/* * COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory * PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries * FILE: lib/msvcrt/time/strtime.c * PURPOSE: Fills a buffer with a formatted date representation * PROGRAMER: Boudewijn Dekker * UPDATE HISTORY: * 28/12/98: Created */ #include #include #include #include /* * @implemented */ wchar_t* _wstrdate(const wchar_t* datestr) { time_t t; struct tm* d; wchar_t* dt = (wchar_t*)datestr; if (datestr == NULL) { __set_errno(EINVAL); return NULL; } t = time(NULL); d = localtime(&t); swprintf(dt,L"%d/%d/%d",d->tm_mday,d->tm_mon+1,d->tm_year); return dt; }