STUFF TO DO =========== X keywords aren't being pulled from itemdir files. bug in entry_quick_read_keys? X all pool files are read on startup. should load when get_keywords is called. X filename uniqueness mess... need use a unique name when writing user-private files, but need to present the non-unique name to apps. use a special vfolder postfix filename probably. X all-applications doesn't work. probably need to use the pool files from .vfolder-info, and add an all-applications-all-users (ick) method. X ensure ~/.gnome2/vfolders exists before writing config file X ensure ~/.gnome2/vfolders// dir exists before writing user-private changes X dir files list duplicates of regularly listed entries, because the alloc count is not correct for folders that are not yet loaded. Directory VFolderMonitors relying on stat() (and not FAM) will not pick up new files. Add GConf keys for getting .vfolder-info file to use for a given scheme (puntable). Support set/get_file_info of read-only permissions on folders?