/* -*- linux-c -*- $Id$ G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones. Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Pavel Machek Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. $Log$ Revision 2002/04/03 00:08:09 short Found in "gnokii-working" directory, some November-patches version Revision 1.12 2001/10/21 22:23:56 machek Use symbolic constants instead of numbers At least detect when we get other message than we asked for Provide option to passively wait for sms-es Revision 1.11 2001/08/20 23:27:37 pkot Add hardware shakehand to the link layer (Manfred Jonsson) Revision 1.10 2001/07/17 22:46:27 pkot Removed warning when compiling with --enable-debug (Pawel Kot) Revision 1.9 2001/06/17 16:42:59 machek Created another level of error message (ddprintf), fixed code not to exit on error condition. Now it is actualy usable on my Philips Velo. Revision 1.8 2001/06/16 10:00:41 machek Implement timeouts on waiting for SMS. Revision 1.7 2001/06/10 23:49:49 pkot Small fixes to hide compilation warnings and allow gnokii.c to compile Revision 1.6 2001/06/10 11:28:00 machek Convert GetSMS/DeleteSMS to new structure. Revision 1.5 2001/06/06 09:05:56 machek Convert Grab/Release display to new structure. Revision 1.4 2001/05/09 20:18:46 machek Cleaned up code a bit. Made it use device_() interface. Reworked delay system; now it is 4 times faster. 5 times faster if you hold * key on phone (?!). Revision 1.3 2001/05/07 14:13:03 machek nokia-2110 module converted to suit new API better. --identify now works. Revision 1.2 2001/04/27 16:00:01 machek Better error messages. Revision 1.1 2001/04/25 12:54:47 machek Partly converted nokia 2110 to "new" form, and moved it to phone directory. Notice that this code was (partly) converted to "new" structure, but it does not have code for bus separated. I think that separating it would be waste of effort... --pavel */ #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #undef DEBUG #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "mbus-2110.h" #include "phones/nokia.h" #include "device.h" #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "phones/generic.h" #include "phones/nk2110.h" #define MYID 0x78 #define ddprintf(x...) #define eprintf(x...) fprintf(stderr, x) #undef DEBUG static GSM_Error P2110_Functions(GSM_Operation op, GSM_Data *data, GSM_Statemachine *state); /* Global variables used by code in gsm-api.c to expose the functions supported by this model of phone. */ bool N2110_LinkOK; static char PortDevice[GSM_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH]; static char *Revision = NULL, *RevisionDate = NULL, *Model = NULL, VersionInfo[64]; #define INFO \ { \ "2110|2140|6080", /* Models */ \ 100, /* Max RF Level */ \ 0, /* Min RF Level */ \ GRF_Percentage, /* RF level units */ \ 100, /* Max Battery Level */ \ 0, /* Min Battery Level */ \ GBU_Percentage, /* Battery level units */ \ GDT_None, /* No date/time support */ \ GDT_None, /* No alarm support */ \ 0, /* Max alarms = 0 */ \ 0, 0, /* Startup logo size */ \ 0, 0, /* Op logo size */ \ 0, 0 /* Caller logo size */ \ } GSM_Information N2110_Information = INFO; GSM_Phone phone_nokia_2110 = { NULL, NULL, INFO, P2110_Functions }; /* Local variables */ static volatile bool RequestTerminate; static u8 TXPacketNumber = 0x01; #define MAX_MODEL_LENGTH 16 static volatile unsigned char PacketData[10240]; static volatile bool ACKOK = false, PacketOK = false; static volatile int SMSpos = 0; static volatile unsigned char SMSData[10240]; static long long LastChar = 0; static long long GetTime(void) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (long long) tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec; } static void SigHandler(int status); #define POLLIT do { SigHandler(0); } while (0) static void yield(void) { usleep(5000); } static void Wait(long long from, int msec) { while (GetTime() < from + ((long long) msec)*1000) { yield(); POLLIT; } } static void Wait2(long long from, int msec) { while (GetTime() < from + ((long long) msec)*1000) { yield(); } } #define msleep(x) do { usleep(x*1000); } while (0) #define msleep_poll(x) do { Wait(GetTime(), x); } while (0) #define waitfor(condition, maxtime) \ do { \ long long limit = GetTime() + maxtime*1000; \ if (!maxtime) limit = 0x7fffffffffffffffULL; \ while ((!(condition)) && (limit > GetTime())) { \ yield(); \ POLLIT; \ } \ if (!(limit > GetTime())) eprintf("???? TIMEOUT!"); \ } while(0) /* Checksum calculation */ static u8 GetChecksum( u8 * packet, int len ) { u8 checksum = 0; unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) checksum ^= packet[i]; /* calculate checksum */ return checksum; } /* --------------- */ static int xread(unsigned char *d, int len) { int res; while (len) { res = device_read(d, len); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { dprintf("I/O error : %m?!\n"); return -1; } else device_select(NULL); } else { d += res; len -= res; dprintf("(%d)", len); } } return 0; } static int xwrite(unsigned char *d, int len) { int res; while (len) { res = device_write(d, len); if (res == -1) { if (errno != EAGAIN) { dprintf("I/O error : %m?!\n"); return -1; } } else { d += res; len -= res; dprintf("<%d>", len); } } return 0; } /* --------------------------- */ static GSM_Error SendFrame( u8 *buffer, u8 command, u8 length ) { u8 pkt[10240], pkt2[10240]; int current = 0; pkt[current++] = 0x00; /* Construct the header. */ pkt[current++] = MYID; pkt[current++] = length; /* Set data size */ pkt[current++] = command; memcpy( pkt + current, buffer, length ); /* Copy in data. */ current += length; pkt[current++] = TXPacketNumber; /* Set packet number */ pkt[current++] = GetChecksum( pkt, current); /* Calculate and set checksum */ #ifdef DEBUG { int i; u8 b; fprintf( stderr, _("PC : ") ); for( i = 0; i < current; i++ ) { b = pkt[i]; fprintf( stderr, "[%02X %c]", b, b > 0x20 ? b : '.' ); } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Send it out... */ ddprintf("("); Wait2(LastChar, 3); /* I should put my messages at least 2msec apart... */ ddprintf(")"); dprintf("writing..."); LastChar = GetTime(); if (xwrite(pkt, current) == -1) return (GE_INTERNALERROR); if (xread(pkt2, current) == -1) return (GE_INTERNALERROR); dprintf("echook"); if (memcmp(pkt, pkt2, current)) { eprintf("Bad echo?!"); msleep(1000); return (GE_TIMEOUT); } return (GE_NONE); } static GSM_Error SendCommand( u8 *buffer, u8 command, u8 length ) { int time, retries = 10; char pkt[10240]; // msleep(2); while ((time = device_read(pkt, 10240)) != -1) { int j; char b; dprintf("Spurious? (%d)", time); dprintf( _("Phone: ") ); for( j = 0; j < time; j++ ) { b = pkt[j]; dprintf( "[%02X %c]", b, b >= 0x20 ? b : '.' ); } msleep(2); } ACKOK = false; time = 30; while (retries--) { long long now; SendFrame(buffer, command, length); now = GetTime(); while ((GetTime() - now) < time*1000) { if (ACKOK) return GE_NONE; yield(); POLLIT; } time = 50; /* 5 seems to be enough */ dprintf("[resend]"); } eprintf("Command not okay after 10 retries!\n"); return GE_BUSY; } /* Applications should call Terminate to close the serial port. */ static void Terminate(void) { /* Request termination of thread */ RequestTerminate = true; device_close(); } static GSM_Error SMS(GSM_SMSMessage *message, int command) { u8 pkt[] = { 0x10, 0x02, 0, 0 }; SMSpos = 0; memset((void *) &SMSData[0], 0, 255); PacketOK = false; pkt[1] = command; pkt[2] = 1; /* == LM_SMS_MEM_TYPE_DEFAULT or LM_SMS_MEM_TYPE_SIM or LM_SMS_MEM_TYPE_ME */ pkt[3] = message->Location; message->MessageNumber = message->Location; SendCommand(pkt, LM_SMS_COMMAND, sizeof(pkt)); msleep_poll(300); /* We have to keep acknowledning phone's data */ waitfor(PacketOK, 1000); if (!PacketOK) { eprintf("SMS: No reply came within second!\n"); } if (PacketData[3] != LM_SMS_EVENT) { eprintf("Something is very wrong with SMS\n"); return GE_BUSY; /* FIXME */ } if ((SMSData[2]) && (SMSData[2] != message->Location)) { eprintf("Wanted message @%d, got message at @%d!\n", message->Location, SMSData[2]); return GE_BUSY; } return (GE_NONE); } static GSM_Error DecodeIncomingSMS(GSM_SMSMessage *m) { int i, len; ddprintf("Status: " ); switch (SMSData[3]) { case 7: m->Type = GST_MO; m->Status = GSS_NOTSENTREAD; ddprintf("not sent\n"); break; case 5: m->Type = GST_MO; m->Status = GSS_SENTREAD; ddprintf("sent\n"); break; case 3: m->Type = GST_MT; m->Status = GSS_NOTSENTREAD; ddprintf("not read\n"); break; case 1: m->Type = GST_MT; m->Status = GSS_SENTREAD; ddprintf("read\n"); break; } /* Date is at SMSData[7]; this code is copied from fbus-6110.c*/ { int offset = -32 + 7; m->Time.Year=10*(SMSData[32+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[32+offset]>>4); m->Time.Month=10*(SMSData[33+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[33+offset]>>4); m->Time.Day=10*(SMSData[34+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[34+offset]>>4); m->Time.Hour=10*(SMSData[35+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[35+offset]>>4); m->Time.Minute=10*(SMSData[36+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[36+offset]>>4); m->Time.Second=10*(SMSData[37+offset]&0x0f)+(SMSData[37+offset]>>4); m->Time.Timezone=(10*(SMSData[38+offset]&0x07)+(SMSData[38+offset]>>4))/4; } len = SMSData[14]; ddprintf("%d bytes: ", len ); for (i = 0; i160) eprintf("Magic not allowed\n"); memset(m->MessageText, 0, sizeof(m->MessageText)); strncpy(m->MessageText, (void *) &SMSData[15], len); m->MessageTextLength = len; /* we currently do not support UDH & 8-bit so it is simple */ m->EightBit = false; ddprintf("Text is %s\n", m->MessageText); /* Originator address is at 15+i, followed by message center addres (?) */ { char *s = (char *) &SMSData[15+i]; /* We discard volatile. Make compiler quiet. */ strcpy(m->Sender, s); s+=strlen(s)+1; strcpy(m->MessageCenter.Number, s); ddprintf("Sender = %s, MessageCenter = %s\n", m->Sender, m->MessageCenter.Name); } m->MessageCenter.No = 0; strcpy(m->MessageCenter.Name, "(unknown)"); m->UDHPresent = false; return GE_NONE; } static GSM_Error GetSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *m) { if (m->Location > 10) return GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION; if (SMS(m, LM_SMS_READ_STORED_DATA) != GE_NONE) return GE_BUSY; /* FIXME */ ddprintf("Have message?\n"); if (DecodeIncomingSMS(m) != GE_NONE) return GE_BUSY; if (SMSData[0] != LM_SMS_FORWARD_STORED_DATA) { ddprintf("No sms there? (%x/%d)\n", SMSData[0], SMSpos); return GE_EMPTYSMSLOCATION; } msleep_poll(1000); /* If phone lost our ack, it might retransmit data */ return (GE_NONE); } #if 0 static GSM_Error SendSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *m) { if (m->Location > 10) return GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION; if (SMSData[0] != 0x0b) { ddprintf("No sms there? (%x/%d)\n", SMSData[0], SMSpos); return GE_EMPTYSMSLOCATION; } ddprintf("Status: " ); switch (SMSData[3]) { case 7: m->Type = GST_MO; m->Status = GSS_NOTSENTREAD; ddprintf("not sent\n"); break; case 5: m->Type = GST_MO; m->Status = GSS_SENTREAD; ddprintf("sent\n"); break; case 3: m->Type = GST_MT; m->Status = GSS_NOTSENTREAD; ddprintf("not read\n"); break; case 1: m->Type = GST_MT; m->Status = GSS_SENTREAD; ddprintf("read\n"); break; } return (GE_NONE); } #endif static GSM_Error DeleteSMSMessage(GSM_SMSMessage *message) { ddprintf("deleting..."); return SMS(message, 3); } /* GetRFLevel */ static int GetValue(u8 index, u8 type) { u8 pkt[] = {0x84, 2, 0}; /* Sending 4 at pkt[0] makes phone crash */ int val; pkt[0] = index; pkt[1] = type; PacketOK = false; ddprintf("\nRequesting value(%d)", index); SendCommand(pkt, 0xe5, 3); waitfor(PacketOK, 0); if ((PacketData[3] != 0xe6) || (PacketData[4] != index) || (PacketData[5] != type)) dprintf("Something is very wrong with GetValue\n"); val = PacketData[7]; ddprintf( "Value = %d\n", val ); return (val); } static GSM_Error GetRFLevel(GSM_RFUnits *units, float *level) { int val = GetValue(0x84, 2); float res; if (*units == GRF_Arbitrary) { res = (100* (float) val) / 60.0; /* This should be / 99.0 for some models other than nokia-2110 */ *level = 0; if (res > 10) *level = 1; if (res > 30) *level = 2; if (res > 50) *level = 3; if (res > 70) *level = 4; } else { *level = (100* (float) val) / 60.0; /* This should be / 99.0 for some models other than nokia-2110 */ *units = GRF_Percentage; } return (GE_NONE); } static GSM_Error GetBatteryLevel(GSM_BatteryUnits *units, float *level) { int val = GetValue(0x85, 2); *level = 0; if (val >= 5) *level = 1; if (val >= 10) *level = 2; if (val >= 90) *level = 3; if (*units == GBU_Arbitrary) { } else { /* *level = (100 * (float) val) / 90.0;*/ /* 5..first bar, 10..second bar, 90..third bar */ *level = *level * 33; *units = GBU_Percentage; } return (GE_NONE); } static GSM_Error GetVersionInfo(void) { char *s = VersionInfo; ddprintf("Getting version info...\n"); if (GetValue(0x11, 0x03) == -1) return GE_TIMEOUT; strncpy( s, (void *) &PacketData[6], sizeof(VersionInfo) ); for( Revision = s; *s != 0x0A; s++ ) if( !*s ) return (GE_NONE); *s++ = 0; for( RevisionDate = s; *s != 0x0A; s++ ) if( !*s ) return (GE_NONE); *s++ = 0; for( Model = s; *s != 0x0A; s++ ) if( !*s ) return (GE_NONE); *s++ = 0; ddprintf("Revision %s, Date %s, Model %s\n", Revision, RevisionDate, Model ); return (GE_NONE); } /* Our "Not implemented" functions */ static GSM_Error GetMemoryStatus(GSM_MemoryStatus *Status) { switch(Status->MemoryType) { case GMT_ME: Status->Used = 0; Status->Free = 150; break; case GMT_LD: Status->Used = 5; Status->Free = 0; break; case GMT_ON: Status->Used = 1; Status->Free = 0; break; case GMT_SM: Status->Used = 0; Status->Free = 150; break; default: return (GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED); } return (GE_NONE); } static bool SendRLPFrame(RLP_F96Frame *frame, bool out_dtx) { return (false); } static char * Display(u8 b, int shift, char *s, char *buf) { b >>= shift; b &= 0x03; switch (b) { case 0: break; case 1: case 2: *buf++ = '!'; case 3: strcpy(buf, s); buf += strlen(s); *buf++ = ' '; } return buf; } static GSM_Error (*OutputFn)(char *text, char *ctrl); static int HandlePacket(void) { eprintf("[%x]", PacketData[3]); switch(PacketData[3]) { case 0x12: { /* Text from display */ char buf[10240], *s = buf, *t; t = (char *)&PacketData[8]; #define COPY(x) strncpy(s, t, x); t+=x; s+=x; *s++ = '\n' COPY(10); COPY(10); COPY(10); COPY(3); COPY(12); *s++ = 0; if (OutputFn) (*OutputFn)(buf, NULL); return 1; } case 0x2f: { /* Display lights */ char buf[10240], *s = buf; #undef COPY #define COPY(x, y, z) s = Display(PacketData[x], y, z, s) /* Valid for 2110 */ COPY(4, 0, "d"); COPY(4, 2, "b"); COPY(4, 4, "a"); COPY(4, 6, "lights"); COPY(5, 0, "service"); COPY(5, 2, "scroll_up"); COPY(5, 4, "scroll_down"); COPY(5, 6, "ABC"); COPY(6, 0, "2.>"); COPY(6, 2, "1.>"); COPY(6, 4, "roam"); COPY(6, 6, "handset"); COPY(7, 0, "vmail"); COPY(7, 2, "envelope"); COPY(7, 4, "battbar"); COPY(7, 6, "3.>"); COPY(8, 0, "?1"); COPY(8, 2, "?2"); COPY(8, 4, "fieldbar"); COPY(8, 6, "ring"); *s++ = 0; if (OutputFn) (*OutputFn)(NULL, buf); return 1; #undef COPY } case LM_SMS_EVENT: /* SMS Data */ /* copy bytes 5+ to smsbuf */ ddprintf("SMSdata:"); { int i; for (i=5; i= 0x20 ? b : '.' ); continue; } else { pkt[Index++] = b; if(Index == 3) { Length = b + 6; if (b == 0x7f) Length = 5; if (b == 0x7e) Length = 8; } if(Index >= Length) { if((pkt[0] == MYID || pkt[0]==0xf8) && pkt[1] == 0x00) /* packet from phone */ { ddprintf( _("Phone: ") ); for( j = 0; j < Length; j++ ) { b = pkt[j]; ddprintf( "[%02X %c]", b, b >= 0x20 ? b : '.' ); } ddprintf( "\n" ); /* ensure that we received valid packet */ if(pkt[Length - 1] != GetChecksum(pkt, Length-1)) { eprintf( "***bad checksum***"); } else { if((pkt[2] == 0x7F) || (pkt[2] == 0x7E)) /* acknowledge by phone */ { if (pkt[2] == 0x7F) { dprintf( "[ack]" ); /* Set ACKOK flag */ ACKOK = true; /* Increase TX packet number */ } else { dprintf( "[registration ack]" ); N2110_LinkOK = true; } TXPacketNumber++; } else { /* Copy packet data */ dprintf( "[data]" ); memcpy((void *) PacketData,pkt,Length); /* send acknowledge packet to phone */ msleep(10); ack[0] = 0x00; /* Construct the header. */ ack[1] = pkt[0]; /* Send back id */ ack[2] = 0x7F; /* Set special size value */ ack[3] = pkt[Length - 2]; /* Send back packet number */ ack[4] = GetChecksum( ack, 4); /* Set checksum */ ddprintf( _("PC : ") ); for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) { b = ack[j]; ddprintf( "[%02X %c]", b, b >= 0x20 ? b : '.' ); } ddprintf( "\n" ); LastChar = GetTime(); if( xwrite( ack, 5 ) == -1 ) perror( _("Write error!\n") ); if( xread( ack, 5 ) == -1 ) perror( _("Read ack error!\n") ); /* Set validity flag */ if (!HandlePacket()) PacketOK = true; } } } else eprintf("Got my own echo? That should not be possible!\n"); /* Look for new packet */ Index = 0; Length = 5; } } } } /* Called by initialisation code to open comm port in asynchronous mode. */ bool OpenSerial(void) { int result; ddprintf(_("Setting MBUS communication with 2110...\n")); result = device_open(PortDevice, true, false, false, GCT_Serial); if (!result) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s ...\n", PortDevice); return (false); } ddprintf("%s opened...\n", PortDevice); device_changespeed(9600); device_setdtrrts(1, 1); return (true); } static GSM_Error SetKey(int c, int up) { u8 reg[] = { 0x7a /* RPC_UI_KEY_PRESS or RPC_UI_KEY_RELEASE */, 0, 1, 0 /* key code */ }; reg[0] += up; reg[3] = c; dprintf("\n Pressing %d\n", c ); PacketOK = false; SendCommand( reg, 0xe5, 4 ); waitfor(PacketOK, 0); return GE_NONE; } #define XCTRL(a) (a&0x1f) #define POWER XCTRL('o') #define SEND XCTRL('t') #define END XCTRL('s') #define CLR XCTRL('h') #define MENU XCTRL('d') #define ALPHA XCTRL('a') #define PLUS XCTRL('b') #define MINUS XCTRL('e') #define PREV XCTRL('p') #define NEXT XCTRL('n') #define SOFTA XCTRL('x') #define SOFTB XCTRL('q') static char lastkey; static void PressKey(char c, int i) { lastkey = c; #define X( a, b ) case a: SetKey(b, i); break; switch (c) { case '1' ... '9': SetKey(c-'0',i); break; X('0', 10) X('#', 11) X('*', 12) X(POWER, 13) X(SEND, 14) X(END, 15) X(PLUS, 16) X(MINUS, 17) X(CLR, 18) X(MENU, 21) X(ALPHA, 22) X(PREV, 23) X(NEXT, 24) X(SOFTA, 25) X(SOFTB, 26) #if 0 X(STO, 19) /* These are not present on 2110, so I can't test this. Enable once tested. */ X(RCL, 20) X(MUTE, 28) #endif default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown key %d\n", c); } #undef X } static void PressString(char *s, int upcase) { static int lastchar; static int lastupcase = 1; if (lastchar == *s) { fprintf(stderr, "***collision"); PressKey(ALPHA, 0); PressKey(ALPHA, 0); lastupcase = 1; } while (*s) { lastchar = *s; PressKey(*s, 0); if (upcase != lastupcase) { fprintf(stderr, "***size change"); msleep_poll(1500); PressKey(*s, 1); lastupcase = upcase; } s++; } } /* * This is able to press keys at 62letters/36seconds, tested on message * "Tohle je testovaci zprava schvalne za jak dlouho ji to napise" * Well, it is possible to write that message in 17seconds... */ static void HandleKey(char c) { switch(c) { #define X(a, b) case a: PressString(b, 0); break; X('-', "1"); X('?', "11"); X('!', "111"); X(',', "1111"); X('.', "11111"); X(':', "111111"); X('"', "1111111"); X('\'', "11111111"); X('&', "111111111"); X('$', "1111111111"); /* X('$', "11111111111"); libra, not in ascii */ X('(', "111111111111"); X(')', "1111111111111"); X('/', "11111111111111"); X('%', "111111111111111"); X('@', "1111111111111111"); X('_', "11111111111111111"); X('=', "111111111111111111"); X('a', "2"); X('b', "22"); X('c', "222"); X('d', "3"); X('e', "33"); X('f', "333"); X('g', "4"); X('h', "44"); X('i', "444"); X('j', "5"); X('k', "55"); X('l', "555"); X('m', "6"); X('n', "66"); X('o', "666"); X('p', "7"); X('q', "77"); X('r', "777"); X('s', "7777"); X('t', "8"); X('u', "88"); X('v', "888"); X('w', "9"); X('x', "99"); X('y', "999"); X('z', "9999"); #undef X #define X(a, b) case a: PressString(b, 1); break; X('A', "2"); X('B', "22"); X('C', "222"); X('D', "3"); X('E', "33"); X('F', "333"); X('G', "4"); X('H', "44"); X('I', "444"); X('J', "5"); X('K', "55"); X('L', "555"); X('M', "6"); X('N', "66"); X('O', "666"); X('P', "7"); X('Q', "77"); X('R', "777"); X('S', "7777"); X('T', "8"); X('U', "88"); X('V', "888"); X('W', "9"); X('X', "99"); X('Y', "999"); X('Z', "9999"); #undef X case ' ': PressKey('#', 0); break; case '+': PressKey(ALPHA, 0); PressKey('*', 0); PressKey('*', 0); PressKey(ALPHA, 0); break; case '*': case '#': case '0' ... '9': PressKey(ALPHA, 0); PressKey(c, 0); PressKey(ALPHA, 0); break; default: PressKey(c, 0); } } static GSM_Error HandleString(char *s) { while (*s) { HandleKey(*s); s++; } fprintf(stderr,"***end of input"); PressKey(lastkey, 1); return GE_NONE; } static void Register(void) { u8 reg[] = { 1, 1, 0x0f, 1, 0x0f }; SendFrame( reg, 0xe9, 5 ); } static GSM_Error EnableDisplayOutput(GSM_Statemachine *sm) { /* LN_UC_SHARE, LN_UC_SHARE, LN_UC_RELEASE, LN_UC_RELEASE, LN_UC_KEEP */ u8 pkt[] = {3, 3, 0, 0, 1}; msleep_poll(500); fprintf(stderr, "\nShould display output\n"); if (!OutputFn) { pkt[0] = 0; pkt[1] = 0; } PacketOK = false; SendCommand(pkt, 0x19, 5); fprintf(stderr, "\nGrabbing display"); waitfor(PacketOK, 0); if ((PacketData[3] != 0xcd) || (PacketData[2] != 1) || (PacketData[4] != 1 /* LN_UC_REQUEST_OK */)) fprintf(stderr, "Something is very wrong with GrabDisplay\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Display grabbed okay (waiting)\n"); msleep_poll(500); fprintf(stderr, "Okay\n"); return GE_NONE; } static GSM_Error SMS_Reserve(GSM_Statemachine *sm) { u8 pkt[] = { 0x10, LM_SMS_RESERVE_PP, LN_SMS_NORMAL_RESERVE }; PacketOK = false; SendCommand(pkt, LM_SMS_COMMAND, sizeof(pkt)); PacketOK = 0; waitfor(PacketOK, 100); if (!PacketOK) eprintf("No reply trying to reserve SMS-es\n"); if (PacketData[3] != LM_SMS_EVENT) eprintf("Bad reply trying to reserve SMS-es\n"); if (SMSData[0] != LM_SMS_PP_RESERVE_COMPLETE) eprintf("Not okay trying to reserve SMS-es (%d)\n", SMSData[0]); } static GSM_Error SMS_Slave(GSM_Statemachine *sm) { SMS_Reserve(sm); eprintf("Reserved okay\n"); while (1) { PacketOK = 0; SMSpos = 0; memset((void *) &SMSData[0], 0, 255); waitfor(PacketOK, 1000000); if (PacketData[3] != LM_SMS_EVENT) eprintf("Wrong packet came!\n"); switch (SMSData[0]) { case LM_SMS_RECEIVED_PP_DATA: eprintf("Data came!\n"); break; case LM_SMS_ALIVE_TEST: eprintf("Am I alive?\n"); break; case LM_SMS_NEW_MESSAGE_INDICATION: { GSM_SMSMessage m; eprintf("New message indicated @%d\n", SMSData[2]); msleep_poll(200); memset(&m, 0, sizeof(m)); m.Location = SMSData[2]; m.MemoryType = GMT_ME; if (GetSMSMessage(&m) != GE_NONE) eprintf("Could not find promissed message?\n"); else /*slave_process(&m, SMSData[2])*/; } break; default: eprintf("Unexpected packet came: %x\n", SMSData[0]); } } } /* This is the main loop for the MB21 functions. When N2110_Initialise is called a thread is created to run this loop. This loop is exited when the application calls the N2110_Terminate function. */ static void RegisterMe(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Initializing... "); /* Do initialisation stuff */ LastChar = GetTime(); if (OpenSerial() != true) { N2110_LinkOK = false; return; } msleep(100); while(!N2110_LinkOK) { fprintf(stderr, "registration... "); Register(); msleep_poll(100); } fprintf(stderr, "okay\n"); } /* Initialise variables and state machine. */ static GSM_Error Initialise(char *port_device, char *initlength, GSM_ConnectionType connection, void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame)) { RequestTerminate = false; N2110_LinkOK = false; setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); memset(VersionInfo, 0, sizeof(VersionInfo)); strncpy(PortDevice, port_device, GSM_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LENGTH); switch (connection) { case GCT_Serial: RegisterMe(); break; default: return GE_NOTSUPPORTED; break; } return (GE_NONE); } /* Routine to get specifed phone book location. Designed to be called by application. Will block until location is retrieved or a timeout/error occurs. */ static GSM_Error GetPhonebookLocation(GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry) { u8 pkt[] = {0x1a, 0 /* 1 == phone */, 0}; int i; pkt[1] = 3 + (entry->MemoryType != GMT_ME); pkt[2] = entry->Location; PacketOK = false; SendCommand(pkt, LN_LOC_COMMAND, 3); waitfor(PacketOK, 0); if ((PacketData[3] != 0xc9) || (PacketData[4] != 0x1a)) { fprintf(stderr, "Something is very wrong with GetPhonebookLocation\n"); return GE_BUSY; } ddprintf("type= %x\n", PacketData[5]); ddprintf("location= %x\n", PacketData[6]); ddprintf("status= %x\n", PacketData[7]); for (i=8; PacketData[i]; i++) { ddprintf("%c", PacketData[i]); } strcpy(entry->Name, (void *)&PacketData[8]); i++; strcpy(entry->Number, (void *)&PacketData[i]); for (; PacketData[i]; i++) { ddprintf("%c", PacketData[i]); } ddprintf("\n"); entry->Empty = false; entry->Group = 0; return (GE_NONE); } /* Routine to write phonebook location in phone. Designed to be called by application code. Will block until location is written or timeout occurs. */ static GSM_Error WritePhonebookLocation(GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry) { u8 pkt[999] = {0x1b, 0 /* 1 == phone */, 0}; pkt[1] = 3 + (entry->MemoryType != GMT_ME); pkt[2] = entry->Location; strcpy(&pkt[3], entry->Name); strcpy(&pkt[3+strlen(entry->Name)+1], entry->Number); PacketOK = false; SendCommand(pkt, LN_LOC_COMMAND, 3+strlen(entry->Number)+strlen(entry->Name)+2); waitfor(PacketOK, 0); printf("okay?\n"); if ((PacketData[3] != 0xc9) || (PacketData[4] != 0x1b)) { fprintf(stderr, "Something is very wrong with WritePhonebookLocation\n"); return GE_BUSY; } printf("type= %x\n", PacketData[5]); printf("location= %x\n", PacketData[6]); printf("status= %x\n", PacketData[7]); return (GE_NONE); } static GSM_Error GetSMSStatus(GSM_SMSStatus *Status) { Status->UnRead = 0; Status->Used = 0; Status->Slots = 5; return GE_NONE; } GSM_Functions N2110_Functions = { Initialise, Terminate, GetPhonebookLocation, WritePhonebookLocation, NULL, NULL, GetMemoryStatus, GetSMSStatus, NULL, NULL, GetSMSMessage, DeleteSMSMessage, NULL, NULL, GetRFLevel, GetBatteryLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, PNOK_GetManufacturer, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SendRLPFrame, NULL, EnableDisplayOutput, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, SetKey, HandleString, NULL }; #endif static GSM_Error link_Loop(struct timeval *tm) { POLLIT; return GE_NONE; } GSM_Error P2110_Functions(GSM_Operation op, GSM_Data *data, GSM_Statemachine *state) { GSM_Error err = GE_NONE; printf("Asked for %d\n", op); switch (op) { case GOP_Init: state->Link.Loop = link_Loop; break; case GOP_Identify: case GOP_GetModel: case GOP_GetRevision: if (!Model) err = GetVersionInfo(); if (err) break; if (data->Model) strncpy(data->Model, Model, 64); if (data->Revision) strncpy(data->Revision, Revision, 64); break; case GOP_GetBatteryLevel: err = GetBatteryLevel(data->BatteryUnits, data->BatteryLevel); break; case GOP_GetRFLevel: err = GetRFLevel(data->RFUnits, data->RFLevel); break; #if 0 case GOP_GetMemoryStatus: err = N2110_GetMemoryStatus(data, state); break; #endif case GOP_DisplayOutput: printf("DisplayOutput(%px)\n", data->OutputFn); OutputFn = data->OutputFn; printf("Enable\n"); err = EnableDisplayOutput(state); break; case GOP_GetSMS: #if 0 SMS_Slave(state); /* FIXME!!! */ #endif msleep(100); err = GetSMSMessage(data->SMSMessage); break; case GOP_DeleteSMS: err = SMS(data->SMSMessage, 3); break; case GOP_ReadPhonebook: err = GetPhonebookLocation(data->PhonebookEntry); break; case GOP_WritePhonebook: err = WritePhonebookLocation(data->PhonebookEntry); break; case GOP_GetAlarm: err = SMS_Slave(state); /* Dirty hack, Fallthrough */ break; default: err = GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED; } return err; }