; ; Pmode setup stub ; (A20 enable code and PIC reprogram from linux bootsector) ; ; ; Base address of the kernel ; LOAD_BASE equ 0200000h ; ; Segment selectors ; %define KERNEL_CS (0x8) %define KERNEL_DS (0x10) %define LOADER_CS (0x18) %define LOADER_DS (0x20) struc multiboot_module mbm_mod_start: resd 1 mbm_mod_end: resd 1 mbm_string: resd 1 mbm_reserved: resd 1 endstruc struc multiboot_address_range mar_baselow: resd 1 mar_basehigh: resd 1 mar_lengthlow: resd 1 mar_lengthhigh: resd 1 mar_type: resd 1 mar_reserved: resd 3 endstruc ; ; We are a .com program ; org 100h ; ; 16 bit code ; BITS 16 %define NDEBUG 1 %macro DPRINT 1+ %ifndef NDEBUG jmp %%end_str %%str: db %1 %%end_str: push di push ds push es pop ds mov di, %%str call print_string pop ds pop di %endif %endmacro entry: ;; ;; Load stack ;; cli push ds pop ss push ds pop es mov sp, real_stack_end sti ;; ;; Setup the 32-bit registers ;; mov ebx, 0 mov eax, 0 mov ecx, 0 mov edx, 0 mov esi, 0 mov edi, 0 ;; ;; Set the position for the first module to be loaded ;; mov dword [next_load_base], LOAD_BASE ;; ;; Setup various variables ;; mov bx, ds movzx eax, bx shl eax, 4 add [gdt_base], eax ;; ;; Setup the loader code and data segments ;; mov eax, 0 mov ax, cs shl eax, 4 mov [_loader_code_base_0_15], ax shr eax, 16 mov byte [_loader_code_base_16_23], al mov eax, 0 mov ax, ds shl eax, 4 mov [_loader_data_base_0_15], ax shr eax, 16 mov byte [_loader_data_base_16_23], al ;; ;; load gdt ;; lgdt [gdt_descr] ;; ;; Enable the A20 address line (to allow access to over 1mb) ;; call empty_8042 mov al, 0D1h ; command write out 064h, al call empty_8042 mov al, 0DFh ; A20 on out 060h, al call empty_8042 ;; ;; Make the argument list into a c string ;; mov di, 081h mov si, dos_cmdline .next_char mov al, [di] mov [si], al cmp byte [di], 0dh je .end_of_command_line inc di inc si jmp .next_char .end_of_command_line: mov byte [di], 0 mov byte [si], 0 mov [dos_cmdline_end], di ;; ;; Make the argument list into a c string ;; mov di, 081h .next_char2 cmp byte [di], 0 je .end_of_command_line2 cmp byte [di], ' ' jne .not_space mov byte [di], 0 .not_space inc di jmp .next_char2 .end_of_command_line2 ;; ;; Check if we want to skip the first character ;; cmp byte [081h], 0 jne .first_char_is_zero mov dx, 082h jmp .start_loading .first_char_is_zero mov dx, 081h ;; ;; Check if we have reached the end of the string ;; .start_loading mov bx, dx cmp byte [bx], 0 jne .more_modules jmp .done_loading .more_modules ;; ;; Process the arguments ;; cmp byte [di], '/' jne .no_next_module mov si, _multiboot_kernel_cmdline .find_end: cmp byte [si], 0 je .line_end inc si jmp .find_end .line_end mov byte [si], ' ' inc si .line_copy cmp di, [dos_cmdline_end] je .done_copy cmp byte [di], 0 je .done_copy mov al, byte [di] mov byte [si], al inc di inc si jmp .line_copy .done_copy: mov byte [si], 0 jmp .next_module .no_next_module: ;; ;; Display a message saying we are loading the module ;; mov di, loading_msg call print_string mov di, dx call print_string ;; ;; Save the filename ;; mov si, di mov edx, 0 mov dx, [_multiboot_mods_count] shl dx, 8 add dx, _multiboot_module_strings mov bx, [_multiboot_mods_count] imul bx, bx, multiboot_module_size add bx, _multiboot_modules mov eax, 0 mov ax, ds shl eax, 4 add eax, edx mov [bx + mbm_string], eax mov bx, dx .copy_next_char mov al, [si] mov [bx], al inc si inc bx cmp al, 0 jne .copy_next_char ;; ;; Load the file ;; push di mov dx, di ; Check if it is a symbol file cmp byte [bx-5],'.' jne .checkForHive cmp byte [bx-4],'s' jne .checkForHive cmp byte [bx-3],'y' jne .checkForHive cmp byte [bx-2],'m' jne .checkForHive call sym_load_module jmp .after_copy .checkForHive: ; Check if it is a symbol file cmp byte [bx-5],'.' jne .lst_copy cmp byte [bx-4],'h' jne .lst_copy cmp byte [bx-3],'i' jne .lst_copy cmp byte [bx-2],'v' jne .lst_copy call sym_load_module jmp .after_copy .lst_copy: ;; Check for a module list file cmp byte [bx-5],'.' jne .pe_copy cmp byte [bx-4],'l' jne .pe_copy cmp byte [bx-3],'s' jne .pe_copy cmp byte [bx-2],'t' jne .pe_copy call sym_load_module push es mov bx,0x9000 push bx pop es xor edi,edi .lst_copy_bytes: mov bx,_lst_name_local .lst_byte: mov al,[es:di] inc di cmp al,' ' jg .lst_not_space mov byte [bx],0 inc bx .lst_space: mov al,[es:di] inc di cmp al,' ' jle .lst_space .lst_not_space: cmp al,'*' je .lst_end mov [bx],al inc bx jmp .lst_byte .lst_end: ;; We are here because the terminator was encountered mov byte [bx],0 ; Zero terminate inc bx mov byte [bx],0 mov [dos_cmdline_end],bx ; Put in cmd_line_length mov dx,_lst_name_local; Put this address in di mov di,dx ; This, too, at the start of the ; string pop es jmp .start_loading .pe_copy: call pe_load_module .after_copy: pop di cmp eax, 0 jne .load_success jmp .exit .load_success: mov ah, 02h mov dl, 0dh int 021h mov ah, 02h mov dl, 0ah int 021h ;; ;; Move onto the next module name in the command line ;; .next_module cmp di, [dos_cmdline_end] je .done_loading cmp byte [di], 0 je .found_module_name inc di jmp .next_module .found_module_name inc di mov dx, di jmp .start_loading .done_loading ;; ;; Initialize the multiboot information ;; mov eax, 0 mov ax, ds shl eax, 4 mov [_multiboot_info_base], eax add dword [_multiboot_info_base], _multiboot_info mov dword [_multiboot_flags], 0xc mov [_multiboot_cmdline], eax add dword [_multiboot_cmdline], _multiboot_kernel_cmdline ;; ;; Hide the kernel's entry in the list of modules ;; mov [_multiboot_mods_addr], eax mov ebx, _multiboot_modules add ebx, multiboot_module_size add dword [_multiboot_mods_addr], ebx dec dword [_multiboot_mods_count] ;; ;; get extended memory size in KB ;; push ebx xor ebx,ebx mov [_multiboot_mem_upper],ebx mov [_multiboot_mem_lower],ebx mov ax, 0xe801 int 015h jc .oldstylemem cmp ax, 0 je .cmem and ebx, 0xffff shl ebx,6 mov [_multiboot_mem_upper],ebx and eax,0xffff add dword [_multiboot_mem_upper],eax jmp .done_mem .cmem: cmp cx, 0 je .oldstylemem and edx, 0xFFFF shl edx, 6 mov [_multiboot_mem_upper], edx and ecx, 0xFFFF add dword [_multiboot_mem_upper], ecx jmp .done_mem .oldstylemem: ;; int 15h opt e801 don't work , try int 15h, option 88h mov ah, 088h int 015h cmp ax, 0 je .cmosmem mov [_multiboot_mem_upper],ax jmp .done_mem .cmosmem: ;; int 15h opt 88h don't work , try read cmos xor eax,eax mov al, 0x31 out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 and eax, 0xffff ; clear carry shl eax,8 mov [_multiboot_mem_upper],eax xor eax,eax mov al, 0x30 out 0x70, al in al, 0x71 and eax, 0xffff ; clear carry add [_multiboot_mem_lower],eax .done_mem: ;; ;; Retrieve BIOS memory map if available ;; xor ebx,ebx mov edi, _multiboot_address_ranges .mmap_next: mov edx, 'PAMS' mov ecx, multiboot_address_range_size mov eax, 0E820h int 15h jc .done_mmap cmp eax, 'PAMS' jne .done_mmap add edi, multiboot_address_range_size cmp ebx, 0 jne .mmap_next ;; ;; Prepare multiboot memory map structures ;; ;; Fill in the address descriptor size field mov dword [_multiboot_address_range_descriptor_size], multiboot_address_range_size ;; Set flag and base address and length of memory map or dword [_multiboot_flags], 40h mov eax, edi sub eax, _multiboot_address_ranges mov dword [_multiboot_mmap_length], eax xor eax, eax mov ax, ds shl eax, 4 mov [_multiboot_mmap_addr], eax add dword [_multiboot_mmap_addr], _multiboot_address_ranges .done_mmap: pop ebx ;; ;; Begin the pmode initalization ;; ;; ;; Save cursor position ;; mov ax, 3 ;! Reset video mode int 10h mov bl, 10 mov ah, 12 int 10h mov ax, 1112h ;! Use 8x8 font xor bl, bl int 10h mov ax, 1200h ;! Use alternate print screen mov bl, 20h int 10h mov ah, 1h ;! Define cursor (scan lines 6 to 7) mov cx, 0607h int 10h mov ah, 1 mov cx, 0600h int 10h mov ah, 6 ; Scroll active page up mov al, 32h ; Clear 50 lines mov cx, 0 ; Upper left of scroll mov dx, 314fh ; Lower right of scroll mov bh, 1*10h+1 ; Use normal attribute on blanked lines int 10h mov dx, 0 mov dh, 0 mov ah, 2 mov bh, 0 int 10h mov dx, 0 mov dh, 0 mov ah, 2 mov bh, 0 int 10h mov ah, 3 mov bh, 0 int 10h movzx eax, dl ; mov [_cursorx], eax movzx eax, dh ; mov [_cursory], eax cli ;; ;; Load the absolute address of the multiboot information structure ;; mov ebx, [_multiboot_info_base] ;; ;; Enter pmode and clear prefetch queue ;; mov eax,cr0 or eax,0x10001 mov cr0,eax jmp .next .next: ;; ;; NOTE: This must be position independant (no references to ;; non absolute variables) ;; ;; ;; Initalize segment registers ;; mov ax,KERNEL_DS mov ds,ax mov ss,ax mov es,ax mov fs,ax mov gs,ax ;; ;; Initalize eflags ;; push dword 0 popf ;; ;; Load the multiboot magic value into eax ;; mov eax, 0x2badb002 ;; ;; Jump to start of the kernel ;; jmp dword KERNEL_CS:(LOAD_BASE+0x1000) ;; ;; Never get here ;; .exit: mov ax,04c00h int 21h ; ; Print string in DS:DI ; print_string: push ebp mov bp, sp push eax push edx push edi mov ax, 0x0200 .loop: mov dl, [di] cmp dl, 0 je .end_loop cmp dl, '%' jne .print_char inc di mov dl, [di] cmp dl, 'a' jne .not_ax push eax mov eax, [ss:bp - 4] call print_ax pop eax jmp .next_char .not_ax: cmp dl, 'A' jne .not_eax push eax mov eax, [ss:bp - 4] call print_eax pop eax jmp .next_char .not_eax: cmp dl, 'c' jne .not_cx push ax mov ax, cx call print_ax pop ax jmp .next_char .not_cx: .print_char: int 0x21 .next_char: inc di jmp .loop .end_loop: pop edi pop edx pop eax pop ebp ret ; ; print_ax - print the number in the ax register ; print_ax: push ax push bx push cx push dx mov bx, ax mov ax, 0x0200 mov cx, 4 .loop: mov dx, bx shr dx, 12 and dl, 0x0f cmp dl, 0x0a jge .hex_val add dl, '0' jmp .not_hex .hex_val: add dl, 'a' - 10 .not_hex: int 0x21 shl bx, 4 dec cx jnz .loop pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax ret print_eax: push eax push ebx push ecx push edx mov ebx, eax mov ax, 0x0200 mov cx, 8 .loop: mov edx, ebx shr edx, 28 and dl, 0x0f cmp dl, 0x0a jge .hex_val add dl, '0' jmp .not_hex .hex_val: add dl, 'a' - 10 .not_hex: int 0x21 shl ebx, 4 dec cx jnz .loop pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax ret STRUC pe_doshdr e_magic: resw 1 e_cblp: resw 1 e_cp: resw 1 e_crlc: resw 1 e_cparhdr: resw 1 e_minalloc: resw 1 e_maxalloc: resw 1 e_ss: resw 1 e_sp: resw 1 e_csum: resw 1 e_ip: resw 1 e_cs: resw 1 e_lfarlc: resw 1 e_ovno: resw 1 e_res: resw 4 e_oemid: resw 1 e_oeminfo: resw 1 e_res2: resw 10 e_lfanew: resd 1 ENDSTRUC _mb_magic: dd 0 _mb_flags: dd 0 _mb_checksum: dd 0 _mb_header_addr: dd 0 _mb_load_addr: dd 0 _mb_load_end_addr: dd 0 _mb_bss_end_addr: dd 0 _mb_entry_addr: dd 0 _cpe_doshdr: times pe_doshdr_size db 0 _current_filehandle: dw 0 _current_size: dd 0 _current_file_size: dd 0 _lst_name_local: times 2048 db 0 ;; ;; Load a SYM file ;; DS:DX = Filename ;; sym_load_module: call load_module1 call load_module2 mov edi, [next_load_base] add edi, [_current_file_size] mov eax, edi test di, 0xfff jz .sym_no_round and di, 0xf000 add edi, 0x1000 ;; ;; Clear unused space in the last page ;; mov esi, edi mov ecx, edi sub ecx, eax .sym_clear: mov byte [esi],0 inc esi loop .sym_clear .sym_no_round: call load_module3 ret ;; ;; Load a PE file ;; DS:DX = Filename ;; pe_load_module: call load_module1 ;; ;; Read in the DOS EXE header ;; mov ah, 0x3f mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov cx, pe_doshdr_size mov dx, _cpe_doshdr int 0x21 jnc .header_read mov dx, error_file_read_failed jmp error .header_read ;; ;; Check the DOS EXE magic ;; mov ax, word [_cpe_doshdr + e_magic] cmp ax, 'MZ' je .mz_hdr_good mov dx, error_bad_mz jmp error .mz_hdr_good ;; ;; Find the BSS size ;; mov ebx, dword [_multiboot_mods_count] cmp ebx, 0 jne .not_first mov edx, 0 mov ax, 0x4200 mov cx, 0 mov dx, 0x1004 mov bx, [_current_filehandle] int 0x21 jnc .start_seek1 mov dx, error_file_seek_failed jmp error .start_seek1: mov ah, 0x3F mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov cx, 32 mov dx, _mb_magic int 0x21 jnc .mb_header_read mov dx, error_file_read_failed jmp error .mb_header_read: jmp .first .not_first: mov dword [_mb_bss_end_addr], 0 .first: call load_module2 call load_module3 ret load_module1: ;; ;; Open file ;; mov ax, 0x3d00 int 0x21 jnc .file_opened mov dx, error_file_open_failed jmp error .file_opened: ;; ;; Save the file handle ;; mov [_current_filehandle], ax ;; ;; Print space ;; mov ah,02h mov dl,' ' int 021h ;; ;; Seek to the start of the file ;; mov ax, 0x4200 mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov cx, 0 mov dx, 0 int 0x21 jnc .seek_start mov dx, error_file_seek_failed jmp error .seek_start: ret load_module2: ;; ;; Seek to the end of the file to get the file size ;; mov edx, 0 mov ax, 0x4202 mov dx, 0 mov cx, 0 mov bx, [_current_filehandle] int 0x21 jnc .start_end mov dx, error_file_seek_failed jmp error .start_end shl edx, 16 mov dx, ax mov [_current_size], edx mov [_current_file_size], edx mov edx, 0 mov ax, 0x4200 mov dx, 0 mov cx, 0 mov bx, [_current_filehandle] int 0x21 jnc .start_seek mov dx, error_file_seek_failed jmp error .start_seek mov edi, [next_load_base] .read_next: cmp dword [_current_size], 32768 jle .read_tail ;; ;; Read in the file data ;; push ds mov ah, 0x3f mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov cx, 32768 mov dx, 0x9000 mov ds, dx mov dx, 0 int 0x21 jnc .read_data_succeeded pop ds mov dx, error_file_read_failed jmp error .read_data_succeeded: %ifndef NDEBUG mov ah,02h mov dl,'#' int 021h %endif ;; ;; Copy the file data just read in to high memory ;; pop ds mov esi, 0x90000 mov ecx, 32768 call _himem_copy %ifndef NDEBUG mov ah,02h mov dl,'$' int 021h %else mov ah,02h mov dl,'.' int 021h %endif sub dword [_current_size], 32768 jmp .read_next .read_tail ;; ;; Read in the tailing part of the file data ;; push ds mov eax, [_current_size] mov cx, ax mov ah, 0x3f mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov dx, 0x9000 mov ds, dx mov dx, 0 int 0x21 jnc .read_last_data_succeeded pop ds mov dx, error_file_read_failed jmp error .read_last_data_succeeded: ;; ;; Close the file ;; mov bx, [_current_filehandle] mov ah, 0x3e int 0x21 %ifndef NDEBUG mov ah,02h mov dl,'#' int 021h %endif ;; ;; Copy the tailing part to high memory ;; pop ds mov ecx, [_current_size] mov esi, 0x90000 call _himem_copy %ifndef NDEBUG mov ah,02h mov dl,'$' int 021h %else mov ah,02h mov dl,'.' int 021h %endif mov edx, [_mb_bss_end_addr] cmp edx, 0 je .no_bss mov edi, edx .no_bss: test di, 0xfff jz .no_round and di, 0xf000 add edi, 0x1000 .no_round: ret load_module3: mov bx, [_multiboot_mods_count] imul bx, bx, multiboot_module_size add bx, _multiboot_modules mov edx, [next_load_base] mov [bx + mbm_mod_start], edx mov [bx + mbm_mod_end], edi mov [next_load_base], edi mov dword [bx + mbm_reserved], 0 inc dword [_multiboot_mods_count] mov eax, 1 ret ;; ;; On error print a message and return zero ;; error: mov ah, 0x9 int 0x21 mov eax, 0 ret ;; ;; Copy to high memory ;; ARGUMENTS ;; ESI = Source address ;; EDI = Destination address ;; ECX = Byte count ;; RETURNS ;; EDI = End of the destination region ;; ECX = 0 ;; _himem_copy: push ds ; Save DS push es ; Save ES push eax push esi cmp eax, 0 je .l3 cli ; No interrupts during pmode mov eax, cr0 ; Entered protected mode or eax, 0x1 mov cr0, eax jmp .l1 ; Flush prefetch queue .l1: mov eax, KERNEL_DS ; Load DS with a suitable selector mov ds, ax mov eax, KERNEL_DS mov es, ax cld a32 rep movsb ;.l2: ; mov al, [esi] ; Copy the data ; mov [edi], al ; dec ecx ; inc esi ; inc edi ; cmp ecx, 0 ; jne .l2 mov eax, cr0 ; Leave protected mode and eax, 0xfffffffe mov cr0, eax jmp .l3 .l3: sti pop esi pop eax pop es pop ds ret ; ; Loading message ; loading_msg db 'Loading: ',0 ;; ;; Next free address in high memory ;; next_load_base dd 0 ; ; Needed for enabling the a20 address line ; empty_8042: jmp empty_8042_1 empty_8042_1: jmp empty_8042_2 empty_8042_2: in al,064h test al,02h jnz empty_8042 ret ; ; GDT descriptor ; align 8 gdt_descr: gdt_limit: dw (5*8)-1 gdt_base: dd _gdt ;; ;; Our initial stack ;; real_stack times 1024 db 0 real_stack_end: ;; ;; DOS commandline buffer ;; dos_cmdline times 256 db 0 dos_cmdline_end dw 0 ;; ;; Boot information structure ;; _multiboot_info_base: dd 0x0 _multiboot_info: _multiboot_flags: dd 0x0 _multiboot_mem_lower: dd 0x0 _multiboot_mem_upper: dd 0x0 _multiboot_boot_device: dd 0x0 _multiboot_cmdline: dd 0x0 _multiboot_mods_count: dd 0x0 _multiboot_mods_addr: dd 0x0 _multiboot_syms: times 12 db 0 _multiboot_mmap_length: dd 0x0 _multiboot_mmap_addr: dd 0x0 _multiboot_drives_count: dd 0x0 _multiboot_drives_addr: dd 0x0 _multiboot_config_table: dd 0x0 _multiboot_boot_loader_name: dd 0x0 _multiboot_apm_table: dd 0x0 _multiboot_modules: times (64*multiboot_module_size) db 0 _multiboot_module_strings: times (64*256) db 0 _multiboot_address_range_descriptor_size dd 0 _multiboot_address_ranges: times (64*multiboot_address_range_size) db 0 _multiboot_kernel_cmdline: db 'multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\reactos' times 255-($-_multiboot_kernel_cmdline) db 0 ;; ;; Global descriptor table ;; _gdt: dw 0x0 ; Zero descriptor dw 0x0 dw 0x0 dw 0x0 dw 0xffff ; Kernel code descriptor dw 0x0000 dw 0x9a00 dw 0x00cf dw 0xffff ; Kernel data descriptor dw 0x0000 dw 0x9200 dw 0x00cf dw 0xffff ; Loader code descriptor _loader_code_base_0_15: dw 0x0000 _loader_code_base_16_23: db 0x00 db 0x9a dw 0x0000 dw 0xffff ; Loader data descriptor _loader_data_base_0_15: dw 0x0000 _loader_data_base_16_23: db 0x00 db 0x92 dw 0x0000 error_pmode_already: db 'Error: The processor is already in protected mode' db 0xa, 0xd, '$' error_file_open_failed: db 'Error: Failed to open file' db 0xa, 0xd, '$' error_file_seek_failed: db 'Error: File seek failed' db 0xa, 0xd, '$' error_file_read_failed: db 'Error: File read failed' db 0xa, 0xd, '$' error_coff_load_failed: db 'Error: Failed to load COFF file' db 0xa, 0xd, '$' error_bad_mz: db 'Error: Bad DOS EXE magic' db 0xa, 0xd, '$'