/* G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. Header file for the various functions, definitions etc. used to implement the handset interface. See gsm-api.c for more details. */ #ifndef __gsm_api_h #define __gsm_api_h #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "data/rlp-common.h" #include "devices/device.h" #include "gsm-phonebook.h" #include "gsm-networks.h" #include "gsm-bitmaps.h" #include "gsm-datetime.h" #include "gsm-calendar.h" #include "gsm-sms.h" #include "gsm-ringtones.h" #include "gsm-wap.h" /* Undefined functions in fbus/mbus files */ extern GSM_Error Unimplemented(void); #define UNIMPLEMENTED (void *) Unimplemented extern GSM_Error NotSupported(void); #define NOTSUPPORTED (void *) NotSupported /* Define the structure used to hold pointers to the various API functions. This is in effect the master list of functions provided by the gnokii API. Modules containing the model specific code each contain one of these structures which is "filled in" with the corresponding function within the model specific code. If a function is not supported or not implemented, a generic not implemented function is used to return a GE_NOTIMPLEMENTED error code. */ typedef struct { /* FIXME: comment this. */ GSM_Error (*Initialise)( char *port_device, char *initlength, GSM_ConnectionType connection, void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame)); void (*DispatchMessage) (u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer, u8 MessageType); void (*Terminate)(void); void (*KeepAlive)(void); GSM_Error (*GetMemoryLocation)( GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry ); GSM_Error (*WritePhonebookLocation)( GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry ); GSM_Error (*GetSpeedDial)( GSM_SpeedDial *entry); GSM_Error (*SetSpeedDial)( GSM_SpeedDial *entry); GSM_Error (*GetMemoryStatus)( GSM_MemoryStatus *Status); GSM_Error (*GetSMSStatus)( GSM_SMSStatus *Status); GSM_Error (*GetSMSCenter)( GSM_MessageCenter *MessageCenter ); GSM_Error (*SetSMSCenter)( GSM_MessageCenter *MessageCenter ); GSM_Error (*GetSMSMessage)( GSM_SMSMessage *Message ); GSM_Error (*DeleteSMSMessage)( GSM_SMSMessage *Message ); GSM_Error (*SendSMSMessage)( GSM_SMSMessage *Message); GSM_Error (*SaveSMSMessage)( GSM_SMSMessage *Message); /* If units is set to a valid GSM_RFUnits value, the code will return level in these units if it is able. Otherwise value will be returned as GRF_Arbitary. If phone doesn't support GetRFLevel, function returns GE_NOTSUPPORTED */ GSM_Error (*GetRFLevel)( GSM_RFUnits *units, float *level ); /* Works the same as GetRFLevel, except returns battery level if known. */ GSM_Error (*GetBatteryLevel)( GSM_BatteryUnits *units, float *level ); GSM_Error (*GetPowerSource)( GSM_PowerSource *source); GSM_Error (*GetDisplayStatus)( int *Status); GSM_Error (*EnterSecurityCode)( GSM_SecurityCode Code); GSM_Error (*GetSecurityCodeStatus)( int *Status ); GSM_Error (*GetSecurityCode)( GSM_SecurityCode *Code); GSM_Error (*GetIMEI)( char *imei ); GSM_Error (*GetRevision)( char *revision ); GSM_Error (*GetModel)( char *model ); GSM_Error (*GetDateTime)( GSM_DateTime *date_time); GSM_Error (*SetDateTime)( GSM_DateTime *date_time); GSM_Error (*GetAlarm)( int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time ); GSM_Error (*SetAlarm)( int alarm_number, GSM_DateTime *date_time ); GSM_Error (*DialVoice)( char *Number); GSM_Error (*DialData)( char *Number, char type, void (* callpassup)(char c)); GSM_Error (*GetIncomingCallNr)( char *Number ); GSM_Error (*GetNetworkInfo) ( GSM_NetworkInfo *NetworkInfo ); GSM_Error (*GetCalendarNote) ( GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote); GSM_Error (*WriteCalendarNote) ( GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote); GSM_Error (*DeleteCalendarNote) ( GSM_CalendarNote *CalendarNote); GSM_Error (*NetMonitor) ( unsigned char mode, char *Screen ); GSM_Error (*SendDTMF) ( char *String ); GSM_Error (*GetBitmap) ( GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap ); GSM_Error (*SetBitmap) ( GSM_Bitmap *Bitmap ); GSM_Error (*SetRingtone) ( GSM_Ringtone *ringtone , int *maxlength); GSM_Error (*SetBinRingtone) ( GSM_BinRingtone *ringtone); GSM_Error (*GetBinRingtone) ( GSM_BinRingtone *ringtone); GSM_Error (*Reset) ( unsigned char type ); GSM_Error (*GetProfile) ( GSM_Profile *Profile ); GSM_Error (*SetProfile) ( GSM_Profile *Profile ); bool (*SendRLPFrame) ( RLP_F96Frame *frame, bool out_dtx ); GSM_Error (*CancelCall) (); GSM_Error (*PressKey) (int key, int event); GSM_Error (*EnableDisplayOutput) (); GSM_Error (*DisableDisplayOutput) (); GSM_Error (*EnableCellBroadcast) (); GSM_Error (*DisableCellBroadcast) (); GSM_Error (*ReadCellBroadcast) ( GSM_CBMessage *Message ); GSM_Error (*PlayTone) (int Herz, u8 Volume); GSM_Error (*GetProductProfileSetting) ( GSM_PPS *PPS); GSM_Error (*SetProductProfileSetting) ( GSM_PPS *PPS); GSM_Error (*GetOperatorName) ( GSM_Network *operator); GSM_Error (*SetOperatorName) ( GSM_Network *operator); GSM_Error (*GetVoiceMailbox) ( GSM_PhonebookEntry *entry); GSM_Error (*PhoneTests) (); GSM_Error (*SimlockInfo) ( GSM_AllSimlocks *siml); GSM_Error (*GetCalendarNotesInfo) (GSM_NotesInfo *NotesInfo); GSM_Error (*GetSMSFolders) ( GSM_SMSFolders *folders); GSM_Error (*ResetPhoneSettings) (); GSM_Error (*GetWAPBookmark) ( GSM_WAPBookmark *bookmark); GSM_Error (*SetWAPBookmark) ( GSM_WAPBookmark *bookmark); GSM_Error (*GetWAPSettings) ( GSM_WAPSettings *settings); GSM_Error (*CallDivert) ( GSM_CallDivert *cd ); GSM_Error (*AnswerCall) (char s); GSM_Error (*GetManufacturer)( char *manufacturer ); } GSM_Functions; typedef struct { /* FIXME: comment this. */ GSM_Error (*Initialise)( char *port_device, char *initlength, GSM_ConnectionType connection, void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame)); int (*SendMessage) (u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer); int (*SendFrame) (u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer); int (*WritePhone) (u16 length, u8 *buffer); void (*Terminate)(void); void (*StateMachine)(unsigned char rx_byte); } GSM_Protocol; /* This structure is provided to allow common information about the particular model to be looked up in a model independant way. Some of the values here define minimum and maximum levels for values retrieved by the various Get functions for example battery level. They are not defined as constants to allow model specific code to set them during initialisation */ typedef struct { char *FBUSModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *MBUSModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *InfraredModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *DLR3Models; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *ATModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *IrdaModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ char *TekramModels; /* Models covered by this type, pipe '|' delimited. */ /* Minimum and maximum levels for RF signal strength. Units are as per the setting of RFLevelUnits. The setting of RFLevelUnits indicates the default or "native" units used. In the case of the 3110 and 6110 series these are arbitrary, ranging from 0 to 4. */ float MaxRFLevel; float MinRFLevel; GSM_RFUnits RFLevelUnits; /* Minimum and maximum levels for battery level. Again, units are as per the setting of GSM_BatteryLevelUnits. The value that BatteryLevelUnits is set to indicates the "native" or default value that the phone supports. In the case of the 3110 and 6110 series these are arbitrary, ranging from 0 to 4. */ float MaxBatteryLevel; float MinBatteryLevel; GSM_BatteryUnits BatteryLevelUnits; /* Information about date, time and alarm support. In case of alarm information we provide value for the number of alarms supported. */ GSM_DateTimeSupport DateTimeSupport; GSM_DateTimeSupport AlarmSupport; int MaximumAlarms; } GSM_Information; void NULL_Terminate(void); void NULL_KeepAlive(); bool NULL_WritePhone (u16 length, u8 *buffer); void NULL_TX_DisplayMessage(u16 MessageLength, u8 *MessageBuffer); GSM_Error NULL_WaitUntil (int time, GSM_Error *value); GSM_Error NULL_SendMessageSequence (int time, GSM_Error *value, u16 message_length, u8 message_type, u8 *buffer); GSM_ConnectionType GetConnectionTypeFromString(char *Connection); bool GetMemoryTypeString(char *memorytext, GSM_MemoryType *type); bool GetMemoryTypeID(char *memorytext, GSM_MemoryType *type); /* Define these as externs so that app code can pick them up. */ extern bool *GSM_LinkOK; extern GSM_Information *GSM_Info; extern GSM_Functions *GSM; extern GSM_Protocol *Protocol; GSM_PhonebookEntry *CurrentPhonebookEntry; GSM_Error CurrentPhonebookError; GSM_SpeedDial *CurrentSpeedDialEntry; GSM_Error CurrentSpeedDialError; unsigned char Current_IMEI[GSM_MAX_IMEI_LENGTH]; unsigned char Current_Revision[GSM_MAX_REVISION_LENGTH]; unsigned char Current_Model[GSM_MAX_MODEL_LENGTH]; GSM_SMSMessage *CurrentSMSMessage; GSM_Error CurrentSMSMessageError; int CurrentSMSPointer; GSM_SMSFolders *CurrentSMSFolders; GSM_Error CurrentSMSFoldersError; int CurrentSMSFoldersCount; GSM_OneSMSFolder CurrentSMSFolder; GSM_Error CurrentSMSFolderError; int CurrentSMSFolderID; GSM_MemoryStatus *CurrentMemoryStatus; GSM_Error CurrentMemoryStatusError; GSM_NetworkInfo *CurrentNetworkInfo; GSM_Error CurrentNetworkInfoError; GSM_SMSStatus *CurrentSMSStatus; GSM_Error CurrentSMSStatusError; GSM_MessageCenter *CurrentMessageCenter; GSM_Error CurrentMessageCenterError; int *CurrentSecurityCodeStatus; GSM_Error CurrentSecurityCodeError; GSM_SecurityCode *CurrentSecurityCode; GSM_DateTime *CurrentDateTime; GSM_Error CurrentDateTimeError; GSM_Error CurrentResetPhoneSettingsError; GSM_DateTime *CurrentAlarm; GSM_Error CurrentAlarmError; GSM_CalendarNote *CurrentCalendarNote; GSM_Error CurrentCalendarNoteError; GSM_NotesInfo CurrentCalendarNotesInfo,*CurrentCalendarNotesInfo2; GSM_Error CurrentCalendarNotesInfoError; int *CurrentFirstCalendarFreePos; GSM_Error CurrentFirstCalendarFreePosError; GSM_Error CurrentSetDateTimeError; GSM_Error CurrentSetAlarmError; GSM_Error CurrentEnableExtendedCommandsError; int CurrentRFLevel, CurrentBatteryLevel, CurrentPowerSource; int CurrentDisplayStatus; GSM_Error CurrentDisplayStatusError; char *CurrentNetmonitor; GSM_Error CurrentNetmonitorError; GSM_Bitmap *CurrentGetBitmap; GSM_Error CurrentGetBitmapError; GSM_Error CurrentSetBitmapError; GSM_Error CurrentSendDTMFError; GSM_Profile *CurrentProfile; GSM_Error CurrentProfileError; GSM_Error CurrentDisplayOutputError; GSM_CBMessage *CurrentCBMessage; GSM_Error CurrentCBError; int CurrentPressKeyEvent; GSM_Error CurrentPressKeyError; GSM_Error CurrentPlayToneError; GSM_Error CurrentDialVoiceError; GSM_Error CurrentGetOperatorNameError; GSM_Network *CurrentGetOperatorNameNetwork; GSM_Error CurrentSetOperatorNameError; GSM_Error CurrentGetIMEIError; GSM_Error CurrentGetHWError; unsigned char CurrentPPS[4]; GSM_Error CurrentProductProfileSettingsError; char CurrentIncomingCall[20]; GSM_Error CurrentBinRingtoneError; GSM_BinRingtone *CurrentGetBinRingtone; GSM_Error CurrentRingtoneError; GSM_Error CurrentMagicError; GSM_Error CurrentSimlockInfoError; GSM_AllSimlocks *CurrentSimLock; GSM_Error CurrentGetWAPBookmarkError; GSM_Error CurrentSetWAPBookmarkError; GSM_WAPBookmark *WAPBookmark; GSM_Error CurrentGetWAPSettingsError; GSM_WAPSettings *WAPSettings; GSM_Error CurrentCallDivertError; GSM_CallDivert *CurrentCallDivert; char *CurrentManufacturer; /* This is the connection type used in gnokii. */ GSM_ConnectionType CurrentConnectionType; /* Pointer to a callback function used to return changes to a calls status */ /* This saves unreliable polling */ void (*CurrentCallPassup)(char c); /* Pointer to callback function in user code to be called when RLP frames are received. */ void (*CurrentRLP_RXCallback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame); /* Used to disconnect the call */ u8 CurrentCallSequenceNumber; bool CurrentLinkOK; bool CurrentRequestTerminate; bool CurrentDisableKeepAlive; /* Prototype for the functions actually provided by gsm-api.c. */ GSM_Error GSM_Initialise(char *model, char *device, char *initlength, GSM_ConnectionType connection, void (*rlp_callback)(RLP_F96Frame *frame), char* SynchronizeTime); bool CheckModel (GSM_Information InfoToCheck, char *model, GSM_ConnectionType connection); char *GetMygnokiiVersion(); typedef enum { F_CAL61=0,/*Calendar in 6110 style - 4 types,...*/ F_CAL33, /*Calendar in 3310 style - 10 reminders, Unicode, 3 coding types*/ F_CAL71, /*Calendar in 7110 style - 4 types, recurrance, etc.*/ F_PBK33, /*Phonebook in Unicode. 3310 style - name and entry*/ F_PBK71, /*Extended phonebook - multiple numbers,Unicode.Like in 7110*/ F_DATA61, /*We can make data calls using gnokiid. Like in 6110*/ F_DATA71, /*Datacalls using AT commands*/ F_SMS, /*SMS with Inbox, Outbox*/ F_SMS71, /*SMS with SMS folders like in 7110*/ F_AUTH, /*We can make authentication and have "Accessory connected" like in 6110*/ F_NETMON, /*Netmonitor available*/ /*10*/ F_CALER61,/*Caller groups in 6110 style - 5 groups with members*/ F_KEYB, /*We can press keys*/ F_SMSCDEF,/*SMSC can have default recipient*/ F_SPEED, /*We can handle speed dials*/ F_SCRSAV, /*We have screen savers*/ F_DTMF, /*We can handle DTMF sequences*/ F_NOPOWER,/*We must get power/battery info from netmonitor*/ F_STANIM, /*Startup logo animated or static*/ F_STA , /*Startup logo static*/ F_STA62 , /*Startup logo static size 6210*/ /*20*/ F_STA71 , /*Startup logo static size 7110*/ F_PROF61, /*Profiles numbered like in N6110*/ F_PROF51, /*Profiles numbered like in N5110*/ F_PROF33, /*Profiles numbered like in N3310.Unicode names*/ F_RING_SM,/*Binary ringtone in Smart Messaging*/ F_RINGBIN,/*Binary ringtone in binary format*/ F_WAP /*WAP functions available*/ } feat_index; typedef enum { FN_CALENDAR=0, FN_NETMONITOR, FN_CALLERGROUPS, FN_PHONEBOOK, FN_AUTHENTICATION, FN_DATACALLS, FN_KEYPRESS, FN_SMSCDEFAULT, FN_SPEEDDIAL, FN_SCREENSAVER, FN_DTMF, /*10*/ FN_SMS, FN_NOPOWERFRAME, FN_STARTUP, FN_PROFILES, FN_RINGTONES, FN_WAP } featnum_index; /* For models table */ typedef struct { char *model; char *number; feat_index features[17]; } OnePhoneModel; extern char *GetModelName (); int GetModelFeature (featnum_index num); extern bool AppendLog(u8 *buffer, int length,bool format); extern bool AppendLogText(u8 *buffer,bool format); typedef struct { int SIMPhonebookUsed; int SIMPhonebookSize; GSM_PhonebookEntry SIMPhonebook[250]; int PhonePhonebookUsed; int PhonePhonebookSize; GSM_PhonebookEntry PhonePhonebook[500]; bool CallerAvailable; GSM_Bitmap CallerGroups[5]; bool SpeedAvailable; GSM_SpeedDial SpeedDials[8]; bool OperatorLogoAvailable; GSM_Bitmap OperatorLogo; bool StartupLogoAvailable; GSM_Bitmap StartupLogo; GSM_Bitmap StartupText; } GSM_Backup; #endif /* __gsm_api_h */