/* G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones. Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Hugh Blemings & Pavel Janík ml. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. Functions to read and write common file types. Last modified: Mon Mar 20 22:02:15 CET 2000 Modified by Chris Kemp */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef VC6 #include #endif #include "gsm-common.h" #include "gsm-ringtones.h" #include "gsm-bitmaps.h" #include "files/gsm-filetypes.h" #include "files/midifile.h" #include "gsm-coding.h" #include "misc.h" #include "newmodules/n7110.h" #include "newmodules/n6110.h" #ifdef XPM #include #endif /** * GetvCalTime * * Fills vCalendar time string into GSM_DateTime structure * * in: * dt: datetime structure * time: string in format yyyymmddThhmmss * out: * <>0 if error */ int GetvCalTime(GSM_DateTime *dt, char *time) { char year[5]="", month[3]="", day[3]="", hour[3]="", minute[3]="", second[3]=""; dt->Year=dt->Month=dt->Day=dt->Hour=dt->Minute=dt->Second=dt->Timezone=0; strncpy(year, time, 4); strncpy(month, time+4, 2); strncpy(day, time+6, 2); strncpy(hour, time+9, 2); strncpy(minute, time+11, 2); strncpy(second, time+13, 2); /* FIXME: Should check ranges... */ dt->Year=atoi(year); dt->Month=atoi(month); dt->Day=atoi(day); dt->Hour=atoi(hour); dt->Minute=atoi(minute); dt->Second=atoi(second); /* FIXME */ dt->Timezone=0; return 0; } /** * FillCalendarNote * * Fills calendar data from strings into calendar note * * in: * note: calendar note structure * type: type of calendar note * text: text or phonenumber * time: string in format yyyymmddThhmmss * alarm: dito * out: * <>0 if error */ int FillCalendarNote(GSM_CalendarNote *note, char *type, char *text, char *time, char *alarm) { GetvCalTime(¬e->Time, time); GetvCalTime(¬e->Alarm, alarm); note->Location=0; strncpy(note->Text, text, MAX_CALENDAR_TEXT_LENGTH); strcpy(note->Phone, ""); /* correct in most cases */ /* FIXME: Handle additional strings, maybe from configuration file */ if(!strcmp(type, "PHONE CALL")) { strncpy(note->Phone, text, MAX_CALENDAR_PHONE_LENGTH); note->Type=GCN_CALL; } else if(!strcmp(type, "MEETING")) note->Type=GCN_MEETING; else if(!strcmp(type, "SPECIAL OCCASION")) note->Type=GCN_BIRTHDAY; else note->Type=GCN_REMINDER; return 0; } /** * GSM_ReadVCalendarFile * * Reads vCalendar file * * in: * FileName: name of vCalendar file * cnote: pointer to calendar note * number: number in file of calendar note to read * out: * <>0 if error */ GSM_Error GSM_ReadVCalendarFile(char *FileName, GSM_CalendarNote *cnote, int *number) { FILE *file; char type[21]="", text[40]="", time[16]="", alarm[16]=""; char phone[40]=""; long recurr=0L; char altype=0x00; int veventcounter=0; int isOK=0; bool NoteOK=false; char *Line, OLine[1024], BackLine[1024]; Line = OLine; file=fopen(FileName, "r"); if (!file) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, _("File cannot be opened!\n")); #endif return GE_CANTOPENFILE; } /* Go through data from file. */ while (GetLine(file, Line, sizeof(OLine))!=-1) { strcpy(BackLine, Line); switch (isOK) { case 0: if (!strcmp(Line,"BEGIN:VCALENDAR")) isOK++; break; case 1: if (!strcmp(Line,"BEGIN:VEVENT")) { isOK++; veventcounter++; } if (!strcmp(Line,"END:VCALENDAR")) isOK--; break; case 2: if (veventcounter==*number) { if (!strncmp(Line,"CATEGORIES:",11)) { strncpy(type,Line+11,strlen(Line)-11); type[strlen(Line)-11]=0; } if (!strncmp(Line,"DESCRIPTION:",12)) { strncpy(phone,Line+12,strlen(Line)-12); phone[strlen(Line)-12]=0; } if (!strncmp(Line,"SUMMARY:",8)) { strncpy(text,Line+8,strlen(Line)-8); text[strlen(Line)-8]=0; } if (!strncmp(Line,"SUMMARY;CHARSET=UTF-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:",48)) { DecodeUTF8(text,Line+48,strlen(Line)-48); text[strlen(Line)-48]=0; } if (!strncmp(Line,"DTSTART:",8)) { strncpy(time,Line+8,strlen(Line)-8); time[strlen(Line)-8]=0; } if (!strncmp(Line,"DALARM:",7)) { strncpy(alarm,Line+7,strlen(Line)-7); alarm[strlen(Line)-7]=0; } /* Obsolete */ if (!strncmp(Line,"RECURR:",7)) { recurr=mem_to_int(Line+7,strlen(Line)-7); } if (!strncmp(Line,"RRULE:D1 :",9)) { recurr=1; } if (!strncmp(Line,"RRULE:W1 :",9)) { recurr=7; } if (!strncmp(Line,"RRULE:W2 :",9)) { recurr=14; } if (!strncmp(Line,"RRULE:YD1 :",10)) { recurr=365; } if (!strncmp(Line,"ALTYPE:",7)) { altype=(!strncmp("TONE",Line+7,4)) ? 0x00 : 0x01; } } if (!strcmp(Line,"END:VEVENT")) { if (veventcounter==*number) NoteOK=true; isOK--; } break; } if (NoteOK) break; } if (!NoteOK) { *number=veventcounter; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,_("Note not found in VCalendarfile\n")); #endif return GE_TOOSHORT; } FillCalendarNote(cnote, type, text, time, alarm); cnote->Recurrance = recurr*24; /* it was in days. I convert in hours */ cnote->AlarmType = altype; if( strcmp( phone, "" ) ) { /* Invert data if CALL ... */ strcpy( cnote->Text, phone ); strcpy( cnote->Phone, text ); // alread FillCalendar does it .. } fclose(file); return 0; } GSM_Error GSM_ReadBinRingtoneFile(char *FileName, GSM_BinRingtone *ringtone) { FILE *file; file = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); // fseek(file,3474485,0); ringtone->length=fread(ringtone->frame, 1, 500, file); fclose(file); if (ringtone->frame[0]!=0x00 || ringtone->frame[1]!=0x00 || ringtone->frame[2]!=0x0C || ringtone->frame[3]!=0x01) return GE_NOTSUPPORTED; return GE_NONE; } /* Function to convert scale field in to correct number. */ int GetRTTLDuration (char *num) { int duration=0; switch (atoi(num)) { case 1: duration=128; break; case 2: duration= 64; break; case 4: duration= 32; break; case 8: duration= 16; break; case 16: duration= 8; break; case 32: duration= 4; break; } return (duration); } int GetRTTLScale (char *num) { /* This may well need improving. */ int scale=0; if ((atoi(num))<4) scale=(atoi(num)); if ((atoi(num))>4) scale=(atoi(num))-4; return (scale); } GSM_Error GSM_ReadRingtoneFile(char *FileName, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { FILE *file; unsigned char buffer[300]; GSM_Error error; GSM_Filetypes filetype=RTTL; file = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); fread(buffer, 1, 4, file); /* Read the header of the file. */ /* Attempt to identify filetype */ if (memcmp(buffer, "MThd",3)==0) /* MIDI files have 'MThd' at the start */ filetype=MIDI; if (buffer[0]==0xc7 && buffer[1]==0x45 && buffer[2]==0xc1 && buffer[3]==0x53) filetype=COMMUNICATOR; if (strstr(FileName,".ott")) filetype=OTT; /* OTT files saved by NCDS3 */ error=GE_NONE; rewind(file); switch (filetype) { case RTTL: error=loadrttl(file,ringtone); fclose(file); break; case OTT: error=loadott(file,ringtone); fclose(file); break; case COMMUNICATOR: error=loadcommunicator(file,ringtone); fclose(file); break; case MIDI: fclose(file); error=loadmid(FileName,ringtone); break; default: error=GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT; } return(error); } GSM_Error loadott(FILE *file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { char Buffer[2000]; int i; i=fread(Buffer, 1, 2000, file); if (!feof(file)) return GE_TOOLONG; return GSM_UnPackRingtone(ringtone, Buffer, i); } GSM_Error loadcommunicator(FILE *file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { char Buffer[4000]; int i,j; i=fread(Buffer, 1, 4000, file); if (!feof(file)) return GE_TOOLONG; i=0;j=0; while (true) { if (Buffer[j]==0x00 && Buffer[j+1]==0x02 && Buffer[j+2]==0x4a && Buffer[j+3]==0x3a) break; if (j==i-4) return GE_INTERNALERROR; j++; } j++; return GSM_UnPackRingtone(ringtone, Buffer+j, i-j); } /* TODO: spaces should not be interpreted */ /* Note: ringtone have to be in one line (without 0x13 and 0x10 chars) */ GSM_Error loadrttl(FILE *file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { int NrNote=0; u8 DefNoteScale=2, DefNoteDuration=4; int DefNoteTempo=63; u8 DefNoteStyle=ContinuousStyle; unsigned char buffer[2000]; unsigned char *def, *notes, *ptr; ringtone->Loop=15; //default value fread(buffer, 2000, 1, file); /* This is for buggy RTTTL ringtones without name. */ if (buffer[0] != RTTTL_SEP[0]) { strtok(buffer, RTTTL_SEP); sprintf(ringtone->name, "%s", buffer); def=strtok(NULL, RTTTL_SEP); notes=strtok(NULL, RTTTL_SEP); } else { sprintf(ringtone->name, "GNOKII"); def=strtok(buffer, RTTTL_SEP); notes=strtok(NULL, RTTTL_SEP); } ptr=strtok(def, ", "); /* Parsing the section. */ while (ptr) { switch(*ptr) { case 'd': case 'D': DefNoteDuration=GetRTTLDuration(ptr+2); break; case 'o': case 'O': DefNoteScale=GetRTTLScale(ptr+2); break; case 'b': case 'B': DefNoteTempo=atoi(ptr+2); break; case 'l': case 'L': ringtone->Loop=atoi(ptr+2); break; case 's': case 'S': switch (*(ptr+1)) { case 'C': case 'c': DefNoteStyle=ContinuousStyle; break; case 'N': case 'n': DefNoteStyle=NaturalStyle; break; case 'S': case 's': DefNoteStyle=StaccatoStyle; break; } switch (*(ptr+2)) { case 'c': case 'C': DefNoteStyle=ContinuousStyle; break; case 'n': case 'N': DefNoteStyle=NaturalStyle; break; case 's': case 'S': DefNoteStyle=StaccatoStyle; break; } break; } ptr=strtok(NULL,", "); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("DefNoteDuration=%d\n", DefNoteDuration); printf("DefNoteScale=%d\n", DefNoteScale); #endif ptr=strtok(notes, ", "); /* Parsing the + section. */ while (ptr && NrNote] */ ringtone->notes[NrNote].duration=GetRTTLDuration(ptr); if (ringtone->notes[NrNote].duration==0) ringtone->notes[NrNote].duration=DefNoteDuration; /* Skip all numbers in duration specification. */ while(isdigit(*ptr)) ptr++; /* */ /* B or b is not in specs, but I decided to put it, because it's in some RTTL files. It's the same to H note */ if ((*ptr=='B') || (*ptr=='b')) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note=12; else if ((*ptr=='H') || (*ptr=='h')) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note=12; else if ((*ptr>='a') && (*ptr<='g')) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note=((*ptr-'a')*2)+10; else if ((*ptr>='A') && (*ptr<='G')) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note=((*ptr-'A')*2)+10; else ringtone->notes[NrNote].note=255; if ((ringtone->notes[NrNote].note>13)&&(ringtone->notes[NrNote].note!=255)) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note-=14; ptr++; if ((*ptr)=='#') { ringtone->notes[NrNote].note++; if ((ringtone->notes[NrNote].note==5) || (ringtone->notes[NrNote].note==13)) ringtone->notes[NrNote].note++; ptr++; } /* Check for dodgy rttl */ /* [] */ if (*ptr=='.') { ringtone->notes[NrNote].duration*=1.5; ptr++; } /* [] */ if (ringtone->notes[NrNote].note!=255) { if (isdigit(*ptr)) { ringtone->notes[NrNote].note+=GetRTTLScale(ptr)*14; ptr++; } else ringtone->notes[NrNote].note+=DefNoteScale*14; } /* [] */ if (*ptr=='.') { ringtone->notes[NrNote].duration*=1.5; ptr++; } /* Style */ ringtone->notes[NrNote].style=DefNoteStyle; /* Tempo */ ringtone->notes[NrNote].tempo=DefNoteTempo; NrNote++; break; } ptr=strtok(NULL, ", "); } ringtone->NrNotes=NrNote; return GE_NONE; } GSM_Error GSM_SaveRingtoneFile(char *FileName, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { FILE *file; bool done=false; file = fopen(FileName, "wb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); if (strstr(FileName,".ott")) { saveott(file, ringtone); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".mid")) { savemid(file, ringtone); done=true; } if (!done) saverttl(file, ringtone); fclose(file); return GE_NONE; } void saveott(FILE *file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { char Buffer[2000]; int i=2000; GSM_PackRingtone(ringtone, Buffer, &i); fwrite(Buffer, 1, i, file); } void saverttl(FILE *file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { u8 DefNoteScale=2, DefNoteDuration=4; int DefNoteTempo=63; u8 DefNoteStyle=ContinuousStyle; int CurrentNote; int buffer[6]; int i,j,k=0; /* Saves ringtone name */ fprintf(file,_("%s:"),ringtone->name); /* Find the most frequently used duration and use this for the default */ for (i=0;i<6;i++) buffer[i]=0; for (i=0;iNrNotes;i++) { switch (ringtone->notes[i].duration) { case 192:buffer[0]++; break; case 128:buffer[0]++; break; case 96:buffer[1]++; break; case 64:buffer[1]++; break; case 48:buffer[2]++; break; case 32:buffer[2]++; break; case 24:buffer[3]++; break; case 16:buffer[3]++; break; case 12:buffer[4]++; break; case 8:buffer[4]++; break; case 6:buffer[5]++; break; case 4:buffer[5]++; break; } } /* Now find the most frequently used */ j=0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (buffer[i]>j) { k=i; j=buffer[i]; } } /* Finally convert and save the default duration */ switch (k) { case 0: DefNoteDuration=128; fprintf(file, _("d=1,")); break; case 1: DefNoteDuration= 64; fprintf(file, _("d=2,")); break; case 2: DefNoteDuration= 32; fprintf(file, _("d=4,")); break; case 3: DefNoteDuration= 16; fprintf(file, _("d=8,")); break; case 4: DefNoteDuration= 8; fprintf(file,_("d=16,")); break; case 5: DefNoteDuration= 4; fprintf(file,_("d=32,")); break; default: DefNoteDuration= 16; fprintf(file, _("d=8,")); break; } /* Find the most frequently used scale and use this for the default */ for (i=0;i<6;i++) buffer[i]=0; for (i=0;iNrNotes;i++) { if (ringtone->notes[i].note!=255) { buffer[ringtone->notes[i].note/14]++; } } j=0; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { if (buffer[i]>j) { DefNoteScale=i; j=buffer[i]; } } if (ringtone->NrNotes!=0) { DefNoteTempo=ringtone->notes[0].tempo; DefNoteStyle=ringtone->notes[0].style; } /* Save the default scale */ fprintf(file,_("o=%i,"),DefNoteScale+4); switch (DefNoteStyle) { case StaccatoStyle: fprintf(file,_("s=S,")); break; case NaturalStyle : fprintf(file,_("s=N,")); break; } /* Save the default tempo */ fprintf(file,_("b=%i,"),DefNoteTempo); /* Save the default loop */ fprintf(file,_("l=%i:"),ringtone->Loop); #ifdef DEBUG printf("DefNoteDuration=%d\n", DefNoteDuration); printf("DefNoteScale=%d\n", DefNoteScale); printf("Number of notes=%d\n",ringtone->NrNotes); #endif /* Now loop round for each note */ for (i=0;iNrNotes;i++) { CurrentNote=ringtone->notes[i].note; if (ringtone->notes[i].style!=DefNoteStyle) { DefNoteStyle=ringtone->notes[i].style; switch (DefNoteStyle) { case StaccatoStyle : fprintf(file,_("s=S")); break; case NaturalStyle : fprintf(file,_("s=N")); break; case ContinuousStyle: fprintf(file,_("s=C")); break; } /* And a separator before next note */ if (i!=ringtone->NrNotes-1) fprintf(file,_(",")); } if (ringtone->notes[i].tempo!=DefNoteTempo) { DefNoteTempo=ringtone->notes[i].tempo; fprintf(file,_("b=%i"),DefNoteTempo); if (i!=ringtone->NrNotes-1) fprintf(file,_(",")); } /* This note has a duration different than the default. We must save it */ if (ringtone->notes[i].duration!=DefNoteDuration) { switch (ringtone->notes[i].duration) { case 192: fprintf(file, _("1")); break; //192=128*1.5 case 128: fprintf(file, _("1")); break; case 96: fprintf(file, _("2")); break; //96=64*1.5 case 64: fprintf(file, _("2")); break; case 48: fprintf(file, _("4")); break; //48=32*1.5 case 32: fprintf(file, _("4")); break; case 24: fprintf(file, _("8")); break; //24=16*1.5 case 16: fprintf(file, _("8")); break; case 12: fprintf(file,_("16")); break; //12=8*1.5 case 8: fprintf(file,_("16")); break; case 6: fprintf(file,_("32")); break; //6=4*1.5 case 4: fprintf(file,_("32")); break; default: break; } } /* Now save the actual note */ switch (GSM_GetNote(CurrentNote)) { case Note_C :fprintf(file,_("c"));break; case Note_Cis:fprintf(file,_("c#"));break; case Note_D :fprintf(file,_("d"));break; case Note_Dis:fprintf(file,_("d#"));break; case Note_E :fprintf(file,_("e"));break; case Note_F :fprintf(file,_("f"));break; case Note_Fis:fprintf(file,_("f#"));break; case Note_G :fprintf(file,_("g"));break; case Note_Gis:fprintf(file,_("g#"));break; case Note_A :fprintf(file,_("a"));break; case Note_Ais:fprintf(file,_("a#"));break; case Note_H :fprintf(file,_("h"));break; default :fprintf(file,_("p"));break; //Pause ? } /* Saving info about special duration */ if (ringtone->notes[i].duration==128*1.5 || ringtone->notes[i].duration==64*1.5 || ringtone->notes[i].duration==32*1.5 || ringtone->notes[i].duration==16*1.5 || ringtone->notes[i].duration==8*1.5 || ringtone->notes[i].duration==4*1.5) fprintf(file,_(".")); /* This note has a scale different than the default, so save it */ if ( (CurrentNote!=255) && (CurrentNote/14!=DefNoteScale)) fprintf(file,_("%i"),(CurrentNote/14)+4); /* And a separator before next note */ if (i!=ringtone->NrNotes-1) fprintf(file,_(",")); } } void WriteVarLen(char* midifile, int* current, long value) { long buffer; buffer = value & 0x7f; while (value >>= 7) { buffer <<= 8; buffer |= 0x80; buffer += (value & 0x7f); } while (1) { midifile[(*current)++] = buffer; if (buffer & 0x80) buffer >>= 8; else break; } } #define singlepauses /* FIXME: need adding tempo before each note and scale too ? */ void savemid(FILE* file, GSM_Ringtone *ringtone) { char midifile[3000] = { 0x4D, 0x54, 0x68, 0x64, // MThd 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, // chunk length 0x00, 0x00, // format 0 0x00, 0x01, // one track 0x00, 0x20, // 32 per quarter note 0x4D, 0x54, 0x72, 0x6B, // MTrk 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // chunk length 0x00, 0xFF, 0x51, 0x03, // tempo meta event 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // 3 bytes for us for a quarter note }; //{ "c", "c#", "d", "d#", "e", "f", "f#", "g", "g#", "a", "a#", "h" }; char midinotes[14] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 , 11, 11 }; int length = 20; int start = 22; int current = 26, i, note, pause = 0; bool notesexisting = false; /* FIXME: we need add tempo before each note or so... */ long duration=60000000/63; // us for a quarter note if (ringtone->NrNotes!=0) duration=60000000/ringtone->notes[0].tempo; midifile[current++] = duration >> 16; midifile[current++] = duration >> 8; midifile[current++] = duration; for (i = 0; i < ringtone->NrNotes; i++) { note = ringtone->notes[i].note; if (note == 255) { // readmid does not read pauses at the beginning if (notesexisting) { pause += ringtone->notes[i].duration; #ifdef singlepauses WriteVarLen(midifile,¤t,pause); pause=0; midifile[current++]=0x00; // pause midifile[current++]=0x00; #endif } } else { notesexisting = true; note = 48+12*((note/14)%4) + midinotes[note%14]; WriteVarLen(midifile,¤t,pause); pause=0; midifile[current++]=0x90; // note on midifile[current++]=note; midifile[current++]=0x64; // forte WriteVarLen(midifile,¤t,ringtone->notes[i].duration); midifile[current++]=0x80; // note off midifile[current++]=note; midifile[current++]=0x64; } } if (pause) { WriteVarLen(midifile,¤t,pause); midifile[current++]=0x00; // pause midifile[current++]=0x00; // } midifile[current++] = 0x00; midifile[current++] = 0xFF; // track end midifile[current++] = 0x2F; midifile[current++] = 0x00; midifile[length++] = (current-start) >> 8; midifile[length++] = current-start; fwrite(midifile,1,current,file); } GSM_Error GSM_ReadBitmapFile(char *FileName, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { FILE *file; unsigned char buffer[300]; GSM_Error error; GSM_Filetypes filetype=None; file = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); fread(buffer, 1, 9, file); /* Read the header of the file. */ /* Attempt to identify filetype */ if (memcmp(buffer, "NOL",3)==0) { /* NOL files have 'NOL' at the start */ filetype=NOL; } else if (memcmp(buffer, "NGG",3)==0) { /* NGG files have 'NGG' at the start */ filetype=NGG; } else if (memcmp(buffer, "FORM",4)==0) { /* NSL files have 'FORM' at the start */ filetype=NSL; } else if (memcmp(buffer, "NLM",3)==0) { /* NLM files have 'NLM' at the start */ filetype=NLM; } else if (memcmp(buffer, "BM",2)==0) { /* BMP, I61 and GGP files have 'BM' at the start */ filetype=BMP; } else if (memcmp(buffer, "/* XPM */",9)==0) { /* XPM files have 'XPM' at the start */ filetype=XPMF; } else filetype=None; if (strstr(FileName,".otb")) filetype=OTA; /* OTA files saved by NCDS3 */ error=GE_NONE; rewind(file); switch (filetype) { case NOL: error=loadnol(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; case NGG: error=loadngg(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; case NSL: error=loadnsl(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; case NLM: error=loadnlm(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; case OTA: error=loadota(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; case BMP: error=loadbmp(file,bitmap); fclose(file); break; #ifdef XPM case XPMF:fclose(file);error=loadxpm(FileName,bitmap);break; #endif default : error=GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT; } return(error); } #ifdef XPM GSM_Error loadxpm(char *filename, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { int y,x,error; XpmImage image; XpmInfo info; error=XpmReadFileToXpmImage(filename,&image,&info); switch (error) { case XpmColorError: return GE_WRONGCOLORS;break; case XpmColorFailed: return GE_WRONGCOLORS;break; case XpmOpenFailed: return GE_CANTOPENFILE;break; case XpmFileInvalid: return GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT;break; case XpmSuccess: break; } if (image.ncolors!=2) { printf("Wrong number of colors\n"); return GE_WRONGNUMBEROFCOLORS; } if ((image.height==48) && (image.width==84)) { bitmap->type=GSM_StartupLogo; } else if ((image.height==65) && (image.width==96)) { bitmap->type=GSM_7110StartupLogo; } else if ((image.height==60) && (image.width==96)) { bitmap->type=GSM_6210StartupLogo; } else if ((image.height==28) && (image.width==72)) { bitmap->type=GSM_PictureImage; } else if ((image.height==14) && (image.width==72)) { bitmap->type=GSM_CallerLogo; } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Invalid Image Size (%dx%d).\n",image.width,image.height); #endif return GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE; } bitmap->height=image.height; bitmap->width=image.width; bitmap->size=bitmap->height*bitmap->width/8; GSM_ClearBitmap(bitmap); for(y=0;ytype=GSM_7110StartupLogo; bitmap->width=96; bitmap->height=65; if (h==48 && w==84) { bitmap->width=84; bitmap->height=48; bitmap->type=GSM_StartupLogo; } if (h==60 && w==96) { bitmap->width=96; bitmap->height=60; bitmap->type=GSM_6210StartupLogo; } if (h==14 && w==72) { bitmap->width=72; bitmap->height=14; bitmap->type=GSM_CallerLogo; } if (h==28 && w==72) { bitmap->width=72; bitmap->height=28; bitmap->type=GSM_PictureImage; } if (h==21 && w==78) { bitmap->width=78; bitmap->height=21; bitmap->type=GSM_7110OperatorLogo; } /* Gabo !!! */ bitmap->size=(bitmap->width*bitmap->height + 7)/8; GSM_ClearBitmap(bitmap); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Number of colors in BMP file: "); switch (buffer[28]) { case 1:printf("2 (supported by gnokii)\n");break; case 4:printf("16 (not supported by gnokii)\n");break; case 8:printf("256 (not supported by gnokii)\n");break; case 24:printf("True Color (not supported by gnokii)\n");break; default:printf("unknown\n");break; } #endif if (buffer[28]!=1) { printf("Wrong number of colors\n"); //we support only 2 colors images ! return GE_WRONGNUMBEROFCOLORS; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Compression in BMP file: "); switch (buffer[30]) { case 0:printf("no compression (supported by gnokii)\n");break; case 1:printf("RLE8 (not supported by gnokii)\n");break; case 2:printf("RLE4 (not supported by gnokii)\n");break; default:printf("unknown\n");break; } #endif if (buffer[30]!=0) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Subformat not supported\n"); //we don't support RLE compression #endif return GE_SUBFORMATNOTSUPPORTED; } pos=buffer[10]-34; fread(buffer, 1, pos, file); //rest of header (if exists) and color palette #ifdef DEBUG printf("First color in BMP file: %i %i %i ",buffer[pos-8], buffer[pos-7], buffer[pos-6]); if (buffer[pos-8]==0 && buffer[pos-7]==0 && buffer[pos-6]==0) printf("(white)"); if (buffer[pos-8]==0xFF && buffer[pos-7]==0xFF && buffer[pos-6]==0xFF) printf("(black)"); if (buffer[pos-8]==102 && buffer[pos-7]==204 && buffer[pos-6]==102) printf("(green)"); printf("\n"); printf("Second color in BMP file: %i %i %i ",buffer[pos-4], buffer[pos-3], buffer[pos-2]); if (buffer[pos-4]==0 && buffer[pos-3]==0 && buffer[pos-2]==0) printf("(white)"); if (buffer[pos-4]==0xFF && buffer[pos-3]==0xFF && buffer[pos-2]==0xFF) printf("(black)"); printf("\n"); #endif first_white=true; if (buffer[pos-8]!=0 || buffer[pos-7]!=0 || buffer[pos-6]!=0) first_white=false; sizeimage=0; pos=7; for (y=h-1;y>=0;y--) { //lines are written from the last to the first i=1; for (x=0;xwidth && y<=bitmap->height) { //we have top left corner ! if (first_white) { if ((buffer[0]&(1<0) GSM_SetPointBitmap(bitmap,x,y); } } pos--; if (pos<0) pos=7; //going to new byte } pos=7; //going to new byte if (i!=1) { while (i!=5) //each line is written in multiply of 4 bytes { fread(buffer, 1, 1, file); sizeimage++; i++; } } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Data size in BMP file: %i\n",sizeimage); #endif return(GE_NONE); } GSM_Error loadnol(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { unsigned char buffer[2000]; int i,j; bitmap->type=GSM_OperatorLogo; fread(buffer, 1, 6, file); fread(buffer, 1, 4, file); sprintf(bitmap->netcode, "%d %02d", buffer[0]+256*buffer[1], buffer[2]); fread(buffer, 1, 4, file); /* Width and height of the icon. */ bitmap->width=buffer[0]; bitmap->height=buffer[2]; bitmap->size=bitmap->height*bitmap->width/8; if ((bitmap->height!=14) || (bitmap->width!=72)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Invalid Image Size (%dx%d).\n",bitmap->width,bitmap->height); #endif return GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE; } fread(buffer, 1, 6, file); /* Unknown bytes. */ for (i=0; isize; i++) { if (fread(buffer, 1, 8, file)==8) { bitmap->bitmap[i]=0; for (j=7; j>=0;j--) if (buffer[7-j] == '1') bitmap->bitmap[i]|=(1<type=GSM_CallerLogo; fread(buffer, 1, 6, file); fread(buffer, 1, 4, file); /* Width and height of the icon. */ bitmap->width=buffer[0]; bitmap->height=buffer[2]; bitmap->size=bitmap->height*bitmap->width/8; if ((bitmap->height!=14) || (bitmap->width!=72)) { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Invalid Image Size (%dx%d).\n",bitmap->width,bitmap->height); #endif return GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE; } fread(buffer, 1, 6, file); /* Unknown bytes. */ for (i=0; isize; i++) { if (fread(buffer, 1, 8, file)==8){ bitmap->bitmap[i]=0; for (j=7; j>=0;j--) if (buffer[7-j] == '1') bitmap->bitmap[i]|=(1<size=0; while (fread(block,1,6,file)==6) { block_size=block[4]*256+block[5]; #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,_("Block %c%c%c%c, size %i\n"),block[0],block[1],block[2],block[3],block_size); #endif if (!strncmp(block, "FORM", 4)) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,_(" File ID\n")); #endif } else { if (block_size>504) return(GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT); if (block_size!=0) { fread(buffer,1,block_size,file); buffer[block_size]=0; //if it's string, we end it with \0 #ifdef DEBUG if (!strncmp(block, "VERS", 4)) fprintf(stdout,_(" File saved by: %s\n"),buffer); if (!strncmp(block, "MODL", 4)) fprintf(stdout,_(" Logo saved from: %s\n"),buffer); if (!strncmp(block, "COMM", 4)) fprintf(stdout,_(" Phone was connected to COM port: %s\n"),buffer); #endif if (!strncmp(block, "NSLD", 4)) { bitmap->type=GSM_StartupLogo; bitmap->height=48; bitmap->width=84; bitmap->size=(bitmap->height*bitmap->width)/8; memcpy(bitmap->bitmap,buffer,bitmap->size); #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stdout,_(" Startup logo (size %i)\n"),block_size); #endif } } } } if (bitmap->size==0) return(GE_TOOSHORT); return(GE_NONE); } GSM_Error loadnlm (FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { unsigned char buffer[1000]; int pos,pos2,x,y; div_t division; fread(buffer,1,5,file); fread(buffer,1,1,file); switch (buffer[0]) { case 0x00: bitmap->type=GSM_OperatorLogo; break; case 0x01: bitmap->type=GSM_CallerLogo; break; case 0x02: bitmap->type=GSM_StartupLogo; break; case 0x03: bitmap->type=GSM_PictureImage; break; default: return(GE_SUBFORMATNOTSUPPORTED); } fread(buffer,1,4,file); bitmap->width=buffer[1]; bitmap->height=buffer[2]; if (bitmap->type==GSM_StartupLogo && bitmap->width==96 && bitmap->height==65) bitmap->type=GSM_7110StartupLogo; if (bitmap->type==GSM_StartupLogo && bitmap->width==96 && bitmap->height==60) bitmap->type=GSM_6210StartupLogo; if (bitmap->type==GSM_OperatorLogo && bitmap->width==78 && bitmap->height==21) bitmap->type=GSM_7110OperatorLogo; bitmap->size=bitmap->width*bitmap->height/8; division=div(bitmap->width,8); if (division.rem!=0) division.quot++; /* For startup logos */ if (fread(buffer,1,(division.quot*bitmap->height),file)!=(division.quot*bitmap->height)) return(GE_TOOSHORT); GSM_ClearBitmap(bitmap); pos=0;pos2=7; for (y=0;yheight;y++) { for (x=0;xwidth;x++) { if ((buffer[pos]&(1<0) GSM_SetPointBitmap(bitmap,x,y); pos2--; if (pos2<0) {pos2=7;pos++;} //going to new byte } if (pos2!=7) {pos2=7;pos++;} //for startup logos-new line means new byte } return (GE_NONE); } GSM_Error loadota(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { char buffer[4]; fread(buffer,1,4,file); bitmap->width=buffer[1]; bitmap->height=buffer[2]; bitmap->size=bitmap->width*bitmap->height/8; if ((bitmap->height==48) && (bitmap->width==84)) { bitmap->type=GSM_StartupLogo; } else if ((bitmap->height==14) && (bitmap->width==72)) { bitmap->type=GSM_CallerLogo; } else { #ifdef DEBUG printf("Invalid Image Size (%dx%d).\n",bitmap->width,bitmap->height); #endif return GE_INVALIDIMAGESIZE; } if (fread(bitmap->bitmap,1,bitmap->size,file)!=bitmap->size) return(GE_TOOSHORT); return(GE_NONE); } GSM_Error GSM_SaveBitmapFile(char *FileName, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { FILE *file; bool done=false; file = fopen(FileName, "wb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); if (strstr(FileName,".xpm")) { savexpm(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".nlm")) { savenlm(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".ngg")) { savengg(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".nsl")) { savensl(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".otb")) { saveota(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".nol")) { savenol(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (strstr(FileName,".bmp") || strstr(FileName,".ggp") || strstr(FileName,".i61")) { savebmp(file, bitmap); done=true; } if (!done) { switch (bitmap->type) { case GSM_CallerLogo : savengg(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_OperatorLogo : savenol(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_7110OperatorLogo: savebmp(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_7110StartupLogo : savebmp(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_6210StartupLogo : savebmp(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_StartupLogo : savensl(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_PictureImage : savenlm(file, bitmap); break; case GSM_WelcomeNoteText : break; case GSM_DealerNoteText : break; case GSM_None : break; } } fclose(file); return GE_NONE; } void savexpm(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { int x,y; fprintf(file,_("/* XPM */\n")); fprintf(file,_("static char * ala_xpm[] = {\n")); fprintf(file,_("\"%i %i 2 1\",\n"),bitmap->width,bitmap->height); fprintf(file,_("\". s c m #000000 g4 #000000 g #000000 c #000000\",\n")); fprintf(file,_("\"# s c m #ffffff g4 #ffffff g #ffffff c #ffffff\",\n")); for (y=0;yheight;y++) { fprintf(file,_("\"")); for (x=0;xwidth;x++) if (GSM_IsPointBitmap(bitmap,x,y)) fprintf(file,_(".")); else fprintf(file,_("#")); fprintf(file,_("\"")); if (y==bitmap->height-1) fprintf(file,_("};\n")); else fprintf(file,_(",\n")); } } /* Based on the article from the Polish Magazine "Bajtek" 11/92 */ /* Marcin-Wiacek@Topnet.PL */ void savebmp(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { int x,y,pos,i,sizeimage; unsigned char buffer[1]; div_t division; unsigned char header[]={ /*1'st header*/ 'B','M', /* BMP file ID */ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Size of file */ 0x00,0x00, /* Reserved for future use */ 0x00,0x00, /* Reserved for future use */ 62,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Offset for image data */ /*2'nd header*/ 40,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Length of this part of header */ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Width of image */ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Height of image */ 1,0x00, /* How many planes in target device */ 1,0x00, /* How many colors in image. 1 means 2^1=2 colors */ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Type of compression. 0 means no compression */ /*Sometimes */ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* Size of part with image data */ /*ttttttt...*/ 0xE8,0x03,0x00,0x00, /* XPelsPerMeter */ /*hhiiiiissss*/ 0xE8,0x03,0x00,0x00, /* YPelsPerMeter */ /*part of header*/2,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* How many colors from palette is used */ /*doesn't exist*/ 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, /* How many colors from palette is required to display image. 0 means all */ /*Color palette*/ 0x00,0x00,0x00, /* First color in palette in Blue, Green, Red. Here white */ 0x00, /* Each color in palette is end by 4'th byte */ 102,204,102, /* Second color in palette in Blue, Green, Red. Here green */ 0x00}; /* Each color in palette is end by 4'th byte */ header[22]=bitmap->height; header[18]=bitmap->width; pos=7; sizeimage=0; for (y=bitmap->height-1;y>=0;y--) { //lines are written from the last to the first i=1; for (x=0;xwidth;x++) { if (pos==7) { //new byte ! if (x!=0) sizeimage++; i++; if(i==5) i=1; //each line is written in multiply of 4 bytes } pos--; if (pos<0) pos=7; //going to new byte } pos=7; //going to new byte sizeimage++; if (i!=1) { while (i!=5) //each line is written in multiply of 4 bytes { sizeimage++; i++; } } } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Data size in BMP file: %i\n",sizeimage); #endif division=div(sizeimage,256); header[35]=division.quot; header[34]=sizeimage-(division.quot*256); sizeimage=sizeimage+sizeof(header); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Size of BMP file: %i\n",sizeimage); #endif division=div(sizeimage,256); header[3]=division.quot; header[2]=sizeimage-(division.quot*256); fwrite(header,1,sizeof(header),file); pos=7; for (y=bitmap->height-1;y>=0;y--) { //lines are written from the last to the first i=1; for (x=0;xwidth;x++) { if (pos==7) { //new byte ! if (x!=0) fwrite(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file); i++; if(i==5) i=1; //each line is written in multiply of 4 bytes buffer[0]=0; } if (!GSM_IsPointBitmap(bitmap,x,y)) buffer[0]|=(1<=0;j--) if ((copy.bitmap[i]&(1<0) { buffer[7-j] = '1'; } else { buffer[7-j] = '0'; } fwrite(buffer,1,8,file); } } void savenol(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { char header[]={'N','O','L',0x00,0x01,0x00, 0x00,0x00, /* MCC */ 0x00,0x00, /* MNC */ 0x00,0x00, /* Width */ 0x00,0x00, /* Height */ 0x01,0x00,0x01,0x00, 0x00, /* Unknown.Can't be checksum - for */ /* the same logo files can be different */ 0x00}; char buffer[8]; int i,j,country,net; GSM_Bitmap copy; copy=*bitmap; GSM_ResizeBitmap(©,GSM_OperatorLogo); sscanf(copy.netcode, "%d %d", &country, &net); header[6]=country%256; header[7]=country/256; header[8]=net%256; header[9]=net/256; header[10]=copy.width; header[12]=copy.height; fwrite(header,1,sizeof(header),file); for (i=0; i=0;j--) if ((copy.bitmap[i]&(1<0) { buffer[7-j] = '1'; } else { buffer[7-j] = '0'; } fwrite(buffer,1,8,file); } } void savensl(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { u8 header[]={'F','O','R','M', 0x01,0xFE, /* File ID block, size 1*256+0xFE=510*/ 'N','S','L','D', 0x01,0xF8}; /* Startup Logo block, size 1*256+0xF8=504*/ GSM_Bitmap copy; copy=*bitmap; GSM_ResizeBitmap(©,GSM_StartupLogo); fwrite(header,1,sizeof(header),file); fwrite(copy.bitmap,1,copy.size,file); } void saveota(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { char header[]={0x01, 0x00, /* Width */ 0x00, /* Height */ 0x01}; GSM_Bitmap copy; copy=*bitmap; header[1]=copy.width; header[2]=copy.height; fwrite(header,1,sizeof(header),file); fwrite(copy.bitmap,1,copy.size,file); } void savenlm(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap *bitmap) { char header[]={'N','L','M', /* Nokia Logo Manager file ID. */ 0x20, 0x01, 0x00, /* 0x00 (OP), 0x01 (CLI), 0x02 (Startup), 0x03 (Picture)*/ 0x00, /* Number of images inside file - 1. 0x01==2 images, 0x03==4 images, etc. */ 0x00, /* Width. */ 0x00, /* Height. */ 0x01}; unsigned char buffer[1000]; int x,y,pos,pos2; div_t division; GSM_Bitmap copy; copy=*bitmap; switch (copy.type) { case GSM_OperatorLogo : header[5]=0x00; break; case GSM_7110OperatorLogo: header[5]=0x00; break; case GSM_CallerLogo : header[5]=0x01; break; case GSM_StartupLogo : header[5]=0x02; break; case GSM_7110StartupLogo : header[5]=0x02; break; case GSM_6210StartupLogo : header[5]=0x02; break; case GSM_PictureImage : header[5]=0x03; break; case GSM_WelcomeNoteText : break; case GSM_DealerNoteText : break; case GSM_None : break; } header[7]=copy.width; header[8]=copy.height; pos=0;pos2=7; for (y=0;y overwrite * mode == 1 -> ask * mode == 2 -> append */ int GSM_SaveTextFile(char *FileName, char *text, int mode) { FILE *file; if (mode == 2) file = fopen(FileName, "a"); else file = fopen(FileName, "w"); if (!file) return -1; fprintf(file, "%s\n\n", text); fclose(file); return mode; } GSM_Error GSM_SaveBackupFile(char *FileName, GSM_Backup *backup) { FILE *file; file = fopen(FileName, "wb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); savelmb(file, backup); fclose(file); return GE_NONE; } void savelmbstartupentry(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap startup, GSM_Bitmap text, bool available) { /* Welcome note and logo header block */ char req[1000] = {'W','E','L',' ', /*block identifier*/ 00,00, /*block data size*/ 0x02,00,00,00,00,00, 0x02}; /*number of blocks (like in 6110 frame)*/ int count=13; if (!available) { } else { count=count+N6110_MakeStartupLogoFrame(req+13,startup); } req[count++]=0x02; req[count++]=strlen(text.text); memcpy(req+count,text.text,strlen(text.text)); count=count+strlen(text.text); req[4]=(count-12)%256; req[5]=(count-12)/256; fwrite(req, 1, count, file); } void savelmbopentry(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap bitmap) { /* Operator logo header block */ char req[500] = {'O','L','G',' ', /*block identifier*/ 0x88,00, /*block data size*/ 0x02,00,00,00,00,00,00}; int count=13; count=count+N6110_MakeOperatorLogoFrame(req+13,bitmap); req[4]=(count-7)%256; req[5]=(count-7)/256; req[17]=req[17]+5; //we fix size of logo block fwrite(req, 1, count, file); } /* Work in progress ! */ void savelmbspeedentry(FILE *file, GSM_SpeedDial speed) { /* Speed dial header block */ char req[] = {'S','P','D',' ', /*block identifier*/ 0x03,00, /*block data size*/ 0x02,00, 00, /*number of speed dial*/ 00,0xFF,00, 00, /*number of speed dial*/ 03, /*memory type. ME=02;SM=03*/ 00}; /*number of location assigned to speed dial*/ req[8]=req[12]=speed.Number; if (speed.MemoryType==GMT_ME) req[13]=2; //memory type=GMT_ME req[14]=speed.Location; fwrite(req, 1, 15, file); } void savelmbcallerentry(FILE *file, GSM_Bitmap bitmap) { char req[500] = {'C','G','R',' ', /*block identifier*/ 00,00, /*block data size*/ 02,00, 00, /*group number=0,1,etc.*/ 00,00,00}; int count=12; req[8]=bitmap.number; count=count+N6110_MakeCallerGroupFrame(req+12,bitmap); req[4]=(count-11)%256; req[5]=(count-11)/256; fwrite(req, 1, count, file); } void savelmbpbkentry(FILE *file, GSM_PhonebookEntry entry) { char req[500] = {'P','B','E','2', /*block identifier*/ 00,00, /*block data size*/ 00,00, 00, /*position of phonebook entry*/ 00, 03, /*memory type. ME=02;SM=03*/ 00, 00, /*position of phonebook entry*/ 00, 03, /*memory type. ME=02;SM=03*/ 00}; int count = 16, blocks; req[8]=req[12]=entry.Location; //position of this entry if (entry.MemoryType==GMT_ME) req[10]=req[14]=2; /* There is NO full compatibility with files created by Logo Manager, anyway it works OK with files saved by this function - some bytes are probably random */ count=count+N7110_MakePhonebookFrame(req+16, entry, &blocks); req[4]=(count-12)%256; req[5]=(count-12)/256; fwrite(req, 1, count, file); } void savelmb(FILE *file, GSM_Backup *backup) { int i; char LMBHeader[] = {'L','M','B',' '}; /*file identifier*/ /* Phonebook header block */ char PBKHeader[] = {'P','B','K',' ', /*block identifier*/ 0x08,00, /*block data size*/ 0x02,00, 03, /*memory type. ME=02;SM=03*/ 00,00,00, 00,00, /*size of phonebook*/ 14, /*max length of each position*/ 00,00,00,00,00}; fwrite(LMBHeader, 1, sizeof(LMBHeader), file); /* Write the header of the file. */ if (backup->SIMPhonebookUsed!=0) { PBKHeader[12]=backup->SIMPhonebookSize%256; PBKHeader[13]=backup->SIMPhonebookSize/256; fwrite(PBKHeader, 1, sizeof(PBKHeader), file); for (i=0;iSIMPhonebookUsed;i++) savelmbpbkentry(file, backup->SIMPhonebook[i]); } if (backup->PhonePhonebookUsed!=0) { PBKHeader[8]=2; //memory type=GMT_ME PBKHeader[12]=backup->PhonePhonebookSize%256; PBKHeader[13]=backup->PhonePhonebookSize/256; PBKHeader[14]=0x16; //max size of one entry fwrite(PBKHeader, 1, sizeof(PBKHeader), file); for (i=0;iPhonePhonebookUsed;i++) savelmbpbkentry(file, backup->PhonePhonebook[i]); } if (backup->CallerAvailable) for (i=0;i<5;i++) savelmbcallerentry(file,backup->CallerGroups[i]); if (backup->SpeedAvailable) for (i=0;i<8;i++) savelmbspeedentry(file,backup->SpeedDials[i]); if (backup->OperatorLogoAvailable) savelmbopentry(file,backup->OperatorLogo); savelmbstartupentry(file,backup->StartupLogo,backup->StartupText,backup->StartupLogoAvailable); } GSM_Error loadlmb(FILE *file, GSM_Backup *backup) { // fread(buffer, 1, 6, file); return(GE_NONE); } GSM_Error GSM_ReadBackupFile(char *FileName, GSM_Backup *backup) { FILE *file; unsigned char buffer[300]; GSM_Error error; GSM_Filetypes filetype=None; file = fopen(FileName, "rb"); if (!file) return(GE_CANTOPENFILE); fread(buffer, 1, 4, file); /* Read the header of the file. */ /* Attempt to identify filetype */ if (memcmp(buffer, "LMB ",4)==0) { /* LMB files have 'LMB ' at the start */ filetype=LMB; } else filetype=None; error=GE_NONE; rewind(file); switch (filetype) { case LMB: error=loadlmb(file,backup); fclose(file); break; default : error=GE_INVALIDFILEFORMAT; } return(error); }