Ported to PHP-5: $HTTP_GET_VARS -> $_GET
[www.jankratochvil.net.git] / resume / ResumeJanKratochvil.txt
2007-10-29 laceOpenPGP key update.
2006-10-23 lace+Red Hat
2006-10-23 lace-contractor
2006-10-23 lace-referees
2006-05-23 laceOpenPGP cleanup.
2006-03-14 lace+forgotten IMAP4
2006-03-12 lace+libneon
2006-03-08 laceMake the text more descriptive when there is a space...
2006-03-08 lace'Highlights' adjustment.
2005-12-12 short+"product" category in general.
2005-11-10 shortQuitting VAJ...
2005-11-10 shortFinally merged the branch 'apache20'(+'apache2') back...