#! /usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # Common functions for HTML/XHTML output generation # Copyright (C) 2003 Jan Kratochvil # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; exactly version 2 of June 1991 is required # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA package My::Web; require 5.6.0; # at least 'use warnings;' but we need some 5.6.0+ modules anyway use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION=do { my @r=(q$Revision$=~/\d+/g); sprintf "%d.".("%03d"x$#r),@r; }; use strict; use warnings; use WebConfig; # for %WebConfig require CGI; # for &escapeHTML require Image::Size; # for &imgsize use File::Basename; # &basename my %Args; # $Args{"title"} # $Args{"force_charset"} my $cvs_id_html; sub init ($%) { my($class,%args)=@_; %WebConfig=(%WebConfig,%args); # override %WebConfig settings undef $WebConfig{"viewcvs"} if $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"} && $WebConfig{"viewcvs"} eq $ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"}; my @cvs_id_split=split / +/,$::CVS_ID; if (@cvs_id_split==8) { $cvs_id_split[2]="" ."" .$cvs_id_split[2].""; $cvs_id_split[1]="".$cvs_id_split[1].""; $cvs_id_split[5]="".$cvs_id_split[5].""; } $cvs_id_html=join " ",@cvs_id_split; } sub print_project ($) { my($class,$ListItem)=@_; print "


\n"; print $ListItem->{"description"}; print "
\n"; my @table=( {"key"=>qr(^download\b.*),"text"=>sub ($) { $_[0]=~s/^download//; $_[0]=~s/^-/ /; return "Download".$_[0]; }, "format"=>sub ($) { my $r; if ($_[0]=~m#^[a-z]+://#) { $r="".CGI::escapeHTML($_[0]).""; } else { $r="".CGI::escapeHTML(basename($_[0])).""; my $size=(stat $_[0])[7]; die "Cannot stat \"".$_[0]."\": $!" if !defined $size; if ($size>=1024*1024) { $size=int($size/(1024*1024))." MB"; } elsif ($size>=1024 ) { $size=int($size/(1024 ))." KB"; } else { $size=int($size )." B"; } $r.=" ($size)"; } return $r; }}, {"key"=>qr(^link\b.*),"text"=>sub ($) { $_[0]=~s/^link-//; return $_[0]; }, "format"=>sub ($) { return "".CGI::escapeHTML($_[0]).""; }}, {"key"=>"summary","text"=>"Summary"}, {"key"=>"ownership","text"=>"Ownership"}, {"key"=>"license","text"=>"License","format"=>sub ($) { my %known=( "PD"=>"Public Domain", "GPL"=>"GNU General Public License", "LGPL"=>"GNU Lesser General Public License", ); return $known{$_[0]}; }}, {"key"=>"maintenance","text"=>"Currently maintained?","format"=>sub ($) { my %known=( "finished"=>"Project is finished. Possible bug reports welcome although project not actively developed.", "dead"=>"Project became dead code, some updates would be required. It is no longer used, project is not supported.", "obsolete"=>"Obsolete as some other existing package superseded this one.", "merge"=>"Functions of this package should be merged to some other one.", "update"=>"Package needs updating to be fully usable, patches welcome.", "accepted"=>"This patch was accepted by the original package author. It has no longer any separate meaning.", ); return $known{$_[0]}; }}, {"key"=>"reason","text"=>"Reason"}, {"key"=>"sponsorship","text"=>"Sponsoring Company"}, {"key"=>"language","text"=>"Programming language","format"=>sub ($) { return "".CGI::escapeHTML($_[0])."" if $_[0]=~/^Java\b/; return "".CGI::escapeHTML($_[0])."" if $_[0]=~/^PHP\b/; return undef(); }}, ); print ''."\n"; sub tableit_func { my($tableit,$val,$key,$ListItem)=@_; print ""; if ($tableit->{"format"}) { my $format=$tableit->{"format"}; my $valn=&$format($val); $val=$valn if defined $valn; } print "\n"; delete $ListItem->{$key}; } for my $tableit (@table) { if (!ref $tableit->{"key"}) { tableit_func($tableit,$ListItem->{$tableit->{"key"}},$tableit->{"key"},$ListItem) if $ListItem->{$tableit->{"key"}}; } else { for my $key (keys(%$ListItem)) { my $keyregex=$tableit->{"key"}; next if $key!~/$keyregex/; tableit_func($tableit,$ListItem->{$key},$key,$ListItem); } } } print "
"; if (!ref $tableit->{"text"}) { print $tableit->{"text"}; } else { my $textfunc=$tableit->{"text"}; my $key=$key; print &$textfunc($key); } print ":$val
\n"; print "


\n"; } # $args{"ListItem"}=\%...; sub init_project ($%) { my($class,%args)=@_; my $ListItem=$args{"ListItem"}; my $name=$ListItem->{"name"}; $name=~s#]*>([^<]*)#$1#g; init($class, "title"=>$name, %args); heading(); $class->print_project($ListItem); } sub fatal (;$) { my($msg)=@_; $msg="UNKNOWN" if !$msg; # heading(false/*title*/,false/*indexme*/); // notitle is always safe, don't index the error message print("\n



\n" ."

You can report this problem's details to" ." admin of this website.

\n"); # footer(); } my $footer_passed; sub footer (;$) { my($delimit)=@_; $delimit=1 if !defined $delimit; exit(1) if $footer_passed++; # deadlock prevention: if (0) { print "


\n" if $delimit; print "


\n"; } print "\n"; exit(0); } my $heading_done; my %headers; my %headers_lc; # maps lc($headers_key)=>$headers_key sub header (%) { my(%pairs)=@_; while (my($key,$val)=each(%pairs)) { do { warn "Headers already sent"; next; } if $heading_done; for ($headers_lc{lc $key} || ()) { delete $headers{$_}; } $headers_lc{lc $key}=$key; $headers{$key}=$val; } } sub img_size ($$) { my($width,$height)=@_; return((1 #$have_style TODO:dyn ? "style=\"border:0;width:${width}px;height:${height}px\"" : "border=\"0\"") ." width=\"$width\" height=\"$height\""); } sub img ($$;$) { my($file,$alt,$attrs)=@_; (my $file_det=$file)=~s/[.]mng$/.gif/; my($width,$height)=Image::Size::imgsize($file_det); $alt=CGI::escapeHTML($alt); return("\"$alt\""); } sub readfile ($$) { my($class,$filename)=@_; local *F; open F,$filename or die "Cannot open \"$filename\": $!"; local $/=undef(); my $data=; close F; return $data; } sub heading (;$$) { my($class,$showtitle,$indexme)=@_; $showtitle=1 if !defined $showtitle; $indexme=1 if !defined $indexme; # $ENV{"CLIENT_CHARSET"} ignored (mod_czech support dropped!) my $client_charset=$Args{"force_charset"} || "us-ascii"; header("Content-type"=>"text/html; charset=$client_charset"); header("Content-Style-Type"=>"text/css"); if ($ENV{"SERVER_SOFTWARE"}) { while (my($key,$val)=each(%headers)) { print "$key: $val\n"; } print "\n"; } return if $heading_done++; if (1) { # || !$msie_major || $msie_major>=4) # TODO:dyn print ''."\n"; } print ''."\n"; print ''."\n"; print ''.CGI::escapeHTML($WebConfig{"title_prefix"}) .join("",map({ ': '.CGI::escapeHTML($_); } ($WebConfig{"title"} || ()))) .''."\n"; if (1) { # || $have_css) # TODO:dyn print <<'HERE'; \n"; } print ''."\n"; print $_ for ($WebConfig{"head"} || ()); print "\n"; # if ($showtitle) # print("

" # ."Energie & Peníze") # ."

\n"); } 1;