/* $Id$ G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Hugh Blemings & Pavel Janík ml. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. Config file (/etc/gnokiirc and ~/.gnokiirc) reader. Modified from code by Tim Potter. $Log$ Revision 2001/11/25 21:58:58 short :pserver:cvs@pserver.samba.org:/cvsroot - gnokii - Sun Nov 25 22:56 CET 2001 Revision 1.16 2001/11/14 10:46:12 pkot Small cleanup with __unices__ Revision 1.15 2001/06/10 11:24:57 machek Kill "slash star" inside comment. Revision 1.14 2001/03/19 23:43:45 pkot Solaris/ *BSD '#if defined' cleanup Revision 1.13 2001/03/13 01:21:38 pkot *BSD updates (Bert Driehuis) Revision 1.12 2001/01/08 15:11:36 pkot Documentation updates. Fixed some bugs and removed FIXMEs. We need to move some stuff from configure.in to aclocal.m4 Revision 1.11 2001/01/02 09:09:07 pkot Misc fixes and updates. Revision 1.10 2000/12/19 16:18:15 pkot configure script updates and added shared function for configfile reading */ #include "misc.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "cfgreader.h" /* Read configuration information from a ".INI" style file */ struct CFG_Header *CFG_ReadFile(char *filename) { FILE *handle; char *line; char *buf; struct CFG_Header *cfg_info = NULL, *cfg_head = NULL; /* Error check */ if (filename == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Initialisation */ if ((buf = (char *)malloc(255)) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Open file */ if ((handle = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf( stderr, "CFG_ReadFile - open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno)); #endif /* DEBUG */ return NULL; } #ifdef DEBUG else fprintf( stderr, "Opened configuration file %s\n", filename ); #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Iterate over lines in the file */ while (fgets(buf, 255, handle) != NULL) { line = buf; /* Strip leading, trailing whitespace */ while(isspace((int) *line)) line++; while((strlen(line) > 0) && isspace((int) line[strlen(line) - 1])) line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; /* Ignore blank lines and comments */ if ((*line == '\n') || (*line == '\0') || (*line == '#')) continue; /* Look for "headings" enclosed in square brackets */ if ((line[0] == '[') && (line[strlen(line) - 1] == ']')) { struct CFG_Header *heading; /* Allocate new heading entry */ if ((heading = (struct CFG_Header *)malloc(sizeof(*heading))) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Fill in fields */ memset(heading, '\0', sizeof(*heading)); line++; line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */ heading->section = strdup(line); /* Add to tail of list */ heading->prev = cfg_info; if (cfg_info != NULL) { cfg_info->next = heading; } else { /* Store copy of head of list for return value */ cfg_head = heading; } cfg_info = heading; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Added new section %s\n", heading->section); #endif /* Go on to next line */ continue; } /* Process key/value line */ if ((strchr(line, '=') != NULL) && cfg_info != NULL) { struct CFG_Entry *entry; char *value; /* Allocate new entry */ if ((entry = (struct CFG_Entry *)malloc(sizeof(*entry))) == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Fill in fields */ memset(entry, '\0', sizeof(*entry)); value = strchr(line, '='); *value = '\0'; /* Split string */ value++; while(isspace((int) *value)) { /* Remove leading white */ value++; } entry->value = strdup(value); while((strlen(line) > 0) && isspace((int) line[strlen(line) - 1])) { line[strlen(line) - 1] = '\0'; /* Remove trailing white */ } /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */ entry->key = strdup(line); /* Add to head of list */ entry->next = cfg_info->entries; if (cfg_info->entries != NULL) { cfg_info->entries->prev = entry; } cfg_info->entries = entry; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Adding key/value %s/%s\n", entry->key, entry->value); #endif /* Go on to next line */ continue; } /* Line not part of any heading */ fprintf(stderr, "Orphaned line: %s\n", line); } /* Return pointer to configuration information */ return cfg_head; } /* Write configuration information to a config file */ int CFG_WriteFile(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *filename) { /* Not implemented - tricky to do and preserve comments */ return 0; } /* * Find the value of a key in a config file. Return value associated * with key or NULL if no such key exists. */ char *CFG_Get(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *section, char *key) { struct CFG_Header *h; struct CFG_Entry *e; if ((cfg == NULL) || (section == NULL) || (key == NULL)) { return NULL; } /* Search for section name */ for (h = cfg; h != NULL; h = h->next) { if (strcmp(section, h->section) == 0) { /* Search for key within section */ for (e = h->entries; e != NULL; e = e->next) { if (strcmp(key, e->key) == 0) { /* Found! */ return e->value; } } } } /* Key not found in section */ return NULL; } /* Set the value of a key in a config file. Return the new value if the section/key can be found, else return NULL. */ char *CFG_Set(struct CFG_Header *cfg, char *section, char *key, char *value) { struct CFG_Header *h; struct CFG_Entry *e; if ((cfg == NULL) || (section == NULL) || (key == NULL) || (value == NULL)) { return NULL; } /* Search for section name */ for (h = cfg; h != NULL; h = h->next) { if (strcmp(section, h->section) == 0) { /* Search for key within section */ for (e = h->entries; e != NULL; e = e->next) { if ((e->key != NULL) && strcmp(key, e->key) == 0) { /* Found - set value */ free(e->key); /* FIXME: strdup is not ANSI C compliant. */ e->key = strdup(value); return e->value; } } } } /* Key not found in section */ return NULL; } int readconfig(char **model, char **port, char **initlength, char **connection, char **bindir) { struct CFG_Header *cfg_info; char *homedir; char rcfile[200]; char *DefaultConnection = "serial"; char *DefaultBindir = "/usr/local/sbin/"; #ifdef WIN32 homedir = getenv("HOMEDRIVE"); strncpy(rcfile, homedir ? homedir : "", 200); homedir = getenv("HOMEPATH"); strncat(rcfile, homedir ? homedir : "", 200); strncat(rcfile, "\\_gnokiirc", 200); #else homedir = getenv("HOME"); if (homedir) strncpy(rcfile, homedir, 200); strncat(rcfile, "/.gnokiirc", 200); #endif /* Try opening .gnokirc from users home directory first */ if ((cfg_info = CFG_ReadFile(rcfile)) == NULL) { /* It failed so try for /etc/gnokiirc */ if ((cfg_info = CFG_ReadFile("/etc/gnokiirc")) == NULL) { /* That failed too so exit */ fprintf(stderr, _("Couldn't open %s or /etc/gnokiirc. Exiting now...\n"), rcfile); return -1; } } (char *)*model = CFG_Get(cfg_info, "global", "model"); if (!*model) { fprintf(stderr, _("Config error - no model specified. Exiting now...\n")); return -2; } (char *)*port = CFG_Get(cfg_info, "global", "port"); if (!*port) { fprintf(stderr, _("Config error - no port specified. Exiting now...\n")); return -3; } (char *)*initlength = CFG_Get(cfg_info, "global", "initlength"); if (!*initlength) (char *)*initlength = "default"; (char *)*connection = CFG_Get(cfg_info, "global", "connection"); if (!*connection) (char *)*connection = DefaultConnection; (char *)*bindir = CFG_Get(cfg_info, "global", "bindir"); if (!*bindir) (char *)*bindir = DefaultBindir; return 0; }