  if ((MessageBuffer[5] & 1) == 1) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 1 - user\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[5] & 2) == 2) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 2 - user\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[5] & 4) == 4) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 3 - user\n"));
+  if ((MessageBuffer[5] & 8) == 8) fprintf(stdout,_("lock 4 - user\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_("counter for lock1: %i\n"),MessageBuffer[21]);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("counter for lock2: %i\n"),MessageBuffer[22]);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("counter for lock3: %i\n"),MessageBuffer[23]);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("counter for lock4: %i\n"),MessageBuffer[24]);
+  j=0;
+  for (i=0; i < 12; i++)
+  {
+    if (j<24) {
+      uni[j]='0' + (MessageBuffer[9+i] >> 4);
+      j++;
+    }
+    if (j!=15) {
+      if (j<24) {
+       uni[j]='0' + (MessageBuffer[9+i] & 0x0f);
+        j++;
+      }
+    } else j++;
+  }
+  strncpy(CurrentSimLock->simlocks[0].data,uni,5);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[0].data[5]=0;
+  strncpy(CurrentSimLock->simlocks[3].data,uni+5,10);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[3].data[10]=0;
+  strncpy(CurrentSimLock->simlocks[1].data,uni+16,4);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[1].data[4]=0;
+  strncpy(CurrentSimLock->simlocks[2].data,uni+20,4);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[2].data[4]=0;                                    
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[0].enabled=((MessageBuffer[6] & 1) == 1);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[1].enabled=((MessageBuffer[6] & 2) == 2);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[2].enabled=((MessageBuffer[6] & 4) == 4);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[3].enabled=((MessageBuffer[6] & 8) == 8);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[0].factory=((MessageBuffer[5] & 1) != 1);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[1].factory=((MessageBuffer[5] & 2) != 2);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[2].factory=((MessageBuffer[5] & 4) != 4);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[3].factory=((MessageBuffer[5] & 8) != 8);
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[0].counter=MessageBuffer[21];
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[1].counter=MessageBuffer[22];
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[2].counter=MessageBuffer[23];
+  CurrentSimLock->simlocks[3].counter=MessageBuffer[24];
+  CurrentSimlockInfoError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_SimlockInfo(GSM_AllSimlocks *siml)
+  GSM_Error error;
+  unsigned char req[] = {0x00,0x01,0x8a,0x00};
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  CurrentSimLock=siml;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (50, &CurrentSimlockInfoError, 4, 0x40, req);  
+void N6110_ReplyResetPhoneSettings(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Resetting phone settings\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentResetPhoneSettingsError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_ResetPhoneSettings()
+  GSM_Error error;
+  unsigned char req[] = {0x00,0x01,0x65,0x08,0x00};  
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentResetPhoneSettingsError, 5, 0x40, req);  
+GSM_Error N6110_GetManufacturer(char *manufacturer)
+       strcpy (manufacturer, "Nokia");
+       return (GE_NONE);
+GSM_Error N6110_GetVoiceMailbox ( GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  CurrentPhonebookEntry = entry;
+  req[4] = N6110_MEMORY_VOICE;
+  req[5] = 0x00; /* Location - isn't important, but... */
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentPhonebookError, 7, 0x03, req);
+  CurrentPhonebookEntry = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplyGetOperatorName(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, count;
+  GSM_Bitmap NullBitmap;
+  DecodeNetworkCode(MessageBuffer+5, NullBitmap.netcode);
+  count=8;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Info about downloaded operator name received: %s network (for gnokii \"%s\", for phone \""),
+          NullBitmap.netcode,
+         GSM_GetNetworkName(NullBitmap.netcode));      
+  i=count;
+  while (MessageBuffer[count]!=0) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),MessageBuffer[count]);
+    count++;
+  }
+ strcpy(CurrentGetOperatorNameNetwork->Code, NullBitmap.netcode);
+ strncpy(CurrentGetOperatorNameNetwork->Name, MessageBuffer+i,count-i+1);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,_("\")\n"));
+  CurrentGetOperatorNameError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetOperatorName (GSM_Network *operator)
+  unsigned char req[] = { 0x00,0x01,0x8c,0x00};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  CurrentGetOperatorNameNetwork = operator;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentGetOperatorNameError, 4, 0x40, req);
+  CurrentGetOperatorNameNetwork = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplySetOperatorName(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Downloaded operator name changed\n"));
+  CurrentSetOperatorNameError=GE_NONE;      
+GSM_Error N6110_SetOperatorName (GSM_Network *operator)
+  unsigned char req[256] = { 0x00,0x01,0x8b,0x00,
+                             0x00,0x00, /* MCC */
+                            0x00};     /* MNC */
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  EncodeNetworkCode(req+4,operator->Code);
+  strncpy(req+7,operator->Name,200);
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSetOperatorNameError, 8+strlen(operator->Name), 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetMemoryStatus(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x08:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Memory status received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Memory Type: %s\n"), N6110_MemoryType_String[MessageBuffer[4]]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Used: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[6]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Free: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[5]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentMemoryStatus->Used = MessageBuffer[6];
+    CurrentMemoryStatus->Free = MessageBuffer[5];
+    CurrentMemoryStatusError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x09:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x6f:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Memory status error, phone is probably powered off.\n"));break;
+      case 0x7d:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Memory status error, memory type not supported by phone model.\n"));break;
+      case 0x8d:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Memory status error, waiting for security code.\n"));break;
+      default:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown Memory status error, subtype (MessageBuffer[4]) = %02x\n"),MessageBuffer[4]);break;
+    }
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x6f:CurrentMemoryStatusError = GE_TIMEOUT;break;
+      case 0x7d:CurrentMemoryStatusError = GE_INTERNALERROR;break;
+      case 0x8d:CurrentMemoryStatusError = GE_INVALIDSECURITYCODE;break;
+      default:break;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+/* This function is used to get storage status from the phone. It currently
+   supports two different memory areas - internal and SIM. */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetMemoryStatus(GSM_MemoryStatus *Status)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x07, /* MemoryStatus request */
+                          0x00  /* MemoryType */
+                        };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  CurrentMemoryStatus = Status;
+  req[4] = N6110_GetMemoryType(Status->MemoryType);
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentMemoryStatusError, 5, 0x03, req);
+  CurrentMemoryStatus = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplyGetNetworkInfo(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NullNetworkInfo;
+  /* Make sure we are expecting NetworkInfo frame */
+  if (CurrentNetworkInfo && CurrentNetworkInfoError == GE_BUSY) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Network informations:\n"));
+  } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Network informations not requested, but received:\n"));
+  }
+  sprintf(NullNetworkInfo.NetworkCode, "%x%x%x %x%x", MessageBuffer[14] & 0x0f, MessageBuffer[14] >>4, MessageBuffer[15] & 0x0f, MessageBuffer[16] & 0x0f, MessageBuffer[16] >>4);
+  sprintf(NullNetworkInfo.CellID, "%02x%02x", MessageBuffer[10], MessageBuffer[11]);
+  sprintf(NullNetworkInfo.LAC, "%02x%02x", MessageBuffer[12], MessageBuffer[13]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   CellID: %s\n"), NullNetworkInfo.CellID);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   LAC: %s\n"), NullNetworkInfo.LAC);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Network code: %s\n"), NullNetworkInfo.NetworkCode);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Network name: %s (%s)\n"),
+                     GSM_GetNetworkName(NullNetworkInfo.NetworkCode),
+                     GSM_GetCountryName(NullNetworkInfo.NetworkCode));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Status: "));
+  switch (MessageBuffer[8]) {
+    case 0x01: fprintf(stdout, _("home network selected")); break;
+    case 0x02: fprintf(stdout, _("roaming network")); break;
+    case 0x03: fprintf(stdout, _("requesting network")); break;
+    case 0x04: fprintf(stdout, _("not registered in the network")); break;
+    default: fprintf(stdout, _("unknown"));
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Network selection: %s\n"), MessageBuffer[9]==1?_("manual"):_("automatic"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  /* Make sure we are expecting NetworkInfo frame */
+  if (CurrentNetworkInfo && CurrentNetworkInfoError == GE_BUSY)
+    *CurrentNetworkInfo=NullNetworkInfo;
+  CurrentNetworkInfoError = GE_NONE;      
+GSM_Error N6110_GetNetworkInfo(GSM_NetworkInfo *NetworkInfo)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x70
+                        };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  CurrentNetworkInfo = NetworkInfo;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentNetworkInfoError, 4, 0x0a, req);
+  CurrentNetworkInfo = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplyGetProductProfileSetting(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Product Profile Settings received -"));
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(stdout, _(" %02x"),MessageBuffer[3+i]);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));  
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) CurrentPPS[i]=MessageBuffer[3+i];
+  CurrentProductProfileSettingsError=GE_NONE;      
+GSM_Error N6110_GetProductProfileSetting (GSM_PPS *PPS)
+  unsigned char req[] = { 0x00, 0x01,0x6a };
+  int i,j;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentProductProfileSettingsError, 3, 0x40, req);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;    
+  switch (PPS->Name) {
+    case PPS_ALS      : PPS->bool_value=(CurrentPPS[1]&32); break;
+    case PPS_GamesMenu: PPS->bool_value=(CurrentPPS[3]&64); break;
+    case PPS_HRData   : PPS->bool_value=(CurrentPPS[0]&64); break;
+    case PPS_14400Data: PPS->bool_value=(CurrentPPS[0]&128);break;
+    case PPS_EFR      : PPS->int_value =(CurrentPPS[0]&1)    +(CurrentPPS[0]&2);    break;
+    case PPS_FR       : PPS->int_value =(CurrentPPS[0]&16)/16+(CurrentPPS[0]&32)/16;break;
+    case PPS_HR       : PPS->int_value =(CurrentPPS[0]&4)/4  +(CurrentPPS[0]&8)/4;  break;
+    case PPS_VibraMenu: PPS->bool_value=(CurrentPPS[4]&64); break;
+    case PPS_LCDContrast:
+         PPS->int_value=0;
+         j=1;
+         for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
+          if (CurrentPPS[3]&j) PPS->int_value=PPS->int_value+j;
+          j=j*2;
+        }
+        PPS->int_value=PPS->int_value*100/32;
+         break;
+  }
+  return (GE_NONE);
+void N6110_ReplySetProductProfileSetting(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  int i;
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Product Profile Settings set to"));
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) fprintf(stdout, _(" %02x"),CurrentPPS[i]);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));  
+  CurrentProductProfileSettingsError=GE_NONE;     
+GSM_Error N6110_SetProductProfileSetting (GSM_PPS *PPS)
+  unsigned char req[] = { 0x00, 0x01,0x6b, 
+                          0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }; /* bytes with Product Profile Setings */
+  unsigned char settings[32];
+  int i,j,z;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  OldPPS.Name=PPS_ALS;
+  error=N6110_GetProductProfileSetting(&OldPPS);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  j=128;z=0;
+  for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+    if (CurrentPPS[z]&j)
+      settings[i]='1';
+    else
+      settings[i]='0';    
+    if (j==1) {
+      j=128;
+      z++;
+    } else j=j/2;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Current settings: "));
+  for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),settings[i]);    
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+  switch (PPS->Name) {
+    case PPS_ALS      :settings[10]=PPS->bool_value?'1':'0';break;
+    case PPS_HRData   :settings[ 5]=PPS->bool_value?'1':'0';break;
+    case PPS_14400Data:settings[ 6]=PPS->bool_value?'1':'0';break;
+    default           :break;
+  }
+  j=128;z=0;
+  for (i=0;i<32;i++) {
+    if (settings[i]=='1') req[z+3]=req[z+3]+j;
+    if (j==1) {
+      j=128;
+      z++;
+    } else j=j/2;
+  }  
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Current settings: "));
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%i "),req[i+3]);    
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+   CurrentPPS[i]=req[i+3];    
+  }
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentProductProfileSettingsError, 7, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyPressKey(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+    if (MessageBuffer[4]==CurrentPressKeyEvent) CurrentPressKeyError=GE_NONE;
+                                           else CurrentPressKeyError=GE_UNKNOWN; /* MessageBuffer[4] = 0x05 */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Result of key "));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4])
+    {
+      case PRESSPHONEKEY:   fprintf(stdout, _("press OK\n"));break;
+      case RELEASEPHONEKEY: fprintf(stdout, _("release OK\n"));break;
+      default:              fprintf(stdout, _("press or release - error\n"));break;
+    }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+GSM_Error N6110_PressKey(int key, int event)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01};
+  req[4]=event; /* if we press or release key */
+  req[5]=key;
+  CurrentPressKeyEvent=event;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (10, &CurrentPressKeyError, 7, 0x0c, req);
+void N6110_ReplyDisplayOutput(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / N6110_MAX* */
+  char model[64];
+  int i, j;
+  char uni[100];
+  switch(MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Phone sends displayed texts */
+  case 0x50:
+    NewX=MessageBuffer[6];
+    NewY=MessageBuffer[5];
+    DecodeUnicode (uni, MessageBuffer+8, MessageBuffer[7]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("New displayed text (%i %i): \"%s\"\n"),NewX,NewY,uni);      
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    while (N6110_GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+      sleep(1);
+    /* With these rules it works almost excellent with my N5110 */
+    /* I don't have general rule :-(, that's why you must experiment */
+    /* with your phone. Nokia could make it better. MW */
+    /* It's almost OK for N5110*/
+    /* FIX ME: it will be the same for N5130 and 3210 too*/
+    if (!strcmp(model,"NSE-1"))
+    {
+      /* OldX==1000 means - it's first time */
+      if (OldX==1000) {
+        /* Clean table */
+        for (i=0;i<5+1;i++) {
+          for (j=0;j<27+1;j++) {PhoneScreen[i][j]=' ';}
+      }
+      OldX=0;
+    }
+    if ((OldX==0 && OldY==31 && NewX==29 && NewY==46) ||
+        (OldX==0 && OldY==13 && NewX==23 && NewY==46)) {
+      /* Clean the line with current text */
+      for (j=0;j<27+1;j++) {PhoneScreen[NewY/(47/5)][j]=' ';}
+      /* Inserts text into table */
+      for (i=0; i<MessageBuffer[7];i++) {      
+        PhoneScreen[NewY/(47/5)][NewX/(84/27)+i]=uni[i];
+      }
+    }
+    if ((OldX==0 && OldY==21 && NewX==0 && NewY==10) ||
+        (OldX==0 && OldY==10 && NewX==35 && NewY==46)) {
+    } else {
+      if ((OldX!=0 && NewX==0 && NewY!=6) ||
+          (OldX==0 && NewX!=0 && OldY!=13 && OldY!=22) ||
+          (OldX==0 && NewX==0 && NewY<OldY && (NewY!=13 || OldY!=26)) ||
+          (OldY==5 && NewY!=5) ||
+          (OldX==0 && OldY==13 && NewX==23 && NewY==46)) {
+        /* Writes "old" screen */
+        for (i=0;i<5+1;i++) {
+          for (j=0;j<27+1;j++) {fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),PhoneScreen[i][j]);}
+           fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+         }
+         /* Clean table */
+          for (i=0;i<5+1;i++) {
+           for (j=0;j<27+1;j++) {PhoneScreen[i][j]=' ';}
+         }
+        }
+      }
+      /* Clean the line with current text */
+      for (j=0;j<27+1;j++) {PhoneScreen[NewY/(47/5)][j]=' ';}
+      /* Inserts text into table */
+      for (i=0; i<MessageBuffer[7];i++) {      
+        PhoneScreen[NewY/(47/5)][NewX/(84/27)+i]=uni[i];
+      }
+      OldY=NewY;
+      OldX=NewX;
+    } else {
+#ifndef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("%s\n"),uni);      
+    }
+    break;
+  case 0x54:
+    if (MessageBuffer[4]==1)
+    {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Display output successfully disabled/enabled.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentDisplayOutputError=GE_NONE;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error SetDisplayOutput(unsigned char state)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x53, 0x00};
+  req[4]=state;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (30, &CurrentDisplayOutputError, 5, 0x0d, req);
+GSM_Error N6110_EnableDisplayOutput()
+  return SetDisplayOutput(0x01);
+GSM_Error N6110_DisableDisplayOutput()
+  return SetDisplayOutput(0x02);
+/* If it is interesting for somebody: we can use 0x40 msg for it
+   and it will work for all phones. See n6110.txt for details */
+GSM_Error N6110_AnswerCall(char s)
+       unsigned char req0[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42,0x05,0x01,0x07,                                0xa2,0x88,0x81,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa8,0x00,0x00,
+                           0x07,0xa3,0xb8,0x81,0x20,0x15,0x63,0x80};
+       unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00};
+       req[4]=s;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout,_("Answering call %d\n\r"),s);
+       Protocol->SendMessage(sizeof(req0), 0x01, req0);
+       sleep(1);
+       return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+               (20, &CurrentMagicError, sizeof(req) , 0x01, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetProfile(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Profile feature */
+  case 0x14:   
+    switch(GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)) {
+      case F_PROF33:
+        switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+          case 0x00: CurrentProfile->KeypadTone  = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x01: CurrentProfile->CallAlert   = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x02: CurrentProfile->Ringtone    = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x03: CurrentProfile->Volume      = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x04: CurrentProfile->MessageTone = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x05: CurrentProfile->Vibration   = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x06: CurrentProfile->WarningTone = MessageBuffer[8]; break;
+          case 0x07: CurrentProfile->ScreenSaver = MessageBuffer[8]; break;      
+          default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+           fprintf(stdout,_("feature %i = value %i\n\n"),MessageBuffer[6],MessageBuffer[8]);
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+          case 0x00: CurrentProfile->KeypadTone      = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x01: CurrentProfile->Lights          = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x02: CurrentProfile->CallAlert       = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x03: CurrentProfile->Ringtone        = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x04: CurrentProfile->Volume          = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x05: CurrentProfile->MessageTone     = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x06: CurrentProfile->Vibration       = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x07: CurrentProfile->WarningTone     = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x08: CurrentProfile->CallerGroups    = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          case 0x09: CurrentProfile->AutomaticAnswer = MessageBuffer[8];break;
+          default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+           fprintf(stdout,_("feature %i = value %i\n\n"),MessageBuffer[6],MessageBuffer[8]);
+            break;
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    CurrentProfileError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  /* Incoming profile name */
+  case 0x1b:   
+    if (MessageBuffer[9] == 0x00) {
+      CurrentProfile->DefaultName=MessageBuffer[8];
+    } else {
+      CurrentProfile->DefaultName=-1;      
+      /* Here name is in Unicode */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)==F_PROF33) {
+       DecodeUnicode (CurrentProfile->Name, MessageBuffer+10, MessageBuffer[9]/2);
+      } else {
+        /* not */
+        sprintf(CurrentProfile->Name, MessageBuffer + 10, MessageBuffer[9]);
+        CurrentProfile->Name[MessageBuffer[9]] = '\0';
+      }
+    }
+    CurrentProfileError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  }
+/* Needs SIM card with PIN in phone */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetProfile(GSM_Profile *Profile)
+  int i;
+  unsigned char name_req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x1a, 0x00};
+  unsigned char feat_req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x13, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  CurrentProfile = Profile;
+  /* When after sending all frames feature==253, it means, that it is not
+     supported */
+  CurrentProfile->KeypadTone=253;
+  CurrentProfile->Lights=253;    
+  CurrentProfile->CallAlert=253; 
+  CurrentProfile->Ringtone=253;  
+  CurrentProfile->Volume=253;    
+  CurrentProfile->MessageTone=253;
+  CurrentProfile->WarningTone=253;
+  CurrentProfile->Vibration=253;  
+  CurrentProfile->CallerGroups=253;
+  CurrentProfile->ScreenSaver=253; 
+  CurrentProfile->AutomaticAnswer=253;
+  name_req[4] = Profile->Number;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentProfileError, 5, 0x05, name_req);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  for (i = 0x00; i <= 0x09; i++) {
+    feat_req[5] = Profile->Number;
+    feat_req[6] = i;
+    error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+      (20, &CurrentProfileError, 7, 0x05, feat_req);
+    if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  }
+  if (Profile->DefaultName > -1)
+  {
+    switch(GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)) {
+      case F_PROF33:
+        switch (Profile->DefaultName) {
+          case 0x00: sprintf(Profile->Name, "General");break;
+          case 0x01: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Silent");break;
+          case 0x02: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Descreet");break;
+          case 0x03: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Loud");break;
+          case 0x04: sprintf(Profile->Name, "My style");break;
+          case 0x05: Profile->Name[0]=0;break;
+          default  : sprintf(Profile->Name, "Unknown (%i)", Profile->DefaultName);break;
+       }
+        break;
+      case F_PROF51:
+        switch (Profile->DefaultName) {
+          case 0x00: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Personal");break;
+          case 0x01: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Car");break;
+          case 0x02: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Headset");break;
+          default  : sprintf(Profile->Name, "Unknown (%i)", Profile->DefaultName);break;
+        }
+        break;
+      case F_PROF61:
+        switch (Profile->DefaultName) {
+          case 0x00: sprintf(Profile->Name, "General");break;
+          case 0x01: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Silent");break;
+          case 0x02: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Meeting");break;
+          case 0x03: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Outdoor");break;
+          case 0x04: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Pager");break;
+          case 0x05: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Car");break;
+          case 0x06: sprintf(Profile->Name, "Headset");break;
+          default  : sprintf(Profile->Name, "Unknown (%i)", Profile->DefaultName);break;
+       }
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  return (GE_NONE);
+void N6110_ReplySetProfile(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Profile feature change result */
+  case 0x11:   
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Profile feature change result.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentProfileError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  /* Profile name set result */
+  case 0x1d:   
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Profile name change result.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentProfileError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SetProfileFeature(u8 profile, u8 feature, u8 value)
+  unsigned char feat_req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x10, 0x01,
+                               0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+  feat_req[5]=profile;
+  feat_req[6]=feature;
+  feat_req[7]=value;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentProfileError, 8, 0x05, feat_req);
+GSM_Error N6110_SetProfile(GSM_Profile *Profile)
+  int i,value;
+  unsigned char name_req[40] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x1c, 0x01, 0x03,
+                                 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  name_req[7] = Profile->Number;
+  name_req[8] = strlen(Profile->Name);
+  name_req[6] = name_req[8] + 2;
+  for (i = 0; i < name_req[8]; i++)
+    name_req[9 + i] = Profile->Name[i];
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentProfileError, name_req[8] + 9, 0x05, name_req);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  for (i = 0x00; i <= 0x09; i++) {
+    switch (i) {
+      case 0x00: value = Profile->KeypadTone; break;
+      case 0x01: value = Profile->Lights; break;
+      case 0x02: value = Profile->CallAlert; break;
+      case 0x03: value = Profile->Ringtone; break;
+      case 0x04: value = Profile->Volume; break;
+      case 0x05: value = Profile->MessageTone; break;
+      case 0x06: value = Profile->Vibration; break;
+      case 0x07: value = Profile->WarningTone; break;
+      case 0x08: value = Profile->CallerGroups; break;
+      case 0x09: value = Profile->AutomaticAnswer; break;
+      default  : value = 0; break;
+    }
+    error=N6110_SetProfileFeature(Profile->Number,i,value);
+    if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  }
+  return (GE_NONE);
+bool N6110_SendRLPFrame(RLP_F96Frame *frame, bool out_dtx)
+  u8 req[60] = { 0x00, 0xd9 };
+  /* Discontinuos transmission (DTX).  See section 5.6 of GSM 04.22 version
+     7.0.1. */
+  if (out_dtx)
+    req[1]=0x01;
+  memcpy(req+2, (u8 *) frame, 32);
+  return (Protocol->SendFrame(32, 0xf0, req));
+void N6110_ReplyGetCalendarNote(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, j;
+  u8 mychar1;
+  wchar_t wc;  
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x01:
+      CurrentCalendarNote->Type=MessageBuffer[8];
+      DecodeDateTime(MessageBuffer+9, &CurrentCalendarNote->Time);
+      DecodeDateTime(MessageBuffer+16, &CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm);
+      CurrentCalendarNote->Text[0]=0;
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL33) {
+        i=0;
+        if (CurrentCalendarNote->Type == GCN_REMINDER) i=1; //first char is subset
+        switch (MessageBuffer[24]) {
+          case 3:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            fprintf(stdout,_("Subset 3 in reminder note !\n"));
+            while (i!=MessageBuffer[23]) {
+              j=0;
+              if (i!=MessageBuffer[23]-1) {
+               if (MessageBuffer[24+i]>=0xc2) {
+                 DecodeWithUTF8Alphabet(MessageBuffer[24+i], MessageBuffer[24+i+1], &mychar1);
+                  CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)+1]=0;
+                  CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)]=mychar1;
+                 j=-1;
+                 i++;
+               }
+             }
+              if (j!=-1) {
+                CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)+1]=0;
+                CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)]=MessageBuffer[24+i];
+              }
+             i++;
+            }
+            break;
+          case 2:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            fprintf(stdout,_("Subset 2 in reminder note !\n"));
+            while (i!=MessageBuffer[23]) {
+             wc = MessageBuffer[24+i] | (0x00 << 8);
+              CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)+1]=0;
+              CurrentCalendarNote->Text[strlen(CurrentCalendarNote->Text)]=
+                     DecodeWithUnicodeAlphabet(wc);
+             i++;
+            }
+            break;
+          case 1:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            fprintf(stdout,_("Subset 1 in reminder note !\n"));
+            memcpy(CurrentCalendarNote->Text,MessageBuffer+24+i,MessageBuffer[23]-i);
+            CurrentCalendarNote->Text[MessageBuffer[23]-i]=0;
+            break;
+          default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown subset in reminder note !\n"));
+            memcpy(CurrentCalendarNote->Text,MessageBuffer+24+i,MessageBuffer[23]-i);
+            CurrentCalendarNote->Text[MessageBuffer[23]-i]=0;
+            break;
+        }
+      } else {
+        memcpy(CurrentCalendarNote->Text,MessageBuffer+24,MessageBuffer[23]);
+        CurrentCalendarNote->Text[MessageBuffer[23]]=0;
+      }
+      if (CurrentCalendarNote->Type == GCN_CALL) {
+        memcpy(CurrentCalendarNote->Phone,MessageBuffer+24+MessageBuffer[23]+1,MessageBuffer[24+MessageBuffer[23]]);
+        CurrentCalendarNote->Phone[MessageBuffer[24+MessageBuffer[23]]]=0;
+      }
+      CurrentCalendarNote->Recurrance=0;
+      CurrentCalendarNote->AlarmType=0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note received.\n"));
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Date: %d-%02d-%02d\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Year,
+                                           CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Month,
+                                           CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Day);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Hour,
+                                           CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Minute,
+                                           CurrentCalendarNote->Time.Second);
+      /* Some messages do not have alarm set up */
+      if (CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Year != 0) {
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm date: %d-%02d-%02d\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Year,
+                                                CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Month,
+                                                CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Day);
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Hour,
+                                                CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Minute,
+                                                 CurrentCalendarNote->Alarm.Second);
+      }
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Type: %d\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Type);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Text: %s\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Text);
+      if (CurrentCalendarNote->Type == GCN_CALL)
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Phone: %s\n"), CurrentCalendarNote->Phone);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_NONE;
+      break;
+    case 0x93:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note not available\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INVALIDCALNOTELOCATION;
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note error\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INTERNALERROR;
+      break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetCalendarNote(GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x66, 0x00
+                        };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  req[4]=CalendarNote->Location;
+  CurrentCalendarNote = CalendarNote;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentCalendarNoteError, 5, 0x13, req);
+  CurrentCalendarNote = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplyWriteCalendarNote(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  switch(MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    /* This message is also sent when the user enters the new entry on keypad */
+    case 0x01:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note write succesfull!\n"));break;      
+    case 0x73:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note write failed!\n"));break;
+    case 0x7d:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note write failed!\n"));break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x13 and subtype 0x65\n"));break;
+  }
+  switch(MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x01: CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_NONE; break;      
+    case 0x73: CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INTERNALERROR; break;
+    case 0x7d: CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INTERNALERROR; break;
+    default  : AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false); break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_WriteCalendarNote(GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote)
+  unsigned char req[200] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                             0x64, 0x01, 0x10,
+                             0x00, /* Length of the rest of the frame. */
+                             0x00, /* The type of calendar note */
+                             0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+                             0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00
+                        };
+  typedef struct {
+    char *model;
+    unsigned char call;
+    unsigned char meeting;
+    unsigned char birthday;
+    unsigned char reminder;
+  } calendar_model_length;
+  /* Length of entries */
+  calendar_model_length calendar_lengths[] =
+  {
+    /*model,CallTo,Meeting,Birthday,Reminder*/
+    {"NHM-5",0x24,0x24,0x24,0x24}, //Reminder from phone, other quesses
+    {"NHM-6",0x24,0x24,0x24,0x24}, //Reminder from phone, other quesses
+    {"NSE-3",0x1e,0x14,0x14,0x1e}, //from NCDS3 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Nokia\Data Suite\3.0\Calendar]
+    {"NSM-1",0x1e,0x18,0x18,0x24}, //from NCDS3 
+    {"NSK-3",0x1e,0x14,0x14,0x1e}, //from NCDS3 
+    {"NSB-3",0x20,0x14,0x14,0x1e}, //from NCDS3
+    {"",     0,   0,   0,   0   }  //end of table
+  };
+  int i, j, current;
+  u8 mychar;
+  u8 mychar1,mychar2;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / N6110_MAX* */
+  char model[64];
+  req[7]=CalendarNote->Type;
+  EncodeDateTime(req+8, &CalendarNote->Time);
+  req[14] = CalendarNote->Time.Timezone;
+  if (CalendarNote->Alarm.Year) {
+    EncodeDateTime(req+15, &CalendarNote->Alarm);
+    req[21] = CalendarNote->Alarm.Timezone;
+  }
+  req[22]=strlen(CalendarNote->Text);
+  current=23;
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL33 && CalendarNote->Type==GCN_REMINDER) {
+    req[22]++;           // one additional char
+    req[current++]=0x01; //we use now subset 1
+  }
+  for (i=0; i<strlen(CalendarNote->Text); i++) {
+    j=0;
+    mychar=CalendarNote->Text[i];
+    if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL33 && CalendarNote->Type==GCN_REMINDER) {
+      if (EncodeWithUTF8Alphabet(mychar,&mychar1,&mychar2)) {
+          req[current++]=mychar1;
+         req[current++]=mychar2;
+          req[23]=0x03; //use subset 3
+          req[22]++;    // one additional char
+         j=-1;
+      }
+    }
+    if (j!=-1) {
+      /* Enables/disables blinking */
+      if (mychar=='~') req[current++]=0x01;
+                  else req[current++]=mychar;
+    }
+  }
+  req[current++]=strlen(CalendarNote->Phone);
+  for (i=0; i<strlen(CalendarNote->Phone); i++)
+    req[current++]=CalendarNote->Phone[i];
+  while (N6110_GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+    sleep(1);
+  /* Checking maximal length */
+  i=0;
+  while (strcmp(calendar_lengths[i].model,"")) {
+    if (!strcmp(calendar_lengths[i].model,model)) {
+      switch (CalendarNote->Type) {
+        case GCN_REMINDER:if (req[22]>calendar_lengths[i].reminder) return GE_TOOLONG;break;
+        case GCN_MEETING :if (req[22]>calendar_lengths[i].meeting)  return GE_TOOLONG;break;
+        case GCN_BIRTHDAY:if (req[22]>calendar_lengths[i].birthday) return GE_TOOLONG;break;
+        case GCN_CALL    :if (strlen(CalendarNote->Phone)>calendar_lengths[i].call) return GE_TOOLONG;break;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    i++;
+  }
+  CurrentCalendarNote = CalendarNote;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentCalendarNoteError, current, 0x13, req);
+  CurrentCalendarNote = NULL;
+  return error;
+void N6110_ReplyDeleteCalendarNote(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    /* This message is also sent when the user deletes an old entry on
+       keypad or moves an old entry somewhere (there is also `write'
+       message). */
+    case 0x01:fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note deleted\n"));break;
+    case 0x93:fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note can't be deleted\n"));break;
+    default  :fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar note deleting error\n"));break;
+  }
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x01:CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_NONE;break;
+    case 0x93:CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INVALIDCALNOTELOCATION;break;
+    default  :CurrentCalendarNoteError=GE_INTERNALERROR;break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_DeleteCalendarNote(GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x68, 0x00
+                        };
+  req[4]=CalendarNote->Location;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (20, &CurrentCalendarNoteError, 5, 0x13, req);
+void N6110_ReplyRFBatteryLevel(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Phone status received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Mode: "));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x01:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("registered within the network\n"));
+       break;
+      /* I was really amazing why is there a hole in the type of 0x02, now I
+        know... */
+      case 0x02: fprintf(stdout, _("call in progress\n"));          break; /* ringing or already answered call */
+      case 0x03: fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for security code\n")); break;
+      case 0x04: fprintf(stdout, _("powered off\n"));               break;
+      default  : fprintf(stdout, _("unknown\n"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Power source: "));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[7]) {
+      case 0x01: fprintf(stdout, _("AC/DC\n"));   break;
+      case 0x02: fprintf(stdout, _("battery\n")); break;
+      default  : fprintf(stdout, _("unknown\n"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Battery Level: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[8]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Signal strength: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[5]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentRFLevel=MessageBuffer[5];
+    CurrentBatteryLevel=MessageBuffer[8];
+    CurrentPowerSource=MessageBuffer[7];
+GSM_Error N6110_GetRFLevel(GSM_RFUnits *units, float *level)
+  /* FIXME - these values are from 3810 code, may be incorrect.  Map from
+     values returned in status packet to the the values returned by the AT+CSQ
+     command. */
+  float        csq_map[5] = {0, 8, 16, 24, 31};
+  int timeout=10;
+  int rf_level;
+  char screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+  CurrentRFLevel=-1;
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_NOPOWERFRAME)==F_NOPOWER) {
+    if (N6110_NetMonitor(1, screen)!=GE_NONE)
+      return GE_INTERNALERROR;
+    rf_level=4;
+    if (screen[4]!='-') {
+      if (screen[5]=='9' && screen[6]>'4') rf_level=1;
+      if (screen[5]=='9' && screen[6]<'5') rf_level=2;
+      if (screen[5]=='8' && screen[6]>'4') rf_level=3;      
+    } else rf_level=0;
+    /* Arbitrary units. */
+    if (*units == GRF_Arbitrary) {
+      *level = rf_level;
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+  } else {
+    N6110_SendStatusRequest();
+    /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+    while (timeout != 0 && CurrentRFLevel == -1 ) {
+      if (--timeout == 0)
+        return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+      usleep (100000);
+    }
+    /* Make copy in case it changes. */
+    rf_level = CurrentRFLevel;
+    if (rf_level == -1)
+      return (GE_NOLINK);
+    /* Now convert between the different units we support. */
+    /* Arbitrary units. */
+    if (*units == GRF_Arbitrary) {
+      *level = rf_level;
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+    /* CSQ units. */
+    if (*units == GRF_CSQ) {
+      if (rf_level <=4)
+        *level = csq_map[rf_level];
+      else
+        *level = 99; /* Unknown/undefined */
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Unit type is one we don't handle so return error */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetBatteryLevel(GSM_BatteryUnits *units, float *level)
+  int timeout=10;
+  int batt_level;
+  char screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+  CurrentBatteryLevel=-1;
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_NOPOWERFRAME)==F_NOPOWER) {
+    if (N6110_NetMonitor(23, screen)!=GE_NONE)
+      return GE_NOLINK;
+    batt_level=4;
+    if (screen[29]=='7') batt_level=3;
+    if (screen[29]=='5') batt_level=2;
+    if (screen[29]=='2') batt_level=1;
+    /* Only units we handle at present are GBU_Arbitrary */
+    if (*units == GBU_Arbitrary) {
+      *level = batt_level;
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+    return (GE_INTERNALERROR);    
+  } else {
+    N6110_SendStatusRequest();
+    /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+    while (timeout != 0 && CurrentBatteryLevel == -1 ) {
+      if (--timeout == 0)
+        return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+      usleep (100000);
+    }
+    /* Take copy in case it changes. */
+    batt_level = CurrentBatteryLevel;
+    if (batt_level != -1) {
+      /* Only units we handle at present are GBU_Arbitrary */
+      if (*units == GBU_Arbitrary) {
+        *level = batt_level;
+        return (GE_NONE);
+      }
+      return (GE_INTERNALERROR);
+    }
+    else
+      return (GE_NOLINK);
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetPowerSource(GSM_PowerSource *source)
+  int timeout=10;
+  char screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+  CurrentPowerSource=-1;
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_NOPOWERFRAME)==F_NOPOWER) {    
+    if (N6110_NetMonitor(20, screen)!=GE_NONE)
+      return GE_NOLINK;
+    CurrentPowerSource=GPS_ACDC;
+    if (screen[6]=='x') CurrentPowerSource=GPS_BATTERY;
+    *source=CurrentPowerSource;        
+    return GE_NONE;    
+  } else {
+    N6110_SendStatusRequest();
+    /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+    while (timeout != 0 && CurrentPowerSource == -1 ) {
+      if (--timeout == 0)
+        return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+      usleep (100000);
+    }
+    if (CurrentPowerSource != -1) {
+      *source=CurrentPowerSource;
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+    else
+      return (GE_NOLINK);
+  }
+void N6110_ReplyGetDisplayStatus(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i;
+  for (i=0; i<MessageBuffer[4];i++)
+    if (MessageBuffer[2*i+6]==2)
+      CurrentDisplayStatus|=1<<(MessageBuffer[2*i+5]-1);
+    else
+      CurrentDisplayStatus&= (0xff - (1<<(MessageBuffer[2*i+5]-1)));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Call in progress: %s\n"), CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Call_In_Progress)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown: %s\n"),          CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Unknown)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Unread SMS: %s\n"),       CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Unread_SMS)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Voice call: %s\n"),       CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Voice_Call)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Fax call active: %s\n"),  CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Fax_Call)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Data call active: %s\n"), CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Data_Call)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Keyboard lock: %s\n"),    CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_Keyboard_Lock)?"on":"off");
+  fprintf(stdout, _("SMS storage full: %s\n"), CurrentDisplayStatus & (1<<DS_SMS_Storage_Full)?"on":"off");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentDisplayStatusError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetDisplayStatus(int *Status) {
+  unsigned char req[4]={ N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x51 };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (10, &CurrentDisplayStatusError, 4, 0x0d, req);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  *Status=CurrentDisplayStatus;
+  return GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_DialVoice(char *Number) {
+/* This commented sequence doesn't work on N3210/3310/6210/7110 */
+//  unsigned char req[64]={N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01};
+//  unsigned char req_end[]={0x05, 0x01, 0x01, 0x05, 0x81, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01};
+//  int i=0;
+//  req[4]=strlen(Number);
+//  for(i=0; i < strlen(Number) ; i++)
+//   req[5+i]=Number[i];
+//  memcpy(req+5+strlen(Number), req_end, 10);
+//  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+//    (20, &CurrentDialVoiceError, 13+strlen(Number), 0x01, req);
+  unsigned char req[64]={0x00,0x01,0x7c,
+                         0x01}; //call command
+  int i=0;                      
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  for(i=0; i < strlen(Number) ; i++) req[4+i]=Number[i];
+  req[4+i+1]=0;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentDialVoiceError, 4+strlen(Number)+1, 0x40, req);  
+/* Dial a data call - type specifies request to use: 
+     type 0 should normally be used
+     type 1 should be used when calling a digital line - corresponds to ats35=0
+     Maybe one day we'll know what they mean!
+GSM_Error N6110_DialData(char *Number, char type, void (* callpassup)(char c))
+       unsigned char req[100]   = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01 };
+       unsigned char *req_end;
+       unsigned char req_end0[] = { 0x01,  /* make a data call = type 0x01 */
+                                    0x02,0x01,0x05,0x81,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x0a,
+                                    0x07,0xa2,0x88,0x81,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa8,0x00,0x00 };
+       unsigned char req_end1[] = { 0x01,
+                                    0x02,0x01,0x05,0x81,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x02,0x0a,
+                                    0x07,0xa1,0x88,0x89,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa0,0x00,0x06,
+                                    0x88,0x90,0x21,0x48,0x40,0xbb };
+       unsigned char req2[]     = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42,0x05,0x01,
+                                    0x07,0xa2,0xc8,0x81,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa8,0x00,0x00,
+                                    0x07,0xa3,0xb8,0x81,0x20,0x15,0x63,0x80,0x01,0x60 };
+       unsigned char req3[]     = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42,0x05,0x01,
+                                    0x07,0xa2,0x88,0x81,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa8,0x00,0x00,
+                                    0x07,0xa3,0xb8,0x81,0x20,0x15,0x63,0x80 };
+       unsigned char req4[]     = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x42,0x05,0x81,
+                                    0x07,0xa1,0x88,0x89,0x21,0x15,0x63,0xa0,0x00,0x06,
+                                    0x88,0x90,0x21,0x48,0x40,0xbb,0x07,0xa3,0xb8,0x81,
+                                    0x20,0x15,0x63,0x80 };
+       int i = 0;
+       u8 size;
+       CurrentCallPassup=callpassup;
+       switch (type) {
+       case 0:
+               req_end = req_end0;
+               size = sizeof(req_end0);
+               break;
+       case 1:
+               Protocol->SendMessage(sizeof(req3), 0x01, req3);
+               usleep(1000000);
+               Protocol->SendMessage(sizeof(req4), 0x01, req4);
+               usleep(1000000);
+               req_end = req_end1;
+               size = sizeof(req_end1);
+               break;
+       case -1:   /* Just used to set the call passup */
+               return GE_NONE;
+               break;
+       default:
+               req_end = req_end0;
+               size = sizeof(req_end0);
+               break;
+       }
+       req[4] = strlen(Number);
+       for(i = 0; i < strlen(Number) ; i++)
+               req[5+i] = Number[i];
+       memcpy(req + 5 + strlen(Number), req_end, size);
+       Protocol->SendMessage(5 + size + strlen(Number), 0x01, req);
+        usleep(1000000);
+       if (type != 1) {
+          Protocol->SendMessage(26, 0x01, req2);
+         usleep(1000000);
+        }
+       return (GE_NONE);
+GSM_Error N6110_GetIncomingCallNr(char *Number)
+  if (*CurrentIncomingCall != ' ') {
+    strcpy(Number, CurrentIncomingCall);
+    return GE_NONE;
+  }
+  else
+    return GE_BUSY;
+GSM_Error N6110_CancelCall(void)
+//  This frame & method works only on 61xx/51xx
+//  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x08, 0x00, 0x85};
+//  req[4]=CurrentCallSequenceNumber;
+//  Protocol->SendMessage(6, 0x01, req);
+//  return GE_NONE;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  unsigned char req[]={0x00,0x01,0x7c,0x03};
+  /* Checking */
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence (20, &CurrentDialVoiceError, 4, 0x40, req);   
+void N6110_ReplyEnterSecurityCode(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch(MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x0b:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Security code accepted.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSecurityCodeError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Security code is wrong. You're not my big owner :-)\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSecurityCodeError = GE_INVALIDSECURITYCODE;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_EnterSecurityCode(GSM_SecurityCode SecurityCode)
+  unsigned char req[15] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                            0x0a, /* Enter code request. */
+                            0x00  /* Type of the entered code. */
+                            };
+  int i=0;
+  req[4]=SecurityCode.Type;
+  for (i=0; i<strlen(SecurityCode.Code);i++)
+    req[5+i]=SecurityCode.Code[i];
+  req[5+strlen(SecurityCode.Code)]=0x00;
+  req[6+strlen(SecurityCode.Code)]=0x00;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSecurityCodeError, 7+strlen(SecurityCode.Code), 0x08, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetSecurityCodeStatus(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  *CurrentSecurityCodeStatus = MessageBuffer[4];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Security Code status received: "));
+  switch(*CurrentSecurityCodeStatus) {
+    case GSCT_SecurityCode: fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for Security Code.\n")); break;
+    case GSCT_Pin         : fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PIN.\n")); break;
+    case GSCT_Pin2        : fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PIN2.\n")); break;
+    case GSCT_Puk         : fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PUK.\n")); break;
+    case GSCT_Puk2        : fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PUK2.\n")); break;
+    case GSCT_None        : fprintf(stdout, _("nothing to enter.\n")); break;
+    default               : fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown!\n"));
+  }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentSecurityCodeError = GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSecurityCodeStatus(int *Status)
+  unsigned char req[4] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                           0x07
+                         };
+  CurrentSecurityCodeStatus=Status;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSecurityCodeError, 4, 0x08, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetSecurityCode(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Security code received: "));
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+    case GSCT_SecurityCode: fprintf(stdout, _("Security code"));break;
+    case GSCT_Pin:  fprintf(stdout, _("PIN"));break;
+    case GSCT_Pin2: fprintf(stdout, _("PIN2"));break;
+    case GSCT_Puk:  fprintf(stdout, _("PUK"));break;
+    case GSCT_Puk2: fprintf(stdout, _("PUK2"));break;
+    default: fprintf(stdout, _("unknown !"));break;
+  }
+  if (MessageBuffer[4]==1) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _(" allowed, value \""));
+    if (MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_SecurityCode) {
+      for (i=0;i<5;i++) {fprintf(stdout, _("%c"), MessageBuffer[5+i]);}
+    }
+    if (MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Pin || MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Pin2 ||
+       MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Puk || MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Puk2) {
+      for (i=0;i<4;i++) {fprintf(stdout, _("%c"), MessageBuffer[5+i]);}
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, _("\""));
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stdout, _(" not allowed"));  
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));  
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  if (CurrentSecurityCode->Type==MessageBuffer[3] /* We wanted this code */
+          && MessageBuffer[4]==1) {                      /* It's allowed */
+    if (MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_SecurityCode) {
+      for (i=0;i<5;i++) {CurrentSecurityCode->Code[i]=MessageBuffer[5+i];}
+      CurrentSecurityCode->Code[5]=0;
+    }
+    if (MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Pin || MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Pin2 ||
+       MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Puk || MessageBuffer[3]==GSCT_Puk2) {
+      for (i=0;i<4;i++) {CurrentSecurityCode->Code[i]=MessageBuffer[5+i];}
+      CurrentSecurityCode->Code[4]=0;
+    }
+    CurrentSecurityCodeError=GE_NONE;
+  } else
+    CurrentSecurityCodeError=GE_INVALIDSECURITYCODE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSecurityCode(GSM_SecurityCode *SecurityCode)
+  unsigned char req[4] = { 0x00,
+                           0x01,0x6e, /* Get code request. */
+                          0x00 };    /* Type of the requested code. */
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  req[3]=SecurityCode->Type;
+  CurrentSecurityCode=SecurityCode;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSecurityCodeError, 4, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplyPlayTone(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: answer for PlayTone frame\n"));      
+  CurrentPlayToneError=GE_NONE;      
+GSM_Error N6110_PlayTone(int Herz, u8 Volume)
+  unsigned char req[6] = { 0x00,0x01,0x8f,
+                           0x00,   /* Volume */
+                          0x00,   /* HerzLo */
+                          0x00 }; /* HerzHi */
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* PlayTone wasn't used earlier */
+  if (CurrentPlayToneError==GE_UNKNOWN) {
+    if (CurrentConnectionType!=GCT_MBUS)
+      CurrentDisableKeepAlive=true;
+    error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+    if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  }
+  /* For Herz==255*255 we have silent */  
+  if (Herz!=255*255) {
+    req[3]=Volume;
+    req[5]=Herz%256;
+    req[4]=Herz/256;
+  } else {
+    req[3]=0;
+    req[5]=0;
+    req[4]=0;
+  }
+#ifdef WIN32
+  /* For Herz==255*255 we have silent and additionaly
+     we wait for phone answer - it's important for MBUS */
+  if (Herz==255*255) {
+    error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+      (20, &CurrentPlayToneError, 6, 0x40, req);
+    CurrentPlayToneError=GE_UNKNOWN;
+    CurrentDisableKeepAlive=false;
+    if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  } else {
+    Protocol->SendMessage(6,0x40,req);
+  }
+  error=NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentPlayToneError, 6, 0x40, req);
+  /* For Herz==255*255 we wait for phone answer - it's important for MBUS */
+  if (Herz==255*255) {
+    CurrentPlayToneError=GE_UNKNOWN;
+    CurrentDisableKeepAlive=false;
+  }
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  return(GE_NONE);
+void N6110_ReplyGetDateTime(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  if (MessageBuffer[4]==0x01) {
+    DecodeDateTime(MessageBuffer+8, CurrentDateTime);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Date and time\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), CurrentDateTime->Hour, CurrentDateTime->Minute, CurrentDateTime->Second);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Date: %4d/%02d/%02d\n"), CurrentDateTime->Year, CurrentDateTime->Month, CurrentDateTime->Day);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentDateTime->IsSet=true;
+  } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Date and time not set in phone\n"));
+    CurrentDateTime->IsSet=false;
+  }
+  CurrentDateTimeError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetDateTime(GSM_DateTime *date_time)
+  return N6110_PrivGetDateTime(date_time,0x11);
+GSM_Error N6110_PrivGetDateTime(GSM_DateTime *date_time, int msgtype)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x62};
+  CurrentDateTime=date_time;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentDateTimeError, 4, msgtype, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetAlarm(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Alarm\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm: %02d:%02d\n"), MessageBuffer[9], MessageBuffer[10]);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm is %s\n"), (MessageBuffer[8]==2) ? _("on"):_("off"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentAlarm->Hour=MessageBuffer[9];
+  CurrentAlarm->Minute=MessageBuffer[10];
+  CurrentAlarm->Second=0;
+  CurrentAlarm->IsSet=(MessageBuffer[8]==2);
+  CurrentAlarmError=GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetAlarm(int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time)
+  return N6110_PrivGetAlarm(alarm_number,date_time,0x11);
+GSM_Error N6110_PrivGetAlarm(int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time, int msgtype)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x6d};
+  CurrentAlarm=date_time;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentAlarmError, 4, msgtype, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetSMSCenter(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x34:
+    CurrentMessageCenter->No=MessageBuffer[4];
+    CurrentMessageCenter->Format=MessageBuffer[6];
+    CurrentMessageCenter->Validity=MessageBuffer[8];
+    sprintf(CurrentMessageCenter->Name, "%s", MessageBuffer+33);
+    sprintf(CurrentMessageCenter->DefaultRecipient, "%s", GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(MessageBuffer+9,false));
+    sprintf(CurrentMessageCenter->Number, "%s", GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(MessageBuffer+21,false));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Center received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   %d. SMS Center name is %s\n"), CurrentMessageCenter->No, CurrentMessageCenter->Name);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   SMS Center number is %s\n"), CurrentMessageCenter->Number);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Default recipient number is %s\n"), CurrentMessageCenter->DefaultRecipient);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   SMS Center message format is "));
+    switch (CurrentMessageCenter->Format) {
+      case GSMF_Text  : fprintf(stdout, _("Text"));   break;
+      case GSMF_Paging: fprintf(stdout, _("Paging")); break;
+      case GSMF_Fax   : fprintf(stdout, _("Fax"));    break;
+      case GSMF_Email : fprintf(stdout, _("Email"));  break;
+      default         : fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   SMS Center message validity is "));
+    switch (CurrentMessageCenter->Validity) {
+      case GSMV_1_Hour  : fprintf(stdout, _("1 hour"));      break;
+      case GSMV_6_Hours : fprintf(stdout, _("6 hours"));     break;
+      case GSMV_24_Hours: fprintf(stdout, _("24 hours"));    break;
+      case GSMV_72_Hours: fprintf(stdout, _("72 hours"));    break;
+      case GSMV_1_Week  : fprintf(stdout, _("1 week"));      break;
+      case GSMV_Max_Time: fprintf(stdout, _("Maximum time"));break;
+      default           : fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentMessageCenterError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x35:
+    /* Number of entries depends on SIM card */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Center error received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   The request for SMS Center failed.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    /* FIXME: appropriate error. */
+    CurrentMessageCenterError=GE_INTERNALERROR;
+    break;  
+  }
+/* This function sends to the mobile phone a request for the SMS Center */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSMSCenter(GSM_MessageCenter *MessageCenter)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x33, 0x64,
+                          0x00 /* SMS Center Number. */
+                        };
+  req[5]=MessageCenter->No;
+  CurrentMessageCenter=MessageCenter;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentMessageCenterError, 6, 0x02, req);
+void N6110_ReplySetSMSCenter(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Center correctly set.\n"));
+  CurrentMessageCenterError=GE_NONE;
+/* This function set the SMS Center profile on the phone. */
+GSM_Error N6110_SetSMSCenter(GSM_MessageCenter *MessageCenter)
+  unsigned char req[64] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x30, 0x64,
+                            0x00, /* SMS Center Number. */
+                            0x00, /* Unknown. */
+                            0x00, /* SMS Message Format. */
+                            0x00, /* Unknown. */
+                            0x00, /* Validity. */
+                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* Default recipient number */
+                            0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 /* Message Center Number. */
+                            /* Message Center Name. */
+                          };
+  req[5]=MessageCenter->No;
+  req[7]=MessageCenter->Format;
+  req[9]=MessageCenter->Validity;
+  req[10]=GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(MessageCenter->DefaultRecipient, req+11, false);
+  req[22]=GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(MessageCenter->Number, req+23, false);
+  sprintf(req+34, "%s", MessageCenter->Name);
+  CurrentMessageCenter=MessageCenter;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentMessageCenterError, 35+strlen(MessageCenter->Name), 0x02, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetSMSStatus(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x37:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Status Received\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   The number of messages: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[10]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Unread messages: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[11]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSMSStatus->UnRead = MessageBuffer[11];
+    CurrentSMSStatus->Number = MessageBuffer[10];
+    CurrentSMSStatusError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x38:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Status error, probably not authorized by PIN\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSMSStatusError = GE_INTERNALERROR;
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSMSStatus(GSM_SMSStatus *Status)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x36, 0x64};
+  CurrentSMSStatus = Status;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (10, &CurrentSMSStatusError, 5, 0x14, req);
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSMSFolders ( GSM_SMSFolders *folders)
+  folders->number=2;
+  strcpy(folders->Folder[0].Name,"Inbox");
+  strcpy(folders->Folder[1].Name,"Outbox");
+  return GE_NONE;
+GSM_Error N6110_GetIMEI(char *imei)
+  if (strlen(Current_IMEI)>0) {
+    strncpy (imei, Current_IMEI, GSM_MAX_IMEI_LENGTH);
+    return (GE_NONE);
+  }
+  else
+    return (GE_TRYAGAIN);
+GSM_Error N6110_GetRevision(char *revision)
+  if (strlen(Current_Revision)>0) {
+    strncpy (revision, Current_Revision, GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH);
+    return (GE_NONE);
+  }
+  else
+    return (GE_TRYAGAIN);
+GSM_Error N6110_GetModel(char *model)
+  if (strlen(Current_Model)>0) {
+    strncpy (model, Current_Model, GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH);
+    return (GE_NONE);
+  }
+  else
+    return (GE_TRYAGAIN);
+void N6110_ReplySetDateTime(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x01:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Date and time set correctly\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentSetDateTimeError=GE_NONE;
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Date and time setting error\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentSetDateTimeError=GE_INVALIDDATETIME;
+  }
+/* Needs SIM card with PIN in phone */
+GSM_Error N6110_SetDateTime(GSM_DateTime *date_time)
+  return N6110_PrivSetDateTime(date_time,0x11);
+/* Needs SIM card with PIN in phone */
+GSM_Error N6110_PrivSetDateTime(GSM_DateTime *date_time, int msgtype)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                         0x60, /* set-time subtype */
+                         0x01, 0x01, 0x07, /* unknown */
+                         0x00, 0x00, /* Year (0x07cf = 1999) */
+                         0x00, 0x00, /* Month Day */
+                         0x00, 0x00, /* Hours Minutes */
+                         0x00 /* Unknown, but not seconds - try 59 and wait 1 sec. */
+                       };
+  EncodeDateTime(req+7, date_time);
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSetDateTimeError, 14, msgtype, req);
+void N6110_ReplySetAlarm(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x01:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Alarm set correctly\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentSetAlarmError=GE_NONE;
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Alarm setting error\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentSetAlarmError=GE_INVALIDDATETIME;
+  }
+/* FIXME: we should also allow to set the alarm off :-) */
+GSM_Error N6110_SetAlarm(int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time)
+  return N6110_PrivSetAlarm(alarm_number,date_time, 0x11);
+/* FIXME: we should also allow to set the alarm off :-) */
+GSM_Error N6110_PrivSetAlarm(int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time, int msgtype)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                         0x6b, /* set-alarm subtype */
+                         0x01, 0x20, 0x03, /* unknown */
+                         0x02,       /* should be alarm on/off, but it don't works */
+                         0x00, 0x00, /* Hours Minutes */
+                         0x00 /* Unknown, but not seconds - try 59 and wait 1 sec. */
+                       };
+  req[8] = date_time->Hour;
+  req[9] = date_time->Minute;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentSetAlarmError, 11, msgtype, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetMemoryLocation(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / N6110_MAX* */
+  char model[64];
+  int i, tmp, count;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x02:
+    CurrentPhonebookEntry->Empty = true;
+    count=MessageBuffer[5];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Phonebook entry received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Name: "));
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <count; tmp++)
+    {
+      if (MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==1) fprintf(stdout, "%c", '~'); else //enables/disables blinking
+      if (MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==0) fprintf(stdout, "%c", '`'); else //hides rest ot contents
+      fprintf(stdout, "%c", MessageBuffer[6+tmp]);
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    while (N6110_GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+      sleep(1);
+    if (GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33SIM ||
+        GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33INT) {//pbk with Unicode
+      DecodeUnicode (CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name, MessageBuffer+6, count/2);
+      CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[count/2] = 0x00;
+    } else {
+      memcpy(CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name, MessageBuffer + 6, count);
+      CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[count] = 0x00;
+    }
+    CurrentPhonebookEntry->Empty = false;
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <count; tmp++)
+    {
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33INT ||
+          GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33SIM) {//pbk with Unicode
+        /* We check only 1'st, 3'rd, ... char */
+        if (tmp%2!=0 && MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==1) CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[tmp/2]='~'; //enables/disables blinking
+        if (tmp%2!=0 && MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==0) CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[tmp/2]='`'; //hides rest ot contents
+      } else {
+        if (MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==1) CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[tmp]='~'; //enables/disables blinking
+        if (MessageBuffer[6+tmp]==0) CurrentPhonebookEntry->Name[tmp]='`'; //hides rest ot contents
+      }
+    }
+    i=7+count;
+    count=MessageBuffer[6+count];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Number: "));
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <count; tmp++)
+      fprintf(stdout, "%c", MessageBuffer[i+tmp]);
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    memcpy(CurrentPhonebookEntry->Number, MessageBuffer + i, count);
+    CurrentPhonebookEntry->Number[count] = 0x00;
+    CurrentPhonebookEntry->Group = MessageBuffer[i+count];
+    /* Phone doesn't have entended phonebook */
+    CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntriesCount = 0;
+    /* But for these memories data is saved and we can save it using 7110/6210 style */
+    if (CurrentPhonebookEntry->MemoryType==GMT_DC ||
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->MemoryType==GMT_RC ||
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->MemoryType==GMT_MC) {
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntriesCount = 1;
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].EntryType=N7110_ENTRYTYPE_DATE;
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].NumberType=0;
+        CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].BlockNumber=1;
+        DecodeDateTime(MessageBuffer+(i+count+2),&CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Date: "));
+      fprintf(stdout, "%02u.%02u.%04u\n",
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Day,
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Month,
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Year);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("   Time: "));
+      fprintf(stdout, "%02u:%02u:%02u\n",
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Hour,
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Minute,
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Second);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      /* These values are set, when date and time unavailable in phone.
+         Values from 3310 - in other can be different */
+      if (CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Day==20 &&
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Month==1 &&
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Year==2118 &&
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Hour==3 &&
+         CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Minute==14 &&
+         CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntries[0].data.Date.Second==7)
+          CurrentPhonebookEntry->SubEntriesCount = 0;
+    }
+    /* Signal no error to calling code. */
+    CurrentPhonebookError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x03:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Phonebook read entry error received:\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x7d:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   Invalid memory type!\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       CurrentPhonebookError = GE_INVALIDMEMORYTYPE;
+       break;
+      default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   Unknown error!\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       CurrentPhonebookError = GE_INTERNALERROR;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+/* Routine to get specifed phone book location.  Designed to be called by
+   application.  Will block until location is retrieved or a timeout/error
+   occurs. */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetMemoryLocation(GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};
+  CurrentPhonebookEntry = entry;
+  req[4] = N6110_GetMemoryType(entry->MemoryType);
+  req[5] = entry->Location;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentPhonebookError, 7, 0x03, req);
+void N6110_ReplyWritePhonebookLocation(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x05:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Phonebook written correctly.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentPhonebookError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x06:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      /* FIXME: other errors? When I send the phonebook with index of 350 it
+         still report error 0x7d :-( */
+      case 0x7d:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Phonebook not written - name is too long.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       CurrentPhonebookError = GE_PHBOOKNAMETOOLONG;
+       break;
+      default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   Unknown error!\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       CurrentPhonebookError = GE_INTERNALERROR;
+    }
+  }
+/* Routine to write phonebook location in phone. Designed to be called by
+   application code. Will block until location is written or timeout
+   occurs. */
+GSM_Error N6110_WritePhonebookLocation(GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry)
+  unsigned char req[128] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00 };
+  int i=0, current=0;
+  req[4] = N6110_GetMemoryType(entry->MemoryType);
+  req[5] = entry->Location;
+  current=7;
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33INT ||
+      GetModelFeature (FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK33SIM) {
+     req[6] = strlen(entry->Name)*2;
+     EncodeUnicode (req+current,entry->Name ,strlen(entry->Name));
+     for (i=0; i<strlen(entry->Name); i++)
+     {
+       /* here we encode "special" chars */
+       if (entry->Name[i]=='~') req[current+i*2]=1; //enables/disables blinking
+       if (entry->Name[i]=='`') req[current+i*2]=0; //hides rest ot contents
+     }
+     current+=strlen(entry->Name)*2;
+  } else {
+    req[6] = strlen(entry->Name);
+    for (i=0; i<strlen(entry->Name); i++)
+    {
+      req[current+i] = entry->Name[i];
+      /* here we encode "special" chars */
+      if (entry->Name[i]=='~') req[current+i]=1; //enables/disables blinking
+      if (entry->Name[i]=='`') req[current+i]=0; //hides rest ot contents
+    }
+    current+=strlen(entry->Name);
+  }
+  req[current++]=strlen(entry->Number);
+  for (i=0; i<strlen(entry->Number); i++)
+    req[current+i] = entry->Number[i];
+  current+=strlen(entry->Number);
+  /* Jano: This allow to save 14 characters name into SIM memory, when
+     No Group is selected. */
+  if (entry->Group == 5)
+    req[current++]=0xff;
+  else
+    req[current++]=entry->Group;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentPhonebookError, current, 0x03, req);
+void N6110_ReplyNetmonitor(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch(MessageBuffer[3]) {
+    case 0x00:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Netmonitor correctly set.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      CurrentNetmonitorError=GE_NONE;  
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Netmonitor menu %d received:\n"), MessageBuffer[3]);
+      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", MessageBuffer+4);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+      strcpy(CurrentNetmonitor, MessageBuffer+4);
+      CurrentNetmonitorError=GE_NONE;  
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_NetMonitor(unsigned char mode, char *Screen)
+  unsigned char req[] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x7e, 0x00 };
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  CurrentNetmonitor=Screen;
+  req[3]=mode;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentNetmonitorError, 4, 0x40, req);
+/* Doesn't work in N3210. */
+/* In other allow to access phone menu without SIM card (just send any sequence) */
+GSM_Error N6110_SendDTMF(char *String)
+  unsigned char req[64] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x50,
+                            0x00 /* Length of DTMF string. */
+                          };
+  u8 length=strlen(String);
+  if (length>59) length=59;
+  req[4] = length;
+  memcpy(req+5,String,length);
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSendDTMFError, 5+length, 0x01, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetSpeedDial(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x17:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x02: CurrentSpeedDialEntry->MemoryType = GMT_ME;
+      default  : CurrentSpeedDialEntry->MemoryType = GMT_SM;
+    }
+    CurrentSpeedDialEntry->Location = MessageBuffer[5];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Speed dial entry received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Location: %d\n"), CurrentSpeedDialEntry->Location);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   MemoryType: %s\n"), N6110_MemoryType_String[CurrentSpeedDialEntry->MemoryType]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Number: %d\n"), CurrentSpeedDialEntry->Number);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSpeedDialError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x18:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Speed dial entry error\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSpeedDial(GSM_SpeedDial *entry)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x16,
+                          0x00  /* The number of speed dial. */
+                        };
+  CurrentSpeedDialEntry = entry;
+  req[4] = entry->Number;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSpeedDialError, 5, 0x03, req);
+void N6110_ReplySetSpeedDial(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x1a:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Speed dial entry set.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSpeedDialError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x1b:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Speed dial entry setting error.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SetSpeedDial(GSM_SpeedDial *entry)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x19,
+                          0x00, /* Number */
+                          0x00, /* Memory Type */
+                          0x00  /* Location */
+                        };
+  req[4] = entry->Number;
+  switch (entry->MemoryType) {
+    case GMT_ME: req[5] = 0x02;
+    default    : req[5] = 0x03;
+  }
+  req[6] = entry->Location;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (20, &CurrentSpeedDialError, 7, 0x03, req);
+/* This function finds parts of SMS in frame used in new Nokia phones
+   in internal protocols (they're coded according to GSM 03.40), copies them
+   to GSM_ETSISMSMessage and calls GSM_DecodeETSISMS to decode
+   GSM_ETSISMSMessage to GSM_SMSMessage structure */
+GSM_Error GSM_DecodeNokiaSMSFrame(GSM_SMSMessage *SMS, unsigned char *req, int length)
+  SMS_MessageType PDU=SMS_Deliver;
+  int offset=0,i;
+  ETSI.firstbyte=req[12];
+  /* See GSM 03.40 section */
+  if ((ETSI.firstbyte & 0x03) == 0x01) PDU=SMS_Submit;
+  if ((ETSI.firstbyte & 0x03) == 0x02) PDU=SMS_Status_Report;
+  switch (PDU) {
+    case SMS_Submit       : offset=5;break;
+    case SMS_Deliver      : offset=4;break;
+    case SMS_Status_Report: offset=3;break;
+    default:                break;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<req[0]+1;i++)
+    ETSI.SMSCNumber[i]=req[i];
+  for (i=0;i<((req[12+offset]+1)/2+1)+1;i++)
+    ETSI.Number[i]=req[i+12+offset];
+  switch (PDU) {
+    case SMS_Submit:
+      ETSI.TPDCS=req[10+offset];
+      ETSI.TPUDL=req[11+offset];
+      ETSI.TPVP=0;  //no support for now
+      ETSI.TPPID=0; //no support for now
+      for(i=31+offset;i<length;i++)
+        ETSI.MessageText[i-31-offset]=req[i];
+      break;
+    case SMS_Deliver:
+      ETSI.TPDCS=req[10+offset];
+      ETSI.TPUDL=req[11+offset];
+      ETSI.TPPID=0; //no support for now
+      for(i=31+offset;i<length;i++)
+        ETSI.MessageText[i-31-offset]=req[i];
+      for(i=0;i<7;i++)
+        ETSI.DeliveryDateTime[i]=req[i+24+offset];
+      break;
+    case SMS_Status_Report:
+      for(i=0;i<7;i++)
+        ETSI.DeliveryDateTime[i]=req[i+24+offset];
+      ETSI.TPStatus=req[14];
+      for(i=0;i<7;i++)
+        ETSI.SMSCDateTime[i]=req[i+34];
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  SMS->Name[0]=0;
+  return GE_NONE;
+void N6110_ReplyGetSMSMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int offset;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x08:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[7]) {
+      case 0x00:
+       CurrentSMSMessage->Type = GST_SMS;
+        CurrentSMSMessage->folder=GST_INBOX;
+       offset=4;
+        break;
+      case 0x01:
+        CurrentSMSMessage->Type = GST_DR;
+       CurrentSMSMessage->folder=GST_INBOX;
+       offset=3;
+        break;
+      case 0x02:
+       CurrentSMSMessage->Type = GST_SMS;
+       CurrentSMSMessage->folder=GST_OUTBOX;
+       offset=5;
+        break;
+      default:
+        CurrentSMSMessage->Type = GST_UN;
+       offset=4;
+        break;
+    }
+    /* Field Short Message Status - MessageBuffer[4] seems not to be
+       compliant with GSM 07.05 spec.
+       Meaning     Nokia protocol      GMS spec
+       ----------------------------------------------------
+       MO Sent     0x05                        0x07 or 0x01
+       MO Not sent 0x07                        0x06 or 0x00
+       MT Read    0x01                 0x05 or 0x01
+       MT Not read 0x03                        0x04 or 0x00
+       ----------------------------------------------------
+       See GSM 07.05 section and correct me if I'm wrong.
+                                        Pawel Kot */
+    if (MessageBuffer[4] & 0x02) CurrentSMSMessage->Status = GSS_NOTSENTREAD;
+                            else CurrentSMSMessage->Status = GSS_SENTREAD;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Number: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[6]);
+    if (CurrentSMSMessage->folder!=1) { //GST_OUTBOX
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Received SMS (mobile terminated)\n"));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Outbox message (mobile originated)\n"));
+    }
+    if (CurrentSMSMessage->Type == GST_DR) fprintf(stdout, _("   Delivery Report\n"));
+    if (CurrentSMSMessage->Type == GST_UN) fprintf(stdout, _("   Unknown type\n"));
+    if (CurrentSMSMessage->folder==1) { //GST_OUTBOX
+      if (CurrentSMSMessage->Status) fprintf(stdout, _("   Sent\n"));
+                                else fprintf(stdout, _("   Not sent\n"));
+    } else {
+      if (CurrentSMSMessage->Status) fprintf(stdout, _("   Read\n"));
+                                else fprintf(stdout, _("   Not read\n"));
+    }
+    CurrentSMSPointer=GSM_DecodeNokiaSMSFrame(CurrentSMSMessage, MessageBuffer+8, MessageLength-8);
+    CurrentSMSMessage->MemoryType = MessageBuffer[5];
+    CurrentSMSMessage->MessageNumber = MessageBuffer[6];
+    /* Signal no error to calling code. */
+    CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_NONE;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    break;
+  case 0x09:
+    /* We have requested invalid or empty location. */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS reading failed\n"));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x02:
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Invalid location!\n"));break;
+      case 0x07:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   Empty SMS location.\n"));break;
+      case 0x0c:
+       fprintf(stdout, _("   No access to memory (no PIN on card ?)\n"));break;
+      default:      
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Error code %i - please report it \n"),MessageBuffer[4]);break;
+    }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x02:CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION;break;
+      case 0x07:CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_EMPTYSMSLOCATION;break;
+      case 0x0c:CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_NOACCESS;break;
+      default  :CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_UNKNOWN;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *message)
+  unsigned char req[] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+                          0x07,
+                          0x02, /* Unknown */
+                          0x00, /* Location */
+                          0x01, 0x64};
+  int timeout = 60;
+  /* State machine code writes data to these variables when it comes in. */
+  CurrentSMSMessage = message;
+  CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_BUSY;
+  req[5] = message->Location;
+  /* Send request */
+  Protocol->SendMessage(8, 0x02, req);
+  /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+  while (timeout != 0 && (CurrentSMSMessageError == GE_BUSY || CurrentSMSMessageError == GE_SMSWAITING)) {
+    if (--timeout == 0)
+      return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+    usleep (100000);
+  }
+  return (CurrentSMSMessageError);
+void N6110_ReplyDeleteSMSMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS deleted successfully.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_NONE;    
+GSM_Error N6110_DeleteSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *message)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x0a, 0x02, 0x00};
+  req[5] = message->Location;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentSMSMessageError, 6, 0x14, req);
+/* FIXME: do we need more than SMS_Submit and SMS_Deliver ? */
+GSM_Error GSM_EncodeNokiaSMSFrame(GSM_SMSMessage *SMS, unsigned char *req, int *length, SMS_MessageType PDU)
+  int i,offset=0;
+  GSM_EncodeETSISMS(SMS, &ETSI, PDU, length);
+  /* Cleaning */
+  for (i=0;i<36;i++) req[i]=0;
+  req[12]=ETSI.firstbyte;
+  for (i=0;i<ETSI.SMSCNumber[0]+1;i++)
+    req[i]=ETSI.SMSCNumber[i];
+  switch (PDU) {
+    case SMS_Submit:
+      offset=5;
+      for (i=0;i<((ETSI.Number[0]+1)/2+1)+1;i++)
+        req[i+12+offset]=ETSI.Number[i];
+      req[10+offset]=ETSI.TPDCS;
+      req[11+offset]=ETSI.TPUDL;
+      req[24+offset]=ETSI.TPVP;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+//      fprintf(stdout,_("   First byte: %02x\n"),ETSI.firstbyte);
+//      fprintf(stdout,_("   TP-VP: %02x\n"),ETSI.TPVP);
+//      fprintf(stdout,_("   TP-DCS: %02x\n"),ETSI.TPDCS);
+//    req[]=ETSI.TPPID;
+      for(i=0;i<*length;i++)
+        req[i+31+offset]=ETSI.MessageText[i];
+      break;
+    case SMS_Deliver:
+      offset=4;
+      for (i=0;i<((ETSI.Number[0]+1)/2+1)+1;i++)
+        req[i+12+offset]=ETSI.Number[i];
+      req[10+offset]=ETSI.TPDCS;
+      req[11+offset]=ETSI.TPUDL;
+//    req[]=ETSI.TPPID;
+      for(i=0;i<*length;i++)
+        req[i+31+offset]=ETSI.MessageText[i];
+      for (i=0;i<7;i++)
+        req[24+offset+i]=ETSI.DeliveryDateTime[i];
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  *length=*length+offset;
+  return GE_NONE;
+void N6110_ReplySendSMSMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* SMS message correctly sent to the network */
+  case 0x02:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Message correctly sent.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_SMSSENDOK;
+    break;
+  /* SMS message send to the network failed */
+  case 0x03:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Sending SMS Message failed, error: %i"),MessageBuffer[6]);
+    switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+      case 1: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Number not in use\")"));break;
+      case 21: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message not sent this time\")"));break;
+      case 28: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Number not in use\")"));break;
+      case 38: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message not sent this time\")"));break;       case 50: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Check operator services\")"));break;       
+      case 96: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break;  
+      case 111: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break; 
+      case 166: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break; 
+      case 178: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break; 
+      case 252: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break;        case 253: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Message sending failed\")"));break; 
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n   For more details with errors see netmonitor manual (test 65) on"));
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n   If know their meaning, GSM specs decribing them, contact with me on THX\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_SMSSENDFAILED;
+    break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SendSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *SMS)
+  GSM_Error error;
+  unsigned char req[256] = {
+    N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+    0x01, 0x02, 0x00, /* SMS send request*/
+  };
+  int length;
+  error=GSM_EncodeNokiaSMSFrame(SMS, req+6, &length, SMS_Submit);    
+  if (error != GE_NONE) return error;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (200, &CurrentSMSMessageError, 42+length, 0x02, req);
+void N6110_ReplySaveSMSMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x05:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("SMS Message stored at %d\n"), MessageBuffer[5]);
+    CurrentSMSMessage->MessageNumber=MessageBuffer[5];
+    CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x06:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("SMS saving failed\n"));
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x02:fprintf(stdout, _("   All locations busy.\n"));break;
+      case 0x03:fprintf(stdout, _("   Invalid location!\n"));break;
+      default  :fprintf(stdout, _("   Unknown error.\n"));break;
+    }
+    switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+      case 0x02:CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_MEMORYFULL;break;
+      case 0x03:CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION;break;
+      default  :CurrentSMSMessageError = GE_UNKNOWN;break;
+    }
+  }
+/* GST_DR and GST_UN not supported ! */
+GSM_Error N6110_SaveSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *SMS)
+  unsigned char req[256] = {
+    N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x04, /* SMS save request*/
+    0x00, /* SMS Status. Different for Inbox and Outbox */
+    0x02, /* ?? */
+    0x00, /* SMS Location */
+    0x02, /* SMS Type */
+  };
+  int length;
+  SMS_MessageType PDU;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  if (SMS->Location) req[6] = SMS->Location;
+  if (SMS->folder==0) { /*Inbox*/
+    req[4]=1;      /* SMS Status */
+    req[7] = 0x00; /* SMS Type */
+    PDU=SMS_Deliver;
+  } else {
+    req[4]=5;      /* SMS Status */
+    req[7] = 0x02; /* SMS Type */
+    PDU=SMS_Submit;
+  }
+  if (SMS->Status == GSS_NOTSENTREAD) req[4] |= 0x02;  
+  error=GSM_EncodeNokiaSMSFrame(SMS, req+8, &length, PDU);  
+  if (error != GE_NONE) return error;
+  CurrentSMSMessage = SMS;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (70, &CurrentSMSMessageError, 39+length, 0x14, req);
+void N6110_ReplySetCellBroadcast(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Cell Broadcast enabled/disabled successfully.\n")); fflush (stdout);
+  CurrentCBError = GE_NONE;
+/* Enable and disable Cell Broadcasting */
+GSM_Error N6110_EnableCellBroadcast(void)
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x20,
+                         0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01};
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf (stdout,"Enabling CB\n");
+  CurrentCBMessage = (GSM_CBMessage *)malloc(sizeof (GSM_CBMessage));
+  CurrentCBMessage->Channel = 0;
+  CurrentCBMessage->New = false;
+  strcpy (CurrentCBMessage->Message,"");
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (10, &CurrentCBError, 10, 0x02, req);
+GSM_Error N6110_DisableCellBroadcast(void)
+  /* Should work, but not tested fully */
+  unsigned char req[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x20,
+                         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; /*VERIFY*/
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (10, &CurrentCBError, 10, 0x02, req);
+void N6110_ReplyReadCellBroadcast(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i, tmp;
+  unsigned char output[160];
+  CurrentCBMessage->Channel = MessageBuffer[7];
+  CurrentCBMessage->New = true;
+  tmp=GSM_UnpackEightBitsToSeven(0, MessageBuffer[9], MessageBuffer[9], MessageBuffer+10, output);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: CB received.\n")); fflush (stdout);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: channel number %i\n"),MessageBuffer[7]);
+  fflush (stdout);
+  for (i=0; i<tmp;i++) {
+    fprintf(stdout, "%c", DecodeWithDefaultAlphabet(output[i]));
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  for (i=0; i<tmp; i++) {
+    CurrentCBMessage->Message[i] = DecodeWithDefaultAlphabet(output[i]);
+  }
+  CurrentCBMessage->Message[i]=0;
+GSM_Error N6110_ReadCellBroadcast(GSM_CBMessage *Message)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+   fprintf(stdout,"Reading CB\n");
+  if (CurrentCBMessage != NULL) 
+  {
+    if (CurrentCBMessage->New == true)
+    {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout,"New CB received\n");
+      Message->Channel = CurrentCBMessage->Channel;
+      strcpy(Message->Message,CurrentCBMessage->Message);
+      CurrentCBMessage->New = false;
+      return (GE_NONE);
+    }
+  }
+int N6110_MakeCallerGroupFrame(unsigned char *req,GSM_Bitmap Bitmap)
+  int count=0;
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.number;
+  req[count++]=strlen(Bitmap.text);
+  memcpy(req+count,Bitmap.text,req[count-1]);
+  count+=req[count-1];
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.ringtone;
+  /* Setting for graphic:
+     0x00 - Off
+     0x01 - On
+     0x02 - View Graphics
+     0x03 - Send Graphics
+     0x04 - Send via IR
+     You can even set it higher but Nokia phones (my
+     6110 at least) will not show you the name of this
+     item in menu ;-)) Nokia is really joking here. */
+  if (Bitmap.enabled) req[count++]=0x01;
+                 else req[count++]=0x00;
+  req[count++]=(Bitmap.size+4)>>8;
+  req[count++]=(Bitmap.size+4)%0xff;
+  req[count++]=0x00;  /* Future extensions! */
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.width;
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.height;
+  req[count++]=0x01;  /* Just BW */
+  memcpy(req+count,Bitmap.bitmap,Bitmap.size);
+  return count+Bitmap.size;
+int N6110_MakeOperatorLogoFrame(unsigned char *req,GSM_Bitmap Bitmap)
+  int count=0;
+  EncodeNetworkCode(req+count, Bitmap.netcode);
+  count=count+3;
+  req[count++]=(Bitmap.size+4)>>8;
+  req[count++]=(Bitmap.size+4)%0xff;
+  req[count++]=0x00;  /* Infofield */
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.width;
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.height;
+  req[count++]=0x01;  /* Just BW */    
+  memcpy(req+count,Bitmap.bitmap,Bitmap.size);
+  return count+Bitmap.size;
+int N6110_MakeStartupLogoFrame(unsigned char *req,GSM_Bitmap Bitmap)
+  int count=0;
+  req[count++]=0x01;
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.height;
+  req[count++]=Bitmap.width;
+  memcpy(req+count,Bitmap.bitmap,Bitmap.size);
+  return count+Bitmap.size;
+/* Set a bitmap or welcome-note */
+GSM_Error N6110_SetBitmap(GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap) {
+  unsigned char req[600] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER };
+  u16 count=3;
+  u8 textlen;
+  int timeout=50;
+  /* Direct uploading variables */
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage SMS;
+  unsigned char buffer[1000] = {0x0c,0x01};
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Uploading with preview */
+  if (Bitmap->number==255 &&
+     (Bitmap->type==GSM_OperatorLogo || Bitmap->type==GSM_CallerLogo)) {
+    GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&SMS,Bitmap,false,false);
+    memcpy(buffer+2,SMS.SMS[0].UDH,SMS.SMS[0].UDH[0]+1);
+    memcpy(buffer+2+SMS.SMS[0].UDH[0]+1,SMS.SMS[0].MessageText,SMS.SMS[0].Length);
+    buffer[2+SMS.SMS[0].UDH[0]+1+SMS.SMS[0].Length]=0x00;
+    Protocol->SendMessage(2+SMS.SMS[0].UDH[0]+1+SMS.SMS[0].Length+1, 0x12, buffer);
+    GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo); //need to make something
+    return GE_NONE; //no answer from phone
+  }
+  CurrentSetBitmapError = GE_BUSY;  
+  switch (Bitmap->type) {
+  case GSM_WelcomeNoteText:
+  case GSM_DealerNoteText:
+    req[count++]=0x18;
+    req[count++]=0x01; /* Only one block */
+    if (Bitmap->type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText)
+      req[count++]=0x02; /* Welcome text */
+    else
+      req[count++]=0x03; /* Dealer Welcome Note */
+    textlen=strlen(Bitmap->text);
+    req[count++]=textlen;
+    memcpy(req+count,Bitmap->text,textlen);
+    count+=textlen;
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x05, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_StartupLogo:
+    if (Bitmap->number==0) {
+      /* For 33xx we first set animated logo to default */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_STARTUP)==F_STANIM) {
+        error=N6110_SetProfileFeature(0, 0x29, Bitmap->number);
+        if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+      }
+      req[count++]=0x18;
+      req[count++]=0x01; /* Only one block */
+      count=count+N6110_MakeStartupLogoFrame(req+5,*Bitmap); 
+      Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x05, req);
+    } else {
+      return N6110_SetProfileFeature(0, 0x29, Bitmap->number);
+    }
+    break;
+  case GSM_OperatorLogo:
+    req[count++]=0x30;  /* Store Op Logo */
+    req[count++]=0x01;  /* Location */
+    count=count+N6110_MakeOperatorLogoFrame(req+5,*Bitmap); 
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x05, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_CallerLogo:
+    req[count++]=0x13;
+    count=count+N6110_MakeCallerGroupFrame(req+4,*Bitmap);
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x03, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_PictureImage:
+    req[count++]=0x03;
+    req[count++]=Bitmap->number;
+    if (strcmp(Bitmap->Sender,"")) {
+       req[count]=GSM_PackSemiOctetNumber(Bitmap->Sender, req+count+1,true);
+       /* Convert number of semioctets to number of chars and add count */
+       textlen=req[count];
+       if (textlen % 2) textlen++;
+       count+=textlen / 2 + 1;
+       count++;
+    } else {
+      req[count++]=0x00;
+      req[count++]=0x00;
+    }
+    req[count++]=0x00;
+    req[count++]=strlen(Bitmap->text);
+    memcpy(req+count,Bitmap->text,strlen(Bitmap->text));
+    count+=strlen(Bitmap->text);
+    req[count++]=0x00;
+    req[count++]=Bitmap->width;
+    req[count++]=Bitmap->height;
+    req[count++]=0x01;
+    memcpy(req+count,Bitmap->bitmap,Bitmap->size);
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count+Bitmap->size, 0x47, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_7110OperatorLogo:
+  case GSM_7110StartupLogo:
+  case GSM_6210StartupLogo:
+    return GE_NOTSUPPORTED;
+  case GSM_None:
+    return GE_NONE;
+  }
+  /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+  while (timeout != 0 && CurrentSetBitmapError == GE_BUSY ) {
+    if (--timeout == 0)
+      return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+    usleep (100000);
+  }
+  return CurrentSetBitmapError;
+/* Get a bitmap from the phone */
+GSM_Error N6110_GetBitmap(GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap) {
+  unsigned char req[10] = { N6110_FRAME_HEADER };
+  u8 count=3;
+  int timeout=100;
+  CurrentGetBitmap=Bitmap; 
+  CurrentGetBitmapError = GE_BUSY;  
+  switch (CurrentGetBitmap->type) {
+  case GSM_StartupLogo:
+  case GSM_WelcomeNoteText:
+  case GSM_DealerNoteText:
+    req[count++]=0x16;
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x05, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_OperatorLogo:
+    req[count++]=0x33;
+    req[count++]=0x01; /* Location 1 */
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x05, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_CallerLogo:
+    req[count++]=0x10;
+    req[count++]=Bitmap->number;
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x03, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_PictureImage:
+    req[count++]=0x01;
+    req[count++]=Bitmap->number;
+    Protocol->SendMessage(count, 0x47, req);
+    break;
+  case GSM_7110OperatorLogo:
+  case GSM_7110StartupLogo:
+  case GSM_6210StartupLogo:
+  default:
+    return GE_NOTSUPPORTED;
+  }
+  /* Wait for timeout or other error. */
+  while (timeout != 0 && CurrentGetBitmapError == GE_BUSY ) {
+    if (--timeout == 0)
+      return (GE_TIMEOUT);
+    usleep (100000);
+  }
+  CurrentGetBitmap=NULL;
+  return CurrentGetBitmapError;
+void N6110_ReplySetRingtone(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Set ringtone OK */
+  case 0x37:       
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Ringtone set OK!\n"));
+    CurrentRingtoneError=GE_NONE; 
+    break;      
+  /* Set ringtone error */
+  case 0x38:       
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Ringtone setting error !\n"));
+    CurrentRingtoneError=GE_NOTSUPPORTED; 
+    break;      
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SetRingTone(GSM_Ringtone *ringtone, int *maxlength)
+  char req[FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_FRAME_LENGTH+10] =
+      {N6110_FRAME_HEADER,
+       0x36,
+       0x00,  /* Location */
+       0x00,0x78};
+  /* Variables for preview uploading */
+  unsigned char buffer[FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_FRAME_LENGTH+50];
+  unsigned char buffer2[20];
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  /* Setting ringtone with preview */
+  if (ringtone->location==255) {
+    buffer[0]=0x0c;
+    buffer[1]=0x01;
+    EncodeUDHHeader(buffer2, GSM_RingtoneUDH);
+    memcpy(buffer+2,buffer2,buffer2[0]+1); //copying UDH
+    *maxlength=GSM_PackRingtone(ringtone, buffer+2+buffer2[0]+1, &size); //packing ringtone
+    Protocol->SendMessage(2+buffer2[0]+1+size, 0x12, buffer); //sending frame
+    GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo); //need to make something
+    sleep(1);
+    return GE_NONE; //no answer from phone
+  }
+  *maxlength=GSM_PackRingtone(ringtone, req+7, &size);
+  req[4]=ringtone->location-1;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentRingtoneError, (size+7), 0x05, req);
+void N6110_ReplyGetBinRingtone(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x00: /* location supported. We have ringtone */
+      /* Binary format used in N6150 */
+      if (MessageBuffer[5]==0x0c && MessageBuffer[6]==0x01 && MessageBuffer[7]==0x2c) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Message: ringtone \""));
+        /* Copying name */
+        i=8;
+        while (true) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          if (MessageBuffer[i]!=0)
+            fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),MessageBuffer[i]);
+          CurrentGetBinRingtone->name[i-8]=MessageBuffer[i];
+          if (MessageBuffer[i]==0) break;
+          i++;
+        }
+#ifdef DEBUG    
+        fprintf(stdout,_("\" received from location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+        /* Looking for end */
+        i=0;
+       while (true) {
+         if (MessageBuffer[i]==0x07 && MessageBuffer[i+1]==0x0b) {
+           i=i+2;break;
+         }
+         if (MessageBuffer[i]==0x0e && MessageBuffer[i+1]==0x0b) {
+           i=i+2;break;
+         }
+         i++;
+          if (i==MessageLength) break;
+       }
+        /* Copying frame */
+        memcpy(CurrentGetBinRingtone->frame,MessageBuffer+3,i-3);
+        CurrentGetBinRingtone->length=i-3;
+        CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_NONE;
+        break;
+      }
+      /* Binary format used in N3210 */
+      if (MessageBuffer[5]==0x10 && MessageBuffer[6]==0x01 && MessageBuffer[7]==0x2c) {      
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Message: ringtone \""));
+        /* Copying name */
+        i=8;
+        while (true) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          if (MessageBuffer[i]!=0)
+            fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),MessageBuffer[i]);
+          CurrentGetBinRingtone->name[i-8]=MessageBuffer[i];
+          if (MessageBuffer[i]==0) break;
+          i++;
+        }
+#ifdef DEBUG    
+        fprintf(stdout,_("\" received from location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+        /* Here changes to get full compatibility with binary format used in N6150 */
+        MessageBuffer[3]=0;
+        MessageBuffer[4]=0;
+        MessageBuffer[5]=0x0c;
+        MessageBuffer[6]=0x01;
+        MessageBuffer[7]=0x2c;
+        /* Looking for end */
+        i=0;
+        while (true) {
+          if (MessageBuffer[i]==0x07 && MessageBuffer[i+1]==0x0b) {
+           i=i+2;break;
+         }
+         if (MessageBuffer[i]==0x0e && MessageBuffer[i+1]==0x0b) {
+           i=i+2;break;
+         }
+         i++;
+         if (i==MessageLength) break;
+        }
+       /* Copying frame */
+        memcpy(CurrentGetBinRingtone->frame,MessageBuffer+3,i-3);
+        CurrentGetBinRingtone->length=i-3;
+        CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_NONE;         
+       break;
+      }
+      /* Copying frame */
+      memcpy(CurrentGetBinRingtone->frame,MessageBuffer,MessageLength);
+      CurrentGetBinRingtone->length=MessageLength;
+#ifdef DEBUG    
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Message: unknown binary format for ringtone received from location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+      CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_UNKNOWNMODEL;
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Message: Phone doesn't support downloaded ringtones at location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+      CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_INVALIDRINGLOCATION;  
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_GetBinRingTone(GSM_BinRingtone *ringtone)
+  unsigned char req[] = { 0x00,0x01,0x9e,
+                          0x00 }; //location
+  GSM_Error error;
+  CurrentGetBinRingtone=ringtone;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  req[3]=ringtone->location-1;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentBinRingtoneError, 4, 0x40, req);
+void N6110_ReplySetBinRingtone(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[4]) {
+    case 0x00: /* location supported. We set ringtone */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Message: downloaded ringtone set at location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+      CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_NONE;
+      break;
+    default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Message: Phone doesn't support downloaded ringtones at location %i\n"),MessageBuffer[3]+1);
+      CurrentBinRingtoneError=GE_NOTSUPPORTED;   
+      break;
+  }
+GSM_Error N6110_SetBinRingTone(GSM_BinRingtone *ringtone)
+  unsigned char req[1000] = { 0x00,0x01,0xa0};
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_BinRingtone ring;
+  /* Must be sure, that can upload ringtone to this phone */
+  ring.location=ringtone->location;
+  error=N6110_GetBinRingTone(&ring);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  error=N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x01);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  memcpy(req+3,ringtone->frame,ringtone->length);
+  req[3]=ringtone->location-1;
+  return NULL_SendMessageSequence
+    (50, &CurrentBinRingtoneError, ringtone->length+3, 0x40, req);
+GSM_Error N6110_Reset(unsigned char type)
+  return N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(type);
+void N6110_Dispatch0x01Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int tmp, count;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Unknown message - it has been seen after the 0x07 message (call
+     answered). Probably it has similar meaning. If you can solve
+     this - just mail me. Pavel Janík ml.
+     The message looks like this:
+     Msg Destination: PC
+     Msg Source: Phone
+     Msg Type: 01
+     Msg Unknown: 00
+     Msg Len: 0e
+     Phone: [01 ][08 ][00 ] is the header of the frame
+     [03 ] is the call message subtype
+     [05 ] is the call sequence number
+     [05 ] unknown 
+     [00 ][01 ][03 ][02 ][91][00] are unknown but has been
+     seen in the Incoming call message (just after the
+     caller's name from the phonebook). But never change
+     between phone calls :-(
+  */
+  /* This may mean sequence number of 'just made' call - CK */
+  case 0x02:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call message, type 0x02:"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Exact meaning not known yet, sorry :-(\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  /* Possibly call OK */
+  /* JD: I think that this means "call in progress" (incomming or outgoing) */
+  case 0x03:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call message, type 0x03:"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Exact meaning not known yet, sorry :-(\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentCallSequenceNumber=MessageBuffer[4];
+    CurrentIncomingCall[0]='D';
+    if (CurrentCallPassup) CurrentCallPassup('D');
+    break;
+  /* Remote end has gone away before you answer the call.  Probably your
+     mother-in-law or banker (which is worse?) ... */
+  case 0x04:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Remote end hang up.\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d, error: %i"), MessageBuffer[4],MessageBuffer[6]);
+    switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+      case 28: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Invalid phone number\")"));break;
+      case 34: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Network busy\")"));break;
+      case 42: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Network busy\")"));break;
+      case 47: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Error in connection\")"));break;
+      case 50: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Check operator services\")"));break;       case 76: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Check operator services\")"));break;
+      case 111: fprintf(stdout,_(" (info \"Error in connection\")"));break;
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n   For more details with errors see netmonitor manual (test 39) on"));
+    fprintf(stdout,_("\n   If know their meaning, GSM specs decribing them, contact with me on THX\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentIncomingCall[0] = ' ';
+    if (CurrentCallPassup) CurrentCallPassup(' ');
+    break;
+  /* Incoming call alert */
+  case 0x05:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Incoming call alert:\n"));
+    /* We can have more then one call ringing - we can distinguish between
+       them */
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Number: "));
+    count=MessageBuffer[6];
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <count; tmp++)
+      fprintf(stdout, "%c", MessageBuffer[7+tmp]);
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Name: "));
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <MessageBuffer[7+count]; tmp++)
+      fprintf(stdout, "%c", MessageBuffer[8+count+tmp]);
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    count=MessageBuffer[6];
+    CurrentIncomingCall[0] = 0;
+    for (tmp=0; tmp <count; tmp++)
+      sprintf(CurrentIncomingCall, "%s%c", CurrentIncomingCall, MessageBuffer[7+tmp]);
+    break;
+  /* Call answered. Probably your girlfriend...*/
+  case 0x07:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call answered.\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  /* Call ended. Girlfriend is girlfriend, but time is money :-) */
+  case 0x09:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call ended by your phone.\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  /* This message has been seen with the message of subtype 0x09
+     after I hang the call.
+  Msg Destination: PC
+  Msg Source: Phone
+  Msg Type: 01 
+  Msg Unknown: 00
+  Msg Len: 08
+  Phone: [01 ][08 ][00 ][0a ][04 ][87 ][01 ][42B][1a ][c2 ]
+  What is the meaning of 87? Can you spell some magic light into
+  this issue?
+  */
+  /* Probably means call over - CK */
+  case 0x0a:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Call message, type 0x0a:"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Sequence nr. of the call: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Exact meaning not known yet, sorry :-(\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentIncomingCall[0] = ' ';
+    if (CurrentCallPassup) CurrentCallPassup(' ');
+    break;
+  case 0x40:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Answer for send DTMF or dial voice command\n"));
+    if (CurrentSendDTMFError!=GE_NONE) CurrentSendDTMFError=GE_NONE;
+    if (CurrentDialVoiceError!=GE_NONE) CurrentDialVoiceError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown message of type 0x01\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;     /* Visual C Don't like empty cases */
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x03Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int tmp, count;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x04:
+    /* AFAIK, this frame isn't used anywhere - it's rather for testing :-) */
+    /* If you want see, if it works with your phone make something like that: */
+    /* unsigned char connect5[] = {N6110_FRAME_HEADER, 0x03}; */
+    /* Protocol->SendMessage(4, 0x04, connect5); */
+    /*                                        Marcin-Wiacek@TopNet.PL */
+#ifdef WIN32
+    sprintf(Current_IMEI, "%s", MessageBuffer+5);
+    sprintf(Current_Model, "%s", MessageBuffer+21);
+    sprintf(Current_Revision, "SW%s, HW%s", MessageBuffer+41, MessageBuffer+35);
+    snprintf(Current_IMEI, GSM_MAX_IMEI_LENGTH, "%s", MessageBuffer+5);
+    snprintf(Current_Model, GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH, "%s", MessageBuffer+21);
+    snprintf(Current_Revision, GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH, "SW%s, HW%s", MessageBuffer+41, MessageBuffer+35);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Mobile phone identification received:\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   IMEI: %s\n"), Current_IMEI);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Model: %s\n"), Current_Model);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Production Code: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+27);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   HW: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+35);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Firmware: %s\n"), MessageBuffer+41);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  /* Get group data */    
+  /* [ID],[name_len],[name].,[ringtone],[graphicon],[lenhi],[lenlo],[bitmap] */
+  case 0x11:   
+    if (CurrentGetBitmap!=NULL) {
+      if (CurrentGetBitmap->number==MessageBuffer[4]) {
+        count=MessageBuffer[5];
+        memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->text,MessageBuffer+6,count);
+        CurrentGetBitmap->text[count]=0;
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Caller group datas\n"));
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Caller group name: %s\n"),CurrentGetBitmap->text);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       count+=6;
+       CurrentGetBitmap->ringtone=MessageBuffer[count++];
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Caller group ringtone ID: %i"),CurrentGetBitmap->ringtone);
+        if (CurrentGetBitmap->ringtone==16) fprintf(stdout,_(" (default)"));
+       fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       CurrentGetBitmap->enabled=(MessageBuffer[count++]==1);
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Caller group logo "));
+       if (CurrentGetBitmap->enabled)
+         fprintf(stdout, _("enabled \n"));
+       else
+         fprintf(stdout, _("disabled \n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */     
+       CurrentGetBitmap->size=MessageBuffer[count++]<<8;
+       CurrentGetBitmap->size+=MessageBuffer[count++];
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Bitmap size=%i\n"),CurrentGetBitmap->size);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       count++;
+       CurrentGetBitmap->width=MessageBuffer[count++];
+        CurrentGetBitmap->height=MessageBuffer[count++];
+       count++;
+       tmp=GSM_GetBitmapSize(CurrentGetBitmap);
+       if (CurrentGetBitmap->size>tmp) CurrentGetBitmap->size=tmp;
+       memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->bitmap,MessageBuffer+count,CurrentGetBitmap->size);
+       CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+      } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Caller group datas received, but group number does not match (%i is not %i)\n"),MessageBuffer[4],CurrentGetBitmap->number);
+      }
+    } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Caller group data received but not requested!\n"));
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Get group data error */
+  case 0x12:   
+    CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN;   
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Error attempting to get caller group data.\n"));
+    break;
+  /* Set group data OK */      
+  case 0x14:   
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_NONE;      
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Caller group data set correctly.\n"));
+    break;
+  /* Set group data error */
+  case 0x15:   
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN;      
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Error attempting to set caller group data\n"));
+    break;  
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown message of type 0x03\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;     /* Visual C Don't like empty cases */
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x05Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int tmp, count, length;
+  bool issupported;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  int i;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  /* Startup Logo */
+  case 0x17:  
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Startup Logo, welcome note and dealer welcome note received.\n"));
+    if (CurrentGetBitmap!=NULL) {
+      issupported=false;
+      count=5;
+      for (tmp=0;tmp<MessageBuffer[4];tmp++){
+        switch (MessageBuffer[count++]) {
+        case 0x01:
+          if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_StartupLogo) {
+            CurrentGetBitmap->height=MessageBuffer[count++];
+           CurrentGetBitmap->width=MessageBuffer[count++];
+           CurrentGetBitmap->size=GSM_GetBitmapSize(CurrentGetBitmap);
+           length=CurrentGetBitmap->size;
+           memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->bitmap,MessageBuffer+count,length);
+          } else {
+            //bitmap size
+           length=MessageBuffer[count++];
+           length=length*MessageBuffer[count++]/8;
+         }
+         count+=length;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+         fprintf(stdout, _("Startup logo supported - "));
+         if (length!=0) { fprintf(stdout, _("currently set\n"));   }
+                    else { fprintf(stdout, _("currently empty\n")); }
+          if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_StartupLogo) issupported=true;
+         break;
+       case 0x02:
+         length=MessageBuffer[count];
+         if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText) {
+            memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->text,MessageBuffer+count+1,length);
+           CurrentGetBitmap->text[length]=0;
+         }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Startup Text supported - "));
+          if (length!=0)
+         {
+           fprintf(stdout, _("currently set to \""));
+           for (i=0;i<length;i++) fprintf(stdout, _("%c"),MessageBuffer[count+1+i]);
+           fprintf(stdout, _("\"\n"));
+         } else {
+            fprintf(stdout, _("currently empty\n"));
+         }
+         count+=length+1;
+          if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText) issupported=true;
+         break;
+       case 0x03:
+         length=MessageBuffer[count];
+         if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_DealerNoteText) {
+            memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->text,MessageBuffer+count+1,length);
+           CurrentGetBitmap->text[length]=0;
+         }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+         fprintf(stdout, _("Dealer Welcome supported - "));
+         if (length!=0)
+         {
+           fprintf(stdout, _("currently set to \""));
+           for (i=0;i<length;i++) fprintf(stdout, _("%c"),MessageBuffer[count+1+i]);
+           fprintf(stdout, _("\"\n"));
+         } else {
+            fprintf(stdout, _("currently empty\n"));
+         }
+         count+=length+1;
+          if (CurrentGetBitmap->type==GSM_DealerNoteText) issupported=true;
+         break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (issupported) CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+                  else CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NOTSUPPORTED;
+    } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Startup logo received but not requested!\n"));
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Set startup OK */
+  case 0x19:   
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_NONE;    
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Startup logo, welcome note or dealer welcome note correctly set.\n"));
+    break;      
+  /* Set Operator Logo OK */
+  case 0x31:   
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Operator logo correctly set.\n"));
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_NONE;      
+    break;
+  /* Set Operator Logo Error */      
+  case 0x32:  
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Error setting operator logo!\n"));
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN;        
+    break;
+  /* Operator Logo */
+  /* [location],[netcode x 3],[lenhi],[lenlo],[bitmap] */ 
+  case 0x34:
+    if (CurrentGetBitmap!=NULL) {
+      count=5;  /* Location ignored. */
+      DecodeNetworkCode(MessageBuffer+count, CurrentGetBitmap->netcode);
+      count=count+3;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Operator Logo for %s (%s) network received.\n"),
+                          CurrentGetBitmap->netcode,
+                          GSM_GetNetworkName(CurrentGetBitmap->netcode));
+      CurrentGetBitmap->size=MessageBuffer[count++]<<8;
+      CurrentGetBitmap->size+=MessageBuffer[count++];
+      count++;
+      CurrentGetBitmap->width=MessageBuffer[count++];
+      CurrentGetBitmap->height=MessageBuffer[count++];
+      count++;
+      tmp=GSM_GetBitmapSize(CurrentGetBitmap);
+      if (CurrentGetBitmap->size>tmp) CurrentGetBitmap->size=tmp;
+      memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->bitmap,MessageBuffer+count,CurrentGetBitmap->size);
+      CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+    } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Operator logo received but not requested!\n"));
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Get op logo error */      
+  case 0x35:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Error getting operator logo!\n"));
+    CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN; 
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown message of type 0x05\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x06Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int tmp;
+  unsigned char output[160];
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  int i;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x05:
+    /* MessageBuffer[3] = 0x05
+       MessageBuffer[4] = 0x00
+       MessageBuffer[5] = 0x0f
+       MessageBuffer[6] = 0x03
+       MessageBuffer[7] = length of packed message
+       This is all I have seen - Gerry Anderson */
+    tmp=GSM_UnpackEightBitsToSeven(0, 82, 82, MessageBuffer+8, output);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message from Network operator: "));
+    for (i=0; i<tmp; i++)
+       fprintf(stdout, "%c", DecodeWithDefaultAlphabet(output[i]));
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown message of type 0x06\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x09Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x80:    
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SIM card login\n"));
+    break;
+  case 0x81:    
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SIM card logout\n"));
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x09.\n"));      
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x13Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  switch(MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x6a:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Calendar Alarm active\n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Item number: %d\n"), MessageBuffer[4]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x13.\n"));      
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x40Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int i;
+  switch(MessageBuffer[2]) {
+  case 0x02:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: ACK for simlock opening part 1\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x7c:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Answer for call commands.\n"));
+    CurrentDialVoiceError=GE_NONE;      
+    break;
+  case 0x81:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: ACK for simlock opening part 2\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x82:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Message: ACK for simlock closing\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0xd4:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[5]) {
+      case 0xa0:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Message: EEPROM contest received\n"));
+        if (MessageBuffer[8]!=0x00) {
+          for (i=9;i<MessageLength;i++) {
+            fprintf(stdout,_("%c"), MessageBuffer[i]);
+        }
+        CurrentMagicError=GE_NONE;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x40.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);      
+    break;
+  case 0xcf:
+    N6110_DisplayTestsInfo(MessageBuffer);
+    break;
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x40.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;     /* Visual C Don't like empty cases */
+  }
+void N6110_Dispatch0x47Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  int count;
+  switch(MessageBuffer[3]) {
+  case 0x02:
+    count=5;
+    if (MessageBuffer[5]!=0) {
+      strcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->Sender,GSM_UnpackSemiOctetNumber(MessageBuffer+5,true));
+      while (MessageBuffer[count]!=0) {
+        count++;
+      }
+      count++;
+    } else {
+      strcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->Sender,"\0");
+      count+=3;
+    }
+    memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->text,MessageBuffer+count+1,MessageBuffer[count]);
+    CurrentGetBitmap->text[MessageBuffer[count]]=0;
+    if (MessageBuffer[count]!=0)
+      count+=MessageBuffer[count];
+    count++;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Picture Image received, text \"%s\", sender %s\n"),CurrentGetBitmap->text,CurrentGetBitmap->Sender);
+    CurrentGetBitmap->width=MessageBuffer[count+1];
+    CurrentGetBitmap->height=MessageBuffer[count+2]; 
+    CurrentGetBitmap->size=GSM_GetBitmapSize(CurrentGetBitmap);
+    memcpy(CurrentGetBitmap->bitmap,MessageBuffer+count+4,CurrentGetBitmap->size);
+    CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+    break;
+  case 0x04:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Getting or setting Picture Image - OK\n"));
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+    CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_NONE;
+    break;     
+  case 0x05:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Setting Picture Image - invalid location or other error\n"));
+    CurrentSetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN;
+    break;     
+  case 0x06:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Getting Picture Image - invalid location or other error\n"));
+    CurrentGetBitmapError=GE_UNKNOWN;
+    break;     
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type 0x47.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+    break;     /* Visual C Don't like empty cases */
+  }
+void N6110_DispatchACKMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  char buffer[50];
+  sprintf(buffer,"Received ACK %02x %02x\n",MessageBuffer[0],MessageBuffer[1]);
+  AppendLog(buffer,strlen(buffer),false);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("[Received Ack of type %02x, seq: %2x]\n"), MessageBuffer[0],
+                                                                MessageBuffer[1]);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  CurrentLinkOK = true;
+void N6110_Dispatch0xD0Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: The phone is powered on - seq 1.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+/* This function is used for parsing the RLP frame into fields. */
+void N6110_RX_HandleRLPMessage(u8 *MessageBuffer)
+  RLP_F96Frame frame;
+  int count;
+  int valid = true;
+  /* We do not need RLP frame parsing to be done when we do not have callback
+     specified. */
+  if (CurrentRLP_RXCallback == NULL)
+    exit;
+  /* Anybody know the official meaning of the first two bytes?
+     Nokia 6150 sends junk frames starting D9 01, and real frames starting
+     D9 00. We'd drop the junk frames anyway because the FCS is bad, but
+     it's tidier to do it here. We still need to call the callback function
+     to give it a chance to handle timeouts and/or transmit a frame */
+  if (MessageBuffer[0] == 0xd9 && MessageBuffer[1] == 0x01)
+    valid = false;
+  /* Nokia uses 240 bit frame size of RLP frames as per GSM 04.22
+     specification, so Header consists of 16 bits (2 bytes). See section 4.1
+     of the specification. */
+  frame.Header[0] = MessageBuffer[2];
+  frame.Header[1] = MessageBuffer[3];
+  /* Next 200 bits (25 bytes) contain the Information. We store the
+     information in the Data array. */
+  for (count = 0; count < 25; count ++)
+    frame.Data[count] = MessageBuffer[4 + count];
+  /* The last 24 bits (3 bytes) contain FCS. */
+  frame.FCS[0] = MessageBuffer[29];
+  frame.FCS[1] = MessageBuffer[30];
+  frame.FCS[2] = MessageBuffer[31];
+  /* Here we pass the frame down in the input stream. */
+  CurrentRLP_RXCallback(valid ? &frame : NULL);
+void N6110_Dispatch0xF4Message(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Message: The phone is powered on - seq 2.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+void N6110_ReplyIncomingSMS(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  GSM_SMSMessage NullSMS;
+  switch (MessageBuffer[6]) {
+    case 0x00: NullSMS.Type = GST_SMS; NullSMS.folder = GST_INBOX; break;
+    case 0x01: NullSMS.Type = GST_DR;  NullSMS.folder = GST_INBOX; break;
+    /* Is it possible ? */
+    case 0x02: NullSMS.Type = GST_SMS; NullSMS.folder = GST_OUTBOX; break;      
+    default:   NullSMS.Type = GST_UN;                               break;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  if (NullSMS.Type == GST_DR)
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Message (Report) Received\n"));
+  else 
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: SMS Message Received\n"));  
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  GSM_DecodeNokiaSMSFrame(&NullSMS, MessageBuffer+7, MessageLength-7);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));      
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+void N6110_DispatchMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType) {
+  bool unknown=false;
+  /* Switch on the basis of the message type byte */
+  switch (MessageType) {
+  /* Call information */
+  case 0x01:
+    N6110_Dispatch0x01Message(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /* SMS handling */
+  case 0x02:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x02:
+      case 0x03:N6110_ReplySendSMSMessage(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x10:N6110_ReplyIncomingSMS(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x21:N6110_ReplySetCellBroadcast(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);break;
+      case 0x23:N6110_ReplyReadCellBroadcast(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);break;
+      case 0x31:N6110_ReplySetSMSCenter(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x34:
+      case 0x35:N6110_ReplyGetSMSCenter(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Phonebook handling */
+  case 0x03:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x02:
+      case 0x03:N6110_ReplyGetMemoryLocation(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x05:
+      case 0x06:N6110_ReplyWritePhonebookLocation(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x08:
+      case 0x09:N6110_ReplyGetMemoryStatus(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x17:
+      case 0x18:N6110_ReplyGetSpeedDial(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x1a:
+      case 0x1b:N6110_ReplySetSpeedDial(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_Dispatch0x03Message(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Phone status */    
+  case 0x04:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x02:N6110_ReplyRFBatteryLevel(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Startup Logo, Operator Logo and Profiles. */
+  case 0x05:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x11:N6110_ReplySetProfile    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x14:N6110_ReplyGetProfile    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x1b:N6110_ReplyGetProfile    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x1d:N6110_ReplySetProfile    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x37:N6110_ReplySetRingtone   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x38:N6110_ReplySetRingtone   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_Dispatch0x05Message(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Network Operator Message to handset -> Gerry Anderson & prepaid info */
+  /* Call diverts */
+  case 0x06:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x02:
+      case 0x03:N6110_ReplyCallDivert    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_Dispatch0x06Message(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Security code requests */
+  case 0x08:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x08:N6110_ReplyGetSecurityCodeStatus(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x0b:N6110_ReplyEnterSecurityCode    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_ReplyEnterSecurityCode    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* SIM login */
+  case 0x09:
+    N6110_Dispatch0x09Message(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /* Network info */
+  case 0x0a:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x71:N6110_ReplyGetNetworkInfo(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Simulating key pressing */
+  case 0x0c:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x43:N6110_ReplyPressKey(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Display */
+  case 0x0d:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x50:N6110_ReplyDisplayOutput   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x52:N6110_ReplyGetDisplayStatus(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x54:N6110_ReplyDisplayOutput   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Phone Clock and Alarm */
+  case 0x11:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x61:N6110_ReplySetDateTime(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x63:N6110_ReplyGetDateTime(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x6c:N6110_ReplySetAlarm   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x6e:N6110_ReplyGetAlarm   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Calendar notes handling */
+  case 0x13:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x65:N6110_ReplyWriteCalendarNote (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x67:N6110_ReplyGetCalendarNote   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x69:N6110_ReplyDeleteCalendarNote(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_Dispatch0x13Message    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* SMS Messages */
+  case 0x14:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x05:
+      case 0x06:N6110_ReplySaveSMSMessage  (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x08:
+      case 0x09:N6110_ReplyGetSMSMessage   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x0b:N6110_ReplyDeleteSMSMessage(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x37:
+      case 0x38:N6110_ReplyGetSMSStatus    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* WAP */
+  case 0x3f:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[3]) {
+      case 0x01:
+      case 0x02:N7110_ReplyEnableWAPCommands(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x07:
+      case 0x08:N7110_ReplyGetWAPBookmark   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x0a:
+      case 0x0b:N7110_ReplySetWAPBookmark   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x16:
+      case 0x17:
+      case 0x1c:N7110_ReplyGetWAPSettings   (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :unknown=true;break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Internal phone functions? */
+  case 0x40:
+    switch (MessageBuffer[2]) {
+      case 0x64:N6110_ReplyEnableExtendedCommands  (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x65:N6110_ReplyResetPhoneSettings      (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x66:N6110_ReplyIMEI                    (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x6a:N6110_ReplyGetProductProfileSetting(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x6b:N6110_ReplySetProductProfileSetting(MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x6e:N6110_ReplyGetSecurityCode         (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x7e:N6110_ReplyNetmonitor              (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x8a:N6110_ReplySimlockInfo             (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x8b:N6110_ReplySetOperatorName         (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x8c:N6110_ReplyGetOperatorName         (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x8f:N6110_ReplyPlayTone                (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0x9e:N6110_ReplyGetBinRingtone          (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0xa0:N6110_ReplySetBinRingtone          (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      case 0xc8:N6110_ReplyHW                      (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+      default  :N6110_Dispatch0x40Message          (MessageLength,MessageBuffer,MessageType);break;
+    }
+    break;
+  /* Picture Images */
+  case 0x47:
+    N6110_Dispatch0x47Message(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /* Mobile phone identification */
+  case 0x64:
+    N6110_ReplyGetAuthentication(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /***** Acknowlegment of our frames. *****/
+    N6110_DispatchACKMessage(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /***** Power on message. *****/
+  case 0xd0:
+    N6110_Dispatch0xD0Message(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  case 0xd2:
+    N6110_ReplyID(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /***** RLP frame received. *****/
+  case 0xf1:
+    N6110_RX_HandleRLPMessage(MessageBuffer);
+    break;
+  /***** Power on message. *****/
+  case 0xf4:
+    N6110_Dispatch0xF4Message(MessageLength, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+    break;
+  /***** Unknown message *****/
+  /* If you think that you know the exact meaning of other messages - please
+     let us know. */
+  default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message: Unknown message type.\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg type\n",false);
+    unknown=false;
+    break;
+  }
+  if (unknown) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown message of type %02x.\n"),MessageType);
+    AppendLogText("Unknown msg\n",false);
+  }
diff --git a/common/protocol/fbus.c b/common/protocol/fbus.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..87e98fe
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+  This file provides an API for support for FBUS protocol
+/* "Turn on" prototypes in fbus.h */
+#define __fbus_c 
+/* System header files */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef WIN32
+  #include <windows.h>
+  #include "misc_win32.h"
+  #include <ctype.h>
+/* Various header file */
+#include "devices/device.h"
+#include "gsm-api.h"
+#include "protocol/fbus.h"
+#include "protocol/at.h"
+#include "newmodules/newat.h"
+#include "newmodules/n6110.h"
+#include "misc.h"
+GSM_Protocol FBUS_Functions = {
+  FBUS_Initialise,
+  FBUS_SendMessage,
+  FBUS_SendFrame,
+  NULL_WritePhone,
+  FBUS_Terminate,
+  FBUS_RX_StateMachine
+/* Local variables */
+enum FBUS_RX_States RX_State;
+u8 MessageDestination, MessageSource;
+u16 BufferCount, MultiBufferCount;
+u16 MessageLength, MultiMessageLength;
+bool RX_Multiple = false;
+u8 MessageType,MultiMessageType;
+u8 MessageBuffer[FBUS_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH * 6],MultiMessageBuffer[FBUS_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH * 6];
+u8        RequestSequenceNumber = 0x00;
+#ifdef DEBUG   
+char *N61_PrintDevice(int Device)
+  switch (Device) {
+  case FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE:return _("Phone");
+  case FBUS_DEVICE_PC   :return _("PC");
+  default               :return _("Unknown");
+  }
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+/* N61_RX_DisplayMessage is called when a message we don't know about is
+   received so that the user can see what is going back and forth, and perhaps
+   shed some more light/explain another message type! */
+void N61_RX_DisplayMessage()
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Msg Dest: %s\n"), N61_PrintDevice(MessageDestination));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Msg Source: %s\n"), N61_PrintDevice(MessageSource));
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Msg Type: %02x\n"), MessageType);
+  hexdump(MessageLength-2,MessageBuffer);
+  AppendLog(MessageBuffer,MessageLength-2,true);
+/* Prepares the message header and sends it, prepends the message start byte
+          (0x1e) and other values according the value specified when called.
+          Calculates checksum and then sends the lot down the pipe... */
+int FBUS_SendFrame(u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer) {
+  /* Originally out_buffer[FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 2],
+     but it made problems with MBUS */
+  u8 out_buffer[1000];
+  int count, current=0;
+  unsigned char        checksum;
+  /* FIXME - we should check for the message length ... */
+  /* Now construct the message header. */
+  if (CurrentConnectionType==GCT_FBUS)
+    out_buffer[current++] = FBUS_FRAME_ID;    /* Start of the frame indicator */
+  else
+    out_buffer[current++] = FBUS_IR_FRAME_ID; /* Start of the frame indicator */
+  out_buffer[current++] = FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE; /* Destination */
+  out_buffer[current++] = FBUS_DEVICE_PC;    /* Source */
+  out_buffer[current++] = message_type; /* Type */
+  out_buffer[current++] = 0; /* Length1 */
+  out_buffer[current++] = message_length; /* Length2 */
+  /* Copy in data if any. */           
+  if (message_length != 0) {
+    memcpy(out_buffer + current, buffer, message_length);
+    current+=message_length;
+  }
+  /* If the message length is odd we should add pad byte 0x00 */
+  if (message_length % 2)
+    out_buffer[current++]=0x00;
+  /* Now calculate checksums over entire message and append to message. */
+  /* Odd bytes */
+  checksum = 0;
+  for (count = 0; count < current; count+=2)
+    checksum ^= out_buffer[count];
+  out_buffer[current++] = checksum;
+  /* Even bytes */
+  checksum = 0;
+  for (count = 1; count < current; count+=2)
+    checksum ^= out_buffer[count];
+  out_buffer[current++] = checksum;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  NULL_TX_DisplayMessage(current, out_buffer);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  /* Send it out... */
+  if (!NULL_WritePhone(current,out_buffer))
+    return (false);
+  return (true);
+int FBUS_SendMessage(u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer) {
+  u8 seqnum;
+  u8 frame_buffer[FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 2];
+  u8 nom, lml;  /* number of messages, last message len */
+  int i;
+  seqnum = 0x40 + RequestSequenceNumber;
+  RequestSequenceNumber = (RequestSequenceNumber + 1) & 0x07;
+  if (message_length > FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) {
+    nom = (message_length + FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH - 1)
+                          / FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH;
+    lml = message_length - ((nom - 1) * FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH);
+    for (i = 0; i < nom - 1; i++) {
+      memcpy(frame_buffer, buffer + (i * FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH),
+      frame_buffer[FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH] = nom - i;
+      frame_buffer[FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 1] = seqnum;
+      FBUS_SendFrame(FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH + 2, message_type,
+                     frame_buffer);
+      seqnum = RequestSequenceNumber;
+      RequestSequenceNumber = (RequestSequenceNumber + 1) & 0x07;    
+    }
+    memcpy(frame_buffer, buffer + ((nom - 1) * FBUS_MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH), lml);
+    frame_buffer[lml] = 0x01;
+    frame_buffer[lml + 1] = seqnum;
+    FBUS_SendFrame(lml + 2, message_type, frame_buffer);
+  } else {
+    memcpy(frame_buffer, buffer, message_length);
+    frame_buffer[message_length] = 0x01;
+    frame_buffer[message_length + 1] = seqnum;
+    FBUS_SendFrame(message_length + 2, message_type, frame_buffer);
+  }
+  return (true);
+int FBUS_SendAck(u8 message_type, u8 message_seq) {
+  unsigned char request[6];
+  request[0] = message_type;
+  request[1] = message_seq;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _("[Sending Ack of type %02x, seq: %x]\n"), message_type, message_seq);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+  return FBUS_SendFrame(2, FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK, request);
+/* Applications should call FBUS_Terminate to shut down the FBUS thread and
+   close the serial port. */
+void FBUS_Terminate(void)
+  /* Request termination of thread */
+  CurrentRequestTerminate = true;
+  /* Close serial port. */
+  device_close();
+/* RX_State machine for receive handling.  Called once for each character
+   received from the phone/phone. */
+void FBUS_RX_StateMachine(unsigned char rx_byte) {
+  static struct timeval time_now, time_last, time_diff;
+  static int checksum[2];
+  int i=0;
+//  if (CurrentConnectionType==GCT_DLR3) {
+//    AT_RX_StateMachine(rx_byte);
+//  } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  /* For model sniff only display received bytes */
+  if (strcmp(GSM_Info->FBUSModels, "sniff"))
+  {
+  /* XOR the byte with the current checksum */
+  checksum[BufferCount&1] ^= rx_byte;
+  switch (RX_State) {
+    /* Messages from the phone start with an 0x1e (FBUS) or 0x1c (IR) or 0x1f (MBUS).
+       We use this to "synchronise" with the incoming data stream. However,
+       if we see something else, we assume we have lost sync and we require
+       a gap of at least 5ms before we start looking again. This is because
+       the data part of the frame could contain a byte which looks like the
+       sync byte */
+  case FBUS_RX_Discarding:
+#ifndef VC6
+    gettimeofday(&time_now, NULL);
+    timersub(&time_now, &time_last, &time_diff);
+    if (time_diff.tv_sec == 0 && time_diff.tv_usec < 5000) {
+      time_last = time_now;  /* no gap seen, continue discarding */
+      break;
+    }
+    /* else fall through to... */
+  case FBUS_RX_Sync:
+      if ((CurrentConnectionType==GCT_FBUS && rx_byte == FBUS_FRAME_ID) ||
+          ((CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Infrared ||
+          CurrentConnectionType==GCT_Tekram) && rx_byte == FBUS_IR_FRAME_ID)) {
+        BufferCount = 0;
+       RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetDestination;
+       /* Initialize checksums. */
+       checksum[0] = rx_byte;
+       checksum[1] = 0;
+      } else {
+        /* Lost frame sync */
+        RX_State = FBUS_RX_Discarding;
+#ifndef VC6
+        gettimeofday(&time_last, NULL);
+      }    
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetDestination:
+    MessageDestination=rx_byte;
+    RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetSource;
+    /* When there is a checksum error and things get out of sync we have to manage to resync */
+    /* If doing a data call at the time, finding a 0x1e etc is really quite likely in the data stream */
+    /* Then all sorts of horrible things happen because the packet length etc is wrong... */
+    /* Therefore we test here for a destination of 0x0c and return to the top if it is not */
+    if (rx_byte!=FBUS_DEVICE_PC && strstr(GSM_Info->FBUSModels, "sniff")==NULL) {
+      RX_State=FBUS_RX_Sync;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,"The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x0c, got %2x\n",rx_byte);
+      AppendLogText("SYNC\n",false);
+    }
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetSource:
+    MessageSource=rx_byte;
+    RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetType;
+    /* Source should be 0x00 */
+    if (rx_byte!=FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE && strstr(GSM_Info->FBUSModels, "sniff")==NULL)  {
+      RX_State=FBUS_RX_Sync;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout,"The fbus stream is out of sync - expected 0x00, got %2x\n",rx_byte);
+      AppendLogText("SYNC\n",false);
+    }
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetType:
+    MessageType=rx_byte;
+    RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetLength1;
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetLength1:
+    MessageLength = 0;
+    RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetLength2;
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetLength2:
+    /* MW:Here are problems with conversion. For chars 0-127 it's OK, for
+       higher not (probably because rx_byte is char type) - improtant
+       for MBUS. So, I make it double and strange - generally it should be
+       more simple and make simple convert rx_byte into MessageLength */      
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+    if (rx_byte!=0) {
+      for (i=0;i<rx_byte;i++)
+       MessageLength=MessageLength++;
+    }
+    MessageLength = rx_byte;
+    RX_State = FBUS_RX_GetMessage;
+    break;
+  case FBUS_RX_GetMessage:
+    MessageBuffer[BufferCount] = rx_byte;
+    BufferCount ++;
+    if (BufferCount>FBUS_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH*6) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, "FB61: Message buffer overun - resetting\n");
+      AppendLogText("OVERUN\n",false);
+      RX_Multiple=false;
+      RX_State = FBUS_RX_Sync;
+      break;
+    }
+    /* If this is the last byte, it's the checksum. */
+    if (BufferCount == MessageLength+(MessageLength%2)+2) {
+      /* Is the checksum correct? */
+      if (checksum[0] == checksum[1]) {
+        if (RX_Multiple) {
+         if (MessageType==MultiMessageType) {
+            if (MessageLength+MultiMessageLength>FBUS_MAX_RECEIVE_LENGTH*6) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+              fprintf(stdout, "FB61: Message buffer overun - resetting\n");
+              AppendLogText("OVERUN\n",false);
+              RX_Multiple=false;
+              RX_State = FBUS_RX_Sync;
+              break;
+            }
+           /* We copy next part of multiframe message into special buffer */
+           for (i=0;i<MessageLength;i++) {
+             MultiMessageBuffer[i+MultiMessageLength]=MessageBuffer[i];
+           }
+           MultiMessageLength=MultiMessageLength+MessageLength-2;
+            FBUS_SendAck(MessageType, MessageBuffer[MessageLength-1] & 0x0f);          
+            if ((MessageLength > 1) && (MessageBuffer[MessageLength-2] != 0x01))
+            {
+            } else {
+              for (i=0;i<MultiMessageLength+2;i++) {
+               MessageBuffer[i]=MultiMessageBuffer[i];
+             }
+             MessageLength=MultiMessageLength+2;
+             RX_Multiple=false;
+              /* Do not debug Ack and RLP frames to detail. */
+              if (MessageType != FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK && MessageType != 0xf1)
+                N61_RX_DisplayMessage();
+              GSM->DispatchMessage(MessageLength-2, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+            }
+         } else {
+            /* We do not want to send ACK of ACKs and ACK of RLP frames. */
+            if (MessageType != FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK && MessageType != 0xf1) {
+              FBUS_SendAck(MessageType, MessageBuffer[MessageLength-1] & 0x0f);
+              if ((MessageLength > 1) && (MessageBuffer[MessageLength-2] != 0x01))
+              {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                fprintf(stdout,_("Multiframe message in multiframe message !\n"));
+                fprintf(stdout,_("Please report it !\n"));
+                RX_State = FBUS_RX_Sync;
+              }
+            }
+         }
+        } else {
+          /* We do not want to send ACK of ACKs and ACK of RLP frames. */
+          if (MessageType != FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK && MessageType != 0xf1) {
+            FBUS_SendAck(MessageType, MessageBuffer[MessageLength-1] & 0x0f);
+            if ((MessageLength > 1) && (MessageBuffer[MessageLength-2] != 0x01))
+            {
+              /* We copy previous part of multiframe message into special buffer */
+              RX_Multiple = true;
+              for (i=0;i<MessageLength-2;i++) {
+               MultiMessageBuffer[i]=MessageBuffer[i];
+             }
+             MultiMessageLength=MessageLength-2;
+             MultiMessageType=MessageType;
+           }
+         }
+          if (!RX_Multiple && MessageDestination!=FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE ) {
+            /* Do not debug Ack and RLP frames to detail. */
+            if (MessageType != FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK && MessageType != 0xf1)
+              N61_RX_DisplayMessage();
+            GSM->DispatchMessage(MessageLength-2, MessageBuffer, MessageType);
+          }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          /* When make debug and message is to phone display it */
+         if (MessageDestination==FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE) {
+            for (i=MessageLength;i>=0;i--)
+              MessageBuffer[i+6]=MessageBuffer[i];
+            MessageBuffer[0]=FBUS_FRAME_ID;
+            MessageBuffer[1]=FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE;
+            MessageBuffer[2]=FBUS_DEVICE_PC;
+            MessageBuffer[3]=MessageType;
+            MessageBuffer[4]=0;
+            MessageBuffer[5]=MessageLength;
+            MessageLength=MessageLength+8;
+            if (MessageLength % 2) MessageLength++;
+           NULL_TX_DisplayMessage(MessageLength, MessageBuffer);
+          }
+       }
+      } else {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Bad checksum %02x (should be %02x), msg len=%i !\n"),checksum[0],checksum[1],MessageLength);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+        AppendLogText("CHECKSUM\n",false);
+       /* Just to be sure! */
+       RX_Multiple=false;
+      }
+      RX_State = FBUS_RX_Sync;    
+    }
+    break;
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  } else {
+    if (isprint(rx_byte))
+      fprintf(stdout, "[%02x%c]", rx_byte, rx_byte);
+    else
+      fprintf(stdout, "[%02x ]", rx_byte);
+  }
+//  }
+/* Called by initialisation code to open comm port in asynchronous mode. */
+bool FBUS_OpenSerial(void)
+  /* Uncomment, if want to test first method for DLR3 */
+//  unsigned char req[3] = {"AT\r"};  
+//  unsigned char req2[5] = {"AT&F\r"};  
+//  unsigned char req3[13] = {"AT*NOKIAFBUS\r"};  
+//  GSM_Error error;
+//  GSM_Information *GSMINFOCOPY;
+//  GSM_Functions *GSMCOPY;
+  switch (CurrentConnectionType) {
+     case GCT_FBUS:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Setting cable for FBUS communication...\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       device_changespeed(115200);
+       /* Colin wrote:
+       The data suite cable has some electronics built into the connector. This of
+       course needs a power supply of some sorts to operate properly.
+       In this case power is drawn off the handshaking lines of the PC. DTR has to
+       be set and RTS have to be cleared, thus if you use a terminal program (that
+       does not set the handshaking lines to these conditions) you will get weird
+       results. It will not set them like this since if Request To Send (RTS) is
+       not set the other party will not send any data (in hardware handshaking)
+       and if DTS is not set (handshaking = none) the cable will not receive
+       power. */
+       /* clearing the RTS bit and setting the DTR bit*/
+       device_setdtrrts(1, 0);
+       break;
+     case GCT_DLR3:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Setting DLR3 cable for FBUS communication...\n"));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+       /* There are 2 ways to init DLR in FBUS: Here is first described by
+          Reuben Harris [] and used in Logo Manager,
+              1. Firstly set the connection baud to 19200, DTR off, RTS off,
+                Parity on, one stop bit, 
+              2. Send "AT\r\n". The response should be "AT\r\n\r\nOK\r\n".
+              3. Send "AT&F\r\n". The response should be "AT&F\r\n\r\nOK\r\n".
+              4. Send "AT*NOKIAFBUS\r\n". The response should be
+                 "AT*NOKIAFBUS\r\n\r\nOK\r\n".
+              5. Set speed to 115200 
+          This is one should be used by us, because seems to be compatible with more
+          phones. But we make something wrong and often phones don't want to start transmision */
+       /* Uncomment and test if want */
+//       device_changespeed(19200);
+       /*leave RTS low, DTR low for duration of session.*/
+//       device_setdtrrts(0, 0);
+       /* Making copy of pointers */
+//       GSMCOPY = GSM;
+//       GSMINFOCOPY =GSM_Info;        
+       /* Set pointers to relevant addresses - new "AT" module here is required */
+//       GSM = &Nat_Functions;
+//       GSM_Info = &Nat_Information;
+       /* Note: We change Protocol inside function pointed by it.
+       That's why in FBUS_RX_StateMachine we must check it (changing
+       Protocol is not enough), This is for correct work and be sure... */
+//       Protocol = &AT_Functions;
+//       error=N6110_SendMessageSequence (50, &CurrentGetHWError, 3, 0x00, req);
+//       if (error!=GE_NONE) return false;
+//       error=N6110_SendMessageSequence (50, &CurrentGetHWError, 5, 0x00, req2);
+//       if (error!=GE_NONE) return false;
+//       error=N6110_SendMessageSequence (50, &CurrentGetHWError, 13, 0x00, req3);
+//       if (error!=GE_NONE) return false;
+       /* Returning to old protocol */
+//       Protocol = &FBUS_Functions;
+       /* Returning to old module */
+//       GSM = GSMCOPY;
+//       GSM_Info = GSMINFOCOPY;        
+//       device_changespeed(115200);
+       /*  Second method for DLR3:
+               Used by some 7110 soft, but not compatible with some other
+               phones supporting DLR3 - 7160, NCP2.0
+              Used in this moment in mygnokii
+       */
+       device_changespeed(115200);
+       /*leave RTS low, DTR low for duration of session.*/
+       device_setdtrrts(0, 0);
+       usleep(100000);
+       CurrentConnectionType=GCT_FBUS;
+       break;
+     case GCT_Infrared:
+       /* It's more complicated and not done here */
+       break;
+     case GCT_Tekram:
+       /* It's more complicated and not done here */
+       break;
+     default:
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stdout,_("Wrong connection type for fbus module. Inform about it\n"));
+       break;
+  }
+  return (true);
+/* Initialise variables and state machine. */
+GSM_Error FBUS_Initialise(char *port_device, char *initlength,
+                          GSM_ConnectionType connection,
+                          void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame))
+  if (!StartConnection (port_device,false,connection))
+  CurrentConnectionType = connection;
+  if (FBUS_OpenSerial() != true) return GE_INTERNALERROR;
+  return (GE_NONE);
diff --git a/gnokii/gnokii.c b/gnokii/gnokii.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c8db700
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8913 @@
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+  Mainline code for gnokii utility.  Handles command line parsing and
+  reading/writing phonebook entries and other stuff.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#ifndef VC6
+  #if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+  #  include <strings.h>       /* for bzero */
+  #endif
+  /* for VC6 make scripts save VERSION constant in mversion.h file */
+  #include "mversion.h"
+#ifdef WIN32
+  #include <windows.h>
+  #include "misc_win32.h"
+  #include "getopt.h"
+  #define DEV_CONSOLE "CON:"
+  #include <unistd.h>
+  #include <termios.h>
+  #include <fcntl.h>
+  #include <sys/types.h>
+  #include <sys/time.h>
+  #include <getopt.h>
+  #define DEV_CONSOLE "/dev/tty"
+#include "misc.h"
+#include "gsm-common.h"
+#include "gsm-api.h"
+#include "gsm-networks.h"
+#include "gsm-ringtones.h"
+#include "gsm-bitmaps.h"
+#include "gsm-wap.h"
+#include "gsm-sms.h"
+#include "gsm-datetime.h"
+#include "gsm-phonebook.h"
+#include "gsm-calendar.h"
+#include "gsm-coding.h"
+#include "newmodules/n6110.h"
+#include "files/cfgreader.h"
+#include "files/gsm-filetypes.h"
+#include "gnokii.h"
+#ifdef USE_NLS
+  #include <locale.h>
+char *model;           /* Model from .gnokiirc file. */
+char *Port;            /* Port from .gnokiirc file */
+char *Initlength;      /* Init length from .gnokiirc file */
+char *Connection;      /* Connection type from .gnokiirc file */
+char *SynchronizeTime; /* If we set date and time from computer to phone (from .gnokiirc file) */
+char *BinDir;          /* Binaries directory from .gnokiirc file - not used here yet */
+GSM_SMSMessage SMS[4];
+char *GetProfileCallAlertString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_RINGING     : return "Ringing";
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_ASCENDING   : return "Ascending";
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_RINGONCE    : return "Ring once";
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_BEEPONCE    : return "Beep once";
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_CALLERGROUPS: return "Caller groups";
+    case PROFILE_CALLALERT_OFF         : return "Off";
+    default                            : return "Unknown";
+  }
+char *GetProfileVolumeString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL1 : return "Level 1";
+    case PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL2 : return "Level 2";
+    case PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL3 : return "Level 3";
+    case PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL4 : return "Level 4";
+    case PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL5 : return "Level 5";
+    default                    : return "Unknown";
+  }
+char *GetProfileKeypadToneString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case PROFILE_KEYPAD_OFF    : return "Off";
+    case PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL1 : return "Level 1";
+    case PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL2 : return "Level 2";
+    case PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL3 : return "Level 3";
+    default                    : return "Unknown";
+  }
+char *GetProfileMessageToneString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case PROFILE_MESSAGE_NOTONE    : return "No tone";
+    case PROFILE_MESSAGE_STANDARD  : return "Standard";
+    case PROFILE_MESSAGE_SPECIAL   : return "Special";
+    case PROFILE_MESSAGE_BEEPONCE  : return "Beep once";
+    case PROFILE_MESSAGE_ASCENDING : return "Ascending";
+    default                        : return "Unknown";
+  }
+char *GetProfileWarningToneString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case PROFILE_WARNING_OFF : return "Off";
+    case PROFILE_WARNING_ON  : return "On";
+    default                  : return "Unknown";
+  }
+char *GetProfileOnOffString(int code) {
+  switch (code) {
+    case 0x00 : return "Off";
+    case 0x01 : return "On";
+    default   : return "Unknown";
+  }
+static char *GetProfileVibrationString(int code)
+       switch (code) {
+       case PROFILE_VIBRATION_OFF:     return "Off";
+       case PROFILE_VIBRATION_ON:      return "On";
+       case PROFILE_VIBRATION_FIRST:   return "Vibrate first";
+       default:                        return "Unknown";
+       }
+char BufferProfileGroups[90];
+char *GetProfileCallerGroups(int code) 
+  static char az_group_name[5][MAX_BITMAP_TEXT_LENGTH];
+  static bool enteronce=false;
+  register int i;
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+       return _("All calls alert");
+  if( !enteronce ) {
+    for(i=0;i<5;i++) az_group_name[i][0]='\0';
+    enteronce=true;
+  }
+  BufferProfileGroups[0]=0;
+  for(i=0;i<5;i++)
+  {
+    int code2test;
+    char z_gtype[12];
+    code2test=(i==0) ? 1 : 2<<(i-1);
+    if( code & code2test )
+    {
+      if (!strcmp(az_group_name[i],"")) 
+      {
+        if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALLERGROUPS)!=0) {
+          bitmap.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+          bitmap.number=i;
+          strcpy(z_gtype,_("unknown"));
+          if (GSM->GetBitmap(&bitmap)==GE_NONE)
+            strcpy( az_group_name[i], bitmap.text );
+        }
+        if ((!strcmp(az_group_name[i],""))) {
+            switch(i) {
+            case 0:strcpy(az_group_name[i],_("Family"));break;
+            case 1:strcpy(az_group_name[i],_("VIP"));break;
+            case 2:strcpy(az_group_name[i],_("Friends"));break;
+            case 3:strcpy(az_group_name[i],_("Colleagues"));break;
+            case 4:strcpy(az_group_name[i],_("Other"));break;
+            default:break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      strcpy(z_gtype,az_group_name[i]);
+      if( strlen(BufferProfileGroups) ) strcat(BufferProfileGroups,"+");
+      strcat(BufferProfileGroups, z_gtype);
+    }
+  }
+  return BufferProfileGroups;
+char *print_error(GSM_Error e)
+//     case GE_DEVICEOPENFAILED:         return "Couldn't open specified serial device.";
+//     case GE_UNKNOWNMODEL:             return "Model specified isn't known/supported.";
+//     case GE_NOLINK:                   return "Couldn't establish link with phone.";
+//     case GE_TRYAGAIN:                 return "Try again.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION:       return "Invalid SMS location.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDPHBOOKLOCATION:    return "Invalid phonebook location.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDMEMORYTYPE:        return "Invalid type of memory.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDSPEEDDIALLOCATION: return "Invalid speed dial location.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDCALNOTELOCATION:   return "Invalid calendar note location.";
+//     case GE_INVALIDDATETIME:          return "Invalid date, time or alarm specification.";
+//     case GE_EMPTYSMSLOCATION:         return "SMS location is empty.";
+//     case GE_PHBOOKNAMETOOLONG:        return "Phonebook name is too long.";
+//     case GE_PHBOOKNUMBERTOOLONG:      return "Phonebook number is too long.";
+//     case GE_PHBOOKWRITEFAILED:        return "Phonebook write failed.";
+//     case GE_SMSSENDOK:                return "SMS was send correctly.";
+//     case GE_SMSSENDFAILED:            return "SMS send fail.";
+//     case GE_SMSTOOLONG:               return "SMS message too long.";
+//     case GE_NONEWCBRECEIVED:          return "Attempt to read CB when no new CB received";
+//     case GE_INTERNALERROR:            return "Problem occured internal to model specific code.";
+//     case GE_NOTSUPPORTED:             return "Function not supported by the phone";
+//     case GE_BUSY:                     return "Command is still being executed.";
+//     case GE_USERCANCELED:             return "User has cancelled the action.";   
+//     case GE_UNKNOWN:                  return "Unknown error - well better than nothing!!";
+//     case GE_MEMORYFULL:               return "Memory is full";
+//     case GE_LINEBUSY:                 return "Outgoing call requested reported line busy";
+//     case GE_NOCARRIER:                return "No Carrier error during data call setup ?";
+       switch (e) {
+       case GE_NONE:                     return "No error, done OK";
+       case GE_INVALIDSECURITYCODE:      return "Invalid Security code.";
+       case GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED:           return "Called command is not implemented for the used model. Please contact, if you want to help in implementing it";
+       case GE_TIMEOUT:                  return "Command timed out.";
+       case GE_CANTOPENFILE:             return "Can't open file with bitmap/ringtone";
+       case GE_SUBFORMATNOTSUPPORTED:    return "Subformat of file not supported";
+       case GE_WRONGNUMBEROFCOLORS:      return "Wrong number of colors in specified bitmap file (only 2 colors files supported)";
+       case GE_WRONGCOLORS:              return "Wrong colors in bitmap file";
+       case GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE:         return "Invalid size of bitmap (in file, sms etc.)";
+       case GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT:        return "Invalid format of file";
+        case GE_TOOSHORT:                 return "File too short";
+        case GE_INSIDEBOOKMARKSMENU:      return "Inside WAP Bookmarks menu. Please leave it and try again";
+        case GE_INVALIDBOOKMARKLOCATION:  return "Invalid or empty WAP bookmark location";
+        case GE_INSIDESETTINGSMENU:       return "Inside WAP Settings menu. Please leave it and try again";
+        case GE_INVALIDSETTINGSLOCATION:  return "Invalid or empty WAP settings location";
+       default:                          return "Unknown error.";
+       }
+GSM_Error GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(char *FileName, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone)
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=GSM_ReadRingtoneFile(FileName, ringtone);
+  switch (error) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("File \"%s\"\nError: %s\n"),FileName,print_error(error));
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  return error;
+GSM_Error GSM_SaveRingtoneFileOnConsole(char *FileName, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone)
+  int confirm,confirm2;
+  char ans[4];
+  struct stat buf;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Ask before overwriting */
+  while (stat(FileName, &buf) == 0) {
+    confirm=-1;
+    confirm2=-1;
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Saving ringtone. File \"%s\" exists. (O)verwrite, create (n)ew or (s)kip ? "),FileName);
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 4);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "O") || !strcmp(ans, "o")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "N") || !strcmp(ans, "n")) confirm = 2;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "S") || !strcmp(ans, "s")) return GE_USERCANCELED;
+    }  
+    if (confirm==1) break;
+    if (confirm==2) {
+      while (confirm2 < 0) {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Enter name of new file: "));
+        GetLine(stdin, FileName, 50);
+        if (&FileName[0]==0) return GE_USERCANCELED;
+       confirm2=1;
+      }  
+    }
+  }
+  error=GSM_SaveRingtoneFile(FileName,ringtone);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_CANTOPENFILE:        fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to write file \"%s\"\n"),FileName);
+                                 break;
+    default:                     break;
+  }
+  return error;
+GSM_Error GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(char *FileName, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap)
+  GSM_Error error;
+  error=GSM_ReadBitmapFile(FileName, bitmap);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_WRONGCOLORS:        
+    case GE_TOOSHORT:
+      fprintf(stderr, _("File \"%s\"\nError: %s\n"),FileName,print_error(error));
+      break;
+    default: 
+      break;
+  }
+  return error;
+GSM_Error GSM_SaveBitmapFileOnConsole(char *FileName, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap)
+  int confirm,confirm2;
+  char ans[4];
+  struct stat buf;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Ask before overwriting */
+  while (stat(FileName, &buf) == 0) {
+    confirm=-1;
+    confirm2=-1;
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Saving logo. File \"%s\" exists. (O)verwrite, create (n)ew or (s)kip ? "),FileName);
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 4);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "O") || !strcmp(ans, "o")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "N") || !strcmp(ans, "n")) confirm = 2;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "S") || !strcmp(ans, "s")) return GE_USERCANCELED;
+    }  
+    if (confirm==1) break;
+    if (confirm==2) {
+      while (confirm2 < 0) {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Enter name of new file: "));
+        GetLine(stdin, FileName, 50);
+        if (&FileName[0]==0) return GE_USERCANCELED;
+       confirm2=1;
+      }  
+    }
+  }
+  error=GSM_SaveBitmapFile(FileName,bitmap);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_CANTOPENFILE:        fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to write file \"%s\"\n"),FileName);
+                                 break;
+    default:                     break;
+  }
+  return error;
+/* mode == 0 -> overwrite
+ * mode == 1 -> ask
+ * mode == 2 -> append
+ */
+int GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(char *FileName, char *text, int mode)
+  int confirm, confirm2;
+  char ans[4];
+  struct stat buf;
+  int error;
+  /* Ask before overwriting */
+  if (mode==1) {
+    while (stat(FileName, &buf) == 0 && mode==1) {
+      confirm=-1;
+      confirm2=-1;
+      while (confirm < 0) {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("File \"%s\" exists. (O)verwrite, (a)ppend, create (n)ew or (s)kip ? "),FileName);
+        GetLine(stdin, ans, 4);
+        if (!strcmp(ans, "O") || !strcmp(ans, "o")) {
+          mode = 0;
+          confirm = 1;
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(ans, "A") || !strcmp(ans, "a")) {
+         mode = 2;
+          confirm = 1;
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(ans, "N") || !strcmp(ans, "n")) confirm=2;
+        if (!strcmp(ans, "S") || !strcmp(ans, "s")) return -1;
+      }
+      if (confirm==2) {
+        while (confirm2 < 0) {
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Enter name of new file: "));
+          GetLine(stdin, FileName, 50);
+          if (&FileName[0]==0) return -1;
+         mode=1;
+         confirm2=1;
+        }  
+      }
+    }  
+  }
+  error=GSM_SaveTextFile(FileName, text, mode);
+  switch (error) {
+    case -1: fprintf(stderr, _("Failed to write file \"%s\"\n"),  FileName);
+             break;
+    default: break;
+  }
+  return error;
+int GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(GSM_MultiSMSMessage *MultiSMS, int argnum, int argc, char *argv[],
+                                  bool unicode, bool profile, bool scale) {
+  int w,i;
+  struct option options[] = {
+             { "smscno",       required_argument, NULL, '1'},
+             { "smsc",         required_argument, NULL, '2'},
+            { "name",         required_argument, NULL, '3'},
+             { "unicode",      no_argument,       NULL, '4'},
+             { "profilestyle", no_argument,       NULL, '5'},
+            { "scale",        no_argument,       NULL, '6'},
+             { NULL,           0,                 NULL,  0 }
+  };
+  GSM_Error error;  
+  for (w=0;w<MultiSMS->number;w++) {
+    if (argnum!=0) {
+      optarg = NULL;
+      /* We check optional parameters from ... */
+      optind = argnum;
+      while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "v:ds", options, NULL)) != -1) {
+        switch (i) {
+          case '1': /* SMSC number */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No = 0;
+            strcpy(MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.Number,optarg);
+            break;
+          case '2': /* SMSC number index in phone memory */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No = atoi(optarg);
+            if (MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No < 1 || MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No > 5) {
+             fprintf(stderr, _("Incorrect SMSC number with \"smscno\" option (can't be <1 and >5) !\n"));
+              GSM->Terminate();
+              return -1;
+           }
+            break;
+         case '3': /* Receiver/recipient */
+           strncpy(MultiSMS->SMS[w].Destination,optarg,11); break;
+         case '4': /* Unicode */
+           if (unicode) break;
+         case '5': /* Profile */
+           if (profile) break;
+         case '6': /* Scale */
+           if (scale) break;
+          case 'v': /* Set validaty of SMS */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].Validity = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+          case 'd': /* delivery report */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].Type=GST_DR;
+            break;     
+          case 's': /* Set replying via the same SMSC */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].ReplyViaSameSMSC = true; break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,_("Unknown option number %i\n"),argc);
+          GSM->Terminate();    
+          return -1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    error=GSM->SendSMSMessage(&MultiSMS->SMS[w]);
+    if (error == GE_SMSSENDOK) {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SMS %i/%i sent OK !\n"),w+1,MultiSMS->number);
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SMS %i/%i, sending failed (error=%d)\n"),w+1,MultiSMS->number, error);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();  
+  return 0;
+int GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(GSM_MultiSMSMessage *MultiSMS, int argnum, int argc, char *argv[],
+                                  bool inter, bool unicode, bool profile, bool scale) {
+  int w,i;
+  GSM_SMSMessage SMSold;
+  struct option options[] = {
+             { "smscno",       required_argument, NULL, '1'},
+             { "smsc",         required_argument, NULL, '2'},
+            { "name",         required_argument, NULL, '3'},
+             { "unicode",      no_argument,       NULL, '4'},
+             { "profilestyle", no_argument,       NULL, '5'},
+            { "scale",        no_argument,       NULL, '6'},
+             { NULL,           0,                 NULL,  0 }
+  };
+  int interactive;
+  int confirm = -1;
+  char ans[8];
+  GSM_Error error;  
+  interactive = inter;
+  for (w=0;w<MultiSMS->number;w++) {
+    if (argnum!=0) {
+      optarg = NULL;
+      /* We check optional parameters from ... */
+      optind = argnum;
+      while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "risal:", options, NULL)) != -1) {
+        switch (i) {
+          case '1': /* SMSC number */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No = 0;
+            strcpy(MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.Number,optarg);
+            break;
+          case '2': /* SMSC number index in phone memory */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No = atoi(optarg);
+            if (MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No < 1 || MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageCenter.No > 5) {
+             fprintf(stderr, _("Incorrect SMSC number with \"smscno\" option (can't be <1 and >5) !\n"));
+              GSM->Terminate();
+              return -1;
+           }
+            break;
+         case '3': /* Receiver/recipient */
+           strncpy(MultiSMS->SMS[w].Destination,optarg,11); break;
+         case '4': /* Unicode */
+           if (unicode) break;
+         case '5': /* Profile */
+           if (profile) break;
+         case '6': /* Scale */
+           if (scale) break;
+          case 'r': /* mark as read */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].Status = GSS_SENTREAD; break;
+         case 'i': /* Save into Inbox */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].folder = GST_INBOX; break;
+          case 's': /* Set replying via the same SMSC */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[w].ReplyViaSameSMSC = true; break;
+          case 'a': /* Ask before overwriting */
+            interactive=true;break;     
+          case 'l': /* Specify location */
+            MultiSMS->SMS[0].Location = atoi(optarg); break;     
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,_("Unknown option number %i\n"),argc);
+          GSM->Terminate();    
+          return -1;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (interactive && MultiSMS->SMS[0].Location!=0 && w==0) {
+      SMSold.Location=MultiSMS->SMS[0].Location;
+      error = GSM->GetSMSMessage(&SMSold);
+      switch (error) {
+        case GE_NONE:
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Message at specified location exists. "));
+          while (confirm < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Overwrite? (yes/no) "));
+            GetLine(stdin, ans, 7);
+            if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+            if (!strcmp(ans, "no")) confirm = 0;
+          }  
+          if (!confirm) { GSM->Terminate(); return 0; }
+          else break;
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid location\n"));
+          GSM->Terminate();
+          return -1;
+        default:
+/* FIXME: Remove this fprintf when the function is thoroughly tested */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Location %d empty. Saving\n"), SMS[w].Location);
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    error=GSM->SaveSMSMessage(&MultiSMS->SMS[w]);
+    if (error == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SMS %i/%i saved at location %i !\n"),w+1,MultiSMS->number,MultiSMS->SMS[w].MessageNumber);
+    else
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SMS %i/%i saving failed (error=%d, location=%i)\n"), w+1, MultiSMS->number, error,MultiSMS->SMS[w].Location);
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();  
+  return 0;
+void GSM_PlayRingtoneOnConsole(GSM_Ringtone *ringtone)
+  int i;
+#ifdef VC6
+  char mychar;
+  for (i=0;i<ringtone->NrNotes;i++) {
+#ifdef VC6
+    if (_kbhit()) {
+      mychar=_getch();
+      break;
+    }
+    GSM_PlayOneNote (ringtone->notes[i]);
+  }
+  GSM->PlayTone(255*255,0);
+/* This function shows the copyright and some informations usefull for
+   debugging. */
+int version(void)
+  fprintf(stdout, _("GNOKII Version %s\n"
+"Copyright (C) Hugh Blemings <>, 1999, 2000\n"
+"Copyright (C) Pavel Janík ml. <>, 1999, 2000\n"
+"Built %s %s for %s on %s \n"), VERSION, __TIME__, __DATE__, model, Port);
+  return 0;
+/* The function usage is only informative - it prints this program's usage and
+   command-line options. */
+int usage(void)
+  fprintf(stdout, _("   usage: gnokii [--help|--monitor [-noloop|-nl]|--version]\n"
+"          gnokii --getmemory memory_type [start [end]] [-short|-v30|-v21|-v]\n"
+"          gnokii --writephonebook [-i]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendphonebookentry destination memory_type location\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --savephonebookentry memory_type location\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --getvoicemailbox\n"
+"          gnokii --getspeeddial number\n"
+"          gnokii --setspeeddial number memory_type location\n\n"
+"          gnokii --getsms memory_type start [end] [-f file]\n"
+"          gnokii --getsmsstatus\n"
+"          gnokii --getsmsfolders\n"
+"          gnokii --deletesms memory_type start [end]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendsms destination [--smsc message_center_number |\n"
+"                 --smscno message_center_index] [--long n] [-s] [-C n]\n"
+"                 [--enablevoice|--disablevoice|--enablefax|--disablefax|\n"
+"                  --enableemail|--disableemail|--void][--unicode][-v n][-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --savesms destination|\"\" [--smsc \n"
+"                 message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [--long n] [-r] [-i] [-s][-C n][-a][-l][F n][--smsname name]\n"
+"                 [--enablevoice|--disablevoice|--enablefax|--disablefax|\n"
+"                  --enableemail|--disableemail|--void|--hang|--bug][--unicode]\n"
+"          gnokii --receivesms\n"
+"          gnokii --getsmsc message_center_number\n"
+"          gnokii --renamesmsc number new_name\n\n"
+"          gnokii --setdatetime [YYYY [MM [DD [HH [MM]]]]]\n"
+"          gnokii --getdatetime\n"
+"          gnokii --setalarm HH MM\n"
+"          gnokii --getalarm\n\n"
+"          gnokii --getcalendarnote { start end [-v30|-v10] | --short|-s }\n"
+"          gnokii --writecalendarnote vcardfile number\n"
+"          gnokii --deletecalendarnote index\n"
+"          gnokii --sendcalendarnote destination vcardfile number\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --savecalendarnote vcardfile number\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [--name name]\n\n"
+"          gnokii --netmonitor {reset|off|field|devel|next|nr}\n"
+"          gnokii --nm_collect screen1|-d [screen2|-d]...\n"
+"          gnokii --netmonitordata [-S file] [-I file] [-h] [-n n] [-ts n][-tm n]\n"
+"                 [-fs str] [-ls str] FLD1:FLD2:FLDn:... \n"
+"                 (see files netmonitordata_????_??? for details)\n\n"
+"          gnokii --bitmapconvert source destination\n"
+"          gnokii --bitmapconvert source destination op|7110op [network code]\n"
+"          gnokii --bitmapconvert source destination caller [caller group number]\n"
+"          gnokii --bitmapconvert source destination\n"
+"                   startup|7110startup|6210startup\n"
+"          gnokii --bitmapconvert source destination picture\n"
+"          gnokii --showbitmap logofile\n"
+"          gnokii --sendlogo op destination logofile network_code\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendlogo picture destination logofile text\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d] [--unicode]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendlogo screensaver destination logofile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendlogo caller destination logofile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --savelogo op logofile network_code\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --savelogo picture logofile text\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name] [--unicode]\n"
+"          gnokii --savelogo screensaver logofile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --savelogo caller logofile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo op|7110op [logofile] [network code]\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo startup|7110startup|6210startup [logofile]\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo startup 1|2|3\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo caller [logofile] [caller group number] [group name]\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo picture [logofile] [number] [text] [sender]\n"
+"          gnokii --setlogo {dealer|text} [text]\n"
+"          gnokii --getlogo op|7110op [logofile] [network code]\n"
+"          gnokii --getlogo startup|7110startup|6210startup [logofile]\n"
+"          gnokii --getlogo caller [logofile][caller group number]\n"
+"          gnokii --getlogo picture [logofile][number]\n"
+"          gnokii --getlogo {dealer|text}\n\n"
+"          gnokii --sendringtone destination ringtonefile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d] [--scale] [--profilestyle]\n"
+"          gnokii --saveringtone ringtonefile\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [--name name] [--scale] [--profilestyle]\n"
+"          gnokii --setringtone ringtonefile [location]\n"
+"          gnokii --getringtone ringtonefile [location]\n"
+"          gnokii --ringtoneconvert source destination\n"
+"          gnokii --binringtoneconvert source destination\n"
+"          gnokii --playringtone ringtonefile\n"
+"          gnokii --composer ringtonefile\n"
+"          gnokii --allringtones\n\n"
+"          gnokii --getprofile [number]\n"
+"          gnokii --setprofile number feature value\n"
+"          gnokii --sendprofile destination profile_name ringtonefile\n"
+"                 picturefile [--smsc message_center_number]\n"
+"                 [--smscno message_center_index] [-s] [-v n] [-d] [--scale]\n\n"
+"          gnokii --reset [soft|hard]\n"
+"          gnokii --dialvoice number\n"
+"          gnokii --cancelcall\n"
+"          gnokii --displayoutput\n"
+"          gnokii --presskeysequence sequence\n"
+"          gnokii --backupsettings file\n"
+"          gnokii --restoresettings file\n"
+"          gnokii --getphoneprofile\n"
+"          gnokii --setphoneprofile feature value\n"
+"          gnokii --getoperatorname\n"
+"          gnokii --setoperatorname code name\n"
+"          gnokii --senddtmf string\n"
+"          gnokii --divert register|enable|query|disable|erasure\n"
+"                 all|busy|noans|outofreach all|voice|fax|data\n"
+"                 [number timeout]\n\n"
+"          gnokii --phonetests\n"
+"          gnokii --simlock\n"
+"          gnokii --getdisplaystatus\n"
+"          gnokii --identify\n\n"
+"          gnokii --getwapbookmark location\n"
+"          gnokii --setwapbookmark title url [location]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendwapbookmark location destination\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+"          gnokii --savewapbookmark location\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --getwapsettings location\n"
+"          gnokii --savewapsettings location\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-r] [-i] [-s] [-a] [-l] [--name name]\n"
+"          gnokii --sendwapsettings location destination\n"
+"                 [--smsc message_center_number] [--smscno message_center_index]\n"
+"                 [-s] [-v n] [-d]\n"
+  ));
+#ifdef SECURITY
+  fprintf(stdout, _(
+"\n          gnokii --entersecuritycode PIN|PIN2|PUK|PUK2\n"
+"          gnokii --getsecuritycodestatus\n"
+"          gnokii --getsecuritycode PIN|PIN2|PUK|PUK2|SecurityCode\n"
+"          gnokii --geteeprom\n"
+"          gnokii --resetphonesettings\n"
+  ));
+#ifdef DEBUG
+  fprintf(stdout, _(
+"          gnokii --sniff [port]\n"
+"          gnokii --decodefile file\n"
+"          gnokii --getbinringfromfile file name offset file2\n"
+  ));
+  return 0;
+/* fbusinit is the generic function which waits for the FBUS link. The limit
+   is 10 seconds. After 10 seconds we quit. */
+void fbusinit(void (*rlp_handler)(RLP_F96Frame *frame))
+  int count=0;
+  GSM_Error error;
+#ifndef WIN32
+  if (strcmp(GetMygnokiiVersion(),VERSION)!=0)
+    fprintf(stderr,_("WARNING: version of installed (%s) is different to version of gnokii (%s)\n"),GetMygnokiiVersion(),VERSION);
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  error = GSM_Initialise(model, Port, Initlength, GetConnectionTypeFromString(Connection), rlp_handler, SynchronizeTime);
+  if (error != GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("GSM/FBUS init failed! (Unknown model ?). Quitting.\n"));
+    exit(-1);
+  }
+  /* First (and important!) wait for GSM link to be active. We allow 10
+     seconds... */
+  while (count++ < 200 && *GSM_LinkOK == false)
+    usleep(50000);
+  if (*GSM_LinkOK == false) {
+    fprintf (stderr, _("Hmmm... GSM_LinkOK never went true. Quitting.\n"));
+    exit(-1);
+  }  
+/* This function checks that the argument count for a given options is withing
+   an allowed range. */
+int checkargs(int opt, struct gnokii_arg_len gals[], int argc)
+  int i;
+  /* Walk through the whole array with options requiring arguments. */
+  for(i = 0;!(gals[i].gal_min == 0 && gals[i].gal_max == 0); i++) {
+    /* Current option. */
+    if(gals[i].gal_opt == opt) {
+      /* Argument count checking. */
+      if(gals[i].gal_flags == GAL_XOR) {
+       if(gals[i].gal_min == argc || gals[i].gal_max == argc) return 0;
+      }
+      else {
+       if(gals[i].gal_min <= argc && gals[i].gal_max >= argc) return 0;
+      }
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  /* We do not have options without arguments in the array, so check them. */
+  if (argc==0) return 0;
+          else return 1;
+/* Main function - handles command line arguments, passes them to separate
+   functions accordingly. */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+  int c, i, rc = -1;
+  int nargc = argc-2;
+  char **nargv;
+  /* Every option should be in this array. */
+  static struct option long_options[] =
+  {
+    { "help",               no_argument,       NULL, OPT_HELP             },// Display usage.
+    { "version",            no_argument,       NULL, OPT_VERSION          },// Display version and build information.
+    { "getsmsfolders",      no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETSMSFOLDERS    },// Gets SMS folders
+    { "getsmsstatus",       no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETSMSSTATUS     },// Get SMS Folder Status
+    { "identify",           no_argument,       NULL, OPT_IDENTIFY         },// Identify
+    { "pmon",               no_argument,       NULL, OPT_PMON             },// For development purposes: run in passive monitoring mode
+    { "foogle",             no_argument,       NULL, OPT_FOOGLE           },// For development purposes: insert you function calls here
+    { "getdatetime",        no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETDATETIME      },// Get date and time mode    
+    { "getalarm",           no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETALARM         },// Get alarm    
+    { "cancelcall",         no_argument,       NULL, OPT_CANCELCALL       },// Cancel Call    
+    { "getdisplaystatus",   no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETDISPLAYSTATUS },// Get display status mode    
+    { "allringtones",       no_argument,       NULL, OPT_ALLRINGTONES     },/* Displays names of available ringtones */    
+    { "displayoutput",      no_argument,       NULL, OPT_DISPLAYOUTPUT    },/* Show texts from phone's display */
+    { "getphoneprofile",    no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETPHONEPROFILE  },/* Get/Set phone profile settings */
+    { "getoperatorname",    no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETOPERATORNAME  },/* Get downloaded operator name */    
+    { "getvoicemailbox",    no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETVOICEMAILBOX  },/* Gets voice mailbox number */    
+    { "phonetests",         no_argument,       NULL, OPT_PHONETESTS       },
+    { "simlockinfo",        no_argument,       NULL, OPT_SIMLOCKINFO      },    
+    { "receivesms",         no_argument,       NULL, OPT_RECEIVESMS       },    
+    { "setoperatorname",    optional_argument, NULL, OPT_SETOPERATORNAME  },/* Set downloaded operator name */    
+    { "setdatetime",        optional_argument, NULL, OPT_SETDATETIME      },// Set date and time    
+    { "writephonebook",     optional_argument, NULL, OPT_WRITEPHONEBOOK   },// Write phonebook (memory) mode
+    { "reset",              optional_argument, NULL, OPT_RESET            },// Resets the phone
+    { "monitor",            optional_argument, NULL, OPT_MONITOR          },// Monitor mode
+    { "setlogo",            optional_argument, NULL, OPT_SETLOGO          },// Set logo
+    { "getprofile",         optional_argument, NULL, OPT_GETPROFILE       },// Show profile
+    { "setalarm",           required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETALARM         },// Set alarm
+    { "dialvoice",          required_argument, NULL, OPT_DIALVOICE        },// Voice call mode
+    { "getcalendarnote",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETCALENDARNOTE  },// Get calendar note mode    
+    { "writecalendarnote",  required_argument, NULL, OPT_WRITECALENDARNOTE},// Write calendar note mode
+    { "sendcalendarnote",   required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDCALENDARNOTE },
+    { "savecalendarnote",   required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVECALENDARNOTE },
+    { "sendphonebookentry", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDPHONEBOOKENTRY},
+    { "savephonebookentry", required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVEPHONEBOOKENTRY},
+    { "deletecalendarnote", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DELCALENDARNOTE  },// Delete calendar note mode    
+    { "getmemory",          required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETMEMORY        },// Get memory mode
+    { "getspeeddial",       required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETSPEEDDIAL     },// Get speed dial mode
+    { "setspeeddial",       required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETSPEEDDIAL     },// Set speed dial mode
+    { "getsms",             required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETSMS           },// Get SMS message mode
+    { "deletesms",          required_argument, NULL, OPT_DELETESMS        },// Delete SMS message mode
+    { "sendsms",            required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDSMS          },// Send SMS message mode
+    { "savesms",            required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVESMS          },// Save SMS message mode
+    { "sendlogo",           required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDLOGO         },// Send logo as SMS message mode
+    { "savelogo",           required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVELOGO         },// Save logo on SIM
+    { "sendringtone",       required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDRINGTONE     },// Send ringtone as SMS message
+    { "saveringtone",       required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVERINGTONE     },// Saves ringtone on SIM
+    { "setringtone",        required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETRINGTONE      },// Set ringtone    
+    { "getringtone",        required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETRINGTONE      },// Get bin/normal ringtone    
+    { "presskeysequence",   required_argument, NULL, OPT_PRESSKEYSEQUENCE },/* Presses keys in phone's display */
+    { "getsmsc",            required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETSMSC          },// Get SMS center number mode
+    { "renamesmsc",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_RENAMESMSC       },// Rename SMSC
+    { "netmonitor",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_NETMONITOR       },// NetMonitor mode
+    { "senddtmf",           required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDDTMF         },// Send DTMF sequence
+    { "getlogo",            required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETLOGO          },// Get logo
+    { "setprofile",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETPROFILE       },// Set profile feature
+    { "sendprofile",        required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDPROFILE      },// Send profile via SMS
+    { "setphoneprofile",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETPHONEPROFILE  },/* Get/Set phone profile settings */
+    { "restoresettings",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_RESTORESETTINGS  },//Restore various settings from one file
+    { "backupsettings",     required_argument, NULL, OPT_BACKUPSETTINGS   },//Backup various settings to one file
+    { "playringtone",       required_argument, NULL, OPT_PLAYRINGTONE     },/* Plays ringtones */    
+    { "composer",           required_argument, NULL, OPT_COMPOSER         },/* Shows ringtone like in Nokia Composer */    
+    { "ringtoneconvert",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_RINGTONECONVERT  },/* Convert ringtone files */    
+    { "binringtoneconvert", required_argument, NULL, OPT_BINRINGTONECONVERT},/* Convert binary ringtone files */    
+    { "bitmapconvert",      required_argument, NULL, OPT_BITMAPCONVERT    },/* Convert bitmap files */    
+    { "showbitmap",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_SHOWBITMAP       },    
+    { "nm_collect",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_NM_COLLECT       },// NetMonitor periodical data collection mode (newbiee)
+    { "netmonitordata",     required_argument, NULL, OPT_NETMONITORDATA   },// NetMonitor periodical data collection mode (advanced)
+    { "getwapbookmark",     required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETWAPBOOKMARK   },    
+    { "setwapbookmark",     required_argument, NULL, OPT_SETWAPBOOKMARK   },    
+    { "savewapbookmark",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVEWAPBOOKMARK  },    
+    { "savewapsettings",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_SAVEWAPSETTINGS  },    
+    { "sendwapsettings",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDWAPSETTINGS  },    
+    { "sendwapbookmark",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_SENDWAPBOOKMARK  },    
+    { "getwapsettings",     required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETWAPSETTINGS   },    
+    { "divert",             required_argument, NULL, OPT_DIVERT           },
+#ifdef SECURITY
+    { "entersecuritycode",  required_argument, NULL, OPT_ENTERSECURITYCODE    },// Enter Security Code mode
+    { "getsecuritycode",    required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETSECURITYCODE      },// Get Security Code
+  { "getsecuritycodestatus",no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETSECURITYCODESTATUS},// Get Security Code status
+    { "geteeprom",          no_argument,       NULL, OPT_GETEEPROM            },// Gets EEPROM
+    { "resetphonesettings", no_argument,       NULL, OPT_RESETPHONESETTINGS   },// Reset phone settings
+    { "setsimlock",         no_argument,       NULL, OPT_SETSIMLOCK           },// Sets simlock
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    { "sniff",              optional_argument, NULL, OPT_SNIFFER    },// Will show datas from port
+    { "decodefile",         required_argument, NULL, OPT_DECODEFILE },//decode input file
+    { "getbinringfromfile", required_argument, NULL, OPT_GETBINRINGFROMFILE },
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0},
+  };
+  /* Every command which requires arguments should have an appropriate entry
+     in this array. */
+  struct gnokii_arg_len gals[] =
+  {
+    { OPT_MONITOR,           0, 1, 0 },
+#ifdef SECURITY
+    { OPT_ENTERSECURITYCODE, 1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETSECURITYCODE,   1, 1, 0 },
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    { OPT_SNIFFER,           0, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_DECODEFILE,        1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETDATETIME,       0, 5, 0 },
+    { OPT_BACKUPSETTINGS,    1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_RESTORESETTINGS,   1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETALARM,          2, 2, 0 },
+    { OPT_DIALVOICE,         1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETCALENDARNOTE,   1, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_WRITECALENDARNOTE, 2, 2, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVECALENDARNOTE,  2, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDCALENDARNOTE,  3, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_DELCALENDARNOTE,   1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETMEMORY,         2, 4, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETSPEEDDIAL,      1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETSPEEDDIAL,      3, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETSMS,            2, 5, 0 },
+    { OPT_DELETESMS,         2, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDSMS,           1,10, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVESMS,           1,11, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDLOGO,          3, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVELOGO,          2,10, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDRINGTONE,      2, 7, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVERINGTONE,      1, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETSMSC,           1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_RENAMESMSC,        2, 2, 0 },
+    { OPT_NETMONITOR,        1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDDTMF,          1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETLOGO,           1, 5, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETLOGO,           1, 4, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETRINGTONE,       1, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETRINGTONE,       1, 2, 0 },
+    { OPT_PRESSKEYSEQUENCE,  1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_RESET,             0, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETPROFILE,        0, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETPROFILE,        3, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDPROFILE,       4,10, 0 },
+    { OPT_WRITEPHONEBOOK,    0, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_PLAYRINGTONE,      1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_COMPOSER,          1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_RINGTONECONVERT,   2, 2, 0 },
+    { OPT_BITMAPCONVERT,     2, 4, 0 },
+    { OPT_SHOWBITMAP,        1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETOPERATORNAME,   0, 2, 0 },    
+    { OPT_SETPHONEPROFILE,   2, 2, 0 },        
+    { OPT_NM_COLLECT,        1, MAX_NM_COLLECT, 0 },
+    { OPT_NETMONITORDATA,    0,99, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETWAPBOOKMARK,    1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SETWAPBOOKMARK,    2, 3, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVEWAPBOOKMARK,   1, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDWAPBOOKMARK,   2, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_GETWAPSETTINGS,    1, 1, 0 },
+    { OPT_SAVEWAPSETTINGS,   1, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_SENDWAPSETTINGS,   2, 9, 0 },
+    { OPT_DIVERT,            3, 5, 0 },    
+    { 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+  };
+  opterr = 0;
+  /* For GNU gettext */
+#ifdef USE_NLS
+#ifndef VC6
+  textdomain("gnokii");
+  setlocale(LC_ALL, "pl_PL"); //here is string for Polish localisation
+  setlocale(LC_ALL, ".852"); //Polish codepage for console, not "real" WIN CP
+    /* Read config file */
+    if (CFG_ReadConfig(&model, &Port, &Initlength, &Connection, &BinDir, &SynchronizeTime,false) < 0) {
+       exit(-1);
+    }
+  /* Handle command line arguments. */
+  c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, NULL);
+  if (c == -1) {
+    /* No argument given - we should display usage. */
+    usage();
+    exit(-1);
+  }
+  /* We have to build an array of the arguments which will be passed to the
+     functions.  Please note that every text after the --command will be
+     passed as arguments.  A syntax like gnokii --cmd1 args --cmd2 args will
+     not work as expected; instead args --cmd2 args is passed as a
+     parameter. */
+  if((nargv = malloc(sizeof(char *) * argc)) != NULL) {
+    for(i = 2; i < argc; i++)
+      nargv[i-2] = argv[i];
+    if(checkargs(c, gals, nargc)) {
+      free(nargv);
+      /* Wrong number of arguments - we should display usage. */
+      usage();
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+#ifndef VC6
+#if defined(__svr4__)
+    /* have to ignore SIGALARM */
+    sigignore(SIGALRM);
+    switch(c) {
+    // First, error conditions 
+    case '?':
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Use '%s --help' for usage informations.\n"), argv[0]);
+      break;
+    // Then, options with no arguments
+    case OPT_HELP:                  rc = usage();                   break;
+    case OPT_VERSION:               rc = version();                 break;
+    case OPT_MONITOR:               rc = monitormode(nargc, nargv); break;
+    case OPT_GETSMSFOLDERS:         rc = getsmsfolders();           break;
+    case OPT_GETDATETIME:           rc = getdatetime();             break;
+    case OPT_GETALARM:              rc = getalarm();                break;
+    case OPT_GETDISPLAYSTATUS:      rc = getdisplaystatus();        break;
+    case OPT_PMON:                  rc = pmon();                    break;
+    case OPT_WRITEPHONEBOOK:        rc = writephonebook(nargc, nargv);break;
+#ifdef SECURITY
+    case OPT_ENTERSECURITYCODE:     rc = entersecuritycode(optarg); break;
+    case OPT_GETSECURITYCODESTATUS: rc = getsecuritycodestatus();   break;
+    case OPT_GETSECURITYCODE:       rc = getsecuritycode(optarg);   break;
+    case OPT_GETEEPROM:             rc = geteeprom();               break;
+    case OPT_RESETPHONESETTINGS:    rc = resetphonesettings();      break;
+    case OPT_SETSIMLOCK:            rc = setsimlock();              break;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    case OPT_SNIFFER:               rc = sniff(nargc, nargv);       break;
+    case OPT_DECODEFILE:            rc = decodefile(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_GETBINRINGFROMFILE:    rc = getbinringfromfile(nargc, nargv);break;
+    // Now, options with arguments
+    case OPT_SETDATETIME:           rc = setdatetime(nargc, nargv); break;
+    case OPT_SETALARM:              rc = setalarm(nargv);           break;
+    case OPT_DIALVOICE:             rc = dialvoice(optarg);         break;
+    case OPT_CANCELCALL:            rc = cancelcall();              break;
+    case OPT_GETCALENDARNOTE:       rc = getcalendarnote(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_DELCALENDARNOTE:       rc = deletecalendarnote(optarg);break;
+    case OPT_SAVECALENDARNOTE:      rc = savecalendarnote(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SENDCALENDARNOTE:      rc = sendcalendarnote(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SAVEPHONEBOOKENTRY:    rc = savephonebookentry(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SENDPHONEBOOKENTRY:    rc = sendphonebookentry(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_WRITECALENDARNOTE:     rc = writecalendarnote(nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_GETMEMORY:             rc = getmemory(nargc, nargv);   break;
+    case OPT_GETSPEEDDIAL:          rc = getspeeddial(optarg);      break;
+    case OPT_SETSPEEDDIAL:          rc = setspeeddial(nargv);       break;
+    case OPT_GETSMS:                rc = getsms(argc, argv);        break;
+    case OPT_GETSMSSTATUS:          rc = getsmsstatus(argc, argv);  break;
+    case OPT_DELETESMS:             rc = deletesms(nargc, nargv);   break;
+    case OPT_SENDSMS:               rc = sendsms(nargc, nargv);     break;
+    case OPT_SAVESMS:               rc = savesms(nargc, nargv);     break;
+    case OPT_DIVERT:                rc = divert(nargc, nargv);      break;
+    case OPT_SENDLOGO:              rc = sendlogo(nargc, nargv);    break;
+    case OPT_SAVELOGO:              rc = savelogo(nargc, nargv);    break;
+    case OPT_GETSMSC:               rc = getsmsc(optarg);           break;
+    case OPT_RENAMESMSC:            rc = renamesmsc(nargc,nargv);   break;
+    case OPT_NETMONITOR:            rc = netmonitor(optarg);        break;
+    case OPT_IDENTIFY:              rc = identify();                break;
+    case OPT_SETLOGO:               rc = setlogo(nargc, nargv);     break;
+    case OPT_GETLOGO:               rc = getlogo(nargc, nargv);     break;
+    case OPT_RECEIVESMS:            rc = receivesms(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_SETRINGTONE:           rc = setringtone(nargc, nargv); break;
+    case OPT_GETRINGTONE:           rc = getringtone(nargc, nargv); break;
+    case OPT_PRESSKEYSEQUENCE:      rc = presskeysequence(nargv);   break;
+    case OPT_SENDRINGTONE:          rc = sendringtone(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SAVERINGTONE:          rc = saveringtone(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_GETPROFILE:            rc = getprofile(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_SETPROFILE:            rc = setprofile(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_SENDPROFILE:           rc = sendprofile(nargc, nargv); break;
+    case OPT_DISPLAYOUTPUT:         rc = displayoutput();           break;
+    case OPT_RESTORESETTINGS:       rc = restoresettings(nargv);    break;
+    case OPT_BACKUPSETTINGS:        rc = backupsettings(nargv);     break;
+    case OPT_RINGTONECONVERT:       rc = ringtoneconvert(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_BINRINGTONECONVERT:    rc = binringtoneconvert(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_BITMAPCONVERT:         rc = bitmapconvert(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SHOWBITMAP:            rc = showbitmap(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_PLAYRINGTONE:          rc = playringtone(nargc, nargv);break;
+    case OPT_COMPOSER:              rc = composer(nargc, nargv);    break;
+    case OPT_FOOGLE:                rc = foogle(nargv);             break;
+    case OPT_PHONETESTS:            rc = phonetests();              break;
+    case OPT_SIMLOCKINFO:           rc = simlockinfo();             break;
+    case OPT_SENDDTMF:              rc = senddtmf(optarg);          break;
+    case OPT_RESET:                 rc = reset(nargc,nargv);        break;
+    case OPT_GETOPERATORNAME:       rc = getoperatorname();         break;
+    case OPT_SETOPERATORNAME:       rc = setoperatorname(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_GETWAPBOOKMARK:        rc = getwapbookmark(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SETWAPBOOKMARK:        rc = setwapbookmark(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SAVEWAPBOOKMARK:       rc = savewapbookmark(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SENDWAPBOOKMARK:       rc = sendwapbookmark(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_GETWAPSETTINGS:        rc = getwapsettings(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SAVEWAPSETTINGS:       rc = savewapsettings(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_SENDWAPSETTINGS:       rc = sendwapsettings(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_ALLRINGTONES:          rc = allringtones();            break;
+    case OPT_GETPHONEPROFILE:       rc = getphoneprofile();         break;
+    case OPT_SETPHONEPROFILE:       rc = setphoneprofile(nargc,nargv);break;
+    case OPT_GETVOICEMAILBOX:       rc = getvoicemailbox();         break;
+    case OPT_NM_COLLECT:            rc = nm_collect(nargc, nargv);  break;
+    case OPT_NETMONITORDATA:        rc = netmonitordata(nargc, nargv);break;
+    default:         fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown option: %d\n"), c); break;
+    }
+    free(nargv);
+    return(rc);
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr, _("Wrong number of arguments\n"));
+  exit(-1);
+/* Restores various phone settings from one file */
+int restoresettings(char *argv[])
+  GSM_Backup Backup;
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry pbk;
+  int confirm;
+  char ans[4];
+  int i,pos;
+  GSM_MemoryStatus SIMMemoryStatus = {GMT_SM, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus PhoneMemoryStatus = {GMT_ME, 0, 0};
+  if (GSM_ReadBackupFile(argv[0], &Backup)!=GE_NONE) return 1;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed!=0) {
+    confirm=-1;    
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Restore SIM phonebook ? "));
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 99);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "no" )) confirm = 0;
+    }
+    if (confirm==1) {
+      if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&SIMMemoryStatus) != GE_NONE) {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Error getting memory status !\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();
+      }
+      i=0;pos=1;
+      while ((pos-1)!=SIMMemoryStatus.Used+SIMMemoryStatus.Free) {
+        pbk.Location=pos;
+        pbk.MemoryType=GMT_SM;
+        pbk.Name[0]=0;
+        pbk.Number[0]=0;
+        pbk.SubEntriesCount = 0;
+        if (i<Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed) {
+          if (Backup.SIMPhonebook[i].Location==pbk.Location) {
+            pbk=Backup.SIMPhonebook[i];
+            i++;
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+//            fprintf(stdout,_("Copying from backup\n"));
+          }
+        }
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+//        fprintf(stdout,_("Setting location %i\n"),pbk.Location);
+        GSM->WritePhonebookLocation(&pbk);
+       fprintf(stderr,_("."));
+        pos++;
+      }
+      fprintf(stderr,_("\n"));
+    }
+  }
+  if (Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed!=0) {
+    confirm=-1;    
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Restore phone phonebook ? "));
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 99);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "no" )) confirm = 0;
+    }
+    if (confirm==1) {
+      if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&PhoneMemoryStatus) != GE_NONE) {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Error getting memory status !\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();
+      }
+      i=0;pos=1;
+      while ((pos-1)!=PhoneMemoryStatus.Used+PhoneMemoryStatus.Free) {
+        pbk.Location=pos;
+        pbk.MemoryType=GMT_ME;
+        pbk.Name[0]=0;
+        pbk.Number[0]=0;
+        pbk.SubEntriesCount = 0;
+        if (i<Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed) {
+          if (Backup.PhonePhonebook[i].Location==pbk.Location) {
+            pbk=Backup.PhonePhonebook[i];
+            i++;
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+//            fprintf(stdout,_("Copying from backup\n"));
+          }
+        }
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+//        fprintf(stdout,_("Setting location %i\n"),pbk.Location);
+        GSM->WritePhonebookLocation(&pbk);
+       fprintf(stderr,_("."));
+        pos++;
+      }
+      fprintf(stderr,_("\n"));
+    }
+  }
+  if (Backup.CallerAvailable==true) {
+    confirm=-1;    
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Restore caller groups ? "));
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 99);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "no" )) confirm = 0;
+    }
+    if (confirm==1) {
+      for (i=0;i<5;i++) GSM->SetBitmap(&Backup.CallerGroups[i]);
+    }
+  }
+  if (Backup.OperatorLogoAvailable==true) {
+    confirm=-1;    
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Restore operator logo ? "));
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 99);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "no" )) confirm = 0;
+    }
+    if (confirm==1) {
+      GSM->SetBitmap(&Backup.OperatorLogo);
+    }
+  }
+  if (Backup.StartupLogoAvailable==true) {
+    confirm=-1;    
+    while (confirm < 0) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Restore startup logo ? "));
+      GetLine(stdin, ans, 99);
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+      if (!strcmp(ans, "no" )) confirm = 0;
+    }
+    if (confirm==1) {
+      GSM->SetBitmap(&Backup.StartupLogo);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Backup various phone settings from one file */
+int backupsettings(char *argv[])
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry PbkEntry;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_Backup Backup;
+  int i;
+  GSM_MemoryStatus SIMMemoryStatus = {GMT_SM, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus PhoneMemoryStatus = {GMT_ME, 0, 0};
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Backup phonebook from SIM..."));
+  Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed=0;
+  if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&SIMMemoryStatus) == GE_NONE) {
+    Backup.SIMPhonebookSize=SIMMemoryStatus.Used+SIMMemoryStatus.Free;
+    PbkEntry.MemoryType=GMT_SM;
+    for (i=0;i<Backup.SIMPhonebookSize;i++)
+    {
+      if (SIMMemoryStatus.Used==Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed) break;
+      PbkEntry.Location=i;
+      error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&PbkEntry);
+      switch (error) {
+        case GE_NONE:
+          Backup.SIMPhonebook[Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed]=PbkEntry;
+          Backup.SIMPhonebookUsed++;
+          fprintf(stderr,_("."));
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  } else fprintf(stderr,_("ERROR\n"));
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Backup phonebook from phone..."));
+  Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed=0;
+  if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&PhoneMemoryStatus) == GE_NONE) {
+    Backup.PhonePhonebookSize=PhoneMemoryStatus.Used+PhoneMemoryStatus.Free;
+    PbkEntry.MemoryType=GMT_ME;
+    for (i=0;i<Backup.PhonePhonebookSize;i++)
+    {
+      if (PhoneMemoryStatus.Used==Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed) break;
+      PbkEntry.Location=i;
+      error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&PbkEntry);
+      switch (error) {
+        case GE_NONE:
+          Backup.PhonePhonebook[Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed]=PbkEntry;
+          Backup.PhonePhonebookUsed++;
+          fprintf(stderr,_("."));
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  } else fprintf(stderr,_("ERROR\n"));
+  if( GetModelFeature (FN_CALLERGROUPS)!=0) {
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Backup caller logos..."));
+    Backup.CallerAvailable=true;
+    for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
+      Backup.CallerGroups[i].number=i;
+      Backup.CallerGroups[i].type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+      if (GSM->GetBitmap(&Backup.CallerGroups[i])!=GE_NONE) return 1;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  } else Backup.CallerAvailable=false;
+//  fprintf(stderr,_("Backup speed dials..."));
+  Backup.SpeedAvailable=false;
+//  for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
+//    Backup.SpeedDials[i].Number=i+1;
+//    if (GSM->GetSpeedDial(&Backup.SpeedDials[i])!=GE_NONE) return 1;
+//  }
+//  fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Backup operator logo..."));
+  Backup.OperatorLogoAvailable=true;
+  Backup.OperatorLogo.type=GSM_7110OperatorLogo;
+  if (GSM->GetBitmap(&Backup.OperatorLogo)!=GE_NONE) {
+    Backup.OperatorLogo.type=GSM_OperatorLogo;
+    if (GSM->GetBitmap(&Backup.OperatorLogo)!=GE_NONE) {
+      Backup.OperatorLogoAvailable=false;
+     fprintf(stderr,_("Error\n"));
+    } else fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  } else fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  Backup.StartupLogoAvailable=false;
+  if( GetModelFeature (FN_STARTUP)!=0) {
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Backup startup logo..."));
+    Backup.StartupLogoAvailable=true;
+    switch (GetModelFeature (FN_STARTUP)) {
+      case F_STA62: Backup.StartupLogo.type=GSM_6210StartupLogo;break;
+      case F_STA71: Backup.StartupLogo.type=GSM_7110StartupLogo;break;
+      default     : Backup.StartupLogo.type=GSM_StartupLogo;break;
+    }
+    if (GSM->GetBitmap(&Backup.StartupLogo)!=GE_NONE) {
+      Backup.StartupLogoAvailable=false;
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Error\n"));
+    } else fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Backup welcome note..."));
+  Backup.StartupText.type=GSM_WelcomeNoteText;
+  if (GSM->GetBitmap(&Backup.StartupText)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Error\n"));
+  } else fprintf(stderr,_("Done\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  GSM_SaveBackupFile(argv[0], &Backup);
+  return 0;
+/* Presses keys on phone's keyboard */
+int presskeysequence(char *argv[])
+  int i,j;
+  int keycode;
+  char key;
+  sleep(1);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  for (i=0;i<strlen(argv[0]);i++)
+  {
+    key=argv[0][i];
+    keycode=0;
+    j=0;
+    if (key!='w' && key!='W')
+    {
+      while (Keys[j].whatchar!=' ') {
+        if (Keys[j].whatchar==key) {    
+          keycode=Keys[j].whatcode;
+          break;
+        }
+        j++;
+      }
+      if (keycode==0) {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Unknown key: %c !\n"),key);
+        GSM->Terminate();
+        return -1;
+      }
+      if (GSM->PressKey(keycode,PRESSPHONEKEY)!=GE_NONE)
+      {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Can't press key !\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();
+        return -1;
+      }
+      if (GSM->PressKey(keycode,RELEASEPHONEKEY)!=GE_NONE)
+      {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Can't release key !\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();
+        return -1;
+      }
+    } else
+    {
+      sleep(2);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Send  SMS messages. */
+int sendsms(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  char message_buffer[GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH];
+  int input_len, chars_read,i,msgnum;
+  GSM_SMSMessageType SMSType=GST_SMS;
+  int SMSValidity= 4320; /* 4320 minutes == 72 hours */
+  bool SMSReply=false;
+  int SMSClass=-1,SMSCenter=1;
+  char SMSCNumber[100];
+  GSM_Coding_Type SMSCoding=GSM_Coding_Default;
+  struct option options[] = {
+             { "smscno",       required_argument, NULL, '1'},
+             { "smsc",         required_argument, NULL, '2'},
+             { "long",        required_argument, NULL, '3'},
+             { "enablevoice",  no_argument,       NULL, '4'},
+            { "disablevoice", no_argument,       NULL, '5'},
+            { "enableemail",  no_argument,       NULL, '6'},
+            { "disableemail", no_argument,       NULL, '7'},
+            { "enablefax",    no_argument,       NULL, '8'},
+            { "disablefax",   no_argument,       NULL, '9'},
+            { "unicode",      no_argument,       NULL, '-'},
+            { "void",         no_argument,       NULL, '+'},
+            { "hang",         no_argument,       NULL, '('},
+            { "bug",          no_argument,       NULL, ')'},
+             { NULL,           0,                 NULL, 0}
+  };
+  input_len = GSM_MAX_SMS_LENGTH;
+  if (argc!=0) {
+    optarg = NULL;
+    optind = 0;
+    while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "v:dsC:", options, NULL)) != -1) {
+      switch (i) {
+        case '1': /* SMSC number */
+          SMSCenter = 0;
+          strcpy(SMSCNumber,optarg);
+          break;
+        case '2': /* SMSC number index in phone memory */
+          SMSCenter = atoi(optarg);
+          if (SMSCenter < 1 || SMSCenter > 5) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Incorrect SMSC number with \"smscno\" option (can't be <1 and >5) !\n"));
+            GSM->Terminate();
+            return -1;
+         }
+          break;
+        case '3': /* we send long message */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_ConcatenatedMessages;
+          input_len = atoi(optarg);
+          if (input_len > GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH) {
+           fprintf(stderr, _("Input too long, max %i!\n"),GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH);
+           exit(-1);
+          }
+          break;
+        case '4': /* SMS enables voice indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableVoice;    break;
+        case '5': /* SMS disables voice indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableVoice;   break;          
+        case '6': /* SMS enables email indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableEmail;    break;          
+        case '7': /* SMS disables email indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableEmail;   break;          
+        case '8': /* SMS enables fax indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableFax;      break;          
+        case '9': /* SMS disables fax indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableFax;     break;          
+        case '-': /* SMS coding type */
+          SMSCoding=GSM_Coding_Unicode;  break;
+        case '+': /* SMS ghost */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_VoidSMS;        break;
+        case '(': /* SMS hanging phone, when saved to Outbox */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_HangSMS;        break;
+        case ')': /* SMS showed incorrectly in phone */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_BugSMS;         break;
+        case 'v': /* Set validaty of SMS */
+          SMSValidity = atoi(optarg);    break;
+        case 'd': /* delivery report */
+          SMSType=GST_DR;                break;        
+        case 's': /* Set replying via the same SMSC */
+          SMSReply = true;               break;
+        case 'C': /* class Message */
+         if (SMSUDHType!=GSM_NoUDH) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Can't specify SMS Class with --enablevoice, --disablevoice, --enableemail, --disableemail, --enablefax, --disablefax options !\n"));        
+           return -1;
+         }
+          switch (*optarg) {
+            case '0': SMSClass = 0; break;
+            case '1': SMSClass = 1; break;
+            case '2': SMSClass = 2; break;
+            case '3': SMSClass = 3; break; 
+            default:
+             fprintf(stderr, _("SMS Class (\"C\" option) can be 0, 1, 2 or 3 only !\n"));
+              return -1;
+          }
+          break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,_("Unknown option number %i\n"),argc);
+          return -1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Get message text from stdin. */
+  chars_read = fread(message_buffer, 1, input_len, stdin);
+  if (chars_read == 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't read from stdin!\n")); 
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if (chars_read > input_len) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Input too long!\n"));   
+    return -1;
+  }
+  /*  Null terminate. */
+  message_buffer[chars_read] = 0x00;   
+  GSM_MakeMultiPartSMS2(&MultiSMS,message_buffer,chars_read,SMSUDHType,SMSCoding);
+  msgnum=MultiSMS.number;
+  switch (SMSUDHType) {
+    case GSM_NoUDH:
+    case GSM_BugSMS:
+    case GSM_VoidSMS:
+    case GSM_HangSMS:
+    case GSM_EnableVoice:
+    case GSM_DisableVoice:
+    case GSM_EnableFax:
+    case GSM_DisableFax:
+    case GSM_EnableEmail:
+    case GSM_DisableEmail:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Warning: saving %i chars\n"),strlen(MultiSMS.SMS[0].MessageText));
+      msgnum=1;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<msgnum;i++) {
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,argv[0]);
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Class=SMSClass;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].ReplyViaSameSMSC=SMSReply;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Type=SMSType;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Validity=SMSValidity;
+  }
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  MultiSMS.number=msgnum;
+  GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 0,0,NULL,false,false,false);
+  return 0;
+int savesms(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  char message_buffer[GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH];
+  int input_len, chars_read,i,msgnum;
+  int SMSClass=-1,SMSCenter=1;
+  char SMSName[25+1];
+  char SMSCNumber[100];
+  GSM_Coding_Type SMSCoding=GSM_Coding_Default;
+  GSM_SMSMessageStatus SMSStatus;
+  int SMSFolder;
+  bool SMSReply=false;
+  int SMSLocation=0;
+  bool interactive=false;
+  struct option options[] = {
+             { "smscno",       required_argument, NULL, '1'},
+             { "smsc",         required_argument, NULL, '2'},
+             { "long",        required_argument, NULL, '3'},
+             { "enablevoice",  no_argument,       NULL, '4'},
+            { "disablevoice", no_argument,       NULL, '5'},
+            { "enableemail",  no_argument,       NULL, '6'},
+            { "disableemail", no_argument,       NULL, '7'},
+            { "enablefax",    no_argument,       NULL, '8'},
+            { "disablefax",   no_argument,       NULL, '9'},
+            { "unicode",      no_argument,       NULL, '-'},
+            { "void",         no_argument,       NULL, '+'},
+            { "hang",         no_argument,       NULL, '('},
+            { "bug",          no_argument,       NULL, ')'},
+            { "smsname",      required_argument, NULL, '/'},
+             { NULL,           0,                 NULL, 0}
+  };
+  SMSCNumber[0]=0;
+  SMSName[0]=0;
+  input_len = GSM_MAX_SMS_LENGTH;
+  if (argc!=0) {
+    optarg = NULL;
+    optind = 0;
+    while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "risal:C:F:", options, NULL)) != -1) {
+      switch (i) {
+        case '1': /* SMSC number */
+          SMSCenter = 0;
+          strcpy(SMSCNumber,optarg);
+          break;
+        case '2': /* SMSC number index in phone memory */
+          SMSCenter = atoi(optarg);
+          if (SMSCenter < 1 || SMSCenter > 5) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Incorrect SMSC number with \"smscno\" option (can't be <1 and >5) !\n"));
+            GSM->Terminate();
+            return -1;
+         }
+          break;
+        case '3': /* we send long message */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_ConcatenatedMessages;
+          input_len = atoi(optarg);
+          if (input_len > GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH) {
+           fprintf(stderr, _("Input too long, max %i!\n"),GSM_MAX_CONCATENATED_SMS_LENGTH);
+           exit(-1);
+          }
+          break;
+        case '4': /* SMS enables voice indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableVoice;    break;
+        case '5': /* SMS disables voice indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableVoice;   break;          
+        case '6': /* SMS enables email indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableEmail;    break;          
+        case '7': /* SMS disables email indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableEmail;   break;          
+        case '8': /* SMS enables fax indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_EnableFax;      break;          
+        case '9': /* SMS disables fax indicator */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_DisableFax;     break;          
+        case '-': /* SMS coding type */
+          SMSCoding=GSM_Coding_Unicode;  break;
+        case '+': /* SMS ghost */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_VoidSMS;        break;
+        case '(': /* SMS hanging phone, when saved to Outbox */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_HangSMS;        break;
+        case ')': /* SMS showed incorrectly in phone */
+          SMSUDHType=GSM_BugSMS;         break;
+        case 'r': /* mark as read */
+          SMSStatus = GSS_SENTREAD; break;
+        case 'i': /* Save into Inbox */
+          SMSFolder = GST_INBOX; break;
+        case 's': /* Set replying via the same SMSC */
+          SMSReply = true; break;
+        case 'a': /* Ask before overwriting */
+          interactive=true;break;     
+        case 'l': /* Specify location */
+          SMSLocation = atoi(optarg); break;     
+        case '/': /* Name */
+          strncpy(SMSName,optarg,25);break;
+        case 'C': /* class Message */
+         if (SMSUDHType!=GSM_NoUDH) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Can't specify SMS Class with --enablevoice, --disablevoice, --enableemail, --disableemail, --enablefax, --disablefax options !\n"));        
+           return -1;
+         }
+          switch (*optarg) {
+            case '0': SMSClass = 0; break;
+            case '1': SMSClass = 1; break;
+            case '2': SMSClass = 2; break;
+            case '3': SMSClass = 3; break; 
+            default:
+             fprintf(stderr, _("SMS Class (\"C\" option) can be 0, 1, 2 or 3 only !\n"));
+              return -1;
+          }
+          break;
+        case 'F': /* save into folder n */
+         SMSFolder = atoi(optarg);
+          break;
+        default:
+          fprintf(stderr,_("Unknown option number %i\n"),argc);
+          return -1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Get message text from stdin. */
+  chars_read = fread(message_buffer, 1, input_len, stdin);
+  if (chars_read == 0) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't read from stdin!\n")); 
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if (chars_read > input_len) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Input too long!\n"));   
+    return -1;
+  }
+  /*  Null terminate. */
+  message_buffer[chars_read] = 0x00;   
+  GSM_MakeMultiPartSMS2(&MultiSMS,message_buffer,chars_read,SMSUDHType,SMSCoding);
+  msgnum=MultiSMS.number;
+  switch (SMSUDHType) {
+    case GSM_NoUDH:
+    case GSM_BugSMS:
+    case GSM_VoidSMS:
+    case GSM_HangSMS:
+    case GSM_EnableVoice:
+    case GSM_DisableVoice:
+    case GSM_EnableFax:
+    case GSM_DisableFax:
+    case GSM_EnableEmail:
+    case GSM_DisableEmail:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Warning: saving %i chars\n"),strlen(MultiSMS.SMS[0].MessageText));
+      msgnum=1;
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<msgnum;i++) {
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination[0]=0;
+    if (argc!=0) strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,argv[0]);
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Location=0;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Class=SMSClass;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].MessageCenter.No=SMSCenter;
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].MessageCenter.Number,SMSCNumber);
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].Status=SMSStatus;
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Name,SMSName);
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].folder=SMSFolder;
+    MultiSMS.SMS[i].ReplyViaSameSMSC=SMSReply;
+  }
+  MultiSMS.SMS[0].Location=SMSLocation;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  MultiSMS.number=msgnum;
+  GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 0,0,NULL,interactive,false,false,false);
+  return 0;
+/* Get SMSC number */
+int getsmsc(char *MessageCenterNumber)
+  GSM_MessageCenter MessageCenter;
+  MessageCenter.No=atoi(MessageCenterNumber);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetSMSCenter(&MessageCenter) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("%d. SMS center ("),MessageCenter.No);
+    if (!strcmp(MessageCenter.Name,""))
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Set %d"),MessageCenter.No);
+    else fprintf(stdout,_("%s"),MessageCenter.Name);
+    fprintf(stdout,_(") number is "));
+    if (!strcmp(MessageCenter.Number,"")) fprintf(stdout,_("not set\n"));
+    else fprintf(stdout,_("%s\n"),MessageCenter.Number);
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Default recipient number is "));
+    if (!strcmp(MessageCenter.DefaultRecipient,""))
+      fprintf(stdout,_("not set\n"));
+    else fprintf(stdout,_("%s\n"),MessageCenter.DefaultRecipient);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Messages sent as "));
+    switch (MessageCenter.Format) {
+      case GSMF_Text  :fprintf(stdout, _("Text"));break;
+      case GSMF_Paging:fprintf(stdout, _("Paging"));break;
+      case GSMF_Fax   :fprintf(stdout, _("Fax"));break;
+      case GSMF_Email :
+      case GSMF_UCI   :fprintf(stdout, _("Email"));break;
+      case GSMF_ERMES :fprintf(stdout, _("ERMES"));break;
+      case GSMF_X400  :fprintf(stdout, _("X.400"));break;
+      default         :fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown"));
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Message validity is "));
+    switch (MessageCenter.Validity) {
+      case GSMV_1_Hour  :fprintf(stdout, _("1 hour"));break;
+      case GSMV_6_Hours :fprintf(stdout, _("6 hours"));break;
+      case GSMV_24_Hours:fprintf(stdout, _("24 hours"));break;
+      case GSMV_72_Hours:fprintf(stdout, _("72 hours"));break;
+      case GSMV_1_Week  :fprintf(stdout, _("1 week"));break;
+      case GSMV_Max_Time:fprintf(stdout, _("Maximum time"));break;
+      default           :fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+  }
+  else
+    fprintf(stdout, _("SMS center can not be found :-(\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Get SMS messages. */
+int getsms(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_SMSMessage message;
+  GSM_WAPBookmark bookmark;
+  char memory_type_string[20];
+  int start_message, end_message, count, mode = 1;
+  char filename[64];
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_SMSFolders folders;
+  int confirm = -1, i;
+  char ans[8];
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (!GetMemoryTypeID(argv[2], &message.MemoryType))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[2]);
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  GetMemoryTypeString(memory_type_string, &message.MemoryType);
+  for (i=0;i<64;i++) filename[i]=0;
+  start_message = atoi(argv[3]);
+  if (argc > 4) {
+     int i;
+     /* [end] can be only argv[4] */
+     if (argv[4][0] == '-') { end_message = start_message; }
+                       else { end_message = atoi(argv[4]); }
+     /* parse all options (beginning with '-' */
+     while ((i = getopt(argc, argv, "f:")) != -1) {
+       switch (i) {
+         case 'f':
+           if (optarg) {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Saving into file \"%s\"\n"), optarg);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+             strncpy(filename, optarg, 64);
+              if (strlen(optarg) > 63) {
+                fprintf(stderr, _("Filename too long - will be truncated to 63 characters.\n"));
+                filename[63] = 0;
+              } else {
+                filename[strlen(optarg)] = 0;
+              }
+           } else {
+             usage();
+             exit(1);
+           }
+           break;
+         default:
+           usage();
+           exit(1);
+       }
+      }
+  } else {
+    end_message = start_message;
+  }
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  GSM->GetSMSFolders(&folders);
+  /* Now retrieve the requested entries. */
+  for (count = start_message; count <= end_message; count ++) {
+    message.Location = count;
+    error = GSM->GetSMSMessage(&message);
+    switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      switch (message.Type) {
+        case GST_DR:
+         /* RTH FIXME: Test that out ! */
+          fprintf(stdout, _("%d. Delivery Report "), message.MessageNumber);
+          switch (message.Status)
+          {
+           case  GSS_SENTREAD:
+                if (message.folder==0) fprintf(stdout, _("(read)\n")); //GST_INBOX
+                                  else fprintf(stdout, _("(sent)\n"));
+               break;
+           case  GSS_NOTSENTREAD:
+                if (message.folder==0) fprintf(stdout, _("(unread)\n")); //GST_INBOX
+                                  else fprintf(stdout, _("(not sent)\n"));
+               break;
+           case  GSS_UNKNOWN:
+               fprintf(stdout, _("(not known :-()\n"));
+               break;
+           case  GSS_TEMPLATE:
+               fprintf(stdout, _("(template)\n"));
+               break;
+           default:
+               fprintf(stdout, _("(unknown: %d)\n"),message.Status);
+               break;
+          }
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Sending date/time : %s %02d/%02d/%02d %d:%02d:%02d "), \
+                  DayOfWeek(message.Time.Year, message.Time.Month, message.Time.Day), \
+                 message.Time.Day, message.Time.Month, message.Time.Year, \
+                  message.Time.Hour, message.Time.Minute, message.Time.Second);
+          if (message.Time.Timezone) {
+            if (message.Time.Timezone > 0)
+              fprintf(stdout,_("+%02d00"), message.Time.Timezone);
+            else
+              fprintf(stdout,_("%02d00"), message.Time.Timezone);
+          }
+          fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Response date/time: %s %02d/%02d/%02d %d:%02d:%02d "), \
+                  DayOfWeek(message.SMSCTime.Year, message.SMSCTime.Month, message.SMSCTime.Day), \
+                  message.SMSCTime.Day, message.SMSCTime.Month, message.SMSCTime.Year, \
+                  message.SMSCTime.Hour, message.SMSCTime.Minute, message.SMSCTime.Second);
+          if (message.SMSCTime.Timezone) {
+            if (message.SMSCTime.Timezone > 0)
+              fprintf(stdout,_("+%02d00"),message.SMSCTime.Timezone);
+            else
+              fprintf(stdout,_("%02d00"),message.SMSCTime.Timezone);
+          }
+          fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Receiver: %s Msg Center: %s\n"), message.Sender, message.MessageCenter.Number);
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Text: %s\n\n"), message.MessageText); 
+          break;
+        case GST_SMS:
+          fprintf(stdout, _("%d. %s Message "), message.MessageNumber,
+                          folders.Folder[message.folder].Name);
+         switch (message.Status)
+           {
+           case  GSS_SENTREAD:
+                if (message.folder==0) fprintf(stdout, _("(read)\n")); //GST_INBOX
+                                  else fprintf(stdout, _("(sent)\n"));
+               break;
+           case  GSS_NOTSENTREAD:
+                if (message.folder==0) fprintf(stdout, _("(unread)\n")); //GST_INBOX
+                                  else fprintf(stdout, _("(not sent)\n"));
+               break;
+            case  GSS_UNKNOWN:
+                fprintf(stdout, _("(not known :-()\n"));
+                break;
+            case  GSS_TEMPLATE:
+                fprintf(stdout, _("(template)\n"));
+                break;
+            default:
+                fprintf(stdout, _("(unknown: %d)\n"),message.Status);
+                break;
+           }
+         /* RTH FIXME: date for other status ok ? */ 
+         if (message.SMSData) {
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Date/time: %s %02d/%02d/%02d %d:%02d:%02d "), \
+                    DayOfWeek(message.Time.Year, message.Time.Month, message.Time.Day), \
+                    message.Time.Day, message.Time.Month, message.Time.Year, \
+                    message.Time.Hour, message.Time.Minute, message.Time.Second);
+            if (message.Time.Timezone) {
+              if (message.Time.Timezone > 0)
+                fprintf(stdout,_("+%02d00"),message.Time.Timezone);
+              else
+                fprintf(stdout,_("%02d00"),message.Time.Timezone);
+            }
+            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+           fprintf(stdout, _("Msg Center: %s "), message.MessageCenter.Number);
+           if (message.ReplyViaSameSMSC)
+             fprintf(stdout, _("(centre set for reply) "));
+         }
+          if (strcmp(message.Sender,"")) {
+           if (message.folder==1) { //GST_OUTBOX
+             fprintf(stdout, _("Recipient: %s"),message.Sender);
+           } else {
+             fprintf(stdout, _("Sender: %s"),message.Sender);
+           }
+         }
+          if (strcmp(message.Sender,"") || message.folder==0)
+            fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+          switch (message.UDHType) {
+          case GSM_OpLogo:
+            /* put bitmap into bitmap structure */
+           switch (GSM_ReadBitmap(&message, &bitmap)) {
+             case GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Image size not supported\n"));
+               break;
+             case GE_NONE:
+               fprintf(stdout, _("GSM operator logo for %s (%s) network.\n"), bitmap.netcode, GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode));         
+                GSM_PrintBitmap(&bitmap);
+                if (filename[0]!=0) {
+                  GSM_SaveBitmapFileOnConsole(filename, &bitmap);
+                }
+               break;
+             default:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Error reading image\n"));  
+               break;
+           }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            if (message.folder==0) { //GST_INBOX
+              if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "+998000005") &&
+                 !strcmp(message.MessageCenter.Number, "+886935074443") &&
+                 message.Time.Day==27 &&
+                 message.Time.Month==7 &&
+                 message.Time.Year==99 &&
+                 message.Time.Hour==0 &&
+                 message.Time.Minute==10 &&
+                 message.Time.Second==48) fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by Logo Express\n"));
+              /* Is it changed in next versions ? Or what ? */
+              if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "+998000002") ||
+                  !strcmp(message.Sender, "+998000003") ||
+                 !strcmp(message.Sender, "+998000004")) fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by Operator Logo Uploader by Thomas Kessler\n"));
+            } else {
+              if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "+8861234567890") &&
+                 !strcmp(message.MessageCenter.Number, "+886935074443")) fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by Logo Express\n"));
+           }
+           if (!strncmp(message.Sender, "OpLogo",6) &&
+               strlen(message.Sender)==11)
+              fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by gnokii\n"));         
+            break;
+          case GSM_WAPBookmarkUDH:
+            /* put bookmark into bookmark structure */
+           switch (GSM_ReadWAPBookmark(&message, &bookmark)) {
+             case GE_NONE:
+                fprintf(stdout, ("WAP Bookmark\n"));
+                fprintf(stdout,_("Address: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.address);
+                if (bookmark.title[0]==0)
+                  fprintf(stdout,_("Title: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.address);
+                else
+                  fprintf(stdout,_("Title: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.title);
+               break;
+             default:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Error reading WAP Bookmark\n"));  
+               break;
+           }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+           if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "WAPBookmark"))
+              fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by gnokii\n"));         
+            break;
+          case GSM_CallerIDLogo:
+            /* put bitmap into bitmap structure */
+           switch (GSM_ReadBitmap(&message, &bitmap)) {
+             case GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Image size not supported\n"));
+               break;
+             case GE_NONE:
+                fprintf(stdout, ("Caller Logo\n"));
+                GSM_PrintBitmap(&bitmap);
+                if (filename[0]!=0) {
+                  GSM_SaveBitmapFileOnConsole(filename, &bitmap);
+                }
+               break;
+             default:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Error reading image\n"));  
+               break;
+           }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+            if (message.folder==0) { //GST_INBOX
+              if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "+998000005") &&
+                 !strcmp(message.MessageCenter.Number, "+886935074443") &&
+                 message.Time.Day==27 &&
+                 message.Time.Month==7 &&
+                 message.Time.Year==99 &&
+                 message.Time.Hour==0 &&
+                 message.Time.Minute==10 &&
+                 message.Time.Second==48) fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by Logo Express\n"));
+            } else {
+              if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "+8861234567890") &&
+                 !strcmp(message.MessageCenter.Number, "+886935074443")) fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by Logo Express\n"));
+           }
+           if (!strcmp(message.Sender, "GroupLogo"))
+              fprintf(stdout, _("Saved by gnokii\n"));         
+            break;
+          case GSM_ProfileUDH:
+               fprintf(stdout, ("Profile SMS, part %i/%i\n"),message.UDH[11],message.UDH[10]);
+               break;
+          case GSM_WAPBookmarkUDHLong:
+               fprintf(stdout, ("WAP Bookmark, part %i/%i\n"),message.UDH[11],message.UDH[10]);
+               break;
+          case GSM_WAPSettingsUDH:
+               fprintf(stdout, ("WAP Settings, part %i/%i\n"),message.UDH[11],message.UDH[10]);
+               break;
+          case GSM_RingtoneUDH:
+            /* put ringtone into ringtone structure */
+            switch (GSM_ReadRingtone(&message, &ringtone)) {
+             case GE_NONE:
+               fprintf(stdout, ("Ringtone \"%s\"\n"),;
+                while (confirm < 0) {
+                  fprintf(stderr, _("Do you want to play it ? (yes/no) "));
+                  GetLine(stdin, ans, 7);
+                  if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+                  if (!strcmp(ans, "no")) confirm = 0;
+                }  
+                if (confirm==1) GSM_PlayRingtoneOnConsole(&ringtone);
+                if (filename[0]!=0) GSM_SaveRingtoneFileOnConsole(filename, &ringtone);
+               break;
+              default:
+               fprintf(stdout,_("Gnokii can't read this ringtone - there is probably error inside\n"));
+               break;
+           }
+            break;
+          case GSM_CalendarNoteUDH:
+           fprintf(stdout, ("Calendar note SMS, part %i/%i\n"),message.UDH[11],message.UDH[10]);
+           fprintf(stdout, _("Text:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+           break;
+          case GSM_ConcatenatedMessages:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Linked (%d/%d)\nText:\n%s\n\n"),message.UDH[5],message.UDH[4], message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+           break;
+          case GSM_EnableVoice:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Enables voice indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_DisableVoice:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Disables voice indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_EnableFax:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Enables fax indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_DisableFax:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Disables fax indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_EnableEmail:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Enables email indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_DisableEmail:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Disables email indicator\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_VoidSMS:
+            fprintf(stdout, _("Void SMS\nText:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+            if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+            break;
+          case GSM_NoUDH:
+           if (message.Coding!=GSM_Coding_8bit) {
+              fprintf(stdout, _("Text:\n%s\n\n"), message.MessageText);
+              if (filename[0]!=0 && mode != -1) mode = GSM_SaveTextFileOnConsole(filename, message.MessageText, mode);
+           } else {
+             fprintf(stdout, _("Message cannot be displayed here\n")); // like in phone :-)
+           }
+            break;
+          default:  //GSM_UnknownUDH and other
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown\n"));
+          }
+          break;
+       default:
+         fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown SMS type. Report it\n"));
+         break;
+      }
+      break;
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented in %s model!\n"), model);
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;       
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Invalid location: %s %d\n"), memory_type_string, count);
+      break;
+      fprintf(stderr, _("SMS location %s %d empty.\n"), memory_type_string, count);
+      break;
+    case GE_NOACCESS:
+      fprintf(stderr, _("No access to %s memory.\n"), memory_type_string);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, _("GetSMS %s %d failed!(%d)\n\n"), memory_type_string, count, error);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int getsmsstatus(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_SMSStatus SMSStatus;
+  GSM_SMSFolders folders;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_SMSMessage SMS;
+  int i,j;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error = GSM->GetSMSStatus(&SMSStatus);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  fprintf(stdout, _("SMS Messages: UnRead %d, Number %d\n"),SMSStatus.UnRead, SMSStatus.Number);
+  error=GSM->GetSMSFolders(&folders);  
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) return error;
+  /* For not 7110 compatible phones we have to read all SMS and prepare sms table */
+  if( GetModelFeature (FN_SMS)!=F_SMS71 )
+  {
+    i=1;j=0;
+    while (true) {
+      if (j==SMSStatus.Number) break;
+      SMS.Location=i;
+      if (GSM->GetSMSMessage(&SMS)==GE_NONE) {
+        SMSStatus.foldertable[j].smsnum=i;
+        /* We set such folders ID like in 7110 compatible phones */
+        if (SMS.Status==GSS_NOTSENTREAD && SMS.folder==0) //GST_INBOX
+          SMSStatus.foldertable[j].folder=0;
+        else {
+          switch (SMS.folder) {
+            case 0://GST_INBOX
+              SMSStatus.foldertable[j].folder=GST_7110_INBOX;
+              break;
+            case 1://GST_OUTBOX
+              SMSStatus.foldertable[j].folder=GST_7110_OUTBOX;
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        j++;
+      }
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  printf("0.Unread         : ");
+  for(j=0; j<SMSStatus.Number; j++)
+  {
+    if (SMSStatus.foldertable[j].folder == 0)
+      printf("%d ",SMSStatus.foldertable[j].smsnum);
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  for (i=0;i<folders.number;i++) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%d.%-15s: "),i+1,folders.Folder[i].Name);
+    for(j=0; j<SMSStatus.Number; j++)
+    {
+      if ( SMSStatus.foldertable[j].folder / 8 == i+1)
+       printf("%d ",SMSStatus.foldertable[j].smsnum);
+    }
+    printf("\n");
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Delete SMS messages. */
+int deletesms(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_SMSMessage message;
+  char memory_type_string[20];
+  int start_message, end_message, count;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (!GetMemoryTypeID(argv[0], &message.MemoryType))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[0]);
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  GetMemoryTypeString(memory_type_string, &message.MemoryType);
+  start_message = atoi (argv[1]);
+  if (argc > 2) end_message = atoi (argv[2]);
+  else end_message = start_message;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Now delete the requested entries. */
+  for (count = start_message; count <= end_message; count ++) {
+    message.Location = count;
+    error = GSM->DeleteSMSMessage(&message);
+    if (error == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Deleted SMS %s %d\n"), memory_type_string, count);
+    else {
+      if (error == GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
+       fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented in %s model!\n"), model);
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return -1;      
+      }
+      fprintf(stdout, _("DeleteSMS %s %d failed!(%d)\n\n"), memory_type_string, count, error);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+static volatile bool bshutdown = false;
+/* SIGINT signal handler. */
+static void interrupted(int sig)
+  signal(sig, SIG_IGN);
+  bshutdown = true;
+#ifdef SECURITY
+/* In this mode we get the code from the keyboard and send it to the mobile
+   phone. */
+int entersecuritycode(char *type)
+  GSM_Error test;
+  GSM_SecurityCode SecurityCode;
+  if (!strcmp(type,"PIN"))      SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Pin;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PUK")) SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Puk;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PIN2"))SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Pin2;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PUK2"))SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Puk2;
+  // FIXME: Entering of SecurityCode does not work :-(
+  //  else if (!strcmp(type,"SecurityCode"))
+  //    SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_SecurityCode;
+  else {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Wrong code in second parameter (allowed: PIN,PUK,PIN2,PUK2,SecurityCode)\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+#ifdef WIN32
+  printf("Enter your code: ");
+  gets(SecurityCode.Code);
+  strcpy(SecurityCode.Code,getpass(_("Enter your code: ")));
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  test = GSM->EnterSecurityCode(SecurityCode);
+  if (test==GE_NONE)
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Code OK !\n"));
+  else
+    fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(test));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int getsecuritycodestatus(void)
+  int Status;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetSecurityCodeStatus(&Status) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Security code status: "));
+      switch(Status) {
+      case GSCT_SecurityCode:fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for Security Code.\n"));break;
+      case GSCT_Pin:         fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PIN.\n"));          break;
+      case GSCT_Pin2:        fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PIN2.\n"));         break;
+      case GSCT_Puk:         fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PUK.\n"));          break;
+      case GSCT_Puk2:        fprintf(stdout, _("waiting for PUK2.\n"));         break;
+      case GSCT_None:        fprintf(stdout, _("nothing to enter.\n"));         break;
+      default:               fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown!\n"));
+      }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int getsecuritycode(char *type)
+  GSM_SecurityCode SecurityCode;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  if (!strcmp(type,"PIN"))              SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Pin;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PUK"))         SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Puk;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PIN2"))        SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Pin2;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"PUK2"))        SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_Puk2;
+  else if (!strcmp(type,"SecurityCode"))SecurityCode.Type=GSCT_SecurityCode;
+  else {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Wrong code in second parameter (allowed: PIN,PUK,PIN2,PUK2,SecurityCode)\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetSecurityCode(&SecurityCode);
+  switch (error) {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Error: getting "));
+      switch (SecurityCode.Type) {
+        case GSCT_SecurityCode:fprintf(stdout, _("security code"));break;
+        case GSCT_Pin :fprintf(stdout, _("PIN"));break;
+        case GSCT_Pin2:fprintf(stdout, _("PIN2"));break;
+        case GSCT_Puk :fprintf(stdout, _("PUK"));break;
+        case GSCT_Puk2:fprintf(stdout, _("PUK2"));break;
+       default:break;
+      }
+      fprintf(stdout, _(" not allowed\n"));
+      break;
+    case GE_NONE:
+      switch (SecurityCode.Type) {
+        case GSCT_SecurityCode:fprintf(stdout, _("Security code"));break;
+        case GSCT_Pin :fprintf(stdout, _("PIN"));break;
+        case GSCT_Pin2:fprintf(stdout, _("PIN2"));break;
+        case GSCT_Puk :fprintf(stdout, _("PUK"));break;
+        case GSCT_Puk2:fprintf(stdout, _("PUK2"));break;
+       default:break;
+      }
+      fprintf(stdout, _(" is %s\n"),SecurityCode.Code);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr, _("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+      break;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Voice dialing mode. */
+int dialvoice(char *Number)
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->DialVoice(Number)!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Cancel a call */
+int cancelcall(void)
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->CancelCall()!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int savelogo(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  /* Operator logos will be saved with this number */  
+  char oplogonumber[]={'O','p','L','o','g','o',
+                      '0','0','0','0','0',   /* MMC+MNC */
+                      '\0'};
+  int i=0;
+  bool UnicodeText=false;
+  /* The first argument is the type of the logo. */
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "op")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Saving operator logo.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "caller")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Saving caller line identification logo.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to save startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "7110startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to save startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "6210startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to save startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "7110op")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to save big operator logos!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "picture")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Saving picture image.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "screensaver")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Saving screen saver.\n"));
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("You should specify what kind of logo to save!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  /* The second argument is the bitmap file. */
+  if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[1], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return -1;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* We check optional parameters from 2'rd */
+  optind = 2;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "op")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+    /* The third argument, if present, is the Network code of the operator.
+     * Network code is in this format: "xxx yy" */
+    if (argc > 2) {
+      strcpy(bitmap.netcode, argv[2]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Operator code: %s\n"), argv[2]);
+      if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown")) {
+       fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return -1;
+      }
+      optind++;
+    } else
+    {
+      if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+    }
+    bitmap.type=GSM_OperatorLogo;
+    /* Put bitmap into SMS structure */
+    GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bitmap,false,false);
+    oplogonumber[6]=bitmap.netcode[0];
+    oplogonumber[7]=bitmap.netcode[1];
+    oplogonumber[8]=bitmap.netcode[2];
+    oplogonumber[9]=bitmap.netcode[4];
+    oplogonumber[10]=bitmap.netcode[5];
+    for(i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+      strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,oplogonumber);
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "caller")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+    bitmap.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+    /* Put bitmap into SMS structure */
+    GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bitmap,false,false);
+    for(i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+      strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,"GroupLogo");
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "screensaver")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+    bitmap.text[0]=0;
+    for(i=0;i<argc;i++)
+      if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--unicode")) UnicodeText=true;
+    /* Put bitmap into SMS structure */
+    GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bitmap,true,UnicodeText);
+    for(i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+      strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,"ScreenSaver");
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "picture")) {  
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+    for(i=0;i<argc;i++)
+      if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--unicode")) UnicodeText=true;
+    bitmap.text[0]=0;
+    if (argc>2) {
+      optind++;
+      if (strlen(argv[2])>121) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Sorry: length of text (parameter \"%s\") can be 121 chars or shorter only !\n"),argv[2]);
+        return -1;
+      }
+      strcpy(bitmap.text,argv[2]);
+    }
+    /* Put bitmap into SMS structure */
+    GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bitmap,false,UnicodeText);
+    for(i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+      strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,"Picture");
+  }
+  GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, optind,argc,argv,false,true,false,false);
+  return i;
+/* The following function allows to send logos using SMS */
+int sendlogo(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  int i;
+  bool UnicodeText=false;
+  bool ScreenSaver=false;
+  /* The first argument is the type of the logo. */
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "op")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Sending operator logo.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "caller")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Sending caller line identification logo.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "picture")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Sending picture image.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "screensaver")) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Sending screen saver.\n"));
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to send startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "7110startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to send startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "6210startup")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to send startup logo!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else if (!strcmp(argv[0], "7110op")) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("It isn't possible to send big operator logos!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("You should specify what kind of logo to send!\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  /* The third argument is the bitmap file. */
+  if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[2], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return -1;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  optind = 3;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "op")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+    /* The third argument, if present, is the Network code of the operator.
+     * Network code is in this format: "xxx yy" */
+    if (argc > 3) {
+      strcpy(bitmap.netcode, argv[3]);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Operator code: %s\n"), argv[3]);
+      if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown")) {
+       fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return -1;
+      }
+      optind++;
+    } else
+    {
+      if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+    }
+    bitmap.type=GSM_OperatorLogo;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "caller")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+    bitmap.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "screensaver")) {
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+    bitmap.text[0]=0;
+    for(i=0;i<argc;i++)
+      if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--unicode")) UnicodeText=true;
+    ScreenSaver=true;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0], "picture")) {  
+    GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+    for(i=0;i<argc;i++)
+      if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--unicode")) UnicodeText=true;
+    bitmap.text[0]=0;
+    if (argc>3) {
+      optind++;
+      if (strlen(argv[3])>121) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Sorry: length of text (parameter \"%s\") can be 121 chars or shorter only !\n"),argv[3]);
+        return -1;
+      }
+      strcpy(bitmap.text,argv[3]);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Put bitmap into SMS structure */
+  GSM_SaveBitmapToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bitmap,ScreenSaver,UnicodeText);
+  /* The second argument is the destination, ie the phone number of recipient. */
+  for(i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,argv[1]);
+  GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, optind,argc,argv,true,false,false);
+  return i;
+/* Getting logos. */
+int getlogo(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int num;
+  bitmap.type=GSM_None;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"7110op"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_7110OperatorLogo;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"op"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_OperatorLogo;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"caller")) {
+    /* There is caller group number missing in argument list. */
+    if (argc==3) {     
+      num=argv[2][0]-'0';
+      if ((num<1)||(num>9)) num=1;
+      bitmap.number=num;
+    } else
+    {
+      bitmap.number=1;
+    }
+    bitmap.number--;
+    bitmap.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"picture")) {
+    /* There is a number missing in argument list. */
+    if (argc==3) {     
+      if (strlen(argv[2])==2) {
+        num=(argv[2][0]-'0')*10+(argv[2][1]-'0');
+      } else {
+        num=argv[2][0]-'0';
+      }
+      if (num<1) num=1;
+      bitmap.number=num;
+    } else
+    {
+      bitmap.number=1;
+    }
+    bitmap.number--;
+    bitmap.type=GSM_PictureImage;
+  }    
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"startup"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_StartupLogo;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"7110startup"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_7110StartupLogo;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"6210startup"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_6210StartupLogo;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"dealer"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_DealerNoteText;  
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"text"))
+    bitmap.type=GSM_WelcomeNoteText;  
+  if (bitmap.type!=GSM_None) {
+    fbusinit(NULL);
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Getting Logo\n"));
+    error=GSM->GetBitmap(&bitmap);
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    switch (error)
+    {
+      case GE_NONE:
+        if (bitmap.type==GSM_DealerNoteText) fprintf(stdout, _("Dealer welcome note "));
+        if (bitmap.type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText) fprintf(stdout, _("Welcome note "));     
+        if (bitmap.type==GSM_DealerNoteText || bitmap.type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText)
+       {
+          if (bitmap.text[0]!=0)
+         {
+           fprintf(stdout, _("currently set to \"%s\"\n"), bitmap.text);
+         } else {
+            fprintf(stdout, _("currently empty\n"));
+         }
+        } else
+        {
+          if (bitmap.width!=0)
+          {
+            if (bitmap.type==GSM_OperatorLogo || bitmap.type==GSM_7110OperatorLogo)
+           {
+              fprintf(stdout,"Operator logo for %s (%s) network got succesfully\n",bitmap.netcode,GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode));
+           }
+            if (bitmap.type==GSM_StartupLogo || bitmap.type==GSM_7110StartupLogo || bitmap.type==GSM_6210StartupLogo)
+           {
+              fprintf(stdout,"Startup logo got successfully\n");
+           }
+            if (bitmap.type==GSM_CallerLogo)
+           {
+              fprintf(stdout,"Caller logo got successfully\n");
+           }
+            if (bitmap.type==GSM_PictureImage)
+           {
+              fprintf(stdout,"Picture Image got successfully");
+             if (strcmp(bitmap.text,""))
+                fprintf(stdout,_(", text \"%s\""),bitmap.text);                
+             if (strcmp(bitmap.Sender,""))
+                fprintf(stdout,_(", sender \"%s\""),bitmap.Sender);            
+              fprintf(stdout,"\n");
+           }
+            if (argc>1)
+           {
+             if (GSM_SaveBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[1], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+           }
+          } else
+          {
+            fprintf(stdout,"Your phone doesn't have logo uploaded !\n");
+           return -1;
+          }
+        }
+       break;
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented !\n"));
+        return -1;
+      case GE_NOTSUPPORTED:
+        fprintf(stderr, _("This kind of logo is not supported !\n"));
+        return -1;
+      default:
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Error getting logo (wrong location ?) !\n"));
+        return -1;
+    }
+  } else
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("What kind of logo do you want to get ?\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* Setting logos. */
+int setlogo(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap,oldbit;
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  char model[64];
+  int num;
+  bool ok=true;
+  int i;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"text") || !strcmp(argv[0],"dealer"))
+  {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"text")) bitmap.type=GSM_WelcomeNoteText;
+                            else bitmap.type=GSM_DealerNoteText;
+    bitmap.text[0]=0x00;
+    if (argc>1) strncpy(bitmap.text,argv[1],255);
+  } else
+  {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"op") || !strcmp(argv[0],"startup") || !strcmp(argv[0],"caller") ||
+        !strcmp(argv[0],"7110op") || !strcmp(argv[0],"6210startup") || !strcmp(argv[0],"7110startup") ||
+       !strcmp(argv[0],"picture"))
+    {
+      if (argc>1)
+      {
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"startup"))
+        {
+          bitmap.type=GSM_StartupLogo;
+          bitmap.width=84;
+          bitmap.height=48;
+         bitmap.size=GSM_GetBitmapSize(&bitmap);
+          num=argv[1][0]-'0';
+          if (num>=1 && num<=3) {
+           bitmap.number=num;
+          } else {
+            if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[1], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) {
+              GSM->Terminate();
+              return(-1);
+            }
+           bitmap.number=0;
+            GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_StartupLogo);
+          }
+        } else {
+          if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[1], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) {
+            GSM->Terminate();
+           return(-1);
+          }
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"op"))
+        {
+          if (bitmap.type!=GSM_OperatorLogo || argc<3)
+          {
+           if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+         }
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_OperatorLogo);
+         if (argc==3)
+         {
+           strncpy(bitmap.netcode,argv[2],7);
+           if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown"))
+           {
+             fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+             return -1;
+           }
+         }
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"7110op"))
+        {
+          if (bitmap.type!=GSM_7110OperatorLogo || argc<3)
+          {
+           if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+         }
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_7110OperatorLogo);
+         if (argc==3)
+         {
+           strncpy(bitmap.netcode,argv[2],7);
+           if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown"))
+           {
+             fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+             return -1;
+           }
+         }
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"picture"))
+        {
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+         bitmap.number=1;
+         if (argc>2)
+         {
+            if (strlen(argv[2])==2) {
+              num=(argv[2][0]-'0')*10+(argv[2][1]-'0');
+            } else {
+              num=argv[2][0]-'0';
+            }
+            if (num<1) num=1;  
+           bitmap.number=num;
+          }
+         bitmap.number--;
+         bitmap.text[0]=0;
+         if (argc>3)
+           strncpy(bitmap.text,argv[3],121);
+         strcpy(bitmap.Sender,"\0");
+         if (argc>4)
+           strncpy(bitmap.Sender,argv[4],GSM_MAX_SENDER_LENGTH);
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"7110startup"))
+        {
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_7110StartupLogo);
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"6210startup"))
+        {
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_6210StartupLogo);
+        }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"caller"))
+        {
+          GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+          if (argc>2)
+         {
+           num=argv[2][0]-'0';
+           if ((num<0)||(num>9)) num=0;
+           bitmap.number=num;
+          } else
+         {
+           bitmap.number=0;
+         }
+          oldbit.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+          oldbit.number=bitmap.number;
+          if (GSM->GetBitmap(&oldbit)==GE_NONE)
+         {
+            /* We have to get the old name and ringtone!! */
+           bitmap.ringtone=oldbit.ringtone;
+           strncpy(bitmap.text,oldbit.text,255);
+         }
+          if (argc>3) strncpy(bitmap.text,argv[3],255);          
+        }
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Setting Logo.\n"));
+      } else
+      {
+        /* FIX ME: is it possible to permanently remove op logo ? */
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"op"))
+        {
+         bitmap.type=GSM_OperatorLogo;
+         strncpy(bitmap.netcode,"000 00",7);
+         bitmap.width=72;
+         bitmap.height=14;
+         bitmap.size=GSM_GetBitmapSize(&bitmap);
+         GSM_ClearBitmap(&bitmap);
+       }
+        if (!strcmp(argv[0],"7110op"))
+        {
+         bitmap.type=GSM_7110OperatorLogo;
+         strncpy(bitmap.netcode,"000 00",7);
+         bitmap.width=78;
+         bitmap.height=21;
+          bitmap.size=GSM_GetBitmapSize(&bitmap);
+         GSM_ClearBitmap(&bitmap);
+       }
+       /* FIX ME: how to remove startup and group logos ? */
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Removing Logo.\n"));
+      }  
+    } else
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("What kind of logo do you want to set ?\n"));
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+    sleep(1);
+  /* For Nokia 6110/6130/6150 we use different method of uploading.
+     Phone will display menu, when received it */
+  if (!strcmp(model,"NSE-3") || !strcmp(model,"NSK-3") || !strcmp(model,"NSM-1"))
+  {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"caller") && argc<3)
+      bitmap.number=255;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"op") && argc<3)
+      bitmap.number=255;
+  }
+  error=GSM->SetBitmap(&bitmap);
+  switch (error)
+  {
+    case GE_NONE: oldbit.type=bitmap.type;
+                  oldbit.number=bitmap.number;
+                  if (GSM->GetBitmap(&oldbit)==GE_NONE) {
+                   if (bitmap.type==GSM_WelcomeNoteText ||
+                       bitmap.type==GSM_DealerNoteText) {
+                     if (strcmp(bitmap.text,oldbit.text)) {
+                        fprintf(stderr, _("Error setting"));
+                       if (bitmap.type==GSM_DealerNoteText) fprintf(stderr, _(" dealer"));
+                       fprintf(stderr, _(" welcome note - "));
+                        /* I know, it looks horrible, but... */
+                       /* I set it to the short string - if it won't be set */
+                       /* it means, PIN is required. If it will be correct, previous */
+                       /* (user) text was too long */
+                       /* Without it, I could have such thing: */
+                       /* user set text to very short string (for example, "Marcin") */
+                       /* then enable phone without PIN and try to set it to the very long (too long for phone) */
+                       /* string (which start with "Marcin"). If we compare them as only length different, we could think, */
+                       /* that phone accepts strings 6 chars length only (length of "Marcin") */
+                       /* When we make it correct, we don't have this mistake */
+                       strcpy(oldbit.text,"!\0");
+                       GSM->SetBitmap(&oldbit);
+                       GSM->GetBitmap(&oldbit);
+                       if (oldbit.text[0]!='!') {
+                         fprintf(stderr, _("SIM card and PIN is required\n"));
+                       } else {
+                         GSM->SetBitmap(&bitmap);
+                         GSM->GetBitmap(&oldbit);
+                         fprintf(stderr, _("too long, truncated to \"%s\" (length %i)\n"),oldbit.text,strlen(oldbit.text));
+                       }
+                        ok=false;
+                     }
+                   } else {
+                     if (bitmap.type==GSM_StartupLogo) {
+                       for (i=0;i<oldbit.size;i++) {
+                         if (oldbit.bitmap[i]!=bitmap.bitmap[i]) {
+                           fprintf(stderr, _("Error setting startup logo - SIM card and PIN is required\n"));
+                           ok=false;
+                           break;
+                         }
+                       }
+                     }
+                   }
+                 }
+                 if (ok) fprintf(stdout, _("Done.\n"));
+                  break;
+    case GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED:fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented.\n"));
+                           break;
+    case GE_NOTSUPPORTED:fprintf(stderr, _("This kind of logo is not supported.\n"));
+                           break;
+    default:fprintf(stderr, _("Error (wrong location ?) !\n"));
+            break;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Calendar notes receiving. */
+int getcalendarnote(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_CalendarNote CalendarNote;
+  GSM_NotesInfo NotesInfo;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int i;
+  int vCalVer=0;
+  bool vInfo=false;
+  int start, stop;
+  bool was_note=false;
+  char z_text[MAX_CALENDAR_TEXT_LENGTH+11];
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / FB61_MAX* */
+  char model[64];
+  struct tm *now;
+  time_t nowh;
+  GSM_DateTime Date;
+  nowh=time(NULL);
+  now=localtime(&nowh);
+  Date.Year = now->tm_year;
+  /* I have 100 (for 2000) Year now :-) */
+  if (Date.Year>99 && Date.Year<1900) {
+    Date.Year=Date.Year+1900;
+  }
+  start=atoi(argv[0]);  
+  stop=start;
+  switch (argc) {
+    case 2:
+      if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"-v10")) {
+        vCalVer=10;
+      } else {
+        if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"-v30")) {
+          vCalVer=30;
+        } else {
+          stop=atoi(argv[1]);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      stop=atoi(argv[1]);
+      if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"-v10")) {
+        vCalVer=10;
+      } else {
+        if (!strcmp(argv[argc-1],"-v30")) {
+          vCalVer=30;
+        } else {      
+          usage();
+          return -1;
+       }
+      }
+      break;
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+    sleep(1);
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"-s") || !strcmp(argv[0],"--short")) 
+    vInfo=true;
+  else if (!isdigit(argv[0][0])) {
+    usage();
+    return -1;
+  }
+  error=GSM->GetCalendarNotesInfo(&NotesInfo);
+  if ( error == GE_NONE ) {
+     if( NotesInfo.HowMany == 0 ) {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Sorry! No Calendar Notes present on phone.\n"));
+        start=0; stop=(-1); /* This for skipping next 'for' loop ;-> */
+      }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      fprintf(stdout, _(" CALENDAR NOTES INFO \n"));
+      fprintf(stdout, _("---------------------\n"));
+      fprintf(stdout, _("How Many Locations :%d\n"), NotesInfo.HowMany);
+      /* For 6210 (NPE-3) and 7110 (NSE-5), Locations have a different behaviour */
+      if ( GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71 ) {
+       fprintf(stdout, _("Locations are :\n"));
+       for(i=0;i<NotesInfo.HowMany;i++)
+           fprintf(stdout, _("%4d) %4d\n"), i+1, NotesInfo.Location[i]);
+      }
+  } else {
+      /* For 6210 (NPE-3) and 7110 (NSE-5), Locations have a different behaviour */
+      if ( GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71 ) {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Can't read Notes Infos from phone.\n"));
+       start=0; stop=(-1); /* This for skipping next 'for' loop ;-> */
+      }
+  }
+  if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)!=F_CAL71) {
+    error=GE_NONE;
+    NotesInfo.HowMany=200;
+    for (i=0;i<200;i++) {
+      NotesInfo.Location[i]=i+1;
+    }
+  }
+  if( vInfo && stop!=(-1) && error==GE_NONE )
+  {
+    /* Info datas (for 7110 and comp.) */
+    fprintf(stdout, _(" CALENDAR NOTES SUMMARY INFORMATION \n"));
+    fprintf(stdout, _(" ==================================\n"));
+    if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71) {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Calendar notes present on phone: %d\n"), NotesInfo.HowMany);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Locations are :\n"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stdout,  "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+    fprintf(stdout,_(" Loc Phys Type    Summary description              Dt start    Alarm  Recurs\n") );
+    fprintf(stdout,  "----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+    for(i=0;i<NotesInfo.HowMany;i++)
+    {
+      /* very short format ... */
+      /*
+      fprintf(stdout, _("%4d) %4d\n"), i, NotesInfo.Location[i]);
+      */
+      CalendarNote.Location=i+1;
+      CalendarNote.ReadNotesInfo=false;
+      if (GSM->GetCalendarNote(&CalendarNote) == GE_NONE) {
+        char z_type[11];
+        char z_recur[15];
+        switch (CalendarNote.Type) {
+           case GCN_REMINDER:strcpy(z_type, "REMIND");  break;
+           case GCN_CALL:    strcpy(z_type, "CALL");    break;
+           case GCN_MEETING: strcpy(z_type, "MEETING"); break;
+           case GCN_BIRTHDAY:strcpy(z_type, "BDAY");    break;
+           default:          strcpy(z_type, "UNKNOWN"); break;
+          }
+        if( CalendarNote.Recurrance ) {
+          sprintf( z_recur,"%d ", CalendarNote.Recurrance/24 );
+          strcat( z_recur, CalendarNote.Recurrance == 1 ? "day" : "days" );
+        }
+        else
+          strcpy( z_recur, "No" );
+        strcpy(z_text,"");
+        if( CalendarNote.Type == GCN_CALL )
+          sprintf(z_text, "\"%s\"", CalendarNote.Phone );
+        if (CalendarNote.Text[0]!=0)
+          sprintf(z_text, "\"%s\"", CalendarNote.Text );
+        if(CalendarNote.Type == GCN_BIRTHDAY) {
+          int i_age;
+          i_age = Date.Year - CalendarNote.Time.Year;
+          sprintf(z_text, "\"%s (%d %s)\"", CalendarNote.Text,
+             i_age, (i_age==1)?"year":"years");
+          strcpy( z_recur, "-" );
+         if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71)
+            fprintf(stdout,
+                _("%4d %4d %-7.7s %-32.32s %04d-%02d-%02d  %s %s\n"), 
+              i+1,NotesInfo.Location[i], z_type, z_text,
+              CalendarNote.Time.Year, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Month, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Day,
+              (CalendarNote.AlarmType==0x00) ? "Tone  " : "Silent",
+              " " );
+         else
+            fprintf(stdout,
+                _("%4d %4d %-7.7s %-32.32s %04d-%02d-%02d  %s %s\n"), 
+              i+1,NotesInfo.Location[i], z_type, z_text,
+              CalendarNote.Time.Year, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Month, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Day,
+             (CalendarNote.Alarm.Year) ? "Yes" : "No ",
+              " " );
+        } else
+         if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71)
+            fprintf(stdout,
+                _("%4d %4d %-7.7s %-32.32s %04d-%02d-%02d  %s    %s\n"), 
+              i+1,NotesInfo.Location[i], z_type, z_text,
+              CalendarNote.Time.Year, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Month, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Day,
+              (CalendarNote.Alarm.Year) ? "Yes" : "No ",
+              z_recur );
+           else
+            fprintf(stdout,
+                _("%4d %4d %-7.7s %-32.32s %04d-%02d-%02d  %s\n"), 
+              i+1,NotesInfo.Location[i], z_type, z_text,
+              CalendarNote.Time.Year, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Month, 
+              CalendarNote.Time.Day,
+              (CalendarNote.Alarm.Year) ? "Yes" : "No ");
+      } else {
+        if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)!=F_CAL71) break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  for (i=start;i<=stop;i++) {
+    if (error==GE_NONE) {
+       if( i>NotesInfo.HowMany ) {
+           fprintf(stderr, _("Only %d Calendar Notes present on phone!\n"),NotesInfo.HowMany);
+           break;
+       }
+       if( i==0 ) {
+           fprintf(stderr, _("Calendar Notes location can't be zero... skipping.\n"));
+           continue;
+       }
+    }
+    CalendarNote.Location=i;
+    CalendarNote.ReadNotesInfo=false;
+    if (GSM->GetCalendarNote(&CalendarNote) == GE_NONE) {
+      if (vCalVer!=0) {
+        if (!was_note) {
+          fprintf(stdout, GSM_GetVCALENDARStart(vCalVer));
+         was_note=true;
+        }
+        fprintf(stdout, GSM_GetVCALENDARNote(&CalendarNote,vCalVer));
+      } else {  /* not vCal */
+        if (was_note) {
+         fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+        } else {
+          was_note=true;
+       }
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Type of the note: "));
+        switch (CalendarNote.Type) {
+         case GCN_REMINDER:fprintf(stdout, _("Reminder\n"));break;
+          case GCN_CALL    :fprintf(stdout, _("Call\n"));    break;
+          case GCN_MEETING :fprintf(stdout, _("Meeting\n")); break;
+          case GCN_BIRTHDAY:fprintf(stdout, _("Birthday\n"));break;
+         default:          fprintf(stdout, _("Unknown\n"));
+       }
+        /* For 3310: set date to 2090! */
+        if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL33) {
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Date: xxxx-%02d-%02d\n"), CalendarNote.Time.Month,
+                                                          CalendarNote.Time.Day);
+       } else {
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Date: %s %d-%02d-%02d\n"), 
+               DayOfWeek(CalendarNote.Time.Year, CalendarNote.Time.Month, CalendarNote.Time.Day),
+                                                       CalendarNote.Time.Year,
+                                                        CalendarNote.Time.Month,
+                                                        CalendarNote.Time.Day);
+       }
+        fprintf(stdout, _("   Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), CalendarNote.Time.Hour,
+                                                        CalendarNote.Time.Minute,
+                                                        CalendarNote.Time.Second);
+        if (CalendarNote.Alarm.Year!=0) {
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm date: %s %d-%02d-%02d\n"), 
+                       DayOfWeek(CalendarNote.Alarm.Year, CalendarNote.Alarm.Month, CalendarNote.Alarm.Day),
+                                                             CalendarNote.Alarm.Year,
+                                                              CalendarNote.Alarm.Month,
+                                                              CalendarNote.Alarm.Day);
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), CalendarNote.Alarm.Hour,
+                                                                CalendarNote.Alarm.Minute,
+                                                                CalendarNote.Alarm.Second);
+          if ( GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71 ) 
+            fprintf(stdout, _("   Alarm type: %s\n"), (CalendarNote.AlarmType==0x00) ?
+                                                          "With Tone" : "Silent" );
+        }
+        if ( GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71 && CalendarNote.Recurrance!= 0 ) 
+           fprintf(stdout, "   It repeat every %d day%s\n", CalendarNote.Recurrance/24,
+                       ((CalendarNote.Recurrance/24)>1) ? "s":"" );
+        if (CalendarNote.Type == GCN_BIRTHDAY)
+        {
+          int i_age;
+          i_age = Date.Year - CalendarNote.Time.Year;
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Text: %s (%d %s)\n"), CalendarNote.Text,
+              i_age, (i_age==1)?"year":"years");
+        } else {
+          if (CalendarNote.Text[0]!=0)
+           fprintf(stdout, _("   Text: %s\n"), CalendarNote.Text);
+       }
+        if (CalendarNote.Type == GCN_CALL)
+          fprintf(stdout, _("   Phone: %s\n"), CalendarNote.Phone);
+      }
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("The calendar note %i can not be read\n"),i);
+    }
+  }
+  if (was_note && vCalVer!=0) {
+    fprintf(stdout, GSM_GetVCALENDAREnd(vCalVer));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Writing calendar notes. */
+int writecalendarnote(char *argv[])
+  GSM_CalendarNote CalendarNote;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int number;
+  number=atoi(argv[1]);
+  if (number<1) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Number of calendar note must be 1 or higher\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  switch ( GSM_ReadVCalendarFile(argv[0], &CalendarNote, &number) ) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to open vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[0]);
+      return -1;
+    case GE_TOOSHORT:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Number of given calendar note is too high (max=%i)\n"),number);
+      return(-1);
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to parse vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[0]);
+      return -1;    
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Error 22=Calendar full ;-) */
+  error=GSM->WriteCalendarNote(&CalendarNote);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Succesfully written!\n"));break;
+    case GE_TOOLONG:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Too long text in calendar note!\n"));break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to write calendar note!\n"));break;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Calendar note deleting. */
+int deletecalendarnote(char *Index)
+  GSM_CalendarNote CalendarNote;
+  CalendarNote.Location=atoi(Index);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->DeleteCalendarNote(&CalendarNote) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("   Calendar note deleted.\n"));
+  }
+  else {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("The calendar note can not be deleted\n"));
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    return -1;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Setting the date and time. */
+int setdatetime(int argc, char *argv[])
+  struct tm *now;
+  time_t nowh;
+  GSM_DateTime Date;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  nowh=time(NULL);
+  now=localtime(&nowh);
+  Date.Year = now->tm_year;
+  Date.Month = now->tm_mon+1;
+  Date.Day = now->tm_mday;
+  Date.Hour = now->tm_hour;
+  Date.Minute = now->tm_min;
+  Date.Second = now->tm_sec;
+  if (argc>0) Date.Year = atoi (argv[0]);
+  if (argc>1) Date.Month = atoi (argv[1]);
+  if (argc>2) Date.Day = atoi (argv[2]);
+  if (argc>3) Date.Hour = atoi (argv[3]);
+  if (argc>4) Date.Minute = atoi (argv[4]);
+  if (Date.Year<1900)
+  {
+    /* Well, this thing is copyrighted in U.S. This technique is known as
+       Windowing and you can read something about it in LinuxWeekly News:
+ This thing is beeing
+       written in Czech republic and Poland where algorithms are not allowed
+       to be patented. */
+    if (Date.Year>90)
+      Date.Year = Date.Year+1900;
+    else
+      Date.Year = Date.Year+2000;
+  }
+  /* FIXME: Error checking should be here. */
+  GSM->SetDateTime(&Date);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* In this mode we receive the date and time from mobile phone. */
+int getdatetime(void) {
+  GSM_DateTime date_time;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetDateTime(&date_time)==GE_NONE) {
+    if (date_time.IsSet) {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Date: %s %4d/%02d/%02d\n"), 
+          DayOfWeek(date_time.Year, date_time.Month, date_time.Day),
+          date_time.Year, date_time.Month, date_time.Day);
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n"), date_time.Hour, date_time.Minute, date_time.Second);
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Date and time not set in phone\n"));
+    }
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Setting the alarm. */
+int setalarm(char *argv[])
+  GSM_DateTime Date;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  Date.Hour = atoi(argv[0]);
+  Date.Minute = atoi(argv[1]);
+  GSM->SetAlarm(1, &Date);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Getting the alarm. */
+int getalarm(void) {
+  GSM_DateTime date_time;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetAlarm(0, &date_time)==GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Alarm: %s\n"), (date_time.IsSet)?"on":"off");
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Time: %02d:%02d\n"), date_time.Hour, date_time.Minute);
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* In monitor mode we don't do much, we just initialise the fbus code.
+   Note that the fbus code no longer has an internal monitor mode switch,
+   instead compile with DEBUG enabled to get all the gumpf. */
+int monitormode(int argc, char *argv[])
+  float rflevel=-1, batterylevel=-1;
+       unsigned char loop=1;
+  GSM_PowerSource powersource=-1;
+  GSM_RFUnits rf_units = GRF_Arbitrary;
+  GSM_BatteryUnits batt_units = GBU_Arbitrary;
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  GSM_CBMessage CBMessage;
+  GSM_MemoryStatus SIMMemoryStatus = {GMT_SM, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus PhoneMemoryStatus = {GMT_ME, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus DC_MemoryStatus = {GMT_DC, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus EN_MemoryStatus = {GMT_EN, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus FD_MemoryStatus = {GMT_FD, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus LD_MemoryStatus = {GMT_LD, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus MC_MemoryStatus = {GMT_MC, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus ON_MemoryStatus = {GMT_ON, 0, 0};
+  GSM_MemoryStatus RC_MemoryStatus = {GMT_RC, 0, 0};
+  GSM_SMSStatus SMSStatus = {0, 0};
+  char Number[20];
+       /* evaluate for presence of "-noloop" argument in parameter */
+       if(argc>0)
+       {
+               if( strcmp(argv[0],"-noloop" ) && strcmp(argv[0],"-nl" ))
+               {
+                       usage();
+                       return -1;
+               }
+               else
+                       loop=0;
+       }
+  /* We do not want to monitor serial line forever - press Ctrl+C to stop the
+     monitoring mode. */
+  signal(SIGINT, interrupted);
+  fprintf (stderr, _("Entering monitor mode...\n"));
+  fprintf (stderr, _("Initialising GSM interface...\n"));
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  sleep(1);
+  GSM->EnableCellBroadcast();
+  /* Loop here indefinitely - allows you to see messages from GSM code in
+     response to unknown messages etc. The loops ends after pressing the
+     Ctrl+C. */
+  while (!bshutdown) {
+    if (GSM->GetRFLevel(&rf_units, &rflevel) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("RFLevel: %d\n"), (int)rflevel);
+    if (GSM->GetBatteryLevel(&batt_units, &batterylevel) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Battery: %d\n"), (int)batterylevel);
+    if (GSM->GetPowerSource(&powersource) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Power Source: %s\n"), (powersource==GPS_ACDC)?_("AC/DC"):_("battery"));
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&SIMMemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SIM: Used %d, Free %d\n"), SIMMemoryStatus.Used, SIMMemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&PhoneMemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Phone: Used %d, Free %d\n"), PhoneMemoryStatus.Used, PhoneMemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&DC_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("DC: Used %d, Free %d\n"), DC_MemoryStatus.Used, DC_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&EN_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("EN: Used %d, Free %d\n"), EN_MemoryStatus.Used, EN_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&FD_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("FD: Used %d, Free %d\n"), FD_MemoryStatus.Used, FD_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&LD_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("LD: Used %d, Free %d\n"), LD_MemoryStatus.Used, LD_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&MC_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("MC: Used %d, Free %d\n"), MC_MemoryStatus.Used, MC_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&ON_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("ON: Used %d, Free %d\n"), ON_MemoryStatus.Used, ON_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus(&RC_MemoryStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("RC: Used %d, Free %d\n"), RC_MemoryStatus.Used, RC_MemoryStatus.Free);
+    if (GSM->GetSMSStatus(&SMSStatus) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("SMS Messages: UnRead %d, Number %d\n"), SMSStatus.UnRead, SMSStatus.Number);
+    if (GSM->GetIncomingCallNr(Number) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Incoming call: %s\n"), Number);
+    if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Network: %s (%s), LAC: %s, CellID: %s\n"), GSM_GetNetworkName (NetworkInfo.NetworkCode), GSM_GetCountryName(NetworkInfo.NetworkCode), NetworkInfo.LAC, NetworkInfo.CellID);
+    if (GSM->ReadCellBroadcast(&CBMessage) == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Cell broadcast received on channel %d: %s\n"), CBMessage.Channel, CBMessage.Message);
+    if( !loop ) break;
+    sleep(1);
+  }
+  if( loop ) fprintf (stderr, _("Leaving monitor mode...\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Shows texts from phone's display */
+int displayoutput()
+  GSM_Error error;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->EnableDisplayOutput();
+  if (error == GE_NONE)
+  {
+    /* We do not want to see texts forever - press Ctrl+C to stop. */
+    signal(SIGINT, interrupted);    
+    fprintf (stderr, _("Entering display monitoring mode...\n"));
+    /* Loop here indefinitely - allows you to read texts from phone's
+       display. The loops ends after pressing the Ctrl+C. */
+    while (!bshutdown)
+      sleep(1);
+    fprintf (stderr, _("Leaving display monitor mode...\n"));
+    error=GSM->DisableDisplayOutput();
+    if (error!=GE_NONE)
+      fprintf (stderr, _("Error!\n"));
+  } else
+      fprintf (stderr, _("Error!\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Displays names of available ringtones */
+int allringtones()
+  char model[64], rev[64];
+  int i;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  while (GSM->GetRevision(rev) != GE_NONE)
+    sleep(1);
+  while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+    sleep(1);
+  strncpy(rev,rev+2,5);
+  rev[5]=0;
+  PrepareRingingTones(model,rev);
+  for (i=1;i<=NumberOfRingtones();i++)
+  {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%i. %s\n"),i,RingingToneName(0,i));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Reads profile from phone and displays its' settings */
+int getprofile(int argc, char *argv[])
+  int max_profiles;
+  int start, stop, i;
+  GSM_Profile profile;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / FB61_MAX* */
+  char model[64], rev[64];
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  profile.Number = 0;
+  error=GSM->GetProfile(&profile);
+  if (error == GE_NONE)
+  {
+    while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+    while (GSM->GetRevision(rev) != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+    strncpy(rev,rev+2,5);
+    rev[5]=0;
+    PrepareRingingTones(model,rev);
+    switch(GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)) {
+      case F_PROF33:max_profiles=6;break;
+      case F_PROF51:max_profiles=3;break;
+      default      :max_profiles=7;break;
+    }
+    if (argc>0)
+    {
+      profile.Number=atoi(argv[0])-1;
+      start=profile.Number;
+      stop=start+1;
+      if (profile.Number < 0)
+      {
+         fprintf(stderr, _("Profile number must be value from 1 to %d!\n"), max_profiles);
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+      }
+      if (profile.Number >= max_profiles)
+      {
+         fprintf(stderr, _("This phone supports only %d profiles!\n"), max_profiles);
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+      }
+    } else {
+      start=0;
+      stop=max_profiles;
+    }
+    i=start;
+    while (i<stop)
+    {
+      profile.Number=i;
+      if (profile.Number!=0) GSM->GetProfile(&profile);
+      printf("%d. \"%s\"", (profile.Number+1), profile.Name);
+      if (profile.DefaultName==-1) printf(" (name defined)");
+      printf("\n");
+#ifdef DEBUG
+      printf("Incoming call alert: %d\n", profile.CallAlert);
+      printf("Ringtone ID: %d\n", profile.Ringtone);
+      printf("Ringing volume: %d\n", profile.Volume);
+      printf("Message alert tone: %d\n", profile.MessageTone);
+      printf("Keypad tones: %d\n", profile.KeypadTone);
+      printf("Warning and game tones: %d\n", profile.WarningTone);
+      printf("Lights: %d\n", profile.Lights);
+      printf("Vibration: %d\n", profile.Vibration);
+      printf("Caller groups: 0x%02x\n", profile.CallerGroups);
+      printf("Automatic answer: %d\n", profile.AutomaticAnswer);
+      printf("Screen saver: %d\n", profile.ScreenSaver);
+      printf("\n");
+      printf("Incoming call alert: %s\n", GetProfileCallAlertString(profile.CallAlert));
+      /* For different phones different ringtones names */
+      if (strcmp(RingingToneName(profile.Ringtone,0),""))
+        printf(_("Ringing tone: %s (number %d in phone menu)\n"), 
+          RingingToneName(profile.Ringtone,0), RingingToneMenu(profile.Ringtone));
+      else
+        printf(_("Ringtone number: %d\n"), profile.Ringtone);
+      printf(_("Ringing volume: %s\n"), GetProfileVolumeString(profile.Volume));
+      printf(_("Message alert tone: %s\n"), GetProfileMessageToneString(profile.MessageTone));
+      printf(_("Keypad tones: %s\n"), GetProfileKeypadToneString(profile.KeypadTone));
+      printf(_("Warning and game tones: %s\n"), GetProfileWarningToneString(profile.WarningTone));
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_SCREENSAVER)!=0)
+        printf(_("Screen saver: %s\n"), GetProfileOnOffString(profile.ScreenSaver));
+      printf(_("Vibration: %s\n"), GetProfileVibrationString(profile.Vibration));
+      /* It has been nice to add here reading caller group name. ;^) */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALENDAR)==F_CAL71) 
+        printf(_("Caller groups: %s\n"), 
+                              GetProfileCallerGroups(profile.CallerGroups) );
+      /* FIXME: need make investigation for 3310 for these features. For now unknown */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)!=F_PROF33) {
+        /* FIXME: Light settings is only used for Car */
+        if (profile.Number==(max_profiles-2)) printf(_("Lights: %s\n"), profile.Lights ? _("On") : _("Automatic"));
+        /* FIXME: Automatic answer is only used for Car and Headset. */
+        if (profile.Number>=(max_profiles-2)) printf(_("Automatic answer: %s\n"), GetProfileOnOffString(profile.AutomaticAnswer));
+      }
+      printf("\n");
+      i++;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (error == GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
+       fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented in %s model!\n"), model);
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return -1;
+    } else
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Unspecified error\n"));
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Sets profile feature */
+int setprofile(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / FB61_MAX* */
+  char model[64], rev[64];
+  int max_profiles;
+  GSM_Profile profile;
+  GSM_Profile profile2, profile3;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  bool correct_arg1;
+  bool correct_arg2;
+/* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  profile.Number = 0;
+  error = GSM->GetProfile(&profile);
+  if (error == GE_NONE)
+  {
+    while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+    while (GSM->GetRevision(rev) != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+    strncpy(rev,rev+2,5);
+    rev[5]=0;
+    PrepareRingingTones(model,rev);
+    switch(GetModelFeature (FN_PROFILES)) {
+      case F_PROF33:max_profiles=6;break;
+      case F_PROF51:max_profiles=3;break;
+      default      :max_profiles=7;break;
+    }
+    profile.Number=atoi (argv[0]);
+    profile.Number=profile.Number-1;
+    if (profile.Number < 0)
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Profile number must be value from 1 to %i!\n"), max_profiles);
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (profile.Number >= max_profiles)
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("This phone supports only %i profiles!\n"), max_profiles);
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+    if (profile.Number!=0) GSM->GetProfile(&profile);
+    correct_arg1=false;
+    correct_arg2=false;
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "callalert")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "ringing")==0) {profile.CallAlert=PROFILE_CALLALERT_RINGING;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "ascending")==0) {profile.CallAlert=PROFILE_CALLALERT_ASCENDING;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "ringonce")==0) {profile.CallAlert=PROFILE_CALLALERT_RINGONCE;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "beeponce")==0) {profile.CallAlert=PROFILE_CALLALERT_BEEPONCE;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "groups")==0)
+       {
+        correct_arg2=true;
+        /*Ignored by N5110*/
+        /*FIX ME: it's ignored by N5130 and 3210 too*/
+        if (max_profiles==3) fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: value \"groups\" for profile feature \"callalert\" will be ignored in this phone model !\n"));
+       }
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0) {profile.CallAlert=PROFILE_CALLALERT_OFF;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"callalert\" are ringing|ascending|ringonce|beeponce|groups|off|0 !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "volume")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0) {profile.Volume=PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL1;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "2")==0) {profile.Volume=PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL2;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "3")==0) {profile.Volume=PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL3;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "4")==0) {profile.Volume=PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL4;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "5")==0) {profile.Volume=PROFILE_VOLUME_LEVEL5;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"volume\" are 0|1|2|3|4|5 !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "keypad")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "keypadtone")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.KeypadTone=PROFILE_KEYPAD_OFF;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0) {profile.KeypadTone=PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL1;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "2")==0) {profile.KeypadTone=PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL2;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "3")==0) {profile.KeypadTone=PROFILE_KEYPAD_LEVEL3;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"keypad|keypadtone\" are off|0|1|2|3 !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "messagetone")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "smstone")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "sms")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "message")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.MessageTone=PROFILE_MESSAGE_NOTONE;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "standard")==0) {profile.MessageTone=PROFILE_MESSAGE_STANDARD;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "special")==0) {profile.MessageTone=PROFILE_MESSAGE_SPECIAL;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "beeponce")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "once")==0) {profile.MessageTone=PROFILE_MESSAGE_BEEPONCE;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "ascending")==0) {profile.MessageTone=PROFILE_MESSAGE_ASCENDING;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"messagetone|smstone|message|sms\" are 0|off|standard|special|beeponce|once|ascending !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "warningtone")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "warning")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.WarningTone=PROFILE_WARNING_OFF;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "on")==0) {profile.WarningTone=PROFILE_WARNING_ON;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"warningtone|warning\" are 0|off|1|on !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "vibra")==0 || strcmp(argv[1], "vibration")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.Vibration=PROFILE_VIBRATION_OFF;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "on")==0) {profile.Vibration=PROFILE_VIBRATION_ON;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"vibration|vibra\" are 0|off|1|on !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+        }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "lights")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.Lights=-1;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "on")==0) {profile.Lights=0;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"lights\" are 0|off|1|on !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+       }
+       if (profile.Number!=(max_profiles-2))
+       {
+         profile2.Number=max_profiles-2;
+        if (GSM->GetProfile(&profile2)==GE_NONE)
+        {
+           fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: \"Lights\" feature is ignored in this profile (only setting it for \"%s\" profile get some results) !\n"), profile2.Name);
+        }
+       }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "answer")==0)
+    {
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "0")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "off")==0) {profile.AutomaticAnswer=-1;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (strcmp(argv[2], "1")==0 || strcmp(argv[2], "on")==0) {profile.AutomaticAnswer=0;correct_arg2=true;}
+       if (!correct_arg2)
+       {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Correct parameters for profile feature \"answer\" are 0|off|1|on !\n"));
+         GSM->Terminate();
+         return -1;
+       }
+       if (profile.Number<(max_profiles-2))
+       {
+         profile2.Number=max_profiles-2;
+        if (GSM->GetProfile(&profile2)==GE_NONE)
+        {
+          profile3.Number=max_profiles-1;
+          if (GSM->GetProfile(&profile3)==GE_NONE)
+          {
+             fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: \"Automatic Answer\" feature is ignored in this profile (only setting it for \"%s\" and \"%s\" profiles get some results) !\n"), profile2.Name, profile3.Name);
+          }
+        }
+       }
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "name")==0)
+    {
+       strcpy(profile.Name,argv[2]);
+       /*Ignored by N5110*/
+       /*FIX ME: it's ignored by N5130 and 3210 too*/
+       if (max_profiles==3) fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: this phone model doesn't allow to change profile name !\n"));
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "ringtone")==0)
+    {
+      profile.Ringtone=atoi(argv[2]);
+      if (profile.Ringtone<1)
+      {
+        /*With value 0 results are interesting in N5110, but can't be used for anything*/
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Ringtone number must be higher than 0 !\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();
+        return -1; 
+      } else
+      {
+        if (profile.Ringtone>NumberOfRingtones())
+       {
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Ringtone number too high (max %i) !\n"),NumberOfRingtones());
+          GSM->Terminate();
+          return -1;
+        }  
+       profile.Ringtone=RingingToneCode(profile.Ringtone);
+       if (profile.Ringtone==0)
+       {
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Warning: we don't know ringtones codes for this model ! Can you contact with gnokii authors to add it into source ?\n"));
+          GSM->Terminate();
+          return -1;
+       }
+       if (max_profiles==3) fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: ringtone is changed for all profiles. You must reset phone or select profile in phone againg to see result.\n"));
+      }
+      correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (strcmp(argv[1], "groups")==0)
+    {
+       /*Ignored by N5110*/
+       /*FIX ME: it's ignored by N5130 and 3210 too*/
+       if (max_profiles==3) fprintf(stdout, _("Warning: this phone model doesn't allow to change caller group name !\n"));
+       profile.CallerGroups=atoi(argv[2]);
+       correct_arg1=true;
+    }
+    if (!correct_arg1)
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Correct profile feature names are callalert|volume|keypad|keypadtone|messagetone|smstone|message|sms|warningtone|warning|vibra|vibration|lights|answer|name|groups !\n"));
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+    GSM->SetProfile(&profile);
+  } else {
+    if (error == GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED) {
+       fprintf(stderr, _("Function not implemented in %s model!\n"), model);
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return -1;
+    } else
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Unspecified error\n"));
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Get requested range of memory storage entries and output to stdout in
+   easy-to-parse format */
+int getmemory(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry entry;
+  int count;
+  register int i;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  char memory_type_string[20];
+  int start_entry;
+  int end_entry;
+  int i_used = 0, n_used=0;
+  int do_all;
+  char *output_opt = NULL;
+  bool wasdate=false;
+  char az_group_name[5][MAX_BITMAP_TEXT_LENGTH];
+  bool formatdone=false;
+  char buf[64];
+  /* group names init */
+  for(i=0;i<5;i++) az_group_name[i][0]='\0';
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (!GetMemoryTypeID(argv[0], &entry.MemoryType))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[0]);
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  GetMemoryTypeString(memory_type_string, &entry.MemoryType);
+  if (argv[argc-1][0] == '-')
+    output_opt = argv[--argc];
+  /* Do generic initialisation routine */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  while ((error = GSM->GetModel(buf)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 15)
+    sleep(1);
+  if (argc > 1) {
+    do_all = 0;
+    start_entry = atoi (argv[1]);
+    end_entry = argc > 2 ? atoi( argv[2]) : start_entry;
+  } else {
+    GSM_MemoryStatus stats = {entry.MemoryType, 0, 0};
+    do_all = 1;
+    start_entry = 1;
+    if (GSM->GetMemoryStatus( &stats) != GE_NONE) {
+      fprintf( stderr, _("Error reading memory status.\n"));
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    }
+    n_used = stats.Used;
+    end_entry = stats.Used + stats.Free;
+  }
+  /* Now retrieve the requested entries. */
+  for (count = start_entry;
+       count <= end_entry && (!do_all || i_used < n_used);
+       count++) {
+    entry.Location=count;
+    error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&entry);
+    switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      if (entry.SubEntriesCount || strcmp( entry.Number, ""))
+       i_used++;
+      else if (do_all)
+       break;
+      if (output_opt && !strcmp( output_opt,"-v30")) {
+       semicolon_pipe_substitution( &entry, 0 );
+        fprintf(stdout,_("%s"),GSM_GetVCARD(&entry,30));
+       formatdone=true;
+      } 
+      if (output_opt && !strcmp(output_opt,"-v21")) {
+       semicolon_pipe_substitution( &entry, 0 );
+        fprintf(stdout,_("%s"),GSM_GetVCARD(&entry,21));
+       formatdone=true;
+      } 
+      if (output_opt && !strcmp(output_opt,"-v")) {
+       semicolon_pipe_substitution( &entry, 0 );
+        fprintf(stdout,_("%s"),GSM_GetVCARD(&entry,10));
+       formatdone=true;
+      } 
+      if (output_opt && !strcmp(output_opt,"-short")) {
+        semicolon_pipe_substitution( &entry, 0 );
+        fprintf(stdout, "%s;%s;%s;%d;%d;", entry.Name, entry.Number, memory_type_string, entry.Location, entry.Group);
+        for( i = 0; i <  entry.SubEntriesCount; i++ )
+        {
+          if( entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType == GSM_Date )
+            fprintf(stdout,_("%u;%u;%u;%02u.%02u.%04u;%02u:%02u:%02u;"),
+                entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].NumberType,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].BlockNumber,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Day,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Month,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Year,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Hour,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Minute,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Second );
+          else
+            fprintf(stdout,_("%u;%u;%u;%s;"),
+                entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].NumberType,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].BlockNumber,
+                entry.SubEntries[i].data.Number );
+        }
+        fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+       formatdone=true;
+      }
+      if (!formatdone) {
+         char z_gtype[12];
+          wasdate=false;
+          fprintf(stdout, "Memory %s, location %d\n",memory_type_string, entry.Location);
+         // check if some info in subentries 
+          for( i = 0; i <  entry.SubEntriesCount; i++ )
+                 if( entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType != GSM_Date &&
+                         strcmp(entry.SubEntries[i].data.Number,"") )
+                     break;
+          if (strcmp(entry.Number,"") || i <  entry.SubEntriesCount) {
+           if (strcmp(entry.Name,"")) fprintf(stdout,_("   Name: %s\n"),entry.Name);
+           if (strcmp(entry.Number,"")) fprintf(stdout,_("   Number: %s\n"),entry.Number);
+           bitmap.type=GSM_CallerLogo;
+            bitmap.number=entry.Group;
+            strcpy(z_gtype,"unknown");
+           if (entry.Group==5) strcpy(z_gtype,"No group");
+           if (entry.Group<5 && entry.Group>=0) {
+              if (!strcmp(az_group_name[entry.Group],"")) {
+               if (GetModelFeature (FN_CALLERGROUPS)!=0) {
+                  if (GSM->GetBitmap(&bitmap)==GE_NONE)
+                    strcpy( az_group_name[entry.Group], bitmap.text );
+               }
+               if ((!strcmp(az_group_name[entry.Group],""))) {
+                 switch(entry.Group) {
+                   case 0:strcpy(az_group_name[entry.Group],"Family");break;
+                   case 1:strcpy(az_group_name[entry.Group],"VIP");break;
+                   case 2:strcpy(az_group_name[entry.Group],"Friends");break;
+                   case 3:strcpy(az_group_name[entry.Group],"Colleagues");break;
+                   case 4:strcpy(az_group_name[entry.Group],"Other");break;
+                   default:break;
+                 }
+               }
+             }
+             strcpy(z_gtype,az_group_name[entry.Group]);
+            }
+           fprintf(stdout,_("   Group: %d (%s)\n"),entry.Group+1,z_gtype);
+            for( i = 0; i <  entry.SubEntriesCount; i++ )
+            {
+              if( entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType == GSM_Date ) {
+                 fprintf(stdout, "   Date and time: %s %02u.%02u.%04u %02u:%02u:%02u\n", 
+                   DayOfWeek(entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Year,
+                       entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Month,
+                       entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Day),
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Day,
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Month,
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Year,
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Hour,
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Minute,
+                   entry.SubEntries[i].data.Date.Second);
+                wasdate=true;
+             } else {
+                if( strcmp(entry.SubEntries[i].data.Number,"") ) {
+                   char z_etype[19];
+                   switch( entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType ) {
+                     case GSM_Number:
+                       switch( entry.SubEntries[i].NumberType ) {
+                         case GSM_General: strcpy(z_etype,"General "); break;
+                         case GSM_Home: strcpy(z_etype,"Home "); break;
+                         case GSM_Mobile: strcpy(z_etype,"Mobile "); break;
+                         case GSM_Work: strcpy(z_etype,"Work "); break;
+                         case GSM_Fax: strcpy(z_etype,"Fax "); break;
+                         default: strcpy(z_etype,""); break;
+                       }
+                       strcat(z_etype,"Number"); break;
+                     case GSM_Note:
+                       strcpy(z_etype,"Note"); break;
+                     case GSM_Postal:
+                       strcpy(z_etype,"Postal"); break;
+                     case GSM_Email:
+                       strcpy(z_etype,"E-Mail"); break;
+                     default:
+                       strcpy(z_etype,"unknown data"); break;
+                   }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                   fprintf(stdout,_("   ---> Subentry: %u\n"),i+1);
+                   fprintf(stdout,_("   Entry type: %u (%s)\n"),entry.SubEntries[i].EntryType,z_etype);
+                   fprintf(stdout,_("   Number type: %u\n"),entry.SubEntries[i].NumberType);
+                   fprintf(stdout,_("   Block Number: %u\n"),entry.SubEntries[i].BlockNumber);
+                   fprintf(stdout,_("   %s: %s\n"),z_etype,entry.SubEntries[i].data.Number);
+                 }
+             }
+           }
+            if ((entry.MemoryType==GMT_DC ||
+                entry.MemoryType==GMT_RC ||
+                entry.MemoryType==GMT_MC) && !wasdate)
+             fprintf(stdout,_("   Date and time not available\n"));        
+         } else
+           fprintf(stdout,_("   Location empty\n"));
+      }
+      break;
+      fprintf( stderr, _("Function not implemented in %s model!\n"), model);
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+      fprintf( stderr, _("Memory type %s not supported!\n"),
+              memory_type_string);
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return -1;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("%s|%d|Bad location or other error!(%d)\n"),
+             memory_type_string, count, error);
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Read data from stdin, parse and write to phone.  The parsing is relatively
+   crude and doesn't allow for much variation from the stipulated format. */
+int writephonebook(int argc, char *args[])
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry entry;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  char *memory_type_string;
+  int line_count=0,current,i;
+  int subentry;
+  char *Line, OLine[1024], BackLine[1024];
+  char *ptr;
+  /* Check argument */
+  if (argc) {
+    if (strcmp("-i", args[0])) {
+      usage();
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Initialise fbus code */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  Line = OLine;
+  /* Go through data from stdin. */
+  while (GetLine(stdin, Line, sizeof(OLine))!=-1) {
+    current=0;BackLine[current++]=Line[0];
+    for (i=1;i<strlen(Line);i++) {
+      if (Line[i-1]==';' && Line[i]==';') BackLine[current++]=' ';
+      BackLine[current++]=Line[i];
+    }
+    BackLine[current++]=0;
+    strcpy(Line,BackLine);
+    line_count++;
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+    ptr=strtok(Line, ";"); if (ptr) strcpy(entry.Name, ptr);
+    entry.Number[0]=0;
+    ptr=strtok(NULL, ";"); if (ptr && ptr[0]!=' ') strcpy(entry.Number, ptr);
+    ptr=strtok(NULL, ";");
+    ptr=strsep(&Line, ";"); if (ptr) strcpy(entry.Name, ptr);
+    entry.Number[0]=0;
+    ptr=strsep(&Line, ";"); if (ptr && ptr[0]!=' ') strcpy(entry.Number, ptr);
+    ptr=strsep(&Line, ";");
+    if (!ptr) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Format problem on line %d [%s] 1\n"), line_count, BackLine);
+      Line = OLine;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!strncmp(ptr,"ME", 2))
+    {
+      memory_type_string = "int";
+      entry.MemoryType = GMT_ME;
+    }
+    else if (!strncmp(ptr,"SM", 2))
+    {
+        memory_type_string = "sim";
+        entry.MemoryType = GMT_SM;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Format problem on line %d [%s] 2: %s\n"),
+        line_count, BackLine,ptr);
+      break;
+    }
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+    ptr=strtok(NULL, ";"); if (ptr) entry.Location=atoi(ptr);
+    ptr=strtok(NULL, ";"); if (ptr) entry.Group=atoi(ptr);
+    ptr=strsep(&Line, ";"); if (ptr) entry.Location=atoi(ptr);
+    ptr=strsep(&Line, ";"); if (ptr) entry.Group=atoi(ptr);
+    if (!ptr) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("Format problem on line %d [%s] 3\n"),
+        line_count, BackLine);
+      continue;
+    }
+    for( subentry = 0; ; subentry++ )
+    {
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+      ptr=strtok(NULL, ";");
+      ptr=strsep(&Line, ";");
+      if( ptr &&  *ptr != 0 )
+        entry.SubEntries[subentry].EntryType=atoi(ptr);
+      else
+        break;
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+      ptr=strtok(NULL, ";");
+      ptr=strsep(&Line, ";");
+      if(ptr)
+        entry.SubEntries[subentry].NumberType=atoi(ptr);
+      // Phone Numbers need to have a number type.
+      if(!ptr && entry.SubEntries[subentry].EntryType == GSM_Number)
+      {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Missing phone number type on line %d"
+          " entry %d [%s]\n"), line_count, subentry, BackLine);
+        subentry--;
+        break;
+      }
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+      ptr=strtok(NULL, ";");
+      ptr=strsep(&Line, ";");
+      if(ptr)
+        entry.SubEntries[subentry].BlockNumber=atoi(ptr);
+#if defined(__svr4__) || defined(__FreeBSD__)
+      ptr=strtok(NULL, ";");
+      ptr=strsep(&Line, ";");
+      // 0x13 Date Type; it is only for Dailed Numbers, etc.
+      // we don't store to this memories so it's an error to use it.
+      if(!ptr || entry.SubEntries[subentry].EntryType == GSM_Date) 
+      {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Is not a phone number on line %d entry %d [%s]\n"),
+          line_count, subentry, BackLine);
+        subentry--;
+        break;
+      }
+      else
+        strcpy( entry.SubEntries[subentry].data.Number, ptr );
+    }
+    entry.SubEntriesCount = subentry;
+    /* This is to send other exports (like from 6110) to 7110 */
+    if (!entry.SubEntriesCount) {
+       entry.SubEntriesCount = 1;
+       entry.SubEntries[subentry].EntryType   = GSM_Number;
+       entry.SubEntries[subentry].NumberType  = GSM_General;
+       entry.SubEntries[subentry].BlockNumber = 2;
+       strcpy(entry.SubEntries[subentry].data.Number, entry.Number);
+    }
+    Line = OLine;
+    if (argc) {
+      GSM_PhonebookEntry tmp_entry;
+      memcpy(&tmp_entry, &entry, sizeof(GSM_PhonebookEntry) );
+      error = GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&tmp_entry);
+      if (error == GE_NONE) {
+        if (!tmp_entry.Empty) {
+          int confirm = -1;
+          char ans[8];
+         FILE *input_flow; //for reading from console, even when input redir.
+         input_flow = fopen(DEV_CONSOLE, "r");
+         if (!input_flow) {
+               fprintf(stderr, _("Can't open \"%s\" for input !\n"),DEV_CONSOLE);
+               return(-1);
+         }
+          fprintf(stderr, _("Location busy. "));
+          while (confirm < 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, _("Overwrite? (yes/no) "));
+            GetLine(input_flow, ans, 7);
+            if (!strcmp(ans, "yes")) confirm = 1;
+            else if (!strcmp(ans, "no")) confirm = 0;
+          }
+          if (!confirm) continue;
+        }
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown error (%d)\n"), error);
+        GSM->Terminate();
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Do write and report success/failure. */
+    semicolon_pipe_substitution( &entry, 1 );
+    error = GSM->WritePhonebookLocation(&entry);
+    if (error == GE_NONE)
+      fprintf (stdout, _("Write Succeeded: memory type: %s, loc: %d, name: %s, number: %s\n"), memory_type_string, entry.Location, entry.Name, entry.Number);
+    else
+      fprintf (stdout, _("Write FAILED(%d): memory type: %s, loc: %d, name: %s, number: %s\n"), error, memory_type_string, entry.Location, entry.Name, entry.Number);
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Getting speed dials. */
+int getspeeddial(char *Number) {
+  GSM_SpeedDial entry;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry pbentry;
+  entry.Number = atoi(Number);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetSpeedDial(&entry)==GE_NONE) {
+        pbentry.Location=entry.Location;
+        if (pbentry.Location==0) pbentry.Location=entry.Number;
+        pbentry.MemoryType=entry.MemoryType;
+        error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&pbentry);
+        if (error == GE_NONE)
+        {
+          fprintf(stdout, _("SpeedDial nr. %d: %d:%d (%s)\n"), entry.Number, entry.MemoryType, entry.Location,pbentry.Name);
+        } else
+          fprintf(stdout, _("Error\n"));
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Error\n"));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Setting speed dials. */
+int setspeeddial(char *argv[]) {
+  GSM_SpeedDial entry;
+  char *memory_type_string;
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (strcmp(argv[1], "ME") == 0) {
+    entry.MemoryType = GMT_ME;
+    memory_type_string = "ME";
+  }
+  else if (strcmp(argv[1], "SM") == 0) {
+    entry.MemoryType = GMT_SM;
+    memory_type_string = "SM";
+  }
+  else {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[1]);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  entry.Number = atoi(argv[0]);
+  entry.Location = atoi(argv[2]);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->SetSpeedDial(&entry) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Succesfully written!\n"));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Getting the status of the display. */
+int getdisplaystatus()
+  int Status;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetDisplayStatus(&Status)==GE_NONE) {
+    printf(_("Call in progress: %s\n"), Status & (1<<DS_Call_In_Progress)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Unknown: %s\n"),          Status & (1<<DS_Unknown)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Unread SMS: %s\n"),       Status & (1<<DS_Unread_SMS)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Voice call: %s\n"),       Status & (1<<DS_Voice_Call)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Fax call active: %s\n"),  Status & (1<<DS_Fax_Call)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Data call active: %s\n"), Status & (1<<DS_Data_Call)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("Keyboard lock: %s\n"),    Status & (1<<DS_Keyboard_Lock)?_("on"):_("off"));
+    printf(_("SMS storage full: %s\n"), Status & (1<<DS_SMS_Storage_Full)?_("on"):_("off"));
+  } else {
+    printf(_("Error\n"));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int netmonitor(char *Mode)
+  unsigned char mode=atoi(Mode);
+  char Screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+  int i;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (!strcmp(Mode,"reset"))     mode=0xf0;
+  else if (!strcmp(Mode,"off"))  mode=0xf1;
+  else if (!strcmp(Mode,"field"))mode=0xf2;
+  else if (!strcmp(Mode,"devel"))mode=0xf3;
+  else if (!strcmp(Mode,"next")) mode=0x00;
+  /* We clear it */
+  for (i=0;i<NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH;i++) Screen[i]=0;
+  GSM->NetMonitor(mode, Screen);
+  if (Screen)
+    printf("%s\n", Screen);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int identify( void )
+  /* Hopefully is 64 larger as FB38_MAX* / FB61_MAX* */
+  char imei[64], model[64], rev[64], manufacturer[64];
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  while (GSM->GetIMEI(imei)    != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+  while (GSM->GetRevision(rev) != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+  while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE) sleep(1);
+  strcpy(manufacturer, "(unknown)");
+  GSM->GetManufacturer(manufacturer);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("IMEI:     %s\n"), imei);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Model:    %s %s (%s)\n"), manufacturer, GetModelName (model), model);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Revision: %s\n"), rev);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int senddtmf(char *String)
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->SendDTMF(String)!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Resets the phone */
+int reset(int argc, char *argv[])
+  unsigned char _type=0x03;
+  if (argc>0) {
+    _type=0x10;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"soft")) _type = 0x03;
+    /* Doesn't work with 5110 */
+    if (!strcmp(argv[0],"hard")) _type = 0x04;
+    if (_type==0x10) {
+      fprintf(stderr, _("What kind of reset do you want (second parameter can be \"soft\" or \"hard\") ?\n"));
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  GSM->Reset(_type);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* This is a "convenience" function to allow quick test of new API stuff which
+   doesn't warrant a "proper" command line function. */
+int foogle(char *argv[])
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  // Fill in what you would like to test here...
+  sleep(5);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int phonetests()
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->PhoneTests()!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stderr,_("Error\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* pmon allows fbus code to run in a passive state - it doesn't worry about
+   whether comms are established with the phone.  A debugging/development
+   tool. */
+int pmon()
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_ConnectionType connection=GCT_FBUS;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  error = GSM_Initialise(model, Port, Initlength, connection, RLP_DisplayF96Frame, SynchronizeTime);
+  if (error != GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("GSM/FBUS init failed! (Unknown model ?). Quitting.\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  while (1) {
+    usleep(50000);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int setringtone(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_BinRingtone binringtone,binringtone2;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int current=0; //number of packed notes or location
+  int i;
+  char model[64];
+  /* If not binary ringtone */
+  if (GSM_ReadBinRingtoneFile(argv[0],&binringtone2)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Not binary ringtone, trying RTTL\n"));
+    if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+    ringtone.location=1;
+    if (argc>1) ringtone.location=atoi(argv[1]);
+    ringtone.allnotesscale=false;
+    /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+    fbusinit(NULL);
+    while (GSM->GetModel(model)  != GE_NONE)
+      sleep(1);
+    /* For Nokia 6110/6130/6150/6210 we use different method of uploading.
+       Phone will display menu, when received it */
+    if ( !strcmp(model,"NSE-3") || !strcmp(model,"NSK-3") ||
+         !strcmp(model,"NSM-1") || !strcmp(model,"NPE-3") ) {
+      if (argc==1) ringtone.location=255;
+    }
+    error=GSM->SetRingtone(&ringtone,&current);
+    if (current!=ringtone.NrNotes) {
+      if (current>FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_NOTES) {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: due to phone limitation"));
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: ringtone was too long to be saved into frame,"));
+      }
+      fprintf(stderr, _(" only %i first notes were packed (%i cut)\n"),current,ringtone.NrNotes-current);
+    }
+    if (error==GE_NONE) 
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Set succeeded!\n"));
+    else
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Setting failed\n"));
+  } else { /* This IS binary ringtone */
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Binary ringtone format\n"));
+    if (argc==3) {
+      binringtone.frame[current++]=0x00;
+      binringtone.frame[current++]=0x00;
+      binringtone.frame[current++]=0x0c;
+      binringtone.frame[current++]=0x01;
+      binringtone.frame[current++]=0x2c;
+      //copy new name
+      memcpy(binringtone.frame+current,argv[2],strlen(argv[2]));
+      current=current+strlen(argv[2]);
+      /*don't use old*/
+      i=2;
+      while(binringtone2.frame[i]!=0x00) {
+        if (i==binringtone.length) break;
+        i++;
+      }
+      //copy binringtone
+      memcpy(binringtone.frame+current,binringtone2.frame+i,binringtone2.length-i);
+      binringtone.length=binringtone2.length-i+current;    
+    } else
+    {
+      memcpy(binringtone.frame+current,binringtone2.frame,binringtone2.length);
+      binringtone.length=binringtone2.length;
+    }
+    binringtone.location=1;
+    if (argc>1) binringtone.location=atoi(argv[1]);
+    /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+    fbusinit(NULL);
+    error=GSM->SetBinRingtone(&binringtone);
+    switch (error) {
+      case GE_NONE:
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Set succeeded!\n"));
+        break;
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Invalid location %i!\n"),binringtone.location);
+        break;
+      case GE_UNKNOWNMODEL:
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Mygnokii doesn't know format for this model!\n"));
+        break;
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Not implemented for this model!\n"));
+        break;
+      default:
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Not supported by this model!\n"));
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int ringtoneconvert(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],argv[1]))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Files can't have the same names !\n"));
+    return -1;  
+  }
+  if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  ringtone.allnotesscale=false;
+  GSM_SaveRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[1], &ringtone);
+  return 0;
+int playringtone(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_BinRingtone binringtone;
+  int i,j,z;
+  int Hz;
+  bool isok;
+//{ "c", "c#", "d", "d#", "e",  "f", "f#", "g", "g#", "a", "a#", "h" };
+  int binary_notes[12] =
+  { 0,    1,    2,   3,    4,   6,   7,    8,   9,    10,  11 ,   12};
+  if (GSM_ReadBinRingtoneFile(argv[0],&binringtone)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Not binary ringtone, trying RTTL\n"));
+    if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+    /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+    fbusinit(NULL);
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Playing \"%s\" (%i notes)\n"),,ringtone.NrNotes);
+    GSM_PlayRingtoneOnConsole(&ringtone);
+  } else {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Binary ringtone format\n"));  
+    /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+    fbusinit(NULL);
+    i=5;
+    while (true) { //skipping name
+      if (binringtone.frame[i]==0) break;
+      i++;
+    }
+    i=i+5;j=0;z=0;
+    while (true) {
+      if (binringtone.frame[i]!=j) {
+        if (j!=0) {
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Block in binary ringtone %i %i\n"),j,z);
+          isok=false;
+          if (j==64) {
+           j=255;//Pause
+            isok=true;
+         }
+         if (!isok && j>=114 && j<=125) {
+           j=14*3+binary_notes[j-114];
+           isok=true;
+         }
+         if (!isok && j>=126 && j<=137) {
+           j=14*1+binary_notes[j-126];
+           isok=true;
+         }
+         if (!isok && j>=138 && j<=149) {
+           j=14*2+binary_notes[j-138];
+           isok=true;
+          }
+         if (!isok && j>=150 && j<=161) {
+           j=14*4+binary_notes[j-150];
+           isok=true;
+         }
+         if (!isok) {
+//#ifdef DEBUG
+           fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown block in binary ringtone %i %i\n"),j,z);
+          } else {
+           Hz=GSM_GetFrequency(j);
+           if (GSM->PlayTone(Hz,5)!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stdout,_("error during playing\n"));
+           usleep(z*5000);
+         }
+        }
+        j=binringtone.frame[i];
+        z=binringtone.frame[i+1];
+      } else {
+        z=z+binringtone.frame[i+1];
+      }
+      i=i+2;
+      if (i>=binringtone.length) break;
+    }
+    GSM->PlayTone(0,0);
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int composer(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  int i;
+  bool unknown;
+  int oldnoteslen=4,nownoteslen,oldnoteslen2;
+  int oldnotesscale=1,nownotesscale;  
+  bool firstnote=true;
+  int DefNoteTempo=63;
+  if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  if (ringtone.NrNotes!=0)
+    DefNoteTempo=ringtone.notes[0].tempo;
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Ringtone \"%s\" (tempo = %i Beats Per Minute)\n\n"),,GSM_GetTempo(DefNoteTempo));
+  for (i=0;i<ringtone.NrNotes;i++) {    
+    if (DefNoteTempo!=ringtone.notes[i].tempo) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<ringtone.NrNotes;i++) {
+    if (firstnote) {
+      if (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)!=Note_Pause)
+        firstnote=false;
+    }
+    if (!firstnote) {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if ((ringtone.NrNotes-i)>50)
+    fprintf(stdout,_("WARNING: LENGTH=%i, BUT YOU WILL ENTER ONLY FIRST 50 TONES. TO ENTER FULL RINGTONE MUST SEND IT (--sendringtone) OR DOWNLOAD (--setringtone)\n\n"),ringtone.NrNotes-i);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("This ringtone in Nokia Composer in phone should look: "));  
+  firstnote=true;
+  for (i=0;i<ringtone.NrNotes;i++) {
+    if (firstnote) {
+      if (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)!=Note_Pause)
+        firstnote=false;
+    }
+    if (!firstnote) {
+      switch (ringtone.notes[i].duration) {
+        case 192:fprintf(stdout,_("1."));break; //192=128*1.5
+        case 128:fprintf(stdout,_("1"));break;
+        case 96 :fprintf(stdout,_("2."));break; //96=64*1.5
+        case 64 :fprintf(stdout,_("2"));break;
+        case 48 :fprintf(stdout,_("4."));break; //48=32*1.5
+        case 32 :fprintf(stdout,_("4"));break;
+        case 24 :fprintf(stdout,_("8."));break; //24=16*1.5
+        case 16 :fprintf(stdout,_("8"));break;
+        case 12 :fprintf(stdout,_("16."));break; //12=8*1.5
+        case 8  :fprintf(stdout,_("16"));break;
+        case 6  :fprintf(stdout,_("32."));break; //6=4*1.5
+        case 4  :fprintf(stdout,_("32"));break;
+      }
+    unknown=false;
+    /* What note here ? */
+    switch (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)) {
+      case Note_C  :fprintf(stdout,_("c"));break;
+      case Note_Cis:fprintf(stdout,_("#c"));break;
+      case Note_D  :fprintf(stdout,_("d"));break;
+      case Note_Dis:fprintf(stdout,_("#d"));break;
+      case Note_E  :fprintf(stdout,_("e"));break;
+      case Note_F  :fprintf(stdout,_("f"));break;
+      case Note_Fis:fprintf(stdout,_("#f"));break;
+      case Note_G  :fprintf(stdout,_("g"));break;
+      case Note_Gis:fprintf(stdout,_("#g"));break;
+      case Note_A  :fprintf(stdout,_("a"));break;
+      case Note_Ais:fprintf(stdout,_("#a"));break;
+      case Note_H  :fprintf(stdout,_("h"));break;
+      default      :fprintf(stdout,_("-"));unknown=true;break; //Pause ?
+    }
+    if (!unknown)
+      fprintf(stdout,_("%i"),ringtone.notes[i].note/14);
+    /* And separator before next note */
+    if (i!=ringtone.NrNotes-1)
+      fprintf(stdout,_(" "));
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout,_("\n\nTo enter it please press: "));  
+  firstnote=true;
+  for (i=0;i<ringtone.NrNotes;i++) {
+    if (firstnote) {
+      if (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)!=Note_Pause)
+        firstnote=false;
+    }
+    if (!firstnote) {
+    unknown=false;
+    /* What note here ? */
+    switch (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)) {
+      case Note_C  :fprintf(stdout,_("1"));break;
+      case Note_Cis:fprintf(stdout,_("1"));break;
+      case Note_D  :fprintf(stdout,_("2"));break;
+      case Note_Dis:fprintf(stdout,_("2"));break;
+      case Note_E  :fprintf(stdout,_("3"));break;
+      case Note_F  :fprintf(stdout,_("4"));break;
+      case Note_Fis:fprintf(stdout,_("4"));break;
+      case Note_G  :fprintf(stdout,_("5"));break;
+      case Note_Gis:fprintf(stdout,_("5"));break;
+      case Note_A  :fprintf(stdout,_("6"));break;
+      case Note_Ais:fprintf(stdout,_("6"));break;
+      case Note_H  :fprintf(stdout,_("7"));break;
+      default      :fprintf(stdout,_("0"));unknown=true;break;
+    }
+      switch (ringtone.notes[i].duration) {
+        case 192:fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //192=128*1.5
+        case 96 :fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //96=64*1.5
+        case 48 :fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //48=32*1.5
+        case 24 :fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //24=16*1.5
+        case 12 :fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //12=8*1.5
+        case 6  :fprintf(stdout,_("(longer)"));break; //6=4*1.5
+        default:break;
+      }
+    /* What note here ? */
+    switch (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)) {
+      case Note_Cis:fprintf(stdout,_("#"));break;
+      case Note_Dis:fprintf(stdout,_("#"));break;
+      case Note_Fis:fprintf(stdout,_("#"));break;
+      case Note_Gis:fprintf(stdout,_("#"));break;
+      case Note_Ais:fprintf(stdout,_("#"));break;
+      default      :break;
+    }
+    if (!unknown)
+    {
+      nownotesscale=ringtone.notes[i].note/14;
+      if (nownotesscale!=oldnotesscale) {
+        switch (nownotesscale) {
+         case 1:
+           switch (oldnotesscale) {
+             case 2:fprintf(stdout,_("**"));break;
+             case 3:fprintf(stdout,_("*"));break;
+           }
+           break;
+         case 2:
+           switch (oldnotesscale) {
+             case 1:fprintf(stdout,_("*"));break;
+             case 3:fprintf(stdout,_("**"));break;
+           }
+           break;
+         case 3:
+           switch (oldnotesscale) {
+             case 1:fprintf(stdout,_("**"));break;
+             case 2:fprintf(stdout,_("*"));break;
+           }
+           break;
+       }
+      }
+      oldnotesscale=nownotesscale;
+    }
+     nownoteslen=0;
+     oldnoteslen2=oldnoteslen;
+      switch (ringtone.notes[i].duration) {
+        case 192:nownoteslen=1;break; //192=128*1.5
+        case 128:nownoteslen=1;break;
+        case 96 :nownoteslen=2;break; //96=64*1.5
+        case 64 :nownoteslen=2;break;
+        case 48 :nownoteslen=4;break; //48=32*1.5
+        case 32 :nownoteslen=4;break;
+        case 24 :nownoteslen=8;break; //24=16*1.5
+        case 16 :nownoteslen=8;break;
+        case 12 :nownoteslen=16;break; //12=8*1.5
+        case 8  :nownoteslen=16;break;
+        case 6  :nownoteslen=32;break; //6=4*1.5
+        case 4  :nownoteslen=32;break;
+      }    
+      if (nownoteslen>oldnoteslen) {
+        while (oldnoteslen!=nownoteslen) {
+         fprintf(stdout,_("8"));
+         oldnoteslen=oldnoteslen*2;
+       }
+      }
+      if (nownoteslen<oldnoteslen) {
+        while (oldnoteslen!=nownoteslen) {
+         fprintf(stdout,_("9"));
+         oldnoteslen=oldnoteslen/2;
+       }
+      }      
+    if (GSM_GetNote(ringtone.notes[i].note)==Note_Pause)
+      oldnoteslen=oldnoteslen2;
+    /* And separator before next note */
+    if (i!=ringtone.NrNotes-1)
+      fprintf(stdout,_("  "));
+  }
+  }  
+  fprintf(stdout,_("\n"));
+  return 0;
+int sendringtone(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage SMS;
+  int current,i;
+  bool ProfileStyle=false; /* If we use profile style available in new Nokia models */
+  if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[1], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  ringtone.allnotesscale=false;
+  for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--profilestyle")) ProfileStyle=true;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--scale")) ringtone.allnotesscale=true;
+  }
+  current=GSM_SaveRingtoneToSMS(&SMS,&ringtone,ProfileStyle);
+  if (current!=ringtone.NrNotes) {
+    if (current>FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_NOTES) {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: due to phone limitation"));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: ringtone was too long to be saved into SMS,"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, _(" only %i first notes were packed (%i cut)\n"),current,ringtone.NrNotes-current);
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<SMS.number;i++) {
+    strcpy(SMS.SMS[i].Destination,argv[0]);
+  }
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&SMS, 2,argc,argv,false,true,true);
+  return 0;
+int saveringtone(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage SMS;
+  int current,i;
+  bool ProfileStyle=false; /* If we use profile style available in new Nokia models */
+  if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  ringtone.allnotesscale=false;
+  for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--profilestyle")) ProfileStyle=true;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--scale")) ringtone.allnotesscale=true;
+  }
+  current=GSM_SaveRingtoneToSMS(&SMS,&ringtone,ProfileStyle);
+  if (current!=ringtone.NrNotes) {
+    if (current>FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_NOTES) {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: due to phone limitation"));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: ringtone was too long to be saved into SMS,"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, _(" only %i first notes were packed (%i cut)\n"),current,ringtone.NrNotes-current);
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<SMS.number;i++) {
+    /* Only 11 chars could be here */
+    strncpy(SMS.SMS[i].Destination,,11);
+  }
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&SMS,1,argc,argv,false,false,true,true);
+  return 0;
+/* Converts logo files. */
+int bitmapconvert(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_NetworkInfo NetworkInfo;
+  bool doit;
+  int num;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],argv[1]))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Files can't have the same names !\n"));
+    return -1;  
+  }
+  if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[0], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  if (argc>2)
+  {
+    doit=false;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"op"))
+    {
+      doit=false;
+      if (argc<4) doit=true;
+      if (argc<4 && bitmap.type!=GSM_OperatorLogo) doit=true;
+      if (doit)
+      {
+        fbusinit(NULL);
+        if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+        GSM->Terminate();
+      }
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_OperatorLogo);
+      if (argc==4)
+      {
+        strncpy(bitmap.netcode,argv[3],7);
+       if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown"))
+       {
+         fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+         return -1;
+        }
+      }
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"7110op"))
+    {
+      doit=false;
+      if (argc<4) doit=true;
+      if (argc<4 && bitmap.type!=GSM_7110OperatorLogo) doit=true;
+      if (doit)
+      {
+        fbusinit(NULL);
+        if (GSM->GetNetworkInfo(&NetworkInfo) == GE_NONE) strncpy(bitmap.netcode,NetworkInfo.NetworkCode,7);
+        GSM->Terminate();
+      }
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_7110OperatorLogo);
+      if (argc==4)
+      {
+        strncpy(bitmap.netcode,argv[3],7);
+       if (!strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(bitmap.netcode),"unknown"))
+       {
+         fprintf(stderr,"Sorry, gnokii doesn't know \"%s\" network !\n",bitmap.netcode);
+         return -1;
+        }
+      }
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"caller"))
+    {
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_CallerLogo);
+      if (argc>3)
+      {
+        num=argv[3][0]-'0';
+        if ((num<0)||(num>9)) num=0;
+       bitmap.number=num;
+      } else
+      {
+        bitmap.number=0;
+      }
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"startup"))
+    {
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_StartupLogo);
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"7110startup"))
+    {
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_7110StartupLogo);
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"6210startup"))
+    {
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_6210StartupLogo);
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[2],"picture"))
+    {
+      GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+      doit=true;
+    }
+    if (!doit)
+    {
+      fprintf(stderr,"Unknown type of logo: %s !\n",argv[2]);
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (GSM_SaveBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[1], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  return 0;
+int getphoneprofile()
+  GSM_Error error;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  PPS.Name=PPS_ALS;
+  error=GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+    GSM->Terminate();    
+    return -1;
+  }
+  fprintf(stdout,_("ALS           : "));
+  if (PPS.bool_value) fprintf(stdout,_("on\n"));
+                 else fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));
+  PPS.Name=PPS_VibraMenu;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Vibra menu    : "));
+  if (PPS.bool_value) fprintf(stdout,_("on\n"));
+                 else fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));
+  PPS.Name=PPS_GamesMenu;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Games menu    : "));
+  if (PPS.bool_value) fprintf(stdout,_("on\n"));
+                 else fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));
+  PPS.Name=PPS_HRData;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("HR Data       : "));
+  if (PPS.bool_value) fprintf(stdout,_("on\n"));
+                 else fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));
+  PPS.Name=PPS_14400Data;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("14400 Data    : "));
+  if (PPS.bool_value) fprintf(stdout,_("on\n"));
+                 else fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));
+  PPS.Name=PPS_LCDContrast;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("LCD Contrast  : %i%%\n"),PPS.int_value);
+  PPS.Name=PPS_EFR;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("EFR           : "));
+  switch (PPS.int_value) {
+    case 0: fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));   break;
+    case 1: fprintf(stdout,_("last\n"));  break;
+    case 2: fprintf(stdout,_("second\n"));break;
+    case 3: fprintf(stdout,_("first\n")); break;
+  }
+  PPS.Name=PPS_FR;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("FR            : "));
+  switch (PPS.int_value) {
+    case 0: fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));   break;
+    case 1: fprintf(stdout,_("last\n"));  break;
+    case 2: fprintf(stdout,_("second\n"));break;
+    case 3: fprintf(stdout,_("first\n")); break;
+  }
+  PPS.Name=PPS_HR;
+  GSM->GetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  fprintf(stdout,_("HR            : "));
+  switch (PPS.int_value) {
+    case 0: fprintf(stdout,_("off\n"));   break;
+    case 1: fprintf(stdout,_("last\n"));  break;
+    case 2: fprintf(stdout,_("second\n"));break;
+    case 3: fprintf(stdout,_("first\n")); break;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int setphoneprofile(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Error error;
+  bool correct_arg1=false, correct_arg2=false;
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"ALS")) {
+    PPS.Name=PPS_ALS;
+    correct_arg1=true;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1],"1")) {
+      PPS.bool_value=true;
+      correct_arg2=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1],"0")) {
+      PPS.bool_value=false;
+      correct_arg2=true;
+    }
+    if (!correct_arg2) {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Settings for ALS parameter can be \"0\" or \"1\" !\n"));
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  if (!strcmp(argv[0],"HRData")) {
+    PPS.Name=PPS_HRData;
+    correct_arg1=true;
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1],"1")) {
+      PPS.bool_value=true;
+      correct_arg2=true;
+    }
+    if (!strcmp(argv[1],"0")) {
+      PPS.bool_value=false;
+      correct_arg2=true;
+    }
+    if (!correct_arg2) {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Settings for HRData parameter can be \"0\" or \"1\" !\n"));
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }  
+  if (!correct_arg1) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("First parameter can be \"ALS\" or \"HRData\" only !\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->SetProductProfileSetting(&PPS);
+  if (error!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+    GSM->Terminate();    
+    return -1;
+  }
+  GSM->Reset(0x03);
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int getoperatorname()
+  GSM_Network network;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetOperatorName(&network)==GE_NONE)
+  {
+    if (!strcmp(network.Name,"")) {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Phone doesn't have downloaded operator name\n"));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Phone has downloaded operator name (\"%s\") for \"%s\" (\"%s\") network\n"),
+              network.Name,network.Code,GSM_GetNetworkName(network.Code));
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int setoperatorname(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Network network;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (argc==2) {
+    strncpy(network.Code,argv[0],7);
+    strncpy(network.Name,argv[1],50);
+  } else {
+    strcpy(network.Code,"000 00\0");
+    strcpy(network.Name,"\0");
+  }
+  if (GSM->SetOperatorName(&network)==GE_NONE) {
+    if (GSM->GetOperatorName(&network)==GE_NONE) {
+      if (!strcmp(network.Name,"")) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Downloaded operator name is removed\n"));
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Downloaded operator name changed for \"%s\" network (\"%s\") to \"%s\"\n"),
+                network.Code,GSM_GetNetworkName(network.Code),network.Name);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int getvoicemailbox()
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry entry;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetVoiceMailbox(&entry)==GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Voice mailbox number is "));
+    if (!strcmp(entry.Number,""))
+      fprintf(stdout,_("not set\n"));
+    else
+      fprintf(stdout,_("\"%s\"\n"),entry.Number);
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+// flow diagram of netmonitordata():
+//             get command line argument
+//                     |                       
+//                     v       
+//             if specific phone model
+//                 use that model
+//             else
+//                 identify-phone:     (((((((( TO DO )))))))))))))
+//                     |
+//                     v
+//             get_mon_param_info()    get phone netmonitor parameters name
+//                                     specifically to a 'model'
+//                     |
+//                     v
+//             parse_check()           check command line arguments
+//                     |               if all OK, go on else stop.
+//                     |               because we can have a input file
+//                     v               containing multiple
+//             parse_process()         command lines, we process each at once
+//                                     so we can exit early on errors.
+// private functions, see netmonitordata()
+void free_nm_info(PARAM_INFO_MON *info)
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *tmp;    // pointer, iterator on info
+       // go to end of list
+       while (info->next != NULL)
+       {       tmp = info->next;
+               free(info->name);
+               free(info->mname);
+               free(info);
+               info = tmp;
+       }
+       free(info);
+// this func retrieve parameters info from a file
+// and load it in a dynamic array, NULL terminated,
+// if 2rd parameter is not NULL, it load also description of screen
+// return (PARAM_INFO_MON *start) if all is OK, else NULL
+// start->->next->next->next-> ...->next->NULL
+//   |      |     |     |           |
+//   V      V     V     V           V
+//        par0  par1  par2        parN
+// this should be de-allocated from calling function,
+// also, screen_name should be deallocated from calling function
+PARAM_INFO_MON *get_mon_param_info(char *f_name, char *screen_name[NM_MAX_SCREEN+1])
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *start;  // pointer to netmonitor parameters info
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *info;   // pointer, iterator on info
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *check;  // pointer, iterator on info, for check usage
+       FILE *f_info;
+       char buf[256];
+       char *param;
+       char *param_name;
+       char *tmp;
+       char tmp_mname[55];             // very larger, but if netmon bug ...
+       int x, y, len, s, t;            // x & y coord, len, screen nr, type
+       int i;
+       if (screen_name != NULL)
+               for (i = 0; i <= NM_MAX_SCREEN; i++)
+                       screen_name[i] = NULL;
+       if ((f_info = fopen(f_name, "r")) == NULL)
+       {       fprintf(stderr, "Can' t open file parameter info: <%s>\n", f_name);
+               return(NULL);
+       }
+       if ((start = malloc(sizeof(PARAM_INFO_MON))) == NULL)
+       {       fprintf(stderr, "no mem\n");
+               return(NULL);
+       }
+       else
+       {       start->next = NULL;
+       }
+       info = start;
+       while (fgets(buf, 256, f_info) != NULL)
+       {
+               param = buf;
+               // Truncate from '#' at right of comments
+               if ((tmp = strchr(param, '#')) != NULL)
+                       *tmp = '\0';
+               // Strip leading, trailing whitespace
+               while(isspace((int) *param))
+                       param++;
+               while((strlen(param) > 0) && isspace((int) param[strlen(param) - 1]))
+                       param[strlen(param) - 1] = '\0';
+               // Ignore blank lines
+               if ((*param == '\n') || (*param == '\0'))
+                       continue;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+               fprintf(stderr, "%s: info line: <%s>\n", f_name, param);
+               // check for param name
+               if ((param_name = strtok(param, "=\t\n")) == NULL)
+                       continue;
+               // check if screen name
+               if (strncmp("SCREEN", param_name, 6) == 0)
+               {       
+                       // if we do not want screen names ...
+                       if (screen_name == NULL)
+                               continue;
+// FIXME check for screen nr
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       i = atoi(tmp);
+// FIXME: check if already defined screen
+                       if ((i <= 0) || (i > NM_MAX_SCREEN))
+                               continue;
+                       // check for screen name
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       screen_name[i] = strdup(tmp);
+               }
+               else 
+               {
+                       // parameter
+// FIXME: check for NM_MAX_FIELDS
+                       // check for x coord
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       x = atoi(tmp);
+                       // check for y coord
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       y = atoi(tmp);
+                       // check for len
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       len = atoi(tmp);
+                       // check for screen
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) == NULL)
+                               continue;
+                       s = atoi(tmp);
+                       // check for netmon manual name
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) == NULL)
+                       {       fprintf(stderr,
+                                       "%s: PARAMETER <%s> in screen <%d>, not have netmon manual reference\n",
+                                       f_name, param_name, s);
+                               free_nm_info(start);
+                               return(NULL);
+                       }
+                       strcpy(tmp_mname, tmp);
+                       // check for data type (optional)
+                       if ((tmp = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n")) != NULL)      
+                               t = *tmp;
+                       else
+                               t = '\0';
+                       // check len, here, so we print parameter name
+                       if (len == 0)
+                       {       fprintf(stderr,
+                                       "%s: PARAMETER <%s> in screen <%d>, has invalid data lenght\n",
+                                       f_name, param_name, s);
+                               free_nm_info(start);
+                               return(NULL);
+                       }
+                       // check if already defined same param_name
+                       check = start;
+                       while (check->next != NULL)
+                       {       check = check->next;
+                               if (strcmp(param_name, check->name) == 0)
+                               {
+                                       fprintf(stderr,
+                                       "%s: PARAMETER <%s> in screen <%d> already defined as in screen <%d>\n",
+                                       f_name, param_name, s, check->s_nr);
+                                       free_nm_info(start);
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       // make space, and add parameter
+                       if ((info->next = malloc(sizeof(PARAM_INFO_MON))) != NULL)
+                       {
+                               info = info->next;
+                               info->name = strdup(param_name);
+                               info->x = x;
+                               info->y = y;
+                               info->len = len;
+                               info->s_nr = s;
+                               info->mname = strdup(tmp_mname);
+                               info->type = t;
+                               info->next = NULL;      // mark end
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               fprintf(stderr, "no mem");
+                               free_nm_info(start);
+                               return(NULL);
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       fclose(f_info);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       info = start;
+       while (info->next != NULL)
+       {
+               info = info->next;
+               fprintf(stderr, "info name %s\n", info->name);
+       }
+       return(start);
+// 2, parse the arguments and check command(s) line 
+// command line, phone spec input, and output are complex,
+// so we exit printing info about error instead of std help
+int parse_check(int argc, char *argv[], PARAM_INFO_MON *start, char *f_name, int line)
+       int ctr;
+       int i;
+       int time_spec;
+       int found_data;
+       char *p;
+       char *tmp;
+       char *o;
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *info;                   // iterator on this list
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+               fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = <%s>\n",i, argv[i]);
+       time_spec = 0;
+       ctr = 0; 
+       i = 0;
+       while (i < argc)
+       {
+               p = argv[i];
+               if (*p == '-')
+               {                       // should be one of the short option
+                       if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fs") == 0)
+                       {               // field separator, next arg should be a string
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (strlen(argv[i+1]) < 10))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                                       "-fs: Invalid field separator in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-fs: Invalid field separator\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ls") == 0) 
+                       {               // line separator, next arg should be a string
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (strlen(argv[i+1]) < 10))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                                       "-ls: Invalid line separator in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-ls: Invalid line separator\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tm") == 0) 
+                       {               // time separator, next arg should be a millisecond (200-10000)
+                               if (time_spec)
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                               "-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                               f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 200) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 10000))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       time_spec = 1;
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                       "-tm: Invalid argument (200-10000 milliseconds), in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-tm: Invalid argument (200-10000 milliseconds)\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ts") == 0) 
+                       {               // time separator, next arg should be a seconds (1-3600)
+                               if (time_spec)
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                               "-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive, in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 1) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 3600))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       time_spec = 1;
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                       "-ts: Invalid argument (1-3600 seconds) in <%s> at line %d\n",  
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-ts: Invalid argument (1-3600 seconds)\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) 
+                       {               // nr of data pump, before stop collection,
+                                       // next arg should be a int > 0
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 1) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 99999))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                               "-n: Invalid argument (1-99999 times) in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "-n: Invalid argument (1-99999 times)\n");
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) 
+                       {               // we do NOT want header (default with header)
+                                       // arg OK, do nothing
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0) 
+                       {               // we have used use specs from a file instead of standard info,
+                                       // next arg is an existing readable filename
+                                       // as already parsed correctly, we skip here.
+                               i++;
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0) 
+                       {               // we have used input from a file instead of command line
+                                       // next arg is an existing readable filename
+                                       // as already parsed correctly, we skip here.
+                               i++;
+                       }       
+                       else
+                       {       
+                               if (line)
+                                       fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option %s in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                               argv[i], f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option %s\n", argv[i]);
+                               return(-1);
+                       }
+               }
+               else
+               {                       // should be required data
+                       tmp = strdup(argv[i]);
+                       p = strtok(tmp, ":\t\n");
+                       while (p != NULL)
+                       {
+                               // check if there is an output format specification
+                               o = p;
+                               while (*o)
+                               {
+                                       o++;
+                                       if (*o == '-')
+                                       {       *o = '\0';
+                                               o++;
+                                               if (strlen(o) == 0)
+                                               {
+                                                       // we have 'minus', so, probably forget format ...
+                                                       if (line)
+                                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                        "Required data <%s->, without format specifiers in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                                       p, f_name, line);
+                                                       else
+                                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                        "Required data <%s->, without format specifiers\n", p);
+                                                       return(-1);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                                                               // we check for params
+                               found_data = 0;
+                               info = start;
+                               while (info->next != NULL)
+                               {       
+                                       info = info->next;
+                                       if (strcmp(p, info->name) == 0)
+                                       {
+                                               if (ctr > NM_MAX_FIELDS)
+                                               {
+                                                       if (line)
+                                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                                               "too much data field ... in file <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                                       f_name, line);
+                                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr, "too much data field ...\n");
+                                                       return (-1);
+                                               }
+                                               data[ctr] = info;
+                                               out_f[ctr] = *o;
+                                               found_data = 1;
+                                               ctr++;
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               if (found_data == 0)
+                               {
+                                       if (line)
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                       "Required data <%s>, not found in info-mon specifications in <%s> at line %d\n",
+                                                       p, f_name, line);
+                                       else
+                                               fprintf(stderr,
+                       "Required data <%s>, not found in info-mon specifications\n", p);
+                                       return(-1);
+                               }
+                               p = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n");
+                       } // end while strtok
+               } // end else '-' (short options)
+               i++;
+       } // end while
+       if (ctr == 0)
+       {
+               if (line)
+                       fprintf(stderr, "no required data! in <%s> at line %d\n", f_name, line);
+               else
+                       fprintf(stderr, "no required data!\n");
+               return(-1);
+       }
+       return 0;
+// 2, parse the arguments and process the command line
+// no checks are needed here, because already do in parse_check
+// it return a pointer to info needed for make output, or NULL if errors
+OUT_INFO_MON *parse_process(int argc, char *argv[], PARAM_INFO_MON *start)
+       int ctr;
+       int i;
+       int time_spec;
+       int found_data;
+       int req_tm;
+       int req_ts;
+       char *p;
+       char *tmp;
+       char *o;
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *info;                   // iterator on this list
+       OUT_INFO_MON *out_param;                // iterator on this list
+       if ((out_param = malloc(sizeof(OUT_INFO_MON))) == NULL)
+       {       fprintf(stderr, "no mem\n");
+               return(NULL);
+       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+       fprintf(stderr, "parse_process: argc = %d\n", argc);
+               for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
+                       fprintf(stderr, "argv[%d] = <%s>\n",i, argv[i]);
+       for (i = 0; i < NM_MAX_FIELDS; i++)
+               out_param->data[i] = NULL;
+       strcpy(out_param->req_fs, " ");
+#ifdef WIN32
+       strcpy(out_param->req_ls, "\n\r");
+       strcpy(out_param->req_ls, "\n");
+       time_spec = 0;
+       out_param->req_n = 0;
+       out_param->req_header = 1;
+       time_spec = 0;
+       req_tm = 200;                   /* default wait */
+       req_ts = 0;     
+       ctr = 0; 
+       i = 0;
+       while (i < argc)
+       {
+               p = argv[i];
+               if (*p == '-')
+               {                       // should be one of the short option
+                       if (strcmp(argv[i], "-fs") == 0)
+                       {               // field separator, next arg should be a string
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (strlen(argv[i+1]) < 10))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       strcpy(out_param->req_fs, argv[i]);
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-fs: Invalid field separator\n");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ls") == 0) 
+                       {               // line separator, next arg should be a string
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (strlen(argv[i+1]) < 10))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       strcpy(out_param->req_ls, argv[i]);
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-ls: Invalid line separator\n");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tm") == 0) 
+                       {               // time separator, next arg should be a millisecond (200-10000)
+                               if (time_spec)
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 200) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 10000))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       req_tm = atoi(argv[i]);
+                                       time_spec = 1;
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-tm: Invalid argument (200-10000 milliseconds)\n");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-ts") == 0) 
+                       {               // time separator, next arg should be a seconds (1-3600)
+                               if (time_spec)
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-tm, -ts, are mutually exclusive");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 1) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 3600))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       req_ts = atoi(argv[i]);
+                                       time_spec = 1;
+                                       // delete default
+                                       req_tm = 0;
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-ts: Invalid argument (1-3600 seconds)\n");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) 
+                       {               // nr of data pump, before stop collection,
+                                       // next arg should be a int > 0
+                               if (((i+1) < argc) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) >= 1) && (atoi(argv[i+1]) <= 99999))
+                               {       i++;
+                                       out_param->req_n = atoi(argv[i]);
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:-n: Invalid argument (1-99999 times)\n");
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-h") == 0) 
+                       {               // we do NOT want header (default with header)
+                               out_param->req_header = 0;
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0) 
+                       {               // we have used use specs from a file instead of standard info,
+                                       // next arg is an existing readable filename
+                                       // as already parsed correctly, we skip here.
+                               i++;
+                       }
+                       else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0) 
+                       {               // we have used input from a file instead of command line
+                                       // next arg is an existing readable filename
+                                       // as already parsed correctly, we skip here.
+                               i++;
+                       }       
+                       else
+                       {       
+                               fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:Unrecognized option %s\n", argv[i]);
+                               return(NULL);
+                       }
+               }
+               else
+               {                       // should be required data
+                       tmp = strdup(argv[i]);
+                       p = strtok(tmp, ":\t\n");
+                       while (p != NULL)
+                       {
+                               // check if there is an output format specification
+                               o = p;
+                               while (*o)
+                               {
+                                       o++;
+                                       if (*o == '-')
+                                       {       *o = '\0';
+                                               o++;
+                                               if (strlen(o) == 0)
+                                               {
+                                                       // we have 'minus', so, probably forget format ...
+                                                       fprintf(stderr,
+                                                        "NEVER BE:Required data <%s->, without format specifiers\n", p);
+                                                       return(NULL);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                                                       // we check for params
+                               found_data = 0;
+                               info = start;
+                               while (info->next != NULL)
+                               {       
+                                       info = info->next;
+                                       if (strcmp(p, info->name) == 0)
+                                       {
+                                               if (ctr > NM_MAX_FIELDS)
+                                               {
+                                                       fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:too much data field ...");
+                                                       return(NULL);
+                                               }
+                                               out_param->data[ctr] = info;
+                                               out_param->out_f[ctr] = *o;
+                                               found_data = 1;
+                                               ctr++;
+                                               break;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               if (found_data == 0)
+                               {
+                                       fprintf(stderr,
+                                               "NEVER BE:Required data <%s>, not found in info-mon specifications\n", p);
+                                       return(NULL);
+                               }
+                               p = strtok(NULL, ":\t\n");
+                       } // end while strtok
+                       // here, we have an array of pointers to required data
+                       // and an array of output specifiers, from 0 to [ctr-1]
+               } // end else '-' (short options)
+               i++;
+       } // end while
+       if (ctr == 0)
+       {
+               fprintf(stderr, "NEVER BE:no required data!\n");
+               return(NULL);
+       }
+       // now, what netmon screen we need to retrieve ?
+       // we need somewhat were checking is faster, as our goal is lower cicle time
+       // we can have NM_MAX_SCREEN=254 screens, so we use an array, of unsigned char,
+       // each char contain number of needed screen, 255 is list terminator
+       for (i = 0; i <= NM_MAX_SCREEN; i++)
+               out_param->req_screen[i] = 255;
+       ctr = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "Start Required data %s screen %d\n", out_param->data[ctr]->name, out_param->data[ctr]->s_nr);
+       while (out_param->data[ctr] != NULL)
+       {
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "Required data %s screen %d\n", out_param->data[ctr]->name, out_param->data[ctr]->s_nr);
+               // check if screen already in 
+               found_data = 0;
+               i = 0;
+               while (out_param->req_screen[i] != 255)
+               {
+                       if (out_param->req_screen[i] == out_param->data[ctr]->s_nr)
+                       {               // already load, skip
+                               found_data = 1;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       i++;
+               }
+               if (found_data == 0)
+               {       
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "i = %d, out_param->req_screen[%d] = %d\n", i, i, out_param->data[ctr]->s_nr);
+                       out_param->req_screen[i] = out_param->data[ctr]->s_nr;
+                       i++;
+               }
+               ctr++;
+       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+i = 0;
+while (out_param->req_screen[i] != 255)
+       fprintf(stderr, "Required screen %d\n", out_param->req_screen[i]);
+       i++;
+       if (req_tm)
+               out_param->req_wait = req_tm * 1000;
+       else if (req_ts)
+               out_param->req_wait = req_ts * 1000000;
+       else
+               out_param->req_wait = req_tm * 1000;
+       return(out_param);
+int nmd_output(OUT_INFO_MON *out_param)
+       int d;
+       int len;
+       int ctr;
+       int i;
+       int nr_line;
+       char *p;
+       int nr_chr;
+       int n;
+       char Screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+       time_t sec;
+       struct tm *date_time;
+       if (out_param->req_header)
+       {
+// print phone help header
+               d = 0;
+               while (out_param->data[d] != NULL)
+               {       len = out_param->data[d]->len;
+                       if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->name) > len)
+                               len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->name);
+                       if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname) > len)
+                               len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname);
+                       printf("%*.*s%s", len, len, out_param->data[d]->name, out_param->req_fs);
+                       d++;
+               }
+               printf("%s", out_param->req_ls);
+// print netmon manual header
+               d = 0;
+               while (out_param->data[d] != NULL)
+               {       len = out_param->data[d]->len;
+                       if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->name) > len)
+                               len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->name);
+                       if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname) > len)
+                               len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname);
+                       printf("%*.*s%s", len, len, out_param->data[d]->mname, out_param->req_fs);
+                       d++;
+               }
+               printf("%s", out_param->req_ls);
+               printf("%s", out_param->req_ls);
+       }
+       ctr = 0;
+       while (!bshutdown)
+       {
+// stop after n data punp
+               ctr++;
+               if ((out_param->req_n) && (ctr > out_param->req_n))
+                       break;
+//             datapump: for each screen, for each required data, load data info->value
+               i = 0;
+               while(out_param->req_screen[i] != 255)
+               {       
+                       if (out_param->req_screen[i] == 0)
+                       {       
+                               sec = time(0);
+                               date_time = localtime(&sec);
+                               sprintf(Screen, "%02d-%02d-%04d\n%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
+                                       date_time->tm_mday,
+                                       date_time->tm_mon+1,
+                                       date_time->tm_year+1900,
+                                       date_time->tm_hour,
+                                       date_time->tm_min,
+                                       date_time->tm_sec);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+                               fprintf(stderr, "%02d-%02d-%04d\n%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
+                                       date_time->tm_mday,
+                                       date_time->tm_mon+1,
+                                       date_time->tm_year+1900,
+                                       date_time->tm_hour,
+                                       date_time->tm_min,
+                                       date_time->tm_sec);
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               GSM->NetMonitor(out_param->req_screen[i], Screen);
+                       }
+// we have one screen of data, load those required
+                       d = 0;
+                       while (out_param->data[d] != NULL)
+                       {       
+                               if (out_param->data[d]->s_nr == out_param->req_screen[i])
+                               {
+                                       p = Screen;
+// goto req y          
+                                       nr_line = out_param->data[d]->y;
+                                       while ((*p) && (nr_line))
+                                       {       
+                                               if (*p == '\n')
+                                               {       nr_line--;
+                                               }
+                                               p++;
+                                       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "\nthis line: %s\n\n", p);
+// goto req x
+                                       nr_chr = out_param->data[d]->x;
+                                       while ((*p) && (nr_chr))
+                                       {       p++;
+                                               nr_chr--;
+                                       }
+// this the start of data
+                                       n = 0;
+                                       len = out_param->data[d]->len;
+                                       while ((*p) && (len))
+                                       {       out_param->data[d]->value[n] = *p;
+                                               p++;
+                                               n++;
+                                               len--;
+                                       }
+// pad with space if shorter than presumed
+                                       while ((*p) && (len))
+                                       {       out_param->data[d]->value[n] = ' ';
+                                               n++;
+                                               len--;
+                                       }
+                                       out_param->data[d]->value[n] = '\0';
+                               }
+                               d++;    // next screen
+                       }
+                       i++;            // next screen
+               }
+// print row of data
+               d = 0;
+               while (out_param->data[d] != NULL)
+               {       
+                       len = out_param->data[d]->len;
+                       if (out_param->req_header)
+                       {       if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->name) > len)
+                                       len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->name);
+                               if (strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname) > len)
+                                       len = strlen(out_param->data[d]->mname);
+                       }
+// FIXME check format
+                       printf("%*.*s%s", len, len, out_param->data[d]->value, out_param->req_fs);
+                       d++;
+               }
+               printf("%s", out_param->req_ls);
+               usleep(out_param->req_wait);
+       }
+       printf("%s%s", out_param->req_ls, out_param->req_ls);
+       return(0);
+// main func
+int netmonitordata(int argc, char *argv[])
+       char *loc_info = NULL;                  // path to --netmonitordata directory
+       char *f_name;                           // absolute path of phone info-file
+       int flag_phone_spec = 0;                // flags, set if used -S option
+       char model[20] = "phonepar";            // TO DO: PHONE AUTODETECTION
+//     char phver[20] = "";
+       PARAM_INFO_MON *start;                  // pointer to list of parsed phone params
+       OUT_INFO_MON *out_param;                // pointer to struct of output data
+       char *f_commands = NULL;                // file containings input line arguments
+       FILE *commands;                         // Handle for this file
+       char buf[1024];                         // buffer
+       char *f_argv[NM_MAX_FIELDS+30];         // space for parameters and cmdline options
+       int f_argc;
+       char *p, *tmp;                          // various counter, flags, tmp area ...
+       int i;
+       int line;
+       fbusinit(NULL);
+       signal(SIGINT, interrupted);
+// FIXME model, phone_version
+       // before parsing phone-info-file, we check for user specified phone-info-file
+       i = 0;
+       while (i < argc)
+       {
+               if (strcmp(argv[i], "-S") == 0)
+               {
+                       if ((i+1) < argc)
+                       {
+                               flag_phone_spec = 1;
+                               loc_info = strdup(argv[i+1]);
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {       fprintf(stderr, "option -S require an argument ...\n");
+                               return -1;
+                       }
+               }
+               i++;
+       }
+       if (loc_info != NULL)
+       {       f_name = strdup(loc_info);
+       }
+       else                            // we use standard file specification
+       {
+               if ((tmp = getenv("INFOMONPATH")) == NULL)
+               {       loc_info = strdup(".");
+               }
+               else
+               {       loc_info = strdup(tmp);
+               }
+               f_name = malloc(strlen(loc_info)+strlen(model)+10); 
+               sprintf(f_name, "%s/%s", loc_info, model);
+       }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+//     fprintf(stderr, "Loc_info <%s> model <%s> version <%s>\n", loc_info, model, phver);
+       fprintf(stderr, "Info file: <%s>\n", f_name);
+       if ((start = get_mon_param_info(f_name, NULL)) == NULL)
+               return(-1);             
+       // option -I give us the possibility of specify a filename,
+       // containing a "sequence" of command line args.
+       // if you specify this option, you can use (on command line) only -S option.
+       // other options may be specified inside the input-file.
+       // contents of this file as the same sintax as the command line,
+       // except it must not contain "--netmonitordata" or "-I" or "-S" options 
+        ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+       i = 0;
+       while (i < argc)
+       {
+               if (strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0)
+               {
+                       if ((i+1) < argc)
+                       {
+                               if ((argc == 2) || ((argc == 4) && flag_phone_spec == 1))
+                               {       f_commands = strdup(argv[i+1]);
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {       fprintf(stderr, "option -I accept only additional -S option.\n");
+                                       return -1;
+                               }
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {       fprintf(stderr, "option -I require an argument ...\n");
+                               return -1;
+                       }
+               }
+               i++;
+       }
+       // before all, we check all command line
+       if (f_commands != NULL)
+       {       
+#ifdef DEBUG
+               fprintf(stderr, "netmonitordata(check): commands from <%s>\n", f_commands);
+               // for each line
+               // do
+               //      read line, make array f_argv, and counter f_argc
+               //      parse & check args, so errors are checked before real processing
+               //                             (-I option here is ignored)
+               //                             (-S option can be here, and it is used)
+               // done
+               if ((commands = fopen(f_commands, "r")) == NULL)
+               {       fprintf(stderr, "Can' t open file commands input :<%s>n", f_commands);
+                       return(-1);
+               }
+// FIXME line may be be splitted
+               line = 0;
+               while (fgets(buf, 1024, commands) != NULL)
+               {       
+                       p = buf;
+                       line++;
+                       // Truncate from '#' at right of comments
+                       if ((tmp = strchr(p, '#')) != NULL)
+                               *tmp = '\0';
+                       // Strip leading, trailing whitespace
+                       while(isspace((int) *p))
+                               p++;
+                       while((strlen(p) > 0) && isspace((int) p[strlen(p) - 1]))
+                               p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
+                       // Ignore blank lines
+                       if ((*p == '\n') || (*p == '\0'))
+                               continue;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "netmonitordata(check): row <%s>\n", p);
+                       // make args
+                       f_argc = 0;
+                       p = strtok(p, " \t");
+                       do
+                       {       f_argv[f_argc++] = strdup(p);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+fprintf(stderr, "netmonitordata(check): token <%s>\n", p);
+                               p = strtok(NULL, " \t");                // OK p,  (NULL)
+                       }
+                       while ((p != NULL) && (*p));
+                       // here we have f_argc, f_argv, this line is OK
+                       if (parse_check(f_argc, f_argv, start, f_commands, line) != 0)
+                       {       free_nm_info(start);
+                               return(-1);
+                       }
+               }
+               fclose(commands);
+       }
+       else    // as above, but we have only command line, argv, argc.
+       {
+               if (parse_check(argc, argv, start, NULL, 0) != 0)
+               {       free_nm_info(start);
+                       return(-1);
+               }
+       }
+       // here, all commands line are checked, and are correct
+       if (f_commands != NULL)
+       {       
+#ifdef DEBUG
+               fprintf(stderr, "netmonitordata(process): commands from <%s>\n", f_commands);
+               // for each line
+               // do
+               //      read line, make array f_argv, and counter f_argc
+               //      parse_process argument,   (-I option here is ignored)
+               //                                (-S option can be here, and it is used)
+               //      (make header                    // these are in nmd_output();
+               //       loop
+               //              get net-mon-info 
+               //              make output
+               //       done)
+               // done
+               if ((commands = fopen(f_commands, "r")) == NULL)
+               {       fprintf(stderr, "Can' t open file commands input :<%s>n", f_commands);
+                       return(-1);
+               }
+// FIXME line may be be splitted
+               while (fgets(buf, 1024, commands) != NULL)
+               {       
+                       p = buf;
+                       // Truncate from '#' at right of comments
+                       if ((tmp = strchr(p, '#')) != NULL)
+                               *tmp = '\0';
+                       // Strip leading, trailing whitespace
+                       while(isspace((int) *p))
+                               p++;
+                       while((strlen(p) > 0) && isspace((int) p[strlen(p) - 1]))
+                               p[strlen(p) - 1] = '\0';
+                       // Ignore blank lines
+                       if ((*p == '\n') || (*p == '\0'))
+                               continue;
+                       // make args
+                       f_argc = 0;
+                       p = strtok(p, " \t");
+                       do
+                       {       f_argv[f_argc++] = strdup(p);
+                               p = strtok(NULL, " \t");                // OK p,  (NULL)
+                       }
+                       while ((p != NULL) && (*p));
+                       // here we have f_argc, f_argv, this line is OK
+                       if ((out_param = parse_process(f_argc, f_argv, start)) == NULL)
+                       {       free_nm_info(start);
+                               return(-1);     /* NEVER BE */
+                       }
+                       // here, command line has no error ...
+                       nmd_output(out_param);
+                       free(out_param);
+               }
+               fclose(commands);
+       }
+       else    // as above, but we have only command line, argv, argc.
+       {
+               if ((out_param = parse_process(argc, argv, start)) == NULL)
+               {       free_nm_info(start);
+                       return(-1);     /* NEVER BE */
+               }
+               nmd_output(out_param);
+               free(out_param);
+       }
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       free(loc_info);
+       free(f_name);
+/* I analised this source and this should be done. But when compile with VC6 */
+/* I have error. So, commented... MW */
+#ifndef VC6
+       free_nm_info(start);
+       return(0);
+// used by nm_collect()
+char *rowScreen(char *s)
+       char *p;
+       // make Screen in one row
+       p = s;
+       while(*p)
+       {
+           if (*p == '\n')
+                       *p = ' ';
+           p++;
+       }
+       return(s);
+void printtime(void)
+  struct mydate {
+    int Year;          /* The complete year specification - e.g. 1999. Y2K :-) */
+    int Month;         /* January = 1 */
+    int Day;
+    int Hour;
+    int Minute;
+    int Second;
+    int Timezone;      /* The difference between local time and GMT */
+  } Date;
+  struct tm *now;
+  time_t nowh;
+  nowh=time(NULL);
+  now=localtime(&nowh);
+  Date.Year = now->tm_year;
+  Date.Month = now->tm_mon+1;
+  Date.Day = now->tm_mday;
+  Date.Hour = now->tm_hour;
+  Date.Minute = now->tm_min;
+  Date.Second = now->tm_sec;
+  /* I have 100 (for 2000) Year now :-) */
+  if (Date.Year>99 && Date.Year<1900) {
+    Date.Year=Date.Year+1900;
+  }
+  printf("%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d      ",Date.Day,Date.Month,Date.Year,Date.Hour,Date.Minute,Date.Second);
+// like netmonitor(), but print in one row, 1, 2 or 3 screen, every ~0.3 s
+int nm_collect(int argc, char *argv[])
+       int mode[MAX_NM_COLLECT];
+       char Screen[NM_MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH];
+       int i;
+       for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+           argc > i ? (mode[i] = atoi(argv[i])): (mode[i] = 0);
+       }
+       for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+           if (mode[i]==0 && strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "Wrong %i parameter (not number and not -d)\n",i);
+               return(-1);
+           }
+       }
+       signal(SIGINT, interrupted);
+       fbusinit(NULL);
+       // end on CTRL-C
+       while (!bshutdown) 
+       {
+               for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+                 if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) {
+                    printtime();
+                    break;
+                 }
+               }
+               for (i=0;i<argc;i++) {
+                 if (mode[i]!=0)
+                 {
+                       GSM->NetMonitor(mode[i], Screen);
+                       printf("%s::", rowScreen(Screen));
+                 }
+               }
+               printf("\n\n");
+               usleep(150000);
+       }
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+int sniff(int argc, char *argv[])
+  /* base model comes from gnokiirc */
+  strcat(model,"sniff");
+  if (argc>0) strcpy(Port,argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Loop here indefinitely - allows you to see messages from GSM code in
+     response to unknown messages etc. The loops ends after pressing the
+     Ctrl+C. */
+  while (!bshutdown) {
+    sleep(1);
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int decodefile(int argc, char *argv[])
+ FILE *infile;
+ unsigned char in_buffer[255];
+ int nr_read = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+  /* base model comes from gnokiirc */
+  strcat(model,"decode");
+ /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+ fbusinit(NULL);
+ printf ("open InPutFile: %s\n", argv[0]);
+ if ( (infile = fopen( argv[0], "rb")) == NULL ) {
+   printf ("Failed to open InPutFile: %s\n", argv[0]);
+   exit (1); }
+ while ( (nr_read = fread(in_buffer, 1, 16, infile)) > 0 ) {
+  for (i=0; i < nr_read; i++)
+     Protocol->StateMachine(in_buffer[i]);
+  }
+   return 0;
+int getringtone(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_BinRingtone ringtone;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  GSM_Ringtone SMringtone;
+  ringtone.location=1;
+  if (argc>1) ringtone.location=atoi(argv[1]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM_GetPhoneRingtone(&ringtone,&SMringtone);
+  fprintf(stdout, _("Downloaded ringtone, location %i: "),ringtone.location);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("get succeeded!\n"));
+      /* In 33.. we have normal "Smart Messaging" format */
+      if (GetModelFeature (FN_RINGTONES)==F_RING_SM) {
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Name: %s (normal format)\n"),;
+        GSM_SaveRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[0], &SMringtone);   
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stdout, _("Name: %s (binary format)\n"),;
+        GSM_SaveBinRingtoneFile(argv[0], &ringtone);
+      }
+      GSM->Terminate();
+      return 0;
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("invalid location %i!\n"),ringtone.location);
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("mygnokii doesn't know format for this model!\n"));
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("not implemented for this model!\n"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("not supported by this model!\n"));
+      break;
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return(-1);
+int binringtoneconvert(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_BinRingtone ringtone;
+  int i,j,z;
+  bool isok;
+  int deflen=7,m,w;
+  bool pause;
+  FILE *file;
+//{ "c", "c#", "d", "d#", "e",  "f", "f#", "g", "g#", "a", "a#", "h" };
+  int binary_notes[12] =
+  { 0,    1,    2,   3,    4,   6,   7,    8,   9,    10,  11 ,   12};
+  if (GSM_ReadBinRingtoneFile(argv[0],&ringtone)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Failed to read %s file!\n"),argv[0]);
+    return -1;
+  }
+  file = fopen(argv[1], "wb");
+  if (!file)
+    return(GE_CANTOPENFILE);
+  i=5;
+  while (true) {
+    if (ringtone.frame[i]==0) break;
+    fprintf(file,_("%c"),ringtone.frame[i]);
+    i++;
+  }
+  fprintf(file,_(":d=32,o=5,b=300:"));
+  i=i+5;j=0;z=0;
+  while (true) {
+    if (ringtone.frame[i]!=j) {
+      if (j!=0) {
+        isok=false;
+       if (j==64) {
+         j=255;//Pause
+         isok=true;
+       }
+       if (!isok && j>=114 && j<=125) {
+         j=14*3+binary_notes[j-114];
+         isok=true;
+       }
+       if (!isok && j>=126 && j<=137) {
+         j=14*1+binary_notes[j-126];
+         isok=true;
+       }
+       if (!isok && j>=138 && j<=149) {
+         j=14*2+binary_notes[j-138];
+         isok=true;
+       }
+       if (!isok && j>=150 && j<=161) {
+         j=14*4+binary_notes[j-150];
+         isok=true;
+       }
+       if (!isok) {
+         if (j!=10) { 
+           fprintf(stdout,_("Unknown block in binary ringtone %i %i\n"),j,z);
+         }
+       } else {
+         w=deflen;
+         for (m=0;m<6;m++) {
+           w=w*2;
+           if (w>z && (w/2)<=z) {
+             switch (m) {
+               case 1:fprintf(file,_("16"));break;
+               case 2:fprintf(file,_("8"));break;
+               case 3:fprintf(file,_("4"));break;
+               case 4:fprintf(file,_("2"));break;
+               case 5:fprintf(file,_("1"));break;
+             }
+             break;
+           }
+         }
+         if (z>w) fprintf(file,_("1"));
+         pause=false;
+          switch (GSM_GetNote(j)) {
+            case Note_C  :fprintf(file,_("c"));break;
+            case Note_Cis:fprintf(file,_("c#"));break;
+            case Note_D  :fprintf(file,_("d"));break;
+            case Note_Dis:fprintf(file,_("d#"));break;
+            case Note_E  :fprintf(file,_("e"));break;
+            case Note_F  :fprintf(file,_("f"));break;
+            case Note_Fis:fprintf(file,_("f#"));break;
+            case Note_G  :fprintf(file,_("g"));break;
+            case Note_Gis:fprintf(file,_("g#"));break;
+            case Note_A  :fprintf(file,_("a"));break;
+            case Note_Ais:fprintf(file,_("a#"));break;
+            case Note_H  :fprintf(file,_("h"));break;
+            default      :pause=true;fprintf(file,_("p"));break; //Pause ?
+          }
+         w=deflen*1.5;
+         for (m=0;m<6;m++) {
+           w=w*2;
+           if (w>z && (w/2)<=z) {
+             fprintf(file,_("."));
+             break;
+           }
+         }
+         if ((j/14)!=1 && !pause) fprintf(file,_("%i"),j/14);
+         fprintf(file,_(","));
+       }
+      }
+      j=ringtone.frame[i];
+      z=ringtone.frame[i+1];
+    } else {
+      z=z+ringtone.frame[i+1];
+    }
+    i=i+2;
+    if (i>=ringtone.length) break;
+  }
+  fclose(file);
+  return 0;
+int renamesmsc(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MessageCenter MessageCenter;
+  MessageCenter.No=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->GetSMSCenter(&MessageCenter) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("SMSC number %i get OK\n"),MessageCenter.No);  
+  } else {
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error getting SMSC number %i\n"),MessageCenter.No);
+    return 0;  
+  }
+  strncpy(MessageCenter.Name,argv[1],10);
+  if (GSM->SetSMSCenter(&MessageCenter) == GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("SMSC number %i set OK (renamed to \"%s\")\n"),MessageCenter.No,MessageCenter.Name);
+  } else {
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error setting SMSC number %i\n"),MessageCenter.No);
+    return 0;  
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+ * Returns number of sostituited characters.
+ * ... may be useful one day ??
+ */
+int semicolon_pipe_substitution( GSM_PhonebookEntry *pentry, unsigned int direction )
+       /* direction = 0 : after reading phone memory (
+        *             1 : writing phone memory
+        */
+       register int i;
+       register int count=0;
+       char charfrom, charto;
+       charfrom= (direction==0) ? ';' : '|';
+       charto  = (direction==0) ? '|' : ';';
+       count+=str_substch(pentry->Name, charfrom, charto );
+       count+=str_substch(pentry->Number, charfrom, charto );
+       for( i = 0; i < pentry->SubEntriesCount; i++ )
+       {
+               if( pentry->SubEntries[i].EntryType != GSM_Date )
+                               count+=str_substch(pentry->SubEntries[i].data.Number ,charfrom,charto);
+       }
+       return( count );
+int str_substch( char *str, const char toric, const char sost )
+       unsigned int ct;
+       int i_sost=0;
+               for( ct = 0; ct < strlen(str); ct++ )
+                       if( str[ct] == (unsigned char) toric )
+                       { str[ct] = sost; i_sost++; }
+       return( i_sost );
+/* Allows to set simlock state.
+   With older phone (older 51xx, 61xx) can open them, with older
+   and newer should be able to close them */
+/* DO NOT TRY, IF DON'T WANT, WHAT YOU DO !!!!!!!!!! */
+int setsimlock()
+  GSM_AllSimlocks siml;
+  unsigned char closebuffer[20]=
+                             { 0x00, 0x01, 0x82, 0x01,
+                              0x00,                         /* which simlock */
+                              0x00, 0x00,
+                              0x00, 0x00, 0x00,             /* lock 1 info */
+                              0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* lock 4 info */
+                              0x00, 0x00,                   /* lock 2 info */
+                              0x00, 0x00,                   /* lock 3 info */
+                              0x00};
+  unsigned char openbuffer[10]= { 0x00, 0x01, 0x81, 0x01,
+                                  0x00, /* lock number */
+                                 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10, 0x10 };
+  unsigned char openbuffer0[10]= {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x1f, 0x11, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00 };
+  unsigned char info[120];
+  int i,j;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (strstr(GSM_Info->FBUSModels, "3310") == NULL)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr,("Not supported\n"));
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    return -1;
+  }
+  N6110_EnableExtendedCommands(0x02);
+  /* Initial info */
+  if (GSM->SimlockInfo(&siml)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Error getting simlock info\n"));GSM->Terminate();return -1;
+  }
+  /* Opening all locks (we must check, if we can open them) */
+  NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer0);
+  openbuffer[4]=1;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=2;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=4;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=8;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  if (GSM->SimlockInfo(&siml)!=GE_NONE) {
+    fprintf(stderr,_("Error getting simlock info\n"));GSM->Terminate();return -1;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+    if (siml.simlocks[i].enabled) {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Can not open simlock %i\n"),i+1);GSM->Terminate();return -1;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Making frame for closing simlocks */
+  strcpy(info,"00101");
+  j=0;i=7;
+  while (j!=strlen(info)) {
+    if (j+2<=strlen(info)) {
+      closebuffer[i]=((info[j] & 0x0f)<<4) | (info[j+1] & 0x0f);j=j+2;
+    } else {
+      closebuffer[i]=(info[j] & 0x0f) << 4;j++;
+    }i++;
+  }
+  strcpy(info,"0000");j=0;i=15;
+  while (j!=strlen(info)) {
+    if (j+2<=strlen(info)) {
+      closebuffer[i]=((info[j] & 0x0f)<<4) | (info[j+1] & 0x0f);j=j+2;
+    } else {
+      closebuffer[i]=(info[j] & 0x0f) << 4;j++;
+    }i++;
+  }
+  strcpy(info,"0000");j=0;i=17;
+  while (j!=strlen(info)) {
+    if (j+2<=strlen(info)) {
+      closebuffer[i]=((info[j] & 0x0f)<<4) | (info[j+1] & 0x0f);j=j+2;
+    } else {
+      closebuffer[i]=(info[j] & 0x0f) << 4;j++;
+    }i++;
+  }
+  strcpy(info,"0000000001");j=0;i=9;
+  while (j!=strlen(info)) {
+    if (j+2<=strlen(info)) {
+      if (j==0) {
+        closebuffer[i]=closebuffer[i] | (info[j] & 0x0f);j++;
+      } else {
+        closebuffer[i]=((info[j] & 0x0f)<<4) | (info[j+1] & 0x0f);j=j+2;
+      }
+    } else {
+      closebuffer[i]=(info[j] & 0x0f) << 4;j++;
+    }i++;
+  }  
+  /* Closing simlock with given values */
+  closebuffer[4]=1+2+4+8;
+  NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 20, 0x40,closebuffer);  
+  /* Opening all locks */
+  NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer0);
+  openbuffer[4]=1;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=2;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=4;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  openbuffer[4]=8;NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 10, 0x40,openbuffer);
+  GSM->Reset(0x03);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int simlockinfo()
+  GSM_AllSimlocks siml;
+  char s[7];
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (GSM->SimlockInfo(&siml)!=GE_NONE) fprintf(stderr,_("Error\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_("MCC + MNC : %s      ("),siml.simlocks[0].data);
+  if (siml.simlocks[0].enabled) fprintf(stdout,_("CLOSED"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_("opened"));
+  if (siml.simlocks[0].factory) fprintf(stdout,_(") (factory"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_(")    (user"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_(") (counter %i"),siml.simlocks[0].counter);
+  s[0]=siml.simlocks[0].data[0];
+  s[1]=siml.simlocks[0].data[1];
+  s[2]=siml.simlocks[0].data[2];
+  s[3]=' ';
+  s[4]=siml.simlocks[0].data[3];
+  s[5]=siml.simlocks[0].data[4];
+  s[6]=0;
+  if (strcmp(GSM_GetNetworkName(s),"unknown"))
+    fprintf(stdout,_(") (network \"%s\""),GSM_GetNetworkName(s));
+  fprintf(stdout,_(")\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_("GID1      : %s       ("),siml.simlocks[1].data);
+  if (siml.simlocks[1].enabled) fprintf(stdout,_("CLOSED"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_("opened"));
+  if (siml.simlocks[1].factory) fprintf(stdout,_(") (factory"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_(")    (user"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_(") (counter %i"),siml.simlocks[1].counter);
+  fprintf(stdout,_(")\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_("GID2      : %s       ("),siml.simlocks[2].data);
+  if (siml.simlocks[2].enabled) fprintf(stdout,_("CLOSED"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_("opened"));
+  if (siml.simlocks[2].factory) fprintf(stdout,_(") (factory"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_(")    (user"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_(") (counter %i"),siml.simlocks[2].counter);
+  fprintf(stdout,_(")\n"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_("MSIN      : %s ("),siml.simlocks[3].data);
+  if (siml.simlocks[3].enabled) fprintf(stdout,_("CLOSED"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_("opened"));
+  if (siml.simlocks[3].factory) fprintf(stdout,_(") (factory"));
+                           else fprintf(stdout,_(")    (user"));
+  fprintf(stdout,_(") (counter %i"),siml.simlocks[3].counter);
+  fprintf(stdout,_(")\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Getting EEPROM from older phones */
+/* Tested with N5110 5.07, 6150 5.22 */
+int geteeprom()
+  int i=0x40;
+  unsigned char buffer[1000]={ 0x00, 0x01, 0xd4, 0x02, 0x00, 0xa0, 
+                               0x00, 0x00, /* location Lo and Hi */
+                              0x10 };     /* how many bytes */
+  strcpy(Connection,"mbus");
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Switching connection type to MBUS\n"));
+  strcpy(model,"5110");  
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  if (strstr(GSM_Info->FBUSModels, "3310") == NULL)
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr,("Not supported\n"));
+    GSM->Terminate();
+    return -1;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<64;i++) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("%c"),0xff);
+  }
+  while (i<300000) {
+    buffer[6] = i/256;
+    buffer[7] = i%256;
+    if ((i/256)!=((i-1)/256)) fprintf(stderr,_("."));
+    if (NULL_SendMessageSequence(50, &CurrentMagicError, 9, 0x40,buffer)!=GE_NONE)       break;
+    i=i+0x10;
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr,_("\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int getsmsfolders()
+  GSM_SMSFolders folders;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int i;
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  folders.number = 0;
+  error=GSM->GetSMSFolders(&folders);
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  if (error!=GE_NONE && !folders.number) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Error!\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<folders.number;i++) {
+      fprintf(stdout,_("%i. %s\n"),i+1,folders.Folder[i].Name);
+  }
+  return 0;
+int resetphonesettings()
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  GSM->ResetPhoneSettings();
+  GSM->Reset(0x03);  
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+/* Checked on 3310 4.02 and doesn't work.
+   Possible reasons: SMSC has problems (possible), bug in phone firmware
+   (very possible) or here in code.
+   I quess, that the second is the most possible - 3310 treat only 3 SMS
+   as linked (the most often profile needs 4 - 2 and few bytes in 3'th
+   for screen saver, few bytes for profile name and 1 or 2 sms for ringtone).
+   When send separate ringtone (see --sendringtone with --profilestyle)
+   and screen saver (--sendlogo screensaver...), it's received OK.
+   It's for checking in higher firmware. */
+int sendprofile(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Ringtone ringtone;
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  int current=0,i,j;
+  u8 MessageBuffer[140*4];
+  u16 MessageLength=0;
+  char profilename[10+1];
+  if (GSM_ReadRingtoneFileOnConsole(argv[2], &ringtone)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  ringtone.allnotesscale=false;
+  for (i=0;i<argc;i++)
+    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"--scale")) ringtone.allnotesscale=true;
+  /* The fourth argument is the bitmap file. */
+  if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[3], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return -1;
+  GSM_ResizeBitmap(&bitmap,GSM_PictureImage);
+  strncpy(profilename,argv[1],10);
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x30;               //SM version. Here 3.0
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=SM30_PROFILENAME;   //ID for profile name
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x00;               //length hi  
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=strlen(profilename);//length lo
+  EncodeUnicode (MessageBuffer+MessageLength,profilename ,strlen(profilename));
+  MessageLength=MessageLength+2*strlen(profilename);
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=SM30_RINGTONE; //ID for ringtone
+  i=MessageLength;
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x01;          //length hi
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x00;          //length lo
+  current=GSM_PackRingtone(&ringtone, MessageBuffer+MessageLength, &j);
+  MessageLength=MessageLength+j;
+  if (current!=ringtone.NrNotes) {
+    if (current>FB61_MAX_RINGTONE_NOTES) {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: due to phone limitation"));
+    } else {
+      fprintf(stderr,_("Warning: ringtone was too long to be saved into SMS,"));
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, _(" only %i first notes were packed (%i cut)\n"),current,ringtone.NrNotes-current);
+  }
+  MessageBuffer[i]=(j)/256;
+  MessageBuffer[i+1]=(j)%256;
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=SM30_SCREENSAVER; //ID for OTA screen saver
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x01;             //length hi
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x00;             //length lo
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x00;
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=bitmap.width;
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=bitmap.height;          
+  MessageBuffer[MessageLength++]=0x01;   
+  memcpy(MessageBuffer+MessageLength,bitmap.bitmap,bitmap.size);
+  MessageLength=MessageLength+bitmap.size;
+  GSM_MakeMultiPartSMS2(&MultiSMS,MessageBuffer,MessageLength, GSM_ProfileUDH, GSM_Coding_Default);
+  optind = 4;
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  for (i=0;i<MultiSMS.number;i++)
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[i].Destination,argv[0]);
+  return GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, optind,argc,argv,false,false,false,false);
+int showbitmap(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_Bitmap bitmap;
+  if (GSM_ReadBitmapFileOnConsole(argv[0], &bitmap)!=GE_NONE) return(-1);
+  GSM_PrintBitmap(&bitmap);
+  return 0;
+int getwapsettings(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPSettings settings;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  settings.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPSettings(&settings);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("%s."),argv[0]);
+      if (!(strcmp(settings.title,""))) fprintf(stdout,_("Set %s\n"),argv[0]);
+                                   else fprintf(stdout,_("%s\n"),settings.title);
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Homepage: %s\n"),settings.homepage);
+      if (settings.iscontinuous) fprintf(stdout,_("Connection type: continuous\n"));
+                            else fprintf(stdout,_("Connection type: temporary\n"));
+      if (settings.issecurity) fprintf(stdout,_("Connection security: on\n"));
+                          else fprintf(stdout,_("Connection security: off\n"));
+      switch (settings.bearer) {
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Bearer: SMS\n"));
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Server number: %s\n"),settings.server);
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Service number: %s\n"),settings.service);
+         break;
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Bearer: Data (CSD)\n"));
+         fprintf(stdout,_("Dial-up number: %s\n"),settings.dialup);
+          fprintf(stdout,_("IP address: %s\n"),settings.ipaddress);
+          if (settings.isnormalauthentication) fprintf(stdout,_("Authentication type: normal\n"));
+                                          else fprintf(stdout,_("Authentication type: secure\n"));  
+          if (settings.isISDNcall) fprintf(stdout,_("Data call type: ISDN\n"));
+                              else fprintf(stdout,_("Data call type: analogue\n"));  
+          if (settings.isspeed14400) fprintf(stdout,_("Data call speed: 14400\n"));
+                                else fprintf(stdout,_("Data call speed: 9600\n"));  
+          fprintf(stdout,_("User name: %s\n"),settings.user);
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Password: %s\n"),settings.password);
+         break;
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Bearer: USSD\n"));
+         fprintf(stdout,_("Service code: %s\n"),settings.code);
+         if (settings.isIP) fprintf(stdout,_("Address type: IP address\nIPaddress: %s\n"),settings.service);
+                       else fprintf(stdout,_("Address type: service number\nService number: %s\n"),settings.service);
+         break;
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+/* Not full done now */
+int savewapsettings(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPSettings settings;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  settings.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPSettings(&settings);
+//  strcpy(settings.homepage,"http://OtherSites/");
+//  strcpy(settings.title,"Orange");
+  error=GE_NONE;
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      /* Put settings into SMS structure */
+      GSM_SaveWAPSettingsToSMS(&MultiSMS,&settings);
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,"WAPSettings");
+      GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS,1,argc,argv,false,false,false,false);
+      return 0;
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int sendwapsettings(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPSettings settings;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  settings.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPSettings(&settings);
+//  strcpy(settings.homepage,"http://OtherSites/");
+//  strcpy(settings.title,"Orange");
+  error=GE_NONE;
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      /* Put settings into SMS structure */
+      GSM_SaveWAPSettingsToSMS(&MultiSMS,&settings);
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,argv[1]);
+      GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 2,argc,argv,false,false,false);
+      return 0;
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int getwapbookmark(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPBookmark bookmark;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  bookmark.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPBookmark(&bookmark);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      if (bookmark.address[0]==0) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Empty bookmark location\n"));
+      } else {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Address: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.address);
+        if (bookmark.title[0]==0)
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Title: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.address);
+        else
+          fprintf(stdout,_("Title: \"%s\"\n"),bookmark.title);
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int setwapbookmark(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPBookmark bookmark;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  if (argc == 3)       /* if location given, use it */
+    bookmark.location=atoi(argv[2]);
+  else                 /* else use first empty location */
+    bookmark.location=0xffff;
+  strcpy(bookmark.title, argv[0]);
+  strcpy(bookmark.address, argv[1]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->SetWAPBookmark(&bookmark);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("No errors\n"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int savewapbookmark(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPBookmark bookmark;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  bookmark.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPBookmark(&bookmark);
+//  strcpy(bookmark.title,"tytulagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagend");
+//  strcpy(bookmark.address,"http://jajajajajajajajajajajajagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagpapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapap¥papapapapapapapapagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagagadadadadadadadajdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdjdstp");  
+  error=GE_NONE;
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      if (bookmark.address[0]==0) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Empty bookmark location\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();   
+        return 1;
+      }
+      /* Put bookmark into SMS structure */
+      GSM_SaveWAPBookmarkToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bookmark);
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,"WAPBookmark");
+      GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 1,argc,argv,false,false,false,false);
+      return 0;
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int sendwapbookmark(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_WAPBookmark bookmark;
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  bookmark.location=atoi(argv[0]);
+  /* Initialise the GSM interface. */
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetWAPBookmark(&bookmark);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      if (bookmark.address[0]==0) {
+        fprintf(stdout,_("Empty bookmark location\n"));
+        GSM->Terminate();   
+        return 1;
+      }
+      /* Put bookmark into SMS structure */
+      GSM_SaveWAPBookmarkToSMS(&MultiSMS,&bookmark);
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,argv[1]);
+      GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 2,argc,argv,false,false,false);
+      return 0;
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+  }
+  GSM->Terminate();    
+  return 0;
+int savecalendarnote(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  int w;
+  GSM_CalendarNote CalendarNote;
+  int number;
+  number=atoi(argv[1]);
+  if (number<1) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Number of calendar note must be 1 or higher\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  switch ( GSM_ReadVCalendarFile(argv[0], &CalendarNote, &number) ) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to open vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[0]);
+      return -1;
+    case GE_TOOSHORT:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Number of given calendar note is too high (max=%i)\n"),number);
+      return(-1);
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to parse vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[0]);
+      return -1;    
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Put note into SMS structure */
+  GSM_SaveCalendarNoteToSMS(&MultiSMS,&CalendarNote);
+  for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,"Calendar");
+  GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 2,argc,argv,false,false,false,false);
+  return 0;
+int sendcalendarnote(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  int w;
+  GSM_CalendarNote CalendarNote;
+  int number;
+  number=atoi(argv[2]);
+  if (number<1) {
+    fprintf(stdout, _("Number of calendar note must be 1 or higher\n"));
+    return -1;
+  }
+  switch ( GSM_ReadVCalendarFile(argv[1], &CalendarNote, &number) ) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      break;
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to open vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[1]);
+      return -1;
+    case GE_TOOSHORT:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Number of given calendar note is too high (max=%i)\n"),number);
+      return(-1);
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout, _("Failed to parse vCalendar file \"%s\"\n"),argv[1]);
+      return -1;    
+  }
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Put note into SMS structure */
+  GSM_SaveCalendarNoteToSMS(&MultiSMS,&CalendarNote);
+  for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+    strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,argv[0]);
+  GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 3,argc,argv,false,false,false);
+  return 0;
+/* Example function for continuous receiving SMS */
+/* When phone receives SMS, it's read by mygnokii, ID number is created
+   and SMS is saved to file. After it it's deleted
+   Checking many errors is also done */   
+int receivesms(int argc, char *argv[])
+  char Dir[500];
+  GSM_SMSStatus SMSStatus = {0, 0};
+  GSM_SMSMessage SMS;
+  int read, location, number;
+  unsigned char name[50],filename[400];
+  char nowdate[12]="", nowtime[12]="";
+  FILE *file;
+  FILE *logfile;
+  struct CFG_Header *cfg_info;
+  /* We do not want to monitor serial line forever - press Ctrl+C to stop the
+     monitoring mode. */
+  signal(SIGINT, interrupted);
+  fprintf (stderr, _("Entering monitor mode (press CTRL+C to break)...\n"));
+  cfg_info=CFG_FindGnokiirc();
+  strcpy(Dir,"");
+  if (cfg_info!=NULL) {        
+    if (CFG_Get(cfg_info, "receivesms", "path")) {
+      strcpy(Dir,CFG_Get(cfg_info, "receivesms", "path"));
+    }
+  }
+  fprintf(stderr,_("Path for sms files is \"%s\"\n"),Dir);
+  fprintf (stderr, _("Initialising GSM interface..."));
+  /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  fprintf (stderr, _("done\n"));
+  sleep(1);
+  /* Loop here indefinitely - allows you to see messages from GSM code in
+     response to unknown messages etc. The loops ends after pressing the
+     Ctrl+C. */
+  while (!bshutdown) {
+    if (GSM->GetSMSStatus(&SMSStatus) == GE_NONE) {
+      if (SMSStatus.Number!=0) {
+        GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+        logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+        if (logfile) {
+          fprintf(logfile, _("%s %s SMS Messages: UnRead %d, Number %d\n"),
+             nowdate, nowtime, SMSStatus.UnRead, SMSStatus.Number);
+          fclose(logfile);
+        }
+        read=0;
+        location=1;
+        while (!bshutdown) {
+          SMS.Location=location;
+          if (GSM->GetSMSMessage(&SMS)==GE_NONE) {
+            if (SMS.folder==0 || SMS.folder==0x08) { //GST_7110_INBOX
+              GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+              logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+              if (logfile) {
+                fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s SMS on location %i\n"),
+                  nowdate,nowtime,SMS.MessageNumber);
+                fclose(logfile);
+              }
+              number=             16*(SMS.MessageText[2] >> 4)+      (SMS.MessageText[2] & 0x0f);
+              number=number+  256*16*(SMS.MessageText[1] >> 4)+  256*(SMS.MessageText[1] & 0x0f);
+              number=number+65536*16*(SMS.MessageText[0] >> 4)+65536*(SMS.MessageText[0] & 0x0f);
+              sprintf( name, "%07i_%02d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.sms", number,
+                 SMS.Time.Year, SMS.Time.Month, SMS.Time.Day,
+                 SMS.Time.Hour, SMS.Time.Minute, SMS.Time.Second);
+              strcpy(filename,Dir);
+              strcat(filename,name);
+              logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+              if (logfile) {
+                fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s Name is \"%s\"\n"),nowdate,nowtime,filename);
+                fclose(logfile);
+              }
+              file = fopen(filename, "rb");
+              if (!file) {
+                file = fopen(filename, "wb");
+                if (!file) {
+                  GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+                  fprintf(stderr,_("%s %s ERROR: opening file \"%s\" failed !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,filename);
+                  logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+                  if (logfile) {
+                    fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s ERROR: opening file \"%s\" failed !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,filename);
+                    fclose(logfile);
+                  }
+                } else {
+                  fwrite(SMS.MessageText,1,SMS.Length,file);
+                  fclose(file);
+                }
+              } else {
+                fclose(file);
+                GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+                fprintf(stderr,_("%s %s ERROR: file \"%s\" already exist !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,filename);
+                logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+                if (logfile) { 
+                  fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s ERROR: file \"%s\" already exist !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,filename);
+                  fclose(logfile);
+                }
+              }
+              SMS.Location=SMS.MessageNumber;
+              if (GSM->DeleteSMSMessage(&SMS)!=GE_NONE) {
+                GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+                fprintf(stderr,_("%s %s ERROR: Deleting SMS location %i failed !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,SMS.MessageNumber);
+                logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+                if (logfile) {
+                  fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s ERROR: Deleting SMS location %i failed !\n"),nowdate,nowtime,SMS.MessageNumber);
+                  fclose(logfile);
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            read++;
+          }
+          location++;
+          if (read==SMSStatus.Number) break;
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      GetMachineDateTime(nowdate, nowtime );
+      fprintf(stderr,_("%s %s ERROR: Can't get SMS status !\n"),nowdate,nowtime);
+      logfile = fopen("log", "a");
+      if (logfile) {
+        fprintf(logfile,_("%s %s ERROR: Can't get SMS status !\n"),nowdate,nowtime);
+        fclose(logfile);
+      }
+    }
+    sleep(1);
+  }
+  fprintf (stderr, _("Leaving monitor mode...\n"));
+  GSM->Terminate();
+  return 0;
+int divert(int argc, char *argv[])
+       GSM_CallDivert cd;
+       GSM_Error error;
+       memset(&cd, 0, sizeof(GSM_CallDivert));
+            if (!strcmp("register", argv[0])){cd.Operation = GSM_CDV_Register ;} 
+        else if (!strcmp("enable"  , argv[0])){cd.Operation = GSM_CDV_Enable   ;} 
+        else if (!strcmp("disable" , argv[0])){cd.Operation = GSM_CDV_Disable  ;}
+        else if (!strcmp("erasure" , argv[0])){cd.Operation = GSM_CDV_Erasure  ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("query"   , argv[0])){cd.Operation = GSM_CDV_Query    ;}
+        else {
+               usage();
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+            if (!strcmp("all"       , argv[1])) {cd.DType = GSM_CDV_AllTypes  ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("busy"      , argv[1])) {cd.DType = GSM_CDV_Busy      ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("noans"     , argv[1])) {cd.DType = GSM_CDV_NoAnswer  ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("outofreach", argv[1])) {cd.DType = GSM_CDV_OutOfReach;}
+       else {
+               usage();
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+            if (!strcmp("all"  , argv[2])) {cd.CType = GSM_CDV_AllCalls  ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("voice", argv[2])) {cd.CType = GSM_CDV_VoiceCalls;}
+       else if (!strcmp("fax"  , argv[2])) {cd.CType = GSM_CDV_FaxCalls  ;}
+       else if (!strcmp("data" , argv[2])) {cd.CType = GSM_CDV_DataCalls ;}
+       else {
+               usage();
+               exit(-1);
+       }
+       if (argc>3) strcpy(cd.Number, argv[3]);
+       if (argc>4) cd.Timeout = atoi(argv[4]);
+       /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */     
+       fbusinit(NULL);
+       error=GSM->CallDivert(&cd);
+       if (error == GE_NONE) {
+          switch (cd.Operation)
+          {
+            case GSM_CDV_Query:
+             fprintf(stdout, _("Divert type: "));
+             switch (cd.DType) {
+               case GSM_CDV_Busy      :fprintf(stdout, _("when busy"));break;
+               case GSM_CDV_NoAnswer  :fprintf(stdout, _("when not answered"));break;
+               case GSM_CDV_OutOfReach:fprintf(stdout, _("when phone off or no coverage"));break;
+                case GSM_CDV_AllTypes  :fprintf(stdout, _("all call diverts"));break; //?
+                default:                fprintf(stdout, _("unknown %i"),cd.DType);break;
+              }
+              fprintf(stdout, _("\nCalls type : "));
+              switch (cd.CType) {
+                case GSM_CDV_VoiceCalls: fprintf(stdout, _("voice"));break;
+                case GSM_CDV_FaxCalls  : fprintf(stdout, _("fax"));break;
+                case GSM_CDV_DataCalls : fprintf(stdout, _("data"));break;
+                case GSM_CDV_AllCalls  : fprintf(stdout, _("voice, fax & data"));break;
+                default:   fprintf(stdout, _("unknown %i"),cd.CType);break;
+              }
+              fprintf(stdout, _("\n"));
+              if (cd.Enabled) {
+                fprintf(stdout, _("Status     : active\n"));
+                fprintf(stdout, _("Timeout    : %i seconds\n"),cd.Timeout);
+                fprintf(stdout, _("Number     : %s\n"),cd.Number);
+              } else {
+                fprintf(stdout, _("Status     : deactivated\n"));
+              }
+              break;
+            default:
+              fprintf(stdout,_("Divert done\n"));
+          }
+        } else 
+          fprintf(stderr,_("%s\n"),print_error(error));
+       GSM->Terminate();
+       return 0;
+int savephonebookentry(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry entry;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (!GetMemoryTypeID(argv[0], &entry.MemoryType))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[0]);
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  entry.Location=atoi(argv[1]);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&entry);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      /* Put entry into SMS structure */
+      if (GetModelFeature(FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK71INT) {
+        GSM_SavePhonebookEntryToSMS(&MultiSMS,&entry,21);
+      } else {
+        GSM_SavePhonebookEntryToSMS(&MultiSMS,&entry,10);
+      }
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,"Phonebook");
+      GSM_SaveMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 2,argc,argv,false,false,false,false);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Error\n"));break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int sendphonebookentry(int argc, char *argv[])
+  GSM_MultiSMSMessage MultiSMS;
+  GSM_PhonebookEntry entry;
+  GSM_Error error;
+  int w;
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  /* Handle command line args that set type, start and end locations. */
+  if (!GetMemoryTypeID(argv[1], &entry.MemoryType))
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr, _("Unknown memory type %s!\n"), argv[1]);
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  entry.Location=atoi(argv[2]);
+  fbusinit(NULL);
+  error=GSM->GetMemoryLocation(&entry);
+  switch (error) {
+    case GE_NONE:
+      /* Put entry into SMS structure */
+      if (GetModelFeature(FN_PHONEBOOK)==F_PBK71INT) {
+        GSM_SavePhonebookEntryToSMS(&MultiSMS,&entry,21);
+      } else {
+        GSM_SavePhonebookEntryToSMS(&MultiSMS,&entry,10);
+      }
+      for (w=0;w<MultiSMS.number;w++)
+        strcpy(MultiSMS.SMS[w].Destination,argv[0]);
+      GSM_SendMultiPartSMSOnConsole(&MultiSMS, 3,argc,argv,false,false,false);
+      break;
+    default:
+      fprintf(stdout,_("Error\n"));break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+int getbinringfromfile(int argc, char *argv[])
+  FILE *file;
+  int i,j;
+  bool found;
+  GSM_BinRingtone binring,ringtone;
+  fprintf(stdout,_("Offset %ld\n"),atol(argv[2]));
+  file = fopen(argv[0], "rb");
+  if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE);
+  fseek(file,atol(argv[2]),0);
+  ringtone.length=fread(ringtone.frame, 1, 900, file);
+  fclose(file);
+  i=0;found=false;
+  while (true) {
+    if (ringtone.frame[i  ]==0x00 && ringtone.frame[i+1]==0x02 && 
+        ringtone.frame[i+2]==0xFC && ringtone.frame[i+3]==0x09) {
+      found=true;
+      break;
+    }
+    i++;
+    if (i==ringtone.length-3) break;
+  }
+  if (!found) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("Start not found\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  j=0;found=false;
+  while (true) {
+    if (ringtone.frame[j]==0x07 && ringtone.frame[j+1]==0x0B) {
+      found=true;
+      break;
+    }
+    j++;
+    if (j==ringtone.length-2) break;
+  }
+  if (!found) {
+    fprintf(stdout,_("End not found\n"));
+    return (-1);
+  }
+  binring.length=0;
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x00;
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x00;
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x0C;
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x01;
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x2C;
+  memcpy(binring.frame+binring.length,argv[1],strlen(argv[1]));
+  binring.length=binring.length+strlen(argv[1]);
+  binring.frame[binring.length++]=0x00;
+  memcpy(binring.frame+binring.length,ringtone.frame+i,j-i+2);
+  binring.length=binring.length+j-i+2;
+  GSM_SaveBinRingtoneFile(argv[3], &binring); 
+  return GE_NONE;
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..a5dae23
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+  $Id$
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+#ifndef __CONFIG_H__
+#define __CONFIG_H__
+#define VERSION    "@VERSION@"
+#define XVERSION   "@XVERSION@"
+/* Define if you have timersub() */
+/* Define if you have tm_gmtoff field in tm structure */
+/* Define if you have cfsetspeed, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, c_ispeed and c_ospeed in struct termios */
+/* Define if you have snprintf */
+/* Define debug level */
+#undef DEBUG
+#undef XDEBUG
+#undef RLP_DEBUG
+/* Decide if you want security options enabled */
+#undef SECURITY
+/* Define if you have XPM components */
+#undef XPM
+/* Define if you want NLS */
+#undef USE_NLS
+/* Define if you want to use Unix98 PTYs */
+#undef USE_UNIX98PTYS
+/* Define if you compile for M$ Windows */
+#undef WIN32
+#endif /* __CONFIG_H__ */
diff --git a/include/protocol/fbus.h b/include/protocol/fbus.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1340262
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+  G N O K I I
+  A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones.
+  Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details.
+  Header file for the various functions, definitions etc. used to implement
+  the handset interface.  See fbus-6110.c for more details.
+#ifndef __fbus_h
+#define __fbus_h
+#include "gsm-api.h"
+/* This byte is at the beginning of all GSM Frames sent over FBUS to Nokia
+   6110 phones. */
+#define FBUS_FRAME_ID       0x1e
+/* This byte is at the beginning of all GSM Frames sent over infrared to Nokia
+   6110 phones. */
+#define FBUS_IR_FRAME_ID    0x1c
+#define FBUS_DEVICE_PHONE   0x00 /* Nokia mobile phone. */
+#define FBUS_DEVICE_PC      0x0c /* Our PC (FBUS). */
+#define FBUS_FRTYPE_ACK     0x7f /* Acknowledge of the received frame. */
+/* Global variables */
+extern GSM_Protocol    FBUS_Functions;
+/* States for receive code. */
+enum FBUS_RX_States {
+  FBUS_RX_Sync,
+  FBUS_RX_Discarding,
+  FBUS_RX_GetDestination,
+  FBUS_RX_GetSource,
+  FBUS_RX_GetType,
+  FBUS_RX_GetLength1,
+  FBUS_RX_GetLength2,
+  FBUS_RX_GetMessage
+GSM_Error FBUS_Initialise(char *port_device, char *initlength,
+                          GSM_ConnectionType connection,
+                          void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame));
+int FBUS_SendMessage(u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer);
+int FBUS_SendFrame(u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer);
+void FBUS_Terminate(void);
+void FBUS_RX_StateMachine(unsigned char rx_byte);
+#endif /* __fbus_h */