#! /usr/bin/perl # # $Id$ # # Normalize the .xbel file for cvs(1)/diff(1) etc. # Removes any variable data from the file. # Reencodes the file to utf-8. use strict; use warnings; require XML::Twig; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); my $opt_replace; # No &Getopt::Long::GetOptions as we need to distinguish '-i' and '-iext'. while (@ARGV) { last if $ARGV[0]!~/^-/; local $_=shift @ARGV; if ($_ eq "-h" || $_ eq "--help") { print <<"HERE"; @{[ '$Id$' ]} Syntax: $0 [-i[]] [] -i[] edit the file in place (makes backup if extension supplied) HERE exit; } if (s/^-i//) { $opt_replace=$_; next; } if ($_ eq "--") { last; } die "Invalid argument: $_\n"; } die "Too many files\n" if 1<@ARGV; my $twig=XML::Twig->new( "pretty_print"=>"indented", "output_encoding"=>"utf-8", "ignore_elts"=>{ "time_visited"=>1, "time_added"=>1, "time_modified"=>1, "smart_site_data"=>1, }, "twig_roots"=>{ "metadata"=>sub { $_->delete() if !$_->has_children(); }, "info" =>sub { $_->delete() if !$_->has_children(); }, "folder"=>sub { $_->del_att("folded"); }, "xbel" =>sub { $_->del_att("folded"); }, }, ); my $filename; if (!($filename=$ARGV[0])) { $twig->parse(\*STDIN); $twig->flush(); exit; } $twig->parsefile($filename); my $tmpname; my $dstfh; if (!defined $opt_replace) { $dstfh=\*STDOUT; } else { if (!$opt_replace) { (undef(),$tmpname)=tempfile("DIR"=>"."); } elsif ($opt_replace=~/[*]/) { ($tmpname=$opt_replace)=~s/[*]/$filename/g; } else { $tmpname=$filename.$opt_replace; } rename($filename,$tmpname) or die "Error renaming \"$filename\" to \"$tmpname\": $!"; open $dstfh,">",$filename or die "Error opening target file \"$filename\": $!"; } $twig->flush($dstfh); if (defined $opt_replace) { close $dstfh or die "Error closing target file \"$filename\": $!"; if (!$opt_replace) { unlink $tmpname or die "Error deleting temporary file \"$tmpname\": $!"; } }