/* G N O K I I A Linux/Unix toolset and driver for Nokia mobile phones. Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. */ #ifndef __gsm_datetime_h #define __gsm_datetime_h /* Define enum used to describe what sort of date/time support is available. */ typedef enum { GDT_None, /* The mobile phone doesn't support time and date. */ GDT_TimeOnly, /* The mobile phone supports only time. */ GDT_DateOnly, /* The mobile phone supports only date. */ GDT_DateTime /* Wonderful phone - it supports date and time. */ } GSM_DateTimeSupport; /* Structure used for passing dates/times to date/time functions such as GSM_GetTime and GSM_GetAlarm etc. */ typedef struct { bool IsSet; /* for time=is set and available ? for alarm=is set ? */ int Year; /* The complete year specification - e.g. 1999. Y2K :-) */ int Month; /* January = 1 */ int Day; int Hour; int Minute; int Second; int Timezone; /* The difference between local time and GMT */ } GSM_DateTime; char *DayOfWeek (int year, int month, int day); void GetMachineDateTime( char nowdate[], char nowtime[] ); void EncodeDateTime(unsigned char* buffer, GSM_DateTime *datetime); void DecodeDateTime(unsigned char* buffer, GSM_DateTime *datetime); #endif