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Nokia identification & firmware/Identyfikacja i oprogramowanie telefonów Nokia

  1. Ogólne błędy/General bugs
  2. Ogólne informacje o IMEI/General info about IMEI
  3. Czy mogę wgrać sobie oprogramowanie/Can I download firmware to my phone ?
  4. Czy to kosztuje ?/Does it cost ?
  5. Gdzie tego dokonać ?/Where to make it ?
  6. Jakie są błędy/zmiany w kolejnych wersjach ?/What are bugs/changed things in next versions ?
  7. Jak zmienić wersję językową?/How to change language in phone ?
  8. Użyte materiały/Information sources

Here is second part of table describing firmware in various Nokia phones.

You can also:

  1. see first part of table
  2. see third part of table
  3. back to "main" firmware page
Phone (telefon) Model number (Oznaczenie) Firmware version code (kod do sprawdzania wersji oprogramowania) TAC in IMEI (TAC w IMEI)
6050 NME-1
6080 NME-2 *#0000#
V5.14 03-03-97
6081 NME-2E *#170602112302#
V5.14 03-03-97
6090 NME-3
V5.00 30-11-99
6110 NSE-3 *#0000# 490518, 490523, 490526, 490527, 490545
V3.11 14-11-97
V3.14 28-11-97

First shipping version of the software.
Pierwsza wersja oprogramowania w sprzedawanych telefonach.

V4.05 07-01-98
V4.06 16-01-98
V4.25 01-01-98
V4.33 11-03-98  (ROM3)

Improves the reception quality.
Poprawiona jakość odbioru.

SMS message alert volume now linked to ringing volume.
Głośność sygnału SMS połączona z głośnością dzwonka.

Minor changes in Profiles menu.
Niewielkie zmiany w menu profili.

'Long & Loud' SMS alert is now called 'Ascending'
Dźwięk dzwonka SMS 'Long & Loud' zmieniony na 'Ascending'

'Warning Tones' is now 'Warning and Games Tones'
'Warning Tones' zmienione na 'Warning and Games Tones'

The 'No Service' areas between cells seem to have disappeared.When the phone does go 'No Service', it will very quickly log onto a new cell, usually within a few seconds.
Telefon szybciej się loguje do nowej komórki po odzyskaniu zasięgu.

The desktop charger now works correctly when the phone is inserted with the battery connected.
Ładowarka biurkowa pracuje poprawnie, gdy podłączany jest do niej telefon z włożoną baterią.

BUG: Nokia Cellular Data Suite 1.2 (NCDS) infra red function has now gone intermittent. This has been confirmed this by using a V3.14 phone which works perfectly with the installed version of the NCDS. Basically if I connect the phone using the RS232 cable the NCDS works fine. If you then disconnect and re-connect using IR, also no problem. If you then disconnect and re-connect a 2nd time using IR you get no connection. The IR symbol on the phone flashes, then goes static, then flashes again.
BŁĄD: Połączenie przez podczerwień z NCDS 1.2 nie działa dobrze (podczas gdy w telefonem z oprogramowaniem 3.14 nie ma problemów), natomiast połączenie kablem ciągle funkcjonuje bez zarzutu. Jeżeli odłączysz i połączysz ponownie podczerwień, nie ma problemu. Jeżeli próbujesz natomiast jeszcze raz, problem się pojawia. Symbol podczerwieni w telefonie mruga, później wyświetla się na stałe i znów mruga.

V4.51 26-03-98 (ROM3)
V4.59 01-06-98 (ROM3)
V4.73 22-04-98 (ROM3)

(V4.06) Correct call counters (Received+Dialled calls=All calls)
(V4.06) Poprawne liczenie długości połączeń (Odbierane+Wykonywane połączenia=Wszystkie)

(V4.33) IR-Software improved
(V4.33) Poprawnione oprogramowanie do obsługi IR

(V4.33) Charger recognition improved.
(V4.33) Poprawiono rozpoznawanie ładowarek.

(V4.33) Headset features improved.
(V4.33) Poprawiono obsługę zestawu słuchawkowego.

(V4.33) Same standard SMS alert as 8110i.
(V4.33) Niektóre dźwięki SMSów jak w Nokii 8110i.

(V4.33) Better energy saving functions.
(V4.33) Lepsze funkcje oszczędzania energii.

(V4.33) Better conference call features.
(V4.33) Poprawiono obsługę połączeń konferencyjnych.

(V4.33) Better SMS status report.
(V4.33) Lepsze raporty SMS.

(V4.33) Display of saving status (phone or SIM).
(V4.33) Wyświetlanie statusu zapisu (telefon albo karta SIM).

(V4.33) HFU-2 improved.
(V4.33) Poprawiona obsługa zestawu samochodowego HFU-2.

(V4.33) Better charging with standard, car charger and "cold" battery.
(V4.33) Lepsze ładowanie ze standardową albo samochodową ładowarką i zimną baterią.

(V4.33) Faster network connection.
(V4.33) Szybsze połączenie z siecią.

(V4.33) Safer network connection at a low signal strength.
(V4.33) Bezpieczniejsze połączenia z siecią na obszarach o słabym sygnale.

(V4.33) Longer single ringtone with vibra pack.
(V4.33) Dłuższy sygnał dźwiękowy przy używaniu baterii wibracyjnej.

(V4.33) Corrected the problem of the battery indicator bar flickering between one and two bars with a Li-ion battery.
(V4.33) Poprawiono problem ze wskaźnikiem poziomu naładowania baterii (wcześniej przy baterii Li-ion migał pomiędzy jedną i dwoma kreskami)

(V4.33) No more changing Half Rate settings via keypad.
(V4.33) Nie działają kody do aktywacji/deaktywacji kanałów Half Rate z klawiatury.

(V4.33) Improved audio quality when using the EFR Speech Codec.
(V4.33) Lepsza jakość dźwięku przy używaniu EFR.

(V4.33) Reception of CCH blocks after cell reselection in weak field has been improved.
(V4.33) Poprawiono odbiór bloków CCH po powtórnym wyborze komórki na obaszrach o słabym sygnale.

(V4.33) Improved the maintenance charging when using the ACP-7 charger.
(V4.33) Poprawione ładowanie podtrzymujące z ładowarką ACP-7.

(V4.33) More frequent battery low warning beeps added during a call made with a Li-ion battery.
(V4.33) Częstsze ostrzeżenia o wyładowaniu baterii przy połączeniu i baterii Li-ion.

(V4.33) Improved SMS storage time handling. If the user has not selected a storage time, the phone uses the maximum storage time set by the network.
(V4.33) Jeżeli uzytkownik nie wybrał czasu ważności SMSa (przy wysyłaniu), telefon przyjmuje maksymalną wartość przyjmowaną przez sieć.

(V4.33) Improved recovery of SIM card in error situations.

(V4.33) Fixed bug in SMS editing screen where the cursor is one character to far right.
(V4.33) Poprawiono błąd przy edycji SMSów w sytuacji gdy kursor jest odległy jeden znak od prawej strony.

V5.00 28-05-98 (ROM3)

An updated GSM operators' list.
Uaktualniona lista operatorów.

V5.22 18-08-98 (ROM3)

An updated GSM operators' list.
Uaktualniona lista operatorów.

V5.24 19-09-98 (ROM3)
V5.24 14-09-98 (ROM4) 

Implemented code *#sim0clock# which shows whether the SIM card inserted supports clock stopping.
Dodano kod *#sim0clock# do sprawdzania, czy zegar karty SIM może być zatrzymany.

Headset detection improved.
Poprawione wykrywanie zestawu słuchawkowego.

Performance in weak signal area improved.
Poprawiono czułość przy słabym sygnale sieci.

Improvements to short message handling.

Tone levels tuned (distinct difference now between levels 5 and 4).
Zmieniono poziomy dzwonków (wyczuwalna różnica między poziomem 4 i 5).

(V4.73) Different energy consumption in test 23 of NetMonitor.
(V4.73) Inne zużycie energii w teście 23 monitora sieci.

V5.30 23-12-98 (ROM3)

An updated GSM operators' list.
Uaktualniona lista operatorów.

V5.31 19-02-99 (ROM3) 
V5.31 18-02-99 (ROM4)

Added Menu 4-3-6 ("Active line"), which allows to select active line on SIM card (ALS function)
Dodano Menu 4-3-6, które pozwala wybrać numer na karcie SIM (funkcja ALS)

An updated GSM operators' list.
Uaktualniona lista operatorów.

V5.40 25-05-99 (ROM4)

V5.47 01-07-99 (ROM3) 
V5.47 30-06-99 (ROM4)

(OLDER ?) Different meaning of Product Profile Settings - can't change LCD Contrast
(STARSZE ?) Inne znaczenie Product Profile Settings - nie można zmienić kontrastu LCD

Some phones with it (I don't know, if it's connected with firmware version or ROM) doesn't have more than 19 menus in NetMonitor and some first tests are cut - see more

V5.48 08-09-99 (ROM3)
V5.48 03-09-99 (ROM4)

New ringing tones.
Nowe dzwonki.

Note: In very old firmware versions (3.x) you have test 18 in NetMonitor. In newer (4.x, 5.x) it was removed...
Informacja: W bardzo starych wersjach firmware (3.x) dostępny był test 18 w monitorze sieci. W nowszych (4.x, 5.x) został on usunięty...

BUG: Some older/all (?) firmware had bug in Calendar in Birthday option: it it was set to the last day of February on non-leap-years (for example 29.02.2000), calendar will inform about it 1'st March (1.03.2000). Must use "Reminder" instead of "Birthday".

BUG: Some older/all (?) firmware had bug: Phone goes crazy if you scroll the received SMS with 160 dots.
BŁĄD: Niektóre starsze/wszystkie (?) wersje zawierały błąd: Telefon wariuje przy przewijaniu odebranego SMSa zawierającego 160 kropek.

6120 NSC-3 *#6120#
V1.18 01-07-99
6130 NSK-3 *#9999# 495502
V3.26 10-02-98 (ROM3)
V3.27 18-02-99 (ROM3)
V3.28 24-02-98
V3.32 03-04-98 (ROM3)
V4.11 10-06-98 (ROM3)
V5.00 08-09-98

(V4.11) NetMonitor in Menu 11 (in older firmware in Menu 10).
(V4.11) Monitor sieci w Menu 11 (w starszych wersjach w Menu 10).

V5.30 23-04-99 (ROM3)
V5.30 23-04-99 (ROM4) 
V5.60 14-10-99 (ROM3)
V5.61 22-11-99 (ROM3)

BUG: Some older/all (?) firmware had bug in Calendar in Birthday option: it it was set to the last day of February on non-leap-years (for example 29.02.2000), calendar will inform about it 1'st March (1.03.2000). Must use "Reminder" instead of "Birthday".
6138 NSK-3
6150 NSM-1 *#0000# 449208 (Finland), 493002, 493006 (Germany), 493009
V3.02 08-07-98
V3.06 10-08-98
V4.01 23-09-98
V4.02 01-10-98
V4.11 05-11-98
V4.12 02-12-98

Added corect recognizing phase 2+ SIM cards.
Dodano poprawne rozpoznawania karty SIM fazy 2+ GSM.

V4.13 16-12-98

BUG: Calling Menu 10-3 causes the phone to hang and you will have to remove the battery.
BŁĄD: Wywołanie Menu 10-3 zawiesza telefon (pomaga dopiero wypięcie baterii).

V4.14 18-12-98
V5.02 02-02-99

(V4.13) Added Menu 4-4-6 ("Confirm SIM service actions") with Menu 4-4-6-1 ("Asked") and 4-4-6-2 ("Not asked") options.
(V4.13) Dodane Menu 4-4-6 ("Powiadomienia o zmianach") z Menu 4-4-6-1 ("Widać") i 4-4-6-2 ("Nie widać").

V5.10 14-06-99 
V5.16 22-06-99

(V4.13) NetMonitor in Menu 12 (in older firmware in Menu 11) - you have SIM Services (SIM Application Toolkit) in Menu 11.

V5.17 01-07-99
V5.20 20-09-99

NetMonitor in Menu 13 (in older firmware in Menu 12). Menu 12 seems to be used for something called LifeChart or WellMate (it seems to be some service connected somehow with health - some device connected to phone and measured some health parameters ?)

V5.22 10-11-99

(V4.13) Better support for some 16kB SIM card with SIM Application Toolkit (example: SIM cards from Italian TIM)

(NEVER TOO ?) BUG: When receiving an over the air ringing tone and selecting playback directly, the first tone would be partially cut off during the playback (only when the keypad tones were activated)

Production Serial Number String added (*#7760# code)
Dodano kod *#7760# do pokazywania numeru seryjnego.

Calendar birthday reminder, related to the last day of February on non-leap-years, will now be set to right day
Notatki w kalendarzu dotyczące urodzin odnoszące się ostatniego dnia Lutego w latach nieprzestępnych jest teraz ustawiany we właściwym dniu.

Improvement to character conversion. Earlier blank display was shown when UCS2 type (e.g. Greek characters) of SMS was received.
Poprawiono konwersję znaków. Wcześniej pokazywany był pusty ekran, gdy SMS typu UCS2 (np.ze znakami greckimi) został odebrany.

Multiple multi-page Cell Broadcast reception improved.
Poprawiono odbiór wielostronicowych połączonych komunikatów nadawanaia komórkowego.

An updated GSM operators' list.
Uaktualniona lista operatorów.

(V5.17)Different names ringtone: "Polska" instead of "Polka"...

V5.23 20-03-00 (except NSM-1NY ORANGE, product code 0502581)
V5.23 17-05-00 (ROM6?)

(NEWER TOO ?) BUG:When edit long SMS (about 160 chars) and press Up/Down key very long (until will scroll all SMS context - 160 chars) without releasing, phone will restart after it - info from SkyBoy
(NOWSZE TEŻ ?) BŁĄD: Przy edycji długiego SMSa (około 160 znaków) po naciśnięciu klawisza Góra/Dół i przytrzymaniu (bez zwalniania), aż cały SMS (160 znaków) zostanie przewinięty, telefon zresetuje się...  - informacja od SkyBoy

Język polski (wszystkie wersje ?): Niedokładne tłumaczenie w trzech miejscach (Spis tel./Opcje/Stan pamięci, Spis tel./Wykasuj oraz Menu 1-6-2) i błąd (albo rzadko używana forma) w pomocy do Menu 6 (....Opcja dwóch graczy wymaga dwu telefonów....)

Partnership network search improved

"Grande walse" renamed as "Nokia tune"

(?) "Happy birthday" changed to "Auld lang syne"

GSM Operator list updated:

  • New Operators (new countries: LAO (457), MV(472), SZ (653), TN (605)):
    • Operator name -> MNC/MCC
    • ERONET -> 218/03
    • Mobilis -> 624/02
    • WATANIYA -> 419/03
    • K`CELL -> 401/02
    • LAO GSM -> 457/01
    • EMTEL -> 617/10
    • DHIMOBILE -> 472/01
    • Celtel -> 650/10
    • JAWWAL -> 425/05
    • CELLTEL -> 413/03
    • Swazi-MTN -> 653/10
    • TT -> 605/02
    • ZANTEL -> 640/03
    • DIGITEL -> 734/02
    • ECONET -> 648/04
    • Vodafone -> 216/70
  • Operator name changed
    • Old name -> New name
    • D1-TELEKOM -> T-D1 (262/01)
    • D2 PRIVAT -> D2 (262/02)
    • MaxTouch -> Orange (404/20)
    • EMARTEL -> TMTTOUCH (502/13)
    • SENTELgsm -> SENTEL (608/02)
    • GT-BCS -> UA-GT (255/05)
    • HK TELECOM -> C&W HKT (454/00)
    • Blu S.p.A -> I BLU (222/98)
  • can't send group graphic via IrDa -> "Group graphic sending failed" message
  • all profiles displayed (including Car and Headset) in "Profiles" menu
Info from users: in PL language "Mikrofon wyłączon" and "Odgłusz"

VP5.23, 25-09-00
with animated menus, picture messaging, T9 dictionary.

Problems with SIM Application Toolkit & netmonitor (tested with Italian SIM cards). With:

  1. 16k SIM from Wind (called Hi-Wind and working on 1800 Mhz networks only) - no services (no menu 10) and netmonitor on 11
  2. SIM from Omnitel Pronto Italia (OPI) shows only 9 menus, the 9th being Infrared, no netmonitor

Some older firmware versions had problems with SMS from Quios (Alphanumeric SMS, I quess): when user tried to read, phone hang and removing/inserting battery was necessary.

Older firmware/all (?) had bug: "Received+Dialled calls" were different than "All calls"

6160/6162 NSW-3 *#9999#
V1.12 01-02-99
V3.01 09-07-99
V3.02 10-12-99
6185/6188 NSD-3AX *#837#
V430SD3a2.nef 05-18-99
V440SD3a3.nef 10-26-99
V441SD3a3.nef 11-12-99
V542SD3d3.nef 08-02-00

BUG: The earpiecie volume isn't the same for different phones:
  • For 435/441 firmware: If the phone is powered up with the volume set to level 10, you end up with markedly lower maximum volume. If the phone is powered up with the volume set at level 9 or lower, the maximum volume is much louder
  • For 430: You needed to also power up the phone in Field Test Mode to get the maximum volume.
(?) Alpha Tag Menu (seen after *3001#12345# code) is not available ?
6190 NSB-3 *#6190#
V4.02 06-04-98 
V4.22 01-07-98
V4.30 19-08-98 
V5.03 09-11-98
V5.10 14-06-99 

NetMonitor in Menu 11 (in older firmware in Menu 10).
Monitor sieci w Menu 11 (w starszych wersjach w Menu 10).


Support for caller groups logos.
Wsparcie dla log grupy.

V5.53 15-04-99

Custom ringtones and the Startup logo are all now uploadable to the phone directly using a data cable.
Własne dzwonki i loga startowe mogą być teraz bezpośrednio wgrywane do telefonu przez kabel.

The max volume is slightler louder than previous
Maksymalna głośność jest teraz większa.

Added Menu 4-3-7 (Notifications on SIM update)
Dodano Menu 4-3-7.

V5.83 17-09-99

Added support for operator logo (uploading via cable or general support)
Dodano obsługę loga operatora (możliwość wgrywania przez kabel albo ogólną obsługę)

V5.93 22-11-99
V6.13 28-04-00 

6210 NPE-3 *#0000# 350138, 350147, 449333 (Germany), 449337, 449338
V2.95 16-02-00
V3.00 16-08-00 
V3.01 21-08-00


  1. Sporadic vibrating during SMS receiving or calling although the vibration was switched off
  2. Call waiting service (Menu 4-3-4) doesn't work correctly (it should "Requests the network to send a beep during a call when another call is coming"). When use profile Meeting (with Incoming call alert = Beep once), during call can hear beep and phone is vibrating when another call is coming. But with another setup of "Incoming call alert" there isn't beep. Only on display another call is flashing.

  3. Temporary solution: Callers group have own icons. If you turn off showing icons, auditible signaling is OK. Other solution is to put off number from caller group
  4. When profile is switched to "Meeting" where is "Incoming call alert" switched to "Beep once", don't hear beep during call when battery is low and double beep when battery is empty. Phone turn off unawares.
  5. When "Delivery reports (1-8-5)" is switched to "on" and phone receives a delivery report, menu item "Games-Settings (6-4)" disappears. It is showed again when turn off and turn on phone.
  6. When keypad is locked and you put phone into carkit, keypad is active. When take it from carkit then, it's sometimes locked again, sometimes not.
  7. When phone is in the carkit, you can sometimes lock keypad
  8. When you take from carkit phone with locked keypad, very often can't unlock keypad and you have to restart phone
  9. In Polish language in Menu 5 ("Call diverts") there two the same submenus (3 and 5) "Divert when not answered" with different contenst
  10. When for example you received a SMS, when you unlock the phone's keypad, you must wait till you see "1 message received" before you can push 'read'. Otherwise you'll go to the menu.
  11. When you enable cell-info, you won't see any info anymore about which profile you're in.
  12. Sometimes, when receive SMS and starts to read it, you have info "menu contains...." (help for Inbox menu)

SOME OLDER VERSIONS HAD BUG: sometimes the phone couldn't show the names of the person whose calling eventhough the person's name IS on the phonebook. So instead of showing the caller's name the phone was only showing "+62.... call" 

BUG (all version ?):

  1. Dropping the last character of the domain name when using relative URLs! Example: A link like /cgi-bin/ on a page sould be constructed as Phone makes it http://www.wapterror.d/cgi-bin/ (missing e on .de)
  2. Can't delete templates of SMS and Picture Images
  3. Sometimes, even when vibra is disabled in profile, it enables
  4. DTMF doesn't work , when have enabled keypad tones
  5. Phone sometimes doesn't want to connect to WAP (message "check settings")
  6. If you assigned downloaded ringtone for caller group and deleted if (ringtone) from phone, it stops ring and vibrate. Can't change ringtone from phone's menu then (must use Logo Manager or different software)

V3.04 (16-10-00 ????)
  • Improved Half Rate audio quality
  • Updated operator list
  • (V3.04) Improvement to Arabic/Hebrew Memory status layouts
  • (V3.04) Improvements to Voicetags 
  • (V3.04) Improvements to SMS 
  • (V3.04) Only one indicator is at the end of Selection window when moving to second candidate first time in the editing mode
  • (V3.04) Input method indicator in top left corner is disappeared in Rename operation 
  • (V3.04) DLR-3 is detected as a headset after one headset call 
  • (V3.04) UNICODESIM: SDN only names of length less than 8 are shown 
  • (V3.04) Improvements to browser setup: \"Menu\" -> \"2\" -> \"Scroll\" corrected
V3.74 22-09-00
V4.04 06-10-00

BUG (NEWER TOO ?): Make these steps:

  1. create new folder in Messages/My folders
  2. create message and move to this folder
  3. enter into this folder
  4. edit this message
  5. save it
You can't now enter to any folder. Must restart phone. Note, that bug exist only, if this folder is first on the folders' list. For other it's OK.

V4.08 25-10-00

V4.27 21-12-00

  • Turkish, Greek, Czech and Polish T9 added
  • Spanish language and T9 added
  • LCD temperature compensation
  • LCD reset after powerup
  • Spaces couldn't be put in front of text in Dealer Welcome Note (DWN)
  • PIN-code couldn't be entered on a SIM-locked phone
  • It wasn't possible to call a SS string beginning with a "*" (e.g. *#61# etc.) stored on the FDN phonebook
  • Setup Menu command was not executed when already in SIM ATK menu
  • SIM ATK minimum polling interval increased from 5 to 10 sec
  • Improvements when trying to enter username in HTTP authentication
  • Dynamic text case handling improved
  • OPERATOR_NAME_MAX_LENGTH changed from 10 to 11
  • Timeout killer didn't work on *+-key in number queries
  • Games 'options' -menu disappeared when deleting delivery report in messages
  • Missing/strange menu items when sending SMS
  • Improvements to Arabic & Hebrew editor options
  • Letter insertion direction change in Arabic
  • Improvements to Arabic & Hebrew input (wrong ui-text was used for special characters)
  • Improvements to calendar when using fetch service with birthday note
  • Improvements when selecting Multiple copies
  • In SMS: Improvements when storing more than 50 items in the Template folder
  • Improved functionality in Names-list
  • If T9 is active '#'-key toggles now between T9 and normal input in Arabic/Hebrew and Chinese languages
  • Improved business card sending
  • No characters were received if Euro-sign was first character in a picture message
  • Improvements to Voice tag
  • Correction of Arabic Name & Number view, RTL marker inserted
  • Correction of number length for Idle number input
  • Bottom margin changed in Arabic editor from '2' to '1'
  • PL specific: brak informacji o wolnej pamięci telefonu (widać tylko "Wolne: ")
  • After enabling phone, entering PIN code (after "Enter PIN code" request) and when you will see network indicator, press many times (very fast) phone's keys (Red and Green key). You should see "Emergency calls only". It must done so fast, that Stop sign doesn't blink. If you don't see startup logo: phone doesn't give access to phone's menu and profiles, although it's logged into network.
  • when keypad is locked and you will press any key, you will see "Press Menu and then *". You can now press longer Power button and phone will disable !
  • when you make something, somebody call to you and you will press left soft key, phone hangs after receiving call...
  • sometimes after WAP session you can't lock keypad
  • after using Irda can't receive SMS
  • using BTS Test in netmonitor can damage phone (CONTACT SERVICE, etc.) !
V4.36 31-01-01
  • Handling of operator logo length improved
  • AT commands updated
  • Initialisation of Data SW when receiving/releasing the data switch
  • Fixed Dialling Numbers - View details shows wrong number if it is longer than 12 digits. Although SSC-String for call forwarding is on FDN list, call forwarding can not be performed either via menu or via string
  • Flashing panel when erasing a phonebook item
  • Impossible to call to SMS 'use number'
  • Delayed SMS
  • SMS Delivery reports
  • Wrong indication of max characters in SMS
  • Font size selection not working for received SMS
  • Error in DLR-3 usage in the middle of the IR usage
  • Modified AT commands for DHU functionality (TCH Loopback)
  • Automatic answer does not work in car profile
  • Some spelling in languages improved
  • Call without simcard, note "Emergency calls only" won't disappear
  • Freezes when faulty Business Card is received
  • Possible to switch phone off during keypad is locked
  • Updated MoU list (DUAL_operators) (Operator Cosmorom)
  • SIM ATK: submenus become trash
  • Cancel all CF's at once:
  • Performed on Line1: If CFU for Line2 is activated the sign is deleted too
  • Performed on Line2: CF's for Line1, data and fax are cancelled: Line2 not affected
  • *#06# should show IMEI even when SIM card is not inserted
  • USSD short strings supported
  • STP support (e.g. used in Mercedes)
  • CLI logo over IR send/receive
  • Ringing tones over IR - receive
  • Shortcut on 'Send' for go to bookmark
  • after ending Snake II game enter options and last view. When it will be displayed, the light will be not off.
  • in German D2 Network problems with message receiving (after receiving one no more are received).
(?) Improvements in netmonitor

V5.01 15-03-01

  • The first WAP call cometimes fails after answering/missing a MT PSTN call
  • When trying to delete a received picture message the phone sometimes freezes
  • When erasing unread SMS from phone by cable or IrDA, SMS icon stays on display
  • Added function for UI to check, if Data cable is connected or not
This version can cause following intermittent errors:
  • Divert freezes the phone
  • SMS receive freezes the phone when reading
  • SMS editing freezes the phone
V5.02 02-04-01

All changes from V4.36

  • (?) first three changes available in 5.01
  • Not possible to change the date of the calendar
  • DTMF tones stop working during call
  • Memory overwrite when using Russian text
  • When PC Suite changes the profile name it is not updated to phone UI before restarting the phone
  • Strange behaviour when entering number and then <SEND> to PIN query in start-up
  • By HSCSD data transfer is flow ctrl problems (data loss by upload and bi-directional)
  • The first WAP call sometimes fails after answering/missing a MT PSTN call
  • When trying to delete a received picture message the phone hangs
  • When erasing unread SMS from phone by cable or IrDA, SMS icon stays in UI
  • Wrong font used for emergency call
  • Sometimes when phone is set to local mode (e.g. by WinTesla) the phonebook server is not initialised. This makes it impossible to store CLI icons
  • Not possible to insert new words to the dictionary, if phone SW has been updated to 4.27
  • Business card received over IR handled as a Ringing tone
  • Speed dial not updated, if a SIM card entry's number is edited to NULL
  • SMS Notifications are not routed to PC Suite
  • Bluetooth implemented (there is also special hardware "Nokia Connectivity Pack" required for it !)
  • Added support in the IrDA subsystem for sending CLI logos to Nokia 6110
Observations from users (V4.36):
  • new parameter in test 8 in netmonitor
  • when create note in calendar, default year is 2001 (not 2000)
  • PL: zmieniona nazwa dla Menu 5-5. Wcześniej "kiedy nie odbieram", teraz "kiedy niedostępny"
  • BUG: when send SMS using phone memory (it should be empty), before receiving report, you have strange chars inside...
  • "ERA GSM" changed to "PL ERA GSM"
Note: The correction for line 2 icon (mainly seen in UK and Ireland), which was implemented in 5.01, is not implemented in 5.02

V5.17 01-06-01
V5.17 05-07-01 (ROM6?)

  • Added support for Package M - Telekom Jingle - Operator specific ringing tone
  • Changed language name spelling of Ukrainian language menu select
  • Operators language files updated.
  • Use one sort order for all languages in Q and S pack. Still problem with the letter "Q" in language pack Q!
  • Startup texts/graphics priority changed to: 1 User Welcome Note Text, 2 Dealer Welcome Note Text, 3 User Welcome Note Graphics.
  • A "DDI Call Create" message on the Fbus (typically used in STP) cause 6210 SW crash.
  • When a busy number was called twice the third CALL_CREATE_REQ is not responded in any way
  • Resets with WAP browsing and bookmark operations
  • Strange behaviour when entering number +SEND to PIN query in startup
  • Wrong font used for DTMF numbers when call is accepted. Now corrected to bold 8pt.
  • An unknown DTMF tone is sent at the pause when using carkit.
  • TWIN-BILL SIM Causes "SIM REJECTED" Error message when entering wrong PIN code.
  • Heavy load of phone entries from AT command interface resets phone.
  • Incorrect sub_block length in PND_NAME_FIELD
  • Indications ordered from STP are not unsubscribed/cancelled when phone is disconnected, causing garbage in data calls.
  • Wrong line 2 icon problem.
  • Car radio mute when voice dialling.
  • New features: WAP over USSD enabled.
Note: To restore WAP Bookmarks, WinTesla version 311.06.00 or later must be used!

(V4.27) New netmonitor test 95 and 130 (for Bluetooth)

Note (probably for ALL firmware versions): light sometimes doesn't turn on, when keypad is locked and power button pressed (like in older models). For me is NOT BUG. It's rather feature, which allows to save some energy. It happens (light doesn't enable), when:

  1. keypad is locked
  2. any key is pressed and "Press unlock and then *" or "Now press *" message will disappear
  3. power key is pressed
Press notice, that light is always enabled after pressing power key then, when message "Press unlock and then *" or "Now press *" is displayed. Because of it I think, it's good feature, which saves energy after accidentaly pressing this key (when press fast any key and power button or fast double power button, light is enabled).


  • when change caller group data and set incorrect (not existing in this model) ID for ringtone, it's not possible to change it from phone's menu. Bug existing for example, when upload backup data made in other model to it.
  • when have "Pending" delivery report, phone shows different contents (with "Pending" you have many strange chars)
  • PL specific: niedokładne tłumaczenie w pomocy do Menu 3 (wykrzystania) and Menu 6 (opcja dla dwu graczy)
V5.27 01-08-01
  • Improvements on key lock in combination with car kit. Keyboard will now lock correctly when removing the phone from car kit
  • Improved functionality when enabling frequency hopping
  • Improved speed for network search after power on, in a country different from the one where the phone was turned off
  • Improvement to IR after sending a business card to 9110
  • Dealer Welcome Note remains after the user has restored factory settings
  • Improvement to SMS: pressing * in SMS options insert template does not any more stick the menu
  • Voicetags improved restoring from PC
  • Improved Data Download via SMS Cell Broadcast
  • Call Barring service string accepts now an empty password
  • SS requesting disabled, when a SIM has not been inserted
  • Operator list updated:
    • New operators
      • "SPACETEL" (417/02)
      • "VUT SMILE" (541/01)
      • "GH-MOBITEL" (620/03)
      • "ORENSOT" (250/11)
      • "VODAFONE" (276/02)
      • "TR AYCELL" (286/04)
      • "CU/C_COM" (368/01)
      • "U-CALL" (539/01)
      • "GAB TELECEL" (628/02)
      • "CELLCO" (630/05)
      • "Digicel" (706/02)
    • Operator names changed
      • Old New
      • "Dutchtone" "Orange NL" (204/20)
      • "ERA GSM" "Era" (260/02)
      • "TH WCS" "TH ORANGE" (520/10)
    • New country name
      • "VUT" (417)
Note 1: When flashing 05.27 into a phone, that has never been in service in normal network (e.g. a swap phone or other brand-new phone), flashing might not terminate correctly. This can be avoid by letting the phone to go into service before flashing or by using a normal SIM card (not test SIM) in the phone during flashing.

Note: To restore WAP Bookmarks, WinTesla version 311.06.00 or later must be used!

When flashing 05.36 into a phone that has NEVER BEEN IN SERVICE ON A LIVE NETWORK (e.g. a swap phone or other brand new phones) the flashing might not terminate correctly. The problem only occurs when using WinTesla for flashing. A work around for this problem is to make the phone go into service before flashing or having a live SIM in the phone while flashing. 

In order to restore WAP Bookmarks, the latest WinTesla version (311.06.00) must be used! 

  • Changes to operator and country names: 
    • New operator: 
      • XFERA (214/04)
      • TELE2 (246/03)
      • MCM (262/13) 
      • Quam (262/14) 
      • SI VEGA 070 (293/70) 
      • Telcell GSM (362/51) 
      • UTS (362/91) 
      • PK-UFONE (410/03) 
      • SyriaTel (417/93) 
      • DIGITEL (515/05) 
      • ORANGE (520/99) 
      • FSM Telecom (550/01) 
      • OTA NET (603/02) 
      • GAMCEL (607/01) 
      • ECONET NG (621/20) 
      • NG NITEL (621/40) 
      • COG LIBERTIS (629/10) 
      • MOBITEL - TZ (640/02) 
      • CELTEL TZ (640/05) 
      • Itineris RUN (647/00) 
      • F-OMT (647/02) 
      • Cell C (655/07) 
      • PORT-HABLE (722/35) 
    • Name changed: 
      • AIRTEL -> E VODAFONE (214/0 
      • Orange -> orange (228/03) 
      • TDK-MOBIL -> TDC MOBIL (238/01) 
      • mobilix -> Orange (238/30) 
      • Q GSM -> TELE2 (248/03) 
      • TELECEL -> P VODAFONE (268/01) 
      • AMERIS -> F-Orange (340/01) 
      • INA SPICE -> INA AIRTEL (404/31) 
      • M.PLUS -> BATELCO (426/01) 
      • DiGi 1800 -> DiGi (502/16) 
      • EXCELCOM -> proXL (510/11) 
      • ORANGE -> Orange (520/99) 
      • OMEGA -> LoneStar (618/01) 
      • CAMNET -> MTN CAM (624/01) 
      • CELLCO -> CELLCO GSM (630/04) 
      • Itineris RUN -> Orange re (647/00) 
    • New country name: 
      • NA (362) 
      • PK (410) 
      • FSM (550) 
      • GMB (607) 
      • ARG (722) 
      • BRA (724) 
    • Country name changed: 
      • NIG -> NG (255) 
      • NA -> ANT (362) 
      • F -> REU (647) 
  • Improper UI-disconnection of data cable causing IrDA to disconnect corrected. 
  • Locked UI while in call on Mobilkom Austria network using A1 Plus SIM corrected. 
  • Missing Chinese punctuation characters in WAP corrected. 
  • Problem with Phone Book reading via AT commands corrected. 
  • Problem with SMS indicator reading via AT commands corrected. 
  • Chinese sorting in Phone Book when using the letter Q improved. 
  • Wrong text in Call Cost Limit query corrected. 
  • Problem with making calls from Name&Number display in Arabic corrected.
V5.44 29-11-01
  • Possibility of acoustic feedback from keypad and warning tones in HFU-2 reduced. Typically that feedback appeared when the car radio speakers were used for phone audio 
  • Handling of long numbers in the Abbreviated Dialling 
  • Number list on SIM improved. The last digit of a very long number string might have changed in some cases 

  • after changing SIM card memory type is set to "SIM card". Correct it manually or set security level to "phone" (when SIM card was used earlier, memory type won't be changed).
  • after calling WAP WAP access number is added to Called Numbers
  • Menu shortcuts problem: Menu 1-8-x (example Menu 1-8-7) directs to Menu 1-8-1
6250 NHM-3 *#0000#
V1C54 23-02-00
V3.00 15-09-00
V3.12 08-11-00 
  • (V3.00) Improvement in weak field
  • (V3.00) Improvements to sound level meter and keyguard code
  • (V3.00) Service dialing numbers in SIM read correctly
Menu 14 doesn't have picture

V4.00 06-12-00

  • Improvements to Task Journal:
  • Searching 'by customer' was shown 'by work'
  • Default value was missing when entering amount of materials
  • Flaw in information note when pausing a task
  • When entering the material id, last given id is being default
  • Shortcuts did not work
  • SMS sending did not work with special characters
  • Arabic SMS sending couldn't turn up and down the pages
  • Wrong number font in language packages R and S
  • Phone came from clock menu to Automatic keylock -menu with 'Back' button
  • When adding comment there was text 'OK' instead of 'Save' in left softkey
  • Speed dial names touched service/battery bar
  • Improvements to Automatic keylock:
  • Keypad was locked while in menu
  • Strange behaviour when simultaneous alarm and calendar remainder
  • In Stopwatch shortcuts did not work
  • Charger activated and deactivated the vibra
  • Keyguard not activated when timed profile & missed calls
  • Improvement to Arabic/Hebrew Memory status layouts
  • Improvements to Voicetags
  • Improvements to SMS
  • Only one indicator is at the end of Selection window when moving to second candidate first time in the editing mode
  • Input method indicator in top left corner is disappeared in Rename operation
  • DLR-3 is detected as a headset after one headset call
  • UNICODESIM: SDN only names of length less than 8 are shown
  • Improvements to browser setup: - "Menu" -> "2" -> "Scroll" corrected
V4.01 28-12-00
  • Timed profile now stays activated after power off/on
  • Impression to be able to same more than 250 names corrected
  • Wrong header text in stopwatch erasing in some languages ("Erase times") corrected
  • Improvements in SMS: phonebook memory re-configuration
  • Improvements in Task Journal: "Task active on background" notification now displayed also when exiting the Task Journal by pressing "Back"
  • Display contrast factory default value changed from 6 to 4
  • Improved Keylock code shortcut
  • Operator name list updated (Cosmorom / Romania)
  • Turkish, Greek, Czech and Polish T9 added
  • LCD temperature compensation
  • LCD reset after powerup
  • Spaces couldn't be put in front of text in Dealer Welcome Note (DWN)
  • PIN-code couldn't be entered on a SIM-locked phone
  • It wasn't possible to call a SS string beginning with a "*" (e.g. *#61# etc.) stored on the FDN phonebook
  • Setup Menu command was not executed when already in SIM ATK menu
  • SIM ATK minimum polling interval increased from 5 to 10 sec
  • Improvements when trying to enter username in HTTP authentication
  • Dynamic text case handling improved
  • Timeout killer didn't work on *+-key in number queries
  • Games 'options' -menu disappeared when deleting delivery report in messages
  • Missing/strange menu items when sending SMS
  • In SMS: Improvements to calendar when using fetch service with birthday note
  • In SMS: Improvements when selecting Multiple copies
  • In SMS: Improvements when storing more than 50 items in the Template folder
  • Improved functionality in Names-list
  • If T9 is active '#'-key toggles now between T9 and normal input in Arabic/Hebrew and Chinese languages
  • Improved business card sending
  • No characters were received if Euro-sign was first character in a picture message
  • Improvements to Voice tag
  • Correction of Arabic Name & Number view, RTL marker inserted
  • Correction of number length for Idle number input
  • Handling of operator logo length improved
  • AT commands updated
  • Initialisation of Data SW when receiving/releasing the data switch
  • Fixed Dialling Numbers - View details shows wrong number if it is longer than 12 digits. Although SSC-String for call forwarding is on FDN list, call forwarding can not be performed either via menu or via string
  • Flashing panel when erasing a phonebook item
  • Earlier it was impossible to call to SMS 'use number'
  • Improved SMS Delivery reports
  • Wrong indication of max characters in SMS
  • Font size selection not working for received SMS
  • Error in DLR-3 usage in the middle of the IR usage
  • Modified AT commands for DHU functionality (TCH Loopback)
  • Automatic answer does not work in car profile
  • Some spelling in languages improved
  • Call without simcard, note "Emergency calls only" won't disappear
  • Freezes when faulty Business Card is received
  • Possible to switch phone off during keypad is locked
  • Updated MoU list (DUAL_operators)
  • SIM ATK: submenus become trash
  • Cancel all CF's at once:
    • Performed on Line1: If CFU for Line2 is activated the sign is deleted too
    • Performed on Line2: CF's for Line1, data and fax are cancelled: Line2 not affected
  • *#06# should show IMEI even when SIM card is not inserted
  • USSD short strings supported
  • STP support (e.g. used in Mercedes)
  • CLI logo over IR send/receive
  • Ringing tones over IR - receive
  • Shortcut on 'Send' for go to bookmark
  • In Task Journal: User data memory reconfiguration (now more space for user data)
  • Reconfiguration to language packages:
    • LP C: Turkish T9 added, Spanish menu and T9 removed
    • LP F: Greek T9 added, Spanish T9 removed
    • LP H: Czech T9 added, German T9 removed
    • LP I: Russian menu removed
    • LP J: Polish T9 added, German menu added
    • LP L: created for Spain and Portugal
  • New text release 130301
V5.00 10-07-01 (ROM6?)
  • Mainly update to get GCF approva
  • Operator max. name lenght change 11 a 1
  • SIM Poll Interval chang
  • New text release 160301
  • Dual Operator list update
  • SMS sending improved (SMS sending jammed occasionally)
  • Light stayed on occasionally
  • Improvement to alternate speech-fax call
  • O- language package added
  • Operator list updated (#44)
6310 NPE-4 *#0000#
V1.23 19-03-01
V4.10 04-01-02

the phone crashed when i recorded a second voice message after an older one which is 1 minute of length. after i did that, i couldnt delete the second recording, and the screen would turn black.. another [ok] and the phone would restart.

6510 NPM-9 *#0000# 350697
V3.22 10-01-02
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Marcin Wiącek (WWW)