$Id$ NEWS for captive-0.9 -------------------- * Multifilesystem capability by new CaptiveVfsObject * Finished and deployed CORBA sandbox separation * Implemented filesystem unmount to successfuly remount ntfs volume * Generates --bug-pathname resources file for sandbox crash bugreport * Implemented TraceFS W32 Cache Manager debug tracer NEWS for captive-0.8 (2003-05-02) -------------------- * ntfs.sys working incl. readwrite mode NEWS for captive-0.2 (2003-04-17) -------------------- * Implemented cdecl/stdcall/fastcall function calling types * Implemented Gnome-VFS-2.0 module interface * cdfs.sys working * Implemented readwrite mode * fastfat.sys working incl. readwrite mode * W32 binary ntoskrnl.exe is now a mandatory requirement * ext2fsd.sys working incl. readwrite mode * Implemented real cmdline client * Implemented non-fatal W32 Structured Exception Handlers (SEH) NEWS for captive-0.1 (2002-10-31) -------------------- * Project build framework done * W32 binary module loading success