#! /usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # # /etc/inittab: # ha:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/harpy >>/var/log/harpy.log eth1 eth2 # or # ha:2345:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/harpy >>/var/log/harpy.log eth_intra use bytes; sub __KERNEL__ { 1; } # for "linux/socket.ph" use strict; use warnings; use Socket; require "linux/if_ether.ph"; require "linux/socket.ph"; require "linux/sockios.ph"; require "linux/if_arp.ph"; use Data::Dumper; sub SOCKADDR_SIZEOF { 16; } require POSIX; use Getopt::Long; my $V=1; # 2 my $opt_timeout=0.5; # [sec] die if !GetOptions( "t|timeout=s",\$opt_timeout, "v|verbose+",\$V, ); $|=1; sub hw_ntoa($) { my($n)=@_; my $a=unpack("H*",$n); $a=~s/..(?=.)/$&:/g; return $a; } sub hw_aton($) { my($a)=@_; $a=~tr/://d; return pack "H*",$a; } sub sock($) { my($ifname)=@_; my $sock; socket $sock,AF_PACKET(),SOCK_RAW(),ETH_P_ARP() or die "No ARP socket: $!"; local *ioctl_ifhwaddr=sub($) { my($ifname)=@_; my $buf=$ifname.("\x00"x0x1000); ioctl $sock,SIOCGIFHWADDR(),$buf or die "ioctl($ifname,SIOCGIFHWADDR): $!"; my($trash,$sockaddr)=unpack("a16a16",$buf); my($sa_len,$sa_data)=unpack("a2a6",$sockaddr); return $sa_data; }; local *ioctl_ifipaddr=sub($) { my($ifname)=@_; my $buf=$ifname.("\x00"x0x1000); ioctl $sock,SIOCGIFADDR(),$buf or die "ioctl($ifname,SIOCGIFADDR): $!"; my($trash,$sockaddr)=unpack("a16a16",$buf); my($sa_len,$sin_port,$sin_addr)=unpack("a2a2a4",$sockaddr); return $sin_addr; }; local *ioctl_ifindex=sub($) { my($ifname)=@_; my $buf=$ifname.("\x00"x0x1000); ioctl $sock,SIOCGIFINDEX(),$buf or die "ioctl($ifname,SIOCGIFINDEX): $!"; my($trash,$ifindex)=unpack("a16i",$buf); return $ifindex; }; my $hw=ioctl_ifhwaddr($ifname); my $ip=ioctl_ifipaddr($ifname); my $sockaddr_ll=pack "SniSCCa8", # struct sockaddr_ll: AF_PACKET(), # unsigned short int sll_family; ETH_P_ARP(), # unsigned short int sll_protocol; ioctl_ifindex($ifname), # int sll_ifindex; ARPHRD_ETHER(), # unsigned short int sll_hatype; PACKET_BROADCAST(), # unsigned char sll_pkttype; ETH_ALEN(), # unsigned char sll_halen; $hw; # unsigned char sll_addr[8]; bind $sock,$sockaddr_ll or die "bind($ifname): $!"; return $sock,hw_ntoa($hw),inet_ntoa($ip); } #struct ether_arp_frame { # struct ether_header { # u_int8_t ether_dhost[ETH_ALEN]; /* destination eth addr */ # u_int8_t ether_shost[ETH_ALEN]; /* source ether addr */ # u_int16_t ether_type; /* packet type ID field */ # } ether_hdr; # struct ether_arp { # struct arphdr { /* fixed-size header */ # unsigned short int ar_hrd; /* Format of hardware address. */ # unsigned short int ar_pro; /* Format of protocol address. */ # unsigned char ar_hln; /* Length of hardware address. */ # unsigned char ar_pln; /* Length of protocol address. */ # unsigned short int ar_op; /* ARP opcode (command). */ # } ea_hdr; # u_int8_t arp_sha[ETH_ALEN]; /* sender hardware address */ # u_int8_t arp_spa[4]; /* sender protocol address */ # u_int8_t arp_tha[ETH_ALEN]; /* target hardware address */ # u_int8_t arp_tpa[4]; /* target protocol address */ # } arp; # }; sub arp_pack($$$$$) { my($dst_hw,$src_hw,$dst,$src,$type)=@_; my $type_bin; $type_bin=ARPOP_REQUEST() if $type eq "REQUEST"; $type_bin=ARPOP_REPLY() if $type eq "REPLY"; die "INTERNAL" if !defined $type_bin; my $msg=pack "a6a6nnnCCna6a4a6a4", hw_aton($dst_hw), # $ether_dhost hw_aton($src_hw), # $ether_shost 2054, # $ether_type 1, # $ar_hrd 2048, # $ar_pro 6, # $ar_hln 4, # $ar_pln $type_bin, # $ar_op hw_aton($src_hw), # $arp_sha inet_aton($src), # $arp_spa hw_aton($dst_hw), # $arp_tha inet_aton($dst); # $arp_tpa return $msg; } sub arp_unpack($) { my($msg)=@_; return if 42>length $msg; my( $ether_dhost, $ether_shost, $ether_type, $ar_hrd, $ar_pro, $ar_hln, $ar_pln, $ar_op, $arp_sha, $arp_spa, $arp_tha, $arp_tpa, )=unpack "a6a6nnnCCna6a4a6a4",$msg; $V>=3 and print Data::Dumper->Dump([ $ether_dhost, $ether_shost, $ether_type, $ar_hrd, $ar_pro, $ar_hln, $ar_pln, $ar_op, $arp_sha, $arp_spa, $arp_tha, $arp_tpa, ],[ "ether_dhost", "ether_shost", "ether_type", "ar_hrd", "ar_pro", "ar_hln", "ar_pln", "ar_op", "arp_sha", "arp_spa", "arp_tha", "arp_tpa", ]); my $type; $type="REQUEST" if $ar_op==ARPOP_REQUEST(); $type="REPLY" if $ar_op==ARPOP_REPLY(); return if !$type; return if $ar_hln!=6; return if $ar_pln!=4; my $tell=inet_ntoa $arp_spa; my $who_has=inet_ntoa $arp_tpa; my $tell_hw=hw_ntoa $ether_shost; return $tell,$who_has,$tell_hw,$type; } my $clock_ticks=POSIX::sysconf(&POSIX::_SC_CLK_TCK); sub now() { return (POSIX::times())[0]/$clock_ticks; } my %socks; my @ifnames=@ARGV; while (@ifnames) { my $ifname=shift @ifnames; if ($ifname=~/{(\d+)-(\d+)}/) { push @ifnames,$`.$_.$' for $1..$2; next; } my($sock,$hw,$ip)=sock($ifname); $socks{$ifname}={ "sock"=>$sock, "hw"=>$hw, "ip"=>$ip, }; } $V>=2 and print Dumper(\%socks); # $pending{$who_has}=[{"when"=>now()+$timeout,"sock"=>$hash->{"sock"},...}...]; my %pending; $V and print localtime()." START\n"; for (;;) { my $rfds=""; vec($rfds,fileno($_->{"sock"}),1)=1 for values(%socks); my $first; while (my($who_has,$arrayref)=each(%pending)) { my $deleted=0; for my $pendingi (0..$#$arrayref) { my $pending=$arrayref->[$pendingi-$deleted]; my $when=$pending->{"when"}; if ($when<=now()) { my $sock_hash=$socks{$pending->{"ifname"}}; my $msg_reply=arp_pack( $pending->{"tell_hw"}, # dst_hw $sock_hash->{"hw"}, # src_hw $pending->{"tell"}, # dst $pending->{"who_has"}, # src "REPLY", # type ); send $sock_hash->{"sock"},$msg_reply,0,$pending->{"from_addr"} or die "send(".$pending->{"ifname"}."): $!"; splice @$arrayref,$pendingi-$deleted,1; $deleted++; $V and print localtime()." replied: type=REPLY," .join(",",map(("$_=".$pending->{$_}),qw(tell who_has tell_hw)))."\n"; } else { $first=$when if !$first || $when<=$first; } } delete $pending{$who_has} if !@$arrayref; } my $now=now(); $first=$now if $first && $first<$now; $V>=3 and print Data::Dumper->Dump([\%pending],['\%pending']); my $got=select $rfds,undef(),undef(),(!$first ? undef() : $first-$now); die "Invalid select(2): ".Dumper($got) if !defined $got || $got<0; while (my($ifname,$hash)=each(%socks)) { next if !vec($rfds,fileno($hash->{"sock"}),1); $V>=2 and print localtime()." got packet: $ifname\n"; my $msg; defined(my $from_addr=recv $hash->{"sock"},$msg,0x1000,0) or die "recv($ifname): $!"; next if !(my($tell,$who_has,$tell_hw,$type)=arp_unpack($msg)); $V and print localtime()." got: type=$type,tell=$tell,who_has=$who_has,tell_hw=$tell_hw\n"; if ($type eq "REQUEST") { next if $tell eq $who_has; # do not reply to self-detection queries next if $tell eq ""; # self-detection by Red Hat 7.3 my $msg_reply=arp_pack( "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF", # dst_hw $hash->{"hw"}, # src_hw $who_has, # dst $hash->{"ip"}, # src "REQUEST", # type ); send $hash->{"sock"},$msg_reply,0,$from_addr or die "send($ifname): $!"; $V and print localtime()." probing: type=REQUEST," ."tell=".$hash->{"ip"}.",who_has=$who_has,tell_hw=".$hash->{"hw"}."\n"; push @{$pending{$who_has}},{ "when"=>now()+$opt_timeout, "ifname"=>$ifname, "tell" =>$tell, "who_has"=>$who_has, "tell_hw"=>$tell_hw, "from_addr"=>$from_addr, }; } elsif ($type eq "REPLY") { # Rename the fields a bit for REPLY my($told,$who,$is_at_hw)=($who_has,$tell,$tell_hw); for my $pending (@{$pending{$who}}) { $V and print localtime()." discarded: " .join(",",map(("$_=".$pending->{$_}),qw(tell who_has tell_hw)))."\n"; } delete $pending{$who}; } else { die "NOTREACHED"; } } }