#ifdef UNICODE #undef UNICODE #endif #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #include #include /* * @implemented */ DWORD STDCALL GetObjectType( HGDIOBJ a0 ) { return NtGdiGetObjectType(a0); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL DPtoLP( HDC a0, LPPOINT a1, int a2 ) { return NtGdiDPtoLP(a0, a1, a2); } /* * @implemented */ COLORREF STDCALL SetBkColor( HDC a0, COLORREF a1 ) { return NtGdiSetBkColor(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetGraphicsMode( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetGraphicsMode(a0); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetGraphicsMode( HDC hdc, int iMode ) { return NtGdiSetGraphicsMode(hdc, iMode); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetMapMode( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetMapMode(a0); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetCurrentPositionEx( HDC a0, LPPOINT a1 ) { return NtGdiGetCurrentPositionEx(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ COLORREF STDCALL GetBkColor( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetBkColor(a0); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetBkMode( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetBkMode(a0); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetBrushOrgEx( HDC a0, LPPOINT a1 ) { return NtGdiGetBrushOrgEx(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetROP2( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetROP2(a0); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetStretchBltMode( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetStretchBltMode(a0); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL GetTextAlign( HDC hDc ) { return NtGdiGetTextAlign(hDc); } /* * @implemented */ COLORREF STDCALL GetTextColor( HDC hDc ) { return NtGdiGetTextColor(hDc); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetViewportExtEx( HDC hDc, LPSIZE lpSize ) { return NtGdiGetViewportExtEx(hDc, lpSize); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetViewportOrgEx( HDC hDc, LPPOINT lpPoint ) { return NtGdiGetViewportOrgEx(hDc, lpPoint); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetWindowExtEx( HDC hDc, LPSIZE lpSize ) { return NtGdiGetWindowExtEx(hDc, lpSize); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetWindowOrgEx( HDC hDc, LPPOINT lpPoint ) { return NtGdiGetWindowOrgEx(hDc, lpPoint); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetBkMode( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiSetBkMode(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetROP2( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiSetROP2(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetStretchBltMode( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiSetStretchBltMode(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ DWORD STDCALL GetRelAbs( HDC a0, DWORD a1 ) { return NtGdiGetRelAbs(a0); } /* * @implemented */ HGDIOBJ STDCALL GetStockObject(int Index) { return(NtGdiGetStockObject(Index)); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetClipBox(HDC hDc, LPRECT Rect) { return(NtGdiGetClipBox(hDc, Rect)); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetPolyFillMode( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiGetPolyFillMode(a0); } /* * @implemented */ HDC STDCALL CreateDCA ( LPCSTR lpszDriver, LPCSTR lpszDevice, LPCSTR lpszOutput, CONST DEVMODEA * lpInitData ) { ANSI_STRING DriverA, DeviceA, OutputA; UNICODE_STRING DriverU, DeviceU, OutputU; HDC hDC; DEVMODEW *lpInitDataW; /* * If needed, convert to Unicode * any string parameter. */ if (NULL != lpszDriver) { RtlInitAnsiString(&DriverA, (LPSTR)lpszDriver); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&DriverU, &DriverA, TRUE); } else DriverU.Buffer = NULL; if (NULL != lpszDevice) { RtlInitAnsiString(&DeviceA, (LPSTR)lpszDevice); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&DeviceU, &DeviceA, TRUE); } else DeviceU.Buffer = NULL; if (NULL != lpszOutput) { RtlInitAnsiString(&OutputA, (LPSTR)lpszOutput); RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(&OutputU, &OutputA, TRUE); } else OutputU.Buffer = NULL; if (NULL != lpInitData) { // lpInitDataW = HeapAllocMem( } else lpInitDataW = NULL; /* * Call the Unicode version * of CreateDC. */ hDC = CreateDCW ( DriverU.Buffer, DeviceU.Buffer, OutputU.Buffer, NULL); // lpInitDataW); /* * Free Unicode parameters. */ RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DriverU); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DeviceU); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&OutputU); /* * Return the possible DC handle. */ return hDC; } /* * @implemented */ HDC STDCALL CreateDCW ( LPCWSTR lpwszDriver, LPCWSTR lpwszDevice, LPCWSTR lpwszOutput, CONST DEVMODEW * lpInitData ) { return NtGdiCreateDC ( lpwszDriver, lpwszDevice, lpwszOutput, (PDEVMODEW)lpInitData ); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL DeleteDC( HDC hDC ) { return NtGdiDeleteDC( hDC ); } /* * @implemented */ HDC STDCALL CreateCompatibleDC( HDC hDC ) { return NtGdiCreateCompatableDC(hDC); } /* * @implemented */ HGDIOBJ STDCALL SelectObject( HDC hDC, HGDIOBJ hGDIObj ) { return NtGdiSelectObject(hDC, hGDIObj); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetMapMode( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiSetMapMode( a0, a1 ); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetViewportOrgEx( HDC a0, int a1, int a2, LPPOINT a3 ) { return NtGdiSetViewportOrgEx( a0, a1, a2, a3 ); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL OffsetViewportOrgEx( HDC DC, int XOffset, int YOffset, LPPOINT Point ) { return NtGdiOffsetViewportOrgEx(DC, XOffset, YOffset, Point); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetWindowOrgEx( HDC a0, int a1, int a2, LPPOINT a3 ) { return NtGdiSetWindowOrgEx( a0, a1, a2, a3 ); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL DeleteObject( HGDIOBJ a0 ) { return NtGdiDeleteObject(a0); } /* * @implemented */ HPALETTE STDCALL SelectPalette( HDC a0, HPALETTE a1, BOOL a2 ) { return NtGdiSelectPalette( a0, a1,a2 ); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL RealizePalette( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiRealizePalette( a0 ); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL LPtoDP( HDC a0, LPPOINT a1, int a2 ) { return NtGdiLPtoDP(a0, a1, a2); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SetPolyFillMode( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiSetPolyFillMode(a0, a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL GetDeviceCaps( HDC DC, int Index ) { return NtGdiGetDeviceCaps(DC, Index); } /* * @implemented */ HPALETTE STDCALL CreatePalette( CONST LOGPALETTE *a0 ) { return NtGdiCreatePalette((CONST PLOGPALETTE)a0); } /* * @implemented */ COLORREF STDCALL GetNearestColor( HDC a0, COLORREF a1 ) { return NtGdiGetNearestColor(a0,a1); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL GetNearestPaletteIndex( HPALETTE a0, COLORREF a1 ) { return NtGdiGetNearestPaletteIndex(a0,a1); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL GetPaletteEntries( HPALETTE a0, UINT a1, UINT a2, LPPALETTEENTRY a3 ) { return NtGdiGetPaletteEntries(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL GetSystemPaletteEntries( HDC a0, UINT a1, UINT a2, LPPALETTEENTRY a3 ) { return NtGdiGetSystemPaletteEntries(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL RestoreDC( HDC a0, int a1 ) { return NtGdiRestoreDC(a0,a1); } /* * @implemented */ int STDCALL SaveDC( HDC a0 ) { return NtGdiSaveDC(a0); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL SetPaletteEntries( HPALETTE a0, UINT a1, UINT a2, CONST PALETTEENTRY *a3 ) { return NtGdiSetPaletteEntries(a0,a1,a2,(CONST PPALETTEENTRY)a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetWorldTransform( HDC hdc, LPXFORM a1 ) { return NtGdiGetWorldTransform(hdc,a1); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetWorldTransform( HDC a0, CONST XFORM *a1 ) { return NtGdiSetWorldTransform(a0,(CONST PXFORM)a1); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL ModifyWorldTransform( HDC a0, CONST XFORM *a1, DWORD a2 ) { return NtGdiModifyWorldTransform(a0,(CONST PXFORM)a1,a2); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL CombineTransform( LPXFORM a0, CONST XFORM *a1, CONST XFORM *a2 ) { return NtGdiCombineTransform(a0,(CONST PXFORM)a1,(CONST PXFORM)a2); } /* * @implemented */ UINT STDCALL SetDIBColorTable( HDC hdc, UINT a1, UINT a2, CONST RGBQUAD *a3 ) { return NtGdiSetDIBColorTable(hdc,a1,a2,(CONST PRGBQUAD)a3); } /* * @implemented */ HPALETTE STDCALL CreateHalftonePalette( HDC hdc ) { return NtGdiCreateHalftonePalette(hdc); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetViewportExtEx( HDC a0, int a1, int a2, LPSIZE a3 ) { return NtGdiSetViewportExtEx(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetWindowExtEx( HDC a0, int a1, int a2, LPSIZE a3 ) { return NtGdiSetWindowExtEx(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL OffsetWindowOrgEx( HDC a0, int a1, int a2, LPPOINT a3 ) { return NtGdiOffsetWindowOrgEx(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL SetBitmapDimensionEx( HBITMAP a0, int a1, int a2, LPSIZE a3 ) { return NtGdiSetBitmapDimensionEx(a0,a1,a2,a3); } /* * @implemented */ BOOL STDCALL GetDCOrgEx( HDC a0, LPPOINT a1 ) { return NtGdiGetDCOrgEx(a0,a1); }