/* $Id$ X G N O K I I A Linux/Unix GUI for Nokia mobile phones. Copyright (C) 1999 Pavel Janík ml., Hugh Blemings & Ján Derfiòák . Released under the terms of the GNU GPL, see file COPYING for more details. $Log$ Revision 2002/04/03 01:44:15 short Implemented connection type "tcp" (GCT_TCP), use : as "port" Revision 2002/04/03 00:08:33 short Found in "gnokii-working" directory, some November-patches version Revision 1.19 2001/09/14 13:09:26 pkot Xgnokii calendar updates Revision 1.18 2001/06/20 21:27:36 pkot IrDA patch (Martin Jancar) Revision 1.17 2001/06/10 11:40:06 machek xgnokii converted to new structure w.r.t. SMS messages. Revision 1.16 2001/05/24 20:47:31 chris More updating of 7110 code and some of xgnokii_lowlevel changed over. Revision 1.15 2001/03/23 08:24:57 ja New preview for 6210 in xgnokii's logos module. Revision 1.14 2001/03/21 23:36:09 chris Added the statemachine This will break gnokii --identify and --monitor except for 6210/7110 Revision 1.13 2001/03/05 10:42:03 ja Pavel Machek's vcard and finegrained indicators patch. Revision 1.12 2001/02/02 08:09:57 ja New dialogs for 6210/7110 in xgnokii. Fixed the smsd for new capabilty code. Revision 1.11 2001/01/29 15:22:20 machek Use integer as bitfield instead of struct of int:1. Be able to read phonebook saved in gnokii format from xgnokii. Revision 1.10 2001/01/17 02:54:56 chris More 7110 work. Use with care! (eg it is not possible to delete phonebook entries) I can now edit my phonebook in xgnokii but it is 'work in progress'. Revision 1.9 2001/01/15 21:10:20 ja Better status reporting in xgnokii, fixed phone capabilities detection in xgnokii. */ #include #include #include #include #include "misc.h" #include "gsm-common.h" #include "gsm-api.h" #include "fbus-6110.h" #include "fbus-3810.h" #include "xgnokii_lowlevel.h" #include "xgnokii.h" #include "gsm-statemachine.h" //#include "xgnokii_common.h" pthread_t monitor_th; PhoneMonitor phoneMonitor; pthread_mutex_t memoryMutex; pthread_cond_t memoryCond; pthread_mutex_t calendarMutex; pthread_cond_t calendarCond; pthread_mutex_t smsMutex; pthread_mutex_t sendSMSMutex; pthread_cond_t sendSMSCond; pthread_mutex_t saveSMSMutex; pthread_cond_t saveSMSCond; pthread_mutex_t callMutex; pthread_mutex_t netMonMutex; pthread_mutex_t speedDialMutex; pthread_cond_t speedDialCond; pthread_mutex_t callerGroupMutex; pthread_cond_t callerGroupCond; pthread_mutex_t smsCenterMutex; pthread_cond_t smsCenterCond; pthread_mutex_t alarmMutex; pthread_cond_t alarmCond; pthread_mutex_t getBitmapMutex; pthread_cond_t getBitmapCond; pthread_mutex_t setBitmapMutex; pthread_cond_t setBitmapCond; pthread_mutex_t getNetworkInfoMutex; pthread_cond_t getNetworkInfoCond; static pthread_mutex_t eventsMutex; static GSList *ScheduledEvents = NULL; /* This symbol must be export as it is (mis)used by xgnokii_logos.c */ GSM_Statemachine xgnokii_statemachine; inline void GUI_InsertEvent (PhoneEvent *event) { # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Inserting Event: %d\n", event->event); # endif pthread_mutex_lock (&eventsMutex); ScheduledEvents = g_slist_prepend (ScheduledEvents, event); pthread_mutex_unlock (&eventsMutex); } inline static PhoneEvent *RemoveEvent (void) { GSList *list; PhoneEvent *event = NULL; pthread_mutex_lock (&eventsMutex); list = g_slist_last (ScheduledEvents); if (list) { event = (PhoneEvent *) list->data; ScheduledEvents = g_slist_remove_link (ScheduledEvents, list); g_slist_free_1 (list); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&eventsMutex); return (event); } static void InitModelInf (void) { gchar buf[64]; GSM_Error error; register gint i = 0; GSM_Data data; GSM_DataClear(&data); data.Model=buf; while ((error = SM_Functions(GOP_GetModel,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 15) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.model); phoneMonitor.phone.version = g_strdup (buf); phoneMonitor.phone.model = GetModel (buf); if (phoneMonitor.phone.model == NULL) phoneMonitor.phone.model = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.supported = GetPhoneModel(buf)->flags; } i = 0; data.Revision=buf; while ((error = SM_Functions(GOP_GetRevision,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 5) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.revision); phoneMonitor.phone.revision = g_strdup (buf); } i = 0; data.Imei=buf; while ((error = SM_Functions(GOP_GetImei,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine)) != GE_NONE && i++ < 5) sleep(1); if (error == GE_NONE) { g_free (phoneMonitor.phone.imei); phoneMonitor.phone.imei = g_strdup (buf); } #ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Version: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.version); g_print ("Model: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.model); g_print ("IMEI: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.imei); g_print ("Revision: %s\n", phoneMonitor.phone.revision); #endif } static GSM_Error fbusinit(bool enable_monitoring) { int count=0; GSM_Error error=GE_NOLINK; GSM_ConnectionType connection=GCT_Serial; if (!strcmp(xgnokiiConfig.connection, "infrared")) connection = GCT_Infrared; if (!strcmp(xgnokiiConfig.connection, "irda")) connection = GCT_Irda; if (!strcmp(xgnokiiConfig.connection, "tcp")) connection = GCT_TCP; /* Initialise the code for the GSM interface. */ if (error == GE_NOLINK) error = GSM_Initialise (xgnokiiConfig.model, xgnokiiConfig.port, xgnokiiConfig.initlength, connection, NULL /*RLP_DisplayF96Frame*/, &xgnokii_statemachine); #ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("fbusinit: error %d\n", error); #endif if (error != GE_NONE) { g_print (_("GSM/FBUS init failed! (Unknown model ?). Quitting.\n")); /* FIXME: should popup some message... */ return (error); } while (count++ < 40 && *GSM_LinkOK == false) usleep(50000); #ifdef XDEBUG g_print("After usleep. GSM_LinkOK: %d\n", *GSM_LinkOK); #endif if (*GSM_LinkOK != true) { return (GE_NOLINK); } InitModelInf (); return(GE_NONE); } void GUI_InitPhoneMonitor (void) { phoneMonitor.phone.model = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.phone.version = phoneMonitor.phone.model; phoneMonitor.phone.revision = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.phone.imei = g_strdup (_("unknown")); phoneMonitor.supported = 0; phoneMonitor.rfLevel = phoneMonitor.batteryLevel = -1; phoneMonitor.powerSource = GPS_BATTERY; phoneMonitor.working = NULL; phoneMonitor.alarm = FALSE; phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = phoneMonitor.sms.used = phoneMonitor.sms.slots = 0; phoneMonitor.sms.messages = NULL; phoneMonitor.call.callInProgress = CS_Idle; *phoneMonitor.call.callNum = '\0'; phoneMonitor.netmonitor.number = 0; *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen3 = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen4 = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen5 = '\0'; pthread_mutex_init (&memoryMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&memoryCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&calendarMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&calendarCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&smsMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&sendSMSMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&sendSMSCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&saveSMSMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&saveSMSCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&callMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&eventsMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&callMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&netMonMutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&speedDialMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&speedDialCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&callerGroupMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&callerGroupCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&smsCenterMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&smsCenterCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&getBitmapMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&getBitmapCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&setBitmapMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&setBitmapCond, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&getNetworkInfoMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&getNetworkInfoCond, NULL); } static inline void FreeElement (gpointer data, gpointer userData) { g_free ((GSM_SMSMessage *) data); } static inline void FreeArray (GSList **array) { if (*array) { g_slist_foreach (*array, FreeElement, NULL); g_slist_free (*array); *array = NULL; } } static void RefreshSMS (const gint slots) { GSM_Error error; GSM_SMSMessage *msg; register gint i; gint unread = 0; # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("RefreshSMS is running...\n"); # endif pthread_mutex_lock (&smsMutex); FreeArray (&(phoneMonitor.sms.messages)); phoneMonitor.sms.used = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); for (i=1; i<=slots; i++) { GSM_Data gdat; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); msg = g_malloc (sizeof (GSM_SMSMessage)); msg->MemoryType = GMT_SM; msg->Location = i; gdat.SMSMessage = msg; if ((error = SM_Functions(GOP_GetSMS, &gdat, &xgnokii_statemachine)) == GE_NONE) { pthread_mutex_lock (&smsMutex); phoneMonitor.sms.messages = g_slist_append (phoneMonitor.sms.messages, msg); phoneMonitor.sms.used++; if (msg->Type == GST_MT && msg->Status == GSS_NOTSENTREAD) unread++; pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsMutex); } else if (error == GE_INVALIDSMSLOCATION) /* All positions are readed */ { g_free (msg); break; } else g_free (msg); /* FIXME: Why is any delay here? */ /* usleep (750000); */ } /* Update it after the whole run as otherwise "Refreshing SMSes..." * would collide with "Short Message received" message. */ phoneMonitor.sms.unRead = unread; } static gint A_GetMemoryStatus (gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_MemoryStatus *ms = (D_MemoryStatus *) data; GSM_Data gdat; error = ms->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (ms) { GSM_DataClear(&gdat); pthread_mutex_lock (&memoryMutex); gdat.MemoryStatus=&(ms->memoryStatus); error = ms->status = SM_Functions(GOP_GetMemoryStatus,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_GetMemoryLocation (gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_MemoryLocation *ml = (D_MemoryLocation *) data; GSM_Data gdat; error = ml->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (ml) { GSM_DataClear(&gdat); pthread_mutex_lock (&memoryMutex); gdat.PhonebookEntry=(ml->entry); error = ml->status = SM_Functions(GOP_ReadPhonebook,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_GetMemoryLocationAll (gpointer data) { GSM_PhonebookEntry entry; GSM_Error error; D_MemoryLocationAll *mla = (D_MemoryLocationAll *) data; register gint i; GSM_Data gdat; error = mla->status = GE_NONE; entry.MemoryType = mla->type; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); gdat.PhonebookEntry=&entry; pthread_mutex_lock (&memoryMutex); for (i = mla->min; i <= mla->max; i++) { entry.Location = i; error = SM_Functions(GOP_ReadPhonebook,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); if (error != GE_NONE && error!=GE_INVALIDPHBOOKLOCATION) { gint err_count = 0; while (error != GE_NONE) { g_print (_("%s: line %d: Can't get memory entry number %d from memory %d! %d\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__, i, entry.MemoryType, error); if (err_count++ > 3) { mla->ReadFailed (i); mla->status = error; pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); return (error); } error = SM_Functions(GOP_ReadPhonebook,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); sleep (2); } } /* If the phonebook location was invalid - just fill up the rest */ /* This works on a 7110 anyway...*/ if (error==GE_INVALIDPHBOOKLOCATION) { entry.Empty=true; entry.Name[0]=0; entry.Number[0]=0; for (i = mla->min; i <= mla->max; i++) { error = mla->InsertEntry (&entry); if (error != GE_NONE) break; } } error = mla->InsertEntry (&entry); if (error != GE_NONE) break; } mla->status = error; pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); return (error); } static gint A_WriteMemoryLocation (gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_MemoryLocation *ml = (D_MemoryLocation *) data; GSM_Data gdat; error = ml->status = GE_UNKNOWN; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); gdat.PhonebookEntry=(ml->entry); if (ml) { pthread_mutex_lock (&memoryMutex); error = ml->status = SM_Functions(GOP_WritePhonebook,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_WriteMemoryLocationAll (gpointer data) { /* GSM_PhonebookEntry entry; */ GSM_Error error; D_MemoryLocationAll *mla = (D_MemoryLocationAll *) data; /* register gint i; */ error = mla->status = GE_NONE; /* entry.MemoryType = mla->type; pthread_mutex_lock (&memoryMutex); for (i = mla->min; i <= mla->max; i++) { entry.Location = i; error = GSM->GetMemoryLocation (&entry); if (error != GE_NONE) { gint err_count = 0; while (error != GE_NONE) { g_print (_("%s: line %d: Can't get memory entry number %d from memory %d! %d\n"), __FILE__, __LINE__, i, entry.MemoryType, error); if (err_count++ > 3) { mla->ReadFailed (i); mla->status = error; pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); return (error); } error = GSM->GetMemoryLocation (&entry); sleep (2); } } error = mla->InsertEntry (&entry); if (error != GE_NONE) break; } mla->status = error; pthread_cond_signal (&memoryCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&memoryMutex); */ return (error); } static gint A_GetCalendarNote (gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_CalendarNote *cn = (D_CalendarNote *) data; error = cn->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (cn) { pthread_mutex_lock (&calendarMutex); error = cn->status = GSM->GetCalendarNote (cn->entry); pthread_cond_signal (&calendarCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&calendarMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_GetCalendarNoteAll (gpointer data) { GSM_CalendarNote entry; D_CalendarNoteAll *cna = (D_CalendarNoteAll *) data; GSM_Error e; register gint i = 1; pthread_mutex_lock (&calendarMutex); while (1) { entry.Location = i++; if ((e = GSM->GetCalendarNote (&entry)) != GE_NONE) break; if (cna->InsertEntry (&entry) != GE_NONE) break; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&calendarMutex); g_free (cna); if (e == GE_INVALIDCALNOTELOCATION) return (GE_NONE); else return (e); } static gint A_WriteCalendarNote (gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_CalendarNote *cn = (D_CalendarNote *) data; error = cn->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (cn) { pthread_mutex_lock (&calendarMutex); error = cn->status = GSM->WriteCalendarNote (cn->entry); pthread_cond_signal (&calendarCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&calendarMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_DeleteCalendarNote (gpointer data) { GSM_CalendarNote *note = (GSM_CalendarNote *) data; GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (note) { error = GSM->DeleteCalendarNote (note); g_free (note); } return (error); } static gint A_GetCallerGroup (gpointer data) { GSM_Bitmap bitmap; GSM_Error error; D_CallerGroup *cg = (D_CallerGroup *) data; GSM_Data gdat; error = cg->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (cg) { bitmap.type = GSM_CallerLogo; bitmap.number = cg->number; pthread_mutex_lock (&callerGroupMutex); GSM_DataClear(&gdat); gdat.Bitmap=&bitmap; error = cg->status = SM_Functions(GOP_GetBitmap,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); strncpy (cg->text, bitmap.text, 256); cg->text[255] = '\0'; pthread_cond_signal (&callerGroupCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&callerGroupMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SendCallerGroup (gpointer data) { GSM_Bitmap bitmap; D_CallerGroup *cg = (D_CallerGroup *) data; GSM_Error error; if (!cg) return (GE_UNKNOWN); bitmap.type = GSM_CallerLogo; bitmap.number = cg->number; if ((error = GSM->GetBitmap (&bitmap)) != GE_NONE) { g_free (cg); return (error); } strncpy (bitmap.text, cg->text, 256); bitmap.text[255] = '\0'; g_free (cg); return (GSM->SetBitmap (&bitmap)); } static gint A_GetSMSCenter (gpointer data) { D_SMSCenter *c = (D_SMSCenter *) data; GSM_Error error; error = c->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (c) { pthread_mutex_lock (&smsCenterMutex); error = c->status = GSM->GetSMSCenter (c->center); pthread_cond_signal (&smsCenterCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsCenterMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SetSMSCenter (gpointer data) { D_SMSCenter *c = (D_SMSCenter *) data; GSM_Error error; error = c->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (c) { //pthread_mutex_lock (&smsCenterMutex); error = c->status = GSM->SetSMSCenter (c->center); g_free (c); //pthread_cond_signal (&smsCenterCond); //pthread_mutex_unlock (&smsCenterMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SendSMSMessage (gpointer data) { D_SMSMessage *d = (D_SMSMessage *) data; GSM_Error error; error = d->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (d) { pthread_mutex_lock (&sendSMSMutex); error = d->status = GSM->SendSMSMessage (d->sms); pthread_cond_signal (&sendSMSCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&sendSMSMutex); } if (d->status == GE_SMSSENDOK) return (GE_NONE); else return (error); } static gint A_SaveSMSMessage (gpointer data) { D_SMSMessage *d = (D_SMSMessage *) data; GSM_Error error; error = d->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (d) { pthread_mutex_lock (&saveSMSMutex); error = d->status = GSM->SaveSMSMessage (d->sms); pthread_cond_signal (&saveSMSCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&saveSMSMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_DeleteSMSMessage (gpointer data) { GSM_SMSMessage *sms = (GSM_SMSMessage *) data; GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (sms) { GSM_Data gdat; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); gdat.SMSMessage = sms; error = SM_Functions(GOP_DeleteSMS, &gdat, &xgnokii_statemachine); g_free (sms); } return (error); } static gint A_GetSpeedDial (gpointer data) { D_SpeedDial *d = (D_SpeedDial *) data; GSM_Error error; error = d->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (d) { pthread_mutex_lock (&speedDialMutex); error = d->status = GSM->GetSpeedDial (&(d->entry)); pthread_cond_signal (&speedDialCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&speedDialMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SendSpeedDial (gpointer data) { D_SpeedDial *d = (D_SpeedDial *) data; GSM_Error error; error = d->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (d) { //pthread_mutex_lock (&speedDialMutex); error = d->status = GSM->SetSpeedDial (&(d->entry)); g_free (d); //pthread_cond_signal (&speedDialCond); //pthread_mutex_unlock (&speedDialMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SendDTMF (gpointer data) { gchar *buf = (gchar *) data; GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (buf) { error = GSM->SendDTMF (buf); g_free (buf); } return (error); } static gint A_NetMonOnOff (gpointer data) { gchar screen[50]; gint mode = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (mode) error = GSM->NetMonitor (0xf3, screen); else error = GSM->NetMonitor (0xf1, screen); return (error); } static gint A_NetMonitor (gpointer data) { gint number = GPOINTER_TO_INT (data); if (data == 0) phoneMonitor.netmonitor.number = 0; else phoneMonitor.netmonitor.number = number; return (0); } static gint A_DialVoice (gpointer data) { gchar *number = (gchar *) data; GSM_Error error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (number) { error = GSM->DialVoice (number); g_free (number); } return (error); } static gint A_GetAlarm (gpointer data) { D_Alarm *a = (D_Alarm *) data; GSM_Error error; error = GE_UNKNOWN; if (a && GSM) { a->status = GE_UNKNOWN; pthread_mutex_lock (&alarmMutex); error = a->status = GSM->GetAlarm (0, &(a->time)); pthread_cond_signal (&alarmCond); pthread_mutex_unlock (&alarmMutex); } return (error); } static gint A_SetAlarm (gpointer data) { D_Alarm *a = (D_Alarm *) data; GSM_Error error; error = a->status = GE_UNKNOWN; if (a) { error = a->status = GSM->SetAlarm (0, &(a->time)); g_free (a); } return (error); } static gint A_SendKeyStroke (gpointer data) { gchar *buf = (gchar *) data; if (buf) { #if 0 FB61_TX_SendMessage(0x07, 0x0c, buf); #endif g_free (buf); } return (0); } static gint A_GetBitmap(gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_Bitmap *d = (D_Bitmap *)data; GSM_Data gdat; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); pthread_mutex_lock(&getBitmapMutex); gdat.Bitmap=d->bitmap; error = d->status = SM_Functions(GOP_GetBitmap,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); pthread_cond_signal(&getBitmapCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&getBitmapMutex); return error; } static gint A_SetBitmap(gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_Bitmap *d = (D_Bitmap *)data; GSM_Bitmap bitmap; GSM_Data gdat; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); pthread_mutex_lock(&setBitmapMutex); if (d->bitmap->type == GSM_CallerLogo) { bitmap.type = d->bitmap->type; bitmap.number = d->bitmap->number; gdat.Bitmap=&bitmap; error = d->status = SM_Functions(GOP_GetBitmap,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); if (error == GE_NONE) { strncpy(d->bitmap->text,bitmap.text,sizeof(bitmap.text)); d->bitmap->ringtone = bitmap.ringtone; gdat.Bitmap=d->bitmap; error = d->status = SM_Functions(GOP_SetBitmap,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); } } else { gdat.Bitmap=d->bitmap; error = d->status = SM_Functions(GOP_SetBitmap,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); } pthread_cond_signal(&setBitmapCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&setBitmapMutex); return error; } static gint A_GetNetworkInfo(gpointer data) { GSM_Error error; D_NetworkInfo *d = (D_NetworkInfo *)data; GSM_Data gdat; GSM_DataClear(&gdat); pthread_mutex_lock(&getNetworkInfoMutex); gdat.NetworkInfo=d->info; error = d->status = SM_Functions(GOP_GetNetworkInfo,&gdat,&xgnokii_statemachine); pthread_cond_signal(&getNetworkInfoCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&getNetworkInfoMutex); return error; } static gint A_Exit (gpointer data) { pthread_exit (0); return (0); /* just to be proper */ } gint (*DoAction[])(gpointer) = { A_GetMemoryStatus, A_GetMemoryLocation, A_GetMemoryLocationAll, A_WriteMemoryLocation, A_WriteMemoryLocationAll, A_GetCalendarNote, A_GetCalendarNoteAll, A_WriteCalendarNote, A_DeleteCalendarNote, A_GetCallerGroup, A_SendCallerGroup, A_GetSMSCenter, A_SetSMSCenter, A_SendSMSMessage, A_SaveSMSMessage, A_DeleteSMSMessage, A_GetSpeedDial, A_SendSpeedDial, A_SendDTMF, A_NetMonOnOff, A_NetMonitor, A_DialVoice, A_GetAlarm, A_SetAlarm, A_SendKeyStroke, A_GetBitmap, A_SetBitmap, A_GetNetworkInfo, A_Exit }; void *GUI_Connect (void *a) { /* Define required unit types for RF and Battery level meters. */ GSM_RFUnits rf_units = GRF_Percentage; GSM_BatteryUnits batt_units = GBU_Percentage; GSM_DateTime Alarm; GSM_SMSStatus SMSStatus = {0, 0, 0}; gchar number[INCALL_NUMBER_LENGTH]; PhoneEvent *event; GSM_Error error; gint status; GSM_Data data; GSM_DataClear(&data); # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Initializing connection...\n"); # endif phoneMonitor.working = _("Connecting..."); while (fbusinit (true)) sleep (1); # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Phone connected. Starting monitoring...\n"); # endif sleep(1); data.RFLevel=&phoneMonitor.rfLevel; data.RFUnits=&rf_units; data.PowerSource=&phoneMonitor.powerSource; data.BatteryUnits=&batt_units; data.BatteryLevel=&phoneMonitor.batteryLevel; data.DateTime=&Alarm; data.SMSStatus=&SMSStatus; data.IncomingCallNr=number; while (1) { phoneMonitor.working = NULL; /* FIXME - this loop goes mad on my 7110 - so I've put in a usleep */ usleep(50000); if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetRFLevel,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) != GE_NONE) phoneMonitor.rfLevel = -1; if (rf_units == GRF_Arbitrary) phoneMonitor.rfLevel *= 25; if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetPowersource,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) == GE_NONE && phoneMonitor.powerSource == GPS_ACDC) { if (phoneMonitor.batteryLevel < 0 || phoneMonitor.batteryLevel > 100) phoneMonitor.batteryLevel = 100; } else { if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetBatteryLevel,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) != GE_NONE) phoneMonitor.batteryLevel = -1; if (batt_units == GBU_Arbitrary) phoneMonitor.batteryLevel *= 25; } if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetAlarm,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) == GE_NONE && Alarm.AlarmEnabled != 0) phoneMonitor.alarm = TRUE; else phoneMonitor.alarm = FALSE; if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetSMSStatus,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) == GE_NONE) { /* Change of "UnRead" shouldn't be interesting - user may have read some of his * SMSes by the phone interface. */ if (phoneMonitor.sms.unRead != SMSStatus.UnRead || phoneMonitor.sms.used != SMSStatus.Used || phoneMonitor.sms.slots != SMSStatus.Slots) /* shouldn't change, just to be sure */ { /* We are primarily interested in SMSStatus.Slots so try to fix it up if it is broken */ if (SMSStatus.UnRead > SMSStatus.Used) SMSStatus.Used = SMSStatus.UnRead; if (SMSStatus.Used > SMSStatus.Slots) SMSStatus.Slots = SMSStatus.Used; phoneMonitor.sms.slots = SMSStatus.Slots; /* shouldn't change, just to be sure */ /* phoneMonitor.sms.{unRead,used} will be updated by RefreshSMS() */ phoneMonitor.working = _("Refreshing SMSes..."); RefreshSMS (SMSStatus.Slots); phoneMonitor.working = NULL; } } if (SM_Functions(GOP_GetIncomingCallNr,&data,&xgnokii_statemachine) == GE_NONE) { # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Call in progress: %s\n", phoneMonitor.call.callNum); # endif GSM->GetDisplayStatus (&status); if (status & (1<NetMonitor (phoneMonitor.netmonitor.number, phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen); GSM->NetMonitor (3, phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen3); GSM->NetMonitor (4, phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen4); GSM->NetMonitor (5, phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen5); } else { *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen3 = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen4 = *phoneMonitor.netmonitor.screen5 = '\0'; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&netMonMutex); while ((event = RemoveEvent ()) != NULL) { # ifdef XDEBUG g_print ("Processing Event: %d\n", event->event); # endif phoneMonitor.working = _("Working..."); if (event->event <= Event_Exit) if ((error = DoAction[event->event] (event->data)) != GE_NONE) g_print (_("Event %d failed with return code %d!\n"), event->event, error); g_free (event); } } }