# $Id$ PATH_TO_TOP = ../.. TARGET_TYPE = library TARGET_NAME = string include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/config include Makefile.$(ARCH) TARGET_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror # require os code to explicitly request A/W version of structs/functions TARGET_CFLAGS += -D_DISABLE_TIDENTS ifeq ($(DBG), 1) TARGET_CFLAGS += -g else TARGET_CFLAGS += -fno-strict-aliasing -O6 endif TARGET_OBJECTS = \ memccpy.o \ memchr.o \ memcmp.o \ memcpy.o \ memmove.o \ memset.o \ strcat.o \ strchr.o \ strcmp.o \ strcpy.o \ strcspn.o \ strlen.o \ strncat.o \ strncmp.o \ strncpy.o \ strnlen.o \ strrchr.o \ strspn.o \ wcscat.o \ wcschr.o \ wcscmp.o \ wcscpy.o \ wcslen.o \ wcsncat.o \ wcsncmp.o \ wcsncpy.o \ wcsnlen.o \ wcsrchr.o TARGET_OBJECTS := $(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_FILTER), $(TARGET_OBJECTS)) $(OBJECTS_ARCH) include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/rules.mak include $(TOOLS_PATH)/helper.mk DEP_OBJECTS := $(TARGET_OBJECTS) TARGET_CLEAN = $(DEP_FILES) include $(PATH_TO_TOP)/tools/depend.mk