@echo off echo fix temp slov for to make ntdll use this asm code insted of the c code echo 1. copy makefile-asm ../makefile cd rtl del *.o del *.d del i386_RtlCompareMemory del i386_RtlCompareMemoryUlong del i386_RtlFillMemory del i386_RtlFillMemoryUlong del i386_RtlMoveMemory del i386_RtlRandom del i386_RtlZeroMemory cd .. rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlCompareMemory.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlCompareMemoryUlong.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlFillMemory.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlFillMemoryUlong.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlMoveMemory.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlRandom.asm rem nasmw -f coff i386_RtlZeroMemory.asm