/* Functions.h Declarations for all the Windows32 API Functions Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Author: Scott Christley This file is part of the Windows32 API Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. If you are interested in a warranty or support for this source code, contact Scott Christley for more information. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _GNU_H_WINDOWS32_FUNCTIONS #define _GNU_H_WINDOWS32_FUNCTIONS #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ typedef DWORD (CALLBACK *PPROGRESS_ROUTINE)( LARGE_INTEGER TotalFileSize, LARGE_INTEGER TotalBytesTransferred, LARGE_INTEGER StreamSize, LARGE_INTEGER StreamBytesTransferred, DWORD StreamNumber, DWORD CallbackReason, HANDLE SourceFile, HANDLE DestinationFile, LPVOID UserData); typedef PPROGRESS_ROUTINE LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE; /* These functions were a real pain, having to figure out which had Unicode/Ascii versions and which did not */ #ifndef UNICODE_ONLY #include #endif /* !UNICODE_ONLY */ #ifndef ANSI_ONLY #include #endif /* !ANSI_ONLY */ /* Define the approprate declaration based upon UNICODE or ASCII */ /* UNICODE */ #ifdef UNICODE #define RegConnectRegistry RegConnectRegistryW #define RegCreateKey RegCreateKeyW #define RegCreateKeyEx RegCreateKeyExW #define RegDeleteKey RegDeleteKeyW #define RegDeleteValue RegDeleteValueW #define RegEnumKey RegEnumKeyW #define RegEnumKeyEx RegEnumKeyExW #define RegEnumValue RegEnumValueW #define RegLoadKey RegLoadKeyW #define RegOpenKey RegOpenKeyW #define RegOpenKeyEx RegOpenKeyExW #define RegQueryInfoKey RegQueryInfoKeyW #define RegQueryValue RegQueryValueW #define RegQueryMultipleValues RegQueryMultipleValuesW #define RegQueryValueEx RegQueryValueExW #define RegReplaceKey RegReplaceKeyW #define RegRestoreKey RegRestoreKeyW #define RegSaveKey RegSaveKeyW #define RegSetValue RegSetValueW #define RegSetValueEx RegSetValueExW #define AbortSystemShutdown AbortSystemShutdownW #define InitiateSystemShutdown InitiateSystemShutdownW #define RegUnLoadKey RegUnLoadKeyW #define SetProp SetPropW #define GetProp GetPropW #define RemoveProp RemovePropW #define EnumPropsEx EnumPropsExW #define EnumProps EnumPropsW #define SetWindowText SetWindowTextW #define GetWindowText GetWindowTextW #define GetWindowTextLength GetWindowTextLengthW #define MessageBox MessageBoxW #define MessageBoxEx MessageBoxExW #define MessageBoxIndirect MessageBoxIndirectW #define GetWindowLong GetWindowLongW #define SetWindowLong SetWindowLongW #define GetClassLong GetClassLongW #define SetClassLong SetClassLongW #define FindWindow FindWindowW #define FindWindowEx FindWindowExW #define GetClassName GetClassNameW #define SetWindowsHookEx SetWindowsHookExW #define LoadBitmap LoadBitmapW #define LoadCursor LoadCursorW #define LoadCursorFromFile LoadCursorFromFileW #define LoadIcon LoadIconW #define LoadImage LoadImageW #define LoadString LoadStringW #define IsDialogMessage IsDialogMessageW #define DlgDirList DlgDirListW #define DlgDirSelectEx DlgDirSelectExW #define DlgDirListComboBox DlgDirListComboBoxW #define DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW #define DefFrameProc DefFrameProcW #define DefMDIChildProc DefMDIChildProcW #define CreateMDIWindow CreateMDIWindowW #define WinHelp WinHelpW #define ChangeDisplaySettings ChangeDisplaySettingsW #define EnumDisplaySettings EnumDisplaySettingsW #define SystemParametersInfo SystemParametersInfoW #define AddFontResource AddFontResourceW #define CopyMetaFile CopyMetaFileW #define CreateDC CreateDCW #define CreateFontIndirect CreateFontIndirectW #define CreateFont CreateFontW #define CreateIC CreateICW #define CreateMetaFile CreateMetaFileW #define CreateScalableFontResource CreateScalableFontResourceW #define DeviceCapabilities DeviceCapabilitiesW #define EnumFontFamiliesEx EnumFontFamiliesExW #define EnumFontFamilies EnumFontFamiliesW #define EnumFonts EnumFontsW #define GetCharWidth GetCharWidthW #define GetCharWidth32 GetCharWidth32W #define GetCharWidthFloat GetCharWidthFloatW #define GetCharABCWidths GetCharABCWidthsW #define GetCharABCWidthsFloat GetCharABCWidthsFloatW #define GetGlyphOutline GetGlyphOutlineW #define GetMetaFile GetMetaFileW #define GetOutlineTextMetrics GetOutlineTextMetricsW #define GetTextExtentPoint GetTextExtentPointW #define GetTextExtentPoint32 GetTextExtentPoint32W #define GetTextExtentExPoint GetTextExtentExPointW #define GetCharacterPlacement GetCharacterPlacementW #define ResetDC ResetDCW #define RemoveFontResource RemoveFontResourceW #define CopyEnhMetaFile CopyEnhMetaFileW #define CreateEnhMetaFile CreateEnhMetaFileW #define GetEnhMetaFile GetEnhMetaFileW #define GetEnhMetaFileDescription GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionW #define GetTextMetrics GetTextMetricsW #define StartDoc StartDocW #define GetObject GetObjectW #define TextOut TextOutW #define ExtTextOut ExtTextOutW #define PolyTextOut PolyTextOutW #define GetTextFace GetTextFaceW #define GetKerningPairs GetKerningPairsW #define GetLogColorSpace GetLogColorSpaceW #define CreateColorSpace CreateColorSpaceW #define GetICMProfile GetICMProfileW #define SetICMProfile SetICMProfileW #define UpdateICMRegKey UpdateICMRegKeyW #define EnumICMProfiles EnumICMProfilesW #define CreatePropertySheetPage CreatePropertySheetPageW #define PropertySheet PropertySheetW #define ImageList_LoadImage ImageList_LoadImageW #define CreateStatusWindow CreateStatusWindowW #define DrawStatusText DrawStatusTextW #define GetOpenFileName GetOpenFileNameW #define GetSaveFileName GetSaveFileNameW #define GetFileTitle GetFileTitleW #define ChooseColor ChooseColorW #define FindText FindTextW #define ReplaceText ReplaceTextW #define ChooseFont ChooseFontW #define PrintDlg PrintDlgW #define PageSetupDlg PageSetupDlgW #define DefWindowProc DefWindowProcW #define CallWindowProc CallWindowProcW #define RegisterClass RegisterClassW #define UnregisterClass UnregisterClassW #define GetClassInfo GetClassInfoW #define RegisterClassEx RegisterClassExW #define GetClassInfoEx GetClassInfoExW #define CreateWindowEx CreateWindowExW #define CreateWindow CreateWindowW #define CreateDialogParam CreateDialogParamW #define CreateDialogIndirectParam CreateDialogIndirectParamW #define CreateDialog CreateDialogW #define CreateDialogIndirect CreateDialogIndirectW #define DialogBoxParam DialogBoxParamW #define DialogBoxIndirectParam DialogBoxIndirectParamW #define DialogBox DialogBoxW #define DialogBoxIndirect DialogBoxIndirectW #define RegisterClipboardFormat RegisterClipboardFormatW #define SetDlgItemText SetDlgItemTextW #define GetDlgItemText GetDlgItemTextW #define SendDlgItemMessage SendDlgItemMessageW #define DefDlgProc DefDlgProcW #define CallMsgFilter CallMsgFilterW #define GetClipboardFormatName GetClipboardFormatNameW #define CharToOem CharToOemW #define OemToChar OemToCharW #define CharToOemBuff CharToOemBuffW #define OemToCharBuff OemToCharBuffW #define CharUpper CharUpperW #define CharUpperBuff CharUpperBuffW #define CharLower CharLowerW #define CharLowerBuff CharLowerBuffW #define CharNext CharNextW #define CharPrev CharPrevW #define IsCharAlpha IsCharAlphaW #define IsCharAlphaNumeric IsCharAlphaNumericW #define IsCharUpper IsCharUpperW #define IsCharLower IsCharLowerW #define GetKeyNameText GetKeyNameTextW #define VkKeyScan VkKeyScanW #define VkKeyScanEx VkKeyScanExW #define MapVirtualKey MapVirtualKeyW #define MapVirtualKeyEx MapVirtualKeyExW #define LoadAccelerators LoadAcceleratorsW #define CreateAcceleratorTable CreateAcceleratorTableW #define CopyAcceleratorTable CopyAcceleratorTableW #define TranslateAccelerator TranslateAcceleratorW #define LoadMenu LoadMenuW #define LoadMenuIndirect LoadMenuIndirectW #define ChangeMenu ChangeMenuW #define GetMenuString GetMenuStringW #define InsertMenu InsertMenuW #define AppendMenu AppendMenuW #define ModifyMenu ModifyMenuW #define InsertMenuItem InsertMenuItemW #define GetMenuItemInfo GetMenuItemInfoW #define SetMenuItemInfo SetMenuItemInfoW #define DrawText DrawTextW #define DrawTextEx DrawTextExW #define GrayString GrayStringW #define DrawState DrawStateW #define TabbedTextOut TabbedTextOutW #define GetTabbedTextExtent GetTabbedTextExtentW #define GetVersionEx GetVersionExW #define wvsprintf wvsprintfW #define wsprintf wsprintfW #define LoadKeyboardLayout LoadKeyboardLayoutW #define GetKeyboardLayoutName GetKeyboardLayoutNameW #define CreateDesktop CreateDesktopW #define OpenDesktop OpenDesktopW #define EnumDesktops EnumDesktopsW #define CreateWindowStation CreateWindowStationW #define OpenWindowStation OpenWindowStationW #define EnumWindowStations EnumWindowStationsW #define IsBadStringPtr IsBadStringPtrW #define LookupAccountSid LookupAccountSidW #define LookupAccountName LookupAccountNameW #define LookupPrivilegeValue LookupPrivilegeValueW #define LookupPrivilegeName LookupPrivilegeNameW #define LookupPrivilegeDisplayName LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameW #define BuildCommDCB BuildCommDCBW #define BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsW #define CommConfigDialog CommConfigDialogW #define GetDefaultCommConfig GetDefaultCommConfigW #define SetDefaultCommConfig SetDefaultCommConfigW #define GetComputerName GetComputerNameW #define SetComputerName SetComputerNameW #define GetUserName GetUserNameW #define CreateMailslot CreateMailslotW #define FormatMessage FormatMessageW #define GetEnvironmentStrings GetEnvironmentStringsW #define FreeEnvironmentStrings FreeEnvironmentStringsW #define lstrcmp lstrcmpW #define lstrcmpi lstrcmpiW #define lstrcpyn lstrcpynW #define lstrcpy lstrcpyW #define lstrcat lstrcatW #define lstrlen lstrlenW #define GetBinaryType GetBinaryTypeW #define GetShortPathName GetShortPathNameW #define SetFileSecurity SetFileSecurityW #define GetFileSecurity GetFileSecurityW #define FindFirstChangeNotification FindFirstChangeNotificationW #define AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmW #define ObjectOpenAuditAlarm ObjectOpenAuditAlarmW #define ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmW #define ObjectCloseAuditAlarm ObjectCloseAuditAlarmW #define PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmW #define OpenEventLog OpenEventLogW #define RegisterEventSource RegisterEventSourceW #define OpenBackupEventLog OpenBackupEventLogW #define ReadEventLog ReadEventLogW #define ReportEvent ReportEventW #define CreateProcess CreateProcessW #define FatalAppExit FatalAppExitW #define GetStartupInfo GetStartupInfoW #define GetEnvironmentVariable GetEnvironmentVariableW #define GetCommandLine GetCommandLineW #define SetEnvironmentVariable SetEnvironmentVariableW #define ExpandEnvironmentStrings ExpandEnvironmentStringsW #define OutputDebugString OutputDebugStringW #define FindResource FindResourceW #define FindResourceEx FindResourceExW #define EnumResourceTypes EnumResourceTypesW #define EnumResourceNames EnumResourceNamesW #define EnumResourceLanguages EnumResourceLanguagesW #define BeginUpdateResource BeginUpdateResourceW #define UpdateResource UpdateResourceW #define EndUpdateResource EndUpdateResourceW #define GlobalAddAtom GlobalAddAtomW #define GlobalFindAtom GlobalFindAtomW #define GlobalGetAtomName GlobalGetAtomNameW #define AddAtom AddAtomW #define FindAtom FindAtomW #define GetAtomName GetAtomNameW #define GetProfileInt GetProfileIntW #define GetProfileString GetProfileStringW #define WriteProfileString WriteProfileStringW #define GetProfileSection GetProfileSectionW #define WriteProfileSection WriteProfileSectionW #define GetPrivateProfileInt GetPrivateProfileIntW #define GetPrivateProfileString GetPrivateProfileStringW #define WritePrivateProfileString WritePrivateProfileStringW #define GetPrivateProfileSection GetPrivateProfileSectionW #define WritePrivateProfileSection WritePrivateProfileSectionW #define GetDriveType GetDriveTypeW #define GetSystemDirectory GetSystemDirectoryW #define GetTempPath GetTempPathW #define GetTempFileName GetTempFileNameW #define GetWindowsDirectory GetWindowsDirectoryW #define SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDirectoryW #define GetCurrentDirectory GetCurrentDirectoryW #define GetDiskFreeSpace GetDiskFreeSpaceW #define GetDiskFreeSpaceEx GetDiskFreeSpaceExW #define CreateDirectory CreateDirectoryW #define CreateDirectoryEx CreateDirectoryExW #define RemoveDirectory RemoveDirectoryW #define GetFullPathName GetFullPathNameW #define DefineDosDevice DefineDosDeviceW #define QueryDosDevice QueryDosDeviceW #define CreateFile CreateFileW #define SetFileAttributes SetFileAttributesW #define GetFileAttributes GetFileAttributesW #define GetCompressedFileSize GetCompressedFileSizeW #define DeleteFile DeleteFileW #define FindFirstFileEx FindFirstFileExW #define FindFirstFile FindFirstFileW #define FindNextFile FindNextFileW #define SearchPath SearchPathW #define CopyFile CopyFileW #define CopyFileEx CopyFileExW #define MoveFile MoveFileW #define MoveFileEx MoveFileExW #define MoveFileWithProgress MoveFileWithProgressW #define CreateNamedPipe CreateNamedPipeW #define GetNamedPipeHandleState GetNamedPipeHandleStateW #define CallNamedPipe CallNamedPipeW #define WaitNamedPipe WaitNamedPipeW #define SetVolumeLabel SetVolumeLabelW #define GetVolumeInformation GetVolumeInformationW #define ClearEventLog ClearEventLogW #define BackupEventLog BackupEventLogW #define CreateMutex CreateMutexW #define OpenMutex OpenMutexW #define CreateEvent CreateEventW #define OpenEvent OpenEventW #define CreateSemaphore CreateSemaphoreW #define OpenSemaphore OpenSemaphoreW #define CreateFileMapping CreateFileMappingW #define OpenFileMapping OpenFileMappingW #define GetLogicalDriveStrings GetLogicalDriveStringsW #define LoadLibrary LoadLibraryW #define LoadLibraryEx LoadLibraryExW #define GetModuleFileName GetModuleFileNameW #define GetModuleHandle GetModuleHandleW #define GetUserObjectInformation GetUserObjectInformationW #define SetUserObjectInformation SetUserObjectInformationW #define RegisterWindowMessage RegisterWindowMessageW #define GetMessage GetMessageW #define DispatchMessage DispatchMessageW #define PeekMessage PeekMessageW #define SendMessage SendMessageW #define SendMessageTimeout SendMessageTimeoutW #define SendNotifyMessage SendNotifyMessageW #define SendMessageCallback SendMessageCallbackW #define PostMessage PostMessageW #define PostThreadMessage PostThreadMessageW #define VerFindFile VerFindFileW #define VerInstallFile VerInstallFileW #define GetFileVersionInfoSize GetFileVersionInfoSizeW #define GetFileVersionInfo GetFileVersionInfoW #define VerLanguageName VerLanguageNameW #define VerQueryValue VerQueryValueW #define CompareString CompareStringW #define LCMapString LCMapStringW #define GetLocaleInfo GetLocaleInfoW #define SetLocaleInfo SetLocaleInfoW #define GetTimeFormat GetTimeFormatW #define GetDateFormat GetDateFormatW #define GetNumberFormat GetNumberFormatW #define GetCurrencyFormat GetCurrencyFormatW #define EnumCalendarInfo EnumCalendarInfoW #define EnumTimeFormats EnumTimeFormatsW #define FoldString FoldStringW #define EnumSystemCodePages EnumSystemCodePagesW #define EnumSystemLocales EnumSystemLocalesW #define GetStringTypeEx GetStringTypeExW #define EnumDateFormats EnumDateFormatsW #define GetConsoleTitle GetConsoleTitleW #define ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer ScrollConsoleScreenBufferW #define SetConsoleTitle SetConsoleTitleW #define ReadConsole ReadConsoleW #define WriteConsole WriteConsoleW #define PeekConsoleInput PeekConsoleInputW #define ReadConsoleInput ReadConsoleInputW #define WriteConsoleInput WriteConsoleInputW #define ReadConsoleOutput ReadConsoleOutputW #define WriteConsoleOutput WriteConsoleOutputW #define ReadConsoleOutputCharacter ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW #define WriteConsoleOutputCharacter WriteConsoleOutputCharacterW #define FillConsoleOutputCharacter FillConsoleOutputCharacterW #define WNetGetProviderName WNetGetProviderNameW #define WNetGetNetworkInformation WNetGetNetworkInformationW #define WNetGetLastError WNetGetLastErrorW #define MultinetGetConnectionPerformance MultinetGetConnectionPerformanceW #define WNetConnectionDialog1 WNetConnectionDialog1W #define WNetDisconnectDialog1 WNetDisconnectDialog1W #define WNetOpenEnum WNetOpenEnumW #define WNetEnumResource WNetEnumResourceW #define WNetGetUniversalName WNetGetUniversalNameW #define WNetGetUser WNetGetUserW #define WNetAddConnection WNetAddConnectionW #define WNetAddConnection2 WNetAddConnection2W #define WNetAddConnection3 WNetAddConnection3W #define WNetCancelConnection WNetCancelConnectionW #define WNetCancelConnection2 WNetCancelConnection2W #define WNetGetConnection WNetGetConnectionW #define WNetUseConnection WNetUseConnectionW #define WNetSetConnection WNetSetConnectionW #define CreateService CreateServiceW #define ChangeServiceConfig ChangeServiceConfigW #define EnumDependentServices EnumDependentServicesW #define EnumServicesStatus EnumServicesStatusW #define GetServiceKeyName GetServiceKeyNameW #define GetServiceDisplayName GetServiceDisplayNameW #define OpenSCManager OpenSCManagerW #define OpenService OpenServiceW #define QueryServiceConfig QueryServiceConfigW #define QueryServiceLockStatus QueryServiceLockStatusW #define RegisterServiceCtrlHandler RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW #define StartServiceCtrlDispatcher StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW #define StartService StartServiceW #define DragQueryFile DragQueryFileW #define ExtractAssociatedIcon ExtractAssociatedIconW #define ExtractIcon ExtractIconW #define FindExecutable FindExecutableW #define ShellAbout ShellAboutW #define ShellExecute ShellExecuteW #define DdeCreateStringHandle DdeCreateStringHandleW #define DdeInitialize DdeInitializeW #define DdeQueryString DdeQueryStringW #define LogonUser LogonUserW #define CreateProcessAsUser CreateProcessAsUserW /* ASCII */ #else #define RegConnectRegistry RegConnectRegistryA #define RegCreateKey RegCreateKeyA #define RegCreateKeyEx RegCreateKeyExA #define RegDeleteKey RegDeleteKeyA #define RegDeleteValue RegDeleteValueA #define RegEnumKey RegEnumKeyA #define RegEnumKeyEx RegEnumKeyExA #define RegEnumValue RegEnumValueA #define RegLoadKey RegLoadKeyA #define RegOpenKey RegOpenKeyA #define RegOpenKeyEx RegOpenKeyExA #define RegQueryInfoKey RegQueryInfoKeyA #define RegQueryValue RegQueryValueA #define RegQueryMultipleValues RegQueryMultipleValuesA #define RegQueryValueEx RegQueryValueExA #define RegReplaceKey RegReplaceKeyA #define RegRestoreKey RegRestoreKeyA #define RegSaveKey RegSaveKeyA #define RegSetValue RegSetValueA #define RegSetValueEx RegSetValueExA #define AbortSystemShutdown AbortSystemShutdownA #define InitiateSystemShutdown InitiateSystemShutdownA #define RegUnLoadKey RegUnLoadKeyA #define LoadIcon LoadIconA #define LoadImage LoadImageA #define LoadString LoadStringA #define IsDialogMessage IsDialogMessageA #define DlgDirList DlgDirListA #define DlgDirSelectEx DlgDirSelectExA #define DlgDirListComboBox DlgDirListComboBoxA #define DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx DlgDirSelectComboBoxExA #define DefFrameProc DefFrameProcA #define DefMDIChildProc DefMDIChildProcA #define CreateMDIWindow CreateMDIWindowA #define WinHelp WinHelpA #define ChangeDisplaySettings ChangeDisplaySettingsA #define EnumDisplaySettings EnumDisplaySettingsA #define SystemParametersInfo SystemParametersInfoA #define GetWindowLong GetWindowLongA #define SetWindowLong SetWindowLongA #define GetClassLong GetClassLongA #define SetClassLong SetClassLongA #define FindWindow FindWindowA #define FindWindowEx FindWindowExA #define GetClassName GetClassNameA #define SetWindowsHookEx SetWindowsHookExA #define LoadBitmap LoadBitmapA #define LoadCursor LoadCursorA #define LoadCursorFromFile LoadCursorFromFileA #define SetProp SetPropA #define GetProp GetPropA #define RemoveProp RemovePropA #define EnumPropsEx EnumPropsExA #define EnumProps EnumPropsA #define SetWindowText SetWindowTextA #define GetWindowText GetWindowTextA #define GetWindowTextLength GetWindowTextLengthA #define MessageBox MessageBoxA #define MessageBoxEx MessageBoxExA #define MessageBoxIndirect MessageBoxIndirectA #define AddFontResource AddFontResourceA #define CopyMetaFile CopyMetaFileA #define CreateDC CreateDCA #define CreateFontIndirect CreateFontIndirectA #define CreateFont CreateFontA #define CreateIC CreateICA #define CreateMetaFile CreateMetaFileA #define CreateScalableFontResource CreateScalableFontResourceA #define DeviceCapabilities DeviceCapabilitiesA #define EnumFontFamiliesEx EnumFontFamiliesExA #define EnumFontFamilies EnumFontFamiliesA #define EnumFonts EnumFontsA #define GetCharWidth GetCharWidthA #define GetCharWidth32 GetCharWidth32A #define GetCharWidthFloat GetCharWidthFloatA #define GetCharABCWidths GetCharABCWidthsA #define GetCharABCWidthsFloat GetCharABCWidthsFloatA #define GetGlyphOutline GetGlyphOutlineA #define GetMetaFile GetMetaFileA #define GetOutlineTextMetrics GetOutlineTextMetricsA #define GetTextExtentPoint GetTextExtentPointA #define GetTextExtentPoint32 GetTextExtentPoint32A #define GetTextExtentExPoint GetTextExtentExPointA #define GetCharacterPlacement GetCharacterPlacementA #define ResetDC ResetDCA #define RemoveFontResource RemoveFontResourceA #define CopyEnhMetaFile CopyEnhMetaFileA #define CreateEnhMetaFile CreateEnhMetaFileA #define GetEnhMetaFile GetEnhMetaFileA #define GetEnhMetaFileDescription GetEnhMetaFileDescriptionA #define GetTextMetrics GetTextMetricsA #define StartDoc StartDocA #define GetObject GetObjectA #define TextOut TextOutA #define ExtTextOut ExtTextOutA #define PolyTextOut PolyTextOutA #define GetTextFace GetTextFaceA #define GetKerningPairs GetKerningPairsA #define GetLogColorSpace GetLogColorSpaceA #define CreateColorSpace CreateColorSpaceA #define GetICMProfile GetICMProfileA #define SetICMProfile SetICMProfileA #define UpdateICMRegKey UpdateICMRegKeyA #define EnumICMProfiles EnumICMProfilesA #define CreatePropertySheetPage CreatePropertySheetPageA #define PropertySheet PropertySheetA #define ImageList_LoadImage ImageList_LoadImageA #define CreateStatusWindow CreateStatusWindowA #define DrawStatusText DrawStatusTextA #define GetOpenFileName GetOpenFileNameA #define GetSaveFileName GetSaveFileNameA #define GetFileTitle GetFileTitleA #define ChooseColor ChooseColorA #define FindText FindTextA #define ReplaceText ReplaceTextA #define ChooseFont ChooseFontA #define PrintDlg PrintDlgA #define PageSetupDlg PageSetupDlgA #define DefWindowProc DefWindowProcA #define CallWindowProc CallWindowProcA #define RegisterClass RegisterClassA #define UnregisterClass UnregisterClassA #define GetClassInfo GetClassInfoA #define RegisterClassEx RegisterClassExA #define GetClassInfoEx GetClassInfoExA #define CreateWindowEx CreateWindowExA #define CreateWindow CreateWindowA #define CreateDialogParam CreateDialogParamA #define CreateDialogIndirectParam CreateDialogIndirectParamA #define CreateDialog CreateDialogA #define CreateDialogIndirect CreateDialogIndirectA #define CreateWaitableTimer CreateWaitableTimerA #define DialogBoxParam DialogBoxParamA #define DialogBoxIndirectParam DialogBoxIndirectParamA #define DialogBox DialogBoxA #define DialogBoxIndirect DialogBoxIndirectA #define RegisterClipboardFormat RegisterClipboardFormatA #define SetDlgItemText SetDlgItemTextA #define GetDlgItemText GetDlgItemTextA #define SendDlgItemMessage SendDlgItemMessageA #define DefDlgProc DefDlgProcA #define CallMsgFilter CallMsgFilterA #define GetClipboardFormatName GetClipboardFormatNameA #define CharToOem CharToOemA #define OemToChar OemToCharA #define CharToOemBuff CharToOemBuffA #define OemToCharBuff OemToCharBuffA #define CharUpper CharUpperA #define CharUpperBuff CharUpperBuffA #define CharLower CharLowerA #define CharLowerBuff CharLowerBuffA #define CharNext CharNextA #define CharPrev CharPrevA #define IsCharAlpha IsCharAlphaA #define IsCharAlphaNumeric IsCharAlphaNumericA #define IsCharUpper IsCharUpperA #define IsCharLower IsCharLowerA #define GetKeyNameText GetKeyNameTextA #define VkKeyScan VkKeyScanA #define VkKeyScanEx VkKeyScanExA #define MapVirtualKey MapVirtualKeyA #define MapVirtualKeyEx MapVirtualKeyExA #define LoadAccelerators LoadAcceleratorsA #define CreateAcceleratorTable CreateAcceleratorTableA #define CopyAcceleratorTable CopyAcceleratorTableA #define TranslateAccelerator TranslateAcceleratorA #define LoadMenu LoadMenuA #define LoadMenuIndirect LoadMenuIndirectA #define ChangeMenu ChangeMenuA #define GetMenuString GetMenuStringA #define InsertMenu InsertMenuA #define AppendMenu AppendMenuA #define ModifyMenu ModifyMenuA #define InsertMenuItem InsertMenuItemA #define GetMenuItemInfo GetMenuItemInfoA #define SetMenuItemInfo SetMenuItemInfoA #define DrawText DrawTextA #define DrawTextEx DrawTextExA #define GrayString GrayStringA #define DrawState DrawStateA #define TabbedTextOut TabbedTextOutA #define GetTabbedTextExtent GetTabbedTextExtentA #define GetVersionEx GetVersionExA #define wvsprintf wvsprintfA #define wsprintf wsprintfA #define LoadKeyboardLayout LoadKeyboardLayoutA #define GetKeyboardLayoutName GetKeyboardLayoutNameA #define CreateDesktop CreateDesktopA #define OpenDesktop OpenDesktopA #define EnumDesktops EnumDesktopsA #define CreateWindowStation CreateWindowStationA #define OpenWindowStation OpenWindowStationA #define EnumWindowStations EnumWindowStationsA #define IsBadStringPtr IsBadStringPtrA #define LookupAccountSid LookupAccountSidA #define LookupAccountName LookupAccountNameA #define LookupPrivilegeValue LookupPrivilegeValueA #define LookupPrivilegeName LookupPrivilegeNameA #define LookupPrivilegeDisplayName LookupPrivilegeDisplayNameA #define BuildCommDCB BuildCommDCBA #define BuildCommDCBAndTimeouts BuildCommDCBAndTimeoutsA #define CommConfigDialog CommConfigDialogA #define GetDefaultCommConfig GetDefaultCommConfigA #define SetDefaultCommConfig SetDefaultCommConfigA #define GetComputerName GetComputerNameA #define SetComputerName SetComputerNameA #define GetUserName GetUserNameA #define CreateMailslot CreateMailslotA #define FormatMessage FormatMessageA #define GetEnvironmentStrings GetEnvironmentStringsA #define FreeEnvironmentStrings FreeEnvironmentStringsA #define lstrcmp lstrcmpA #define lstrcmpi lstrcmpiA #define lstrcpyn lstrcpynA #define lstrcpy lstrcpyA #define lstrcat lstrcatA #define lstrlen lstrlenA #define GetBinaryType GetBinaryTypeA #define GetShortPathName GetShortPathNameA #define SetFileSecurity SetFileSecurityA #define GetFileSecurity GetFileSecurityA #define FindFirstChangeNotification FindFirstChangeNotificationA #define AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm AccessCheckAndAuditAlarmA #define ObjectOpenAuditAlarm ObjectOpenAuditAlarmA #define ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarmA #define ObjectCloseAuditAlarm ObjectCloseAuditAlarmA #define PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarmA #define OpenEventLog OpenEventLogA #define RegisterEventSource RegisterEventSourceA #define OpenBackupEventLog OpenBackupEventLogA #define ReadEventLog ReadEventLogA #define ReportEvent ReportEventA #define CreateProcess CreateProcessA #define FatalAppExit FatalAppExitA #define GetStartupInfo GetStartupInfoA #define GetCommandLine GetCommandLineA #define GetEnvironmentVariable GetEnvironmentVariableA #define SetEnvironmentVariable SetEnvironmentVariableA #define ExpandEnvironmentStrings ExpandEnvironmentStringsA #define OutputDebugString OutputDebugStringA #define FindResource FindResourceA #define FindResourceEx FindResourceExA #define EnumResourceTypes EnumResourceTypesA #define EnumResourceNames EnumResourceNamesA #define EnumResourceLanguages EnumResourceLanguagesA #define BeginUpdateResource BeginUpdateResourceA #define UpdateResource UpdateResourceA #define EndUpdateResource EndUpdateResourceA #define GlobalAddAtom GlobalAddAtomA #define GlobalFindAtom GlobalFindAtomA #define GlobalGetAtomName GlobalGetAtomNameA #define AddAtom AddAtomA #define FindAtom FindAtomA #define GetProfileInt GetProfileIntA #define GetAtomName GetAtomNameA #define GetProfileString GetProfileStringA #define WriteProfileString WriteProfileStringA #define GetProfileSection GetProfileSectionA #define WriteProfileSection WriteProfileSectionA #define GetPrivateProfileInt GetPrivateProfileIntA #define GetPrivateProfileString GetPrivateProfileStringA #define WritePrivateProfileString WritePrivateProfileStringA #define GetPrivateProfileSection GetPrivateProfileSectionA #define WritePrivateProfileSection WritePrivateProfileSectionA #define GetDriveType GetDriveTypeA #define GetSystemDirectory GetSystemDirectoryA #define GetTempPath GetTempPathA #define GetTempFileName GetTempFileNameA #define GetWindowsDirectory GetWindowsDirectoryA #define SetCurrentDirectory SetCurrentDirectoryA #define GetCurrentDirectory GetCurrentDirectoryA #define GetDiskFreeSpace GetDiskFreeSpaceA #define GetDiskFreeSpaceEx GetDiskFreeSpaceExA #define CreateDirectory CreateDirectoryA #define CreateDirectoryEx CreateDirectoryExA #define RemoveDirectory RemoveDirectoryA #define GetFullPathName GetFullPathNameA #define DefineDosDevice DefineDosDeviceA #define QueryDosDevice QueryDosDeviceA #define CreateFile CreateFileA #define SetFileAttributes SetFileAttributesA #define GetFileAttributes GetFileAttributesA #define GetCompressedFileSize GetCompressedFileSizeA #define DeleteFile DeleteFileA #define FindFirstFileEx FindFirstFileExA #define FindFirstFile FindFirstFileA #define FindNextFile FindNextFileA #define SearchPath SearchPathA #define CopyFile CopyFileA #define CopyFileEx CopyFileExA #define MoveFile MoveFileA #define MoveFileEx MoveFileExA #define MoveFileWithProgress MoveFileWithProgressA #define CreateNamedPipe CreateNamedPipeA #define GetNamedPipeHandleState GetNamedPipeHandleStateA #define CallNamedPipe CallNamedPipeA #define WaitNamedPipe WaitNamedPipeA #define SetVolumeLabel SetVolumeLabelA #define GetVolumeInformation GetVolumeInformationA #define ClearEventLog ClearEventLogA #define BackupEventLog BackupEventLogA #define CreateMutex CreateMutexA #define OpenMutex OpenMutexA #define CreateEvent CreateEventA #define OpenEvent OpenEventA #define CreateSemaphore CreateSemaphoreA #define OpenSemaphore OpenSemaphoreA #define CreateFileMapping CreateFileMappingA #define OpenFileMapping OpenFileMappingA #define GetLogicalDriveStrings GetLogicalDriveStringsA #define LoadLibrary LoadLibraryA #define LoadLibraryEx LoadLibraryExA #define GetModuleFileName GetModuleFileNameA #define GetModuleHandle GetModuleHandleA #define GetUserObjectInformation GetUserObjectInformationA #define SetUserObjectInformation SetUserObjectInformationA #define RegisterWindowMessage RegisterWindowMessageA #define GetMessage GetMessageA #define DispatchMessage DispatchMessageA #define PeekMessage PeekMessageA #define SendMessage SendMessageA #define SendMessageTimeout SendMessageTimeoutA #define SendNotifyMessage SendNotifyMessageA #define SendMessageCallback SendMessageCallbackA #define PostMessage PostMessageA #define PostThreadMessage PostThreadMessageA #define VerFindFile VerFindFileA #define VerInstallFile VerInstallFileA #define GetFileVersionInfoSize GetFileVersionInfoSizeA #define GetFileVersionInfo GetFileVersionInfoA #define VerLanguageName VerLanguageNameA #define VerQueryValue VerQueryValueA #define CompareString CompareStringA #define LCMapString LCMapStringA #define GetLocaleInfo GetLocaleInfoA #define SetLocaleInfo SetLocaleInfoA #define GetTimeFormat GetTimeFormatA #define GetDateFormat GetDateFormatA #define GetNumberFormat GetNumberFormatA #define GetCurrencyFormat GetCurrencyFormatA #define EnumCalendarInfo EnumCalendarInfoA #define EnumTimeFormats EnumTimeFormatsA #define FoldString FoldStringA #define EnumSystemCodePages EnumSystemCodePagesA #define EnumSystemLocales EnumSystemLocalesA #define GetStringTypeEx GetStringTypeExA #define EnumDateFormats EnumDateFormatsA #define GetConsoleTitle GetConsoleTitleA #define ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer ScrollConsoleScreenBufferA #define SetConsoleTitle SetConsoleTitleA #define ReadConsole ReadConsoleA #define WriteConsole WriteConsoleA #define PeekConsoleInput PeekConsoleInputA #define ReadConsoleInput ReadConsoleInputA #define WriteConsoleInput WriteConsoleInputA #define ReadConsoleOutput ReadConsoleOutputA #define WriteConsoleOutput WriteConsoleOutputA #define ReadConsoleOutputCharacter ReadConsoleOutputCharacterA #define WriteConsoleOutputCharacter WriteConsoleOutputCharacterA #define FillConsoleOutputCharacter FillConsoleOutputCharacterA #define MultinetGetConnectionPerformance MultinetGetConnectionPerformanceA #define WNetGetLastError WNetGetLastErrorA #define WNetGetProviderName WNetGetProviderNameA #define WNetGetNetworkInformation WNetGetNetworkInformationA #define WNetConnectionDialog1 WNetConnectionDialog1A #define WNetDisconnectDialog1 WNetDisconnectDialog1A #define WNetOpenEnum WNetOpenEnumA #define WNetEnumResource WNetEnumResourceA #define WNetGetUniversalName WNetGetUniversalNameA #define WNetGetUser WNetGetUserA #define WNetAddConnection WNetAddConnectionA #define WNetAddConnection2 WNetAddConnection2A #define WNetAddConnection3 WNetAddConnection3A #define WNetCancelConnection WNetCancelConnectionA #define WNetCancelConnection2 WNetCancelConnection2A #define WNetGetConnection WNetGetConnectionA #define WNetUseConnection WNetUseConnectionA #define WNetSetConnection WNetSetConnectionA #define OpenService OpenServiceA #define QueryServiceConfig QueryServiceConfigA #define QueryServiceLockStatus QueryServiceLockStatusA #define RegisterServiceCtrlHandler RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA #define StartServiceCtrlDispatcher StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA #define StartService StartServiceA #define ChangeServiceConfig ChangeServiceConfigA #define CreateService CreateServiceA #define EnumDependentServices EnumDependentServicesA #define EnumServicesStatus EnumServicesStatusA #define GetServiceKeyName GetServiceKeyNameA #define GetServiceDisplayName GetServiceDisplayNameA #define OpenSCManager OpenSCManagerA #define DragQueryFile DragQueryFileA #define ExtractAssociatedIcon ExtractAssociatedIconA #define ExtractIcon ExtractIconA #define FindExecutable FindExecutableA #define ShellAbout ShellAboutA #define ShellExecute ShellExecuteA #define DdeCreateStringHandle DdeCreateStringHandleA #define DdeInitialize DdeInitializeA #define DdeQueryString DdeQueryStringA #define LogonUser LogonUserA #define CreateProcessAsUser CreateProcessAsUserA #endif /* UNICODE and ASCII defines */ HWND STDCALL GetAncestor(HWND hWnd, UINT GaFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL AbnormalTermination(VOID); int STDCALL AbortDoc(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL AbortPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL AbortPrinter(HANDLE); WINBOOL CALLBACK AbortProc(HDC, int); WINBOOL STDCALL AccessCheck( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, HANDLE ClientToken, DWORD DesiredAccess, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, LPDWORD PrivilegeSetLength, LPDWORD GrantedAccess, LPBOOL AccessStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL AccessCheckAndAuditAlarm( LPCTSTR SubsystemName, LPVOID HandleId, LPTSTR ObjectTypeName, LPTSTR ObjectName, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, DWORD DesiredAccess, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, WINBOOL ObjectCreation, LPDWORD GrantedAccess, LPBOOL AccessStatus, LPBOOL pfGenerateOnClose ); #ifndef __NTDRIVER__ LONG STDCALL InterlockedIncrement( LPLONG lpAddend ); LONG STDCALL InterlockedDecrement( LPLONG lpAddend ); LONG STDCALL InterlockedExchange( LPLONG Target, LONG Value ); PVOID STDCALL InterlockedCompareExchange( PVOID *Destination, PVOID Exchange, PVOID Comperand ); #endif WINBOOL STDCALL FreeResource( HGLOBAL hResData ); LPVOID STDCALL LockResource( HGLOBAL hResData ); int #ifdef __GNUC__ STDCALL #else __stdcall #endif WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd ); WINBOOL STDCALL FreeLibrary( HINSTANCE hLibModule ); VOID STDCALL FreeLibraryAndExitThread( HMODULE hLibModule, DWORD dwExitCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL DisableThreadLibraryCalls( HMODULE hLibModule ); FARPROC STDCALL GetProcAddress( HINSTANCE hModule, LPCSTR lpProcName ); DWORD STDCALL GetVersion( VOID ); HGLOBAL STDCALL GlobalAlloc( UINT uFlags, DWORD dwBytes ); HGLOBAL GlobalDiscard( HGLOBAL hglbMem ); HGLOBAL STDCALL GlobalReAlloc( HGLOBAL hMem, DWORD dwBytes, UINT uFlags ); DWORD STDCALL GlobalSize( HGLOBAL hMem ); UINT STDCALL GlobalFlags( HGLOBAL hMem ); LPVOID STDCALL GlobalLock( HGLOBAL hMem ); HGLOBAL STDCALL GlobalHandle( LPCVOID pMem ); WINBOOL STDCALL GlobalUnlock( HGLOBAL hMem ); HGLOBAL STDCALL GlobalFree( HGLOBAL hMem ); UINT STDCALL GlobalCompact( DWORD dwMinFree ); VOID STDCALL GlobalFix( HGLOBAL hMem ); VOID STDCALL GlobalUnfix( HGLOBAL hMem ); LPVOID STDCALL GlobalWire( HGLOBAL hMem ); WINBOOL STDCALL GlobalUnWire( HGLOBAL hMem ); VOID STDCALL GlobalMemoryStatus( LPMEMORYSTATUS lpBuffer ); HLOCAL STDCALL LocalAlloc( UINT uFlags, UINT uBytes ); HLOCAL LocalDiscard( HLOCAL hlocMem ); HLOCAL STDCALL LocalReAlloc( HLOCAL hMem, UINT uBytes, UINT uFlags ); LPVOID STDCALL LocalLock( HLOCAL hMem ); HLOCAL STDCALL LocalHandle( LPCVOID pMem ); WINBOOL STDCALL LocalUnlock( HLOCAL hMem ); UINT STDCALL LocalSize( HLOCAL hMem ); UINT STDCALL LocalFlags( HLOCAL hMem ); HLOCAL STDCALL LocalFree( HLOCAL hMem ); UINT STDCALL LocalShrink( HLOCAL hMem, UINT cbNewSize ); UINT STDCALL LocalCompact( UINT uMinFree ); WINBOOL STDCALL FlushInstructionCache( HANDLE hProcess, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, DWORD dwSize ); LPVOID STDCALL VirtualAlloc( LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize, DWORD flAllocationType, DWORD flProtect ); WINBOOL STDCALL VirtualFree( LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwFreeType ); WINBOOL STDCALL VirtualProtect( LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize, DWORD flNewProtect, PDWORD lpflOldProtect ); DWORD STDCALL VirtualQuery( LPCVOID lpAddress, PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer, DWORD dwLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL VirtualProtectEx( HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize, DWORD flNewProtect, PDWORD lpflOldProtect ); DWORD STDCALL VirtualQueryEx( HANDLE hProcess, LPCVOID lpAddress, PMEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION lpBuffer, DWORD dwLength ); HANDLE STDCALL HeapCreate( DWORD flOptions, DWORD dwInitialSize, DWORD dwMaximumSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapDestroy( HANDLE hHeap ); LPVOID STDCALL HeapAlloc( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwBytes ); LPVOID STDCALL HeapReAlloc( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpMem, DWORD dwBytes ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapFree( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpMem ); DWORD STDCALL HeapSize( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID lpMem ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapValidate( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags, LPCVOID lpMem ); UINT STDCALL HeapCompact( HANDLE hHeap, DWORD dwFlags ); HANDLE STDCALL GetProcessHeap( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL GetProcessHeaps( DWORD NumberOfHeaps, PHANDLE ProcessHeaps ); DWORD STDCALL GetProcessVersion ( DWORD ProcessId ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapLock( HANDLE hHeap ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapUnlock( HANDLE hHeap ); WINBOOL STDCALL HeapWalk( HANDLE hHeap, LPPROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY lpEntry ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetProcessAffinityMask( HANDLE hProcess, LPDWORD lpProcessAffinityMask, LPDWORD lpSystemAffinityMask ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetProcessTimes( HANDLE hProcess, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpExitTime, LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, LPFILETIME lpUserTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetProcessWorkingSetSize( HANDLE hProcess, LPDWORD lpMinimumWorkingSetSize, LPDWORD lpMaximumWorkingSetSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetProcessWorkingSetSize( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMinimumWorkingSetSize, DWORD dwMaximumWorkingSetSize ); HANDLE STDCALL OpenProcess( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, WINBOOL bInheritHandle, DWORD dwProcessId ); HANDLE STDCALL GetCurrentProcess( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL GetCurrentProcessId( VOID ); VOID STDCALL ExitProcess( UINT uExitCode ) __attribute__ ((noreturn)); WINBOOL STDCALL TerminateProcess( HANDLE hProcess, UINT uExitCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetExitCodeProcess( HANDLE hProcess, LPDWORD lpExitCode ); VOID STDCALL FatalExit( int ExitCode ); VOID STDCALL RaiseException( DWORD dwExceptionCode, DWORD dwExceptionFlags, DWORD nNumberOfArguments, CONST DWORD *lpArguments ); LONG STDCALL UnhandledExceptionFilter( struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS *ExceptionInfo ); /* TODO: what is TOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER? LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER STDCALL SetUnhandledExceptionFilter( LPTOP_LEVEL_EXCEPTION_FILTER lpTopLevelExceptionFilter ); */ HANDLE STDCALL CreateThread( LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, DWORD dwStackSize, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPDWORD lpThreadId ); HANDLE STDCALL CreateRemoteThread( HANDLE hProcess, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpThreadAttributes, DWORD dwStackSize, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpParameter, DWORD dwCreationFlags, LPDWORD lpThreadId ); HANDLE STDCALL GetCurrentThread( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL GetCurrentThreadId( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL SetThreadAffinityMask( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwThreadAffinityMask ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetThreadPriority( HANDLE hThread, int nPriority ); int STDCALL GetThreadPriority( HANDLE hThread ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetThreadTimes( HANDLE hThread, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpExitTime, LPFILETIME lpKernelTime, LPFILETIME lpUserTime ); VOID STDCALL ExitThread( DWORD dwExitCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL TerminateThread( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwExitCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetExitCodeThread( HANDLE hThread, LPDWORD lpExitCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetThreadSelectorEntry( HANDLE hThread, DWORD dwSelector, LPLDT_ENTRY lpSelectorEntry ); DWORD STDCALL GetLastError( VOID ); VOID STDCALL SetLastError( DWORD dwErrCode ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetOverlappedResult( HANDLE hFile, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, WINBOOL bWait ); HANDLE STDCALL CreateIoCompletionPort( HANDLE FileHandle, HANDLE ExistingCompletionPort, DWORD CompletionKey, DWORD NumberOfConcurrentThreads ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetQueuedCompletionStatus( HANDLE CompletionPort, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred, LPDWORD lpCompletionKey, LPOVERLAPPED *lpOverlapped, DWORD dwMilliseconds ); UINT STDCALL SetErrorMode( UINT uMode ); WINBOOL STDCALL ReadProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead ); WINBOOL STDCALL WriteProcessMemory( HANDLE hProcess, LPVOID lpBaseAddress, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nSize, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetThreadContext( HANDLE hThread, LPCONTEXT lpContext ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetThreadContext( HANDLE hThread, CONST CONTEXT *lpContext ); DWORD STDCALL SuspendThread( HANDLE hThread ); DWORD STDCALL ResumeThread( HANDLE hThread ); VOID STDCALL DebugBreak( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL WaitForDebugEvent( LPDEBUG_EVENT lpDebugEvent, DWORD dwMilliseconds ); WINBOOL STDCALL ContinueDebugEvent( DWORD dwProcessId, DWORD dwThreadId, DWORD dwContinueStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL DebugActiveProcess( DWORD dwProcessId ); VOID STDCALL InitializeCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection ); VOID STDCALL EnterCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection ); VOID STDCALL LeaveCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection ); VOID STDCALL DeleteCriticalSection( LPCRITICAL_SECTION lpCriticalSection ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetEvent( HANDLE hEvent ); WINBOOL STDCALL ResetEvent( HANDLE hEvent ); WINBOOL STDCALL PulseEvent( HANDLE hEvent ); WINBOOL STDCALL ReleaseSemaphore( HANDLE hSemaphore, LONG lReleaseCount, LPLONG lpPreviousCount ); WINBOOL STDCALL ReleaseMutex( HANDLE hMutex ); DWORD STDCALL WaitForSingleObject( HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds ); DWORD STDCALL WaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *lpHandles, WINBOOL bWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds ); VOID STDCALL Sleep( DWORD dwMilliseconds ); HGLOBAL STDCALL LoadResource( HINSTANCE hModule, HRSRC hResInfo ); DWORD STDCALL SizeofResource( HINSTANCE hModule, HRSRC hResInfo ); ATOM STDCALL GlobalDeleteAtom( ATOM nAtom ); WINBOOL STDCALL InitAtomTable( DWORD nSize ); ATOM STDCALL DeleteAtom( ATOM nAtom ); UINT STDCALL SetHandleCount( UINT uNumber ); DWORD STDCALL GetLogicalDrives( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL LockFile( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh ); WINBOOL STDCALL UnlockFile( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh ); WINBOOL STDCALL LockFileEx( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToLockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL UnlockFileEx( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwReserved, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockLow, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToUnlockHigh, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetFileInformationByHandle( HANDLE hFile, LPBY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION lpFileInformation ); DWORD STDCALL GetFileType( HANDLE hFile ); DWORD STDCALL GetFileSize( HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpFileSizeHigh ); HANDLE STDCALL GetStdHandle( DWORD nStdHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetStdHandle( DWORD nStdHandle, HANDLE hHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL WriteFile( HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL ReadFile( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL FlushFileBuffers( HANDLE hFile ); WINBOOL STDCALL DeviceIoControl( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwIoControlCode, LPVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesReturned, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetEndOfFile( HANDLE hFile ); DWORD STDCALL SetFilePointer( HANDLE hFile, LONG lDistanceToMove, PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh, DWORD dwMoveMethod ); WINBOOL STDCALL FindClose( HANDLE hFindFile ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetFileTime( HANDLE hFile, LPFILETIME lpCreationTime, LPFILETIME lpLastAccessTime, LPFILETIME lpLastWriteTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetFileTime( HANDLE hFile, CONST FILETIME *lpCreationTime, CONST FILETIME *lpLastAccessTime, CONST FILETIME *lpLastWriteTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseHandle( HANDLE hObject ); WINBOOL STDCALL DuplicateHandle( HANDLE hSourceProcessHandle, HANDLE hSourceHandle, HANDLE hTargetProcessHandle, LPHANDLE lpTargetHandle, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, WINBOOL bInheritHandle, DWORD dwOptions ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetHandleInformation( HANDLE hObject, LPDWORD lpdwFlags ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetHandleInformation( HANDLE hObject, DWORD dwMask, DWORD dwFlags ); DWORD STDCALL LoadModule( LPCSTR lpModuleName, LPVOID lpParameterBlock ); UINT STDCALL WinExec( LPCSTR lpCmdLine, UINT uCmdShow ); WINBOOL STDCALL ClearCommBreak( HANDLE hFile ); WINBOOL STDCALL ClearCommError( HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpErrors, LPCOMSTAT lpStat ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetupComm( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwInQueue, DWORD dwOutQueue ); WINBOOL STDCALL EscapeCommFunction( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFunc ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommConfig( HANDLE hCommDev, LPCOMMCONFIG lpCC, LPDWORD lpdwSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommMask( HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpEvtMask ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommProperties( HANDLE hFile, LPCOMMPROP lpCommProp ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommModemStatus( HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpModemStat ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommState( HANDLE hFile, LPDCB lpDCB ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCommTimeouts( HANDLE hFile, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts ); WINBOOL STDCALL PurgeComm( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwFlags ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCommBreak( HANDLE hFile ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCommConfig( HANDLE hCommDev, LPCOMMCONFIG lpCC, DWORD dwSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCommMask( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwEvtMask ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCommState( HANDLE hFile, LPDCB lpDCB ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCommTimeouts( HANDLE hFile, LPCOMMTIMEOUTS lpCommTimeouts ); WINBOOL STDCALL TransmitCommChar( HANDLE hFile, char cChar ); WINBOOL STDCALL WaitCommEvent( HANDLE hFile, LPDWORD lpEvtMask, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); DWORD STDCALL SetTapePosition( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwPositionMethod, DWORD dwPartition, DWORD dwOffsetLow, DWORD dwOffsetHigh, WINBOOL bImmediate ); DWORD STDCALL GetTapePosition( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwPositionType, LPDWORD lpdwPartition, LPDWORD lpdwOffsetLow, LPDWORD lpdwOffsetHigh ); DWORD STDCALL PrepareTape( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwOperation, WINBOOL bImmediate ); BOOL STDCALL ProcessIdToSessionId( DWORD dwProcessId, DWORD* pSessionId ); DWORD STDCALL EraseTape( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwEraseType, WINBOOL bImmediate ); DWORD STDCALL CreateTapePartition( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwPartitionMethod, DWORD dwCount, DWORD dwSize ); DWORD STDCALL WriteTapemark( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwTapemarkType, DWORD dwTapemarkCount, WINBOOL bImmediate ); DWORD STDCALL GetTapeStatus( HANDLE hDevice ); DWORD STDCALL GetTapeParameters( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwOperation, LPDWORD lpdwSize, LPVOID lpTapeInformation ); DWORD STDCALL SetTapeParameters( HANDLE hDevice, DWORD dwOperation, LPVOID lpTapeInformation ); WINBOOL STDCALL Beep( DWORD dwFreq, DWORD dwDuration ); VOID STDCALL OpenSound( VOID ); VOID STDCALL CloseSound( VOID ); VOID STDCALL StartSound( VOID ); VOID STDCALL StopSound( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL WaitSoundState( DWORD nState ); DWORD STDCALL SyncAllVoices( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL CountVoiceNotes( DWORD nVoice ); LPDWORD STDCALL GetThresholdEvent( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL GetThresholdStatus( VOID ); DWORD STDCALL SetSoundNoise( DWORD nSource, DWORD nDuration ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceAccent( DWORD nVoice, DWORD nTempo, DWORD nVolume, DWORD nMode, DWORD nPitch ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceEnvelope( DWORD nVoice, DWORD nShape, DWORD nRepeat ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceNote( DWORD nVoice, DWORD nValue, DWORD nLength, DWORD nCdots ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceQueueSize( DWORD nVoice, DWORD nBytes ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceSound( DWORD nVoice, DWORD Frequency, DWORD nDuration ); DWORD STDCALL SetVoiceThreshold( DWORD nVoice, DWORD nNotes ); int STDCALL MulDiv( int nNumber, int nNumerator, int nDenominator ); VOID STDCALL GetSystemTime( LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime ); VOID STDCALL GetSystemTimeAsFileTime ( LPFILETIME lpSystemTimeAsFileTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSystemTime( CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime ); VOID STDCALL GetLocalTime( LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetLocalTime( CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime ); VOID STDCALL GetSystemInfo( LPSYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo ); WINBOOL STDCALL SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime( LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation, LPSYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime ); DWORD STDCALL GetTimeZoneInformation( LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetTimeZoneInformation( CONST TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION *lpTimeZoneInformation ); WINBOOL STDCALL SystemTimeToFileTime( CONST SYSTEMTIME *lpSystemTime, LPFILETIME lpFileTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL FileTimeToLocalFileTime( CONST FILETIME *lpFileTime, LPFILETIME lpLocalFileTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL LocalFileTimeToFileTime( CONST FILETIME *lpLocalFileTime, LPFILETIME lpFileTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL FileTimeToSystemTime( CONST FILETIME *lpFileTime, LPSYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime ); LONG STDCALL CompareFileTime( CONST FILETIME *lpFileTime1, CONST FILETIME *lpFileTime2 ); WINBOOL STDCALL FileTimeToDosDateTime( CONST FILETIME *lpFileTime, LPWORD lpFatDate, LPWORD lpFatTime ); WINBOOL STDCALL DosDateTimeToFileTime( WORD wFatDate, WORD wFatTime, LPFILETIME lpFileTime ); DWORD STDCALL GetTickCount( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSystemTimeAdjustment( DWORD dwTimeAdjustment, WINBOOL bTimeAdjustmentDisabled ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSystemTimeAdjustment( PDWORD lpTimeAdjustment, PDWORD lpTimeIncrement, PWINBOOL lpTimeAdjustmentDisabled ); WINBOOL STDCALL CreatePipe( PHANDLE hReadPipe, PHANDLE hWritePipe, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpPipeAttributes, DWORD nSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL ConnectNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL DisconnectNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetNamedPipeHandleState( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPDWORD lpMode, LPDWORD lpMaxCollectionCount, LPDWORD lpCollectDataTimeout ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetNamedPipeInfo( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPDWORD lpFlags, LPDWORD lpOutBufferSize, LPDWORD lpInBufferSize, LPDWORD lpMaxInstances ); WINBOOL STDCALL PeekNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, LPDWORD lpTotalBytesAvail, LPDWORD lpBytesLeftThisMessage ); WINBOOL STDCALL TransactNamedPipe( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPVOID lpInBuffer, DWORD nInBufferSize, LPVOID lpOutBuffer, DWORD nOutBufferSize, LPDWORD lpBytesRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetMailslotInfo( HANDLE hMailslot, LPDWORD lpMaxMessageSize, LPDWORD lpNextSize, LPDWORD lpMessageCount, LPDWORD lpReadTimeout ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMailslotInfo( HANDLE hMailslot, DWORD lReadTimeout ); LPVOID STDCALL MapViewOfFile( HANDLE hFileMappingObject, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToMap ); WINBOOL STDCALL FlushViewOfFile( LPCVOID lpBaseAddress, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToFlush ); WINBOOL STDCALL UnmapViewOfFile( LPVOID lpBaseAddress ); HFILE STDCALL OpenFile( LPCSTR lpFileName, LPOFSTRUCT lpReOpenBuff, UINT uStyle ); HFILE STDCALL _lopen( LPCSTR lpPathName, int iReadWrite ); HFILE STDCALL _lcreat( LPCSTR lpPathName, int iAttribute ); UINT STDCALL _lread( HFILE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, UINT uBytes ); UINT STDCALL _lwrite( HFILE hFile, LPCSTR lpBuffer, UINT uBytes ); long STDCALL _hread( HFILE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, long lBytes ); long STDCALL _hwrite( HFILE hFile, LPCSTR lpBuffer, long lBytes ); HFILE STDCALL _lclose( HFILE hFile ); LONG STDCALL _llseek( HFILE hFile, LONG lOffset, int iOrigin ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsTextUnicode( CONST LPVOID lpBuffer, int cb, LPINT lpi ); DWORD STDCALL TlsAlloc( VOID ); LPVOID STDCALL TlsGetValue( DWORD dwTlsIndex ); WINBOOL STDCALL TlsSetValue( DWORD dwTlsIndex, LPVOID lpTlsValue ); WINBOOL STDCALL TlsFree( DWORD dwTlsIndex ); DWORD STDCALL SleepEx( DWORD dwMilliseconds, WINBOOL bAlertable ); DWORD STDCALL WaitForSingleObjectEx( HANDLE hHandle, DWORD dwMilliseconds, WINBOOL bAlertable ); DWORD STDCALL WaitForMultipleObjectsEx( DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *lpHandles, WINBOOL bWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, WINBOOL bAlertable ); WINBOOL STDCALL ReadFileEx( HANDLE hFile, LPVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine ); WINBOOL STDCALL WriteFileEx( HANDLE hFile, LPCVOID lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped, LPOVERLAPPED_COMPLETION_ROUTINE lpCompletionRoutine ); WINBOOL STDCALL BackupRead( HANDLE hFile, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead, WINBOOL bAbort, WINBOOL bProcessSecurity, LPVOID *lpContext ); WINBOOL STDCALL BackupSeek( HANDLE hFile, DWORD dwLowBytesToSeek, DWORD dwHighBytesToSeek, LPDWORD lpdwLowByteSeeked, LPDWORD lpdwHighByteSeeked, LPVOID *lpContext ); WINBOOL STDCALL BackupWrite( HANDLE hFile, LPBYTE lpBuffer, DWORD nNumberOfBytesToWrite, LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesWritten, WINBOOL bAbort, WINBOOL bProcessSecurity, LPVOID *lpContext ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetProcessShutdownParameters( DWORD dwLevel, DWORD dwFlags ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetProcessShutdownParameters( LPDWORD lpdwLevel, LPDWORD lpdwFlags ); VOID STDCALL SetFileApisToOEM( VOID ); VOID STDCALL SetFileApisToANSI( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL AreFileApisANSI( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseEventLog ( HANDLE hEventLog ); WINBOOL STDCALL DeregisterEventSource ( HANDLE hEventLog ); WINBOOL STDCALL NotifyChangeEventLog ( HANDLE hEventLog, HANDLE hEvent ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetNumberOfEventLogRecords ( HANDLE hEventLog, PDWORD NumberOfRecords ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetOldestEventLogRecord ( HANDLE hEventLog, PDWORD OldestRecord ); WINBOOL STDCALL DuplicateToken( HANDLE ExistingTokenHandle, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, PHANDLE DuplicateTokenHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetKernelObjectSecurity ( HANDLE Handle, SECURITY_INFORMATION RequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, DWORD nLength, LPDWORD lpnLengthNeeded ); WINBOOL STDCALL ImpersonateNamedPipeClient( HANDLE hNamedPipe ); WINBOOL STDCALL ImpersonateLoggedOnUser( HANDLE hToken ); WINBOOL STDCALL ImpersonateSelf( SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel ); WINBOOL STDCALL RevertToSelf ( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetThreadToken ( PHANDLE Thread, HANDLE Token ); WINBOOL STDCALL AccessCheck ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, HANDLE ClientToken, DWORD DesiredAccess, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, LPDWORD PrivilegeSetLength, LPDWORD GrantedAccess, LPBOOL AccessStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL OpenProcessToken ( HANDLE ProcessHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, PHANDLE TokenHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL OpenThreadToken ( HANDLE ThreadHandle, DWORD DesiredAccess, WINBOOL OpenAsSelf, PHANDLE TokenHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetTokenInformation ( HANDLE TokenHandle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, LPVOID TokenInformation, DWORD TokenInformationLength, PDWORD ReturnLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetTokenInformation ( HANDLE TokenHandle, TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, LPVOID TokenInformation, DWORD TokenInformationLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL AdjustTokenPrivileges ( HANDLE TokenHandle, WINBOOL DisableAllPrivileges, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES NewState, DWORD BufferLength, PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PreviousState, PDWORD ReturnLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL AdjustTokenGroups ( HANDLE TokenHandle, WINBOOL ResetToDefault, PTOKEN_GROUPS NewState, DWORD BufferLength, PTOKEN_GROUPS PreviousState, PDWORD ReturnLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL PrivilegeCheck ( HANDLE ClientToken, PPRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges, LPBOOL pfResult ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsValidSid ( PSID pSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL EqualSid ( PSID pSid1, PSID pSid2 ); WINBOOL STDCALL EqualPrefixSid ( PSID pSid1, PSID pSid2 ); DWORD STDCALL GetSidLengthRequired ( UCHAR nSubAuthorityCount ); WINBOOL STDCALL AllocateAndInitializeSid ( PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY pIdentifierAuthority, BYTE nSubAuthorityCount, DWORD nSubAuthority0, DWORD nSubAuthority1, DWORD nSubAuthority2, DWORD nSubAuthority3, DWORD nSubAuthority4, DWORD nSubAuthority5, DWORD nSubAuthority6, DWORD nSubAuthority7, PSID *pSid ); PVOID STDCALL FreeSid( PSID pSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL InitializeSid ( PSID Sid, PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY pIdentifierAuthority, BYTE nSubAuthorityCount ); PSID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY STDCALL GetSidIdentifierAuthority ( PSID pSid ); PDWORD STDCALL GetSidSubAuthority ( PSID pSid, DWORD nSubAuthority ); PUCHAR STDCALL GetSidSubAuthorityCount ( PSID pSid ); DWORD STDCALL GetLengthSid ( PSID pSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL CopySid ( DWORD nDestinationSidLength, PSID pDestinationSid, PSID pSourceSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL AreAllAccessesGranted ( DWORD GrantedAccess, DWORD DesiredAccess ); WINBOOL STDCALL AreAnyAccessesGranted ( DWORD GrantedAccess, DWORD DesiredAccess ); VOID STDCALL MapGenericMask ( PDWORD AccessMask, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsValidAcl ( PACL pAcl ); WINBOOL STDCALL InitializeAcl ( PACL pAcl, DWORD nAclLength, DWORD dwAclRevision ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetAclInformation ( PACL pAcl, LPVOID pAclInformation, DWORD nAclInformationLength, ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS dwAclInformationClass ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetAclInformation ( PACL pAcl, LPVOID pAclInformation, DWORD nAclInformationLength, ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS dwAclInformationClass ); WINBOOL STDCALL AddAce ( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceRevision, DWORD dwStartingAceIndex, LPVOID pAceList, DWORD nAceListLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteAce ( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceIndex ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetAce ( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceIndex, LPVOID *pAce ); WINBOOL STDCALL AddAccessAllowedAce ( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceRevision, DWORD AccessMask, PSID pSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL AddAccessDeniedAce ( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceRevision, DWORD AccessMask, PSID pSid ); WINBOOL STDCALL AddAuditAccessAce( PACL pAcl, DWORD dwAceRevision, DWORD dwAccessMask, PSID pSid, WINBOOL bAuditSuccess, WINBOOL bAuditFailure ); WINBOOL STDCALL FindFirstFreeAce ( PACL pAcl, LPVOID *pAce ); WINBOOL STDCALL InitializeSecurityDescriptor ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, DWORD dwRevision ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsValidSecurityDescriptor ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ); DWORD STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorLength ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorControl ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL pControl, LPDWORD lpdwRevision ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, WINBOOL bDaclPresent, PACL pDacl, WINBOOL bDaclDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorDacl ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, LPBOOL lpbDaclPresent, PACL *pDacl, LPBOOL lpbDaclDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSecurityDescriptorSacl ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, WINBOOL bSaclPresent, PACL pSacl, WINBOOL bSaclDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorSacl ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, LPBOOL lpbSaclPresent, PACL *pSacl, LPBOOL lpbSaclDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSecurityDescriptorOwner ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pOwner, WINBOOL bOwnerDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorOwner ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID *pOwner, LPBOOL lpbOwnerDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSecurityDescriptorGroup ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID pGroup, WINBOOL bGroupDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetSecurityDescriptorGroup ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, PSID *pGroup, LPBOOL lpbGroupDefaulted ); WINBOOL STDCALL CreatePrivateObjectSecurity ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ParentDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR CreatorDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * NewDescriptor, WINBOOL IsDirectoryObject, HANDLE Token, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetPrivateObjectSecurity ( SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ModificationDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, HANDLE Token ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetPrivateObjectSecurity ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ObjectDescriptor, SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ResultantDescriptor, DWORD DescriptorLength, PDWORD ReturnLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR * ObjectDescriptor ); WINBOOL STDCALL MakeSelfRelativeSD ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSecurityDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor, LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength ); WINBOOL STDCALL MakeAbsoluteSD ( PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pAbsoluteSecurityDescriptor, LPDWORD lpdwAbsoluteSecurityDescriptorSize, PACL pDacl, LPDWORD lpdwDaclSize, PACL pSacl, LPDWORD lpdwSaclSize, PSID pOwner, LPDWORD lpdwOwnerSize, PSID pPrimaryGroup, LPDWORD lpdwPrimaryGroupSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetKernelObjectSecurity ( HANDLE Handle, SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor ); WINBOOL STDCALL FindNextChangeNotification( HANDLE hChangeHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL FindCloseChangeNotification( HANDLE hChangeHandle ); WINBOOL STDCALL VirtualLock( LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL VirtualUnlock( LPVOID lpAddress, DWORD dwSize ); LPVOID STDCALL MapViewOfFileEx( HANDLE hFileMappingObject, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwFileOffsetHigh, DWORD dwFileOffsetLow, DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToMap, LPVOID lpBaseAddress ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetPriorityClass( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwPriorityClass ); DWORD STDCALL GetPriorityClass( HANDLE hProcess ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsBadReadPtr( CONST VOID *lp, UINT ucb ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsBadWritePtr( LPVOID lp, UINT ucb ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsBadHugeReadPtr( CONST VOID *lp, UINT ucb ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsBadHugeWritePtr( LPVOID lp, UINT ucb ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsBadCodePtr( FARPROC lpfn ); WINBOOL STDCALL AllocateLocallyUniqueId( PLUID Luid ); WINBOOL STDCALL QueryPerformanceCounter( LARGE_INTEGER *lpPerformanceCount ); WINBOOL STDCALL QueryPerformanceFrequency( LARGE_INTEGER *lpFrequency ); VOID STDCALL MoveMemory ( PVOID Destination, CONST VOID *Source, DWORD Length ); VOID STDCALL FillMemory ( PVOID Destination, DWORD Length, BYTE Fill ); VOID STDCALL ZeroMemory ( PVOID Destination, DWORD Length ); /* The memory functions don't seem to be defined in the libraries, so define macro versions as well. */ #define MoveMemory(t, s, c) memmove ((t), (s), (c)) #define FillMemory(p, c, v) memset ((p), (v), (c)) #define ZeroMemory(p, c) memset ((p), 0, (c)) #ifdef WINNT351 WINBOOL STDCALL ActivateKeyboardLayout( HKL hkl, UINT Flags); #else HKL STDCALL ActivateKeyboardLayout( HKL hkl, UINT Flags); #endif /* WIN95 */ int STDCALL ToUnicodeEx( UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, PBYTE lpKeyState, LPWSTR pwszBuff, int cchBuff, UINT wFlags, HKL dwhkl); WINBOOL STDCALL UnloadKeyboardLayout( HKL hkl); UINT STDCALL GetKeyboardLayoutList( int nBuff, HKL *lpList); HKL STDCALL GetKeyboardLayout( DWORD dwLayout ); HDESK STDCALL OpenInputDesktop( DWORD dwFlags, WINBOOL fInherit, DWORD dwDesiredAccess); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumDesktopWindows( HDESK hDesktop, ENUMWINDOWSPROC lpfn, LPARAM lParam); WINBOOL STDCALL SwitchDesktop( HDESK hDesktop); WINBOOL STDCALL SetThreadDesktop( HDESK hDesktop); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseDesktop( HDESK hDesktop); HDESK STDCALL GetThreadDesktop( DWORD dwThreadId); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseWindowStation( HWINSTA hWinSta); WINBOOL STDCALL SetProcessWindowStation( HWINSTA hWinSta); HWINSTA STDCALL GetProcessWindowStation( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL SetUserObjectSecurity( HANDLE hObj, PSECURITY_INFORMATION pSIRequested, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSID); WINBOOL STDCALL GetUserObjectSecurity( HANDLE hObj, PSECURITY_INFORMATION pSIRequested, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSID, DWORD nLength, LPDWORD lpnLengthNeeded); WINBOOL STDCALL TranslateMessage( CONST MSG *lpMsg); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMessageQueue( int cMessagesMax); WINBOOL STDCALL RegisterHotKey( HWND hWnd , int anID, UINT fsModifiers, UINT vk); WINBOOL STDCALL UnregisterHotKey( HWND hWnd, int anID); WINBOOL STDCALL ExitWindowsEx( UINT uFlags, DWORD dwReserved); WINBOOL STDCALL SwapMouseButton( WINBOOL fSwap); DWORD STDCALL GetMessagePos( VOID); LONG STDCALL GetMessageTime( VOID); LPARAM STDCALL GetMessageExtraInfo( VOID); LPARAM STDCALL SetMessageExtraInfo( LPARAM lParam); long STDCALL BroadcastSystemMessage( DWORD, LPDWORD, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); WINBOOL STDCALL AttachThreadInput( DWORD idAttach, DWORD idAttachTo, WINBOOL fAttach); WINBOOL STDCALL ReplyMessage( LRESULT lResult); WINBOOL STDCALL WaitMessage( VOID); DWORD STDCALL WaitForInputIdle( HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMilliseconds); VOID STDCALL PostQuitMessage( int nExitCode); WINBOOL STDCALL InSendMessage( VOID); UINT STDCALL GetDoubleClickTime( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL SetDoubleClickTime( UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL IsWindow( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL IsMenu( HMENU hMenu); WINBOOL STDCALL IsChild( HWND hWndParent, HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyWindow( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowWindow( HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowWindowAsync( HWND hWnd, int nCmdShow); WINBOOL STDCALL FlashWindow( HWND hWnd, WINBOOL bInvert); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowOwnedPopups( HWND hWnd, WINBOOL fShow); WINBOOL STDCALL OpenIcon( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseWindow( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL MoveWindow( HWND hWnd, int X, int Y, int nWidth, int nHeight, WINBOOL bRepaint); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWindowPos( HWND hWnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter , int X, int Y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL GetWindowPlacement( HWND hWnd, WINDOWPLACEMENT *lpwndpl); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWindowPlacement( HWND hWnd, CONST WINDOWPLACEMENT *lpwndpl); HDWP STDCALL BeginDeferWindowPos( int nNumWindows); HDWP STDCALL DeferWindowPos( HDWP hWinPosInfo, HWND hWnd, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL EndDeferWindowPos( HDWP hWinPosInfo); WINBOOL STDCALL IsWindowVisible( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL IsIconic( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL AnyPopup( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL BringWindowToTop( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL IsZoomed( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL EndDialog( HWND hDlg, int nResult); HWND STDCALL GetDlgItem( HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem); WINBOOL STDCALL SetDlgItemInt( HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, UINT uValue, WINBOOL bSigned); UINT STDCALL GetDlgItemInt( HWND hDlg, int nIDDlgItem, WINBOOL *lpTranslated, WINBOOL bSigned); WINBOOL STDCALL CheckDlgButton( HWND hDlg, int nIDButton, UINT uCheck); WINBOOL STDCALL CheckRadioButton( HWND hDlg, int nIDFirstButton, int nIDLastButton, int nIDCheckButton); UINT STDCALL IsDlgButtonChecked( HWND hDlg, int nIDButton); HWND STDCALL GetNextDlgGroupItem( HWND hDlg, HWND hCtl, WINBOOL bPrevious); HWND STDCALL GetNextDlgTabItem( HWND hDlg, HWND hCtl, WINBOOL bPrevious); int STDCALL GetDlgCtrlID( HWND hWnd); LONG STDCALL GetDialogBaseUnits(VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL OpenClipboard( HWND hWndNewOwner); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseClipboard( VOID); HWND STDCALL GetClipboardOwner( VOID); HWND STDCALL SetClipboardViewer( HWND hWndNewViewer); HWND STDCALL GetClipboardViewer( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL ChangeClipboardChain( HWND hWndRemove, HWND hWndNewNext); HANDLE STDCALL SetClipboardData( UINT uFormat, HANDLE hMem); HANDLE STDCALL GetClipboardData( UINT uFormat); int STDCALL CountClipboardFormats( VOID); UINT STDCALL EnumClipboardFormats( UINT format); WINBOOL STDCALL EmptyClipboard( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL IsClipboardFormatAvailable( UINT format); int STDCALL GetPriorityClipboardFormat( UINT *paFormatPriorityList, int cFormats); HWND STDCALL GetOpenClipboardWindow( VOID); /* Despite the A these are ASCII functions! */ LPSTR STDCALL CharNextExA( WORD CodePage, LPCSTR lpCurrentChar, DWORD dwFlags); LPSTR STDCALL CharPrevExA( WORD CodePage, LPCSTR lpStart, LPCSTR lpCurrentChar, DWORD dwFlags); HWND STDCALL SetFocus( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL GetActiveWindow( VOID); HWND STDCALL GetFocus( VOID); UINT STDCALL GetKBCodePage( VOID); SHORT STDCALL GetKeyState( int nVirtKey); SHORT STDCALL GetAsyncKeyState( int vKey); WINBOOL STDCALL GetKeyboardState( PBYTE lpKeyState); WINBOOL STDCALL SetKeyboardState( LPBYTE lpKeyState); int STDCALL GetKeyboardType( int nTypeFlag); int STDCALL ToAscii( UINT uVirtKey, UINT uScanCode, PBYTE lpKeyState, LPWORD lpChar, UINT uFlags); int STDCALL ToAsciiEx( UINT uVirtKey, UINT uScanCode, PBYTE lpKeyState, LPWORD lpChar, UINT uFlags, HKL dwhkl); int STDCALL ToUnicode( UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, PBYTE lpKeyState, LPWSTR pwszBuff, int cchBuff, UINT wFlags); DWORD STDCALL OemKeyScan( WORD wOemChar); VOID STDCALL keybd_event( BYTE bVk, BYTE bScan, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwExtraInfo); VOID STDCALL mouse_event( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dx, DWORD dy, DWORD cButtons, DWORD dwExtraInfo); WINBOOL STDCALL GetInputState( VOID); DWORD STDCALL GetQueueStatus( UINT flags); HWND STDCALL GetCapture( VOID); HWND STDCALL SetCapture( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL ReleaseCapture( VOID); DWORD STDCALL MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( DWORD nCount, LPHANDLE pHandles, WINBOOL fWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, DWORD dwWakeMask); UINT STDCALL SetTimer( HWND hWnd , UINT nIDEvent, UINT uElapse, TIMERPROC lpTimerFunc); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWaitableTimer(HANDLE hTimer, const LARGE_INTEGER *pDueTime, LONG lPeriod, PTIMERAPCROUTINE pfnCompletionRoutine, LPVOID lpArgToCompletionRoutine, WINBOOL fResume); WINBOOL STDCALL KillTimer( HWND hWnd, UINT uIDEvent); WINBOOL STDCALL IsWindowUnicode( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL EnableWindow( HWND hWnd, WINBOOL bEnable); WINBOOL STDCALL IsWindowEnabled( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyAcceleratorTable( HACCEL hAccel); int STDCALL GetSystemMetrics( int nIndex); HMENU STDCALL GetMenu( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMenu( HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu); WINBOOL STDCALL HiliteMenuItem( HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu, UINT uIDHiliteItem, UINT uHilite); UINT STDCALL GetMenuState( HMENU hMenu, UINT uId, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawMenuBar( HWND hWnd); HMENU STDCALL GetSystemMenu( HWND hWnd, WINBOOL bRevert); HMENU STDCALL CreateMenu( VOID); HMENU STDCALL CreatePopupMenu( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyMenu( HMENU hMenu); DWORD STDCALL CheckMenuItem( HMENU hMenu, UINT uIDCheckItem, UINT uCheck); WINBOOL STDCALL EnableMenuItem( HMENU hMenu, UINT uIDEnableItem, UINT uEnable); HMENU STDCALL GetSubMenu( HMENU hMenu, int nPos); UINT STDCALL GetMenuItemID( HMENU hMenu, int nPos); int STDCALL GetMenuItemCount( HMENU hMenu); WINBOOL STDCALL RemoveMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMenuItemBitmaps( HMENU hMenu, UINT uPosition, UINT uFlags, HBITMAP hBitmapUnchecked, HBITMAP hBitmapChecked); LONG STDCALL GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL TrackPopupMenu( HMENU hMenu, UINT uFlags, int x, int y, int nReserved, HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *prcRect); UINT STDCALL GetMenuDefaultItem( HMENU hMenu, UINT fByPos, UINT gmdiFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMenuDefaultItem( HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, UINT fByPos); WINBOOL STDCALL GetMenuItemRect(HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu, UINT uItem, LPRECT lprcItem); int STDCALL MenuItemFromPoint(HWND hWnd, HMENU hMenu, POINT ptScreen); DWORD STDCALL DragObject(HWND, HWND, UINT, DWORD, HCURSOR); WINBOOL STDCALL DragDetect(HWND hwnd, POINT pt); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawIcon( HDC hDC, int X, int Y, HICON hIcon); WINBOOL STDCALL UpdateWindow( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL SetActiveWindow( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL GetForegroundWindow( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL PaintDesktop(HDC hdc); WINBOOL STDCALL SetForegroundWindow( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL WindowFromDC( HDC hDC); HDC STDCALL GetDC( HWND hWnd); HDC STDCALL GetDCEx( HWND hWnd , HRGN hrgnClip, DWORD flags); HDC STDCALL GetWindowDC( HWND hWnd); int STDCALL ReleaseDC( HWND hWnd, HDC hDC); HDC STDCALL BeginPaint( HWND hWnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint); WINBOOL STDCALL EndPaint( HWND hWnd, CONST PAINTSTRUCT *lpPaint); WINBOOL STDCALL GetUpdateRect( HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect, WINBOOL bErase); int STDCALL GetUpdateRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, WINBOOL bErase); int STDCALL SetWindowRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, WINBOOL bRedraw); int STDCALL GetWindowRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn); int STDCALL ExcludeUpdateRgn( HDC hDC, HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL InvalidateRect( HWND hWnd , CONST RECT *lpRect, WINBOOL bErase); WINBOOL STDCALL ValidateRect( HWND hWnd , CONST RECT *lpRect); WINBOOL STDCALL InvalidateRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, WINBOOL bErase); WINBOOL STDCALL ValidateRgn( HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn); WINBOOL STDCALL RedrawWindow( HWND hWnd, CONST RECT *lprcUpdate, HRGN hrgnUpdate, UINT flags); WINBOOL STDCALL LockWindowUpdate( HWND hWndLock); WINBOOL STDCALL ScrollWindow( HWND hWnd, int XAmount, int YAmount, CONST RECT *lpRect, CONST RECT *lpClipRect); WINBOOL STDCALL ScrollDC( HDC hDC, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *lprcScroll, CONST RECT *lprcClip , HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate); int STDCALL ScrollWindowEx( HWND hWnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip , HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT flags); int STDCALL SetScrollPos( HWND hWnd, int nBar, int nPos, WINBOOL bRedraw); int STDCALL GetScrollPos( HWND hWnd, int nBar); WINBOOL STDCALL SetScrollRange( HWND hWnd, int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, WINBOOL bRedraw); WINBOOL STDCALL GetScrollRange( HWND hWnd, int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowScrollBar( HWND hWnd, int wBar, WINBOOL bShow); WINBOOL STDCALL EnableScrollBar( HWND hWnd, UINT wSBflags, UINT wArrows); WINBOOL STDCALL GetClientRect( HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect); WINBOOL STDCALL GetWindowRect( HWND hWnd, LPRECT lpRect); WINBOOL STDCALL AdjustWindowRect( LPRECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, WINBOOL bMenu); WINBOOL STDCALL AdjustWindowRectEx( LPRECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, WINBOOL bMenu, DWORD dwExStyle); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWindowContextHelpId(HWND, DWORD); DWORD STDCALL GetWindowContextHelpId(HWND); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMenuContextHelpId(HMENU, DWORD); DWORD STDCALL GetMenuContextHelpId(HMENU); WINBOOL STDCALL MessageBeep( UINT uType); int STDCALL ShowCursor( WINBOOL bShow); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCursorPos( int X, int Y); HCURSOR STDCALL SetCursor( HCURSOR hCursor); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCursorPos( LPPOINT lpPoint); WINBOOL STDCALL ClipCursor( CONST RECT *lpRect); WINBOOL STDCALL GetClipCursor( LPRECT lpRect); HCURSOR STDCALL GetCursor( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL CreateCaret( HWND hWnd, HBITMAP hBitmap , int nWidth, int nHeight); UINT STDCALL GetCaretBlinkTime( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCaretBlinkTime( UINT uMSeconds); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyCaret( VOID); WINBOOL STDCALL HideCaret( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowCaret( HWND hWnd); WINBOOL STDCALL SetCaretPos( int X, int Y); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCaretPos( LPPOINT lpPoint); WINBOOL STDCALL ClientToScreen( HWND hWnd, LPPOINT lpPoint); WINBOOL STDCALL ScreenToClient( HWND hWnd, LPPOINT lpPoint); int STDCALL MapWindowPoints( HWND hWndFrom, HWND hWndTo, LPPOINT lpPoints, UINT cPoints); HWND STDCALL WindowFromPoint( POINT Point); HWND STDCALL ChildWindowFromPoint( HWND hWndParent, POINT Point); DWORD STDCALL GetSysColor( int nIndex); HBRUSH STDCALL GetSysColorBrush( int nIndex); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSysColors( int cElements, CONST INT * lpaElements, CONST COLORREF * lpaRgbValues); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawFocusRect( HDC hDC, CONST RECT * lprc); int STDCALL FillRect( HDC hDC, CONST RECT *lprc, HBRUSH hbr); int STDCALL FrameRect( HDC hDC, CONST RECT *lprc, HBRUSH hbr); WINBOOL STDCALL InvertRect( HDC hDC, CONST RECT *lprc); WINBOOL STDCALL SetRect( LPRECT lprc, int xLeft, int yTop, int xRight, int yBottom); WINBOOL STDCALL SetRectEmpty( LPRECT lprc); WINBOOL STDCALL CopyRect( LPRECT lprcDst, CONST RECT *lprcSrc); WINBOOL STDCALL InflateRect( LPRECT lprc, int dx, int dy); WINBOOL STDCALL IntersectRect( LPRECT lprcDst, CONST RECT *lprcSrc1, CONST RECT *lprcSrc2); WINBOOL STDCALL UnionRect( LPRECT lprcDst, CONST RECT *lprcSrc1, CONST RECT *lprcSrc2); WINBOOL STDCALL SubtractRect( LPRECT lprcDst, CONST RECT *lprcSrc1, CONST RECT *lprcSrc2); WINBOOL STDCALL OffsetRect( LPRECT lprc, int dx, int dy); WINBOOL STDCALL IsRectEmpty( CONST RECT *lprc); WINBOOL STDCALL EqualRect( CONST RECT *lprc1, CONST RECT *lprc2); WINBOOL STDCALL PtInRect( CONST RECT *lprc, POINT pt); WORD STDCALL GetWindowWord( HWND hWnd, int nIndex); WORD STDCALL SetWindowWord( HWND hWnd, int nIndex, WORD wNewWord); WORD STDCALL GetClassWord( HWND hWnd, int nIndex); WORD STDCALL SetClassWord( HWND hWnd, int nIndex, WORD wNewWord); HWND STDCALL GetDesktopWindow( VOID); HWND STDCALL GetParent( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL SetParent( HWND hWndChild, HWND hWndNewParent); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumChildWindows( HWND hWndParent, ENUMWINDOWSPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumWindows( ENUMWINDOWSPROC lpEnumFunc, LPARAM lParam); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumThreadWindows( DWORD dwThreadId, ENUMWINDOWSPROC lpfn, LPARAM lParam); HWND STDCALL GetTopWindow( HWND hWnd); DWORD STDCALL GetWindowThreadProcessId( HWND hWnd, LPDWORD lpdwProcessId); HWND STDCALL GetLastActivePopup( HWND hWnd); HWND STDCALL GetWindow( HWND hWnd, UINT uCmd); WINBOOL STDCALL UnhookWindowsHook( int nCode, HOOKPROC pfnFilterProc); WINBOOL STDCALL UnhookWindowsHookEx( HHOOK hhk); LRESULT STDCALL CallNextHookEx( HHOOK hhk, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); WINBOOL STDCALL CheckMenuRadioItem(HMENU, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT); HCURSOR STDCALL CreateCursor( HINSTANCE hInst, int xHotSpot, int yHotSpot, int nWidth, int nHeight, CONST VOID *pvANDPlane, CONST VOID *pvXORPlane); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyCursor( HCURSOR hCursor); WINBOOL STDCALL SetSystemCursor( HCURSOR hcur, DWORD anID); HICON STDCALL CreateIcon( HINSTANCE hInstance, int nWidth, int nHeight, BYTE cPlanes, BYTE cBitsPixel, CONST BYTE *lpbANDbits, CONST BYTE *lpbXORbits); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyIcon( HICON hIcon); int STDCALL LookupIconIdFromDirectory( PBYTE presbits, WINBOOL fIcon); int STDCALL LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx( PBYTE presbits, WINBOOL fIcon, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, UINT Flags); HICON STDCALL CreateIconFromResource( PBYTE presbits, DWORD dwResSize, WINBOOL fIcon, DWORD dwVer); HICON STDCALL CreateIconFromResourceEx( PBYTE presbits, DWORD dwResSize, WINBOOL fIcon, DWORD dwVer, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, UINT Flags); HICON STDCALL CopyImage( HANDLE, UINT, int, int, UINT); HICON STDCALL CreateIconIndirect( PICONINFO piconinfo); HICON STDCALL CopyIcon( HICON hIcon); WINBOOL STDCALL GetIconInfo( HICON hIcon, PICONINFO piconinfo); WINBOOL STDCALL MapDialogRect( HWND hDlg, LPRECT lpRect); int STDCALL SetScrollInfo(HWND, int, LPCSCROLLINFO, WINBOOL); WINBOOL STDCALL GetScrollInfo(HWND, int, LPSCROLLINFO); WINBOOL STDCALL TranslateMDISysAccel( HWND hWndClient, LPMSG lpMsg); UINT STDCALL ArrangeIconicWindows( HWND hWnd); WORD STDCALL TileWindows(HWND hwndParent, UINT wHow, CONST RECT * lpRect, UINT cKids, const HWND *lpKids); WORD STDCALL CascadeWindows(HWND hwndParent, UINT wHow, CONST RECT * lpRect, UINT cKids, const HWND *lpKids); VOID STDCALL SetLastErrorEx( DWORD dwErrCode, DWORD dwType ); VOID STDCALL SetDebugErrorLevel( DWORD dwLevel ); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawEdge(HDC hdc, LPRECT qrc, UINT edge, UINT grfFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawFrameControl(HDC, LPRECT, UINT, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawCaption( HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT uFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawAnimatedRects(HWND hwnd, int idAni, CONST RECT * lprcFrom, CONST RECT * lprcTo); WINBOOL STDCALL TrackPopupMenuEx(HMENU, UINT, int, int, HWND, LPTPMPARAMS); HWND STDCALL ChildWindowFromPointEx(HWND, POINT, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL DrawIconEx(HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, HICON hIcon, int cxWidth, int cyWidth, UINT istepIfAniCur, HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw, UINT diFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL AnimatePalette(HPALETTE, UINT, UINT, CONST PALETTEENTRY *); WINBOOL STDCALL Arc(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL BitBlt(HDC, int, int, int, int, HDC, int, int, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL CancelDC(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL Chord(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); HMETAFILE STDCALL CloseMetaFile(HDC); int STDCALL CombineRgn(HRGN, HRGN, HRGN, int); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateBitmap(int, int, UINT, UINT, CONST VOID *); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateBitmapIndirect(CONST BITMAP *); HBRUSH STDCALL CreateBrushIndirect(CONST LOGBRUSH *); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateCompatibleBitmap(HDC, int, int); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateDiscardableBitmap(HDC, int, int); HDC STDCALL CreateCompatibleDC(HDC); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateDIBitmap(HDC, CONST BITMAPINFOHEADER *, DWORD, CONST VOID *, CONST BITMAPINFO *, UINT); HBRUSH STDCALL CreateDIBPatternBrush(HGLOBAL, UINT); HBRUSH STDCALL CreateDIBPatternBrushPt(CONST VOID *, UINT); HRGN STDCALL CreateEllipticRgn(int, int, int, int); HRGN STDCALL CreateEllipticRgnIndirect(CONST RECT *); HBRUSH STDCALL CreateHatchBrush(int, COLORREF); HPALETTE STDCALL CreatePalette(CONST LOGPALETTE *); HPEN STDCALL CreatePen(int, int, COLORREF); HPEN STDCALL CreatePenIndirect(CONST LOGPEN *); HRGN STDCALL CreatePolyPolygonRgn(CONST POINT *, CONST INT *, int, int); HBRUSH STDCALL CreatePatternBrush(HBITMAP); HRGN STDCALL CreateRectRgn(int, int, int, int); HRGN STDCALL CreateRectRgnIndirect(CONST RECT *); HRGN STDCALL CreateRoundRectRgn(int, int, int, int, int, int); HBRUSH STDCALL CreateSolidBrush(COLORREF); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteDC(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteMetaFile(HMETAFILE); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteObject(HGDIOBJ); int STDCALL DrawEscape(HDC, int, int, LPCSTR); WINBOOL STDCALL Ellipse(HDC, int, int, int, int); int STDCALL EnumObjects(HDC, int, ENUMOBJECTSPROC, LPARAM); WINBOOL STDCALL EqualRgn(HRGN, HRGN); int STDCALL Escape(HDC, int, int, LPCSTR, LPVOID); int STDCALL ExtEscape(HDC, int, int, LPCSTR, int, LPSTR); int STDCALL ExcludeClipRect(HDC, int, int, int, int); HRGN STDCALL ExtCreateRegion(CONST XFORM *, DWORD, CONST RGNDATA *); WINBOOL STDCALL ExtFloodFill(HDC, int, int, COLORREF, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL FillRgn(HDC, HRGN, HBRUSH); WINBOOL STDCALL FloodFill(HDC, int, int, COLORREF); WINBOOL STDCALL FrameRgn(HDC, HRGN, HBRUSH, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL GdiDllInitialize (HANDLE, DWORD, LPVOID); VOID STDCALL GdiProcessSetup (VOID); int STDCALL GetROP2(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL GetAspectRatioFilterEx(HDC, LPSIZE); COLORREF STDCALL GetBkColor(HDC); int STDCALL GetBkMode(HDC); LONG STDCALL GetBitmapBits(HBITMAP, LONG, LPVOID); WINBOOL STDCALL GetBitmapDimensionEx(HBITMAP, LPSIZE); UINT STDCALL GetBoundsRect(HDC, LPRECT, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL GetBrushOrgEx(HDC, LPPOINT); int STDCALL GetClipBox(HDC, LPRECT); int STDCALL GetClipRgn(HDC, HRGN); int STDCALL GetMetaRgn(HDC, HRGN); HGDIOBJ STDCALL GetCurrentObject(HDC, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCurrentPositionEx(HDC, LPPOINT); int STDCALL GetDeviceCaps(HDC, int); int STDCALL GetDIBits(HDC, HBITMAP, UINT, UINT, LPVOID, LPBITMAPINFO, UINT); DWORD STDCALL GetFontData(HDC, DWORD, DWORD, LPVOID, DWORD); int STDCALL GetGraphicsMode(HDC); int STDCALL GetMapMode(HDC); UINT STDCALL GetMetaFileBitsEx(HMETAFILE, UINT, LPVOID); COLORREF STDCALL GetNearestColor(HDC, COLORREF); UINT STDCALL GetNearestPaletteIndex(HPALETTE, COLORREF); DWORD STDCALL GetObjectType(HGDIOBJ h); UINT STDCALL GetPaletteEntries(HPALETTE, UINT, UINT, LPPALETTEENTRY); COLORREF STDCALL GetPixel(HDC, int, int); int STDCALL GetPixelFormat(HDC); int STDCALL GetPolyFillMode(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL GetRasterizerCaps(LPRASTERIZER_STATUS, UINT); DWORD STDCALL GetRegionData(HRGN, DWORD, LPRGNDATA); int STDCALL GetRgnBox(HRGN, LPRECT); HGDIOBJ STDCALL GetStockObject(int); int STDCALL GetStretchBltMode(HDC); UINT STDCALL GetSystemPaletteEntries(HDC, UINT, UINT, LPPALETTEENTRY); UINT STDCALL GetSystemPaletteUse(HDC); int STDCALL GetTextCharacterExtra(HDC); UINT STDCALL GetTextAlign(HDC); COLORREF STDCALL GetTextColor(HDC); int STDCALL GetTextCharset(HDC hdc); int STDCALL GetTextCharsetInfo(HDC hdc, LPFONTSIGNATURE lpSig, DWORD dwFlags); WINBOOL STDCALL TranslateCharsetInfo( DWORD *lpSrc, LPCHARSETINFO lpCs, DWORD dwFlags); DWORD STDCALL GetFontLanguageInfo( HDC ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetViewportExtEx(HDC, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL GetViewportOrgEx(HDC, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL GetWindowExtEx(HDC, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL GetWindowOrgEx(HDC, LPPOINT); int STDCALL IntersectClipRect(HDC, int, int, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL InvertRgn(HDC, HRGN); WINBOOL STDCALL LineDDA(int, int, int, int, LINEDDAPROC, LPARAM); WINBOOL STDCALL LineTo(HDC, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL MaskBlt(HDC, int, int, int, int, HDC, int, int, HBITMAP, int, int, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL PlgBlt(HDC, CONST POINT *, HDC, int, int, int, int, HBITMAP, int, int); int STDCALL OffsetClipRgn(HDC, int, int); int STDCALL OffsetRgn(HRGN, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL PatBlt(HDC, int, int, int, int, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL Pie(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL PlayMetaFile(HDC, HMETAFILE); WINBOOL STDCALL PaintRgn(HDC, HRGN); WINBOOL STDCALL PolyPolygon(HDC, CONST POINT *, CONST INT *, int); WINBOOL STDCALL PtInRegion(HRGN, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL PtVisible(HDC, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL RectInRegion(HRGN, CONST RECT *); WINBOOL STDCALL RectVisible(HDC, CONST RECT *); WINBOOL STDCALL Rectangle(HDC, int, int, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL RestoreDC(HDC, int); UINT STDCALL RealizePalette(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL RoundRect(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL ResizePalette(HPALETTE, UINT); int STDCALL SaveDC(HDC); int STDCALL SelectClipRgn(HDC, HRGN); int STDCALL ExtSelectClipRgn(HDC, HRGN, int); int STDCALL SetMetaRgn(HDC); HGDIOBJ STDCALL SelectObject(HDC, HGDIOBJ); HPALETTE STDCALL SelectPalette(HDC, HPALETTE, WINBOOL); COLORREF STDCALL SetBkColor(HDC, COLORREF); int STDCALL SetBkMode(HDC, int); LONG STDCALL SetBitmapBits(HBITMAP, DWORD, CONST VOID *); UINT STDCALL SetBoundsRect(HDC, CONST RECT *, UINT); int STDCALL SetDIBits(HDC, HBITMAP, UINT, UINT, CONST VOID *, CONST BITMAPINFO *, UINT); int STDCALL SetDIBitsToDevice(HDC, int, int, DWORD, DWORD, int, int, UINT, UINT, CONST VOID *, CONST BITMAPINFO *, UINT); DWORD STDCALL SetMapperFlags(HDC, DWORD); int STDCALL SetGraphicsMode(HDC hdc, int iMode); int STDCALL SetMapMode(HDC, int); HMETAFILE STDCALL SetMetaFileBitsEx(UINT, CONST BYTE *); UINT STDCALL SetPaletteEntries(HPALETTE, UINT, UINT, CONST PALETTEENTRY *); COLORREF STDCALL SetPixel(HDC, int, int, COLORREF); WINBOOL STDCALL SetPixelV(HDC, int, int, COLORREF); int STDCALL SetPolyFillMode(HDC, int); WINBOOL STDCALL StretchBlt(HDC, int, int, int, int, HDC, int, int, int, int, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL SetRectRgn(HRGN, int, int, int, int); int STDCALL StretchDIBits(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, CONST VOID *, CONST BITMAPINFO *, UINT, DWORD); int STDCALL SetROP2(HDC, int); int STDCALL SetStretchBltMode(HDC, int); UINT STDCALL SetSystemPaletteUse(HDC, UINT); int STDCALL SetTextCharacterExtra(HDC, int); COLORREF STDCALL SetTextColor(HDC, COLORREF); UINT STDCALL SetTextAlign(HDC, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL SetTextJustification(HDC, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL UpdateColors(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL PlayMetaFileRecord(HDC, LPHANDLETABLE, LPMETARECORD, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumMetaFile(HDC, HMETAFILE, ENUMMETAFILEPROC, LPARAM); HENHMETAFILE STDCALL CloseEnhMetaFile(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteEnhMetaFile(HENHMETAFILE); WINBOOL STDCALL EnumEnhMetaFile(HDC, HENHMETAFILE, ENHMETAFILEPROC, LPVOID, CONST RECT *); UINT STDCALL GetEnhMetaFileHeader(HENHMETAFILE, UINT, LPENHMETAHEADER ); UINT STDCALL GetEnhMetaFilePaletteEntries(HENHMETAFILE, UINT, LPPALETTEENTRY ); UINT STDCALL GetWinMetaFileBits(HENHMETAFILE, UINT, LPBYTE, INT, HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL PlayEnhMetaFile(HDC, HENHMETAFILE, CONST RECT *); WINBOOL STDCALL PlayEnhMetaFileRecord(HDC, LPHANDLETABLE, CONST ENHMETARECORD *, UINT); HENHMETAFILE STDCALL SetEnhMetaFileBits(UINT, CONST BYTE *); #if 0 HENHMETAFILE STDCALL SetWinMetaFileBits(UINT, CONST BYTE *, HDC, CONST METAFILEPICT *); #endif WINBOOL STDCALL GdiComment(HDC, UINT, CONST BYTE *); WINBOOL STDCALL AngleArc(HDC, int, int, DWORD, FLOAT, FLOAT); WINBOOL STDCALL PolyPolyline(HDC, CONST POINT *, CONST DWORD *, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL GetWorldTransform(HDC, LPXFORM); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWorldTransform(HDC, CONST XFORM *); WINBOOL STDCALL ModifyWorldTransform(HDC, CONST XFORM *, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL CombineTransform(LPXFORM, CONST XFORM *, CONST XFORM *); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateDIBSection(HDC, CONST BITMAPINFO *, UINT, VOID *, HANDLE, DWORD); UINT STDCALL GetDIBColorTable(HDC, UINT, UINT, RGBQUAD *); UINT STDCALL SetDIBColorTable(HDC, UINT, UINT, CONST RGBQUAD *); WINBOOL STDCALL SetColorAdjustment(HDC, CONST COLORADJUSTMENT *); WINBOOL STDCALL GetColorAdjustment(HDC, LPCOLORADJUSTMENT); HPALETTE STDCALL CreateHalftonePalette(HDC); int STDCALL EndDoc(HDC); int STDCALL StartPage(HDC); int STDCALL EndPage(HDC); int STDCALL AbortDoc(HDC); int STDCALL SetAbortProc(HDC, ABORTPROC); WINBOOL STDCALL AbortPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL ArcTo(HDC, int, int, int, int, int, int,int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL BeginPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseFigure(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL EndPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL FillPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL FlattenPath(HDC); int STDCALL GetPath(HDC, LPPOINT, LPBYTE, int); HRGN STDCALL PathToRegion(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL PolyDraw(HDC, CONST POINT *, CONST BYTE *, int); WINBOOL STDCALL SelectClipPath(HDC, int); int STDCALL SetArcDirection(HDC, int); WINBOOL STDCALL SetMiterLimit(HDC, FLOAT, PFLOAT); WINBOOL STDCALL StrokeAndFillPath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL StrokePath(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL WidenPath(HDC); HPEN STDCALL ExtCreatePen(DWORD, DWORD, CONST LOGBRUSH *, DWORD, CONST DWORD *); WINBOOL STDCALL GetMiterLimit(HDC, PFLOAT); int STDCALL GetArcDirection(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL MoveToEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); HRGN STDCALL CreatePolygonRgn(CONST POINT *, int, int); WINBOOL STDCALL DPtoLP(HDC, LPPOINT, int); WINBOOL STDCALL LPtoDP(HDC, LPPOINT, int); WINBOOL STDCALL Polygon(HDC, CONST POINT *, int); WINBOOL STDCALL Polyline(HDC, CONST POINT *, int); WINBOOL STDCALL PolyBezier(HDC, CONST POINT *, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL PolyBezierTo(HDC, CONST POINT *, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL PolylineTo(HDC, CONST POINT *, DWORD); WINBOOL STDCALL SetViewportExtEx(HDC, int, int, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL SetViewportOrgEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWindowExtEx(HDC, int, int, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL SetWindowOrgEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL OffsetViewportOrgEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL OffsetWindowOrgEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL ScaleViewportExtEx(HDC, int, int, int, int, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL ScaleWindowExtEx(HDC, int, int, int, int, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL SetBitmapDimensionEx(HBITMAP, int, int, LPSIZE); WINBOOL STDCALL SetBrushOrgEx(HDC, int, int, LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL GetDCOrgEx(HDC,LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL FixBrushOrgEx(HDC,int,int,LPPOINT); WINBOOL STDCALL UnrealizeObject(HGDIOBJ); WINBOOL STDCALL GdiFlush(void); DWORD STDCALL GdiSetBatchLimit(DWORD); DWORD STDCALL GdiGetBatchLimit(void); int STDCALL SetICMMode(HDC, int); WINBOOL STDCALL CheckColorsInGamut(HDC,LPVOID,LPVOID,DWORD); HANDLE STDCALL GetColorSpace(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL SetColorSpace(HDC,HCOLORSPACE); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteColorSpace(HCOLORSPACE); WINBOOL STDCALL GetDeviceGammaRamp(HDC,LPVOID); WINBOOL STDCALL SetDeviceGammaRamp(HDC,LPVOID); WINBOOL STDCALL ColorMatchToTarget(HDC,HDC,DWORD); HPROPSHEETPAGE STDCALL CreatePropertySheetPageA(LPCPROPSHEETPAGE lppsp); WINBOOL STDCALL DestroyPropertySheetPage(HPROPSHEETPAGE hPSPage); void STDCALL InitCommonControls(void); #define ImageList_AddIcon(himl, hicon) ImageList_ReplaceIcon(himl, -1, hicon) HIMAGELIST STDCALL ImageList_Create(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_Destroy(HIMAGELIST himl); int STDCALL ImageList_GetImageCount(HIMAGELIST himl); int STDCALL ImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); int STDCALL ImageList_ReplaceIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HICON hicon); COLORREF STDCALL ImageList_SetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl, COLORREF clrBk); COLORREF STDCALL ImageList_GetBkColor(HIMAGELIST himl); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_SetOverlayImage(HIMAGELIST himl, int iImage, int iOverlay); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_Draw(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HDC hdcDst, int x, int y, UINT fStyle); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_Replace(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); int STDCALL ImageList_AddMasked(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, COLORREF crMask); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_DrawEx(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, HDC hdcDst, int x, int y, int dx, int dy, COLORREF rgbBk, COLORREF rgbFg, UINT fStyle); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_Remove(HIMAGELIST himl, int i); HICON STDCALL ImageList_GetIcon(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, UINT flags); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_BeginDrag(HIMAGELIST himlTrack, int iTrack, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot); void STDCALL ImageList_EndDrag(void); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_DragEnter(HWND hwndLock, int x, int y); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_DragLeave(HWND hwndLock); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_DragMove(int x, int y); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_SetDragCursorImage(HIMAGELIST himlDrag, int iDrag, int dxHotspot, int dyHotspot); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_DragShowNolock(WINBOOL fShow); HIMAGELIST STDCALL ImageList_GetDragImage(POINT * ppt,POINT * pptHotspot); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_GetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl, int *cx, int *cy); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_SetIconSize(HIMAGELIST himl, int cx, int cy); WINBOOL STDCALL ImageList_GetImageInfo(HIMAGELIST himl, int i, IMAGEINFO * pImageInfo); HIMAGELIST STDCALL ImageList_Merge(HIMAGELIST himl1, int i1, HIMAGELIST himl2, int i2, int dx, int dy); HWND STDCALL CreateToolbarEx(HWND hwnd, DWORD ws, UINT wID, int nBitmaps, HINSTANCE hBMInst, UINT wBMID, LPCTBBUTTON lpButtons, int iNumButtons, int dxButton, int dyButton, int dxBitmap, int dyBitmap, UINT uStructSize); HBITMAP STDCALL CreateMappedBitmap(HINSTANCE hInstance, int idBitmap, UINT wFlags, LPCOLORMAP lpColorMap, int iNumMaps); void STDCALL MenuHelp(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HMENU hMainMenu, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndStatus, UINT *lpwIDs); WINBOOL STDCALL ShowHideMenuCtl(HWND hWnd, UINT uFlags, LPINT lpInfo); void STDCALL GetEffectiveClientRect(HWND hWnd, LPRECT lprc, LPINT lpInfo); WINBOOL STDCALL MakeDragList(HWND hLB); void STDCALL DrawInsert(HWND handParent, HWND hLB, int nItem); int STDCALL LBItemFromPt(HWND hLB, POINT pt, WINBOOL bAutoScroll); HWND STDCALL CreateUpDownControl(DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, HWND hParent, int nID, HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hBuddy, int nUpper, int nLower, int nPos); DWORD STDCALL CommDlgExtendedError(VOID); /* Animation controls */ #define Animate_Create(hwndP, id, dwStyle, hInstance) CreateWindow(ANIMATE_CLASS, NULL, dwStyle, 0, 0, 0, 0, hwndP, (HMENU)(id), hInstance, NULL) #define Animate_Open(hwnd, szName) SendMessage(hwnd, ACM_OPEN, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)(szName)) #define Animate_Play(hwnd, from, to, rep) SendMessage(hwnd, ACM_PLAY, (WPARAM)(UINT)(rep), (LPARAM)MAKELONG(from, to)) #define Animate_Stop(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, ACM_STOP, 0, 0) #define Animate_Close(hwnd) Animate_Open(hwnd, NULL) #define Animate_Seek(hwnd, frame) Animate_Play(hwnd, frame, frame, 1) /* Property sheet macros */ #define PropSheet_AddPage(hPropSheetDlg, hpage) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_ADDPAGE, 0, (LPARAM)(HPROPSHEETPAGE)hpage) #define PropSheet_Apply(hPropSheetDlg) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_APPLY, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_CancelToClose(hPropSheetDlg) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_CANCELTOCLOSE, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_Changed(hPropSheetDlg, hwndPage) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_CHANGED, (WPARAM)(HWND)hwndPage, 0) #define PropSheet_GetCurrentPageHwnd(hDlg) SendMessage(hDlg, PSM_GETCURRENTPAGEHWND, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_GetTabControl(hPropSheetDlg) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_GETTABCONTROL, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_IsDialogMessage(hDlg, pMsg) SendMessage(hDlg, PSM_ISDIALOGMESSAGE, 0, (LPARAM)pMsg) #define PropSheet_PressButton(hPropSheetDlg, iButton) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_PRESSBUTTON, (WPARAM)(int)iButton, 0) #define PropSheet_QuerySiblings(hPropSheetDlg, param1, param2) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_QUERYSIBLINGS, (WPARAM)param1, (LPARAM)param2) #define PropSheet_RebootSystem(hPropSheetDlg) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_REBOOTSYSTEM, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_RemovePage(hPropSheetDlg, index, hpage) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_REMOVEPAGE, (WPARAM)(int)index, (LPARAM)(HPROPSHEETPAGE)hpage) #define PropSheet_RestartWindows(hPropSheetDlg) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_RESTARTWINDOWS, 0, 0) #define PropSheet_SetCurSel(hPropSheetDlg, hpage, index) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(int)index, (LPARAM)(HPROPSHEETPAGE)hpage) #define PropSheet_SetCurSelByID(hPropSheetDlg, id) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_SETCURSELID, 0, (LPARAM)(int)id) #define PropSheet_SetFinishText(hPropSheetDlg, lpszText) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_SETFINISHTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)lpszText) #define PropSheet_SetTitle(hPropSheetDlg, dwStyle, lpszText) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_SETTITLE, (WPARAM)(DWORD)dwStyle, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)lpszText) #define PropSheet_SetWizButtons(hPropSheetDlg, dwFlags) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_SETWIZBUTTONS, 0, (LPARAM)(DWORD)dwFlags) #define PropSheet_UnChanged(hPropSheetDlg, hwndPage) SendMessage(hPropSheetDlg, PSM_UNCHANGED, (WPARAM)(HWND)hwndPage, 0) /* Header control */ #define Header_DeleteItem(hwndHD, index) (BOOL)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(index), 0L) #define Header_GetItem(hwndHD, index, phdi) (BOOL)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(index), (LPARAM)(HD_ITEM FAR*)(phdi)) #define Header_GetItemCount(hwndHD) (int)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) #define Header_InsertItem(hwndHD, index, phdi) (int)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(index), (LPARAM)(const HD_ITEM FAR*)(phdi)) #define Header_Layout(hwndHD, playout) (BOOL)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_LAYOUT, 0, (LPARAM)(HD_LAYOUT FAR*)(playout)) #define Header_SetItem(hwndHD, index, phdi) (BOOL)SendMessage((hwndHD), HDM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(index), (LPARAM)(const HD_ITEM FAR*)(phdi)) /* List View */ #define ListView_Arrange(hwndLV, code) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_ARRANGE, (WPARAM)(UINT)(code), 0) #define ListView_CreateDragImage(hwnd, i, lpptUpLeft) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(LPPOINT)(lpptUpLeft)) #define ListView_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0) #define ListView_DeleteColumn(hwnd, iCol) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_DELETECOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), 0) #define ListView_DeleteItem(hwnd, iItem) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, 0) #define ListView_EditLabel(hwndLV, i) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_EDITLABEL, (WPARAM)(int)i, 0) #define ListView_EnsureVisible(hwndLV, i, fPartialOK) SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, (WPARAM)(int)i, MAKELPARAM((fPartialOK), 0)) #define ListView_FindItem(hwnd, iStart, plvfi) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_FINDITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iStart, (LPARAM)(const LV_FINDINFO *)plvfi) #define ListView_GetBkColor(hwnd) SendMessage((HWND)hwnd, LVM_GETBKCOLOR, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetCallbackMask(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETCALLBACKMASK, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_GETCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define ListView_GetColumnWidth(hwnd, iCol) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), 0) #define ListView_GetCountPerPage(hwndLV) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetEditControl(hwndLV) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetImageList(hwnd, iImageList) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(INT)iImageList, 0) #define ListView_GetISearchString(hwndLV, lpsz) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETISEARCHSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)lpsz) #define ListView_GetItem(hwnd, pitem) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define ListView_GetItemCount(hwnd) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetItemPosition(hwndLV, i, ppt) SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_GETITEMPOSITION, (WPARAM)(int)i, (LPARAM)(POINT *)ppt) #define ListView_GetItemRect(hwnd, i, prc, code) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)i, ((prc) ? (((RECT *)(prc))->left = (code), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) : (LPARAM)(RECT *)NULL)) #define ListView_GetItemSpacing(hwndLV, fSmall) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMSPACING, fSmall, 0) #define ListView_GetItemState(hwndLV, i, mask) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)mask) #define ListView_GetItemText(hwndLV, i, iSubItem_, pszText_, cchTextMax_) { LV_ITEM _gnu_lvi;_gnu_lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem_;_gnu_lvi.cchTextMax = cchTextMax_;_gnu_lvi.pszText = pszText_;SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_gnu_lvi);} #define ListView_GetNextItem(hwnd, iStart, flags) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iStart, (LPARAM)flags) #define ListView_GetOrigin(hwndLV, ppt) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETORIGIN, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)(POINT *)(ppt)) #define ListView_GetSelectedCount(hwndLV) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETSELECTEDCOUNT, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetStringWidth(hwndLV, psz) SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_GETSTRINGWIDTH, 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR)psz) #define ListView_GetTextBkColor(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_GETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetTextColor(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_GETTEXTCOLOR, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetTopIndex(hwndLV) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0) #define ListView_GetViewRect(hwnd, prc) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_GETVIEWRECT, 0, (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define ListView_HitTest(hwndLV, pinfo) SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(LV_HITTESTINFO *)pinfo) #define ListView_InsertColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define ListView_InsertItem(hwnd, pitem) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)pitem) #define ListView_RedrawItems(hwndLV, iFirst, iLast) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_REDRAWITEMS, (WPARAM)(int)iFirst, (LPARAM)(int)iLast) #define ListView_Scroll(hwndLV, dx, dy) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SCROLL, (WPARAM)(int)dx, (LPARAM)(int)dy) #define ListView_SetBkColor(hwnd, clrBk) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_SETBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)clrBk) #define ListView_SetCallbackMask(hwnd, mask) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_SETCALLBACKMASK, (WPARAM)(UINT)(mask), 0) #define ListView_SetColumn(hwnd, iCol, pcol) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_SETCOLUMN, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), (LPARAM)(const LV_COLUMN *)(pcol)) #define ListView_SetColumnWidth(hwnd, iCol, cx) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, (WPARAM)(int)(iCol), MAKELPARAM((cx), 0)) #define ListView_SetImageList(hwnd, himl, iImageList) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_SETIMAGELIST, (WPARAM)(iImageList), (LPARAM)(UINT)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define ListView_SetItem(hwnd, pitem) SendMessage(hwnd, LVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const LV_ITEM *)pitem) #define ListView_SetItemCount(hwndLV, cItems) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMCOUNT, (WPARAM)cItems, 0) #define ListView_SetItemPosition(hwndLV, i, x, y) SendMessage(hwndLV, LVM_SETITEMPOSITION, (WPARAM)(int)(i), MAKELPARAM((x), (y))) #define ListView_SetItemPosition32(hwndLV, i, x, y) { POINT ptNewPos = {x,y}; SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMPOSITION32, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)&ptNewPos); } #define ListView_SetItemState(hwndLV, i, data, mask) { LV_ITEM _gnu_lvi; _gnu_lvi.stateMask = mask; _gnu_lvi.state = data; SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_gnu_lvi);} #define ListView_SetItemText(hwndLV, i, iSubItem_, pszText_) { LV_ITEM _gnu_lvi; _gnu_lvi.iSubItem = iSubItem_; _gnu_lvi.pszText = pszText_; SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SETITEMTEXT, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)(LV_ITEM *)&_gnu_lvi);} #define ListView_SetTextBkColor(hwnd, clrTextBk) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_SETTEXTBKCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(clrTextBk)) #define ListView_SetTextColor(hwnd, clrText) SendMessage((hwnd), LVM_SETTEXTCOLOR, 0, (LPARAM)(COLORREF)(clrText)) #define ListView_SortItems(hwndLV, _pfnCompare, _lPrm) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_SORTITEMS, (WPARAM)(LPARAM)_lPrm, (LPARAM)(PFNLVCOMPARE)_pfnCompare) #define ListView_Update(hwndLV, i) SendMessage((hwndLV), LVM_UPDATE, (WPARAM)i, 0) /* Tree View */ #define TreeView_InsertItem(hwnd, lpis) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTV_INSERTSTRUCT)(lpis)) #define TreeView_DeleteItem(hwnd, hitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_DELETEITEM, 0, (LPARAM)TVI_ROOT) #define TreeView_Expand(hwnd, hitem, code) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_EXPAND, (WPARAM)code, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_GetItemRect(hwnd, hitem, prc, code) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(code), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc))) #define TreeView_GetCount(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETCOUNT, 0, 0) #define TreeView_GetIndent(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETINDENT, 0, 0) #define TreeView_SetIndent(hwnd, indent) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SETINDENT, (WPARAM)indent, 0) #define TreeView_GetImageList(hwnd, iImage) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETIMAGELIST, iImage, 0) #define TreeView_SetImageList(hwnd, himl, iImage) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SETIMAGELIST, iImage, (LPARAM)(UINT)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, code) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETNEXTITEM, (WPARAM)code, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_GetChild(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_CHILD) #define TreeView_GetNextSibling(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_NEXT) #define TreeView_GetPrevSibling(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PREVIOUS) #define TreeView_GetParent(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PARENT) #define TreeView_GetFirstVisible(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetNextVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_NEXTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetPrevVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_PREVIOUSVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetSelection(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_GetDropHilight(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_GetRoot(hwnd) TreeView_GetNextItem(hwnd, NULL, TVGN_ROOT) #define TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, code) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SELECTITEM, (WPARAM)code, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_SelectItem(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_CARET) #define TreeView_SelectDropTarget(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_DROPHILITE) #define TreeView_SelectSetFirstVisible(hwnd, hitem) TreeView_Select(hwnd, hitem, TVGN_FIRSTVISIBLE) #define TreeView_GetItem(hwnd, pitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(TV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TreeView_SetItem(hwnd, pitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SETITEM, 0, (LPARAM)(const TV_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TreeView_EditLabel(hwnd, hitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_EDITLABEL, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_GetEditControl(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETEDITCONTROL, 0, 0) #define TreeView_GetVisibleCount(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_GETVISIBLECOUNT, 0, 0) #define TreeView_HitTest(hwnd, lpht) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTV_HITTESTINFO)(lpht)) #define TreeView_CreateDragImage(hwnd, hitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_SortChildren(hwnd, hitem, recurse) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SORTCHILDREN, (WPARAM)recurse, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_EnsureVisible(hwnd, hitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_ENSUREVISIBLE, 0, (LPARAM)(HTREEITEM)(hitem)) #define TreeView_SortChildrenCB(hwnd, psort, recurse) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_SORTCHILDRENCB, (WPARAM)recurse, (LPARAM)(LPTV_SORTCB)(psort)) #define TreeView_EndEditLabelNow(hwnd, fCancel) SendMessage((hwnd), TVM_ENDEDITLABELNOW, (WPARAM)fCancel, 0) #define TreeView_GetISearchString(hwndTV, lpsz) SendMessage((hwndTV), TVM_GETISEARCHSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)(LPTSTR)lpsz) /* Tab control */ #define TabCtrl_GetImageList(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetImageList(hwnd, himl) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(UINT)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) #define TabCtrl_GetItemCount(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_GetItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TabCtrl_SetItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TabCtrl_InsertItem(hwnd, iItem, pitem) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(const TC_ITEM *)(pitem)) #define TabCtrl_DeleteItem(hwnd, i) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0) #define TabCtrl_DeleteAllItems(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_GetItemRect(hwnd, i, prc) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(RECT *)(prc)) #define TabCtrl_GetCurSel(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetCurSel(hwnd, i) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)i, 0) #define TabCtrl_HitTest(hwndTC, pinfo) SendMessage((hwndTC), TCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(TC_HITTESTINFO *)(pinfo)) #define TabCtrl_SetItemExtra(hwndTC, cb) SendMessage((hwndTC), TCM_SETITEMEXTRA, (WPARAM)(cb), 0) #define TabCtrl_AdjustRect(hwnd, bLarger, prc) SendMessage(hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM)(WINBOOL)bLarger, (LPARAM)(RECT *)prc) #define TabCtrl_SetItemSize(hwnd, x, y) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(x,y)) #define TabCtrl_RemoveImage(hwnd, i) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_REMOVEIMAGE, i, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetPadding(hwnd, cx, cy) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(cx, cy)) #define TabCtrl_GetRowCount(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_GetToolTips(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETTOOLTIPS, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetToolTips(hwnd, hwndTT) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_SETTOOLTIPS, (WPARAM)hwndTT, 0) #define TabCtrl_GetCurFocus(hwnd) SendMessage((hwnd), TCM_GETCURFOCUS, 0, 0) #define TabCtrl_SetCurFocus(hwnd, i) SendMessage((hwnd),TCM_SETCURFOCUS, i, 0) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecA(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETSPEC, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)_psz) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecW(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETSPEC, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPWSTR)_psz) #ifdef UNICODE #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecW #else #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpec CommDlg_OpenSave_GetSpecA #endif /* !UNICODE */ #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathA(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETFILEPATH, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)_psz) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathW(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETFILEPATH, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPWSTR)_psz) #ifdef UNICODE #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathW #else #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePath CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFilePathA #endif /* !UNICODE */ #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathA(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETFOLDERPATH, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)_psz) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathW(_hdlg, _psz, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETFOLDERPATH, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPWSTR)_psz) #ifdef UNICODE #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathW #else #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPath CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderPathA #endif /* !UNICODE */ #define CommDlg_OpenSave_GetFolderIDList(_hdlg, _pidl, _cbmax) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_GETFOLDERIDLIST, (WPARAM)_cbmax, (LPARAM)(LPVOID)_pidl) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_SetControlText(_hdlg, _id, _text) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_SETCONTROLTEXT, (WPARAM)_id, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)_text) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_HideControl(_hdlg, _id) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_HIDECONTROL, (WPARAM)_id, 0) #define CommDlg_OpenSave_SetDefExt(_hdlg, _pszext) SNDMSG(_hdlg, CDM_SETDEFEXT, 0, (LPARAM)(LPSTR)_pszext) LONG STDCALL RegCloseKey ( HKEY hKey ); LONG STDCALL RegSetKeySecurity ( HKEY hKey, SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor ); LONG STDCALL RegFlushKey ( HKEY hKey ); LONG STDCALL RegGetKeySecurity ( HKEY hKey, SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, LPDWORD lpcbSecurityDescriptor ); LONG STDCALL RegNotifyChangeKeyValue ( HKEY hKey, WINBOOL bWatchSubtree, DWORD dwNotifyFilter, HANDLE hEvent, WINBOOL fAsynchronus ); WINBOOL STDCALL IsValidCodePage( UINT CodePage); UINT STDCALL GetACP(void); UINT STDCALL GetOEMCP(void); WINBOOL STDCALL GetCPInfo(UINT, LPCPINFO); WINBOOL STDCALL IsDBCSLeadByte( BYTE TestChar); WINBOOL STDCALL IsDBCSLeadByteEx( UINT CodePage, BYTE TestChar); int STDCALL MultiByteToWideChar( UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMultiByte, LPWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar); int STDCALL WideCharToMultiByte( UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar, LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cchMultiByte, LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar); WINBOOL STDCALL IsValidLocale( LCID Locale, DWORD dwFlags); LCID STDCALL ConvertDefaultLocale( LCID Locale); LCID STDCALL GetThreadLocale(void); WINBOOL STDCALL SetThreadLocale( LCID Locale ); LANGID STDCALL GetSystemDefaultLangID(void); LANGID STDCALL GetUserDefaultLangID(void); LCID STDCALL GetSystemDefaultLCID(void); LCID STDCALL GetUserDefaultLCID(void); WINBOOL STDCALL ReadConsoleOutputAttribute( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, LPWORD lpAttribute, DWORD nLength, COORD dwReadCoord, LPDWORD lpNumberOfAttrsRead ); WINBOOL STDCALL WriteConsoleOutputAttribute( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, CONST WORD *lpAttribute, DWORD nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, LPDWORD lpNumberOfAttrsWritten ); WINBOOL STDCALL FillConsoleOutputAttribute( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, WORD wAttribute, DWORD nLength, COORD dwWriteCoord, LPDWORD lpNumberOfAttrsWritten ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetConsoleMode( HANDLE hConsoleHandle, LPDWORD lpMode ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents( HANDLE hConsoleInput, LPDWORD lpNumberOfEvents ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO lpConsoleScreenBufferInfo ); COORD STDCALL GetLargestConsoleWindowSize( HANDLE hConsoleOutput ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetConsoleCursorInfo( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, PCONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO lpConsoleCursorInfo ); WINBOOL STDCALL GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons( LPDWORD lpNumberOfMouseButtons ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleMode( HANDLE hConsoleHandle, DWORD dwMode ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer( HANDLE hConsoleOutput ); WINBOOL STDCALL FlushConsoleInputBuffer( HANDLE hConsoleInput ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, COORD dwSize ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleCursorPosition( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, COORD dwCursorPosition ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleCursorInfo( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, CONST CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO *lpConsoleCursorInfo ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleWindowInfo( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, WINBOOL bAbsolute, CONST SMALL_RECT *lpConsoleWindow ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleTextAttribute( HANDLE hConsoleOutput, WORD wAttributes ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleCtrlHandler( PHANDLER_ROUTINE HandlerRoutine, WINBOOL Add ); WINBOOL STDCALL GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( DWORD dwCtrlEvent, DWORD dwProcessGroupId ); WINBOOL STDCALL AllocConsole( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL FreeConsole( VOID ); HANDLE STDCALL CreateConsoleScreenBuffer( DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, CONST SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *lpSecurityAttributes, DWORD dwFlags, LPVOID lpScreenBufferData ); UINT STDCALL GetConsoleCP( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleCP( UINT wCodePageID ); UINT STDCALL GetConsoleOutputCP( VOID ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetConsoleOutputCP( UINT wCodePageID ); DWORD STDCALL WNetConnectionDialog( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwType ); DWORD STDCALL WNetDisconnectDialog( HWND hwnd, DWORD dwType ); DWORD STDCALL WNetCloseEnum( HANDLE hEnum ); WINBOOL STDCALL CloseServiceHandle( SC_HANDLE hSCObject ); WINBOOL STDCALL ControlService( SC_HANDLE hService, DWORD dwControl, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL DeleteService( SC_HANDLE hService ); SC_LOCK STDCALL LockServiceDatabase( SC_HANDLE hSCManager ); WINBOOL STDCALL NotifyBootConfigStatus( WINBOOL BootAcceptable ); WINBOOL STDCALL QueryServiceObjectSecurity( SC_HANDLE hService, SECURITY_INFORMATION dwSecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR lpSecurityDescriptor, DWORD cbBufSize, LPDWORD pcbBytesNeeded ); WINBOOL STDCALL QueryServiceStatus( SC_HANDLE hService, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetServiceObjectSecurity( SC_HANDLE hService, SECURITY_INFORMATION dwSecurityInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR lpSecurityDescriptor ); WINBOOL STDCALL SetServiceStatus( SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hServiceStatus, LPSERVICE_STATUS lpServiceStatus ); WINBOOL STDCALL UnlockServiceDatabase( SC_LOCK ScLock ); /* Extensions to OpenGL */ int STDCALL ChoosePixelFormat(HDC, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *); int STDCALL DescribePixelFormat(HDC, int, UINT, LPPIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR); UINT STDCALL GetEnhMetaFilePixelFormat(HENHMETAFILE, DWORD, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *); int STDCALL GetPixelFormat(HDC); WINBOOL STDCALL SetPixelFormat(HDC, int, CONST PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR *); WINBOOL STDCALL SwapBuffers(HDC); HGLRC STDCALL wglCreateContext(HDC); HGLRC STDCALL wglCreateLayerContext(HDC, int); WINBOOL STDCALL wglCopyContext(HGLRC, HGLRC, UINT); WINBOOL STDCALL wglDeleteContext(HGLRC); WINBOOL STDCALL wglDescribeLayerPlane(HDC, int, int, UINT, LPLAYERPLANEDESCRIPTOR); HGLRC STDCALL wglGetCurrentContext(VOID); HDC STDCALL wglGetCurrentDC(VOID); int STDCALL wglGetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC, int, int, int, CONST COLORREF *); PROC STDCALL wglGetProcAddress(LPCSTR); WINBOOL STDCALL wglMakeCurrent(HDC, HGLRC); WINBOOL STDCALL wglRealizeLayerPalette(HDC, int, WINBOOL); int STDCALL wglSetLayerPaletteEntries(HDC, int, int, int, CONST COLORREF *); WINBOOL STDCALL wglShareLists(HGLRC, HGLRC); WINBOOL STDCALL wglSwapLayerBuffers(HDC, UINT); /* Why are these different between ANSI and UNICODE? There doesn't seem to be any difference. */ #ifdef UNICODE #define wglUseFontBitmaps wglUseFontBitmapsW #define wglUseFontOutlines wglUseFontOutlinesW #else #define wglUseFontBitmaps wglUseFontBitmapsA #define wglUseFontOutlines wglUseFontOutlinesA #endif /* !UNICODE */ /* ------------------------------------- */ /* From shellapi.h in old Cygnus headers */ WINBOOL WINAPI DragQueryPoint (HDROP, LPPOINT); void WINAPI DragFinish (HDROP); void WINAPI DragAcceptFiles (HWND, WINBOOL); HICON WINAPI DuplicateIcon (HINSTANCE, HICON); /* end of stuff from shellapi.h in old Cygnus headers */ /* -------------------------------------------------- */ /* From ddeml.h in old Cygnus headers */ HCONV WINAPI DdeConnect (DWORD, HSZ, HSZ, CONVCONTEXT *); WINBOOL WINAPI DdeDisconnect (HCONV); WINBOOL WINAPI DdeFreeDataHandle (HDDEDATA); DWORD WINAPI DdeGetData (HDDEDATA, BYTE *, DWORD, DWORD); UINT WINAPI DdeGetLastError (DWORD); HDDEDATA WINAPI DdeNameService (DWORD, HSZ, HSZ, UINT); WINBOOL WINAPI DdePostAdvise (DWORD, HSZ, HSZ); HCONV WINAPI DdeReconnect (HCONV); WINBOOL WINAPI DdeUninitialize (DWORD); int WINAPI DdeCmpStringHandles (HSZ, HSZ); HDDEDATA WINAPI DdeCreateDataHandle (DWORD, LPBYTE, DWORD, DWORD, HSZ, UINT, UINT); /* end of stuff from ddeml.h in old Cygnus headers */ /* ----------------------------------------------- */ DWORD STDCALL NetUserEnum (LPWSTR, DWORD, DWORD, LPBYTE*, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD STDCALL NetApiBufferFree (LPVOID); DWORD STDCALL NetUserGetInfo (LPWSTR, LPWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE); DWORD STDCALL NetGetDCName (LPWSTR, LPWSTR, LPBYTE*); DWORD STDCALL NetGroupEnum (LPWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE*, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); DWORD STDCALL NetLocalGroupEnum (LPWSTR, DWORD, LPBYTE*, DWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD, LPDWORD); VOID CopyMemory(PVOID Destination, CONST VOID* Source, DWORD Length); DWORD STDCALL GetCurrentTime(VOID); void WINAPI SHAddToRecentDocs (UINT, LPCVOID); LPITEMIDLIST WINAPI SHBrowseForFolder (LPBROWSEINFO); void WINAPI SHChangeNotify (LONG, UINT, LPCVOID, LPCVOID); int WINAPI SHFileOperation (LPSHFILEOPSTRUCT); void WINAPI SHFreeNameMappings (HANDLE); /* Define when SHELLFOLDER is defined. HRESULT WINAPI SHGetDataFromIDList (LPSHELLFOLDER, LPCITEMIDLIST, int, PVOID, int); HRESULT WINAPI SHGetDesktopFolder (LPSHELLFOLDER); */ DWORD WINAPI SHGetFileInfo (LPCTSTR, DWORD, SHFILEINFO FAR *, UINT, UINT); /* Define when IUnknown is defined. HRESULT WINAPI SHGetInstanceExplorer (IUnknown **); */ /* Define when MALLOC is defined. HRESULT WINAPI SHGetMalloc (LPMALLOC *); */ WINBOOL WINAPI SHGetPathFromIDList (LPCITEMIDLIST, LPTSTR); HRESULT WINAPI SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (HWND, int, LPITEMIDLIST *); /* Define when REFCLSID is defined. HRESULT WINAPI SHLoadInProc (REFCLSID); */ /* Win32 Fibers */ typedef VOID (WINAPI *PFIBER_START_ROUTINE) ( IN LPVOID lpFiberArgument ); typedef PFIBER_START_ROUTINE LPFIBER_START_ROUTINE; LPVOID STDCALL ConvertThreadToFiber ( LPVOID lpArgument ); LPVOID STDCALL CreateFiber ( DWORD dwStackSize, LPFIBER_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress, LPVOID lpArgument ); VOID STDCALL DeleteFiber( LPVOID lpFiber ); PVOID STDCALL GetCurrentFiber ( VOID ); PVOID STDCALL GetFiberData ( VOID ); VOID STDCALL SwitchToFiber ( LPVOID lpFiber ); WINBOOL STDCALL RegisterServicesProcess(DWORD ServicesProcessId); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN */ #endif /* _GNU_H_WINDOWS32_FUNCTIONS */