/* -*- Mode: C; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; tab-width: 8 -*- */ /* gnome-vfs-open-fd.c - convert a file descriptor to a handle Copyright (C) 2002 Giovanni Corriga The Gnome Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Gnome Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with the Gnome Library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Author: Giovanni Corriga */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "gnome-vfs-uri.h" #include "gnome-vfs-method.h" #include "gnome-vfs-handle.h" #include "gnome-vfs-module-shared.h" #include "gnome-vfs-mime.h" #include "gnome-vfs-handle-private.h" #include "gnome-vfs-utils.h" static GnomeVFSURI* create_anonymous_uri (GnomeVFSMethod* method) { GnomeVFSToplevelURI* tl_uri; GnomeVFSURI* uri; tl_uri = g_new0 (GnomeVFSToplevelURI, 1); uri = (GnomeVFSURI *) tl_uri; uri->ref_count = 1; uri->method = method; return uri; } typedef struct { GnomeVFSURI *uri; gint fd; } FileHandle; static FileHandle * file_handle_new (GnomeVFSURI *uri, gint fd) { FileHandle *result; result = g_new (FileHandle, 1); result->uri = gnome_vfs_uri_ref (uri); result->fd = fd; return result; } static void file_handle_destroy (FileHandle *handle) { gnome_vfs_uri_unref (handle->uri); g_free (handle); } static GnomeVFSResult do_close (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; gint close_retval; g_return_val_if_fail (method_handle != NULL, GNOME_VFS_ERROR_INTERNAL); file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; do { close_retval = close (file_handle->fd); } while (close_retval != 0 && errno == EINTR && ! gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation (context)); /* FIXME bugzilla.eazel.com 1163: Should do this even after a failure? */ file_handle_destroy (file_handle); if (close_retval != 0) { return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } return GNOME_VFS_OK; } static GnomeVFSResult do_read (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, gpointer buffer, GnomeVFSFileSize num_bytes, GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_read, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; gint read_val; g_return_val_if_fail (method_handle != NULL, GNOME_VFS_ERROR_INTERNAL); file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; do { read_val = read (file_handle->fd, buffer, num_bytes); } while (read_val == -1 && errno == EINTR && ! gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation (context)); if (read_val == -1) { *bytes_read = 0; return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } else { *bytes_read = read_val; /* Getting 0 from read() means EOF! */ if (read_val == 0) { return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_EOF; } } return GNOME_VFS_OK; } static GnomeVFSResult do_write (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, gconstpointer buffer, GnomeVFSFileSize num_bytes, GnomeVFSFileSize *bytes_written, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; gint write_val; g_return_val_if_fail (method_handle != NULL, GNOME_VFS_ERROR_INTERNAL); file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; do { write_val = write (file_handle->fd, buffer, num_bytes); } while (write_val == -1 && errno == EINTR && ! gnome_vfs_context_check_cancellation (context)); if (write_val == -1) { *bytes_written = 0; return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } else { *bytes_written = write_val; return GNOME_VFS_OK; } } static gint seek_position_to_unix (GnomeVFSSeekPosition position) { switch (position) { case GNOME_VFS_SEEK_START: return SEEK_SET; case GNOME_VFS_SEEK_CURRENT: return SEEK_CUR; case GNOME_VFS_SEEK_END: return SEEK_END; default: return SEEK_SET; /* bogus */ } } static GnomeVFSResult do_seek (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, GnomeVFSSeekPosition whence, GnomeVFSFileOffset offset, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; gint lseek_whence; file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; lseek_whence = seek_position_to_unix (whence); if (lseek (file_handle->fd, offset, lseek_whence) == -1) { if (errno == ESPIPE) { return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } } return GNOME_VFS_OK; } static GnomeVFSResult do_tell (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, GnomeVFSFileOffset *offset_return) { FileHandle *file_handle; off_t offset; file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; offset = lseek (file_handle->fd, 0, SEEK_CUR); if (offset == -1) { if (errno == ESPIPE) { return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } else { return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } } *offset_return = offset; return GNOME_VFS_OK; } static GnomeVFSResult do_truncate_handle (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, GnomeVFSFileSize where, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; g_return_val_if_fail (method_handle != NULL, GNOME_VFS_ERROR_INTERNAL); file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; if (ftruncate (file_handle->fd, where) == 0) { return GNOME_VFS_OK; } else { switch (errno) { case EBADF: case EROFS: return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_READ_ONLY; case EINVAL: return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; default: return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_GENERIC; } } } static GnomeVFSResult get_stat_info_from_handle (GnomeVFSFileInfo *file_info, FileHandle *handle, GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions options, struct stat *statptr) { struct stat statbuf; if (statptr == NULL) { statptr = &statbuf; } if (fstat (handle->fd, statptr) != 0) { return gnome_vfs_result_from_errno (); } gnome_vfs_stat_to_file_info (file_info, statptr); GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_SET_LOCAL (file_info, TRUE); return GNOME_VFS_OK; } /* MIME detection code. */ static void get_mime_type (GnomeVFSFileInfo *info, GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions options, struct stat *stat_buffer) { const char *mime_type; mime_type = NULL; if ((options & GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FOLLOW_LINKS) == 0 && (info->type == GNOME_VFS_FILE_TYPE_SYMBOLIC_LINK)) { /* we are a symlink and aren't asked to follow - * return the type for a symlink */ mime_type = "x-special/symlink"; } else { mime_type = gnome_vfs_get_file_mime_type (NULL, stat_buffer, (options & GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FORCE_FAST_MIME_TYPE) != 0); } g_assert (mime_type); info->mime_type = g_strdup (mime_type); info->valid_fields |= GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_MIME_TYPE; } static GnomeVFSResult do_get_file_info_from_handle (GnomeVFSMethod *method, GnomeVFSMethodHandle *method_handle, GnomeVFSFileInfo *file_info, GnomeVFSFileInfoOptions options, GnomeVFSContext *context) { FileHandle *file_handle; struct stat statbuf; GnomeVFSResult result; file_handle = (FileHandle *) method_handle; file_info->valid_fields = GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_FIELDS_NONE; result = get_stat_info_from_handle (file_info, file_handle, options, &statbuf); if (result != GNOME_VFS_OK) { return result; } if (options & GNOME_VFS_FILE_INFO_GET_MIME_TYPE) { get_mime_type (file_info, options, &statbuf); } return GNOME_VFS_OK; } static gboolean do_is_local (GnomeVFSMethod *method, const GnomeVFSURI *uri) { return TRUE; } static GnomeVFSMethod method = { sizeof (GnomeVFSMethod), NULL, /* do_open */ NULL, /* do_create */ do_close, do_read, do_write, do_seek, do_tell, do_truncate_handle, NULL, /* do_open_directory */ NULL, /* do_close_directory */ NULL, /* do_read_directory */ NULL, /* do_get_file_info */ do_get_file_info_from_handle, do_is_local, NULL, /* do_make_directory */ NULL, /* do_remove_directory */ NULL, /* do_move */ NULL, /* do_unlink */ NULL, /* do_check_same_fs */ NULL, /* do_set_file_info */ NULL, /* do_truncate */ NULL, /* do_find_directory */ NULL, /* do_create_symbolic_link */ NULL, /* do_monitor_add */ NULL, /* do_monitor_cancel */ }; static GnomeVFSOpenMode get_open_mode (gint filedes) { int flags; flags = fcntl(filedes, F_GETFL); if (flags & O_RDONLY) { return GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ; } else if (flags & O_WRONLY) { return GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE; } else if (flags & O_RDWR) { return (GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ | GNOME_VFS_OPEN_WRITE); } return GNOME_VFS_OPEN_READ; /* bogus */ } /** * gnome_vfs_open_fs: * @handle: A pointer to a pointer to a GnomeVFSHandle object * @filedes: a UNIX file descriptor * * Converts an open unix file descript into a GnomeVFSHandle that * can be used with the normal GnomeVFS file operations. When the * handle is closed the file descriptor will also be closed. * * Return Value: %GNOME_VFS_OK if the open was ok, a suitable error otherwise. * * Since 2.2 **/ GnomeVFSResult gnome_vfs_open_fd (GnomeVFSHandle **handle, int filedes) { GnomeVFSURI* uri; FileHandle* file_handle; GnomeVFSOpenMode open_mode; g_return_val_if_fail(handle != NULL, GNOME_VFS_ERROR_BAD_PARAMETERS); uri = create_anonymous_uri (&method); open_mode = get_open_mode (filedes); file_handle = file_handle_new (uri, filedes); *handle = _gnome_vfs_handle_new (uri, (GnomeVFSMethodHandle*)file_handle, open_mode); if (!handle) { return GNOME_VFS_ERROR_INTERNAL; } return GNOME_VFS_OK; }