" $Id$ if !exists("g:_kratochvil_vimrc") let g:_kratochvil_vimrc=1 "autocmd! filetypedetect "remove 'set tw=78': autocmd! BufRead *.txt "autocmd * * echo "test" "startup read existing file: BufReadPre BufReadPost BufEnter VimEnter "command read non-existing file: BufCreate BufNewFile BufEnter "immediate switch to existing file: BufReadPre BufReadPost BufEnter "immediate switch to non-existing file: BufNewFile BufEnter autocmd BufCreate,VimEnter * let g:BufEnter_ts= 8 autocmd BufEnter * call BufEnter() autocmd VimEnter * call BufEnter() set runtimepath+=.,$VIMRUNTIME function BufEnter() if exists("g:BufEnter_ts") unlet g:BufEnter_ts set autoindent set nocindent set nosmartindent set indentexpr= runtime! ./../../../../../../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../../.vimrc ./../../../../.vimrc ./../../../.vimrc ./../../.vimrc ./../.vimrc ./.vimrc endif endfunction " From Red Hat vimrc - restore the cursor position after the file got opened: autocmd BufReadPost * call BufReadPost() function BufReadPost() if line("'\"") > 0 && line ("'\"") <= line("$") exe "normal! g'\"" endif endfunction "set encoding=utf-8 "set termencoding=utf-8 " fileencoding is detected from fileencodings, first one for empty files " 'iso-8859-2,euc-jp' really does not work for 'euc-jp' "set fileencodings=utf-8,euc-jp,iso-8859-2 set ts=8 set sw=2 set sts=2 ca X x syntax off let g:loaded_matchparen = 1 if !has('nvim') set swapsync= endif " vim-7+ only silent! set nofsync set noerrorbells set ruler set ignorecase set nobackup set nowritebackup set exrc set nostartofline set nohlsearch set noincsearch set nofoldenable set fo=tcq1 set nojoinspaces set clipboard= "set textwidth=78 set viminfo='100,\"1000,:100,/40 let g:netrw_home = $HOME " https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=970190 if &term=="xterm" || &term=="xterm-256color" set t_Co=8 endif set mouse= " FIXME: Learn how to do :tag instead of :tselect with :cstag (used by :tag and CTRL-] if set cst) set nocst set tags=./tags,./TAGS,./../tags,./../TAGS,./../../tags,./../../TAGS,./../../../tags,./../../../TAGS,./../../../../tags,./../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../tags,./../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../../../../../TAGS,./../../../../../../../../../../../tags,./../../../../../../../../../../../TAGS,./reactos/tags,./../reactos/tags,./../../reactos/tags,,./../../../reactos/tags,./../../../../reactos/tags,./../../../../../reactos/tags,./../../../../../../reactos/tags,./w32/inc/tags,./../w32/inc/tags,./../../w32/inc/tags,,./../../../w32/inc/tags,./../../../../w32/inc/tags,./../../../../../w32/inc/tags,./../../../../../../w32/inc/tags,./../../../../../../../w32/inc/tags,/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/tags,/usr/src/redhat/BUILD/TAGS,/usr/include/tags,/usr/include/TAGS noremap p :set invpaste paste? noremap l :set invlist list? noremap q @q noremap : @: noremap :nextzz noremap :prevzz noremap N :tnzz noremap P :tpzz "P would auto-type random data after starting it on recent distros or Termux. "read(0, "\33P1$r0 q\33\\\33[?12;4$y", 4096) = 19 noremap P$r0q " Termux types noremap! [23~ noremap M :cnzz noremap L :cpzz noremap f "myiw:grep-Ew'm'`git ls-files` noremap g "myiw:grep-rEw'm'. noremap zz noremap zz noremap G:r !date '+\%H:\%M:\%S-'kA noremap s :set hlsearch/^[+-]\([^+-].*\\|\)$ noremap S :set hlsearch/^[+-][+-]\([^+-].*\\|\)$ noremap w 0i /[^ ]vf.h"kyf./[^ ]vf.h"ly0x:r !date -d "`date '+\%Y'`-l-k" '+\%u'yypkV:!tr '1234567' 'PUSCPSN'jV:!tr '1234567' 'otttaoe'kJxv0xk0llllllplxxjddk0 noremap e :syntax on:set syntax=wdiff noremap * :let ic_save=&ic:set noic*:let &ic=ic_save noremap # :let ic_save=&ic:set noic#:let &ic=ic_save noremap :w:!aspell --check '%':e noremap gq] gq/^. \?$ noremap 1 :w:make -j1 noremap 3 /^ddV/^k:w! 1gvxddV/^=======k:w! 2gvxddV/^k:w! 3/^dd''0:!diff -u 2 1 noremap m :w:set makeprg=make:make noremap n :w:set makeprg=ninja:make endif "!exists("g:_kratochvil_vimrc")