/* Verify that this user/password is valid per a database LDAP server Return 1 if verified, 0 otherwise. Format of connection string (look like internet URL): ldap://LDAP-hostname ------------------------------------------------------- patrick.harpes@tudor.lu http://www.santel.lu http://www.tudor.lu Dependencies: You need to get the OpenLDAP libraries from http://www.openldap.org License: tac_ldap is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: Ok i am back again..:) I changed lot of thing.. First off all i add port feature to ldap string. And also add more check for buffer overflows. Connect format would be: ldap://LDAP-hostname:100 Port name isn't required.. I would like to change format with : ldap://LDAP-hostname:100/dn_for_user&dn_for_passwd devrim seral */ #if defined(USE_LDAP) #include #include #include #include #include #include "tac_plus.h" #include "ldap.h" int ldap_verify(user, users_passwd, str_conn) char *user, *users_passwd; /* Username and gived password */ char *str_conn; /* String connection to database */ { char *buf; char *ldapServer; char *ldap_port; LDAP *ld; int port; int err; /* Don't allow null username and passwd */ if ( *user == '0' || *users_passwd == '0' ) return (1); buf=(char *)malloc(strlen(str_conn)+1); if (buf == NULL ){ report(LOG_DEBUG, "Error can't allocate memory"); return(1); } strcpy(buf,str_conn); ldapServer=strstr(buf, "://"); if(ldapServer == NULL && strlen(ldapServer) <4 ) { if (debug) { report(LOG_DEBUG, "Error parse ldap server"); return(1); } } ldapServer=ldapServer+3; ldap_port=(char *)strstr(ldapServer, ":"); if (ldap_port != NULL ) { *ldap_port='\0'; port=atoi(++ldap_port); } else { port = LDAP_PORT; } if ( debug & DEBUG_AUTHEN_FLAG ) report(LOG_DEBUG, "In verify_ldap : Before ldap_init : ldapserver = %s port= %d", ldapServer, port); if( (ld = ldap_init(ldapServer, port)) == NULL) { report(LOG_DEBUG, "Unable to connect to LDAP server:%s port:%d",ldapServer, port); return 1; } err=ldap_simple_bind_s(ld, user, users_passwd); if(err != LDAP_SUCCESS) { if ( debug & DEBUG_AUTHEN_FLAG ) report(LOG_DEBUG,"Error while bind : %d %s",err, ldap_err2string(err) ); return 1; } else { /* Success */ if ( debug & DEBUG_AUTHEN_FLAG ) report(LOG_DEBUG, "LDAP authentication Sucess "); ldap_unbind_s(ld); return 0; } } #endif /* LDAP */