if [ -n "$_home_short_dotbashrc_norc" -o "${TERM#norc-}" != "$TERM" ];then # We could get executed twice: export _home_short_dotbashrc_norc=true # Do not use $TZ as Solaris sshd(8) does not propagate it. # Be aware you must use 'ssh -t' to propagate $TERM otherwise '=dumb'. export TERM="${TERM#norc-}" export _home_short_dotbashrc=true fi export PERL5LIB="$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5/`uname -m`-linux-thread-multi:$HOME/perl5/lib/perl5"; if grep 2>/dev/null -q '^..............:0C38 00000000:0000 0A ' /proc/net/tcp \ || grep 2>/dev/null -q '^....: 00000000000000000000000000000000:0C38 00000000000000000000000000000000:0000 0A ' /proc/net/tcp6 \ ;then export http_proxy= export https_proxy= export ftp_proxy= fi # "$PS1" for interactive shells detection. if [ -n "$PS1" -a -z "$_home_short_dotbashrc" ];then # We permit later reinitialization by unsetting it. # During our execution we forbid spawning to prevent deadlock by: # source /etc/bashrc # . /etc/profile.d/lang.sh # unicode_start iso02.08 export _home_short_dotbashrc=true # $TERM gets restored to its 'norc-' state after ~/.bashrc # alias norc='TERM="norc-$TERM" ssh -t -o 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes' $USER@localhost "cd $PWD; TERM=$TERM;"' function norc { TERM="norc-$TERM" ssh -t -o 'NoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost yes' $USER@localhost "cd $PWD; TERM=$TERM;" "$@"; } # Fix $USER and $LOGNAME (not $MAIL) for /etc/passwd line: # root-lace:x:0:0:root for Jan Kratochvil:/home/root-lace:/bin/bash if [ "$UID" -eq 0 -a "$USER" = "root" -a "$HOME" != "${HOME#*/root-}" ];then USER="${HOME##*/}" LOGNAME="$USER" fi if [ -f /etc/bashrc ];then source /etc/bashrc;fi _bash_profile_addpath_fini="" function _bash_profile_addpath # , { local _varname _varval _varvalold _dirpathname _opt_f _opt_s _opt_f=0;_opt_s=0 unset -v OPTIND while getopts fs got;do case "$got" in [fs]) eval "_opt_$got=1" ;; *) return 1 ;; esac done eval "_varname=\"\$$[$OPTIND+0]\"" eval "_dirpathname=\"\$$[$OPTIND+1]\"" if [ $_opt_f = 0 -a '!' -d "$_dirpathname" ];then return;fi if [ $_opt_s = 1 -o -z "`eval "echo \\${$_varname}"`" ];then eval "$_varname='$_dirpathname'" else # We want to prevent duplicates due to .bashrc reentrancy across fork(2)s. It is array! _bash_profile_addpath_fini="$_bash_profile_addpath_fini $_varname" # We want to override any original directories, place dirpathname first! eval "$_varname=\"$_dirpathname:\${$_varname}\"" fi export "$_varname" } function _bash_profile_addpath_fini { local _varname for _varname in `echo "$_bash_profile_addpath_fini"|tr ' ' '\n'|sort -u`;do eval "$_varname=\"`eval $(echo "echo \"\\$$_varname\"")|awk -v RS=':' '/[^\n]/{if (!x[$0]++) e=e":"$0;}END{print substr(e,2)}'`\"" done unset -v _bash_profile_addpath_fini } # Use reverse order of preferred directories: # gid(1) dependency on: /opt/sfw/bin # EUID="`id -u 2>/dev/null || /usr/xpg4/bin/id -u 2>/dev/null || gid -u`" _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/sbin" _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/usr/sbin" _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/bin" _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/usr/bin" _bash_profile_addpath PATH "/usr/lib/ccache" _bash_profile_addpath PATH "/usr/lib64/ccache" [ $EUID -eq 0 ] && _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/usr/local/sbin" _bash_profile_addpath -f PATH "/usr/local/bin" _bash_profile_addpath -f MANPATH "/usr/X11R6/man" _bash_profile_addpath -f MANPATH "/usr/share/man" _bash_profile_addpath -f MANPATH "/usr/local/man" _bash_profile_addpath -s JAVA_HOME "/usr/java" _bash_profile_addpath -s JAVA_HOME "/usr/local/java" uname_p="`uname -p 2>/dev/null || uname -m`" for family in $HOME;do for arch in $family $family/$uname_p;do # Do not "-f": We use /net ! _bash_profile_addpath PATH "$arch/bin" _bash_profile_addpath -s JAVA_HOME "$arch/java" [ $EUID -eq 0 ] && _bash_profile_addpath PATH "$arch/sbin" _bash_profile_addpath LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$arch/lib64" _bash_profile_addpath LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$arch/lib" _bash_profile_addpath MANPATH "$arch/man" done done _bash_profile_addpath -f -s CVSROOT ":pserver:pserver:@cvs.jankratochvil.net/cvs" # default [ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] && _bash_profile_addpath PATH "$JAVA_HOME/bin" _bash_profile_addpath -s CVSROOT "$HOME/pserver/cvs" _bash_profile_addpath -s CVSROOT "$HOME/cvs" _bash_profile_addpath -s ANT_HOME "/usr/local/ant" unset -f _bash_profile_addpath _bash_profile_addpath_fini unset -f _bash_profile_addpath_fini # '2>/dev/null' to prevent: unalias: x: not found # It must be run before `function's below as otherwise it would get embedded. unalias 2>/dev/null cp # -i unalias 2>/dev/null mv # -i unalias 2>/dev/null rm # -i unalias 2>/dev/null df # -h unalias 2>/dev/null du # -h unalias 2>/dev/null ls # --color=auto unalias 2>/dev/null l. # ls -d .* --color=auto unalias 2>/dev/null ll # ls -l --color=auto unalias 2>/dev/null grep # /etc/profile.d/colorgrep.sh unalias 2>/dev/null egrep # /etc/profile.d/colorgrep.sh unalias 2>/dev/null fgrep # /etc/profile.d/colorgrep.sh # Prevent processing of aliases during the parsing of this script file by # `eval': eval ' function grep {(unset grep; ( ulimitme; grep "$@"; ); );} function ls {(unset ls; ( ls -bF "$@"; ); );} function l { ls -lbF "$@"; } if which vim &>/dev/null;then alias vi="vim" else echo >&2 "WARNING: No vim(1)." fi function grepb { grep --binary-files=binary "$@"; } function L { lynx "$@"; } function chown {(unset chown; ( chown --no-dereference "$@"; ); );} function chgrp {(unset chgrp; ( chgrp --no-dereference "$@"; ); );} function hexedit {(unset hexedit; ( hexedit -s "$@"; ); );} function cvs2cl {(unset cvs2cl; ( cvs2cl --window 3600 --separate-header --no-wrap "$@"; ); );} function cvsfiles { cvsutil --files --print "$@"; } function cvsignores { cvsutil --ignores --print "$@"; } function cvsignoresall { cvsutil --ignores --workings --print "$@"; } function cvsignoresrm { cvsutil --ignores --rm "$@"; } function cvsignoresrmall { cvsutil --ignores --workings --rm "$@"; } function cvsignoresallrm { cvsutil --ignores --workings --rm "$@"; } function svnignoresall { svn status |sed -n "s/^[?] //p" "$@"; } function svnignoresallrm { svn status |sed -n "s/^[?] //p"|tr "\n" "\0"|xargs -0 rm -rf "$@"; } function ignores { find -name "*.orig" -o -name ".#*" -o -name "*~" "$@"; } function ignoresrm { ignores "$@" | xargs rm -f; } function ignoresall { ignores -o -name "*.rej" "$@"; } function ignoresallrm { ignoresall "$@" | xargs rm -f; } function disass { objdump -D --target=binary --architecture=i386:x86-64 "$@"; } function disass32 { objdump -D --target=binary --architecture=i386 "$@"; } function cal {(unset cal; ( cal -m "$@"; ); );} function vncreadonly { vncviewer -FullColor -Shared -ViewOnly "$@"; } function diff {(unset diff; ( diff -dup "$@"; ); );} $(: MAKEFLAGS= - "make install" does not expect -j and .spec files do not force -j1.) function rpmbuildlocal { time MAKEFLAGS= n rpmbuild --define "_topdir $PWD" --define "_builddir $PWD" --define "_rpmdir $PWD" --define "_sourcedir $PWD" --define "_specdir $PWD" --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" --define "_build_name_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm" --with buildisa "$@"; rmdir &>/dev/null BUILDROOT; } function gdbn { gdb -nx --command=~/.gdbinit "$@"; } function hd { od -Ax -tx1; } function wget {(unset wget; ( wget --no-check-certificate "$@"; ); );} function ucwkbd { setxkbmap -layout us,cz -variant ,ucw -option grp:caps_switch; } function gdb {(unset gdb; ( gdb -q "$@"; ); );} ' unset command_not_found_handle shopt -u progcomp # Disable 'bash-completion' rpm export IGNOREEOF=10 # '2>/dev/null' to prevent: TMOUT: readonly variable [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ] && export TMOUT=900 2>/dev/null export EDITOR='vim' #broken: [ -x /bin/less ] && export PAGER='/bin/less -rMMh5cis' export PERL_LOCAL_LIB_ROOT="$HOME/perl5"; export PERL_MB_OPT="--install_base $HOME/perl5"; export PERL_MM_OPT="INSTALL_BASE=$HOME/perl5"; # Sometimes needed in non-interactive .bashrc. # Unconditionally it would break quilt. export PATH="$HOME/perl5/bin:$PATH"; for file in $HOME/.bookmarks.html;do export WWW_HOME="file://$HOME/" [ -r $file ] && export WWW_HOME="file://$file" done if echo x|grep --exclude=y -q x 2>/dev/null;then alias grep='grep --exclude=tags --exclude=TAGS --exclude=ChangeLog* --exclude=*.svn-base --exclude=*~' # FIXME: grep(1) ignores subdirectories for --exclude. # --exclude=testsuite --exclude=.pc --exclude=.svn --exclude=CVS --exclude=po fi if [ -n "$PS1" ];then # set only in interactive sessions if [ ! -f /MOCK ];then export PS1='[bash]${LOGNAME}@${HOSTNAME}:${PWD}# ' else export PS1='[bash]${LOGNAME}@MOCK-'"`cat /MOCK`"':${PWD}# ' fi export PS1='\[\017\]'"$PS1" # \017=std charmap if [ "${SHELL#*/com.termux/}" = "$SHELL" ];then export PS1='\[\033%G\]'"$PS1" # \033%G=utf-8 fi # Do not: kbd_mode -u # utf-8 # as it breaks keyboard state in X and it is not permitted for non-root. fi export MINICOM="-m -c on" # metakeys+color export HISTSIZE=10000000 export HISTFILESIZE="$HISTSIZE" export GDBHISTFILE="$HOME/.gdb_history" export CVS_RSH="ssh" export TZ="Europe/Prague" #export TZ="Canada/Eastern" export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=0 export GTK_OVERLAY_SCROLLING=0 export MAKEFLAGS= cpus="`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`" if [ -n "$cpus" ];then # *3/2 was OOM for host1 32 CPUs + 16GB RAM # *1 was OOM for host1 ccache -C;touch gui.h;time make all # *3/4 was also OOM with KVM running # *1/2 was OK for host1 32 CPUs + 16GB RAM MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS -j$[$cpus*1]" fi unset cpus # Do not: grep -w "$TERM" /etc/termcap >/dev/null || export TERM=vt220 # as Sun workaround as Debian misses: /etc/termcap # expects: $uname_p [ "$TERM" = vt220 -a "${uname_p%86}" != "$uname_p" ] && export TERM=linux _selfabs= [ "$_selfabs" = "${_selfabs#/}" ] && _selfabs="$BASH_SOURCE" [ "$_selfabs" = "${_selfabs#/}" ] && _selfabs="$PWD/.bashrc" [ -r "$_selfabs" ] || unset _selfabs [ -n "$_selfabs" ] && export VIMINIT="source `echo "$_selfabs"|sed 's/[.]bashrc$/.vimrc/'`" # Force English. unset LANG LANGUAGE `set|sed -n 's/^\(LC_[^=]*\)=.*$/\1/p'` export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Force strcoll() to sort case-sensitively! (empty/undef doesn't work) export LC_COLLATE=C # Do not: # Prevent: perl: warning: Setting locale failed. # # due to LC_COLLATE=C and LC_ALL=(unset) # export LC_ALL=C # as it breaks Mutt "utf-8" and somehow it is no longer needed. # Re: [Bug-readline] Readline 6.0 patch 004 trapped signal echoed to conso # http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-readline/2009-09/msg00006.html # 2>/dev/null for possible: stty: standard input: Inappropriate ioctl for device stty -echoctl 2>/dev/null export GIT_MERGE_AUTOEDIT=no function wclines { awk '{x[$0]++}END{for (i in x) print x[i]"\t"i}'; } # SunOS does not support "-m" export ULIMITME_OPTS="" for i in "-v 2000000";do (ulimit $i 2>/dev/null) && ULIMITME_OPTS="$ULIMITME_OPTS $i" done # Prevent: ulimit: -m 100000 -d 150000 -v 200000: invalid number # by forcing our known $IFS value; eval(1) is needed to take $IFS to effect: function ulimitme { IFS=" " eval "ulimit $ULIMITME_OPTS"; } function finame { find . -false ` awk /dev/null;then _opts_d="";fi if grep -iw '\(cvs.fedoraproject.org\):/cvs/pkgs' CVS/Root &>/dev/null;then _opts_d="";fi if grep '^tests/kernel/syscalls/ptrace' CVS/Repository &>/dev/null;then _opts_d="";fi _now=false _line="" _opts="" while [ $# != 0 ];do _o="$1" shift _line="$_line $_o" if [ "$_o" = "--" ] && ! $_now;then _now=true;continue;fi if [ "${_o#-}" != "$_o" ] && ! $_now;then continue;fi if [ "$_o" = update -o "$_o" = upd -o "$_o" = up ];then _opts="$_opts_d";fi break done cvs $_line $_opts "$@" ); } function perlrpm { repoquery -q --whatprovides $(for i in "$@";do echo "perl($i)";done|sed -e 's/\//::/g' -e 's/[.]pm//g'); } # `-u' limits the search to $UID. function pidof {(unset pidof if [ "$1" = "-u" ];then shift local r="$(pidof "$@")" local space="" local p for p in $r;do if grep -q "$(echo -e "^Uid:\t$UID\t")" "/proc/$p/status";then echo -n "${space}$p" space=" " fi done echo else pidof "$@" fi )} function sumlog { find "$@" ! -name config.log -name "*.log" -o -name "*.sum"; } function sourcewarecvscheckout {(set -ex ! test -d src ! test -d $1-cvs (set +x;cvs -z3 -d :pserver:anoncvs:@sourceware.org:/cvs/src checkout $1) mv src $1-cvs cd $1-cvs (set +x;cvs update) #(set +x;cvsignoresall) (set +x;ignoresall) );} function gdbgitclone { git clone git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git gdb-git; } function archergitclone { git clone git://sourceware.org/git/archer.git archer-git; } function gdbcvscheckout { sourcewarecvscheckout gdb; } function binutilscvscheckout { sourcewarecvscheckout binutils; } function uri_escape { perl -MURI::Escape -le '$_=<>;chomp;print uri_escape $_;'; }; function uri_unescape { perl -MURI::Escape -le '$_=<>;chomp;print uri_unescape $_;'; }; alias fetchmail='n fetchmail' function sleep_until { (set -x;sleep $[$(date -d "$*" +%s)-$(date +%s)]); } function rpmsrclist { if [ -z "$*" ]; then echo >&2 "rpmsrclist gcc-4.3.2-7 [4.4.0-0.25 [-|http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/gcc/4.4.0/0.25/]]" else rpm -q --qf '%{SOURCERPM} %{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' -a \ | grep "^$1.src.rpm " | sed 's/^[^ ]* //' \ | \ if [ -z "$2" ]; then \ cat; \ else \ sed "s/-$(echo "$1"|sed 's/^.*-\([^-]*-[^-]*\)$/\1/')/-$2/" fi \ | \ if [ -z "$3" ]; then \ cat; \ else \ if [ "$3" != - ]; then sed "s#.*#$3&.rpm#"; \ else \ base="$(echo "$1"|sed 's/^\(.*\)-[^-]*-[^-]*$/\1/')"; \ sed "s#^.*-\([^-]*\)-\([^-]*\)\.\([^.]*\)\$#http://kojipkgs.fedoraproject.org/packages/$base/\1/\2/\3/&.rpm#"; \ fi; \ fi \ | sort -u fi } function yumupdate {(ulimit -v unlimited;yum makecache;yum -y --skip-broken update "$@";);} function gitcommit { git commit -a --allow-empty-message -m '' "$@"; } function gpg {(unset gpg; http_proxy= all_proxy= HTTP_PROXY= ALL_PROXY= gpg "$@"; );} function swap() {( set -ex;local TMPFILE=tmp.$$;[ $# = 2 ] && mv "$1" $TMPFILE && mv "$2" "$1" && mv $TMPFILE "$2" && echo done )} ulimit -S -c 0 set +H shopt -s mailwarn #RHEL6->7 breaks: echo spa\ ce ~/foo #shopt -s direxpand unset OPTIND umask 022 if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc.local" ];then source "$HOME/.bashrc.local";fi # Interactive part: for key in $HOME/.ssh/id_dsa;do # DISABLED now. continue [ -r "$key" ] || continue # Do not: [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ] && continue # as we may want foreign SSH keys too. agenteval=/tmp/.$USER.ssh-agent.eval if lockfile -1 -r 3 -l 10 -s 1 $agenteval.lock;then test -f $agenteval -a -O $agenteval -a -G $agenteval && # ">/dev/null" to prevent: echo Agent pid 31074 source $agenteval >/dev/null if [ "ssh-agent" != "`(xargs -0 /dev/null `" ];then rm -f $agenteval (test ! -e $agenteval && ssh-agent -s >$agenteval) || echo >&2 'Failing ssh-agent!' # ">/dev/null" to prevent: echo Agent pid 31074 source $agenteval >/dev/null fi rm -f $agenteval.lock fi # Prevent gdm(8) lockups on non-interactive consoles. tty -s || continue (ssh-add -l|grep -qw "$key") && continue if lockfile -! -1 -r 0 $agenteval.input.lock 2>/dev/null;then echo >&2 -n "Locking: $agenteval.input.lock ... " lockfile -1 -r -1 $agenteval.input.lock echo >&2 "locked" fi # Recheck identity existence after the lock acquire if ssh-add -l|grep -qw "$key";then echo >&2 "Identity $key already appended in the meantime." else # "2>/dev/null" to prevent: Identity added: .ssh/id_dsa (.ssh/id_dsa) ssh-add "$key" 2>/dev/null fi rm -f $agenteval.input.lock echo >&2 "$agenteval.input.lock unlocked." done unset agenteval unset _home_short_dotbashrc # permit later reinitializations fi # _home_short_dotbashrc true # Prevent crash in '-e' mode