/* $Id$ G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for mobile phones. Copyright 2001 Manfred Jonsson Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. $Log$ Revision 2002/04/03 00:08:07 short Found in "gnokii-working" directory, some November-patches version Revision 1.4 2001/09/09 21:45:49 machek Cleanups from Ladislav Michl : *) do *not* internationalize debug messages *) some whitespace fixes, do not use // *) break is unneccessary after return Revision 1.3 2001/08/20 23:27:37 pkot Add hardware shakehand to the link layer (Manfred Jonsson) Revision 1.2 2001/08/09 11:51:39 pkot Generic AT support updates and cleanup (Manfred Jonsson) Revision 1.1 2001/07/27 00:02:21 pkot Generic AT support for the new structure (Manfred Jonsson) */ /* System header files */ #include #include #include #include /* Various header file */ #include "config.h" #ifndef DEBUG #define DEBUG #endif #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "gsm-ringtones.h" #include "gsm-networks.h" #include "device.h" #include "links/utils.h" #include "gsm-statemachine.h" #define __atbus_c #include "links/atbus.h" /* FIXME - pass device_* the link stuff?? */ /* FIXME - win32 stuff! */ /* Some globals */ static GSM_Link *glink; static GSM_Statemachine *statemachine; static int binlength = 0; static char reply_buf[1024]; static int reply_buf_pos = 0; static int xwrite(unsigned char *d, int len) { int res; while (len) { res = device_write(d, len); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { perror("gnokii I/O error "); return -1; } } else { d += res; len -= res; } } return 0; } static GSM_Error AT_SendMessage(u16 message_length, u8 message_type, void *msg) { usleep(10000); xwrite((char*)msg, message_length); return GE_NONE; } /* RX_State machine for receive handling. Called once for each character received from the phone. */ void ATBUS_RX_StateMachine(unsigned char rx_char) { reply_buf[reply_buf_pos++] = rx_char; reply_buf[reply_buf_pos] = '\0'; if (reply_buf_pos >= binlength) { if (((reply_buf_pos > 3) && (!strncmp(reply_buf+reply_buf_pos-4, "OK\r\n", 4))) || ((reply_buf_pos > 6) && (!strncmp(reply_buf+reply_buf_pos-7, "ERROR\r\n", 7)))) { SM_IncomingFunction(statemachine, 1, reply_buf, reply_buf_pos); reply_buf_pos = 0; binlength = 0; return; } /* needed for binary date etc TODO: correct reading of variable length integers if (reply_buf_pos == 12) { if (!strncmp(reply_buf + 3, "ABC", 3) { binlength = atoi(reply_buf + 8); } } */ } } bool ATBUS_OpenSerial(int hw_handshake) { int result; result = device_open(glink->PortDevice, false, false, hw_handshake, GCT_Serial); if (!result) { perror(_("Couldn't open ATBUS device")); return (false); } device_changespeed(19200); if (hw_handshake) { device_setdtrrts(0, 1); sleep(1); device_setdtrrts(1, 1); /* make 7110 happy */ sleep(1); } else { device_setdtrrts(0, 0); } return (true); } GSM_Error ATBUS_Loop(struct timeval *timeout) { unsigned char buffer[255]; int count, res; res = device_select(timeout); if (res > 0) { res = device_read(buffer, 255); for (count = 0; count < res; count++) ATBUS_RX_StateMachine(buffer[count]); } else return GE_TIMEOUT; /* This traps errors from device_read */ if (res > 0) return GE_NONE; else return GE_INTERNALERROR; } /* Initialise variables and start the link */ GSM_Error ATBUS_Initialise(GSM_Statemachine *state, int hw_handshake) { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); /* 'Copy in' the global structures */ glink = &(state->Link); statemachine = state; /* Fill in the link functions */ glink->Loop = &ATBUS_Loop; glink->SendMessage = &AT_SendMessage; if (glink->ConnectionType == GCT_Serial) { if (!ATBUS_OpenSerial(hw_handshake)) return GE_DEVICEOPENFAILED; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Device not supported by ATBUS"); return GE_DEVICEOPENFAILED; } return GE_NONE; }