/* S M S D A Linux/Unix GUI for Nokia mobile phones. Copyright (C) 1999 Pavel Janík ml., Hugh Blemings & Ján Derfiòák . Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. $Id$ $Log$ Revision 2001/11/25 21:59:23 short :pserver:cvs@pserver.samba.org:/cvsroot - gnokii - Sun Nov 25 22:56 CET 2001 Revision 1.4 2001/05/30 14:36:47 pkot Fix smsd to use StateMachine and let it compile. Revision 1.3 2001/03/29 08:42:59 ja Enabling compilation of smsd. Revision 1.2 2001/02/02 08:09:57 ja New dialogs for 6210/7110 in xgnokii. Fixed the smsd for new capabilty code. */ #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "gsm-api.h" #include "fbus-6110.h" #include "fbus-3810.h" #include "smsd.h" #include "lowlevel.h" pthread_t monitor_th; PhoneMonitor phoneMonitor; pthread_mutex_t smsMutex; pthread_cond_t smsCond; pthread_mutex_t sendSMSMutex; pthread_cond_t sendSMSCond; static pthread_mutex_t eventsMutex; static GSList *ScheduledEvents = NULL; inline void InsertEvent (PhoneEvent *event) { # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Inserting Event: %d\n", event->event); # endif pthread_mutex_lock (&eventsMutex); ScheduledEvents = g_slist_prepend (ScheduledEvents, event); pthread_mutex_unlock (&eventsMutex); } inline static PhoneEvent *RemoveEvent (void) { GSList *list; PhoneEvent *event = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock (&eventsMutex); list = g_slist_last (ScheduledEvents); if (list) { event = (PhoneEvent *) list->data; ScheduledEvents = g_slist_remove_link (ScheduledEvents, list); g_slist_free_1 (list); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&eventsMutex); return (event); } static void InitModelInf (void) { gchar buf[64]; GSM_Error error; register gint i = 0; while ((error = GSM->GetModel(buf)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 15) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.model); phoneMonitor.phone.version = g_strdup (buf); phoneMonitor.phone.model = GetModel (buf); if (phoneMonitor.phone.model == NULL) phoneMonitor.phone.model = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.supported = GetPhoneModel(buf)->flags; } i = 0; while ((error = GSM->GetRevision (buf)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 5) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.revision); phoneMonitor.phone.revision = g_strdup (buf); } i = 0; while ((error = GSM->GetIMEI (buf)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 5) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.imei); phoneMonitor.phone.imei = g_strdup (buf); } #ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Version: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.version); g_print ("Model: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.model); g_print ("IMEI: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.imei); g_print ("Revision: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.revision); #endif } static GSM_Error fbusinit(bool enable_monitoring) { int count=0; static GSM_Error error=GE_NOLINK; GSM_ConnectionType connection=GCT_Serial; static GSM_Statemachine sm; if (!strcmp(smsdConfig.connection, "infrared")) connection = GCT_Infrared; /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */ if (error == GE_NOLINK) error = GSM_Initialise (smsdConfig.model, smsdConfig.port, smsdConfig.initlength, connection, NULL, &sm); #ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("fbusinit: error %d\n", error); #endif if (error != GE_NONE) { g_print (_("GSM/FBUS init failed! (Unknown model ?). Quitting.\n")); return (error); } while (count++ < 40 && *GSM_LinkOK == false) usleep(50000); #ifdef XDEBUG g_print("After usleep. GSM_LinkOK: %d\n", *GSM_LinkOK); #endif if (*GSM_LinkOK == true) InitModelInf (); return *GSM_LinkOK; } void InitPhoneMonitor (void) { phoneMonitor.phone.model = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.phone.version = phoneMonitor.phone.model; phoneMonitor.phone.revision = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.phone.imei = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.supported = 0; phoneMonitor.working = FALSE; phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = phoneMonitor.sms.number = 0; phoneMonitor.sms.messages = NULL; pthread_mutex_init (&smsMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&smsCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&sendSMSMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&sendSMSCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&eventsMutex, NULL); } static inline void FreeElement (gpointer data, gpointer userData) { g_free ((GSM_SMSMessage *) data); } static inline void FreeArray (GSList **array) { if (*array) { g_slist_foreach (*array, FreeElement, NULL); g_slist_free (*array); *array = NULL; } } static void RefreshSMS (const gint number) { GSM_Error error; GSM_SMSMessage *msg; register gint i; # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("RefreshSMS is running...\n"); # endif pthread_mutex_lock (&smsMutex); FreeArray (&(phoneMonitor.sms.messages)); phoneMonitor.sms.number = 0; // pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); i = 0; while (1) { msg = g_malloc (sizeof (GSM_SMSMessage)); msg->MemoryType = GMT_SM; msg->Location = ++i; if ((error = GSM->GetSMSMessage (msg)) == GE_NONE) { // pthread_mutex_lock (&smsMutex); phoneMonitor.sms.messages = g_slist_append (phoneMonitor.sms.messages, msg); phoneMonitor.sms.number++; // pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); if (phoneMonitor.sms.number == number) { pthread_cond_signal (&smsCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); return; } } else if (error == GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION) /* All positions are readed */ { g_free (msg); pthread_cond_signal (&smsCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); break; } else g_free (msg); usleep (750000); } } static gint A_SendSMSMessage (gpointer data) { D_SMSMessage *d = (D_SMSMessage *) data; GSM_Error error; error = d->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (d) { pthread_mutex_lock (&sendSMSMutex); error = d->status = GSM->SendSMSMessage (d->sms, 0); pthread_cond_signal (&sendSMSCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&sendSMSMutex); } if (d->status == GE_SMSSENDOK) return (GE_NONE); else return (error); } static gint A_DeleteSMSMessage (gpointer data) { GSM_SMSMessage *sms = (GSM_SMSMessage *) data; GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (sms) { error = GSM->DeleteSMSMessage(sms); // I don't use copy, I don't need free message. // g_free (sms); } return (error); } static gint A_Exit (gpointer data) { pthread_exit (0); return (0); /* just to be proper */ } gint (*DoAction[])(gpointer) = { A_SendSMSMessage, A_DeleteSMSMessage, A_Exit }; void *Connect (void *a) { GSM_SMSStatus SMSStatus = {0, 0}; PhoneEvent *event; GSM_Error error; # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Initializing connection...\n"); # endif while (!fbusinit (true)) sleep (1); # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Phone connected. Starting monitoring...\n"); # endif while (1) { phoneMonitor.working = FALSE; if (GSM->GetSMSStatus (&SMSStatus) == GE_NONE) { if (phoneMonitor.sms.unRead != SMSStatus.UnRead || phoneMonitor.sms.number != SMSStatus.Number) { phoneMonitor.working = TRUE; RefreshSMS (SMSStatus.Number); phoneMonitor.working = FALSE; } phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = SMSStatus.UnRead; } while ((event = RemoveEvent ()) != NULL) { # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Processing Event: %d\n", event->event); # endif phoneMonitor.working = TRUE; if (event->event <= Event_Exit) if ((error = DoAction[event->event] (event->data)) != GE_NONE) g_print (_("Event %d failed with return code %d!\n"), event->event, error); g_free (event); } } }