#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Sleuth -- A Simple DNS Checking Tool # # (c) 1999--2001 Martin Mares # # Load configuration file and all modules we need BEGIN { if (-f "/etc/sleuth.conf") { require "/etc/sleuth.conf"; } else { require __FILE__ . ".conf"; } } use Getopt::Std; use Net::DNS::Resolver; # Parse arguments getopts('vmhp', \%opts) && (@ARGV >= 1 && @ARGV <= 3 || @ARGV == 5) || do { print < [ [ [ ]]] -h Produce HTML output -m Produce machine-readable output -p Private network mode (avoid public accessibility checks) -v Be verbose EOF ; exit 1; }; $domain = norm_name($ARGV[0]); $mode_submit = @ARGV == 5; $check_ns = defined($ARGV[1]) ? norm_name($ARGV[1]) : ""; $check_ns_ip = defined($ARGV[2]) ? $ARGV[2] : ""; $our_name = defined($ARGV[3]) ? norm_name($ARGV[3]) : ""; $our_ip = defined($ARGV[4]) ? $ARGV[4] : ""; $verbose = $opts{"v"}; $private = $opts{"p"}; if ($opts{"m"}) { $output = \&plain_output; } elsif ($opts{"h"}) { $output = \&html_output; } else { $output = \&fancy_output; } # Initialize reliable resolver using our local nameserver. $rres = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $rres->defnames(0); $rres->dnsrch(0); $rres->debug(0); # FIXME: Net::DNS doesn't implement persistent vc's yet #$rres->usevc(1); #$rres->stayopen(1); # And do the checks... info("Starting zone checks for $domain"); $err_cnt = 0; $warn_cnt = 0; if ($mode_submit) { check_zone_name(); check_submit(); check_ns_sanity(); check_zone() || msg("noserv", "No zone data available, giving up"); } else { check_zone_name(); check_zone_basics(); $global_okay = 0; foreach my $nsvr (@check_servers) { $nsvr =~ /(.*) = (.*)/; $check_ns = $1; $check_ns_ip = $2; info("Decided to use $check_ns ($check_ns_ip) for zone check"); init_resolver($check_ns_ip); check_ns_sanity(); if (check_zone()) { $global_okay = 1; last; } } $global_okay || msg("noserv", "No name server available for checking"); } info("Summary: $err_cnt errors, $warn_cnt warnings"); exit ($err_cnt > 0); # Output of messages sub plain_output { my $type = shift @_; my $msg = shift @_; my $ref = shift @_; $ref = (defined $ref) ? " [RFC$ref]" : ""; print "$type $msg$ref\n"; } sub fancy_output { my $type = shift @_; my $msg = shift @_; my $ref = shift @_; my $mmsg; my %msg_types = %{{ 'W' => '### Warning: ', 'E' => '### Error: ', 'F' => '### Fatal error: ', '>' => ' ', '*' => ' -> ', '.' => '' }}; $mmsg = $msg_types{$type}; $ref = (defined $ref) ? " [RFC$ref]" : ""; print "$mmsg$msg$ref\n"; } sub html_output { my $type = shift @_; my $msg = shift @_; my $ref = shift @_; if ($type =~ /[>*]/) { if (!$is_pre) { print "
"; $is_pre=1; }
		print "    ", ($type eq ">") ? "" : "-> ", $msg;
	} else {
		if (!defined $is_pre) { print "

"; $is_pre=0; } elsif ($is_pre) { print "

"; $is_pre=0; } else { print "
"; } if ($type =~ /[WEF]/) { my $map = {'W'=>'Warning', 'E'=>'Error', 'F'=>'Fatal error'}; print "### ", ${$map}{$type}, ": $msg", ""; } elsif ($type eq "." && $msg =~ /^Summary: /) { if ($msg !~ / 0 errors,/) { $msg =~ s/ (\d+) errors,/ $1 errors,<\/em>/; } if ($msg !~ / 0 warnings/) { $msg =~ s/ (\d+) warnings/ $1 warnings<\/em>/; } print $msg; } else { print $msg; } if (defined $ref) { my $comma = 0; print "  [see"; foreach my $z (split(/,\s*/, $ref)) { my ($rfc, $url); $comma++ && print ","; if ($z =~ /(\d+)\/(.*)/) { $rfc = "$1:$2"; $url = eval $rfc_sec_url; } elsif ($z =~ /(\d+)/) { $rfc = "$1"; $url = eval $rfc_url; } else { die "Bad RFC reference"; } print " RFC$rfc"; } print " for details]"; } } print "\n"; } sub msg { my ($id, $msg, $ref) = @_; defined $sev{$id} or die "Internal error: unknown message code <$id>"; my $type = $sev{$id}; return if $type eq ""; if (!$verbose) { if ($type =~ /[.>]/) { @msg_buffer = (); } elsif ($type =~ /[EWF]/ && @msg_buffer) { foreach my $m (@msg_buffer) { &{$output}('*', $m); } @msg_buffer = (); } elsif ($type eq '*') { push @msg_buffer, $msg; return; } } &{$output}($type, $msg, $ref); if ($type eq "E") { $err_cnt++; } elsif ($type eq "W") { $warn_cnt++; } elsif ($type eq "F") { exit 1; } } sub info { msg('.', shift @_); } sub rr_echo { my $rr=shift @_; msg('*', $rr->string); } # Our interface to the resolver sub try_resolve { my $rver = shift @_; my $name = shift @_; my $type = shift @_; my $need_aa = shift @_; my $q = $rver->send($name, $type, "IN") or do { msg("reserr", $res->errorstring); return undef; }; my $hdr = $q->header; $hdr->tc && msg("dnserr", "Truncated response received"); my $rc = $hdr->rcode; $rc eq "NXDOMAIN" and return undef; $rc eq "NOERROR" or do { msg("reserr", "Unable to resolve $name: $rc"); return undef; }; $hdr->ancount || return undef; !$need_aa || $hdr->aa || msg("needaa", "Answer is not authoritative"); return $q; } sub resolve { my $name = shift @_; my $type = shift @_; my $allow_cnames = shift @_; my $check_rev = shift @_; my $need_aa = shift @_; my @answer; check_name($name) || return (); if ($cache{$name}{$type}) { @answer = @{$cache{$name}{$type}}; } else { my $q = try_resolve($res, $name, $type, $need_aa); $q || return (); @answer = $q->answer; $cache{$name}{$type} = \@answer; } my @result = (); my $cname_cnt = 0; foreach my $r (@answer) { rr_echo($r); $r->class ne "IN" and next; if ($r->type eq "A") { # If it's an A record, automatically check it maps back. $check_rev && check_reverse($r->name, $r->address, ""); } if ($r->type eq "CNAME") { if (!$allow_cnames) { msg("pcname", "DNS records must not point to CNAMEs", "1034/3.6, 1912/2.4, 2181/10.2-3"); } if ($cname_cnt) { msg("rcname", "CNAMEs must not point to CNAMEs", "1034/3.6, 1912/2.4, 2181/10.2-3"); } $cname_cnt++; } if ($r->type eq $type || $type eq "ANY") { # We shouldn't check minimum TTL here as we might have got a cached value ($r->ttl > 4*7*86400) && msg("suspttl", "Suspicious TTL value"); push @result, $r; } elsif ($r->type ne "CNAME") { msg("unxtype", "Expected $type, got " . $r->type); } } return @result; } # Normalization and comparison of host names and IP addresses sub same_ipa { my $x = shift @_; my $y = shift @_; return $x eq $y; } sub norm_name { my $n = shift @_; $n =~ s/\.$//; $n =~ tr[A-Z][a-z]; return $n; } sub same_name { my $x = shift @_; my $y = shift @_; return norm_name($x) eq norm_name($y); } # Checks of reverse mapping sub reverse_name { my $addr = shift @_; $addr =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ or fatal("Unable to parse IP address $addr"); return "$4.$3.$2.$1.in-addr.arpa."; } sub check_reverse { my $name = shift @_; my $addr = shift @_; my $allow_domain = shift @_; my $rn = reverse_name($addr); my $maps_back = ""; my $found_exact = 0; my $warned = 0; $did_reverse_check{$addr} && return; $did_reverse_check{$addr} = 1; ($addr =~ /^(192\.168|10|172\.(1[6-9]|2\d|3[01]))\./) && !$private && msg("privadr", "Private addresses shouldn't occur in public zones", "1918"); foreach my $q (resolve("$rn", "PTR", 1, 0)) { my $dname = $q->ptrdname; if (same_name($dname, $name)) { $found_exact++; } else { my $matched = 0; foreach my $a (resolve("$dname", "A", 1, 0)) { same_ipa($a->address, $addr) && ($matched = 1); } if (!$matched) { $warned = 1; msg("badrev", "$name maps to $dname which doesn't point back", "1912/2.1"); } $maps_back = $dname; } } if (!$found_exact) { if ($maps_back eq "") { msg("norev", "$name ($addr) has no reverse record", "1912/2.1"); } elsif ($name ne $allow_domain && !$warned) { msg("inexrev", "$addr for $name points back to $maps_back", "1912/2.1"); } } } # Check of e-mail address sub check_email { my $e = shift @_; $e =~ /@/ && do { msg("soamail", "'\@' in e-mail addresses should be encoded as '.'", "1912/2.2"); return; }; $e =~ /^(([^.\\]|\\.)+)\.(.*)$/ || do { msg("soamail", "Invalid e-mail address syntax"); return; }; my $user = $1; my $host = norm_name($3); $user =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; $e = "$user\@$host"; info("Hostmaster e-mail address is $e"); if (my @mx = resolve($host, "MX", 1, 0)) { foreach my $r (@mx) { resolve($r->exchange, "A", 0, 1) or msg("soammxa", "No A record for MX " . $r->exchange); } } elsif (resolve($host, "A", 1, 0)) { msg("soaamx", "MX records should be used for mail routing"); } else { msg("soammx", "No MX record for $host"); } } # Check of name syntax sub check_name { my $n = shift @_; $n =~ s/\.$//; if ($n !~ /[^0-9.]/) { if ($n =~ /^(\d+\.){3}\d+$/) { msg("ipaname", "IP address found instead of name", "1912/2.1"); } else { msg("alldig", "All-digit names are not allowed", "1912/2.1"); } return 0; } if ($n =~ /^(.*)\.in-addr\.arpa$/i) { my $m = $1; if ($m !~ /^(\d+-\d+|\d+)(\/\d+)?(\.(\d+-\d+|\d+)(\/\d+)?)*$/) { msg("badrn", "Invalid name of reverse domain $n", "1035/3.5"); return 0; } elsif ($m =~ /(^|\.|-|\/)0[0-9]/) { msg("badrn", "Reverse names should not contain leading zeros", "1035/3.5"); return 0; } } $n =~ s/^\*\.//; foreach my $q (split(/\./, $n)) { if ($q eq "") { msg("badname", "Name $n has empty components", "1912/2.1"); return 0; } elsif ($q !~ /^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]*$/) { msg("badname", "Name $n contains invalid characters", "1912/2.1"); return 0; } } return 1; } # Generic checks of nameserver configuration sub check_ns_sanity { # Check whether the nameserver is able to resolve its own address forth and back. info("Checking whether $check_ns knows an A record for its own name"); my $ns_a = 0; foreach $r (resolve($check_ns, "A", 0, 0)) { if (same_ipa($check_ns_ip, $r->address)) { $ns_a++; } } $ns_a || msg("selfa", "no matching A record found"); info("Checking whether $check_ns is able to reverse-map its own IP address"); check_reverse($check_ns, $check_ns_ip, ""); # General nameserver functionality checks if (!$private) { info("Checking connectivity with other nameservers"); foreach $name (@test_hosts) { resolve($name, "A", 1, 1) or msg("recchk", "$check_ns is unable to resolve $name (maybe it's non-recursive)"); } } info("Checking mapping of localhost"); $res->recurse(0); if (@lh = resolve("localhost", "A", 1, 0, 1)) { (@lh != 1 || !same_ipa($lh[0]->address, "")) && msg("badloc", "Invalid resource records for localhost at $check_ns", "1912/4.1"); } else { msg("nolocal", "$check_ns is unable to resolve localhost", "1912/4.1"); } resolve("", "PTR", 1, 0, 1) or msg("revloc", "Reverse mapping of at $check_ns doesn't work", "1912/4.1"); $res->recurse(1); } # Zone name checks sub check_zone_name { info("Checking zone name"); check_name($domain); if ($domain =~ /^(.*)\.in-addr\.arpa$/) { my $rev = $1; if ($rev =~ /(^|\.)(\d+(\.\d+){2})$/) { $rev_net = join('.', reverse split (/\./, $2)) . '.'; info("Switched to reverse zone check mode for network $rev_net"); } else { msg("unkrevz", "Switched to reverse mode, but unable to find network number in zone name", "1035/3.5"); } $reverse = 1; } } # Checks done for zone submission sub check_submit { # Test for bogus and forbidden names ($domain =~ /(^|\.)([^.]+)\.([^.]+)$/) || msg("rtoplev", "Registration of top-level domains not supported"); $l2 = $2; $l1 = $3; try_resolve($rres, $l1, "SOA") || msg("utoplev", "Top level domain $l1 doesn't exist"); if (length($l2) <= 4 && ($q = try_resolve($rres, $l2, "SOA"))) { rr_echo($q->answer); msg("xtoplev", "Second-level domains must not use names of top-level domains"); } # Test whether our NS is not already authoritative. info("Checking for zone duplicity for $domain"); init_resolver($our_ip); $res->recurse(0); $q = try_resolve($res, $domain, "SOA"); ($q && $q->header->aa) && msg("alknown", "$domain already known at $our_name"); # Test whether the NS is authoritative for the zone. init_resolver($check_ns_ip); info("Checking for authoritative data for $domain"); $res->recurse(0); $q = try_resolve($res, $domain, "SOA"); $q || msg("snauth", "SOA record for $domain not found"); $q->header->aa || msg("snauth", "$check_ns is not authoritative for $domain"); $res->recurse(1); # Check number of name servers and whether we are one of them. info("Checking list of nameservers"); @q = resolve($domain, "NS", 0, 1) or msg("missns", "No NS records for $domain found"); @q >= 2 || msg("twons", "Each domain should have at least 2 nameservers", "1912/2.8"); if (defined($our_name)) { $found_us = 0; foreach $r (@q) { same_name($r->nsdname, $our_name) && ($found_us = 1); } $found_us || msg("nosecns", "$our_name is not listed in NS records of $domain"); } } # Zone transfer and check sub check_zone { info("Fetching zone data for $domain"); if (!(@zone = $res->axfr($domain))) { msg("axfer", "Zone transfer failed"); return 0; } info("Parsing zone data"); $rcnt=0; foreach $r (@zone) { $records{norm_name($r->name)}{$rcnt++} = $r; } info("Checking consistency of zone records"); $seen_localhost = 0; foreach $name (sort { ($a eq $domain) ? -1 : ($b eq $domain) ? 1 : ($a cmp $b) } keys %records) { $seen_cname = 0; $seen_other = 0; foreach $z (keys %{$records{$name}}) { $r = $records{$name}{$z}; my $txt = $r->string; msg(">", $txt); defined $seen{$txt} && msg("duprec", "Duplicate record"); $seen{$txt} = 1; check_name($name); ($r->ttl < 3600 || $r->ttl > 4*7*86400) && msg("suspttl", "Suspicious TTL value"); $t = $r->type; $name =~ /(^|\.)$domain$/ || msg("outzone", "Out-of-zone record"); if ($name =~ /\*/) { if ($t eq "SRV") { # Wildcard SRV's are a useful thing } elsif ($t eq "A" || $t eq "CNAME") { msg("wildac", "Wildcard A and CNAME records are likely to be very confusing", "1912/2.7"); } else { msg("wild", "Wildcard names are generally considered bad practice", "1912/2.7"); } } if ($reverse) { ($name =~ /^(0|[1-9]\d*)\.$domain$/ && ($num = $1) < 256) || ($name eq $domain && $t ne "CNAME" && $t ne "PTR") || msg("badrevn", "Reverse zones should contain only numeric names"); if ($t =~ /^(MX|WKS)$/) { msg("badrevr", "Illegal record in reverse zone"); } elsif ($t eq "A") { msg("arev", "A records in reverse zones are valid, but considered bad practice", "1912/2.3"); } } else { if ($t eq "PTR") { msg("ptrfwd", "PTR records in forward zones are valid, but considered bad practice"); } } if ($t eq "CNAME") { $seen_cname++; $d = norm_name($r->cname); # a.b.c -> a.b.c is wrong if (same_name($d, $name)) { msg("reccn", "Recursive CNAME", "1034/3.6"); } else { # a.b.c -> x.a.b.c and a.b.c -> b.c are probably wrong as well, but not forbidden if ($name =~ /(^|\.)$d/i || $d =~ /(^|\.)$name/) { msg("suspcn", "Possibly incorrect overlapping CNAME"); } if (!resolve($d, "ANY", 0, 1)) { if ($reverse) { msg("dangcnr", "Unable to resolve CNAME destination (probably due to classless delegation)"); } else { msg("dangcn", "Unable to resolve CNAME destination"); } } } } else { $seen_other++; } if (same_name($name, "localhost.$domain")) { if ($t eq "A" && same_ipa($r->address, "")) { $seen_localhost++; next; } else { msg("badloc", "Invalid localhost record"); } } if ($t eq "A") { check_reverse($name, $r->address, $domain); } elsif ($t eq "NS") { $dest = $r->nsdname; resolve($dest, "A", 0, 1) || msg("missa", "Nameserver $dest doesn't have any valid A records"); } elsif ($t =~ /^(MD|MF|MB|MG|MR)$/) { msg("obsrec", "MD/MF/MB/MG/MR records are obsolete and should not be used"); } elsif ($t eq "SOA") { (same_name($name, $domain)) || do { msg("supsoa", "Superfluous SOA record"); next; }; resolve($r->mname, "A", 0, 1) || msg("soaorg", "No A record for zone origin"); check_email($r->rname); ($r->expire < 2*7*86400 || $r->expire > 4*7*86400) && msg("suspexp", "Expire time should be between 2 and 4 weeks", "1912/2.2"); ($r->minimum < 3600) && msg("suspmtl", "Suspicious minimum TTL", "2308/4"); } elsif ($t eq "WKS") { msg("wks", "WKS record is obsolete and should not be used", "1912/2.6.1"); } elsif ($t eq "PTR") { if (@dd = resolve($r->ptrdname, "A", 0, 0)) { if (defined $rev_net) { $found = 0; foreach $rr (@dd) { (same_ipa($rr->address, $rev_net . $num)) && ($found=1); } $found || msg("ptrbada", "No corresponding A record found", "1912/2.4"); } } else { msg("ptrnoa", "PTR doesn't point to an A record", "1912/2.4"); } } elsif ($t eq "MX") { ($r->preference >= 0 && $r->preference < 65536) || msg("mxpref", "Invalid MX preference", "1035/3.3.9"); $dest = $r->exchange; resolve($dest, "A", 0, 1) || msg("missa", "Mail exchanger $dest doesn't have any valid A records", "1035/3.3.9"); } elsif ($t eq "SRV") { ($name =~ /^(\*|_[0-9a-zA-Z]+)\.(\*|_[a-zA-Z]+)\./) || msg("srvnam", "Invalid service name", "2782"); ($r->priority >= 0 && $r->priority < 65536) || msg("srvpar", "Invalid SRV preference", "2782"); ($r->weight >= 0 && $r->weight < 65536) || msg("srvpar", "Invalid SRV weight", "2872"); ($r->port >= 0 && $r->port < 65536) || msg("srvpar", "Invalid SRV port number", "2872"); $r->target eq "" || $r->target eq "." || resolve($r->target, "A", 0, 1) || msg("srvdest", "Service provider has no valid A record"); } } if ($seen_cname > 1) { msg("cnclash", "Multiple CNAMEs for one name", "1912/2.4"); } elsif ($seen_cname && $seen_other) { msg("cnclash", "CNAME is not allowed to coexist with any other data", "1912/2.4"); } } return 1; } # Initialize resolver library, but point it to the nameserver given sub init_resolver { my $name = shift @_; $res = new Net::DNS::Resolver; $res->nameservers($name); $res->recurse(1); $res->defnames(0); $res->dnsrch(0); $res->debug(0); # FIXME: Net::DNS doesn't implement persistent vc's yet #$res->usevc(1); #$res->stayopen(1); } # Basic zone checks -- existence, matching SOA versions and lame delegations # returns @check_servers sub check_zone_basics { my $prefer_origin; # In case check_ns is given, use it for initial checks, else use our local nameserver if ($check_ns ne "") { if ($check_ns_ip eq "") { info("Resolving name-server address"); $res = $rres; my @ips = resolve($check_ns, "A", 0, 0) or msg("nonsa", "$check_ns has no A record"); $check_ns_ip = $ips[0]->address; } $prefer_origin = $check_ns; @check_servers = ( "$check_ns = $check_ns_ip" ); init_resolver($check_ns_ip); $rres = $res; # This one will be the reference } else { $res = $rres; @check_servers = (); } info("Checking existence of zone"); resolve($domain, "CNAME", 1, 0) && msg("zcname", "$domain is a CNAME"); my @soa = resolve($domain, "SOA", 0, 0) or msg("znexist", "$domain doesn't exist"); my $real_origin = norm_name($soa[0]->mname); defined $prefer_origin || ($prefer_origin = $real_origin); info("Checking NS records"); my @ns = resolve($domain, "NS", 0, 0) or msg("missns", "$domain has no NS records"); (@ns >= 2) || msg("twons", "Each domain should have at least 2 nameservers", "1912/2.8"); @ns = map { norm_name($_->nsdname) } @ns; my $nsnames = join(':', sort { $a cmp $b } @ns); my %nshash; foreach $r (@ns) { $nshash{$r} = 1; } if (!defined $nshash{$real_origin}) { msg("ornotns", "Origin server $real_origin not listed in NS records"); } delete $nshash{$prefer_origin}; @ns = keys %nshash; unshift @ns, $prefer_origin; info("Checking nameserver authority and synchronization"); my $psoa; foreach $n (@ns) { my @nips; $res = $rres; if (!(@nips = resolve($n, "A", 0, 1))) { msg("missa", "Nameserver $n doesn't have any valid A records"); next; } my $nip = $nips[0]->address; info("Probing name server $n ($nip)"); init_resolver($nip); $res->recurse(0); my $q = try_resolve($res, $domain, "SOA"); $res->recurse(1); $q && $q->header->aa || do { msg("lamer", "Lame delegation of $domain to $n", "1912/2.8"); next; }; my @ss = resolve($domain, "SOA", 0, 0); if (!@ss) { msg("lamer", "Lame delegation of $domain to $n", "1912/2.8"); next; } my $ss = $ss[0]; if ($check_ns eq "") { push @check_servers, "$n = $nip"; } if (defined $psoa) { my $delta = $psoa->serial - $ss->serial; ($delta >= 0x80000000) && ($delta -= 0x80000000); ($delta <= -0x80000000) && ($delta += 0x80000000); if ($delta > 0) { msg("oodsec", "$n has out of date data for $domain"); } elsif ($delta < 0) { msg("oodsec", "$n has newer data for $domain than zone origin"); } if ($psoa->mname ne $ss->mname || $psoa->rname ne $ss->rname || $psoa->refresh != $ss->refresh || $psoa->retry != $ss->retry || $psoa->expire != $ss->expire || $psoa->minimum != $ss->minimum) { msg("oodsoa", "$n lists different SOA parameters than zone origin"); } } else { $psoa = $ss; } my $nsb = join(':', sort { $a cmp $b } map { $_->nsdname } resolve($domain, "NS", 0, 0)); same_name($nsnames,$nsb) || msg("diffns", "Different set of NS records reported ($nsb)"); } # info("Continuing zone checks on " . join("/", @check_servers)); }