/* $Id$ * * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS version of ntdll * FILE: iface/native/genntdll.c * PURPOSE: Generates the system call stubs in ntdll * CHANGE HISTORY: Added a '@xx' to deal with stdcall [ Ariadne ] * 19990616 (ea) * Four arguments now required; 4th is the file * for ntoskrnl ZwXXX functions (which are merely calls * to twin NtXXX calls, via int 0x2e (x86). * 19990617 (ea) * Fixed a bug in function numbers in kernel ZwXXX stubs. * */ /* INCLUDE ******************************************************************/ #include #include #include #define PARAMETERIZED_LIBS #define VERBOSE #define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 255 #define INDEX 0x1000 /* SSDT index 1 */ /* FUNCTIONS ****************************************************************/ int makeSystemServiceTable(FILE *in, FILE *out) { char line [INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; char *s; char *name; int sys_call_idx; char *nr_args; char *stmp; /* * Main SSDT Header */ fprintf(out,"// Machine generated, don't edit\n"); fprintf(out,"\n\n"); /* * First we build the Win32k SSDT */ fprintf(out,"SSDT Win32kSSDT[] = {\n"); /* First system call has index zero */ sys_call_idx = 0; /* Go on until EOF or read zero bytes */ while ((!feof(in))&& (fgets(line, sizeof line, in) != NULL)) { if ((s = (char *) strchr(line,'\r')) != NULL) { *s = '\0'; } /* * Skip comments (#) and empty lines. */ s = & line[0]; if ((*s) != '#' && (*s) != '\0') { /* Extract the NtXXX name */ name = (char *)strtok(s," \t"); /* Extract the stack size */ nr_args = (char *)strtok(NULL," \t"); /* * Remove, if present, the trailing LF. */ if ((stmp = strchr(nr_args, '\n')) != NULL) { *stmp = '\0'; } #ifdef VERBOSE printf("%3d \"%s\"\n",sys_call_idx | INDEX,name); #endif if (sys_call_idx > 0) { fprintf(out,",\n"); } /* * Now write the current system call's name * in the service table. */ fprintf(out,"\t\t{ (ULONG)%s }",name); /* Next system call index */ sys_call_idx++; } } /* Close the service table (C syntax) */ fprintf(out,"\n};\n"); /* * Now we build the Win32k SSPT */ rewind(in); fprintf(out,"\n\n"); fprintf(out,"SSPT Win32kSSPT[] = {\n"); /* First system call has index zero */ sys_call_idx = 0; /* Go on until EOF or read zero bytes */ while ((!feof(in))&& (fgets(line, sizeof line, in) != NULL)) { if ((s = (char *) strchr(line,'\r')) != NULL) { *s = '\0'; } /* * Skip comments (#) and empty lines. */ s = & line[0]; if ((*s) != '#' && (*s) != '\0') { /* Extract the NtXXX name */ name = (char *)strtok(s," \t"); /* Extract the stack size */ nr_args = (char *)strtok(NULL," \t"); /* * Remove, if present, the trailing LF. */ if ((stmp = strchr(nr_args, '\n')) != NULL) { *stmp = '\0'; } #ifdef VERBOSE printf("%3d \"%s\"\n",sys_call_idx|INDEX,name); #endif if (sys_call_idx > 0) { fprintf(out,",\n"); } /* * Now write the current system call's ID * in the service table along with its Parameters Size. */ fprintf(out,"\t\t{ %d }",atoi(nr_args) * sizeof(void*)); /* Next system call index */ sys_call_idx++; } } /* * Close the service table (C syntax) */ fprintf(out,"\n};\n"); /* * We write some useful defines */ fprintf(out, "\n\n#define MIN_SYSCALL_NUMBER 0\n"); fprintf(out, "#define MAX_SYSCALL_NUMBER %d\n", sys_call_idx-1); fprintf(out, "#define NUMBER_OF_SYSCALLS %d\n", sys_call_idx); fprintf(out, "ULONG Win32kNumberOfSysCalls = %d;\n", sys_call_idx); return(0); } int process( FILE * in, FILE * out1, FILE * out2, FILE * out3 ) { char line [INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE]; char * s; char * name; /* NtXXX name */ int sys_call_idx; /* NtXXX index number in the service table */ char * nr_args; /* stack_size / machine_word_size */ char * stmp; int stacksize; /* * GDI32 stubs file header */ fprintf(out1,"// Machine generated, don't edit\n"); fprintf(out1,"\n\n"); /* * USER32 stubs file header */ fprintf(out2,"// Machine generated, don't edit\n"); fprintf(out2,"\n\n"); /* * CSRSS stubs file header */ fprintf(out3,"// Machine generated, don't edit\n"); fprintf(out3,"\n\n"); /* * Scan the database. DB is a text file; each line * is a record, which contains data for one system * function. Each record has three columns: * * NT_NAME (e.g. NtCreateProcess) * ZW_NAME (e.g. ZwCreateProcess) * STACK_SIZE (in machine words: for x[3456]86 * processors a machine word is 4 bytes) */ /* First system call has index zero */ sys_call_idx = 0; while ( /* Go on until EOF or read zero bytes */ ( (!feof(in)) && (fgets(line, sizeof line, in) != NULL) ) ) { /* * Remove, if present, the trailing CR. * (os specific?) */ if ((s = (char *) strchr(line,'\r')) != NULL) { *s = '\0'; } /* * Skip comments (#) and empty lines. */ s = & line[0]; if ((*s) != '#' && (*s) != '\0') { /* Extract the NtXXX name */ name = (char *)strtok(s," \t"); /* Extract the stack size */ nr_args = (char *)strtok(NULL," \t"); stacksize = atoi(nr_args)*sizeof(void*); /* * Remove, if present, the trailing LF. */ if ((stmp = strchr(nr_args, '\n')) != NULL) { *stmp = '\0'; } #ifdef VERBOSE printf("%3d \"%s\"\n",sys_call_idx | INDEX,name); #endif /* * Write the GDI32 stub for the current system call. */ #ifdef PARAMETERIZED_LIBS fprintf(out1,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s@%d\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); fprintf(out1,"\"_%s@%d:\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); #else fprintf(out1,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s\\n\\t\"\n",name); fprintf(out1,"\"_%s:\\n\\t\"\n",name); #endif fprintf(out1,"\t\"mov\t$%d,%%eax\\n\\t\"\n",sys_call_idx | INDEX); fprintf(out1,"\t\"lea\t4(%%esp),%%edx\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out1,"\t\"int\t$0x2E\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out1,"\t\"ret\t$%d\\n\\t\");\n\n",stacksize); /* * Write the USER32 stub for the current system call */ #ifdef PARAMETERIZED_LIBS fprintf(out2,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s@%d\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); fprintf(out2,"\"_%s@%d:\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); #else fprintf(out2,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s\\n\\t\"\n",name); fprintf(out2,"\"_%s:\\n\\t\"\n",name); #endif fprintf(out2,"\t\"mov\t$%d,%%eax\\n\\t\"\n",sys_call_idx | INDEX); fprintf(out2,"\t\"lea\t4(%%esp),%%edx\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out2,"\t\"int\t$0x2E\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out2,"\t\"ret\t$%d\\n\\t\");\n\n",stacksize); /* * Write the CSRSS stub for the current system call */ #ifdef PARAMETERIZED_LIBS fprintf(out3,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s@%d\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); fprintf(out3,"\"_%s@%d:\\n\\t\"\n",name,stacksize); #else fprintf(out3,"__asm__(\"\\n\\t.global _%s\\n\\t\"\n",name); fprintf(out3,"\"_%s:\\n\\t\"\n",name); #endif fprintf(out3,"\t\"mov\t$%d,%%eax\\n\\t\"\n",sys_call_idx | INDEX); fprintf(out3,"\t\"lea\t4(%%esp),%%edx\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out3,"\t\"int\t$0x2E\\n\\t\"\n"); fprintf(out3,"\t\"ret\t$%d\\n\\t\");\n\n",stacksize); /* Next system call index */ sys_call_idx++; } } return(0); } void usage(char * argv0) { printf("Usage: %s w32k.lst ssdt.h win32k.c win32k.c\n" " w32k.lst system functions database\n" " ssdt.h WIN32K service table\n" " win32k.c GDI32 stubs\n" " win32k.c USER32 stubs\n", argv0 ); } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { FILE * in; /* System calls database */ FILE * out1; /* SERVICE_TABLE */ FILE * out2; /* GDI32 stubs */ FILE * out3; /* USER32 stubs */ FILE * out4; /* CSRSS stubs */ int ret; if (argc != 6) { usage(argv[0]); return(1); } in = fopen(argv[1],"rb"); if (in == NULL) { perror("Failed to open input file (system calls database)"); return(1); } out1 = fopen(argv[2],"wb"); if (out1 == NULL) { perror("Failed to open output file (WIN32K service table)"); return(1); } out2 = fopen(argv[3],"wb"); if (out2 == NULL) { perror("Failed to open output file (GDI32 stubs)"); return(1); } out3 = fopen(argv[4],"wb"); if (out3 == NULL) { perror("Failed to open output file (USER32 stubs)"); return(1); } out4 = fopen(argv[5],"wb"); if (out4 == NULL) { perror("Failed to open output file (CSRSS stubs)"); return(1); } ret = process(in,out2,out3,out4); rewind(in); ret = makeSystemServiceTable(in, out1); fclose(in); fclose(out1); fclose(out2); fclose(out3); return(ret); }