#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use POSIX qw(&strftime); use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use Carp qw(&carp); my $start=time(); my $sourcewaregdbgit="git://sourceware.org/git/binutils-gdb.git"; #my $sourcewaregdbgit="https://gitorious.org/gdb/gdb.git"; my $gdbgitmaster=$ENV{"HOME"}."/redhat/gdb-master"; my $fedoragitroot=q{git://pkgs.fedoraproject.org}; my $rhelgitroot=q{git://pkgs.devel.redhat.com/rpms}; my $sourcewaregit=q{git://pkgs.devel.redhat.com/rpms}; my $arch_i386=qr{(?:x86|i\d86|ia32)}io; my $arch_x86_64=qr{(?:x8664|x86_64|em64t)}io; my $resultdir=$ENV{"HOME"}."/.hammock-result"; my @arches=qw(i386 x86_64); #$ENV{"CCACHE_DISABLE"}="1";delete $ENV{"CCACHE_NODISABLE"}; my $error=0; sub error { carp @_; $error++; } my $userid; my $force; my $parallel=1; my @distro; my @componentdistro; my @path; my @prefixpath; my @arch; my $component; my $srcrpm; my @file; my @target; my $configure; my $branch; # FIXME: Connect make paralellization to the children. my $distrojobs; my $gdbgitpie; my $strip; # FIXME: 20100911servpatched-f14: # readchar: Connection reset by peer # Remote side has terminated connection. GDBserver will reopen the connection. # Can't bind address: Address already in use. # my $gdbserver; my $valgrind; my $bfd32; my $gdbindex; my $dwz; my $dwarf; # Use --dwarf=X0 for: --dwarf=X -fno-debug-types-section # Use --dwarf=X1 for: --dwarf=X -fdebug-types-section my $optimg; my $stabs; my $debug_types_section; my $orphanripper=1; my $options; my $asan; die if !GetOptions( "i|userid=s"=>\$userid, "force"=>\$force, "serial"=>sub { $parallel=0; }, "parallel"=>sub { $parallel=1; }, "d|distro=s{,}"=>\@distro, "cd|componentdistro=s{,}"=>\@componentdistro, "p|path=s{,}"=>\@path, "P|prefixpath=s{,}"=>\@prefixpath, "a|arch=s{,}"=>\@arch, "c|component=s"=>\$component, "s|srcrpm=s"=>\$srcrpm, "file=s{,}"=>\@file, "target=s{,}"=>\@target, "D|distrojobs=s"=>\$distrojobs, "configure=s"=>\$configure, "branch=s"=>\$branch, "gdbgitpie"=>\$gdbgitpie, "strip"=>\$strip, "gdbserver"=>\$gdbserver, "valgrind"=>\$valgrind, "bfd32"=>\$bfd32, "gdbindex"=>\$gdbindex, "dwz"=>\$dwz, "dwarf=i"=>\$dwarf, "optimg"=>\$optimg, "stabs=i"=>\$stabs, "orphanripper!"=>\$orphanripper, "options=s"=>\$options, "asan"=>\$asan, ); $component and ($component=~m{^(?:(?:fedora|rhel)(?:gdb|binutils|glibc)|gdbgit|/home/.*)$} or die "-c|--component required to be: fedoragdb|rhelgdb|fedorabinutils|rhelbinutils|fedoraglibc|rhelglibc|gdbgit|/home/*"); $component and $component=~m{^/home/} and (-f "$component/gdb/gdbtypes.c" or die "$component/gdb/gdbtypes.c not found"); $component and $srcrpm and die "-c|--component excludes -s|--srcrpm"; $component or $srcrpm or die "-c|--component or -s|--srcrpm required"; $component||=""; # Make `eq' not complaining. if ($component ne "gdbgit") { # $gitbranch=(!$branch?"":"-r $branch"); # "-A" is broken with new sourceware.org die "--branch currently unsupported for non-GIT sources" if $branch; } $branch||="master"; !$gdbgitpie or $component eq "gdbgit" or die "--gdbgitpie requires -c gdbgit"; @target and ($srcrpm or $component=~/^(?:fedora|rhel)/) and die "--target is available only for baretestsuite modes"; $strip and ($srcrpm or $component=~/^(?:fedora|rhel)/) and die "--strip is available only for baretestsuite modes"; $options and ($srcrpm or $component=~/^(?:fedora|rhel)/) and die "--options is available only for baretestsuite modes"; $gdbserver and $component!~m{^(?:gdbgit|/home/.*)$} and die "--gdbserver is available only for gdbgit||/home/*"; $valgrind and $component!~m{^(?:gdbgit|/home/.*)$} and die "--valgrind is available only for gdbgit||/home/*"; $asan and $component!~m{^(?:gdbgit|/home/.*)$} and die "--asan is available only for gdbgit||/home/*"; $gdbserver and $valgrind and die "--gdbserver and --valgrind are mutually exclusive"; ($gdbserver || $valgrind) and ($gdbindex || $dwz) and die "--gdbserver|--valgrind and --gdbindex|--dwz are mutually exclusive"; do { $debug_types_section=$dwarf%10; $dwarf=int($dwarf/10); } if ($dwarf||0)>=40; !defined $dwarf or ($dwarf>=2 && $dwarf<=5) or die "--dwarf requires DWARF version number"; !defined $stabs or ($stabs>=0 && $stabs<=2) or die "--stabs is 0=off or 1=-gstabs or 2=-gstabs+"; ($gdbserver || $valgrind || $gdbindex || $dwz) and ($dwarf || $stabs) and die "--gdbserver|--valgrind|--gdbindex and --dwarf|--stabs are mutually exclusive"; $orphanripper=($orphanripper?"orphanripper":""); my %target; do { error "Duplicate target: $_\n" if $target{$_}++; } for @target; @arch="x86_64" if @target&&!@arch; for my $file (@file) { -f $file and -r $file or error "-f|--file $file not readable: $!"; } ###push @file,"/home/jkratoch/redhat/fedora/gdb/master/gdb-index-assert.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; ###push @file,"/home/jkratoch/redhat/fedora/gdb/master/gdb-dejagnu-go.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; ###push @file,"/home/jkratoch/t/signed32.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; $distrojobs=(@target?1:2) if !defined $distrojobs; ###$distrojobs=1; # FIXME $distrojobs=~/^\d+$/ or die "-D|distrojobs must be a number: $distrojobs"; $distrojobs>=1 or die "-D|distrojobs must be positive: $distrojobs"; error "Excessive arguments: @ARGV" if @ARGV; @arch=@arches if !@arch; my $path=join(":",@path) if @path; @componentdistro and @componentdistro!=@distro and die "--cd|--componentdistro must have the same elements count as -d|--distro"; #FIXME:push @file,"/home/jkratoch/t/gdbserverasyncnonstop.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; push @file,"/home/jkratoch/t/watchpointfork2.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; #push @file,"/home/jkratoch/t/or1k-m32.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; #push @file,"/home/jkratoch/t/gdb-breakpointchanged.patch" if $component eq "gdbgit"; sub distro_normalize($;$) { my($name,$force)=@_; local $_=$name; s{^/var/lib/mock/+}{}; s{/+$}{}; s/^.*$/\L$&/s; s/^(?:devel|rawhide)\b/fedora-rawhide/; s/^(?:epel|centos)-?(\d)/epel-$1/; s/^(?:rhel)-?(\d)/rhel-$1/; s/^(?:f|fedora)-?(\d)/fedora-$1/; my @archuse; @archuse="" if -d "/var/lib/mock/$_"; @archuse="i386" if s/-$arch_i386$//o; @archuse="x86_64" if s/-$arch_x86_64$//o; for my $arch (@archuse?@archuse:@arch) { my $dir="/var/lib/mock/$_".(!$arch?"":"-$arch"); $force or -d $dir or error "No distro: $dir"; } return ($_,@archuse); } # epel-\d-i386|fedora-\d-i386|fedora-rawhide-i386 my @distrouse; for my $distroi (0..$#distro) { my $distro=$distro[$distroi]; my $componentdistro=$componentdistro[$distroi]; my @archuse; if ($componentdistro) { my $force=($componentdistro=~s/!$//); ($componentdistro,@archuse)=distro_normalize $componentdistro,$force; @archuse and die "--cd|--componentdistro must have no arch: ".join(" ",@archuse); } ($distro,@archuse)=distro_normalize $distro; $componentdistro||=$distro; @archuse=@arch if !@archuse; for my $archuse (@archuse) { for my $target (@target?@target:undef()) { push @distrouse,{"distro"=>$distro.(!$archuse?"":"-$archuse"),"componentdistro"=>$componentdistro,"target"=>$target}; } } } # "-p", "mayexist" sub newdir($;@) { my($dir,@opt)=@_; my %opt=map(($_=>1),@opt); warn "+ mkdir".($opt{"-p"} ? " -p" : "")." $dir\n"; mkdir $dir or ($opt{"mayexist"} && $!{EEXIST}) or die "mkdir $dir: $!"; } my $log; # "bare" sub spawn($;%) { my($cmd,@opt)=@_; my %opt=map(($_=>1),@opt); my $ok; if (!$opt{"bare"}) { $cmd="set -ex; $cmd"; $ok="$log.ok" if $log; $cmd="($cmd; touch $ok) 2>&1|tee -a $log; test -f $ok" if $log; unlink $ok if $ok; } else { warn "+ $cmd\n"; } # warn "+ $cmd\n"; system $cmd and die "$cmd: $!"; unlink $ok if $ok; } my $basedir=$ENV{"HOME"}."/hammock"; newdir $basedir,"mayexist"; my $idbase=strftime("%Y%m%d",localtime()); my $id; my $dir; for my $seq (defined $userid ? $userid : (0..99)) { $id=$idbase.(defined $userid ? $seq : sprintf("%02d",$seq)); $dir="$basedir/$id"; last if ! -e $dir; } spawn "chmod -R u+w $dir; rm -rf $dir" if -d $dir && $force && defined $userid; error "Directory not free: $dir" if !$id || !$dir || -e $dir; print STDERR "ID = $id | dir = $dir\n"; error "No distros specified" if !@distrouse; die "$error errors seen, aborted" if $error; sub writefile { my($fname,$content)=@_; local *F; open F,">$fname" or die $fname; print F $content or die $fname; close F or die $fname; } sub readfile { my($fname)=@_; local *F; open F,"$fname" or die $fname; local $/=undef(); defined(my $r=) or die $fname; close F or die $fname; return $r; } sub ln($$) { my($old,$new)=@_; link $old,$new or spawn "cp -p '$old' '$new'"; } # /etc/cgconfig.conf spawn "cgclassify -g '*':hammock $$ || :"; #spawn "renice +19 -p $$"; spawn "renice +5 -p $$||:"; spawn "ionice -c3 -p $$"; newdir $dir; $log="$dir/log"; my $resultid="$resultdir/$id"; my $resultidxz="$resultid.tar.xz"; newdir $resultdir,"mayexist"; spawn "rm -rf $resultid" if -d $resultid && $force; newdir $resultid; unlink $resultidxz or $!{ENOENT} or die "unlink $resultidxz: $!"; spawn "uname -r >$dir/kernel"; my %dump=( "path"=>$path, "prefixpath"=>join(":",@prefixpath), "component"=>$component, "branch"=>$branch, "srcrpm"=>$srcrpm, "file"=>join("\n",@file), "configure"=>$configure, "gdbgitpie"=>$gdbgitpie, "gdbserver"=>$gdbserver, "valgrind"=>$valgrind, "bfd32"=>$bfd32, "gdbindex"=>$gdbindex, "dwz"=>$dwz, "dwarf"=>$dwarf, "optimg"=>$optimg, "stabs"=>$stabs, "debug_types_section"=>$debug_types_section, "orphanripper"=>$orphanripper, "options"=>$options, ); while (my($name,$val)=each(%dump)) { next if !$val; writefile "$dir/$name","$val\n"; ln "$dir/$name","$resultid/$name"; } for my $file (@file) { newdir "$dir/file.d","mayexist"; (my $base=$file)=~s{^.*/}{}; my $d="$dir/file.d/$base"; ln $file,$d; newdir "$resultid/file.d","mayexist"; ln $d,"$resultid/file.d/$base"; } sub subst { my($sub,$in,$out)=@_; $out||=$in; local *F; open F,$in or die $in; local $_=do { local $/; ; } or die $in; close F or die $in; &{$sub}() or die $_."\nError substituting $in"; writefile $out,$_; } sub copyfiles($) { my($targetdir)=@_; for my $file (@file) { my $filebase=$file; $filebase=~s{^.*/}{}; my $target="$targetdir/$filebase"; # Some *.patch files may be new. # -f $target or die "File $file does not exist at $target"; spawn "rm -f $target; cp -p $file $target"; } } # PID->distro my %child; while (@distrouse || keys(%child)) { while (keys(%child)<$distrojobs && @distrouse) { my $distrouse=shift @distrouse; my $distro=$distrouse->{"distro"}; my $componentdistro=$distrouse->{"componentdistro"}; my $target=$distrouse->{"target"}; my $rpmbuild="rpmbuild --with buildisa"; my $gitbranch; my $gitpkg; my $gitroot; my $gitrepo; if ($component=~/^fedora(.*)$/) { $gitrepo=$1; $gitbranch="f$1" if $componentdistro=~/^fedora-(\d+)/; $gitbranch="master" if $componentdistro=~/^fedora-rawhide/; die "$component vs. $componentdistro" if !$gitbranch; $gitroot=$fedoragitroot; $gitpkg="fedpkg"; } if ($component=~/^rhel(.*)$/) { $gitrepo=$1; $gitbranch="auto"; $gitroot=$rhelgitroot; $gitpkg="https_proxy= rhpkg"; #$gitpkg="https_proxy= fedpkg --dist master"; # EPEL still uses Berkeley DB version 8 while F-11+ (F-10?) uses version 9. # Using db_dump and db_load would no longer make it mock compatible. $rpmbuild.=q{ --dbpath $PWD --nodeps}; } my $distrodirbase=$distro; $distrodirbase.="-$target" if $target; my $distrodir="$dir/$distrodirbase"; newdir $distrodir; $log="$distrodir/log"; my $out="$distrodir/out"; newdir $out; if ($parallel) { my $pid=fork(); die if !defined $pid; if ($pid) { $child{$pid}=$distrodirbase; next; } } my $builddir="$distrodir/build"; newdir $builddir; # Do not use mockrun as the rpm database may be in a different version. spawn "rpm -r /var/lib/mock/$distro/root -qa|sort >$out/rpm-qa"; $::distro=$distro; sub mockrun($) { my($c)=@_; $c="export PATH=\"$path:\$PATH\"; $c" if $path; for my $prefixpath (@prefixpath) { $c="export PATH=\"$prefixpath/bin:\$PATH\"; $c"; $c="export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$prefixpath/lib64:$prefixpath/lib\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\"; $c"; } $c="export PATH=\"\$HOME/bin:\$PATH\"; $c"; # $c="export MAKEFLAGS=\"-j\$[`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`*3/2]\"; $c"; # gdbgit: 16=6m5s 32=5m49s(seen OOM) 64=5m42s $c="export MAKEFLAGS=\"-j24\"; $c"; $c="export http_proxy=; $c"; # gdb compile failed, Python runtime initialized with LC_CTYPE=C (a locale with default ASCII encoding), which may cause Unicode compatibility problems. Using C.UTF-8, C.utf8, or UTF-8 (if available) as alternative Unicode-compatible locales is recommended. $c="export PYTHONCOERCECLOCALE=0; $c"; $c="set -ex; cd $builddir; $c"; die "found ': $c" if $c=~/'/; spawn "mockrun $::distro '$c'"; } if ($gitbranch) { die if !$gitroot; die if !$gitrepo; die if !$gitbranch; die if !$gitpkg; spawn "cd $distrodir; git clone ".($gitbranch eq "auto"?"":"-b $gitbranch")." $gitroot/$gitrepo $component"; my $componentdir="$distrodir/$component"; -d $componentdir or die "Failed checkout to: $componentdir"; if ($gitbranch eq "auto") { $componentdistro=~/^(?:rhel|epel)-(\d+)$/ or die $componentdistro; my $major=$1; my @l=grep { m{^\s*origin/rhel-$major\.\d+\s*$} } split /\n/,readfile "cd $componentdir; git branch -r |"; sub minor { local $_=$_[0]; s{^\s*origin/rhel-\d+\.(\d+)\s*$}{$1} or die; return $_; } @l=sort { minor($b) <=> minor($a); } @l; $gitbranch=($l[0]=~m{^\s*origin/(.*?)\s*$})[0] or die; spawn "cd $componentdir; git checkout $gitbranch"; } copyfiles $componentdir; spawn "cd $componentdir; $gitpkg verrel >$out/verrel"; my $glob="$componentdir/*.src.rpm"; @{[glob $glob]}==0 or die "Found some before test-srpm: $glob"; # No `spawn' as we could get: # error: unpacking of archive failed on file X;4a56efef: cpio: MD5 sum mismatch mockrun "cd $componentdir; $gitpkg srpm"; my @srcrpm=(glob $glob); @srcrpm==1 or die "Did not find 1 srcrpm: @srcrpm"; $srcrpm=$srcrpm[0]; } if ($srcrpm) { my $srcrpmbasename=$srcrpm; $srcrpmbasename=~s{^.*/}{}; spawn "cp -p $srcrpm $builddir/$srcrpmbasename"; my $rpmbuildlocal=$rpmbuild.q{ --define "_topdir $PWD" --define "_builddir $PWD" --define "_rpmdir $PWD" --define "_sourcedir $PWD" --define "_specdir $PWD" --define "_srcrpmdir $PWD" --define "_build_name_fmt %%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm"}; # $rpmbuildlocal="$orphanripper $rpmbuildlocal" if $gitrepo && $gitrepo eq "glibc"; mockrun $rpmbuildlocal." --rebuild --with testsuite $srcrpmbasename"; } my $baretestsuite; if ($component eq "gdbgit") { spawn "git clone ".(!-d $gdbgitmaster ? "" : "--reference $gdbgitmaster")." -b $branch $sourcewaregdbgit $builddir/$component"; #spawn "cd $builddir/$component; git fetch"; spawn "cd $builddir/$component; git pull"; ### spawn "cd $builddir/$component; git checkout -b $component origin/$component; [ \"`git status`\" = \"# On branch $component\nnothing to commit (working directory clean)\" ]"; $baretestsuite="$builddir/$component"; } if ($component=~m{^/home/}) { # spawn "cp -a $component $builddir/src; cd $builddir/src; find -name \"*.[oa]\" -o -name \"*.l[oa]\" -o -name gdb.sum -o -name gdb.log|xargs rm -f; make clean || :"; spawn "git clone $component $builddir/src; cd $builddir/src"; $baretestsuite="$builddir/src"; } if ($baretestsuite) { for my $file (@file) { my $target="$baretestsuite/$file"; if ($file=~m{[.](R?)patch$}) { my $R=$1; my $fileabs=$file; $fileabs=$ENV{"PWD"}."/$fileabs" if $fileabs!~m{^/}; spawn "cd $baretestsuite; patch -${R}p1 <$fileabs"; } else { -f $target or $file=~m{/testsuite/} or die "File $file does not exist at $target"; spawn "rm -f $target; cp -p $file $target"; } spawn "rm -f $baretestsuite/gdb/testsuite/dg-extract-results.py"; ### Fedora gdb-no-dg-extract-results-py.patch } my $errs12="errs12"; $errs12.=" --noasan" if !$asan; $errs12.=" -s" if $strip; $errs12.=" --target=$target" if $target; #$errs12.=" --disable-binutils --disable-gas --disable-gold --disable-gprof --disable-ld"; #$errs12.=" --binutils" if $gdbindex; # for objcopy but that is needed only for cross-targets $errs12.=" $options" if $options; $errs12.=" $configure" if $configure; # if ($component eq "binutilsgit") { # mockrun "cd $baretestsuite; $errs12; ulimit -c unlimited; $orphanripper make -k check || :; ".q{for file in {gas/testsuite/gas,ld/ld,binutils/binutils}.{sum,log};do ln $file}." $out/binutils-$distro-".q{$(basename $file) || :; done;}; # } { if ($valgrind) { # FIXME do { unlink $_ or warn "$_: $!"; } for "$baretestsuite/gdb/testsuite/gdb.base/break-interp.exp"; } my @check=($distro=~/-x86_64/ ? qw(-m64 -m32) : -m32); @check=map("check//unix/$_",@check); @check=map({($_,"$_/-fPIE/-pie");} @check) if $gdbgitpie; my %flags=("CC_FOR_TARGET" =>"gcc", "CXX_FOR_TARGET" =>"g++", "GO_FOR_TARGET" =>"gccgo", "GO_LD_FOR_TARGET"=>"gccgo", ); # for i in ".join(" ",@check).";do $orphanripper make -k \$i || :;done sub runtestcc($) { my($q0)=@_; (my $q1=$q0)=~s/ /\\ /g; (my $q2=$q1)=~s/ /\\ /g; return ' RUNTESTFLAGS="'.join(' ',map($_.'='.$flags{$_}.'\ '.$q1,keys(%flags))).' GNATMAKE_FOR_TARGET=gnatmake\ --GCC=gcc\\ '.$q2.'"'; } die "FIXME" if $valgrind; # .(!$valgrind?"":' RUNTESTFLAGS=--target_board=valgrind') # .(!$valgrind?"":' HAMMOCK_VALGRIND=1') # .(!$valgrind?"":' --without-python') # FIXME: Fix valgrind --suppressions if ($gdbindex||$dwz) { for my $key (keys(%flags)) { writefile "$baretestsuite/hammock-$key",'' .' GDB="'.$baretestsuite.'/gdb/gdb -data-directory '.$baretestsuite.'/gdb/data-directory"' .' GDB_ADD_INDEX='.$baretestsuite.'/gdb/contrib/gdb-add-index.sh' .' '.$baretestsuite.'/gdb/contrib/cc-with-tweaks.sh ' .(!$gdbindex?'':' -i') .(!$dwz?'':' -m') .' '.$flags{$key}.' "$@"' ."\n"; } } mockrun "cd $baretestsuite;" ." $errs12" .(!$bfd32?"":' --disable-64-bit-bfd') ."; cd gdb; ulimit -c unlimited; DEJAGNU=$baretestsuite/site.exp " ."$orphanripper make -k ".join(" ",@check) # Ensure serial run if FORCE_PARALLEL=1 is not present ." RUNTESTFLAGS=DUMMY=dummy" .(!$gdbserver?"":' RUNTESTFLAGS=--target_board=native-gdbserver') # Missing GNATMAKE_FOR_TARGET! .(!($gdbindex||$dwz)?"":' RUNTESTFLAGS="'.join(' ',map("$_=/bin/sh\\ $baretestsuite/hammock-$_",keys(%flags))).'"') .(!$dwarf?"":runtestcc "-gdwarf-$dwarf".(!defined $debug_types_section?"":'\ '.($debug_types_section?"-fdebug-types-section":"-fno-debug-types-section"))." -g0") .(!$optimg?"":runtestcc "-Og -g0") .(!$stabs?"":runtestcc(($stabs==1?"-gstabs":"-gstabs+")." -g0")) .(!$parallel?"":' FORCE_PARALLEL=1') ." || :; ".q{for t in sum log;do for file in testsuite*/gdb.$t;do suffix="${file#testsuite.unix.}"; suffix="${suffix%/gdb.$t}"; ln $file}." $out/gdb".q{$suffix.$t || :; done; done;}; } # gdbunpack does: # perl -i -pe 's{\Q'"$HOME"'\E/.*?/build/[^/]*/}{}g' "$base"/* my $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"}; for my $file (glob("$out/*.sum"),glob("$out/*.log")) { subst sub { s{\Q$HOME\E/.*?/build/[^/]*/}{}g; },$file; } } else { die "internal error" if @target; } # Call gdbunpack only if no direct $out directory will be created. # It is needed only for .src.rpm-built testsuites, no matter how .src.rpm # got created. my @testinlog; if ($component=~/^(?:fedora|rhel)glibc$/) { @testinlog=(qr/={20}TESTING DETAILS={17}/,qr/={20}PLT RELOCS END={18}/); } if (@testinlog) { subst sub { s{^.*?\n($testinlog[0]\n.*\n$testinlog[1]\n).*$}{$1}s; },$log,$out; } elsif ($srcrpm) { # Applies both to gdb and binutils. spawn "mv $out $out.x; gdbunpack $log; mv $out.x/* $out/; rmdir $out.x"; } if ($valgrind) { for my $from (glob "$out/*.log") { (my $to=$from).="filt"; spawn q{sed -n 's/^==[0-9]*== \([A-Z]\)/\1/p' <}.$from.q{|grep -v '^\(Conditional jump \|Invalid read \|Use of uninitialised value \|Syscall param .* uninitialised byte\)' >}.$to; } } my $resultout="$resultdir/$id/$distrodirbase"; newdir $resultout; $resultout.="/out"; newdir $resultout; for my $fname (glob "$out/*") { (my $base=$fname)=~s{^.*/}{}; my $d="$resultout/$base"; warn "+ link $fname $d\n"; ln $fname,$d; } exit 0 if $parallel; } print STDERR "waiting for ".scalar(keys(%child))." children, ".scalar(@distrouse)." distros to go...\n"; my $pid=wait(); next if $pid==-1 && $!==10; # 10==No child processes die "wait()==-1: $!" if $pid==-1; die "not found pid $pid" if !$child{$pid}; error "weird status $? for pid $pid: ".$child{$pid} if $?; print STDERR "finished: $pid ".$child{$pid}."\n"; delete $child{$pid}; } die if keys(%child); die if @distrouse; spawn "(set -e -o pipefail;cd $resultdir;tar cf - $id|xz -9e >$resultidxz;rm -rf $id)&","bare"; sub timestr($) { my($sec)=@_; my $r=""; if ($sec>=60*60) { $r.=int($sec/(60*60))."h"; $sec%=60*60; } if ($r || $sec>=60) { $r.=int($sec/60)."m"; $sec%=60; } $r.=$sec."s"; return $r; } print STDERR "ID = $id | dir = $dir\n"; my $time=timestr(time()-$start); print STDERR "total time=$time\n"; writefile "$dir/time","$time\n"; die "$error errors seen, aborted" if $error; print STDERR "done\n";