2001-08-05 short<karel.kratochvil@centrum.cz> added to $mail_to recipients
2001-08-05 shortimg - not imported to CVS
2001-08-05 shortImplemented "img/eap-YEAR-MN[s].jpg" titles generator
2001-08-05 shortAdded title logo ("img/eap-title.png")
2001-08-05 short"comments" field parser/stripper fixed
2001-08-05 shortMIME iso-8859-2 mail encoding implemented
2001-08-05 shortImplemented form data acceptor (store&mail)
2001-08-05 short$cvs_id_html generation made foolproof
2001-08-05 shortobjednavka.txt - private database
2001-08-05 short"objednavka.txt" is now password-protected
2001-08-05 shortOrder form looks as finished:
2001-07-30 shortFixed "charset=iso-8859-2"
2001-07-28 shortFirst release for preview and IE compatibility test.